Quick cottage cheese muffins in silicone molds. Cottage cheese muffins in silicone molds in the oven recipe with photo

Cupcake recipes with simple step by step photos instructions

40 minutes

190 kcal

5/5 (4)

Acquaintance with this delicacy began corny, with a photo in a magazine. From the recipe written in the same place, it became clear that anyone can cook it. Having bought a mold, they immediately put it into operation, and work with "small forms" of baking began. Our next dessert is muffins with cottage cheese.

  • Inventory and kitchen appliances: two tall bowls, a mixer, a set of silicone molds, an oven.

Necessary products

How to make curd muffins: a step by step recipe

I try to make 12 mini cupcakes in one go. For a family, this is not so much, especially if you consider how fast they "fly away" from the plate. All of the listed ingredients are designed for exactly this amount. You can adjust the "plus or minus" by calculating the flow rate for one portion.

The stove can be preheated by “spinning” it up to +190 - 200 ° С, open the oven for a couple of minutes and set the desired temperature. This will ensure a more uniform heating of the dough.

Now I will share exactly how muffins with curd filling are made.

Stage 1 components

  • Butter;
  • Eggs;
  • Salt;
  • Sugar;
  • Vanillin.

At the very beginning, you will need to melt a 150 gram stick of butter. This is done over low heat, all this time we mix the resulting liquid. After fully firing up, let it cool.

Taking a deep bowl, beat the eggs. You can spin at high mixer speeds while adding salt. We send sugar next, trying to fill it up evenly (if you "burn" it right away, you will have to work additionally with a mixer).

Vanilla is also expensive there. The mixture must be scrolled with our apparatus.

Stage 2 components

  • Cottage cheese;
  • Soda;
  • Lemon;
  • Flour.

I put the prepared cottage cheese in a separate and also deep vessel. I rub it thoroughly with a fork or pusher (to a fine fraction).

Only a few English cafes adhere to a completely "original" procedure for making British muffins.

When it's chopped, add the base for the dough and cool butter... We will mix all this "mix" soundly to get a homogeneous mass.

Taking a spoonful of soda, I extinguish it with drops lemon juice... We also put it in a bowl with a blank. You have to press from the heart - such a training of the hand. Now it's the turn for the flour. Pre-sift it so that the cottage cheese muffins are airy.

3rd stage components

  • Vegetable oil.

It remains to grease the molds vegetable oil... I have two sets of 6 pieces each. I smear the filled oil with a brush on all walls.

I spread the dough itself about 2/3 of the height of the molds. Many have a better eye, and more confidence - they put it almost on the edge. I insure myself a little, because you never know how the dough will behave during the "emergence".

A couple of minutes before that, I give the command to preheat the oven to the required +180 ° C. A working oven will bring curd muffins to silicone molds to the required condition in 20 - 25 minutes.

After this time, a small readiness test will have to be performed. Taking a skewer or a toothpick, I “feel” the fresh product. If nothing stuck, then it worked out wonderfully well.

Look into the oven periodically to check how the dough is rising.

The most impatient will have to wait, our yummy must cool down for at least 7 - 10 minutes. Then you can move on to "decorating".

How to decorate and serve baked goods beautifully

Letting the cupcakes cool, sprinkle them with powdered sugar, passed through a fine strainer. In fact, there are a lot of decoration options: marshmallow or oil creams, melted or shabby chocolate. On the "top" you can hoist pieces of any fruit or berries. Look on the shelf - if you can find coconut flakes, will come out generally great.

We are accustomed to the fact that baked goods decorate the family "tea ceremony". This is true, although it serves as a great addition to various fresh juices and milk. Several times we tried a bite of cocoa - it turned out superbly and somehow especially cozy.

Cooked small muffins keep their freshness for a long time, so they can be easily transported somewhere. For example, at the "sweet table" at the place of work.

Everyone has already understood how curd muffins are prepared, to which our recipe with a photo, considered step by step, is dedicated. But there are also some nuances that should be known.

Cupcakes are first mentioned in documents from the 14th century. Then they were served exclusively as a Christmas delicacy.

They relate mainly to the "technical side" of our today's delicacy.

A newbie may be a little confused by the inconsistency about the amount of dough to be poured into the molds before being sent to the oven. Some sources advise to take in full, and many housewives advocate "a little more than half." Everything here directly depends on the stove, or rather its condition. If the heating is done unevenly (as is the case with old equipment), it is better to not take a little. Moreover, the risk of cracking should also not be discounted. New oven can calmly "digest" and the dough, collected to the very side.

One thing can be said about the fillings - there are a lot of their options, from zucchini to banana. There is already someone to taste. Only when choosing ingredients, try not to include "conflicting" ingredients in the list. You should also not get carried away with sour (although this is already a matter of taste).

