Rabbit stewed in a saucepan. Braised rabbit - tender meat with sauce Braised rabbit

With all the variety of recipes for rabbit dishes, perhaps most of all I love when the rabbit is stewed - either with sauce, or the rabbit is stewed with vegetables.

Process culinary processing what we call quenching comes down to a few simple rules. Usually stewing of products is carried out in a small amount of liquid. It is difficult to call this technique cooking products, since there is very little liquid, or even none at all - the moisture released by the products themselves during heat treatment is used.

By the way, many people use their favorite term: in own juice, which means - nothing more, first of all, without the addition of liquid. The extinguishing process cannot also be attributed to frying, because as a matter of fact, the food is not processed due to the strong heating of the cookware by direct heating. Quenching is something in between.

Usually, very little liquid (or do without it), spices and spices, and sometimes sauce are added for stewing. Sometimes food, usually meat or fish, is fried a little before stewing. The extinguishing process usually lasts from half an hour and is almost always covered. I read somewhere that stewing requires a lot of different spices for the dish to acquire a rich taste and smell. I do not quite agree with this, very often the taste of the main ingredient of the stew should not be interrupted.

The advantage of braising is, first of all, that braising allows you to soften even very tough foods, such as meat. When stewing, the hot liquid penetrates into the depths of the pieces (or piece) of meat and softens the tissues.

Perhaps one of the most famous dishes, which are cooked by stewing, can be called a stew. There are a number of different stews in English-speaking countries, although they are usually called stew. By and large, the main difference between this dish and the usual stews is that the products are stewed in a liquid or a mixture of vegetables, which will eventually serve as a sauce. Actually, it is perfect option for cooking at home, not bothering us with cooking, and even making sauces. I like it. In addition, if you wish, you can greatly vary the thickness of the sauce and end up with a delicious dish that is either closer to a thick soup or similar to a roast.

The ideal meat for home cooking is a rabbit. Even from childhood, the stewed rabbit served with mashed potatoes was remembered and evokes positive emotions. My grandmother bred rabbits, and we, juvenile hooligans, were involved in the process of harvesting green grass - to feed the eared ones. And in the fall, cooking a rabbit stew was like a reward.

Rabbit meat is dietary and easily digestible. Cooking a rabbit is rarely difficult, even for beginners. What I like is that a rabbit doesn't need a lot of spices, since the taste of the stewed rabbit itself already replaces the spices.

How to cook a rabbit? The rabbit stew is very easy to prepare and served with delicious mashed potatoes.

Braised rabbit. Step by step recipe

Ingredients (2 servings)

  • Rabbit thigh (or back half of a carcass) 2 pcs
  • 3-4 onions
  • Potatoes 3 pcs
  • Butter 50 gr
  • Dry white wine 100 ml
  • Rosemary 2 sprigs
  • Flour 1 tbsp. l.
  • Salt, black pepper Spices
  1. Reading cookbooks, you can almost always see the recommendation to pre-soak the rabbit meat in acidified water. Frankly, I was always perplexed by this. Didn't notice that rabbit meat smells particularly unpleasant. Another thing is wild rabbits and hares, for them you cannot do without soaking. But, just in case, or rather to improve the taste, soak rabbit meat in dry white wine for an hour.

    Rabbit meat and onions - to make a rabbit stew

  2. Prepare rabbit meat: remove films, fat residues, visible tendons and possibly fur residues (and this may be). Rabbit thigh - the meat is quite thick, so it is worth piercing it through the middle with a knife. To taste, but not much, salt and pepper the rabbit meat. Place the rabbit meat in a deep ceramic (plastic, glass, but non-metallic) dish. Add 2 sprigs of fresh green rosemary and pour over with dry white wine. Leave the rabbit meat to marinate for 1 hour. It doesn't matter if the meat is not completely covered with liquid. You just need to turn the pieces over from time to time.

