How much to cook frozen peeled shrimp in time. How to cook unpeeled frozen shrimp properly? Fried in batter

Broccoli is a controversial vegetable: despite the fact that it is a vitamin treasure and a storehouse of microelements, most of the inhabitants of the post-Soviet space do not have warm feelings for it.

The reason for this is trivial - many simply do not know the true taste of such a product. But it has long been proven that it is entirely dependent on the observance of the cooking technology. That is why it is important to know how to cook frozen broccoli, and what "goodies" should be prepared from it.

Do I need to defrost broccoli before cooking
Why is it about frozen cabbage? Yes, because in this form it is available all year round, which allows it to be included in the diet even in winter. However, should broccoli be thawed before cooking?

This is not recommended for a number of reasons:
Most of the vitamins will be irretrievably lost.
The inflorescences will become shapeless, turning into porridge after cooking.
When trying to cook broccoli cabbage correctly, a bag of frozen vegetables is taken out of the freezer just before dipping into boiling water.

If the pieces are frozen and stuck together, defrost them just enough to be able to separate the inflorescences.

How and how much to cook frozen broccoli in a saucepan

When choosing a pan for cooking, it is important to follow a few rules:
We use large-capacity dishes so that the inflorescences touch each other less during cooking.
Pour just enough water so that the vegetables are only slightly covered with it.
Dip the cabbage in a slightly salted, boiling liquid.
Cook after boiling for 2 to 5 minutes. The duration of the boil depends on the size of the inflorescences: the larger they are, the longer the heat treatment takes.
We extract the finished vegetable from boiling water. Remaining in it, it will simply "creep away" quickly.

How to cook broccoli in a saucepan in stages:
We put the dishes with water on high heat, bring the liquid to a boil.
Salt to taste (approximate proportions: 0.5 tsp salt per liter of water).
We lay frozen inflorescences (or a whole head).
We wait for the water to boil again, after which we set the fire to a minimum.
Cook the cabbage until tender the right amount minutes.
We take out the inflorescences with a slotted spoon, put them on a plate, pour with melted butter or vegetable oil.

What can you make with boiled broccoli?

The undisputed leader among broccoli dishes. Cooking time: ∼ 20 minutes.

a pound of boiled broccoli;
2 large potatoes;
1 onion;
1 carrot;
salt, garlic, cream - to taste;
butter for frying;
crackers, greens - for decoration when serving.

Step by step recipe:
Cut the potatoes into cubes, salt, cook until tender in a minimum amount of water.
Saute the grated carrots and diced onions in a frying pan in butter.
Mix the finished vegetables and beat until smooth with a blender.
Add cream, adjusting the desired thickness of the soup.
Add salt if necessary. If you like garlic, add it after crushing it in a garlic bowl. Bring the soup to a boil. Serve sprinkled with croutons and garnished with parsley sprigs, mint leaves or other favorite herbs. Cream can be replaced with processed cheese with creamy taste... We add it to potatoes at the cooking stage.

Broccoli goes well with an egg. The finished dish turns out to be bright, with an unusual delicate taste.

Cooking time: ∼10 minutes.

3 eggs;
100 - 150 g of boiled cabbage inflorescences;
1 onion (it is better to take a sweet one);
1 pepper (choose red or bright orange);
salt, paprika, ground black pepper - to taste;
olive + butter for frying;
greens for decoration.

Step by step recipe:
We cut vegetables: broccoli - into pieces, onions - into small cubes or half rings, pepper - into thin strips.
Melt butter in olive oil, fry vegetable mix 4 minutes over medium heat.
Beat the eggs, add the specified spices to taste, salt.
Fill the vegetables with the whipped mixture, cover with a lid, leave for 3 - 5 minutes until the eggs harden.
Using a spatula, carefully fold the frittata in half (by analogy with a book), transfer it to a plate, sprinkle with your favorite herbs.

Fried in bread crumbs broccoli
it the simplest recipe that allows you to cook delicious broccoli. At the same time, the cabbage is aromatic and crispy.

