American curd cake with cherries. How to make fresh cherry curd cake? Cake with cherries and cottage cheese in a bread maker

Delicate, airy curd dough and sour cherries will truly create delicious dessert that will appeal to both children and adults. Moreover, such cheese cake overcame with cherries very elegantly and will be a great addition to festive table.Refers to the curd type.

Cooking time:

  • 20 minutes to bake the base for the cake;
  • 20 minutes for the cherry filling;
  • 45 minutes to bake the filling with the base;
  • 15 minutes to assemble and decorate.

To prepare the dough, you must:

  1. Granulated sugar - 100 grams;
  2. Flour top grade- 200 grams;
  3. Butter - 100 grams;
  4. Egg yolk - 1 pc .;
  5. Salt to taste.

To prepare the cherry filling you need:

  • Medium fat cottage cheese - 200 grams;
  • Eggs - 2 pcs.;
  • Egg white - 1 pc .;
  • Sour cream - 100 ml;
  • Powdered sugar - 200 grams;
  • Fresh cherry pitted - 350-450 grams;
  • Starch - 15 grams.

For decoration:

  • Fresh cherry;
  • Cherry syrup;
  • Almond flakes.

Cooking process:

Preparing the base for the cake:

  1. The first thing to do is sift the flour. This stage cannot be skipped, since, in this way, it is possible to cleanse the flour from the debris that gets into it during production.
  2. We take a large bowl, pour flour there, add salt to taste, sugar.
  3. Remove the butter from the refrigerator, let it soften a little.
  4. Butter mode in chunks, add to a bowl to flour.
  5. Mix all ingredients thoroughly with a blender or by hand, but only very thoroughly so that there are no lumps. This can be done manually with a fork.
  6. Add one yolk from a chicken egg to the resulting mixture, mix everything well again.
  7. Grease the baking dish with oil, put the resulting dough into it.
    The dough should be of medium consistency, without lumps.
  8. The first stage of baking lasts 20 minutes at 180 degrees. The time is indicated conditionally, because a lot depends on oven... Therefore, you need to carefully monitor the base, if it starts to burn, reduce the temperature.

Cooking the filling with cherries and cottage cheese:

  1. Wash the cherries well under running water.
  2. Carefully peel the berries. You should try to keep the cherry as intact as possible. This will make the filling for the cake more beautiful and the taste richer. In addition, the cherry will not let the juice out so intensely.
  3. Rinse the berries well again, dry on a paper towel.
  4. Transfer the cherries to a deep bowl, cover with starch.
  5. Mix sour cream and cottage cheese in a separate bowl until smooth and leave for a while.
  6. Whole chicken eggs it is necessary to beat well with powdered sugar. The best way to do this is with a mixer.
  7. Add the beaten eggs to the mixture of cottage cheese and sour cream, mix everything.
  8. Take the egg white and beat it. A thick, fluffy head should form. The best result is obtained by whisking with a mixer.
  9. Continuing to beat the protein, gently, in small portions, the curd filling is poured into it. It is necessary to work with a mixer until the resulting mass becomes uniform in density, without lumps. You should pay special attention to this, since the attractive appearance of the future cake depends on the filling.
  10. V curd mass add the cherries and mix gently so that the berries are evenly distributed throughout the filling, but remain intact.

The second stage of baking the cake:

  1. We take out the base for the cake from the oven, let it cool without removing it from the mold.
  2. When the base cools down a little, it must be poured onto it curd filling with cherries and smooth well, so that the cherries are evenly distributed over its surface.
  3. We put the cake in a preheated oven at 180 degrees and bake for 45 minutes.
  • 2 eggs
  • 60 g sugar
  • 40 g flour
  • 20 g cocoa
  • 1 tsp vanilla sugar
  • 1 tsp without a slide of baking powder
  • 400 g cottage cheese
  • 400 g sour cream
  • 120 g sugar
  • 1 bag of gelatin (10 g)
  • 1 tsp vanilla sugar
  • 500 g cherries (frozen or fresh)
  • 1 bag of cake jelly (or cherry jelly)
  • 100 g sugar
  • 200 ml boiling water

Delicious and delicate curd cake with berries, the taste of the cake is based on the contrast of the layers. The middle of it consists of the most delicate curd-sour cream layer, the bottom is made of a soft slightly bitter chocolate crust, and the top is made of sour cherries in bright cherry jelly. As a basis, I took the filling from, and placed a simple chocolate biscuit... But you, if you wish, can make a base of cookies, just like in the cake mentioned above (then it is better to take chocolate chip cookies). I had frozen cherries, usually after defrosting, this berry flows too much, shrivels and loses its presentation. And if, when adding it to the cake dough, it is not scary, then for decorating the top of the cake, this is not the most the best way... But if you defrost the cherries with a slightly different method, and specifically in sugar syrup, then the result is much better - the cherry retains its shape better and does not wrinkle so much. So even with frozen cherries, which means at any time of the year, you can make a very presentable cake with this berry.
I used 9% homogeneous cottage cheese and 20% sour cream (however, as in all my recipes).