    Marinate rabbit meat for 1 hour

  3. Melt the butter in a skillet. I want to draw your attention to the fact that you need to use butter, natural, and not a spread or something "with the taste of butter" (I even winced). The scent of the present butter in this dish it is very noticeable and gives the dish a mild taste. So follow it.
  4. When the butter is melted, remove the pieces of rabbit meat from the marinade. Do not pour out the marinade, you will still need it. Dip the meat on a paper napkin and roll in flour. Fry the pieces of rabbit in oil on both sides until formed golden brown.

    Fry the pieces of rabbit in butter on both sides until golden brown

  5. While the rabbit is fried, peel the onion and cut into thin strips. As soon as the rabbit is fried, cover the pieces of meat with chopped onions, add a little salt and pepper, add the rosemary from the marinade and pour in all the marinade that remains. Add hot water - approx. 120-150 ml. It is necessary that the pieces of the rabbit are almost covered with liquid. More liquid is not scary, but it is worth considering that both the onion and the rabbit itself will release additional liquid. However, at the end, the excess liquid can be evaporated a little by removing the lid.

    Cover cuts of meat with chopped onions

  6. Bring liquid to a boil, cover with lid and reduce heat to low. The braised rabbit is cooked over very low heat. Simmer by turning the meat pieces and stirring onion sauce, 30 minutes. This time is enough for the braised rabbit to be completely ready. Then remove the lid and add a little fire. Evaporate excess liquid. The braised rabbit may not remain in the sauce, it can be pulled out.

    Simmer, turning cuts of meat and stirring in onion sauce, 30 minutes

  7. While the rabbit stew is preparing, you need to peel the potatoes and cook the mashed potatoes. To lay out mashed potatoes around the edge of the plate to form a rim. Put the thick onion sauce into the resulting groove, after removing the rosemary sprigs from it. If the rosemary leaves come off the stems - it's okay, the sauce will only benefit from this. I remembered a wonderful recipe -

Braised rabbit in sour cream is one of the most popular and favorite dishes, which are most often prepared from rabbit meat. This is not surprising, because it especially attracts those who closely monitor their weight. Rabbit meat is perhaps the most dietary meat. Indeed, 100 grams contains only 156 kcal. This means that you can eat it in almost unlimited quantities.

Features of the dish

Braised rabbit is a dish that will practically not contain such harmful cholesterol in its composition. This means that you should not be afraid of the increased content of this substance in the body and the threat of atherosclerosis.

At the same time, rabbit meat contains proteins that are easily absorbed by our body, phosphorus, potassium, fluorine, manganese, iron, all kinds of vitamins of groups B and C. And another important advantage of rabbit meat is that it is not an allergen. Therefore, future mothers can eat meat without fear, and when they have a child, many just start feeding with rabbit meat meat products as it is completely safe and only useful.

At the same time, it has amazing taste, it is very tasty and extremely nutritious dish... Recipes for its preparation deservedly occupy a place of honor in the cookbooks of the most famous chefs in the world. This is despite the fact that cooking a stew rabbit is not at all difficult. Even a novice hostess can cope with this task.

How to choose a rabbit carcass

An important stage is the purchase of a rabbit carcass, the main thing here is not to miscalculate. The final result may depend on this, how delicious your dish will turn out.

Please note that the carcass must be drained of blood and have evidence that it is rabbit meat in front of you. To do this, sellers usually leave a ponytail or a foot so that buyers have no doubts.

Ideal when the meat has a delicate pink color. And fat streaks, if any, are quite insignificant. So you can distinguish a young rabbit from an animal that was already at a respectable age. It is young meat that can be quickly cooked, it will remain tasty and juicy.

If you are offered to buy meat of a rich darkish shade, then you can be sure that the animal was old, which means that it must be marinated before cooking. Otherwise, the fibers will remain very tough and you will not get any pleasure.


For a rabbit marinade that you plan to stew in sour cream, a mixture of vinegar and water works best.

