Russian cuisine from fish. All about fish and seafood dishes The history of baked fish

Rivers flow on the territory of all countries, the banks of many are washed by the waters of the seas and oceans. And, of course, river, sea and ocean fish in a very different form gets on the tables of all peoples: boiled, fried, baked, in batter, stewed.

Danes, Finns, Swedes, Norwegians serve almost daily fish dishes... Herring, mackerel, eel, flounder, salmon are popular in Denmark. They are eaten boiled and salted. Smoked and dried fish are less common.

In Holland, herring is fried, stuffing with finely chopped dill, parsley, mixed with butter. The fish is served with rice. And the eel is fried on a spit interspersed with cucumbers.

Norwegians prefer cod, salted herring with potatoes, fried cod, halibut and flounder. The National dish- clipfix - headless cod dried on rocks. They love smoked and dried fish here. And in Norway, they cook a fish bug in a white sour cream sauce, with a lot of greens. And since, according to a Norwegian proverb, fish loves to swim in the stomach, a lot of beer is served with this dish.

According to the Finns, meat is no match for fish. Fish is much better than any meat and oil. The fish is prepared the most different ways... Zucchini gum serves simple and tasty food - herring with potatoes, fish stewed in milk, herring in sweet and sour sauce, salmon salad and Finnish fish pie.

In Bulgaria, it is customary to season all dishes with garlic and nuts, stuff them with fish, even bony carps, which differ tender meat... Carps are served with fried onions and rice.

And if you ask the Poles what dish is considered the most delicious, they are. without hesitation, they will answer: "Herring". Herring is cooked with sour cream and always with a lot of onions. And it is difficult to say what appeared in Poland earlier - herring or wolf, but now they are inseparable: either herring is served with vodka, or vodka is served with herring. And, of course, everyone's favorite dish is Polish carp. The fish is first marinated and then stirred into a boiling vegetable broth (with carrots, celery, parsley). But that's not all. Beer, gingerbread, raisins and almonds are added to the pan, boiled, and at the end red wine is poured. The most honored guest will get the largest piece - the carp head.

Greece is a coastal country and. Naturally, the din from time immemorial ate fish: for the first, and for the second, and ... no, no, as a snack. Fillet is prepared from fish in Greek, stewed, fried. And, they say, only from water and fish can they cook fish soup in Greek. Well. maybe add a little onion, herbs, pepper, garlic and tomatoes. The soup is ready. We ask for the table.

Stuffed fish is cooked in Israeli cuisine. Minced meat is fish pulp, white bread, onion, egg, vegetable oil and sugar. Stuffed pieces of fish are boiled in vegetable broth and served with horseradish. You can also stew the fish.

Chinese cuisine is very distinctive. The Chinese combine the seemingly incompatible. They can boil fish, beef and poultry broth at the same time. Moreover, food, including fish, is still raw, cut into small pieces to be immediately sent to the mouth. After all, knives do not poop when serving.

Among the fish used by the Chinese are Chinese perch, flounder, saber fish, as well as marine invertebrates - shrimp, crabs, squid, octopus, cuttlefish, oysters, etc.

Japan is an island country. And they like fish there. Perhaps, fish takes the first place on the menu. The Japanese prefer not boiled, but whole fried fish. Almost all. what the sea gives, the Japanese eat. In addition to fish, this is an exotic food - shark fins, from which a pate is prepared, which tastes like a cross between liver sausage and marzipan. This includes all kinds of shells, crabs, crispy white cuttlefish meat, trepangs - sea cucumbers. Zashim, the famous raw fish, can be served with rice. Fillet of carp or carp is placed in the freezer, then cut into thin slices. This fish is served under a special hot sauce from soybeans, horseradish and various greens.

In Cambodia, fish is the staple food. Since it is very hot in the countries of Southeast Asia and the fish spoils quickly, it does not even take an hour before it gets to the market or to a spit in the kitchen of a house or restaurant. Fish is eaten here fresh, fried or boiled, sun-dried or salted. In Thailand, fish and rice are served every day. Sometimes they eat pickled lobsters and crabs.

In France, dishes from sea and freshwater fish are very popular: cod, flounder, halibut, mackerel, pike, carp, as well as sea products - oysters, shrimps, lobsters, scallops... When preparing fish, the French put a small bunch of herbs from parsley and savory into a saucepan. bay leaf. The bunch is removed before serving.

In Georgia, fish dishes occupy a very modest place, and even then only in areas located near rivers. For Transcaucasia, typical carp species are barbel, khramulya, etc., characterized by tender, fatty meat. Refined trout is common in the highlands. Fish in Georgia is preferred to boil or stew, seasoning it with sauces.

In Turkmenistan, fish dishes are prepared according to Central Asian technology (fried on a spit or in roasted oil, in cauldrons), combined with rice, sesame seeds, apricots, raisins, pomegranate juice, which, according to European standards, are hardly combined with fish. The result is unexpected taste effects. The close location of the Caspian Sea also determined preferences - sturgeon, stellate sturgeon, as well as such fish as roach, pike perch, carp. Fresh fish is prepared

The Caspian Sea is a long-standing supplier of sturgeon fish. Even in Ancient Russia, carts with sturgeons were sent to the capital of the capital, which sometimes did not get mad on one cart. To bring them fresh, hay or seaweed, abundantly moistened with vodka, was placed in their gills.

Let's talk a little about how best to cook fish.

Small fish is boiled whole or, if the fish is large, then in large pieces. Sturgeon, stellate sturgeon are cut into links. Pike perch, salmon, trout, mullet, perch, crucian carp are boiled whole. Fish carcasses are tied with twine so that they do not lose their shape during cooking.

The fish cut into portions is placed in a pan in one row with the back facing up, poured with hot water, spices, vegetables are added, and salted. When boiling, the heat is reduced and the fish is brought to readiness without boiling, otherwise the meat will be tough and the broth cloudy.

Some species of oceanic fish (flounder, halibut, horse mackerel, etc.) have a specific taste or smell, so when cooking it is recommended to add a little vinegar, white dry) wine or cucumber pickle... The duration of cooking, depending on the size of the fish, is from 5-10 to 30-40 minutes.

Boiled fish goes well with potatoes, fresh tomatoes and cucumbers, cauliflower, green peas... Sauces are also served: Polish, Dutch, white with capers, tomato and horseradish for sturgeon.

There are several ways to fry fish: on an open stove, in the oven, deep-fried, on a spit, on a wire rack. Small fish fried whole with or without a head, large cut into pieces.

Fish prepared for frying is salted, pepper, breaded in breadcrumbs or flour. Fry with two old ones until golden brown crust is formed. Fried fish is good with various side dishes: fried or boiled potatoes, mashed potatoes, stewed cabbage, vegetable stews, etc. Greens are served with the fish, and in the gravy boat - various sauces: mayonnaise with gherkins, sour cream, tomato.

For stewing, use small bony fish, salted, low-fat (cod, pollock, ocean crucian carp, sometimes fish fillets). Salted fish is pre-soaked.

The prepared fish is placed in two or three rows in a bowl, alternating with layers of vegetables, poured with broth or sauce, vegetable oil, a little vinegar is added and stewed for 40-50 minutes, tightly covered with a lid. The fish acquires a sweetish taste of vegetables, roots, tomato, becomes juicy and aromatic.

Stewed fish is served with various vegetable side dishes: boiled potatoes, vegetable stew, green salad, boiled cauliflower, etc. Pour the fish sauce with vegetables in which it

When preparing minced fish, fish fillets are used. Prepared pieces of fish, along with soaked white bread, are passed through a meat grinder. Put salt, pepper, eggs into the resulting mass and mix well. Minced meat is used to prepare cutlets, meatballs, zrazy, rolls, schnitzels, meatballs.

Before frying, products are breaded in breadcrumbs, meatballs - in flour. Rolls, meatballs, dumplings are not breaded.

When serving, chopped products are poured with butter. The garnish can be both complex and homogeneous: fried potatoes, vegetables, stewed in oil. Sprinkle the dish with fresh herbs. Sauces are served separately: tomato, sour cream or onion.

Russian International Academy of Tourism

Institute of Hospitality RMAT

Faculty of Hospitality and Food Technology

Department of hospitality management

Course work

By discipline:

"Technology of production of public catering products"

On the topic "Russian cuisine from fish"

Work completed

Student group 203

E.V. Buzdenkova

Work supervisor:


Moscow 2007


“Oh, the bright light and beautifully decorated Russian land! You are glorified for many beauties: you are famous for many lakes, locally revered rivers and springs, mountains, steep hills, high oak forests, clean fields, wonderful animals, various birds, countless great cities, glorious villages, monastery gardens, temples of God ... - wrote the ancient chronicler ... “You are filled with everyone, the Russian land! ..” Here, in the vast expanses - from the White Sea in the north to the Black Sea in the south, from the Baltic Sea in the west to the Pacific Ocean in the east, Russians live in the neighborhood with other peoples - a nation with the same language, culture and life.

Cuisine is an integral part of the culture of every nation. It is not for nothing that ethnographers begin to study the life of any people with the study of its cuisine, because it reflects in a concentrated form the history, life and customs of the people. Russian cuisine in this sense is no exception; it is also a part of our culture, our history.

The first scanty information about Russian cuisine is contained in the oldest written sources of the XI-XVII centuries, chronicles, lives, words, teachings, etc. The most complete information about Old Russian cuisine can be found in Domostroy, a literary monument of the XV-XVI centuries, which summarized the previous experience and governing the order of doing business within the framework of home life. Old Russian cuisine began to take shape from the 9th century and by the 15th century it reached its peak. Naturally, the formation of the cuisine was primarily influenced by natural and geographical conditions. The abundance of rivers, lakes, forests contributed to the appearance in Russian cuisine of a large number of dishes from fish, game, mushrooms, and wild berries.

The originality of the dishes of Russian national cuisine was determined not only by the set of products from which the food was prepared, but also by the peculiarities of their preparation in the Russian oven. Initially, Russian stoves were made without chimneys and were fired in a "black" way. Later, stoves with pipes appeared, and then stoves and ovens were added to the stoves. In the Russian oven they cooked food, baked bread, brewed kvass and beer, dried food supplies on the oven. The stove heated the dwelling, the old people and children slept on the stove, and in some localities they steamed in the big firebox of the Russian stove, like in a bathhouse.

The food cooked in the Russian oven was distinguished by its excellent taste. This was facilitated by the shape of the dishes, temperature conditions and uniform heating from all sides. In the Russian oven, food was cooked in clay pots and iron pots. Both had a narrow neck, a small bottom and large convex sides. The narrow neck reduced evaporation and contact with air, thus contributing to a better retention of vitamins, nutrients and aromas.

Food in the Russian oven was cooked almost without boiling due to the fact that the temperature in the oven gradually decreased, because the oven was first heated and then cooked in it. Thus, the food in the Russian oven was steamed more, or, as they said before, languished. Fish dishes, soups, etc. were especially tasty.

From time immemorial, Russians settled along the banks of rivers, lakes and seas, which were abundant at that time with fish. The abundance, cheapness and availability of all kinds of fish determined the abundance and variety. fish table... There were no special prohibitions on fish from the church: on most days of fasting, fish was allowed to be eaten, with the exception of only some days of strict fasting. The fish was boiled, steamed, baked, stewed, stewed, fried, stuffed, watered with various broths, pickles, gravies. River, lake and anadromous fish, that is, those that spawn in rivers, were especially appreciated. But sea fish were not uncommon on the Russian table: cod, herring, navaga, haddock, saury, smelt, flounder and others. To this day, the favorite fish of the Arkhangelsk residents is cod, and the inhabitants of the Black Sea region - horse mackerel and mackerel.

Live, fresh, frozen and salted fish gets to the home table.

Live fish is considered the most delicious. In order to keep the fish alive for several days, ancient cookbooks advised pouring a glass of vodka into the fish's mouth, covering it with wet moss and placing a piece of bread dipped in water in the cellar or putting a piece of bread dipped in water in the fish's mouth and placing it in the snow. Live fish were recommended to be slaughtered, not allowing it to fall asleep, since asleep fish was considered much worse than freshly slaughtered. To stab the fish, it was advised to make an incision behind the head, separating the brain from the spinal column. In modern books, on the contrary, it is recommended to make a deep incision in the throat to drain the blood. We often buy fresh or frozen fish. In this case, you need to make sure whether it is fresh. Fresh fish have bright red gills, protruding transparent eyes, smooth shiny scales, and an undilated abdomen.