Mix flour, cocoa, baking powder together.

Beat the eggs thoroughly with a mixer for at least 5-7 minutes, gradually adding sugar and vanilla sugar, beat until very light and airy.

In parts, pouring the dry mixture over the eggs, gently mix it into the dough with movements from the bottom up.

Put a sheet on the bottom of the split form baking paper, snap the mold (I have a mold 22 cm in diameter).
Lay out the dough, gently flatten with a spatula. Put in an oven preheated to 180 degrees, bake for about 20-30 minutes or until "dry match".

Ready biscuit cool completely, it is even better to leave it overnight.

Let's prepare the cherry.
Pour 100 g of sugar with 200 ml of boiling water, stir well until the sugar dissolves.
Pour the frozen cherries with hot syrup, and leave the cherries so completely defrost, for about 2-3 hours. You can do this the day before, and just leave it overnight (then you need to put it in the refrigerator).

Cooking curd filling.
Soak gelatin in 100 ml of water, leave for 10 minutes to swell (or the time indicated on the package).
Then heat the gelatin until completely dissolved, but do not boil. Cool completely.
Put cottage cheese, sour cream, sugar, vanilla sugar in one container.

Beat everything thoroughly until smooth. You should get a completely homogeneous mass without grains of cottage cheese and sugar.

Pour in the gelatin in a thin stream, whisking at the same time, beat for another minute.

Separate the biscuit from the paper, put in the form, pores up. It is advisable to lay a new sheet of baking paper under the biscuit, this is necessary for easier shifting of the finished cake.
Soak the cake thoroughly with 5-6 tbsp. l. cherry syrup, which is taken from the container with cherries.

Pour all the curd mass over the biscuit, refrigerate for 3-4 hours, until it solidifies.

Then put the cherries on the surface of the cake in even circles.

Dilute cake jelly according to the instructions on the package. I diluted it not just with water, but with water in half with cherry syrup, the same one that turned out when the cherries were defrosted.
If you use regular cherry jelly on gelatin, then it is better to dilute it with just water, as in the instructions (since it already contains enough sugar in the composition).
Pour the prepared jelly over the cherries.

Put the cake in the refrigerator for 20-30 minutes (or 3-4 hours if you used jelly on gelatin).
Then carefully draw a knife along the side of the form, unfasten the form, drag the cake on the paper onto the dish and pull the paper out from under it.

This is what the slice looks like.

Cottage cheese cake with cherries will perfectly complement a cozy tea party and will delight your loved ones or guests with tender curd taste, which is so nicely set off by a bright sour cherry.

Tell me, which of you doesn't like cherries? One has only to remember these red and sometimes burgundy berries, fleshy and full natural juice... It seems that now even those who have not been in love with it until now have fallen in love with cherries.

What about cherry pies, cakes, muffins? Do you love to cook them? In any case, you should read the article in which we have prepared five different recipes cakes with cherries. Different types dough, different preparation and different cooking times.

The recipes are completely different, therefore, among them you will even find a cake that can be eaten on a diet. Or, if you don't like waiting, then a cake without baking should definitely suit you. Even if you are a student, we will definitely have something for you. We have provided all the options, therefore, you have nowhere to hide. Are you ready yet? Because we are starting now!

General principles of preparation, dough options

How to cook cherry cake? Everything here is not at all as complicated as you might think. To do a tasty cake, bake it correctly (or, conversely, cool it), stuff it with cream / fruits, you just need to adhere to the recipe. Yes, of course, you can improvise with the filling and even the dough, but it takes strong nerves. After all, if something does not go according to plan, you will send everyone to hell. And you will begin to swear that there are no more cakes!

First of all, you need to make the dough, be it biscuit, puff or even curd. Here, we advise you to stick to the recipe, since in the dough it is, after all, important. If you do change something, then try to adhere to at least the rules for preparing this test.