They must be added at the rate of a teaspoon of vinegar per liter of chilled water. If you are a categorical opponent of vinegar, then you can replace it with lemon juice, the proportions will remain the same. If there is a lot of meat, and it is impossible to cover the whole carcass with marinade, without exception, then double the ingredients.

With the help of the marinade, it will be possible to soften the fibers, as well as eliminate the specific smell of rabbit meat, which not everyone likes. You will have to leave the carcass in the mixture for four hours.

If you managed to buy young meat, then it is not at all necessary to marinate it. Only if you want to give your dish original taste, you can use milk or white wine as a marinade. In the first case, the meat will come out more tender, and in the second it will get spicy notes.

Required Ingredients

To make a rabbit stew, you need following ingredients:

  • half a kilo of cut rabbit meat;
  • three medium onions;
  • a pack of sour cream;
  • two bay leaves;
  • black pepper and salt - to taste (pepper can be taken both ground and peas).

Cooking process

First, rinse the rabbit meat, cut it into small pieces. Next, you need to salt and pepper it, dry it with paper towels.

Cut the onions into large slices. We take a preheated frying pan, in which we first fry the pieces of meat until they acquire an appetizing golden crust. Only then add the onion. Cook the rabbit meat with onions for seven to ten minutes.

Now we take sour cream - an important ingredient when cooking rabbit stew. It is necessary to carefully pour it over all the pieces of meat, immediately after that reduce the heat to a minimum.

Transfer the meat to a saucepan, in which add half a glass of enough hot water, but not boiling water. At this stage, we put a few leaves of lavrushka, as well as black peppercorns, to the meat. Salt the dish if necessary.

Now close the pan and simmer the rabbit over low heat until tender. It can be determined by the tenderness of the meat. As a rule, the recipe for a stewed rabbit is designed for one and a half to two hours. The final cooking time will depend on the age of the animal: the older it is, the longer it will take to cook.

As a garnish for a rabbit in sour cream, they usually serve loose rice, pasta, mashed potatoes, any cereal porridge will be appropriate.

Rabbit in sour cream sauce

For a stewed rabbit, a photo of which is in this article, a special one is often prepared sour cream sauce... Let's consider this recipe in more detail. In this case, the ingredients will have to be divided into those that will be needed for cooking the meat itself and those that will be needed for the sour cream sauce.

So take:

  • a rabbit carcass, weighing up to two kilograms;
  • one large onion;
  • a mixture of Italian herbs is suitable as a seasoning;
  • one bay leaf.

For sour cream sauce, we need:

  • 20 grams of butter;
  • two tablespoons of flour;
  • one and a half glasses of boiling water;
  • a pack of sour cream;
  • a pinch of nutmeg;
  • salt and black pepper to taste.

Rabbit with sour cream sauce

Will come to the rescue in cooking rabbit stew step by step recipe which is given in this article. First, cut up the rabbit's carcass, then wash it thoroughly and pat dry with paper towels.

Cut the onions into half rings and fry in a pan with vegetable oil. On it, you can also fry pieces of rabbit meat until they are golden brown on both sides.

Now we take a deep saucepan, on the bottom of which we spread the fried onions, and on top are pieces of rabbit meat. The basis for your delicious dish put. Add some water, bring it to a boil, and then simmer for about half an hour over the lowest heat.

Now it's time to make the sauce. First, melt the butter in a skillet over medium heat. Then, without removing the pan from the heat, add flour to make homogeneous mass without lumps. Pour boiling water in small portions, and also add spices: pepper, salt, if desired, you can also nutmeg.

The most important ingredient in this sauce is sour cream. While stirring, it must be brought to a boil. Then you can be sure that your sour cream sauce is ready.

Pour them over the pan in which the rabbit is stewing, stir and leave on low heat for another forty to fifty minutes. Before removing the dish from the stove, add a mixture of Italian herbs and other of your favorite spices that work best with the meat. Salt the dish again if necessary.