Cooking time: ∼15 minutes.

boiled broccoli - 500 g;
bread crumbs - 40 g;
butter - 30 - 50 g.

Step by step recipe:
Cut large inflorescences in half, leave small ones intact.
Roll the cabbage generously in breadcrumbs.
Fry it until golden brown over medium heat in pre-melted butter for about 2 to 3 minutes on each side.
Serve as independent dish or as a side dish for meat.

Bon Appetit!

Delicious gourmet seafood dishes are consistently popular all over the world. Shrimp occupy a special place among them.

Their delicate refined taste has won the hearts of seafood lovers. Once they were a real rarity, not everyone could afford to feast on juicy shrimps. Now in the free access a huge variety of species of these crustaceans.

A huge amount of nutrients, with a low calorie content (90 kcal per 100 grams) and excellent taste- these are the secrets of the popularity of these crustaceans.

The price of shrimp per kilogram depends on their size, the larger ones are the most expensive. In a kilogram, there are usually about 20 of them, small crustaceans - about 100 pieces.

Seafood packages are labeled with the number of shrimp per kilogram. So, on the packaging of medium individuals, 90/120 (90-120 pieces per kilogram) are indicated, large - 70/90, very large - 50/70. The smallest are labeled 90+.

The main types of edible shrimp are considered classic, king and tiger.

Subtleties of choice

These crustaceans usually arrive frozen on our shelves. They can be frozen immediately after catching, or boiled and frozen.

When choosing a delicacy, you should pay attention to the following points:

So, the choice has been made, the perfect shrimp have been purchased - fresh frozen gray-brown color. The only thing left is to cook the delicacy correctly.

How and for how long to cook boiled-frozen unpeeled shrimp in a saucepan

Since boiled-frozen foods are more common in our stores. unpeeled shrimp, we will focus primarily on their preparation. They have a delicate pink color. They need to be boiled in a saucepan in boiling water for 2-3 minutes until they rise. For better taste peppercorns and bay leaves are added to the water.

In addition to classic ways boiling shrimp, there are several non-standard, but popular recipes for their preparation.

For example, you can boil this delicacy in a spicy brine. To do this, add a couple of tablespoons of adjika, onions, bay leaves, red pepper hammers to boiling water. The brine is simmering for 3 minutes, and then shrimp is added to it and boiled for 3-10 minutes, depending on the size.

This dish with Provencal herbs is very good.

Cooked-frozen, unpeeled individuals turn out very tasty in beer brine. Mix two liters of water with 0.5 beer, add bay leaves, pepper, after boiling, add crustaceans and cook for a couple of minutes.

Seafood goes well with lemon juice. Add three liters of water, juice of half a lemon, bay leaf, salt, pepper to the saucepan. Boil the brine for a couple of minutes, remove from heat and put the shrimp in it for 5 minutes.

How to cook frozen unpeeled shrimp

Unrefined frozen seafood is green. Before cooking, they are thawed and washed.

Pour cold water into a saucepan at the rate of 1 kilogram of shrimp - 2 liters of water. Add salt and spices to taste and bring to a boil. Pour crustaceans into a saucepan. Frozen unpeeled shrimp take longer to cook than boiled frozen shrimp, about 10 minutes.

As spices, you can add cloves, allspice, bay leaf. The readiness of such shrimp is determined by the color of the shell - when the shrimp is ready, the shell becomes transparent.

For boiling unpeeled frozen shrimp, you can make delicious broth... To do this, add 4 - 5 pieces of cloves to boiling water, the same amount of peppercorns, bay leaf, half a lemon, a peeled head of garlic, a couple of tablespoons of tomato paste and salt. When the broth is fully boiled, add the delicacy and cook for 10 minutes. The dish turns out to be very aromatic, and the taste is delicate.

How to cook king prawns and tiger prawns (frozen unpeeled)

Royals are ordinary shrimp, only large in size. Therefore, they are cooked according to the same scheme, only the time increases heat treatment... V cold water put spices, salt, bring to a boil and add shrimp. Unpeeled frozen king crustaceans should be boiled for 10 minutes.

