Bulgarian dry apple pie. How to make Bulgarian apple pie

Since ancient times, Bulgarian cuisine has been famous for its traditional pies, a huge variety of which amazes the imagination of an inexperienced person. But, despite the beautiful, sonorous names and amazing taste, it's not difficult to cook them. Today we will share the recipes for traditional Bulgarian pies.

Banitsa is a delicious traditional bulgarian pie baked with various fillings... Most often it is cottage cheese or feta cheese, but meat or cabbage can easily replace them. Modern housewives most often use yeast-free puff for this baking, however, for a real Bulgarian pie, a special stretching dough is required. A properly prepared Banitsa will be soft and very juicy on the inside, and pleasantly crispy on the outside.

Banitsa with feta cheese

For the test, we need the following:

  • 300 ml of water;
  • 1 tablespoon wine vinegar or lemon juice;
  • Half a teaspoon of salt;
  • 750 grams of flour (premium);
  • 2 tablespoons of vegetable oil.

For filling:

  • 400 grams of feta cheese;
  • 100 grams of thick sour cream (unsweetened yogurt, yogurt or kefir);
  • 4 chicken eggs.


  • First, prepare the lingering dough. To do this, add salt to the water, vegetable oil and vinegar, then gradually stir in the sifted flour. Knead the dough thoroughly;
  • Cut the resulting dough into 8 parts, wrap it in a bag and leave it for 70 minutes;
  • At this time, we will prepare the filling: Rub the cheese on a coarse grater, add sour cream and raw eggs, mix thoroughly. The filling is ready for use;
  • During this time, the dough must have already arrived and is ready to be pulled. This is best done on a patterned surface to control the thickness of the dough. When the pattern shines through it, the dough is ready;
  • First, sprinkle the table with flour, take 1 portion of the dough and roll it out with a rolling pin, giving it the shape of a square. Then we begin to stretch the dough with our hands in different directions, holding it in the middle. Ultimately, we should have a uniformly thin and elastic layer of dough;
  • Spread the filling evenly over the prepared dough, but step back slightly from the edge. Then we fold the blank into a tube, and then we turn it into a snail (we twist it in a circle);
  • To get an elegant crust, the top of the Banitsa can be greased with sour cream or a beaten egg;
  • We spread the workpiece on a greased form, put it in the oven for 1 hour at 200 degrees. Then we take out, sprinkle the pastries with water and cover with a towel. We give "rest" for about half an hour. Bulgarian pie Banitsa with feta cheese is ready!
  • Tip: Banitsa will turn out to be more spicy and elegant if you add parsley to the filling.

    Banitsa with cottage cheese

    Banitsa is an extraordinary pie, not only because of the variety of fillings, but also because of the large number of options for making the dough. Pay attention to this recipe, the number of products is calculated for 6 servings.

    For the test, take:

    • 200 grams of flour;
    • 2 tablespoons of 75% butter, melted
    • 4 tablespoons of heated water;
    • Half a bag of baking powder;
    • Two pinches of salt.

    For filling:

    • Half a kilogram of grained cottage cheese;
    • 2 raw chicken eggs;
    • 3 tablespoons of granulated sugar;
    • 3 tablespoons or special spoons of honey;
    • Egg for smearing.

    Let's start cooking:

  • We start by kneading the dough. The flour must be sieved 4-5 times (the more we sift, the more magnificent the cake will turn out), then mix with baking powder. Add heated water and melted butter, knead the dough. Then roll it into a ball, cover with a clean towel and put in the refrigerator for half an hour.
  • In the meantime, it "reaches", we will deal with the filling. Rub the cottage cheese thoroughly through a sieve, beat the chicken eggs separately and stir in to the cottage cheese. With a blender, the task is greatly simplified: both cottage cheese and eggs just need to grind in a bowl of a suitable size or with a dipping knife;
  • Then we take butter, add honey and granulated sugar and send it to the stove, heat the mixture over medium heat, stirring often. Combine the mixture with cottage cheese;
  • The filling is ready, it's time to do the dough again. Sprinkle flour on the surface of the table and roll our ball into an even square. Then we pull it out with our hands, as described in our first recipe;
  • Finished sheet grease the dough with melted butter 75% butter, evenly distribute the filling on top, slightly retreating from the edge;
  • We carefully fold the workpiece into a tube, glue the ends;
  • Grease a baking dish (preferably round) with oil, then lay out our tube in a circle in the shape of a snail, grease the surface with a beaten egg;
  • We send to the oven for 40 or 45 minutes at 180 degrees;
  • Ready baked goods cover damp first. Then with a dry napkin and let it "rest" for about 10 minutes. Serve warm to the table.
  • "Ruguvachki" Bulgarian