That's it, your rabbit is ready.

Rabbit with prunes

If you want to cook something new and unusual, you can please your loved ones with stewed rabbit in sour cream with prunes. This will require:

  • two-kilogram rabbit carcass;
  • four cloves of garlic;
  • a full glass of prunes;
  • one and a half packs of sour cream with a fat content of at least 20%;
  • two onions;
  • one big carrot(or several small ones);
  • spices of your choice ( experienced chefs advise using Provencal herbs, rosemary and of course salt and pepper).

Original recipe

So, the recipe for stewed rabbit in sour cream with prunes. Let's start by chopping the garlic thoroughly, and then add two tablespoons to the resulting mixture. vegetable oil and the herbs that you love the most. This will be your marinade, which needs to be greased on the rabbit carcass and left to marinate for at least four hours.

Experienced cooks advise using the marinade, even if you got the meat of a young rabbit. The recipe given in this article will add spice, pleasant and unique taste to the dish, which is guaranteed to surprise your loved ones, relatives and all guests.

The stewed rabbit in the photo looks very appetizing. The cooking recipe is described in detail in this article, so cooking should not be difficult for you.

While the meat is marinating, grab the prunes. Wash it thoroughly and chop it finely. Then pour boiling water over it to swell.

It is best to take a deep cauldron from the dishes, in which onions and carrots are fried, and dried prunes are laid out on top. Excess weight can be removed with a slotted spoon.

After salting the rabbit meat, put it in a cauldron and fry it. Then add prunes and vegetables. Sour cream should be diluted with water or milk and only then pour it over the meat. The dish is stewed for 60 minutes over low heat.

Braised rabbit is a great way to diversify your list. meat dishes... This dish will become not only delicious, but also useful addition diet. Rabbit meat contains a special protein that is very easily absorbed by the body and gives it the necessary energy. At the same time, the calorie content of meat is significantly lower than that of its closest competitors.

The braised rabbit is always juicy and very tender. If you just bake it in the oven, the meat can be overdried, but a special marinade prevents this possibility. The rabbit is stewed in sour cream, mayonnaise, white or red wine, milk, etc. vegetable juice, therefore, tomatoes, eggplants, onions, carrots and bell pepper... Rabbit meat goes well with dried fruits, potatoes and various cereals.

For stewing, you can use the whole carcass as a whole, divide it into portioned pieces, or limit yourself to rabbit legs. The meat is cooked in the oven, frying pan, slow cooker, cauldron or duck. The garnish can be included in the dish right away, or it can be served separately. The rabbit can be watered with the stew in which it was stewed as a sauce.

One of the most popular recipes for making rabbit stew. The marinade is used quite uncomplicated, but the meat with it turns out to be soft and aromatic. To prevent sour cream from curdling during stewing, it needs to be slightly diluted with milk.


  • 700 g rabbit meat;
  • 1 carrot;
  • 3 cloves of garlic;
  • 2 onions;
  • 70 g pitted prunes;
  • 1 ½ cups sour cream;
  • 1 tsp dried rosemary;
  • 2 tbsp. l. olive oil;
  • Salt pepper.

Cooking method:

  1. Pour olive oil into a bowl, add spices and chopped garlic.
  2. Rinse the rabbit meat, dry it and cut into large cubes.
  3. Place the meat in the marinade for 3 hours.
  4. Cut the prunes into quarters and add water.
  5. Transfer the rabbit to a skillet with high sides and fry until golden brown.
  6. Pour water into the pan so that it covers the meat.
  7. Simmer rabbit meat for 30 minutes over low heat.
  8. Chop onions and carrots, fry in a separate pan.
  9. Put the prunes with the vegetables, stir and fry a little more.
  10. Transfer all ingredients to the meat pan.
  11. Add sour cream, salt and pepper to taste, simmer for another 30 minutes.