It turns out very tasty if boiled king prawns in sauce. To do this, add about 20 grams of olive oil to the stewing container, spread the onion in half rings, a couple of garlic cloves, a glass of water and a pound of seafood. They are boiled in this sauce for 10 minutes. The crustaceans prepared in this way are served with a side dish or as an independent dish.

Tigers are boiled for 7-8 minutes, until the color changes from gray to orange. Classic recipe frozen unpeeled tiger prawns looks like this. You need to pour water into a saucepan, bring to a boil, salt.

For the best taste, add allspice, bay leaf and a little garlic. The shrimps are pre-thawed and washed with water, then put in broth and boiled for 7 minutes.

The meat of tiger prawns is very tender, therefore it is recommended to defrost them in a natural way. Soaking in hot water or microwaving is not the case here.

Fans original recipes can cook unusual dish by welding Tiger chrimp in wine. To do this, you need to mix in equal proportions water and wine, bring the liquid to a boil, add salt and pepper, finely chopped onions and carrots.

After 8-10 minutes, take out the shrimp. Add lemon juice and a little butter to the broth. After a little liquid remains, boiled delicacies are poured with it and left for half an hour.

Ways to boil unpeeled frozen shrimp in gadgets

You can cook delicious crustaceans not only in a saucepan.

To boil unpeeled frozen shrimp, add water, salt, pepper, bay leaf, a couple of garlic cloves, and a spoonful of butter to the multicooker bowl. Cook on the "soup" mode for 5-6 minutes. After cooking, these seafood is recommended to be sprinkled with lemon juice.

To prepare a delicacy in a double boiler, you need to fill its bowl with water up to the special mark. Fill the shrimp with special seasonings for seafood and let it brew for a few minutes. Then we distribute them on the bottom of the steamer bowl.

Top with sliced ​​lemon, carrot, onion and celery. Cook the dish for a couple of 15-20 minutes. You can do very much to it. delicious sauce by mixing lemon juice with butter.

Fast and tasty dish- shrimp in the microwave. Put the defrosted crustaceans in a microwave container, pour two tablespoons of soy sauce mixed with the same amount of water. Mix the crustaceans thoroughly and send them to the microwave for 3 minutes at maximum power. Then we take out, mix again and set for another 3 minutes.

What problems can arise during the cooking process and how to solve them

The main problem that can be encountered in the process of cooking sea crustaceans in any way is to turn them into tasteless rubber. Therefore, it is important to carefully monitor the cooking time. This is the case when it is better to undercooked than overcooked.

It is important to remember that the smaller the seafood is, the less time it takes to cook.

Also, very often when cooking, gourmets are faced with the problem of how much salt to put. Here you need to consider in what form the delicacy is cooked. For unrefined sea crustaceans, salt is needed twice as much as for processed ones. Therefore, unprocessed shrimp can not be afraid to oversalt.

How and with what to serve boiled shrimp

Like other seafood, shrimp goes well with vegetables and rice. Popular with many European countries uses shrimp pasta. They can be served not only with wheat noodles, but also with rice or buckwheat.

This seafood is an essential ingredient in some salads. Caesar with shrimps and Seafood salad are very popular in restaurants.

The classic combination is shrimp with beer. If they are offered as an independent dish, be sure to sprinkle lemon juice and serve them with various sauces.

Delicately pink shrimps surrounded by greenery and lemon slices will be the perfect table decoration for any occasion. Even if you are planning an ordinary football viewing with beer, a beautiful shrimp dish will add a special atmosphere to the event.

Bon Appetit!

The following video shows you how to cook shrimp in detail.

Shrimps - universal product which is used in various appetizers and salads. They became so popular that almost everyone tried to repeat the masterpieces they tried in restaurants. Often this product hits store shelves almost cooked. A kind of semi-finished product. In factories and factories, they are poured over with boiling water, as the bright pink color of the shrimp tells us.