  1. Since biscuits, for example, like whipped whites to peak, and that's the only way;
  2. If this is a curd cake, then it is worth interrupting the curd with a blender or passing it through a sieve. Yes, this is not at all necessary, but this way your dough will definitely not be with curd grains and will become more creamy in consistency, which you cannot but like;
  3. The puff pastry must be folded a certain number of times. Fold exactly as many times, because otherwise the dough will not turn out so fluffy due to the lack of layers;
  4. Cakes without baking are most often prepared on a creamy, curd base or on cream cheeses. These foods should also be blended with a hand blender to keep your base smooth and smooth.

As for the filling, you can choose whatever you like. It can be a cream of your choice or your favorite berry / fruit. The filling is always a matter of taste. Let's take the decor here too.

Cherry curd cake

Ingredients Quantity
for the test: -
eggs - 2 pieces
Sahara - 65 g
flour - 300 g
vanilla sugar - 11 g
baking powder - 7 g
For filling: -
cottage cheese - 405 g
sour cream - 410 ml
sugar - 110 g
gelatin - 15 g
vanilla sugar - 7 g
frozen cherries - 505 g
jelly for cake - 1 sachet
sugar - 110 g
boiling water - 210 ml

Cooking time

calorie content per 100 grams

How to make a cake:

sugar 35 g
potato starch 10 g
milk 30 ml
cream from 35% 80 ml
powdered sugar 30 ml
peeled cherry 1 glass
chocolate 95 g
butter 45 g
ratafia 15 ml
vanilla extract 5 drops
baking powder 2 g
butter 155 g
Sahara 155 g
salt 2-3 g
flour 75 g
75% chocolate 135 g
eggs 4 pieces

It will take 2 hours to cook.

Calories Per Serving - 380 Calories.

How to make a cake:

  1. Put the cherries in a saucepan, you can pre-wash;
  2. Add 35 grams of sugar to it and bring to a boil;
  3. Add liquor;
  4. Dilute the starch with water (30 ml) and add to the cherry mass;
  5. Cook for about two more minutes, until thickened;
  6. Cool the mass;
  7. For the dough, cut 155 grams of butter into small cubes;
  8. Place the cubes in a saucepan, add sugar (155 grams) and vanilla extract;
  9. Remove the stewpan on the stove, and stirring, bring to absolute dissolution;
  10. Add 135 grams of chocolate with a high percentage of cocoa, which must be chopped in advance;
  11. Wait until the chocolate is melted, sometimes stirring the mass;
  12. Remove the finished chocolate mass to the side to cool slightly;
  13. Divide the eggs into separate bowls (whites and yolks);
  14. Combine flour with salt and baking powder. Sift the dry mass well twice;
  15. Add all the yolks one by one to the dough, stirring the dough after each yolk;
  16. Add the flour mixture in portions, also mixing it with the future dough after each time;
  17. Kill the squirrels with a whisk to the standing ends;
  18. Add proteins to the dough in small portions, gently stirring in;
  19. Cover the mold with baking paper, pour over the dough and level it;
  20. Remove at 180 Celsius for 40 minutes;
  21. Cool the dough in a mold, then remove and divide into two parts;
  22. Combine cream and powdered sugar, beat into a fluffy mass;
  23. Put some of the cream on the bottom cake, and the cherry filling there;
  24. Cover with a top cake;
  25. Pour milk into a saucepan, add butter and chopped chocolate (100 grams). Melt everything, it will be the frosting;
  26. It will cool down a little and you can pour the cake;
  27. Better to remove it overnight to soak.

The number of calories is 340 calories.

How to make a cake:

  1. Cover the cherries with sugar (165 grams) and leave for an hour;
  2. In an hour, the cherry will give juice that we do not need, therefore, put the berries in a colander and let them drain;
  3. Add baking powder to sour cream (205 ml) and mix well;
  4. Remove the oil (255 grams) in advance to make it soft;
  5. Combine it with a pinch of salt and beat it well with a whisk;
  6. Add sugar (225 grams) little by little and beat until it dissolves;
  7. Add sour cream with baking powder to the butter mass and mix with a spatula until smooth;
  8. Pass the flour through a sieve and mix, rolling the dough;
  9. Wrap in plastic and refrigerate for an hour;
  10. After an hour, take out the dough and roll it into a roll, which is divided into fifteen parts;
  11. Roll all the pieces of dough into identical balls;
  12. Roll out the balls individually about 20x7 cm in size. Put the cherries in a row;
  13. Collect the dough so that the juice does not leak out during baking;
  14. Put the sticks that turned out on a baking sheet, covering it with baking paper;
  15. Lay out with the seam down;
  16. Bake oven at 205 degrees for about twenty minutes;
  17. Cool ready-made sticks;
  18. Grate chocolate (35 grams);
  19. Beat cold sour cream (705 ml) with a whisk or mixer, adding sugar powder and vanilla sugar;
  20. The cream should become thicker and there should be more - beat for twenty minutes;
  21. Put five sticks on a dish and grease them with cream;
  22. Put four sticks on top, then three, two and one, greasing each time with cream;
  23. Grease the cake with cream on each side and decorate with chocolate chips;
  24. Cool in the refrigerator for 12 hours.