Interesting from the net

Rabbit with potatoes is a complete dish, cooked right away with a side dish. Instead of mayonnaise, you can use fatty sour cream. If the meat does not bake within the specified time, you need to remove the foil and cook it for another 10-15 minutes.


  • 1 rabbit carcass;
  • 1 onion;
  • 1 kg of potatoes;
  • 4 bay leaves;
  • 5 tbsp. l. mayonnaise;
  • 4 tbsp. l. vegetable oil;
  • Greens (dried);
  • Salt pepper.

Cooking method:

  1. Cut the rabbit carcass into portions and place in a baking dish.
  2. Grease the meat with vegetable oil, salt and pepper to taste.
  3. Top with bay leaves and sprinkle with dried herbs.
  4. Cut the onion into small cubes, cut the potatoes into slices, put on top of the rabbit.
  5. Add mayonnaise and mix everything thoroughly.
  6. Cover the tin with foil and cook the rabbit for 1 hour at 180 degrees.

The rabbit itself is considered a dietary product, and this quality is only enhanced during stewing in a slow cooker. The only drawback is the small volume of the bowl, which will not allow you to cook the whole carcass. The number of products is calculated for a rabbit, weighing approximately 2 kg. It is better to take peppers of different colors for a brighter appearance dishes.


  • 1 rabbit carcass;
  • 3 bell peppers;
  • 2 onions;
  • 3 cloves of garlic;
  • 200 ml of dry red wine;
  • 200 ml of water;
  • 4 tomatoes;
  • Salt pepper.

Cooking method:

  1. Cut the carcass into pieces, rinse and dry.
  2. Cut the onion into half rings, pepper into strips, tomatoes into medium-sized cubes.
  3. Put meat and vegetables in a slow cooker, add chopped garlic.
  4. Season the rabbit to taste, add water and wine, stir.
  5. Cook the dish in the "Stew" mode for 2 hours.

The rabbit in the pot is a surprisingly aromatic and rich dish. Vegetables replace a light dietary side dish and soften meat perfectly. Together with water, you can put a little sour cream and any spices in the pots.


  • 1 rabbit;
  • 1 carrot;
  • 1 eggplant;
  • 3 potatoes;
  • 2 onions;
  • Bay leaf;
  • Salt pepper.

Cooking method:

  1. Cut the rabbit into portions.
  2. Cut vegetables in any convenient way, but not very coarsely.
  3. Season meat and vegetables with salt and pepper.
  4. Put pieces of rabbit in pots, cover with vegetables.
  5. Pour a little water into each pot and throw in a bay leaf.
  6. Simmer rabbit in pots for 40 minutes at 200 degrees.

Wine marinade will give the meat an unusual piquant flavor, and the cream will make it tender and soft. This dish goes well with any side dish, but rice or mashed potatoes are best. At correct preparation a rabbit in cream will become a real delicacy and will decorate any feast.


  • 6 rabbit legs;
  • 100 ml of dry white wine;
  • 2 onions;
  • 2 carrots;
  • 500 ml cream;
  • 2 cloves of garlic;
  • Salt pepper.

Cooking method:

  1. Put the legs in a deep bowl and pour over the wine for 2 hours.
  2. Chop the onion, garlic and carrot coarsely.
  3. Transfer the rabbit meat to the duck, cover with vegetables.
  4. Pour cream over the dish and season to taste.
  5. Simmer the rabbit for 30 minutes over low heat.
  6. Transfer the dish to the oven and bake for another 1 hour at 180-190 degrees.

Now you know how to cook a stew rabbit according to a recipe with a photo. Bon Appetit!