Frozen fish and fish fillets must be properly thawed before cooking in order to preserve their taste and nutritional value as much as possible. Whole frozen fish is recommended to be thawed in salted cold water (for 1 kg of fish - 2 liters of water and 2 teaspoons of salt). Fish fillets, as well as headless, gutted fish, are best defrosted in the air. In any case, the fish should not be completely thawed. Defrosting ends as soon as the temperature inside the frozen fish reaches -1-0 ° C.

Salted fish should be soaked in cold water, changing the water several times.

Characteristics of fish, nutritional value

The ratio of nutrients in fish depends on its species, sex, stage of development, fishing period, nutritional status, as well as on how deeply posthumous changes occurred during storage. The content of individual substances in different organs and muscles of the same individual is not the same. For example, dark muscles contain more chromoproteins (myoglobin, hemoglobin, cytochrome C), fats, fatty acids, lecithin, methionine, vitamin B12, iron, sulfur and less total nitrogen, unsaponifiables and cholesterol than light ones.

The mass fraction of water in the muscles of fish depends on the species, fatness, physiological state and can range from 53% (river eel) to 89% (blue catfish). The bulk of the water contained in the tissues is bound to the hydrophilic substrate (protein) due to capillary and osmotic forces.

The water-holding capacity of the muscle tissue of fish and seafood changes during postmortem biochemical processes, during refrigeration. This property affects the juiciness, tenderness, consistency of the finished product, largely determines the loss of muscle juice during cooking and canning of aquatic organisms.

When drying and drying aquatic organisms, blanching canned semi-finished product with steam, the mass fraction of water in the tissues decreases sharply, while the nutritional and energy value of the products increases.

The mass fraction of squirrels and aquatic organisms ranges from 7-8% (trepang, cucumaria, smoothheads) to 22-23% (tuna, chum salmon, bonito, yellow-tailed snapper, whale meat). The share of complete proteins (with the exception of sea cucumbers) is 95-97% of their total amount, the digestibility of proteins reaches 97%.

The taste properties of fish products are largely due to non-protein nitrogenous extractives, among which free amino acids and derivatives of gaunidine (creatine, creatinine, creatine phosphate, methylguanidine) are the main ones for a long time.

Trimstilamine from the group of nitrogenous volatile bases is the key substance that determines the typical "herring" smell of salty foods. Along with low-molecular nitrogenous substances, carbonyl compounds, organic acids and sulfur compounds are involved in the formation of flavoring properties. In particular, hydrogen sulfide generated during heat treatment of fish is the main component of the smell of sterilized canned fish... Amino acid lipid complexes play an important role in the creation of the characteristic aroma of dried fish.

The families of anchovy, herring, salmon and some other fish are distinguished by the presence of active proteolytic ferments (pepsin, trypsin, erepsin of the digestive organs and muscle cathepsins), which play an important role in the maturation of salted fish products.

Mass fraction of lipids in muscles ranges from 0.2-0.6% (haddock, squid, pollock, cod, crustaceans) to 30-34% (river eel, Siberian sterlet, Caspian lamprey, herring during the feeding period), cod liver reaches 70%, in sturgeon and salmon caviar - 10-17%.

lean (up to 2% fat) - perches, cod, pike, etc.;

medium fat content (from 2 to 8%) - sea bass, Caspian sprat, etc.;

fatty (over 8%) - sturgeon, mackerel, whitefish, saury;

especially fatty (more than 15 to 34%) - Pacific and Caspian lampreys, herring during the feeding period, cyprinids, salmon.

In many teleost fishes (carp, herring, salmon, etc.), the connective tissue located between the skin and muscles is the main place of fat accumulation. In cartilaginous fish (sharks, combs), cod, macrourids and some others, fat accumulates in the liver (25-72%), and in the subcutaneous tissue and muscles, its content does not exceed 0.2-1%. In sea bass, halibut, tuna, fat is deposited both in the liver and in muscle tissues. In lampreys, fat is deposited in the thickness of the mouse, in myosepts and subcutaneous tissue.

The distribution of lipids in the body also depends on the fatness of the fish. For example, if during the feeding period the bulk of lipids is concentrated in the tissues of internal organs and in the subcutaneous tissue, then during the spawning period this category of lipids is practically absent. For example, capelin during the feeding period contains 10-11% lipids, during the spawning period - 2-3%. In anadromous Caspian herring in fruit juice, the content of lipids and meat is 17-22%, and in the Ufa region after spawning - 1.5-2%. In the Pacific herring during the feeding period, the mass fraction of lipids is 25 - 33%, and they accumulate both in the subcutaneous tissue and in deposits on the stomach and intestines (obesity). As the gonads develop and mature, obesity disappears in herring, and by the spawning period, the lipid content in the muscles decreases to 2-3%. Significant waste of lipids is observed during spawning migrations and starvation of Far Eastern salmon. For example, in the Amur autumn chum salmon after spawning, the mass fraction of lipids in the meat drops to 0.1%.

The fat content varies significantly depending on the species of fish. For example, among halibuts, arrowtooths are the most fatty (up to 21% of fat in muscles), and the least fatty are white-toothed ones (up to 6% of fat in muscles). In marine invertebrates, the fat content in the tissues is low (0.1 - 2.5%), with the exception of the liver (6-16%) and eggs (4-16%).

The peculiarity of the composition of fish lipids is the predominance of unsaturated fatty acids, including pentaenoic and hexaenoic, which determine the instability of fats to oxidative spoilage. The fats of marine and oceanic fish are characterized by a higher degree of unsaturation compared to freshwater fish. Therefore, frozen fish products and fillets from marine and oceanic fish have a shorter shelf life than freshwater fish products.

Due to the low melting point (22 ... 35 ° C), the fats of fish and non-fish aquatic organisms are well absorbed by the body (95-97%). Along with their high energy value, they serve as a carrier of biologically active substances, including vitamins A, D and essential fatty acids that perform vitamin-like functions. The occurrence of duodenal ulcers, ulcerative colitis, arthritis, dental caries, eczema, dry skin, and impaired cholesterol metabolism are associated with a lack of polyunsaturated fatty acids in the diet. In terms of the content of essential fatty acids (especially the so-called linoleic type), fish lipids are inferior to vegetable oils (with the exception of cocoa and coconut oils), but they are superior to butter. It has been found that fish fats play an important role in lowering blood cholesterol levels.

Phospholylides are a valuable building material for cellular structures. As a structural element of phospholipids, essential fatty acids are part of very complex liporiboprotein complexes, including a complex of various cell membranes.

The content of carbohydrates in aquatic organisms is low. The meat of marine fish contains from 0 to 1.5% of glycogen, freshwater fish - from 0.9 to 1.8; invertebrates - from 0.1 to 5%, In the muscle tissue of calm, well-fed fish, immediately after death, about 0.03% of glucose was also found. With postmortem biochemical changes, the amount of carbohydrates in fish rapidly decreases.

The fats of marine fish contain vitamin A1, which is biologically more active than vitamin A2. The content of vitamins of group A in the muscles of different fish species is rather variable, but exceeds its content in meat of cattle. The highest mass fraction of vitamin A is in the liver of cod and many other fish, in the caviar of sturgeon and salmon fish, in the muscles of fatty and especially fatty fish (eel, white halibut, sardine, etc.). The content of B vitamins in fish muscles is relatively low, but dark muscles can accumulate 10 times more vitamin B2 than light ones, and fish liver accumulates vitamins B6 and B, 12.

The presence of minerals in the tissues of aquatic organisms depends on the physiological and anatomical purpose of the tissues, as well as on the biochemical characteristics of the species. Unlike representatives of the terrestrial world, aquatic organisms live in an environment saturated with salts (from 50 to 290 mg / l fresh and from 15,000 to 38,000 mg / l - sea water).

The content of some elements in the tissues of aquatic organisms can be hundreds and even tens of thousands of times higher than their concentration in the aquatic environment, while the content of other elements can be lower than in the hydrosphere. For example, in the tissues of marine fish, a selective concentration of sulfur, phosphorus, calcium, iodine and other elements occurs, but the content of chlorine, magnesium, sodium is much lower than in water. Some types of brown algae, on the contrary, are able to selectively accumulate potassium, sodium, chlorine, iodine, bromine and a number of other elements. The accumulation of iron in the blood is specific for fish, and copper for crustaceans and molluscs.

The concentration of sodium ions in seawater is the highest. However, in the tissues of gilrobionts, the content of sodium salts is low, from 30 to 160 mg per 100 g in fish muscles and up to 380 mg per 100 g in shellfish meat. The mass fraction of potassium salts in fish muscles ranges from 60 to 520 mg per 100 g. There are several times more sodium and potassium salts in seaweed.

The main depot of calcium salts in the organism of animal aquatic organisms is the bone tissue of fish, shells of molluscs and crustacean shells. Magnesium is also an essential component of bone tissue. In muscles, most of the calcium and about 10% of magnesium is bound to the proteins actin and myosin.

The mass fraction of phosphorus in the tissues of aquatic organisms varies from 50 to 500 mg per 100 g. About 85% of phosphorus is concentrated in the bone tissue. Most of the phosphorus in muscle is associated with creatine and adenosine. Phosphorus is one of the most important elements: it is a part of various organophosphorus compounds - nucleoproteins, phospholipids, coenzymes, ATP, ADP, etc. Mass fraction of other macroelements (mg per 100 g): sulfur -25-450, iron - 0.3- 20, aluminum - 0.1-20.

The content of microelements in the tissues of aquatic organisms vyryat within significant limits. The richest in iodine are brown algae (kelp), in which iodine is hundreds of thousands of times greater than that of seawater. The presence of iodine in fish depends on the type of fish and the physiological characteristics of the tissues. In the tissues of freshwater fish, the iodine content is insignificant (from 0.002 to 0.07 mg per 100 g), in marine and oceanic fish it is ten times higher (from 0.01 to 0.8 mg per 100 mg), in the caviar and liver of marine fish, the iodine content reaches 2 and 3 mg per 100 g, respectively.

The content of copper salts in fish tissues is small - from 0.001 to 0.09 mg per 100 g, in shellfish meat - from 0.1 to 15 mg per 100 g, and in the edible part of crustaceans - up to 1.6 mg per 100 g. Others trace elements, including manganese, cobalt, zinc, fluorine, molybdenum, are present in aquatic organisms in a well-balanced ratio, and in marine and oceanic fish species their content is usually higher than in freshwater, and in non-fish objects - in 5- 10 times more than fish.

2. Assortment and cooking technology

Pskovpecherskaya pomakuha

Boiled fish

Stewed fish

Fish stewed in milk

Sterlet or other fish stewed in white wine

Baked fish

Fish baked in Moscow style

Fish in Nevsky

Fish in Yaroslavl

Pomeranian cod casserole with cottage cheese

Far Eastern fish casserole with seaweed

Fish in Suzdal style with buckwheat porridge

Braised fish

Fish stewed in Novgorod style

Peasant braised fish

Squid stewed in sour cream

Fish baked with fried horseradish and onions

Fish baked in foil

Fish baked with mayonnaise

Fish baked under an egg

Fish baked in an omelet

Fish solyanka in a pan

Permian fish cabbage rolls

Choryg Tverskoy

Crucian carps fried in sour cream

Fish fried in North Russian style with cranberry juice and honey

Fish chestnuts in Ryazan

Fried fish stuffed with sprat

Cutlets "Goldfish"

Fried fish stuffed with cabbage

Fish "pie"

Zrazy pomorskie

Veal fried fish

Fish fried in dough

Fish spicy

Fish in pork fat

Fish in South Russian

Severodvinsk cutlets

Cooking technology of the most interesting dishes:

"Fish in Suzdal style with buckwheat porridge"

Products included in the recipe:

Fish - 800 g

Buckwheat - 2/3 cup

Dried mushrooms - 50 g

Eggs - 4 pieces

Sour cream - 4 tbsp. l.

Vegetable oil - 4 tbsp. l.

Breadcrumbs - 2 tbsp. l.

Salt - 1 tsp.

Cooking technology

Soak the mushrooms, boil and chop finely. Cut the fish into pieces, salt and fry in butter, fry the onions with mushrooms separately. Boil crumbly buckwheat porridge, add chopped eggs and stir. Grease clay pots or a frying pan, sprinkle with breadcrumbs, put buckwheat porridge with eggs, onion with mushrooms, fish, pour sour cream, sprinkle with grated cheese and bake in the oven.

"Squid stewed in sour cream"

Products included in the recipe:

Squid fillet - 600 g

Sour cream - 200 g

Onions - 2-3 pcs.

Flour - 2 tbsp. l.

Butter - 50 g

Salt - 1 tsp

Pepper - Ѕ tsp.