Often they can be found in a cafe, where they are served with lemon or soy sauce... At first glance, there is nothing complicated here, but if you overdo it with lemon or sauce, you can easily spoil an excellent appetizer and enjoy lemon-flavored rubber pieces of meat. Therefore, see and read how not to spoil such a snack, but to make it practically a masterpiece.

First, defrost the shrimp. Peeled shrimp are boiled in boiling water for three minutes, and shell shrimp for five.

We use 3 liters of water for 1 kg of shrimp and add salt. We recommend adding 60-70 grams of salt, as shrimps do not absorb it well. Then add seasonings to taste. 2 - 3 minutes and the boiling water becomes fragrant, then lower the shrimp and cook for 3 - 5 minutes.

Stewed shrimps in sauce

This cooking process can be called otherwise, stewing. It is preferable to use peeled shrimp, they will better absorb the aroma and taste of the sauce and become very tender.


Cooking process:

    Pour olive oil into a saucepan or pan.

    Add the onion, cut into 2 parts.

    Halve a couple of garlic cloves and place in the pan.

    Add 500 grams of peeled shrimp there.

    Pour in 100 ml of water.

    Simmer for 3-4 minutes.

    After cooling completely, the shrimps are ready to eat.

What is the difference between king prawns and ordinary prawns

The main advantage of king prawns is their size. They are 3-4 times larger than usual.

The main difference between king prawns is the cooking time. For frozen shrimp, this is 10 minutes. In many recipes, it is advised to double the cooking time.

How to cook shrimp with lemon

Before you start cooking, you must first prepare the product for cooking.

First of all, I defrost the seafood. Then wash well in order to get rid of possible dirt. The bathing process is quite simple. First, I put them in a saucepan and fill them with hot water for half an hour. Then I put it in a colander and rinse it under running water.

For cooking, I take a spacious saucepan, so that they are not cramped there. The water should completely cover the shrimp. For 1 kg 3-3.5 liters of water.

Now when the shrimps are in water and a saucepan is on the fire, you can throw in the seasonings that are used for the sea of ​​products. Then squeeze exactly half a medium lemon into three liters of water.

After the water begins to boil, remove the heat to a minimum and continue to cook for 3-4 minutes. The most important thing here is not to overexpose the shrimp in hot water. Before you start cooking, prepare the dishes where you will put the finished product. Otherwise, the meat will turn into rubber and will not taste good.

How to cook shrimp in wine

Before you start cooking shrimp, you need to defrost them. We put the shrimp in a saucepan or a cup and fill it with hot water for half an hour. Then rinse well and ATTENTION they need to dry a little.

I usually dry them out by simply spreading them out on a towel or napkin. So they lie for about five minutes. Then I cover the top with another towel and you're done.

The next step is to pour three liters of water and a glass of good red wine into a suitable container, maybe white, but it is important that it is not fortified.

Now I put a saucepan on the stove, throw in salt, pepper, spices and wait until all the slurry starts to boil, and only then I throw in the dried shrimp.

Optionally, sometimes I add a couple of cloves of garlic. Pass them through a crusher.

I bring it to a boil and turn off the heat to a minimum. Cook in the same way for three four minutes no more.

How to cook shrimp in the microwave

Progress does not stand still, and today almost every home has microwaves... And as you already understood, now there will be a recipe for cooking shrimp in the microwave.

It is even easier to cook shrimp in the microwave than in the usual way.

Defrost the shrimp before cooking. Then I spread it on a towel and dry it a little. So it is necessary that in the microwave they do not turn into a terrible muck that is not possible to eat.

In order to cook them in the microwave, you will need a baking sleeve. We spread the shrimp in two layers in it, it is important that there is still a little space in the sleeve. It is possible that not everyone will have to repeat the procedure several times, it all depends on the number of shrimp.

Now one more important point, you need to add to the sleeve secret ingredient... This ingredient will be vegetable oil diluted with water to 10 parts of water, one part of oil. 10 to 1. I pour the oil and water into the sleeve and tie it up. I pierce with a toothpick from the top in several places and send the seafood to the oven.