    Ruguvachki is an unusually tasty Bulgarian traditional pastry, which in appearance and composition resembles the chebureks known to us. The recipe for this amazing dish has been passed down from generation to generation in Bulgarian families. The basis of this dish is a very thin and light, slightly porous dough, as well as a filling of cottage cheese with herbs.

    To make the dough for real Bulgarian "Ruguvachek", we need the following:

    For the filling we need:

    • 600 grams of fresh grained cottage cheese;
    • One bunch of parsley, dill and green onions;
    • 8 tablespoons of any vegetable oil;
    • One pinch of salt.


  • As always, we start with the test. Soften butter with room temperature, cut into small pieces. Pour boiling water into it and stir. We begin to gradually add the flour sifted several times, knead with a spoon. When it becomes difficult to do this, we continue to knead with our hands until we get elastic and elastic dough;
  • From the resulting volume of dough, we form 12 balls of the same size, then roll each one into a small round cake (about 1 cm thick). Putting the blanks aside, starting to prepare the filling for baking;
  • We wash all the greens in running water, dry them with a napkin or let them dry naturally. Grind into small pieces, it is most convenient to do this with a large kitchen knife;
  • Grind cottage cheese in a blender bowl (or with an immersion knife) or through a sieve, then combine with chopped herbs and mix;
  • We take the finished layers of our dough, spread the filling on half of the mug, slightly receding from the edges, then cover with the second half and pinch the edges with our hands or with a special dough knife;
  • Heat a large frying pan with a thick bottom over high heat, add vegetable oil there, when it warms up, reduce the heat to medium. Put 1-2 pieces of our "Ruguvachki" in butter and fry on both sides, like pasties.
  • Tip: To add a special piquancy to the filling, you can add cilantro and boiled chopped eggs to it.

    Apple pie

    Traditional flaky Bulgarian Apple pie it tastes more like a cake. It is very simple to prepare it, although quite unusual, and the result will pleasantly amaze any connoisseur of pastries.

    For the pie we need:

    • One glass of semolina;
    • One glass of sifted premium flour;
    • Half a glass of granulated sugar;
    • A third teaspoon of baking soda or half a sachet of baking powder;
    • 5 sweet ripe apples;
    • 4 tablespoons of freshly squeezed orange juice;
    • Two pinches of cinnamon;
    • Half a pack of any butter;
    • Lubricating oil.


    • Instead of dough, this cake uses a dry mixture. For her, thoroughly mix the flour, semolina, soda (baking powder) and sugar. The base is ready;
    • Next, we proceed to the filling. Peel the apples and grind them on a medium or coarse grater. Add cinnamon and a little orange juice... If the fruit is sour, you can sweeten it with granulated sugar;
    • We collect our cake. Thoroughly grease a suitable form with oil, then pour the first layer of dry mixture about half a centimeter high. We level it. Next, lay out the same layer of apple mass, level it with a large spoon. In the same way, we continue to alternate dry and apple layers;
    • With the specified amount of ingredients, usually 4 dry layers (including the top) and 3 layers of filling are obtained. The final layer will be butter, grated on a coarse grater, which we evenly distribute over the fourth dry layer;
    • We send our Bulgarian apple pie to bake at 180 degrees in the oven for about 40 minutes.


    Another traditional holiday cake of the people of Bulgaria is "Tutmanik". Unlike Banitsa, it is made from yeast dough, although it is also filled with feta cheese.