3. Processes occurring with the main food substances during heat treatment. Formation of taste, smell, aroma, weight change

Various types of fish differ in taste and nutritional content. Therefore, when preparing fish dishes, it is necessary to choose a culinary method that allows not only to prepare the dish tasty, but also to preserve valuable nutrients in it. Depending on the methods of heat treatment, fish dishes are divided into boiled, stewed, fried in the main way, fried in a large amount of fat, stewed, baked.

In the course of heat treatment, fish undergoes complex physicochemical changes. When cooking and frying fish, protein coagulation occurs, changes in collagen protein, fat, vitamins and extractives, water release, changes in the mass and volume of fish. As a result of heat treatment, the digestibility of fish increases, tissue fibers soften and bacteria that can be used to seed fish semi-finished products are killed. Sturgeon fish can sometimes contain spores of pathogenic bacteria and the harmful substances they release - toxins. Therefore, it is necessary to carefully monitor the heat process and the complete bringing of the fish to readiness.

Fish contains proteins, albumin, soluble in water, globulins, soluble in salt solutions, as well as complex phosphorus-containing proteins, which, when heated to 35 ° C, begin to coagulate (denature). This process ends when it reaches 65 ° C. Curdled proteins in the form of a light foam appear on the surface when the fish is boiled. Fish contains from 1.6 to 5.1% collagen, of which its connective tissue consists almost entirely. Fish collagen is less stable than meat collagen. At a temperature of 40 ° C, it coagulates and transforms into glutin, which is a sticky substance readily soluble in hot water, due to which saturated fish broths form jelly when solidified. Fish glutin can retain water to a greater extent than meat glutin, so fish loses less weight when cooked than meat. When boiling fish, the proteins of the myofibrils become denser, as a result of which the volume and weight of the fish decrease.

The change in fish weight is 18-20%, i.e. half that of cattle meat. The main part of these losses is water, which is separated by proteins. During cooking and frying, the weight loss is almost the same, the difference is 1-2% in one direction or another. The weight of breaded fish pieces changes less than uncoated ones. When frying in the infrared field, weight loss is reduced by reducing the cooking time.

The total amount of soluble substances passing from fish into broth is 1.5-2% of its mass, including extractive and mineral substances - 0.3-0.5%. During cooking, the extractive substances turn into a decoction, giving the broth a good taste and the ability to stimulate the appetite.

4. Development of recipes, preparation technologies and preparation of normative and technological documentation for the dish "Fish in Yaroslavl"

fish - 800 g

potatoes - 5-6

onions - 3-4

pickled cucumbers - 1-2

dried mushrooms - 50 g

a glass of sour cream - 2/3

mayonnaise - 100 g

cheese - 30 g

vegetable oil - 4 tbsp. l.

Cooking technology

Peel the fish, gut, wash, cut into pieces and fry. Chop and fry the onion. Finely chop the cucumbers and simmer in a little water. Chop the peeled potatoes and put in a greased frying pan, on top - fish, mushrooms with onions, stewed cucumbers. Then pour over mayonnaise mixed with sour cream, sprinkle with grated cheese, drizzle with butter and bake in the oven.

4.1 Calculation of gross and net weight of raw materials

According to the table. 4 Collections of recipes for obtaining 125 g net of Caspian salmon fish, special cuttings, carcass, fillets without skin and bones, 147 g gross are required, and for 800 g gross - X g net. We make the proportion:

147g (gross) - 125g (net)

800 g (gross) - X g (net)

Calculation of gross and net weight of potatoes

According to tab. 1 Collection of recipes to obtain 100 g net potatoes (mass of 1 potato 100 g) requires 167 g gross, and to obtain 600 g net (6 potatoes) –X g gross. We make the proportion:

167 g (gross) - 100 g (net),

X g (gross) - 600 g (net),

Calculation of the mass of onions

According to tab. 1 of the Collection of recipes, the net weight of the onion is 180 g (3 onions), the waste percentage is 16%, and the gross weight is X g. We make the proportion:

X = (180 g (net) / (100-16%)) * 100%,

Calculation of the mass of pickled cucumber

According to tab. 1 Collection of recipes net weight of a cucumber - 100 g (1 cucumber), the percentage of waste is 10%, and the gross weight is X g. We make the proportion:

X = (100 g (net) / (100-10%)) * 100%,

Calculating the mass of cheese

According to table 19 of the Collection of recipes, the net weight of the cheese is 33 g, the waste percentage is 8%, and the gross weight is X g. We make the proportion:

X = (33 g (net) / (100-8%)) * 100%,

Calculation of the mass of products given in terms of volume:

Using the table "Information on the mass of food products in the most commonly used measures of volume", we take:

4 tablespoons vegetable oil = 4 x 15 = 60 g,

* sour cream = 134 g.

We summarize the obtained data in a table:

4.2 Calculation of losses during cooking food

The mass of the raw set of the main dish - 1937.3 g

Heat treatment loss (19%) - 368.6 g

The mass of the dish after frying and baking - 1568.7 g

Drawing up a recipe for a given dish output

We correct the output of the main dish by 300 g:

Product name Gross weight, g Net weight, g
Fish 160 136
Potato 200,4 120
Onion 42,8 36
Pickled cucumbers 22,24 20
Dried mushrooms 9,6 9,6
A glass of sour cream 26,8 26,8
Mayonnaise 20 20
Cheese 7,18 6,6
Vegetable oil 12 12
Semi-finished product weight - 387
The mass of the dish after heat treatment - 300
Main course exit - 300

4.3 Development of technology and drawing up a technological scheme for cooking

Peel the fish, gut, wash, cut into pieces and fry. Chop and fry the onion. Finely chop the cucumbers and simmer in a little water. Chop the peeled potatoes and put in a greased frying pan, on top - fish, mushrooms with onions, stewed cucumbers. Then pour over mayonnaise mixed with sour cream, sprinkle with grated cheese, drizzle with butter and bake in the oven. The distribution of products for cooking is given for 4 portions.

5. Development of recipes, preparation technologies and preparation of normative and technological documentation for the dish "Pomakuha Pskovopecherskaya"

Products included in the recipe:

Garbush - 600 gr

Potatoes - 8 pieces

Parsley - 10 g

Dill - 10 g

For the sauce:

Bulb onions - 2 pieces

Flour - 1 tbsp. a spoon

Fish broth - Ѕ l

Salt - 1 tsp

Cooking technology

Divide the salted garbush into fillets, soak, pour over the sauce and bring to a boil. Sprinkle with herbs and serve with hot boiled potatoes.

Sauce. Fry flour until slightly creamy. Gradually pouring in the broth, stir until a homogeneous mass is formed, put finely chopped onion, salt and cook for 20-25 minutes.

5.1 Calculation of gross and net weight of raw materials

Calculation of gross and net weight of fish:

According to the table. 4 Collections of recipes to obtain 125 g net of garbush fish, special cut, carcass, fillet without skin and bones, 181 g gross are required, and for 600 g gross - X g net. We make the proportion:

Evaluation of the good quality of meat, its labeling, quality requirements, energy value. Storage conditions and shelf life of meat. Food and culinary qualities of fish. Features of frying different types of fish. Fried fish cooking technology.

The value of eggs in human nutrition, cooking eggs. Cold fish dishes and snacks, canned fish: quality requirements and storage. Seafood and their preparation. Cooking, vacation, the requirement for the quality of poached poultry dishes.

A family of the most important commercial fish. Sturgeon family: beluga, kaluga, Russian sturgeon, stellate sturgeon, sterlet. Their difference from the salmon family. Carp and cod families. Drying, ambassador, freezing, balyk products. Nutritional value of fish meat.

Designing a settlement menu for the production program of cafes and pizzerias. Development of technical and technological maps for cooking, a list of necessary raw materials, recipes, a description of the technological process, food and energy value.

Microbial contamination of the surface of fish, which is directly dependent on the quantity and quality of the microflora of the reservoir. The chemical composition of fish meat. Microflora of freshwater fish. Ambassador is a way to preserve fish. Features canning fish with st

General characteristics of pickles, components of the dish. Technological process and scheme for the preparation of pickle. Calculation of the nutritional and energy value of Leningrad pickle. Technical and technological map for the dish "Rassolnik Leningradsky".

The recipe for preparation and calculation of raw materials for Russian cuisine: "beef jelly", "broth with meatballs", "fried fish with green oil, French fries "," Iced coffee ". Organization of the workplace when preparing these dishes and labor protection requirements.


The role of vegetables in human nutrition. Preparation of raw materials for cooking vegetable dishes Russian folk cuisine. Primary and thermal processing, assortment development and preparation of vegetables. Boiled, stewed, fried, stewed and baked vegetable dishes.

SOUPS. BAKERY. Pushtyo shyd * (soup with beaten egg) This soup is also called "pushtem", "gurshid", "kureg puzen shyd". Prepare corned beef broth or fresh meat... Cut the peeled potatoes into slices and put in the boiling broth, bring to readiness. Before the end of cooking, add the onion and whisk to the soup ...

Fish dishes in factories Catering are in demand and are sold in large quantities. Fish baking technology, assortment of dishes. Recipes for cooking dishes from baked fish. Safety precautions. Fish and diet food.

The role of fish dishes and rice side dishes in nutrition, their design, dispensing, classification, heat treatment, basic quality requirements and shelf life. Development features regulatory documents of a custom-made dish "Fish in batter with rice garnish".

Mechanical processing of scaled fish and its cutting, depending on the weight. Commodity characteristic main types of raw materials, sanitary and hygienic requirements for its storage. Characteristics of equipment, inventory, dishes. Operation and labor protection.

The study of the chemical composition of fish meat, characterized by the content of proteins, fats, carbohydrates, vitamins, minerals and water, as well as the presence of amino acids necessary for humans and their amount. Energy and biological value of fish.

Chemical composition of nutrients: properties of water, macro- and microelements, mono-, oligo- and polysaccharides, fats, lipids, proteins and non-protein nitrogenous substances, organic acids and vitamins. Chemical composition and nutritional value of food products.

The fact that somewhere in the world there are people who do not like fish, I can only explain by coincidence of circumstances - for example, in childhood they forced to eat nasty frozen fish under mayonnaise, and there was no one nearby who would explain that the fish itself was not in what is not to blame. Let such a person taste really good, deliciously cooked fish - and that's it, you can't drag it by the ears. Everyone says that fish is good for you, but for me it's first and foremost delicious product from which so many wonderful dishes can be prepared. Although healthy too, it's not for nothing that doctors strongly recommend eating fish dishes several times a week.

The next collection includes ten best recipes fish dishes. Does this mean that the rest of the fish dishes are not so good? In no case, properly cooked fish is always good and in any form, it is no coincidence that it is among my definite favorites: take any fish, your favorite herbs, and a wonderful dinner is ready. In the same collection you will find others of my favorites fish recipes, and if among them there are not those that you like, be sure to tell us about it in the comments.

They say that the owners of expensive restaurants sometimes ask candidates for the position of new chef to cook something very simple, like an omelet. And it is no coincidence: the simplest is usually the most difficult. For example, fried cod... It would seem, what could be easier than just frying the cod in a pan? In theory, nothing, in practice, for one it will fall apart, for another it will dry out, so people renounce to cook fried cod, better in the oven, in parchment or something else. Meanwhile, properly cooked fried cod is delicious in itself, and delicious sauce it is cooked for it in the same pan without interrupting the process, and the texture of such cod turns out to be what you need: still juicy, but already dense, easily separating into pieces. If you think that cod is so-so fish - give it another chance!

To tell you the truth, I do not really like stewed or boiled fish, but for this fish in tomato sauce, I am ready to make an exception at least every day. There is everything here - and the bright, summer, rich taste of tomatoes, and a fragrant, thick sauce with the taste of the sea, and fish, whose meat itself leaves the bones. A similar dish is sometimes prepared by fishermen all over the Mediterranean, sending into it that part of the catch that could not be sold, but we can take any fish - even an inexpensive cod, even an overseas sea bass, even a familiar and familiar pike perch. I am sure that carp in this form will also appeal to those who love this fish. It's up to you!

I absolutely cannot go to the Runet. For example, yesterday, out of some fright, I decided to look for a recipe for making chum salmon, and I still have this unfortunate fish in front of my eyes, exhausted with mayonnaise, foil and cremated in the oven until completely unrecognizable. It is clear that the only purpose of these tricks is to cook chum salmon so that it turns out juicy, but these would-be culinary experts also teach others, and there is no one to stop them. Well, this overwhelming burden will again have to be shouldered by your humble servant.

Julia Child's culinary career, as the film Julie and Julia recently showed us, began when she was served fried fish with just such a sauce in one of Rouen's restaurants. Like everything ingenious, beurre blanc sauce (“ white oil”Translated from French) is very simple and goes well with any fish. In his homeland, in the Loire Valley, pike is served with such a sauce - and the fact that a rather bony and not too refined fish becomes a welcome guest on the French table, the merit of the sauce is not so small.