I cook no more than 10 minutes at medium power. Then I decorate them with sprigs of greenery. And sometimes I add a teaspoon table vinegar... It spices up the shrimp.

Video recipe on how to peel shrimp

How to defrost shrimp quickly and correctly

Since shrimps are most often frozen in stores, before cooking them cooking masterpiece they must first be defrosted. There are several options for how this can be done quickly and correctly.

The best option for shrimp is a long and gentle defrosting. In the evening, put the bag in the refrigerator in the defrosting compartment and by the morning you can get the product ready for further cooking. This method, although long, is the most optimal for such tender meat.

If, for example, you bought shrimp in the morning, and by the evening you already need to serve them in finished form and there is simply no time to wait overnight for proper defrosting. Then you can use defrost when room temperature... Place the bag in a bowl and place it on the table after 3-4 hours, they will completely defrost and are ready for further use. This method of defrosting can also be attributed to sparing.

Well, if there is no time at all, and you need it right here and now, then for such cases there are two more defrosting methods.

In the first case, shrimp right in a store bag can be dipped into some container with warm water and wait 30-40 minutes.

The second method is of course not very different from the first. We take out the shrimp from the bag and fill it with warm water. CAUTION not boiling water, not hot, but warm. Of course, I do not recommend defrosting with this method, since all useful properties can go away with water. But if there is no time to wait, then you can))).

    Do not absorb the taste of the sauce.

    Advice: put the shrimp in the sauce 1 minute before it boils, and you need to get them in small portions.

    Absorbs a lot of water.

    Advice: transfer the shrimp from the freezer to the refrigerator one day before use. And when defrosting, do not forget to put them in a colander so that the liquid does not absorb into the body, but flows out.

    They swell, become watery. Cause: too long processing.

    Advice: reduce cooking time.

Shrimp is the most popular seafood that won the hearts of gourmets many centuries ago. We appreciate them not only for their exotic gastronomic qualities, but also for their high nutritional value... They are rich in protein, trace elements, vitamins A, D, E and the entire group B. And they have a surprisingly low calorie content - only 97 kcal per 100 g.

But in our latitudes crustaceans are sold only after deep freezing, so they require careful heat treatment. Otherwise, the delicacy will become "rubbery" and, moreover, will lose most of its useful properties... To avoid this, you need to know how to properly cook frozen shrimp.

Before choosing a particular pack of shrimp in the supermarket, pay attention to their condition. A low-quality product will not bring the desired pleasure, even if you cook it according to all technological rules.

  • “Correct” shrimp should have the same size, even layer of ice on the surface of each individual, uniform color, shiny shell surface and curved tail (only for small shrimps).

A curved tail indicates that the shrimp were frozen quickly. The more it is curved, the less they were kept outdoors.

  • The head and body of the shrimp can acquire a green color, this is due to the fact that a variety of planktons can enter the diet of crustaceans. Such a product is usable.
  • A brown head is generally a great sign! Such a shrimp is pregnant, which means its meat is more tasty and healthy.
  • But shrimp with a black head is not worth buying. This is a sign of a disease that will certainly affect the taste.

  • Boiled-frozen (w / m) and fresh-frozen (s / m), peeled and unpeeled shrimps are on sale. The best option is fresh frozen unpeeled. They saved more nutrients and have not lost their inherent pronounced taste.

On the packaging with shrimps, you can find mysterious numbers: 16/20, 20/35, 90/120 ... They reflect the actual number of individuals in 1 kg (from and to), and hence their size. The smaller the numbers, the larger the shrimp!

  • Dull spots on the shell and the presence of "snowballs" in the bag indicate a violation of the temperature regime.
  • Check the date of manufacture, even frozen shrimp are not able to retain their taste indefinitely. The richest and most fragrant crustaceans are those that have lain in the freezer for no more than 2 months.
  • The permissible glaze layer should not exceed 1 mm, the rest is money thrown into the wind.