The rabbit stew is a real delicacy for wild meat lovers. Thanks to the correct processing, it becomes very tender, soft and juicy. At the same time, the calorie content of the dish remains quite low, in comparison with pork or beef. How to cook a stewed rabbit at home, you can learn from the following recommendations:
  • If the rabbit is stewed with vegetables, you do not need to add too much additional liquid to it;
  • In recipes with cereals, the stewing water should be twice as much as the side dish;
  • Together with salt and pepper, the dish can be seasoned with any spice for game. As a last resort, seasonings for chicken are suitable;
  • While the rabbit meat is in the marinade, mix it several times;
  • To make the rabbit meat even more tender, you need to place it in cold water for several hours before cooking.

Rabbit meat belongs to dietary and gourmet foods. It makes delicious and exquisite dishes, able to decorate even the most ordinary family dinner. It is eaten with pleasure by both children and adults. You can serve boiled rice, potatoes and vegetables as a garnish for the rabbit.

To cook a rabbit stewed with onions you will need:

Rabbit - 1.2 kg;

Onions - 5 onions;

Vegetable oil - 3 tbsp;

Spices for meat.

We bought a big rabbit, so I used half a rabbit. Well, there is never too much onion, so the more, the better!

Recipe rabbit stewed with onions:

1. Cut the rabbit meat into pieces.

It is better to cut at the joints so that there are as few broken bones as possible. The rabbit's tubular bones crumble on fractures and all these pieces of broken bones fall into the dish.

2. Fry it in a cauldron in vegetable oil.

Fry the meat until golden crust over high heat. Note that we fry not until tender, but lightly. As soon as a crust appeared - we immediately proceed to the next item of the recipe.

3. Add coarsely chopped onions. It makes no sense to chop finely, since we will still stew until the victorious "boiling down".

4. Add salt and spices.

5. Simmer over low heat until the rabbit is tender. The onion will boil down a lot and turn almost into porridge, very delicious porridge... This resulting gravy is incredibly tasty. Even if you just season boiled rice or buckwheat with it, you will not need any meat. Everything is eaten just "with a bang"!

Bon Appetit!

In general, you can stew a rabbit with almost anything: with vegetables, with potatoes, with mushrooms. Even in wine! This dietary meat is difficult to spoil. Therefore, cooking a rabbit is a pleasure.

Of course, buying a rabbit isn't easy. It is extremely rare to find it in stores and supermarkets. For this one will have to go to the market in the morning, it may not be in the evening. But believe me, it's worth it! This is not a daily meal, but

Rabbit meat is great dietary product that doesn’t require complex culinary treatment, Rabbit Stew is served in restaurants around the world, seasoned with local flavors and delicious flavors. For every chef, there is some subtlety that turns a standard dish into exquisite delicacy How to find such a zest? Usually, seasonings or vegetable additives change the taste of meat.

The Internet makes the secrets of any world recipes accessible, but our stomachs still love more traditional, and most importantly, familiar food, which is presented as a gourmet bunny stew. Now write down rabbit stew recipe!

To prepare the dish, Stewed Rabbit in sauce, the following products are needed:

To prepare a medium-sized rabbit, you need 100 grams of bacon, 0.5 liters of water, 025 liters of dry wine, 100 grams of vegetable oil, 300 grams of stewed beets, spices to taste. Marinade is prepared from 1 liter of water, adding 200 grams of 6% vinegar, bay leaf, pepper, salt, a couple of carrot and parsley root grated on a coarse grater.

Prepared rabbit parts are cut into portions. To prepare the processed carcass, separate the hind legs and back, soak in cold water for 2 hours, then the water is poured out and the marinade is added and kept in the prepared marinade for an hour and a half. Then they dry the meat, stuff it with lard, salt and pepper, and fry the pieces in a skillet with butter. Add water and wine to the pan and stew under the lid until cooked at a low temperature.

The rabbit is served on a platter with sauce sprinkled with finely chopped parsley and dill. Stewed beets with herbs and horseradish are served as a side dish.