    To prepare it, we will need the following ingredients:

    • Tablespoon dry instant yeast;
    • Two pinches of salt;
    • 500 grams of flour;
    • Three pinches of sugar;
    • Two chicken eggs for the dough;
    • One egg for greasing the dough;
    • A quarter of a pack of 75% butter for dough;
    • Half a pack of any butter for greasing;
    • One glass of heated water;
    • 400 grams of feta cheese.

    Let's start cooking:

  • We knead yeast dough... To do this, dissolve yeast in heated water, add beaten eggs, sugar and salt, soft butter and flour. We knead well and send for a couple of hours to a warm place to rise;
  • Ready dough cut into 6 equal parts, roll into balls, roll out round layers (15 cm in diameter) from each. We coat each circle with butter, then put 3 pieces together. We get 2 stacks of dough;
  • Roll out each stack again to get a layer of dough 30 cm in diameter;
  • We spread one layer in a previously prepared form, form sides and lubricate the surface with softened oil;
  • We spread the filling, sprinkle it with pieces of soft butter, put the second layer of dough on top and fasten the sides. Cover the surface of the cake with oiled paper;
  • We give to "come up" for 1 hour in a warm place or in an oven at 40 degrees;
  • Beat the egg with the rest of the softened butter and grease the surface of the cake with a culinary brush, simultaneously heating the oven to 180 degrees;
  • We send our work to bake for 45 minutes. Wonderful Bulgarian dish ready to eat!
  • Kifle

    Kifle is a traditional Bulgarian pastry, similar to our pies. Its basis is soft yeast dough, and the filling can be of the most varied, both sweet and salty. We offer you a recipe for making Kifle with cheese.

    For this baking we need:

    • One glass of warmed milk;
    • 1.5 teaspoon dry yeast;
    • Three pinches of sugar and one pinch of salt;
    • One egg;
    • 150 grams of any hard cheese;
    • A third of a packet of butter.


  • Let's make dough for Kifle. Dissolve yeast in warmed milk, add salt and sugar,? parts of flour, mix and leave in a warm place for 1 hour. When the dough rises a little, add softened butter, mix and add the rest of the flour. We knead the elastic dough and send it back into the heat to "reach";
  • After an hour and a half, the dough needs to be kneaded a little and divided into 10 equal parts, each must be rolled out to a thickness of no more than half a centimeter;
  • On one side of the resulting cakes, we make cuts, retreating from the edge by about a centimeter;
  • Cut the cheese into cubes of suitable size and put it on the prepared dough, on the opposite side from the cuts;
  • We turn the workpiece into a roll towards the cuts. Then put on a greased baking sheet, leave for 20 minutes so that our Kifle rise;
  • During this time, we preheat the oven to 180 degrees;
  • Grease the Kifle that have come up with a beaten egg, then send them to bake for half an hour. A delicious and hearty Bulgarian dish is ready!
  • Bulgarian cuisine has kept and passed on its cooking traditions from time immemorial; every family has its own signature baking recipes. Try to make pies according to our recipes, and they will surely add to your piggy bank of your favorite dishes!

    Bulgarian apple pie is different not only excellent taste, but also by the fact that the process of its preparation is quite simple, while consuming the minimum amount of the utensils used. And cleanliness can only please both experienced and novice hostesses.

    Apple pie with semolina nevertheless turns out to be juicy to the will, precisely due to the filling of apples, namely the juice, it all becomes soaked in juice, aroma.

    To cook a Bulgarian apple pie according to the recipe does not require much effort, knowledge, step-by-step adherence to the recipe will lead to successful baked goods that will undoubtedly please everyone.

    Bulk Bulgarian apple pie - ingredients

    By classic recipe a Bulgarian pie must contain milk, namely, due to the content and combination of milk with a dry mixture of flour and semolina, a pie with apples turns into the most delicate dough during the cooking process.