How to defrost shrimp

Defrost the food before cooking. It's best to think about this beforehand and place the shrimp in the bottom of the refrigerator overnight to thaw on their own. Or unpack and put in a warm place.

But if "time is running out", move the shrimp from the package to a sieve and hold it under cool running water. Over time, the ice crust will thaw and drain, and with it the dirt.

Important! Do not use quick defrosting in the microwave, the shrimp will become lethargic and tasteless.

How to peel frozen shrimp

If you are cooking shrimp as a stand-alone dish, make sure guests have the opportunity to peel them themselves. Just remember to put a bowl of water and lemon next to each appliance to wash your hands.

But if you cook shrimp for salad, pasta or soup, you will have to peel them beforehand.

For raw, especially large crustaceans (tiger and king prawns), this method is suitable. Remove the carapace by cutting it along the back with scissors, and then remove the rest of the chitinous plates. Find a brown thread in the incision on its back - this is the gastrointestinal tract, which should be removed.

They also get rid of the legs, but it is better to leave the head, the shrimp with the head look more spectacular and retain more nutrients during cooking.

Boiled specimens are easy to clean with your hands, holding the shrimp by the head. First, the legs and part of the shell are removed, then the head and the shell remaining below are torn off, pulling the tail.

How to cook frozen shrimp

The pot is selected large and spacious, and the water is poured 2.5 times more than there is shrimp. They should "float" freely during the cooking process.

The water is salted, half a lemon is squeezed out, spices are added and only after boiling shrimp are laid. Definitely defrosted!

When cooking shell-on shrimp, add 2 tbsp. l. salt per liter of liquid, purified - 2 times less.

To emphasize the exotic taste of shrimp, you can add any spices to the water. Shrimps "love them very much"!

The main thing is that they are in harmony with each other, otherwise the idea will work the other way around, and the spices will kill the delicate sea scent.

Nice spice combinations for the marinade:

  • Salt, lemon juice, cloves or peppercorns.
  • Cloves, grapefruit juice, coriander.
  • Dry wine, garlic, finely grated carrots. Wine and water are taken in a ratio of 1 to 4.
  • Fresh or dried dill, allspice, bay leaf. Boil the marinade for 10 minutes, then add the shrimp.
  • Spices, black and red peas, beer (300 g per 1 kg of shrimp).

  • Allspice, cloves, lemon juice, bay leaf, 2 cloves of garlic, some tomato paste, paprika and salt. All spices are placed before boiling, and the bay leaf a minute until cooked.

If the shrimp float to the surface, turn red (for raw), the meat becomes white, and the shell is more transparent - they are ready!

How much frozen shrimp are boiled

Shrimp meat is almost entirely protein, and it quickly curdles in boiling water. Therefore, be attentive to the cooking process and do not overdo the "outlandish crustaceans".

If the shrimp is immersed in cold water after boiling, it will be easier to peel.

On average, freshly frozen shrimps are boiled for 2 to 10 minutes, depending on the size:

  • Ordinary(small) it is not recommended to cook them over 2 minutes.
  • Royal(refer to the previous type, but slightly larger) boil 3-5 minutes.
  • Tiger(body length reaches 36 cm) cannot be boiled anymore 10 minutes.

Important! For boiled frozen shrimp the cooking time is reduced to one minute!

Features of cooking boiled frozen shrimp

To make your meal more delicious, you can heat boiled shrimp in sauce over low heat. For example, in sour cream, tomato or cream. For any option, first prepare the sauce, and then add the shrimp and heat for 7-10 minutes.

  • Sour cream sauce for shrimp: melt butter in a saucepan with a thick bottom, add finely chopped herbs, pour in sour cream, salt, pepper and warm it up, preventing it from boiling.

  • Tomato sauce: peel the tomatoes, chop the pulp, add tomato paste, salt, pepper, fresh chopped herbs.
  • Cream sauce: pour heavy cream into a bowl with a wide bottom, salt, pepper, squeeze the lemon and immediately put the shrimps before boiling. You can add chopped and fried spinach to the sauce.