Mackerel is an extremely fatty fish, but unlike meat, the fat in fish is very healthy: omega-3 acids and all that. In addition, being a fatty fish, mackerel is very beneficial when grilled, and grilled mackerel fillets will be a real step forward in terms of serving gracefully. This is especially important if someone in your household disdains to eat fish because of their bones. Doctors advise to include in your diet at least two servings of fatty fish per week in order for your body to receive a tangible charge of vigor and health, and this simple recipe will help you make your menu not only healthy, but also tasty.

This Swedish version of the salted salmon we are used to has its roots in ancient times. In those harsh times, the Swedes and other Scandinavians not only salted the fish, but also buried it, often for several months, in order to preserve it for the winter. Actually, the modern name “gravlax” comes exactly from the Swedish gravad lax - “buried salmon” - although it is sometimes difficult to believe even for modern Swedes. Now, of course, no one bury salmon (although surstroemming, fermented herring, is still very popular), but from the neighborhood with dill and vodka (required ingredients!) And beets (optional, but desirable) it acquires a spicy taste and extremely interesting coloring.

Today we will cook pickled fish with you. The role of fish is whitefish, a freshwater relative of salmon, which, after salting or pickling, turns into a real delicacy. What to do if Ladoga Lake, where as many as seven breeds of this wonderful fish are found, did not happen at your side? It's okay, take any other - pike perch, catfish, silver carp ... In a word, if you like fish in its usual form, then you will also like it in pickled form.

Lemon and thyme are best friends, and this duet works wonders with fish. For the first time I had a chance to try, frankly, not the most frequent guest on our counters: the British call this fish John Dory, the Italians and the French call it the fish of St. Peter, and we call it sunflower. On her side there is a dark spot, according to legend - the fingerprint of the holy Apostle Peter, who, as you know, was a fisherman (however, the sunflower is not found in the Sea of ​​Galilee, but who cares?). The sunflower has rather dense meat and tastes somewhat like halibut. Needless to say that you can cook any fish with lemon and thyme - even sea fish, even river fish, even with white meat, even with red meat? ..

I have dreamed of tuna tartare for more than two months, since the day I tasted it in one of the trendy places in Alicante. The service in that establishment was disgusting, the prices were frightening, people crowded at the entrance, the bartenders in the center of the hall were mixing different options gin and tonics, but the tuna tartare was beyond praise. Large chunks of pliable and juicy fish meat in a light dressing with an Asian bias have sunk into the soul for a long time. I haven't seen fresh Mediterranean tuna in our country, and you can't buy another one right away, but as soon as I had a piece of deep pink fillet in my hands, I immediately remembered the tartare. After all, this is, in fact, the best thing that can happen to tuna.

Fish dishes occupy a significant share in the products of public catering enterprises. Their nutritional value is determined primarily by the content of full-day proteins. These proteins are rich in tyrosine, arinine, ristidine, and lysine. The total content of nitrogenous substances in fish ranges from 13 to 21%. The digestibility of fish proteins is 97%. One serving of fish dish, excluding the side dish, contains, depending on the type of fish and the yield, from 14 to 30 g of protein. The fat content in fish ranges from 0.1 to 33%. Fish oil contains biologically active unsaturated fatty acids and fat-soluble vitamins A and D, phosphatides, cholesterol. The digestibility of fish oil is about 90%. Due to the high content of unsaturated fatty acids, fish oil has a low melting point, is easily oxidized, and the quality of the fish deteriorates. Fatty acids with 4 ... 6 double bonds are especially rapidly oxidized, and there are 1.5 ... 2 times more of them in sea fish than in freshwater. Therefore, sea fish is stored worse even when frozen. Fish contains active enzymes that oxidize fats during storage, which leads to the accumulation of substances with an unpleasant odor and taste. The enzymes found in sea fish are especially active. The mineral composition of fish is very diverse. So, in the ash of marine fish, sodium and chlorine compounds are 7 times more than in the ash of freshwater ones. Sea fish contain a lot of iodine salts, which is very important for the population of Belarus, which is deficient in this element. Fish is also important as a source of fat-soluble vitamins. So, Atlantic fat herring contains 30 Mkg of vitamin A in 100 g of edible part, chum salmon 16 Mkg.

The tissues of some fish (carp, herring, smelt, etc.) contain the enzyme thiaminase, which breaks down thiamine. This enzyme is so active that the inhabitants of countries where it is customary to eat raw fish feel an acute deficiency. During heat treatment, thiaminase is destroyed and therefore its negative effect can only affect

when using stroganin (raw frozen fish).

A feature of fish meat is the high content of extractives. There are more of them in sea fish meat than in freshwater fish, and, besides, they have a different composition. This explains the specific taste and smell of sea fish dishes. There is practically no glutamic acid in fish meat, there is little creatine and creatinine of substances that play an important role in the formation of "meat" taste. There are few purine bases in fish (almost 100 times less than in beef). this is of great importance when using fish in the diet of the elderly and sick people.

However, the meat of some fish (mackerel, tuna, saury) contains an increased amount of histidine (especially dark meat), which is converted into histamine during storage and heat treatment.

In small quantities it is useful, but in large quantities (more than 100 mr%) it is necessary. Therefore, you should not use mackerel, tuna, saury in the diet of children and adolescents; it is better to cook cutlet mass from fish with dark meat; fish should not be stored after thawing.

The specific smell of fish is due to a whole complex of volatile substances, in particular mono, di, triamines, these compounds in sea fish are 2.5 ... 3 times more than in freshwater, and ammonia is 10 ... 15 times more. Volatiles accumulate during storage. The smell of trimethylamine is unpleasant, it resembles the smell of fish oil and blubber and is retained for a very long time in the mouth cavity, on the surface of the hands, etc. Since the amount of amines in the meat increases with age, large fish have a more pronounced odor. With this in mind, you should select sauces with pronounced aroma and taste (tomato, Russian, garlic, etc.) for fish dishes, boil fish with a pungent specific smell with a lot of spices or in a spicy broth, serve lemon with fish dishes ... The nutritional value of fish dishes can be enhanced with side dishes and sauces. As a side dish, boiled and fried potatoes are usually used, which contain many carbohydrates that are not in fish. Many sauces for fish dishes (Polish, Dutch, sour cream) contain a significant amount of fat, so they are served with lean fish.

Classification of fish and seafood dishes

Fresh fish is cooked boiled, stewed, fried, baked. Stewed fish is rarely cooked. They do it not to soften it, but to give it a special taste. It is recommended to boil or simmer salted fish. Depending on the method of heat treatment, fish dishes are divided into steamed, stewed, fried, baked, stewed.

The choice of the method of heat treatment of fish depends on the peculiarities of its structure and tissue composition, on the ratio of water, fat and protein in the muscles. for frying, it is better to use fish that has juicy and tender meat (cod, blue whiting, navaga, halibut, fatty herring, ember, etc.). Fish with denser meat (chum salmon, humpback salmon, saury, mackerel, tuna, etc.) should be cooked and poached, since thanks to the sauce served with boiled and stewed fish, the dish turns out to be juicy.

The variety of technological properties of seafood allows you to significantly expand the range of second courses. The choice of the method of heat treatment of molluscs and crustaceans for the production of second courses, as well as for fish, depends on the peculiarities of their structure, tissue composition, as well as food benefits. So, the meat of squid, scallop, oysters, in order to avoid significant losses of nutrients, which is inevitable when boiling in a large amount of water, should be allowed to cook with the addition of citric acid (0.5%) or cooked in its own juice, steamed and in microwave devices. Crustaceans (crayfish, lobster, lanryst) are best cooked in plenty of water.

Boiled fish dishes

The fish is cooked in portions, links, and less often whole and stuffed. Any fish is cooked in portions, except for sturgeon; only sturgeon fish in links or in large pieces (up to 5 kg); whole large fish for preparing banquet dishes. Fish is boiled in fish kettles (korobins), saucepans. After the water boils, the heating is reduced and the fish is boiled without boiling at a temperature of 80 ... 90 0 С. Portion pieces of fish are placed in one row with their skin facing up. Pour hot water over the fish (2 liters per 1 kg of fish); white roots, onions and sometimes carrots are added to improve the taste. Bay leaf and pepper are placed only in those

cases when the fish has a specific unpleasant odor. Sea fish with a specific smell (cod, haddock, catfish, flounder, halibut, etc.) are boiled in a spicy broth. To do this, add salt, allspice and hot peppers, bay leaves, carrots, onions, parsley, dill, celery to the water, boil for 5 ... 7 minutes, then lay the fish and cook it until tender. The cooking time for a piece of fish weighing 150 ... 200 g averages 12 ... 15 minutes. Sometimes when boiling cod, horse mackerel, catfish, tench and other fish, add cucumber brine or the skin and seeds of salted cucumbers. This softens the taste, weakens the specific smell, and the fish meat acquires a more delicate consistency. When cooking trout and sturgeon fish, spices and vegetables are not added, since these fish have a very pleasant taste and aroma. Bream, carp, carp, crucian carp, roach, navaga, smelt, herring are more expedient to use not for boiled second courses, but for fried ones, since they are more tasty. The loss of mass during cooking in portions in most fish species is 20%, and only in cod and flounder 18, and in catfish 25%.

Sturgeon fish links, prepared for cooking, are placed on the grid of a fish kettle. To maintain their shape, the links are tied, but it is not necessary to tie them to the boiler grate. Very large links (for example, beluga) are cut into pieces of 2 ... 3 kg. Sturgeon fish is poured with cold water, brought to a boil, and then cooked until tender with low heat. Cooking time for stellate sturgeon links is 45 ... 60 minutes, sturgeon 1 ... 1.5 hours, large pieces of beluga 2 ... 2.5 hours. Weight loss is 15%. Fish is usually cooked in links for cold dishes. Boiled fish is washed with hot broth and cartilage removed. The readiness of the fish during cooking is determined using a cook's needle (the needle enters the finished link freely). The whole fish is boiled (salmon, trout, whitefish, sidaka, etc.). Mainly on request. When boiling freshly dormant (1.5 ... 2 h) trout to obtain a blue color, the fish is dipped in a warm 3% vinegar solution for 20 ... 30 s, and then boiled in salted water.

Side dish for boiled fish: boiled potatoes, milled in the form of barrels, mashed potatoes and a slice of lemon; In addition, boiled crayfish or shrimps can be served as a side dish. Boiled fish dishes are served with Polish, Dutch and tomato sauces. If the fish is served without sauce, then it is poured with melted butter. Parsley or dill are used to decorate the dish.

Boiled fish with polish sauce... This sauce is often served with pike perch, tench, pike, whitefish, catfish, Far Eastern salmon, sturgeon fish. Pieces of boiled fish are placed on a portioned dish, around a side dish of boiled potatoes in the form of barrels or whole tubers; additionally, you can put boiled crayfish. Sprinkle potatoes with chopped parsley or dill and sprinkle with oil. Polish sauce is served separately or poured over the fish.

Boiled fish with Dutch sauce... It is recommended to serve pike perch, tench, Far Eastern salmon, cod, sea bass with this sauce. Fish is cooked and served in the same way as with Polish sauce.

Boiled fish with white capers sauce. Pike perch, tench, cod, flounder, halibut, Far Eastern salmon, whitefish, taimen, omul, sea bass are often served with this sauce. Fish is served and served in the same way as with Polish sauce.

Steamed fish dishes

The fish loses significantly less nutrients when simmered than when boiled, and therefore, steamed fish dishes are more tasty. The broth, which is obtained by simmering, is used to prepare sauces for the same dishes.

Small fish (trout, pike perch, sterlet) are allowed whole; sturgeon fish links; fish in portions of sturgeon breeds, flounder, halibut, burbot, etc. It is better to season fish in portions without skin and bones or with skin without bones. For letting go, the fish is placed in a stewpan or fish kettles. Sturgeon links, previously scalded and cleaned of small and large bugs, are placed with the skin down, and portioned pieces obliquely (one piece is placed on the other), the sturgeon on the belly; sometimes the skin is removed from the links.

Scaly and non-scaled fish, cut into portions with skin, are placed in one row, and pieces with skin and bones, skin upward, so that the thicker part of the piece is better boiled.