    Ingredient composition:

    • juicy, sour, medium-sized apples - 6-7 pieces or 1 kg;
    • flour - 1 tbsp.;
    • semolina - 1 tbsp.;
    • sugar - 1 tbsp. (in the case of sweeter apples, half a glass is enough);
    • baking powder - 1 tsp with a slide (10 g) or soda - 0.5 tsp;
    • salt - on the tip of a spoon;
    • at your own discretion you can add vanilla sugar or a little vanilla;
    • butter - 130 - 150 g;
    • for decoration, you can use icing sugar, nuts, and the like (you need about 2 spoons).

    There are enough products to divide the pie into 4-6 servings.

    Cooking bulgarian apple pie

    Bulk apple pie in Bulgarian and is called this way due to the fact that almost all the ingredients are poured into the cooking container dry. Then they simply mix, then, in turn, are stacked on top of each other in even layers.

    The cooking process is as follows:

    1. Pour flour, sugar, semolina, baking powder or soda into a bowl. Everything needs to be mixed very well.
    2. Further, all apples must be peeled, core, seeds. Apple pieces are rubbed on a coarse grater, sprinkled with lemon juice. Everything gets mixed up.
    3. A baking dish is being prepared, for this you need the bottom, cover the walls with parchment or grease with oil. Using glass molds it is worth remembering that they are not allowed to be put in a preheated oven. They are placed in a cold place while increasing the dwell time of baking by 10-15 minutes.
    4. A free-flowing mixture in the size of one glass is poured into the mold and leveled evenly over the entire bottom area.
    5. The apple mass is approximately divided into three parts and one of the parts is laid out on dry ingredients, trying to do this in an even layer.
    6. This is followed by another 1/3 of dry ingredients, then apples and again dry and apples on top. Each time, the loose layer can be covered with grated butter, about 40 grams, but this is for those who love it even more gently.
    7. In the presence of walnuts they need to be crushed and poured onto the apple layer.
    8. Pour the whole cake with milk brought to a boil. When pouring hot milk on the surface, you should try to distribute the milk evenly throughout the cake and be sure to reach the bottom. For this, several punctures can be made to the full depth.
    9. The oven must be preheated to a temperature of 180 ° C.
    10. Put the cake in the oven for about 50 minutes.
    11. Before you get the cake, you need to check it with a toothpick for readiness.
    12. After taking out the Bulgarian pie, you must wait for it to cool. Then you can cut it into portions and start enjoying the taste of the most delicate pastries.

    Hello dear country moms !!!

    I want to introduce you to apple pie if you have a lot of apples but do not have time to make baked goods

    You will need:

    1 glass of semolina

    1 glass of flour

    1 cup of sugar

    1 glass of milk
    1.5 tea spoons of quality baking powder,
    lemon juice and 5 medium sized apples.

    How to cook:
    1. The preparation of this cake is rather unusual, but the result will be wonderful.
    First, mix all dry products: semolina, flour, sugar, baking powder. You can also add a pinch of salt, but I consider it unnecessary here.
    2. Apples must be grated on a coarse grater - I always do this with a food processor. Immediately, without hesitation, sprinkle the grated apples with lemon juice - otherwise they will quickly darken.
    3. We take a baking dish, grease it with margarine or butter, evenly pour out a glass of our dry dough, apply a layer of apples, then again the dry mixture and apples. I have three layers on my shape.
    4. Before putting the cake in the oven, pour it evenly with a glass of very hot - directly boiling - milk, carefully pierce the cake with a knife or fork so that the milk reaches the bottom layer.
    5. This cake is baked for about 50-60 minutes in an oven preheated to 180 degrees.
    The pie is not traditional, but the taste is delicate, with a pleasant apple flavor. After cooling, it keeps its shape perfectly, does not crumble.

    Bon Appetit!

    I offer you a quick and unusual recipe loose bulgarian apple pie, which is cooked in just 7 minutes.

    You don't even need to knead the dough, and it only takes 7 minutes to pre-cook. As a result, you will get tender cake reminiscent of an exquisite strudel with a varied taste and the impression that it has been cooked for more than one hour.

    Products for the dish need the simplest, without special requirements. Choose juicy sweet and sour apples and quality butter. The oil must first be frozen.