How to boil shrimp using household appliances

Many have modern appliances in their kitchens. If so, you can use their help:

  • Shrimp in a double boiler. Salt and pepper the shrimp, sprinkle with lemon juice, put in a container, put a few slices of lemon on top and cook for 7-15 minutes, depending on the size.

  • In a slow cooker. Season shrimp olive oil, lemon juice and season with spices. Transfer the mixture to a multicooker container with water (2 liters per 1 kg) and set the "extinguishing" mode. Or do not fill with water and turn on the "baking" mode.
  • In a pressure cooker. Place the processed shrimp in a pressure cooker, season with salt and season and add a little water. Continue cooking for no more than 2 minutes, choosing "frying seafood".

  • In the microwave shrimps are boiled in their own juice, so they become especially aromatic and tasty. And so that they do not soften during quick cooking, it is necessary to dry them after defrosting by laying them on a dry towel or napkin.
    Then put into the sleeve and pour a small amount of water mixed with oil. In the sleeve, you need to make a couple of holes with an ordinary needle and darken the shrimp in the microwave for 5 minutes at medium power.

Boiled shrimp is a worthy dish for festive table... Do not overcook them, feel free to use spices and impress your guests with expertly prepared seafood!

Shrimps - healthy seafood rich in protein, protein, calcium, zinc, a large amount of iodine. The product will be useful at any age and for any gender: it is necessary for children for growth, strengthening of bones and mental development; for adults it is useful for immunity, women's and men's health, act as a mild aphrodisiac.

Find out below how to cook frozen shrimp to make them tender, tasty, aromatic, and most importantly healthy.

Pour a pack of shrimp into a saucepan. It is important that there are no icy pieces on the carcasses. We rinse under cold water.

In a separate saucepan, boil 2 liters of water, salt and add spices. As soon as the water boils, pour in the seafood, mix and leave to boil under the lid. Then we cook for 1.5-2 minutes and drain the water.

The dish is ready. Can be served with a variety of sauces, or added to a salad.

How long does it take to cook?

The harm of uncooked shrimp is clear - raw seafood maybe in best case just cause an upset stomach, at worst - serious poisoning.

But it is also impossible to digest the product: in addition to the destruction of useful vitamins, the taste of the product deteriorates, the meat becomes tough and less saturated.

How much to cook shrimp:

  1. The recommended cooking time for regular shrimp is 2 minutes after boiling.
  2. Tiger boils for 7 minutes.
  3. Royal will need 10 minutes after the water starts to boil.

Approximate proportions

Properly cooked seafood has a rich taste and mouth-watering aroma. The smell and color are significantly influenced by the amount of salt and spices with which the product is cooked. You can, of course, boil it without additives, but the taste will turn out to be rather bland.

Seafood does not absorb salt well, so you need to put more of it. For enrichment taste use bay leaves different varieties peppercorns, fresh herbs, etc.

Based on 2 liters of water, food is taken in the following amount:

  • 400 gr frozen shrimp;
  • 50 grams of salt for peeled seafood and 90 grams for unpeeled;
  • 100 grams of fresh parsley or dill;
  • 2 bay leaves;
  • 15 peas of black pepper;
  • 5 peas of allspice.

Of the above additives to seafood, salt is required, and the rest of the products can be added as desired and in various combinations.

How to cook king prawns deliciously?

King prawns are delicious when cooked in garlic soy sauce:

  • 10 shrimp, previously peeled from the shell and entrails;
  • 2 tsp soy sauce;
  • 1 tbsp salt;
  • 2 dry coriander roots;
  • 1 tsp oyster sauce (optional);
  • 1 tbsp. l. crushed garlic;
  • 1 tbsp. l. chopped green onion feathers;
  • ¼ h. L. ground black pepper;
  • 1 tsp garlic sauce.