The fish laid in the dishes is poured with broth or water so that the liquid covers the fish by 1/3 of its height (about 0.3 liters of water per 1 kg of fish), add white roots, spices, onions and simmer on the stove or in the oven in tightly sealed dishes. To ensure that the fish has a more delicate and specific taste, when simmering, use white

wine, citric acid, brine. Sometimes white mushrooms or mushrooms and their broth are added. Portions of fish are warmed up to a temperature of 80 ... 82 0 С 8 .. 14 minutes In practice, the time for allowing portioned pieces to be allowed is 15 ... 20 minutes, and for whole fish and links 25 ... 45 minutes. When letting go, the weight of the fish decreases by 15 ... 20%. The main side dish for stewed fish dishes is boiled potatoes or mashed potatoes, and additional mushrooms or white mushrooms and crayfish tails or crabs. A slice of lemon is placed on a piece of fish, the garnish is poured with oil and sprinkled with parsley or dill. The steamed fish is poured with steamed, tomato, tomato and mushroom sauces, pickle, Russian, white wine.

Steam fish. Pike perch, pike, sea bass and sturgeon are cooked with steamed sauce. Portions of fish, cut from fillets with skin without bones or without skin and bones, are placed in one row in a saucepan, sprinkled with salt, pepper, slices of parsley root and onions are added. Then pour the broth so that it covers the fish by half, close the lid and cook with a low boil. Sturgeon fish (links) are cut into portions, scalded and washed in warm water, placed in a saucepan and simmered in broth with white wine (no spices).

Lateral bone bugs are cleaned from small sterlet (up to 400 g), gutted, screech and gills are removed, washed well; salted and rolled up in a ring, then simmered in broth with white wine. The dorsal beetles of the sterlet are cut off after letting go. The stewed fish is placed on a heated dish or plate, garnished with boiled potatoes or mashed potatoes, boiled fresh white mushrooms or mushrooms, crabs or crayfish necks are placed on the fish, poured with a steamed sauce cooked in the broth left over from the stew of the fish, and a slice of lemon is placed on top without zest. Garnish with oil, sprinkle with dill. Fish in white wine sauce. This sauce is used to prepare cydaka, burbot, smelt, flounder, eel, whitefish, salmon, white fish, trout.

Portions of fish are simmered with the addition of parsley, onions and white wine. Trout and white fish are allowed without petrushka and onions. When the fish is boiled, the broth is carefully drained and the white wine sauce is prepared on it.

The simmered pieces of fish are carefully placed on a crouton of bread or puff pastry. Boiled mushrooms, cut into slices, crayfish tails are placed on the fish and poured with sauce, a slice of lemon is placed on top. Fish, especially a whole carcass, can be laid on a dish, and figured croutons made of puff pastry can be placed around. Garnish boiled potatoes(barrel or whole) and dill or parsley. You do not need to serve potatoes on the garnish.

­ Fish in pickle sauce. Prepared links of sturgeon fish or portioned pieces of sturgeon fish, pike perch, pike, flounder are placed in a saucepan or on the grill of a fish kettle, broth, cucumber brine are added and allowed to cook. The brine sauce is cooked in the broth, boiled mushrooms, blanched, thinly sliced ​​pickles, boiled and finely chopped sturgeon cartilages are added to it, and the sauce is poured to 75 ... 80 0 С. This sauce is poured over the fish. Garnish it with boiled potatoes, dill or parsley, lemon.

Fish prepared in Russian... Portions of fish (ocetrine, cod, burbot, horse mackerel, etc.) are allowed with the addition of onions, white roots, mushroom broth. Prepare a side dish for the sauce. For this, carrots and parsley are cut into small cubes and allowed to simmer. Mushrooms are boiled and cut into slices. Salted cucumbers, peeled and seeds, cut into slices and poop. The onion is cut in half rings and scalded. The capers are squeezed out of the brine, the seeds are removed from the maclinas. Prepared food is placed in tomato sauce and brought to a boil, heated for 8 ... 10 minutes. Boiled potatoes are placed on a heated metal dish or plate, fish is placed next to it and poured with sauce. Put a slice of peeled lemon on top and sprinkle with herbs. When using sturgeon fish, boiled cartilage is introduced into the sauce.

Fried fish dishes

Fish of all kinds are fried in the main way, in a large amount of fat (deep-fried) and over an open fire. Small fish are fried whole, sturgeon fish in links and portions without skin, cut from scalded links without cartilage. Scaly and scaleless fish are cut into portions from fillets with skin and bones, from fillets with skin without bones, and for frying in fat from fillets without skin and bones. Sometimes fish weighing up to 1.5 kg are fried in pieces cut from a non-laminated carcass (round). Before breading, the skin on portioned pieces is cut in two or three places so that the fish does not deform during frying. When fried, the main method is to sprinkle the fish with salt, pepper, breaded in flour, in red or white breading. Fat in a frying pan or baking sheet is heated to 150 ° C. Fish is fried first on one side and then on the other side. The fried fish is brought to readiness in an oven. When frying, pieces of fish are warmed up inside to 75 ... 85 o C. Duration of roasting 10 ... 20 minutes. Fried potatoes, mashed potatoes, crumbly cereals, less often stewed and boiled vegetables are often served as a side dish for fried fish. An additional side dish is pickled cucumbers and tomatoes. Crucian carp, tench, bream, perch and roach are served with buckwheat porridge. Decorate the dish with petrushka greens or dill. A slice of lemon is placed on top of the fish. Fried fish can be served natural or with a sauce. When served without sauce, it is poured with butter or a piece of butter or green butter is placed on a piece of fish. You can also drizzle melted butter and lemon juice over the fish. Most scaly and scaleless fish are released more often with tomato, red, tomato sauce with vegetables, tomato sauce with tarragon or mayonnaise; sometimes the sauce is served separately. Crucian carp, tench, perch, bream and roach are served with sour cream sauce, and salmon and sturgeon fish are served with tomato sauce or mayonnaise with gherkins.

Fried fish in Leninist style. Portions of cod, pike perch, catfish, flounder are fried and served in a portioned pan; fried potatoes (in circles) are placed around the fish, and on top are fried onions, cut into rings.

Fried fish with lemon (minier). Melt the butter, add lemon juice or citric acid solution, parsley, salt, bring to a boil and pour over the fish, fried in the main way. Garnished with fried potatoes.

Fish fried in fat (deep-fried). Fish fried in a large amount of fat (deep-fried) is called fried fish. Most often, pike perch, navagy, sturgeon fish, halibut, cod, catfish are fried in this way. The fish is cut into fillets without skin and bones, cut into portions, breaded in flour, dipped in ice cream, again breaded and fried in fat, heated to 180 ... 190 ° C; frying time 8 ... 12 min. Take out the fried fish, let the fat drain off and fry in the oven for 5 ... 7 minutes. Garnish with fried potatoes (boiled) or fried potatoes (fries), parsley (fries) and a slice of lemon. Sauces are served separately: tomato, mayonnaise or mayonnaise with gherkins, etc.

Pike perch with green oil (colbert). The prepared semi-finished product in the form of an eight or a bow is deep-fried, brought to readiness in an oven for 5 ... 7 minutes. Fried fish is garnished with French fries, a circle of green oil is placed on the fish, decorated with dill and a slice of lemon. Tomato, tomato sauces with white wine or mayonnaise are served separately.

Fish fried in dough (eagles). After marinating, pieces of fish are shaken off parsley, dipped in dough (batter) and deep-fried for 3 ... 5 minutes. For the dough, the yolks of the eggs are ground with salt, diluted with milk, flour is added, knead well, adding vegetable oil. Well-beaten proteins are introduced into the dough just before frying. The fried fish is placed on a heated dish in the form of a pyramid, parsley greens (fries) and a slice of lemon are placed next to it. Mayonnaise sauce with gherkins or tomato sauce is served separately.

Fish fried over an open fire (grill fish). Pike perch, whitefish and other fish, which are fried breaded, are not marinated, but soaked in melted butter and breaded in white breading. Fresh herring, salmon, whitefish, nelma, white fish, cut into portions and marinate, and then fried without breading.

The fish is placed on a wire rack made of metal rods, heated over burning bees and rubbed with pork fat. Pieces of fish are fried, first on one side, and then on the other, while dark, strongly fried stripes are obtained on the pieces of fish. Garnish fried or boiled potatoes. Uncoated products are poured with melted butter, and for breaded

fish is served with mayonnaise with gherkins or tomato sauce. A slice of lemon is placed on the pieces of fish or on the side. Nowadays, cookers are widely used, in which fish are fried using IR emitters on skewers.

or gratings.

­ Fish fried on a spit. Sturgeon fish is fried on a spit. To do this, it is cut into portions (without skin and cartilage), which are sprinkled with salt, pepper, strung on skewers and fried over burning coals or in ovens. During frying, the fish is moistened with vegetable oil. The fish is garnished with green or onions, sliced ​​lemon, fresh tomatoes (whole) and fried potatoes. Onions are cut into rings, and green onions are cut into pieces 4 ... 5 cm long.

Stewed fish dishes

Tush fish raw or pre-fried. Portions for stewing are cut from fillets without rib bones, sprinkled with salt, pepper, sauce and stew until cooked. Serve with boiled potatoes or stew it with fish. Cod stewed in milk with onions. Cut cod fillet with skin into pieces (two per serving), sprinkle with salt, pepper, breaded in flour and fry in vegetable oil. The fish is put in a saucepan, raw chopped onions are added, lightly fried all together, and then poured with hot milk and stewed until the onions are cooked. They are released with boiled potatoes, sprinkled with herbs.

Fish stewed in tomato and vegetables... Portions are placed in a dish in two layers, alternating with layers of chopped vegetables (carrots, onions, white roots), poured with water or broth, add vegetable oil, tomato puree, vinegar, salt, sugar and stew for 45 ... 60 minutes, for 5 ... 7 min. until the end of the quenching, add pepper and bay leaf. Side dish boiled potatoes, mashed potatoes.

Baked fish dishes

The fish is baked raw, stewed or fried. Cut it into portioned fillets without rib bones (with or without skin). Small fish are baked whole. Fish is baked along with fried, raw or boiled potatoes and buckwheat. Grease the frying pans with oil, add the sauce, put prepared pieces of fish (fillets without skin and bones), lay the garnish, pour the sauce, sprinkle with grated cheese, sprinkle with butter and bake in the oven at a temperature of 250 ... 280 ° C until golden brown.

Raw fish is baked under white sauce, boiled and stewed under steam and milk, fried under sour cream and tomato sauce with onions and mushrooms. On vacation, the dish is poured with oil and sprinkled with parsley or dill.

Baked fish in Russian... Raw fillets of pike perch, catfish, pike, carp, bream, sea bass, cod, sturgeon, beluga are placed in a greased frying pan, sprinkled with salt, pepper, covered with slices or slices of boiled potatoes, completely covering the fish, covered with white cheese, sprinkled with grated sprinkle with oil and bake at temp

temperature 210 ... 220 о С 15 ... 20 min. After that, put the pan on the stove and bring the sauce to a boil, boil for 3 ... 5 minutes, otherwise the fish may turn out to be raw. Let go of the dish, sprinkled with parsley or dill.

Fish baked under sour cream sauce with crests (in Moscow). Pieces of fillet of catfish, pike perch, sturgeon fish are sprinkled with pepper, salt, breaded and fried. A little sour cream sauce is poured into the pan, chunks of fried fish are placed, and around the top are slices of fried potatoes. Slices of boiled porcini mushrooms, fried onions, slices of a vape egg are placed on the fish, poured with sour cream sauce, sprinkled with grated cheese, sprinkled with butter and baked for 10 ... 15 minutes at a temperature of 250 ... 270 ° C. When on vacation, sprinkle with herbs.

Fish baked with sour cream sauce. The fish is breaded in flour, fried, put in a greased frying pan, covered with slices of fried or boiled potatoes, or crumbly buckwheat seasoned with fat, poured over with sour cream sauce, sprinkled with grated cheese, sprinkled with butter and baked.

Fish baked in tomato sauce with mushrooms(protected). Pike perch, catfish, pike, sea bass, cod, flounder are usually baked under the sauce. A little tomato sauce is poured into a frying pan, chunks of fish fried in vegetable oil are placed, slices of boiled potatoes are laid around, poured with tomato sauce with mushrooms, sprinkled with grated cheese, sprinkled with oil and baked.

Fish baked with pasta... Put in an even layer filled with fat boiled pasta, in the middle, they make a deepening and in it they put a piece of stewed fish, and on it slices of boiled champignons or white rribs. All are poured with steam sauce, sprinkled with grated cheese, sprinkled with butter and baked. This is how pike perch, pike, and cod are usually baked.