    You will need:

    • semolina - 0.5 cups.
    • sugar - 0.5 cups.
    • flour - 0.5 cups.
    • baking powder - 1 teaspoon.
    • apples - 3 - 4 pieces.
    • lemon juice - 2 tablespoons.
    • butter - 100 grams.
    • walnuts - 50 grams.
    • cinnamon - 1 - 2 teaspoons.

    How to make bulgarian apple pie in bulk

    Put semolina, flour, sugar and baking powder in a dry bowl. Stir all ingredients with a whisk.

    Chop walnuts with a knife, as shown in the photo

    Peel the apples.

    Grate peeled fruit on a coarse grater.

    Squeeze out the lemon juice and stir.

    Add chopped nuts and mix the filling.

    Prepare the form. Cover the bottom and sides parchment paper... Rub 50 grams of butter on the bottom of the mold.

    Put 1/3 of the dry mixture on the oil and tamp.

    Apple filling divided into 2 parts. Spread a layer of filling on top of the dry mixture.

    Repeat the layer of dry mix and apples.

    Rub in the remaining oil.

    Sprinkle cinnamon on top.

    Bake the pie at 180 degrees for 30 minutes.

    Cool baked goods in a mold, remove and place on a serving plate. Sprinkle with powdered sugar as desired.


    • flour - 1 glass;
    • semolina - 1 glass;
    • sugar - 1 glass;
    • milk - 1 glass;
    • apples - 600 g;
    • walnuts - 0.5 cups;
    • baking powder - 2 tsp. spoons without a slide;
    • cinnamon - 1 tsp. spoon.

    Cooking time - 1 hour 10 minutes.

    Exit - 6 servings.

    To all lovers of delicious apple baking we suggest trying original cake, which came to us from the Bulgarian cuisine. Unlike traditional pies, you do not need to knead the dough for it. The dough here is a dry mixture of flour, semolina and sugar, and the filling is grated fresh apples... Due to the ease of preparation, the Bulgarian apple pie, the recipe with the photo step by step of which is described below, can be baked even by an inexperienced housewife. And the most fastidious sweet tooth will be satisfied with the result. By the way, in the composition of such a pie there are no eggs and fat, which significantly reduces its calorie content (100 g contains only 190 kcal). This will allow you to feast on delicious pastries without being too afraid for your figure.

    How to make Bulgarian apple pie

    First you need to prepare a mixture of dry ingredients. To do this, sift flour into a bowl, add sugar, semolina, baking powder, a pinch of salt to it. Mix everything thoroughly and set aside for now.

    Wash the apples, peel them from seeds and skins, cut into 4 pieces, then grate them on a coarse grater.

    Before you start collecting the cake, you need to turn on the oven and preheat it to a temperature of 190 degrees. Cover the baking dish (if possible, you can use a split baking dish) with a circle cut out of baking paper. The diameter of the circle should be about 5 cm larger than the diameter of the mold itself. Carefully cover the form with paper and lightly grease it with refined sunflower oil.

    Now you can start assembling the cake. To do this, evenly pour 1 cup of the prepared dry mixture on the bottom of the mold.

    Spread one third of the grated apples on top.

    Pour another glass of the mixture on top of the apples, on which again put a layer of apples. In total, you should get 3 layers of dry mixture and 3 layers of apples. The top layer should be apple. Chop the nuts with a knife (not too finely). Sprinkle cinnamon and nuts over the top of the pie.

    Because a Bulgarian apple pie with milk is being prepared, it must be poured into a saucepan and brought to a boil. After that, immediately pour the milk onto the cake, making sure that it is evenly distributed over the entire surface of the cake. It is convenient to use a tablespoon or ladle for this purpose. Next, you need to make several punctures in the cake with a knife so that the milk passes to the bottom of the mold.

    Bake the cake for 50 minutes, until the top is browned. After that, leave to cool, then take it out of the mold and transfer it to a dish. Sprinkle icing sugar on top of the cake.

    You can serve Bulgarian apple pie with tea or milk.

    We wish you all Bon appetit!