How to cook shrimp correctly and tasty: first, we prepare the shrimp meat - we cleanse the shell and intestines in advance, but leave the head. We cut it lengthwise so that the body opens like a fan. We put water and salt to boil, and when it boils, put the main ingredient in it. The water will stop boiling, you need to wait for a new boil and detect 10 minutes.

While the seafood is boiling, prepare the sauce. This is very easy to do: grind the coriander root with a coffee grinder or in another convenient way; mix the garlic mass with coriander, pepper and pre-prepared sauces.

By the end of the sauce, the seafood will be ready. We put them on a dish, put a little ready-made sauce on top of each carcass. Sprinkle the chopped onion feathers for decoration. Delicious king prawns are ready!

The classic way to boil unpeeled shrimp for salad

Since in this option shrimp will act as one of the ingredients for a complex dish, they do not need a lot of spices. As part of the salad, seafood meat will be saturated with the taste of other products, and will make it more piquant.

Therefore, for boiling, it will be enough to use the following list of ingredients:

  • 450 grams of small unpeeled shrimp;
  • 1.5 liters of water;
  • 1 tbsp salt;
  • 1 bay leaf.

Dilute the salt in water and put it on fire. Rinse the shrimp in a colander under running water. When the brine boils, put the lavrushka and boil for 3-4 minutes, so that the brine takes on a spicy aroma. Then add seafood and cook for 2-3 minutes. We take out with a slotted spoon and leave to cool for 10 minutes. During this time, excess liquid flows from them after cooking, it must be drained. Peel off the shell and add to the salad. Several carcasses can be left to decorate the dish.

In a spicy brine

This option will help you quickly cook delicious appetizer, which can be served immediately. Suitable as an independent dish to alcoholic beverages or for decorating tartlets.

  • 300 grams of peeled medium shrimp;
  • 1 liter of water;
  • 150 grams of dill;
  • 1 bay leaf;
  • 1 tbsp. l. salt;
  • 4 allspice.

Rinse the shrimps in plain water. Add salt, pepper and lavrushka to the cooking water, set to boil. While the brine is preparing, rinse the greens, blot them with a towel and cut them as finely as possible.

By this time, the brine should already boil. Add shrimp and greens to it at the same time, mix, wait for boiling and mark for 5 minutes. After that, we take out with a slotted spoon on a dish along with herbs. Dill gives an interesting aroma to seafood, and for serving it looks like a decoration for a ready-made dish.

We cook boiled-frozen unpeeled shrimp in beer brine

An unusual way of cooking seafood - with the addition of beer:

  • frozen unpeeled shrimp - 750 gr;
  • water - 3l;
  • lavrushka - 2 pcs;
  • allspice - 2 pcs;
  • black pepper - 4 pcs;
  • salt - 2 tbsp. l;
  • beer - 300ml.

Prepare shrimp as follows: boil water, add salt and spices, boil for another 2-3 minutes, so that the brine is saturated with the taste of spices. Then put the seafood and wait until it boils. As soon as it starts to boil, watch the time and cook, depending on the type of shrimp. After collecting with a slotted spoon, leave to cool for 15 minutes and clean from the shell, heads and entrails. Serve with sauces.

The appetizer goes well with creamy, garlic, tomato, sour cream and cheese sauces.

On a note. To make the shrimp easy to peel, immediately after cooking they need to be doused with ice water. Then the shell will be very easy to separate from the meat.

How and how much to steam in a multicooker?

Steamed shrimp retain their juiciness and vitamins better:

  • 500 gr peeled shrimp
  • 1.5 tbsp salt
  • 2 tsp ground pepper.

Defrost the seafood and rinse thoroughly from the sand through a colander. Allow excess liquid to drain. Place the main ingredient in a multicooker bowl, add salt and pepper and stir. Close the lid and turn the appliance on the “Baking” mode for a third of an hour.

Important! You do not need to add water to prepare the dish.

Shrimps prepared in this way are well suited for further use in salads and appetizers. If you plan to serve the shrimp as a snack, sprinkle with lemon juice and sprinkle with fresh chopped dill.