Fish solyanka in a pan... Cut the fish fillet into pieces weighing 25 ... 30 g, put in a greased frying pan, add sliced ​​pickles without peels and seeds, browned onions, butter, pour the broth and simmer until tender. Then add capers, boiled fish cartilage, sauteed tomato puree or tomato sauce and bring to a boil. On a greased frying pan, put a layer of stewed cabbage, on it cooked fish with cucumbers and onions, on top of the second layer of stewed cabbage; the surface is leveled in the form of a low hill, sprinkled with grated cheese and baked for 15 minutes at a temperature of 250 ... 275 o C. On vacation, the hodgepodge is decorated on top with lemon, olives, pickled plums, cherries, lingonberries, herbs, gherkins.

Chopped fish dishes

Prepared semi-finished products from minced fish (cutlet, dumplings, natural chopping without fillers) are fried, stewed, baked, less often steamed or stewed (for example, dumplings).

Cutlets and meatballs... Cutlets or meatballs breaded in breadcrumbs are fried on both sides on a baking sheet or frying pan for 8 ... 10 minutes and cooked in an oven for 5 minutes.

Finished products are garnished with fried or boiled potatoes, mashed potatoes, boiled or stewed vegetables with fat. Products are poured with melted butter, meatballs can be poured with sauces: tomato, basic red, sour cream, sour cream with onions. For cutlets, you can serve separately tomato or sour cream sauce or add it to the plate next to the cutlets.

Amateur fish cutlets... Fillet of cod or perch (industrial, skinned) is passed twice through a meat grinder together with soaked wheat bread, boiled carrots, browned onions. Add an egg, salt to the fish mass, mix well, form cutlets in 2 pieces. per serving. The semi-finished products are placed in a saucepan, greased with margarine, a little water is added and allowed to simmer with the lid closed for 15 ... 20 minutes. Let it go with steam sauce. Garnish with mashed potatoes. Fish cutlets with cabbage and carrots. Fillets of pike perch, hake or pollock (with skin without bones) are allowed to simmer, cooled, and finely chopped. Shredded cabbage is allowed. Carrots and onions are sautéed. Combine prepared vegetables and fish, add salt, pepper, half the norm of grated cheese and mayonnaise, mix thoroughly. From the resulting mass, oblong-shaped products are formed, placed in a pan or baking sheet, poured with the remaining mayonnaise, sprinkled with grated cheese and baked. Let go without garnish 2 pcs. per serving.

Fish meatballs, fried fries. Fillet without skin and bones of cod or perch is passed through a meat grinder with a fine grid, add butter or margarine, salt, mix thoroughly. 3 pieces of meat are formed from the fish mass. per serving. Prepare the dough (batter), as for fish fried in dough. The prepared meatballs are immersed in the dough and deep-fried until a crust forms, then brought to readiness in an oven. Let go with a complex side dish.

Chopped fish zrazy. Prepared semi-finished products are fried on both sides in a frying pan or baking sheet, brought to readiness in an oven (4 ... 5 minutes). When serving, zraza (2 pcs. Per serving) is poured with butter or margarine, garnished. Side dishes: boiled potatoes, fried potatoes, boiled vegetables or stewed with fat. Basic red or tomato sauce is served separately or poured to the zrazam.

Fish zrazy with prunes in Russian style. For minced meat, the prepared prunes are poured with water, allowed to swell, pitted and crushed. Chopped prunes are mixed with chopped eggs and softened butter. The formed zrazy are steamed for 20 ... 25 minutes. They are salted with fresh oryptsy, tomatoes, which are served separately in a salad bowl.

Body. The formed semi-finished products are deep-fried for 3 ... 4 minutes until a golden brown crust is formed, then, after the fat has dripped off, they are placed in a pan and placed in an oven heated to 250 ° C for 4 ... 5 minutes until the products appear on the surface. small air bubbles. Release 2 pcs. per serving with fried potatoes, green peas, seasoned with butter or milk sauce, or with a complex garnish. Tomato sauce is served separately in a gravy boat.

Meatballs... The meatballs are prepared in the form of balls of 3 ... 4 pcs. per serving, put on a baking sheet, fried in the main way on both sides, pour in sauce (tomato, tomato with vegetables, sour cream with tomato) and stew for 10 ... 15 minutes. Bread can be replaced with steamed rice, which is introduced chilled into the cutlet mass. When serving, boiled potatoes or mashed potatoes, stewed rice are placed on a heated plate, meatballs are placed next to them and poured over them with the sauce in which they were stewed. The garnish is poured with oil, the dish is sprinkled with chopped herbs.

Fish crisps... The prepared mass is spread in oiled molds and steamed. On vacation, the bread is cut into portions, garnished, poured over with sauce or fat. Side dishes: boiled potatoes, mashed potatoes, stewed rice. Sauces: sour cream, sour cream with tomato, tomato.

Fish roll. A roll, sprinkled with breadcrumbs and sprinkled with butter, pierce with a knife in two or three places and bake in an oven at a temperature of 250 ... 280 ° C for 20 ... 30 minutes. On release, the roll is cut into portions (2 ... 3 pieces each), garnished, the sauce is served separately or added to the roll. Side dishes: boiled potatoes, fried potatoes. Tomato sauces, tomato sauces with vegetables, sour cream, sour cream with onions.

Meatballs with tomato sauce. They are prepared from a mass to which onions, eggs, margarine are added. Shaped in the form of small balls weighing 12 ... 15 g in 8 ... 10 pieces. per serving, allow 10 ... 15 minutes. On leave, the meatballs are garnished and garnished with sauce. Side dishes: boiled or steamed rice, boiled potatoes, boiled vegetables.

Dumplings in sauce... The prepared dumpling mass is filled with oiled tins to 2/3 of the height and boiled in a water bath. Readiness is determined by the lag of the mass from the walls.

Ready-made dumplings are taken out of the molds, decorated with crabs, shrimps, boiled mushrooms and poured with steam, white wine or tomato sauce.

Seafood dishes

Boiled seafood dishes. Boiled and steamed meat of cephalopods, bivalve molluscs and crustaceans has a soft and delicate taste, due to which it is widely used not only in rational, but also in dietary and preventive nutrition. Depending on the type of raw materials, spices, spices, seasonings, and apomatic roots are used when cooking and seasoning seafood. The amount of seasonings and spices added depends on the taste and smell of natural seafood. So, the meat of squid, scallop, oysters should be boiled and simmered without adding spices and aromatic roots. Cooks, raw uncut shrimp, trumpeter should be cooked with bay leaves, black peppercorns and aromatic roots. They are served with complex vegetable side dishes and sauces (sour cream, tomato, Dutch and its derivatives).

Fried dishes... These dishes are classified into the following groups: portioned breaded, small pieces fried in natural and breaded form, stuffed, from chopped natural and cutlet masses.

For frying, you can use all seafood raw or pre-boiled.

Frying shellfish in their natural form is accompanied by intense juicing (38 ... 81%), which slows down the formation of a crust. Prolonged thermal exposure contributes to strong dehydration, drying, due to the chero finished product, despite the pronounced taste and smell, acquires an organoleptically unacceptable consistency. Therefore, it is advisable to prepare dishes from fried breaded meat. The presence of breading provides a quick crust formation, prevents the release of juice and ensures that the finished product is juicy, with pronounced taste and aroma characteristic of this type of raw material. Frying breaded semi-finished products in deep fat at a temperature of 180 ... 190 ° C contributes to the most intense crust formation, which is why the duration of frying does not exceed 2 ... 3 minutes. To bring the product to a state of culinary readiness, it must be kept for 4 ... 20 minutes in an oven at a temperature of 200 ... 220 ° C. Products from the chopped mass are fried in the main way at a temperature of 140 ... 160 ° C until a uniform colors with their mandatory subsequent exposure in the oven for 3 ... 5 minutes. Dishes of seafood fried in the main way are served with a complex side dish and sauces: tomato, sour cream with onions, onions, etc. Fried shellfish meat in batter goes well with fresh vegetables (tomatoes, orirtsy), olives and parsley, celery. Fried stuffed products from cuttlefish, squid, cucumaria, trepang, which are distinguished by high taste and aroma properties, can be sold in their natural form, without sauce.

Feed to fried dishes a piece of crayfish oil gives finished products not only a piquant taste and aroma, but also significantly increases their calorie content.

Seafood stew... Stewed dishes are distinguished by their juiciness, softness, high taste and aroma properties. It is advisable to use raw materials for the preparation of stews that require long-term heat exposure (trepang, cucumaria, trumpeter, seaweed), which do not have a pronounced taste and aroma. Seafood is stewed in broth, sauces with the addition of a set of vegetables, seasonings and spices.

Cucumaria, trepanga, seaweed should be stewed together with animal products (beef, pork, poultry, fish) and vegetables to obtain full-fledged ready meals.

Stewing fried oysters, mussels, scallops in milk with the addition of onions and spices provides a very mild taste. Squid, oysters can be stewed raw, but the stewing sauce is used with a thicker consistency.

It should be noted that the duration of stewing meat of squid, scallops, oysters and crustaceans should not exceed 20 ... 30 minutes, since a longer heat exposure yxy gives not only the organoleptic characteristics of the finished dishes, but also the digestibility and assimilability.

Baked dishes... Baking seafood makes it possible to preserve the taste and smell characteristic of a given product to the maximum extent, and, if necessary, change the specific organoleptic qualities. Meat of shellfish, crustaceans is baked raw, boiled, stewed, fried and stuffed. It is most advisable to record

Russian International Academy of Tourism

Institute of Hospitality RMAT

Faculty of Hospitality and Food Technology

Department of hospitality management

Course work

By discipline:

"Technology of production of public catering products"

On the topic "Russian cuisine from fish"

Work completed

Student group 203

E.V. Buzdenkova

Work supervisor:


Moscow 2007


“Oh, the bright light and beautifully decorated Russian land! You are glorified for many beauties: you are famous for many lakes, locally revered rivers and springs, mountains, steep hills, high oak forests, clean fields, wonderful animals, various birds, countless great cities, glorious villages, monastery gardens, temples of God ... - wrote the ancient chronicler ... “You are filled with everyone, the Russian land! ..” Here, in the vast expanses - from the White Sea in the north to the Black Sea in the south, from the Baltic Sea in the west to the Pacific Ocean in the east, Russians live in the neighborhood with other peoples - a nation with the same language, culture and life.

Cuisine is an integral part of the culture of every nation. It is not for nothing that ethnographers begin to study the life of any people with the study of its cuisine, because it reflects in a concentrated form the history, life and customs of the people. Russian cuisine in this sense is no exception; it is also a part of our culture, our history.

The first scanty information about Russian cuisine is contained in the oldest written sources of the XI-XVII centuries, chronicles, lives, words, teachings, etc. The most complete information about Old Russian cuisine can be found in Domostroy, a literary monument of the XV-XVI centuries, which summarized the previous experience and governing the order of doing business within the framework of home life. Old Russian cuisine began to take shape from the 9th century and by the 15th century it reached its peak. Naturally, the formation of the cuisine was primarily influenced by natural and geographical conditions. The abundance of rivers, lakes, forests contributed to the appearance in Russian cuisine of a large number of dishes from fish, game, mushrooms, and wild berries.

The originality of the dishes of Russian national cuisine was determined not only by the set of products from which the food was prepared, but also by the peculiarities of their preparation in the Russian oven. Initially, Russian stoves were made without chimneys and were fired in a "black" way. Later, stoves with pipes appeared, and then stoves and ovens were added to the stoves. In the Russian oven they cooked food, baked bread, brewed kvass and beer, dried food supplies on the oven. The stove heated the dwelling, the old people and children slept on the stove, and in some localities they steamed in the big firebox of the Russian stove, like in a bathhouse.

The food cooked in the Russian oven was distinguished by its excellent taste. This was facilitated by the shape of the dishes, temperature conditions and uniform heating from all sides. In the Russian oven, food was cooked in clay pots and iron pots. Both had a narrow neck, a small bottom and large convex sides. The narrow neck reduced evaporation and contact with air, thus contributing to a better retention of vitamins, nutrients and aromas.

Food in the Russian oven was cooked almost without boiling due to the fact that the temperature in the oven gradually decreased, because the oven was first heated and then cooked in it. Thus, the food in the Russian oven was steamed more, or, as they said before, languished. Fish dishes, soups, etc. were especially tasty.

From time immemorial, Russians settled along the banks of rivers, lakes and seas, which were abundant at that time with fish. The abundance, cheapness and availability of all kinds of fish determined the abundance and variety of the fish table. There were no special prohibitions on fish from the church: on most days of fasting, fish was allowed to be eaten, with the exception of only some days of strict fasting. The fish was boiled, steamed, baked, stewed, stewed, fried, stuffed, watered with various broths, pickles, gravies. River, lake and anadromous fish, that is, those that spawn in rivers, were especially appreciated. But sea fish were not uncommon on the Russian table: cod, herring, navaga, haddock, saury, smelt, flounder and others. To this day, the favorite fish of the Arkhangelsk residents is cod, and the inhabitants of the Black Sea region - horse mackerel and mackerel.