flour 105 g
cocoa 110 g
starch (any) 20 g
baking powder 7 g
eggs 5 pieces.
Sahara 205 g
butter 115 g
frozen cherries 410 g peeled
sugar 55 g
water 45 ml
30-35% cream 605 ml
sugar 60 g
chocolate 205 g
Cherry 10 pieces pitted

The cooking time is one hour.

Calories - 214 calories.

How to make a cake:

  1. Sift cocoa with flour, starch and baking powder;
  2. Beat sugar and eggs until white... Then add the mixture to dry products and mix;
  3. Melt the butter separately, add there, mix again;
  4. The dough will be thicker than sour cream, viscous, it must be divided in half.
  5. Grease baking dishes with oil;
  6. Pour the mass into them, bake for half an hour at 180 degrees. Take out, take out the cakes, cool.
  7. In a saucepan, mix 45 ml of water and the same amount of sugar, put on the stove, stir until the sugar dissolves;
  8. Add the cherries on low heat, cover and leave alone for a few minutes. When the cherry has started up the juice, stir and boil for 10 minutes;
  9. Whisk the cream and sugar until firm peaks;
  10. Cut the cakes lengthwise, soak them with syrup. Divide the cherry into 3 parts, put two on the cakes, set aside on the top cake for now.
  11. Smear the cakes with whipped cream, spread on top too, sprinkle with grated chocolate. Spread the third part of the cherries in a circle on top.
  12. Let the night soak.

No baked cake (made from cookies)

It will take 40 minutes to cook.

How many calories - 300 calories.

How to make a cake:

  1. Grind the cookies into flour in a blender;
  2. Melt butter and combine with cookies. Put the mass in a form with paper, tamp and put in the freezer for thirty minutes;
  3. Pour gelatin with water;
  4. Beat the cream until fluffy, add sugar, cheese, vanilla sugar and yogurt;
  5. Melt the swollen gelatin on the stove and pour into the cream;
  6. Stir with a spatula and pour the mixture onto the already cooled base;
  7. Put in the refrigerator for two hours;
  8. Open the cherries, strain and cut into halves. Put on top of the cream;
  9. Dissolve the jelly with syrup, bring to a consistency, but do not boil;
  10. Pour the cherries over, cool the jelly and refrigerate for two hours.

  1. Try to stick to the recipe and then you will definitely get the result from the picture;
  2. Cook with good mood... This is very important in cooking;
  3. Read the recipe in advance and remember what to do for what. This will help to avoid incidents;
  4. Use proven cake ingredients, fresh eggs;
  5. Make your loved ones happy with delicious J.

Cherry cake is a dessert and something to do on Sunday morning. Prepare a piece of sweetness for your loved ones family dinner... Believe me, by the end there won't be even a crumb left!

Recipe for a cake with cottage cheese and cherries (regular) With step by step cooking.
  • Prep time: 11 minutes
  • Cooking time: 90 minutes
  • Servings: 12 servings
  • Complexity of the recipe: Uncomplicated recipe
  • Calorie count: 141 kcal
  • Type of dish: Desserts

An uncomplicated recipe for a cake with cottage cheese and cherries (regular) with a photo and step by step description cooking. It can be cooked at home in 90 minutes. Contains only 141 kcal.