To prepare a dish of stewed rabbit meat in a marinade, the following products are needed:

To prepare the dish Stewed rabbit legs, the following products are needed:

For 4 rabbit legs, you need a couple of carrots, celery sprigs, tomatoes, as well as 0.5 kg of small onions, 4 black peppercorns, 4 juniper berries, dry thyme, half a bay leaf, 100 grams of red grape vinegar, 30 grams of oil, 100 grams of hot meat broth, 100 grams of dry red wine, 50 grams of sour cream.

Vegetables are finely chopped and mixed with spices and red vinegar, water is added and boiled. The rabbit meat is dipped in a bowl with marinade so that the liquid covers the meat, and left for 12 hours. Melt the butter in a frying pan, in which the rabbit legs are laid out and fried on all sides until not fully cooked. Pour marinade over the meat and stew until tender. From the remnants of the marinade and red wine, a sauce is prepared, which is poured over the stew when serving. It goes well with cereals, noodles, potatoes.

To prepare the dish Rabbit stew in Burgundy, the following products are needed:

To prepare 4 rabbit legs, you need a couple of sprigs of thyme, parsley roots, onions, as well as 1 bay leaf, 60 grams of butter, 0.25 liters of hot meat broth, 100 grams of champignons, 50 grams of dry red Burgundy wine, 50 grams of butter, 20 grams of flour, salt, sugar and cayenne pepper.

Prepared rabbit parts are cut into portions. The greens and onions are finely chopped and mixed with spices and the legs are put into the mixture and kept in the prepared marinade for 12 hours. Then the meat is salted and pepper, and the pieces are fried in a skillet with butter. Add broth to the pan and stew under the lid for half an hour until cooked at a low temperature. The legs are removed, and the sauce is prepared, with the addition of finely chopped champignons, wine and flour. Pickled vegetables and herbs are added to the finished sauce and the legs are watered when serving.

To prepare the dish, Braised Rabbit in a pot, you need the following products:

600 grams of rabbit meat requires 150 grams of rice or buckwheat, 300 grams of sour cream, 200 grams of onion, 30 grams of flour, 100 grams of melted bacon, a mixture of peppers, salt.

To prepare the rabbit, they are chopped into pieces, separating the legs and shoulder blades, cut off the films, washed, placed in clay pots in three pieces. Finely chopped onion is fried separately, to which at the end of the frying process, add bitter and allspice, sour cream and bring to a boil. This mixture is poured evenly into pots with a small amount of water. The pots are closed with lids and the slits are coated with dough, then stewed in the oven for about an hour and a half at medium temperature. Such a dish is served to the table in pots without laying out on plates, but you can use plates or plates as a stand, having first opened the lid. It is imperative to remove the dough. Porridge is used as a side dish.

To prepare a stewed stuffed rabbit dish, the following products are needed:

To prepare 1 rabbit, you need 100 g of bacon, 0.5 liters of broth, 250 grams of sour cream, 50 grams of butter, 40 grams of flour, 600 grams of boiled beets, salt, pepper.

To prepare the marinade for 1 liter of water, you need to add 200 grams of 6% vinegar, a couple of medium carrots and parsley roots, grated on a coarse grater, bay leaf, pepper, salt

Rabbit stuffed with pork fat is especially tasty. Fat is cut into regular thin pieces and inserted into the flesh of the carcass through the punctures. To prepare a dish from a rabbit stripped of films, wash it, separate the hips and back, put it in a stewing container, fill it with water and soak it in the refrigerator for a couple of hours. Then the water is drained and the meat is poured with marinade for 6 hours in a cold place.

Pieces of rabbit meat are removed from the marinade and stuffed with chopped bacon. Then they salt, pepper, grease with sour cream and fry in the oven or on the stove until not fully cooked.

Divide the fried pieces into portions, put them in a stewing container or frying pan, pour broth into which sour cream, juice from frying are poured, cover with a lid and stew over low heat and until cooked.