On the home table live, fresh, frozen and salted fish gets in.

Live fish is considered the most delicious. In order to keep the fish alive for several days, ancient cookbooks advised pouring a glass of vodka into the fish's mouth, covering it with wet moss and placing a piece of bread dipped in water in the cellar or putting a piece of bread dipped in water in the fish's mouth and placing it in the snow. Live fish were recommended to be slaughtered, not allowing it to fall asleep, since asleep fish was considered much worse than freshly slaughtered. To stab the fish, it was advised to make an incision behind the head, separating the brain from the spinal column. In modern books, on the contrary, it is recommended to make a deep incision in the throat to drain the blood. We often buy fresh or frozen fish. In this case, you need to make sure whether it is fresh. Fresh fish have bright red gills, protruding transparent eyes, smooth shiny scales, and an undilated abdomen.

Frozen fish and fish fillets must be properly thawed before cooking in order to preserve its taste as much as possible. nutritional value... Whole frozen fish is recommended to be thawed in salted cold water (for 1 kg of fish - 2 liters of water and 2 teaspoons of salt). Fish fillets, as well as headless, gutted fish, are best defrosted in the air. In any case, the fish should not be completely thawed. Defrosting ends as soon as the temperature inside the frozen fish reaches -1-0 ° C.

Salted fish should be soaked in cold water, changing the water several times.

1. Characteristics of fish, nutritional value

The ratio of nutrients in fish depends on its species, sex, stage of development, fishing period, nutritional status, as well as on how deeply posthumous changes occurred during storage. The content of individual substances in different organs and muscles of the same individual is not the same. For example, dark muscles contain more chromoproteins (myoglobin, hemoglobin, cytochrome C), fats, fatty acids, lecithin, methionine, vitamin B 12, iron, sulfur and less total nitrogen, unsaponifiables and cholesterol than light ones.

The mass fraction of water in the muscles of fish depends on the species, fatness, physiological state and can range from 53% (river eel) to 89% (blue catfish). The bulk of the water contained in the tissues is bound to the hydrophilic substrate (protein) due to capillary and osmotic forces.

The water-holding capacity of the muscle tissue of fish and seafood changes during postmortem biochemical processes, during refrigeration. This property affects the juiciness, tenderness, consistency of the finished product, largely determines the loss of muscle juice during cooking and canning of aquatic organisms.

When drying and drying aquatic organisms, blanching canned semi-finished product with steam, the mass fraction of water in the tissues decreases sharply, while the nutritional and energy value of the products increases.

The mass fraction of squirrels and aquatic organisms ranges from 7-8% (trepang, cucumaria, smoothheads) to 22-23% (tuna, chum salmon, bonito, yellow-tailed snapper, whale meat). The share of complete proteins (with the exception of sea cucumbers) is 95-97% of their total amount, the digestibility of proteins reaches 97%.

The taste properties of fish products are largely due to non-protein nitrogenous extractives, among which free amino acids and derivatives of gaunidine (creatine, creatinine, creatine phosphate, methylguanidine) are the main ones for a long time.

Trimstilamine from the group of nitrogenous volatile bases is the key substance that determines the typical "herring" smell of salty foods. Along with low-molecular nitrogenous substances, carbonyl compounds, organic acids and sulfur compounds are involved in the formation of flavoring properties. In particular, hydrogen sulfide formed during heat treatment fish, is the main component of the smell of sterilized canned fish. Amino acid lipid complexes play an important role in the creation of the characteristic aroma of dried fish.

The families of anchovy, herring, salmon and some other fish are distinguished by the presence of active proteolytic ferments (pepsin, trypsin, erepsin of the digestive organs and muscle cathepsins), which play an important role in the maturation of salted fish products.

Mass fraction of lipids in muscles ranges from 0.2-0.6% (haddock, squid, pollock, cod, crustaceans) to 30-34% (river eel, Siberian sterlet, Caspian lamprey, herring during the feeding period), cod liver reaches 70%, in sturgeon and salmon caviar - 10-17%.

lean (up to 2% fat) - perches, cod, pike, etc.;

medium fat content (from 2 to 8%) - sea bass, Caspian sprat, etc.;

fatty (over 8%) - sturgeon, mackerel, whitefish, saury;

especially fatty (more than 15 to 34%) - Pacific and Caspian lampreys, herring during the feeding period, cyprinids, salmon.

In many teleost fishes (carp, herring, salmon, etc.), the connective tissue located between the skin and muscles is the main place of fat accumulation. In cartilaginous fish (sharks, combs), cod, macrourids and some others, fat accumulates in the liver (25-72%), and in the subcutaneous tissue and muscles, its content does not exceed 0.2-1%. In sea bass, halibut, tuna, fat is deposited both in the liver and in muscle tissues. In lampreys, fat is deposited in the thickness of the mouse, in myosepts and subcutaneous tissue.

The distribution of lipids in the body also depends on the fatness of the fish. For example, if during the feeding period the bulk of lipids is concentrated in the tissues of internal organs and in the subcutaneous tissue, then during the spawning period this category of lipids is practically absent. For example, capelin during the feeding period contains 10-11% lipids, during the spawning period - 2-3%. In anadromous Caspian herring in fruit juice, the content of lipids and meat is 17-22%, and in the Ufa region after spawning - 1.5-2%. In the Pacific herring during the feeding period, the mass fraction of lipids is 25 - 33%, and they accumulate both in the subcutaneous tissue and in deposits on the stomach and intestines (obesity). As the gonads develop and mature, obesity disappears in herring, and by the spawning period, the lipid content in the muscles decreases to 2-3%. Significant waste of lipids is observed during spawning migrations and starvation of Far Eastern salmon. For example, in the Amur autumn chum salmon after spawning, the mass fraction of lipids in the meat drops to 0.1%.

The fat content varies significantly depending on the species of fish. For example, among halibuts, arrowtooths are the most fatty (up to 21% of fat in muscles), and the least fatty are white-toothed ones (up to 6% of fat in muscles). In marine invertebrates, the fat content in the tissues is low (0.1 - 2.5%), with the exception of the liver (6-16%) and eggs (4-16%).

The peculiarity of the composition of fish lipids is the predominance of unsaturated fatty acids, including pentaenoic and hexaenoic, which determine the instability of fats to oxidative spoilage. The fats of marine and oceanic fish are characterized by a higher degree of unsaturation compared to freshwater fish. Therefore, frozen fish products and fillets from marine and oceanic fish have a shorter shelf life than freshwater fish products.

Due to the low melting point (22 ... 35 ° C), the fats of fish and non-fish aquatic organisms are well absorbed by the body (95-97%). Along with the high energy value they serve as a carrier of biologically active substances, including vitamins A, D and essential fatty acids, which perform vitamin-like functions. The occurrence of duodenal ulcers, ulcerative colitis, arthritis, dental caries, eczema, dry skin, and impaired cholesterol metabolism are associated with a lack of polyunsaturated fatty acids in the diet. In terms of the content of essential fatty acids (especially the so-called linoleic type), fish lipids are inferior to vegetable oils (with the exception of cocoa and coconut oils), but they are superior to butter. It has been found that fish fats play an important role in lowering blood cholesterol levels.

Phospholylides are a valuable building material for cellular structures. As a structural element of phospholipids, essential fatty acids are part of very complex liporiboprotein complexes, including a complex of various cell membranes.

The content of carbohydrates in aquatic organisms is low. The meat of marine fish contains from 0 to 1.5% of glycogen, freshwater fish - from 0.9 to 1.8; invertebrates - from 0.1 to 5%, In the muscle tissue of calm, well-fed fish, immediately after death, about 0.03% of glucose was also found. With postmortem biochemical changes, the amount of carbohydrates in fish rapidly decreases.

The fats of marine fish contain vitamin A1, which is biologically more active than vitamin A 2. The content of vitamins of group A in the muscles of different fish species is rather variable, but exceeds its content in meat of cattle. The highest mass fraction of vitamin A is in the liver of cod and many other fish, in the caviar of sturgeon and salmon fish, in the muscles of fatty and especially fatty fish (eel, white halibut, sardine, etc.). The content of B vitamins in fish muscles is relatively low, but dark muscles can accumulate 10 times more vitamin B2 than light ones, and fish liver accumulates vitamins B 6 and B, 12.

The presence of minerals in the tissues of aquatic organisms depends on the physiological and anatomical purpose of the tissues, as well as on the biochemical characteristics of the species. Unlike representatives of the terrestrial world, aquatic organisms live in an environment saturated with salts (from 50 to 290 mg / l fresh and from 15,000 to 38,000 mg / l - sea water).

The content of some elements in the tissues of aquatic organisms can be hundreds and even tens of thousands of times higher than their concentration in the aquatic environment, while the content of other elements can be lower than in the hydrosphere. For example, in the tissues of marine fish, a selective concentration of sulfur, phosphorus, calcium, iodine and other elements occurs, but the content of chlorine, magnesium, sodium is much lower than in water. Some types of brown algae, on the contrary, are able to selectively accumulate potassium, sodium, chlorine, iodine, bromine and a number of other elements. The accumulation of iron in the blood is specific for fish, and copper for crustaceans and molluscs.

The concentration of sodium ions in seawater is the highest. However, in the tissues of gilrobionts, the content of sodium salts is low, from 30 to 160 mg per 100 g in fish muscles and up to 380 mg per 100 g in shellfish meat. Mass fraction of potassium salts in fish muscles ranges from 60 to 520 mg per 100 g. seaweed sodium and potassium salts are several times more.

The main depot of calcium salts in the organism of animal aquatic organisms is the bone tissue of fish, shells of molluscs and crustacean shells. Magnesium is also an essential component of bone tissue. In muscles, most of the calcium and about 10% of magnesium is bound to the proteins actin and myosin.

The mass fraction of phosphorus in the tissues of aquatic organisms varies from 50 to 500 mg per 100 g. About 85% of phosphorus is concentrated in the bone tissue. Most of the phosphorus in muscle is associated with creatine and adenosine. Phosphorus is one of the most important elements: it is a part of various organophosphorus compounds - nucleoproteins, phospholipids, coenzymes, ATP, ADP, etc. Mass fraction of other macroelements (mg per 100 g): sulfur -25-450, iron - 0.3- 20, aluminum - 0.1-20.

The content of microelements in the tissues of aquatic organisms vyryat within significant limits. The richest in iodine are brown algae (kelp), in which iodine is hundreds of thousands of times greater than that of seawater. The presence of iodine in fish depends on the type of fish and the physiological characteristics of the tissues. In the tissues of freshwater fish, the iodine content is insignificant (from 0.002 to 0.07 mg per 100 g), in marine and oceanic fish it is ten times higher (from 0.01 to 0.8 mg per 100 mg), in the caviar and liver of marine fish, the iodine content reaches 2 and 3 mg per 100 g, respectively.

The content of copper salts in fish tissues is small - from 0.001 to 0.09 mg per 100 g, in shellfish meat - from 0.1 to 15 mg per 100 g, and in the edible part of crustaceans - up to 1.6 mg per 100 g. Others trace elements, including manganese, cobalt, zinc, fluorine, molybdenum, are present in aquatic organisms in a well-balanced ratio, and in marine and oceanic fish species their content is usually higher than in freshwater, and in non-fish objects - in 5- 10 times more than fish.

2. Assortment and cooking technology

1) Pskovpecherskaya pomakuha

2) Boiled fish

3) Steamed fish

4) Fish stewed in milk

5) Sterlet or other fish stewed in white wine

6) Baked fish

7) Fish baked in Moscow style

8) Fish in Nevsky

9) Fish in Yaroslavl

10) Pomeranian cod casserole with cottage cheese

11) Far Eastern fish casserole with seaweed

12) Fish in Suzdal style with buckwheat porridge

13) Fish stew

14) Fish, braised in Novgorod

15) Fish, peasant stew

16) Squid stewed in sour cream

17) Fish baked with fried horseradish and onions

18) Fish baked in foil

19) Fish baked with mayonnaise

20) Fish baked under an egg

21) Fish baked in an omelet

22) Fish solyanka in a pan

23) Permian Fish Cabbage Rolls

24) Choryg Tverskoy

25) Crucian carps fried in sour cream

26) Fish fried in North Russian style with cranberry juice and honey

27) "Chestnuts" fish in Ryazan

28) Fried Fish Stuffed with Sprat

29) Cutlets "Goldfish"

30) Fried fish stuffed with cabbage

31) Fish "pie"

32) Body

33) Zrazy Pomor

34) Veal Fried Fish

35) Fish fried in dough

36) Fish spicy

37) Fish in pork fat

38) Fish in South Russian

39) Severodvinsk cutlets

Cooking technology of the most interesting dishes:

"Fish in Suzdal style with buckwheat porridge"

Products included in the recipe:

Fish - 800 g

Buckwheat - 2/3 cup

Dried mushrooms - 50 g

Eggs - 4 pieces

Sour cream - 4 tbsp. l.