Ingredients for 12 servings

  • For the test:
  • 4 eggs
  • 100 grams of sugar
  • 100 gr flour
  • 25 g butter (melt)
  • For the cream:
  • 800 grams of cottage cheese (I had 18%)
  • 2 cups frozen cherries
  • 3 tbsp. tablespoons of sugar
  • 20 g gelatin
  • For decoration:
  • 1 large banana
  • Pouring for cake

Cooking step by step

  1. Prepare the dough as indicated in the recipe for the Genuza dough: Only we bake it in a split form.
  2. Cream:
  3. Put the frozen cherries in a deep bowl and cover with sugar. Defrost in the microwave for 10 minutes on defrosting mode.
  4. Meanwhile, soak the gelatin in a little water.
  5. The cherries will juice when thawed. It is best to place the cherries in a colander and drain into a deep bowl.
  6. Put the cottage cheese to the juice and beat with a blender until homogeneous mass... ATTENTION: we do not add sugar to the cream !!!
  7. Warm up the gelatin and let it dissolve.
  8. Add 1 tablespoon of curd cream to hot GELATIN and mix quickly.
  9. Add the gelatin-curd mixture to the cream and beat thoroughly with a blender again.
  10. Turn the cake over, line the sides of the form with parchment paper. Put half of the cream on the cake. Add cherries to the cream, laid out on the cake. Pour the remaining cream over the cherries. Let the torus stand for 10-15 minutes.
  11. Cut the banana into thin slices and place on top of the cream. Prepare the jelly for the cake as indicated on the bag and pour this jelly over the top of the cake.
  12. Refrigerate the cake for 5 hours.

Note to the hostess

For cream and cake decorating, you can also use any canned fruits: peaches, pineapples, apricots, etc. In this case, syrup from a can is added to the curd. The cake can be made from any dough (in original recipe in general it was shortbread, but I don't really like it). A cutaway picture if I have time to add it tomorrow, because I just baked the cake and it still freezes in the refrigerator.

This is how you can cook delicious cake... How to decorate it - you can decide for yourself. Can be watered chocolate icing or sprinkle chocolate chips... You can buy whipped cream and garnish it, and attach cherries to the tops.

Cake preparation options:

  • You don't have to mix the cherries with the cream, but put the cherries on the bottom of the baked dough and pour the cream on top.
  • You can cook the usual for such a cake biscuit dough, the cake will be even more tender.
  • Instead of cherries, you can use other berries - strawberries, raspberries and currants. You can also use fruits - bananas or pineapples.
  • This cake can be prepared even without baking. To do this, prepare a cream of cottage cheese and sour cream with powdered sugar, add gelatin, but do not add eggs. Take regular sugar cookies, grind them into crumbs, mix with a little butter (melted). Then put the crumb on the bottom of the mold and make the sides, send it to the refrigerator for several hours. Then put the cherries in there and cover with cream, send them back to the refrigerator overnight and you can serve!
  • You can also make curd chocolate cake with cherries. To do this, add a couple of tablespoons of cocoa to the dough. Such a chocolate cake with cherries and curd cream everyone who loves to feast on a slice of delicious dessert will like it!
  • Another cooking option. Bake the curd dough, but do not add the cherries. While the cake is baking, simmer the cherry jelly and prepare the cherries. When you take the cake out of the oven, put the cherries on top and pour over the jelly, put in the refrigerator. The output will be a three-layer cake! Note: for this option, you will need a split form that will be higher than the finished cake.
  • Curd cream prepared in this way can be used to coat other cakes with cakes. You can add different ingredients to each layer of cream. For example poppy seeds, berries, dried fruits. Also, such a cream combines well with food coloring, so you can make a beautiful and bright cake.

Let's talk about useful properties cottage cheese, which is part of this cake.

Cottage cheese is well absorbed by the body and has a beneficial effect on the liver, stomach, kidneys and intestines. Therefore, this product is often credited with diets. The proteins contained in cottage cheese are absorbed faster than proteins from any other product. The amino acids contained in cottage cheese have a beneficial effect on the nervous system and digestion.

Calcium and phosphorus are also part of the curd and have a good effect on the condition of bones, teeth and heart muscle. Cottage cheese is used not only for cooking, but also for cosmetic purposes; it is used to make face masks and various ointments for hands and body. Warm curd also helps to relieve burn pain.

Also vitamin A, which is also part of chemical composition cottage cheese, improves vision. Vitamin D is especially useful during the growth period, therefore, cottage cheese is often given as the first complementary food for the baby.

People who want to lose extra pounds use skim cheese, since it has a minimum calorie content, and the benefits remain enormous.

Thus, we can make a bold conclusion that if there is no individual intolerance, cottage cheese truly becomes an indispensable addition to the daily diet of any person. Moreover, you can cook so many delicious and varied dishes from it! Using all your imagination and culinary abilities, you can trick and cook delicious and, at the same time, very healthy meals that your whole family will love.