Separately, in a dry frying pan, fry the flour to a pinkish hue, add part of the broth from stewing the meat and boil with stirring until it thickens. The prepared sauce is poured onto the prepared rabbit meat in the same bowl and boiled.

Served on the table on a platter, garnished with stewed beets or boiled beans with sauce. Rabbit meat is stewed with apples. For this recipe, first place coarsely cut apples without skin in a saucepan, and on them are placed pieces of fried rabbit meat, then again a layer of apples, and then broth and stewing. You can rub stewed apples into the prepared sauce.

To prepare the dish, the rabbit stewed in beer, you need the following products:

To prepare 2 kilograms of rabbit meat, 200 grams of onion, 2 liters of light beer, a little wine vinegar, 10 black peppercorns, 1 rosemary sprig, 6 cloves, oregano, bay leaf.

For the main course 50 grams of flour, black pepper, 60 grams of vegetable oil, 200 grams of bacon, 200 grams of cream, salt.

To prepare a rabbit, they are chopped into pieces, separating the legs and shoulder blades, cut off the films, washed -

Onions, cut into rings, are combined with all the ingredients for the sauce, that is, with light beer, a little wine vinegar, black pepper, rosemary, cloves, oregano, bay leaves. This mixture is boiled over low heat for half an hour. Then we put pieces of rabbit meat in this mixture and wait for it to cool in a cool place for up to 12 hours. After marinating, roll the meat in a mixture of flour and peppers and lightly fry the meat in a hot skillet. Now you need to put the fried rabbit, chopped fried pieces of bacon, strained marinade, pickled onions into a stewing container. The dish is stewed until cooked under the lid for about an hour and a half over low heat with a low boil. It goes well with fried potatoes.

To prepare a traditional rabbit stew dish, you need the following products:

Rabbit meat needs about 2.5 kg, 1.2 liters of marinade, a small piece of bacon, a tablespoon of sour cream, half a glass of broth, a teaspoon of flour and lard, salt, pepper.

To prepare the processed carcass, the hind legs and back are separated, soaked in cold water for 2 hours, then the water is poured out and the marinade is added. After 4 hours, the meat is dried, stuffed with lard, salted and pepper, greased with sour cream and fried until incompletely cooked.

Divide the meat into portions, put it in a stewing container, fill it with prepared broth, which is boiled on the bones at the rate of 1 kilogram of bones and meat scraps for 3/4 liters of water. Add frying juice and sour cream and stew until cooked at a low temperature on the stove or in the oven.

The liquid is poured off and boiled with sauteed flour. Pour rabbit meat before serving with garnish from fried potatoes, stewed beets, boiled beans or semolina dumplings.

To prepare stewed rabbit giblets, you need the following products:

For 800 grams of rabbit giblets, liver and hearts, neck, shoulder blades, ribs, you need 100 grams of smoked meats, 3 medium onions, 75 grams of tomato puree, 25 grams of flour, 150 grams of sour cream, as well as juniper berries, salt, pepper as spices, dill greens, bay leaf. For the recommended side dish: 10 medium potatoes.

Cooking begins with finely chopping bacon and onions, which must be sautéed with the addition of giblets, shoulder blades, ribs, and neck to this mass. After frying, all products are transferred to a pot, water is added and boiled until foam appears, which must be removed. Then, at a low temperature, the dish continues to be stewed with the gradual addition of juniper berries, tomato puree, bay leaves, salt, pepper, simmer until tender. In the process of stewing, a fried mixture of sour cream and flour is added to the meat and spices, mixed and boiled for 3 minutes.

As a side dish, boiled potatoes are suitable for stewed giblets, which are poured over with giblets sauce.

The combination of rabbit meat with vegetables, wine, beer, sour cream and tomato gravies gives the meat special tenderness and juiciness, regardless of the method of processing. Considering that the rabbit meat is not fat, this combination gives softness to the taste of this unique product.

Recipe video: stewed rabbit in garlic