Vegetable oil - 4 tbsp. l.

Breadcrumbs - 2 tbsp. l.

Salt - 1 tsp.

Cooking technology

Soak the mushrooms, boil and chop finely. Cut the fish into pieces, salt and fry in butter, fry the onions with mushrooms separately. Boil crumbly buckwheat porridge, add chopped eggs and stir. Grease clay pots or a frying pan, sprinkle with breadcrumbs, put buckwheat porridge with eggs, onion with mushrooms, fish, pour sour cream, sprinkle with grated cheese and bake in the oven.

"Squid stewed in sour cream"

Products included in the recipe:

Squid fillet - 600 g

Sour cream - 200 g

Onions - 2-3 pcs.

Flour - 2 tbsp. l.

Butter - 50 g

Salt - 1 tsp

Pepper - ½ tsp.

3. Processes occurring with the main food substances during heat treatment. Formation of taste, smell, aroma, weight change

Various types of fish differ in taste and nutritional content. Therefore, when preparing fish dishes, it is necessary to choose a culinary method that allows not only to prepare the dish tasty, but also to preserve valuable nutrients in it. Depending on the methods of heat treatment, fish dishes are divided into boiled, stewed, fried in the main way, fried in a large amount of fat, stewed, baked.

In the course of heat treatment, fish undergoes complex physicochemical changes. When cooking and frying fish, protein coagulation occurs, changes in collagen protein, fat, vitamins and extractives, water release, changes in the mass and volume of fish. As a result of heat treatment, the digestibility of fish increases, tissue fibers soften and bacteria that can be used to seed fish semi-finished products are killed. Sturgeon fish can sometimes contain spores of pathogenic bacteria and the harmful substances they release - toxins. Therefore, it is necessary to carefully monitor the heat process and the complete bringing of the fish to readiness.

Fish contains proteins, albumin, soluble in water, globulins, soluble in salt solutions, as well as complex phosphorus-containing proteins, which, when heated to 35 ° C, begin to coagulate (denature). This process ends when it reaches 65 ° C. Curdled proteins in the form of a light foam appear on the surface when the fish is boiled. Fish contains from 1.6 to 5.1% collagen, of which its connective tissue consists almost entirely. Fish collagen is less stable than meat collagen. At a temperature of 40 ° C, it coagulates and transforms into glutin, which is a sticky substance readily soluble in hot water, due to which saturated fish broths form jelly when solidified. Fish glutin can retain water to a greater extent than meat glutin, so fish loses less weight when cooked than meat. When boiling fish, the proteins of the myofibrils become denser, as a result of which the volume and weight of the fish decrease.

The change in fish weight is 18-20%, i.e. half that of cattle meat. The main part of these losses is water, which is separated by proteins. During cooking and frying, the weight loss is almost the same, the difference is 1-2% in one direction or another. The weight of breaded fish pieces changes less than uncoated ones. When frying in the infrared field, weight loss is reduced by reducing the cooking time.

The total amount of soluble substances passing from fish into broth is 1.5-2% of its mass, including extractive and mineral substances - 0.3-0.5%. Extractive substances during cooking pass into the broth, giving broths good taste and the ability to whet appetite.

4. Development of recipes, preparation technologies and preparation of normative and technological documentation for the dish "Fish in Yaroslavl"

fish - 800 g

potatoes - 5-6

onions - 3-4

pickled cucumbers - 1-2

dried mushrooms - 50 g

a glass of sour cream - 2/3

mayonnaise - 100 g

cheese - 30 g

vegetable oil - 4 tbsp. l.

Cooking technology

4.1 Calculation of gross and net weight of raw materials

According to the table. 4 Collections of recipes for obtaining 125 g net of Caspian salmon fish, special cuttings, carcass, fillets without skin and bones, 147 g gross are required, and for 800 g gross - X g net. We make the proportion:

147g (gross) - 125g (net)

800 g (gross) - X g (net)

According to tab. 1 Collection of recipes to obtain 100 g net potatoes (mass of 1 potato 100 g) requires 167 g gross, and to obtain 600 g net (6 potatoes) –X g gross. We make the proportion:

X g (gross) - 600 g (net),

Calculation of the mass of onions

According to tab. 1 of the Collection of recipes, the net weight of the onion is 180 g (3 onions), the waste percentage is 16%, and the gross weight is X g. We make the proportion:

X = (180 g (net) / (100-16%)) * 100%,

Calculation of the mass of pickled cucumber

According to tab. 1 Collection of recipes net weight of a cucumber - 100 g (1 cucumber), the percentage of waste is 10%, and the gross weight is X g. We make the proportion:

X = (100 g (net) / (100-10%)) * 100%,

Calculating the mass of cheese

According to table 19 of the Collection of recipes, the net weight of the cheese is 33 g, the waste percentage is 8%, and the gross weight is X g. We make the proportion:

X = (33 g (net) / (100-8%)) * 100%,

Calculation of the mass of products given in terms of volume:

Using the table "Information on the mass of food products in the most commonly used measures of volume", we take:

4 tablespoons vegetable oil = 4 x 15 = 60 g,

¾ sour cream = 134 g.

4.2 Calculation of losses during cooking food

The mass of the raw set of the main dish - 1937.3 g

Heat treatment loss (19%) - 368.6 g

The mass of the dish after frying and baking - 1568.7 g

4.3 Development of technology and drawing up a technological scheme for cooking

Peel the fish, gut, wash, cut into pieces and fry. Chop and fry the onion. Finely chop the cucumbers and simmer in a little water. Chop the peeled potatoes and put in a greased frying pan, on top - fish, mushrooms with onions, stewed cucumbers. Then pour over mayonnaise mixed with sour cream, sprinkle with grated cheese, drizzle with butter and bake in the oven. The distribution of products for cooking is given for 4 portions.

5. Development of recipes, preparation technologies and preparation of normative and technological documentation for the dish "Pomakuha Pskovopecherskaya"

Products included in the recipe:

Garbush - 600 gr

Potatoes - 8 pieces

Parsley - 10 g

Dill - 10 g

For the sauce:

Bulb onions - 2 pieces

Flour - 1 tbsp. a spoon

Fish broth - ½ l

Salt - 1 tsp

Cooking technology

Divide the salted garbush into fillets, soak, pour over the sauce and bring to a boil. Sprinkle with herbs and serve with hot boiled potatoes.

Sauce. Fry flour until slightly creamy. Gradually pouring in the broth, mix until homogeneous mass, put finely chopped onion, salt and cook for 20-25 minutes.

5.1 Calculation of gross and net weight of raw materials

Calculation of gross and net weight of fish:

According to the table. 4 Collections of recipes to obtain 125 g net of garbush fish, special cut, carcass, fillet without skin and bones, 181 g gross are required, and for 600 g gross - X g net. We make the proportion:

181g (gross) - 125g (net)

600 g (gross) - X g (net)

Calculation of gross and net weight of potatoes

According to tab. 1 Collection of recipes to obtain 100 g net potatoes (mass of 1 potato 100 g) requires 167 g gross, and to obtain 800 g net (8 potatoes) –X g gross. We make the proportion:

167 g (gross) - 100 g (net),

X g (gross) - 800 g (net),

Calculation of the gross weight of parsley and dill

According to the table. 1 of the collection of recipes, waste from cold processing of parsley and dill is 26%. We make the proportion:

X g (gross weight) - 100%

Calculation of the mass of onions

According to tab. 1 of the Collection of recipes, the net weight of the onion is 80 g, the percentage of waste is 16%, and the gross weight is X g. We make the proportion:

X = (80 g (net) / (100-16%)) * 100%,

X = 95.2 g (gross).

Calculation of the mass of products given in terms of volume

Using the table "Information on the mass of food products in the most commonly used measures of volume" (3), we take:

1 tbsp. l flour = 30 g.

1 tsp salt = 10 g

½ L fish stock = 1110 g

We summarize the obtained data in a table:

5.2 Calculation of losses during cooking food

To determine the amount of loss during heat treatment, we assume that the total losses, including losses during cooking, are 17% of the mass of the raw set of the dish:

Dish weight - 2464.37 g

Heat treatment loss (17%) - 419 g

The mass of the dish after cooking is 2046 g

Drawing up a recipe for a given dish output

We correct the output of the main dish by 300 g:

5.3 Development of technology and drawing up a technological scheme for cooking


Hot fish dishes occupy a significant place in the range of dishes prepared at public catering establishments. There are many proteins in fish dishes, which are easier to digest than meat proteins. The muscle tissue of fish is softer and more tender than meat, since collagen in the connective tissue layers of fish is less resistant to heat and passes into glutin faster.

Depending on the types of fish used, dishes made from them contain different amounts of fat. The largest amount of fat is contained in dishes prepared from sturgeon, salmon fish, herring, mullet, halibut, and flounder. Dishes from codfish, pike, perch, carp are considered low-fat. You need to know the fat content in order to choose the right side dish and sauce for your meals.

The distinctive properties of fish oil include its ability to easily melt and remain liquid at a fairly low temperatures therefore it is absorbed much better than beef or lamb fat. Thanks to this, fish dishes are also used cold. With the fat of fish, valuable unsaturated fatty acids enter the human body. In the tissues of most fish, fat is unevenly distributed. The greatest culinary value is represented by fish with a uniform distribution of fat in the tissues (salmon, sturgeon). The presence of fat gives fish dishes a higher calorie content and better taste.

Fish dishes are rich in minerals (sodium, potassium, phosphorus, iodine, sulfur, chlorine, iron, copper, etc.), especially dishes made from sea fish. Fish contains large quantities of vitamins D, A, and some types of fish contain vitamins B1 and B2. Among the extractive substances of fish there are substances that stimulate appetite.

Hot fish dishes are prepared in the sauce workshop. To do this, use pots, saucepans, elongated fish kettles, in which fish, baking sheets, frying pans, deep fryers for frying, portioned frying pans for baking, various implements in the form of shovels, colanders, cooking needles, etc. are used.

Fish dishes are served on heated small plates, round metal or oval dishes, portioned pans. The temperature for serving hot food must be at least 65 ° C. The amount of fish per serving is 75, 100 or 125 g.


1) Collection of recipes for dishes and culinary products: For catering / Authors - compilers: A.I. Zdobnov, V.A. Tsyganenko, M.I. Peresochny.- K.: A.S.K., 2002. - 656 p.: Ill.

2) Cooking. Collection of recipes - M .: Publishing House of SMEs, 2001.- 567 p .: ill. Author-compiler A.S. Town hall

3) Cooking: a textbook for environments. Prof. - tech. Uch-sch / N.A. Anfimova, T.I. Zakharova, L.L. Tatarskaya. - 4th ed., Revised - Moscow: Economics, 1991. - 368 p.

4) Handbook of food commodity research / T.G. Rodina, M.A. Nikolaeva, L.G. Eliseeva and others; Ed. T.G. Homeland. - M .: KolosS, 2003 .-- 608 p.: Ill.

5) Russian cuisine. / E. D. Medzhitova .; 4th edition, supplemented and revised.- Moscow: Eksmo Publishing House, 2002. - 416 p.

Fish in Yaroslavl

Norms for laying raw materials

Technological process

Peel the fish, gut, wash, cut into pieces and fry. Chop and fry the onion. Finely chop the cucumbers and simmer in a little water. Chop the peeled potatoes and put in a greased frying pan, on top - fish, mushrooms with onions, stewed cucumbers. Then pour over mayonnaise mixed with sour cream, sprinkle with grated cheese, drizzle with butter and bake in the oven.

The dish is served in a clay plate, decorated with dill sprigs.

Serving temperature is not lower than 60 0 С.

Technical - technological map No. ___

Pomakuha Pskovpecherskaya

Norms for laying raw materials

Technological process

Cut the salted garbush, soak, pour over the sauce and bring to a boil. Sprinkle with herbs and serve with hot boiled potatoes.

Sauce. Fry flour until slightly creamy. Gradually pouring in the broth, stir until a homogeneous mass is formed, put finely chopped onion, salt and cook for 20-25 minutes. The distribution of products for cooking is given for 4 portions.

Requirements for registration, filing, sale and storage

Served in a cast iron bowl.

The serving temperature must be at least 70 o C.

The finished dish cannot be transported.