Only melt butter over an open fire. A microwave or multicooker simply will not provide the same effect as a familiar hotplate. Try to stand at the stove at this time, stirring the mass.

In addition to the usual oven, you can also use a multicooker. Only she has one drawback, and it concerns her small capacity. Indeed, no more than six molds will fit into the bowl of this unit. And if the form is solid (for example, for the same 6 cells), then there is nothing to think about: only the oven.

In addition to silicone, familiar metal devices will also work. They must be carefully sprinkled with flour, even before filling.

The most popular cake of the 16th - 17th centuries was the "Dresden" muffin. It is also known as stollen.

Another trick for those with a sweet tooth is that you can place a whole piece of chocolate right inside the mold. It will warm up and soak curd cream for muffins. So the already unique taste can be brought to almost perfect. Children are delighted with such simple "tricks".

Video recipe for making curd muffins

You can see how the yummy is made here:

After watching such a video, anyone can cope with cooking. Even if there is no great "kitchen" experience - it doesn't matter, just follow the instructions. And then the result will be a pleasant surprise.

Invitation to discussion and possible improvements

Don't forget to share your gastronomic secrets. Other readers will be interested in different filling options or some innovations in powders. The most original ones can complement our recipe over time.

If you have cottage cheese in the fridge, and you do not know what to cook from it, then remember about cottage cheese muffins. Such homemade baking absolutely all family members will like it. You can cook it with the addition of nuts, raisins, dried apricots and prunes.

Curd muffins

To make baked goods, we need:

  1. Butter - 150 g.
  2. Cottage cheese - 250 g.
  3. Chicken eggs - 3 pcs.
  4. Baking powder - a teaspoon.
  5. Cinnamon, vegetable oil.

Melt the butter in a saucepan. Beat eggs with sugar in a separate bowl. Add cottage cheese and butter there. And then, stirring constantly, add flour.

You can add cinnamon or nuts, dried fruits. The dough should be as thick as thick sour cream.

You can bake curds made of silicone. Lubricate all cells with a brush. And then you can fill them with dough. Turn on the oven in advance and heat it up to a temperature of 180 degrees. We put the forms in the stove and bake for about half an hour.

So the cottage cheese muffins are ready. Delicious and aromatic, it is not a shame to offer them to guests. And all the relatives will appreciate them. And you will hear a lot of compliments addressed to you.

Filling for curd cake

We figured out how to bake curd muffins in silicone molds. The recipes are completely different. They differ mainly in the use of various fillings for baking. And the truth is, there is where fantasy roam. You can take absolutely all berries: strawberries, currants, blackberries, raspberries, blueberries. Very tasty with nuts, marmalade, candied fruits, chocolates... And you shouldn't forget about dried fruits: prunes, dried apricots, raisins. They all go well with curd tender dough... Also use and fresh fruits(apples, pineapples, pears, bananas). Let's also remember about boiled condensed milk.

They even make combined fillings, for example, chocolate with cherries, or chocolate with nuts and dried fruits. In general, there are a lot of options. It all depends on your imagination and taste preferences.

Cottage cheese muffins with cream and syrup

The finished baked goods are tasty and not sugary, they have a light curd aroma, they are slightly moist and tender. Cottage cheese muffins in silicone molds are quick and easy to prepare. They are perfect for breakfast with tea or coffee. And especially children will be delighted with them. They can also be called for help in cooking, because they love to fantasize and will be able to offer something original.

So, we offer absolutely wonderful recipe cottage cheese muffins soaked in syrup.


We begin to prepare curd cakes by mixing butter (50 g), sugar (180 g), salt to taste and two eggs in a mixer bowl. You can add orange zest. Beat all this well, and then add cottage cheese (100 g) and mix until smooth.

Sift flour (180 g) through a sieve and add a bag of baking powder. Then pour this mixture into the dough and mix thoroughly.

Now put the resulting mass in the forms. In each cupcake, you need to drown a strawberry, raspberry or blackberry berry (berries and fruits are taken according to the season). Or you can use frozen foods. And put them directly cold.

Cupcake impregnation syrup

Delicious and juicy cottage cheese cakes are obtained if they are soaked in syrup. To prepare it, take half a liter of water, heat it up, add sugar (80 g) and any berry jam or mashed potatoes. Bring to a boil and add 100 g of cognac or amaretto.

Pour the ready-made curd muffins generously with syrup, because they must be thoroughly soaked. Since the baking dough is very airy, it absorbs moisture well, increasing in volume.

Making cream for decoration

It remains only to decorate the curd muffins with cream. To prepare it, take the cream (150 g), heat it up, add a little lemon and orange zest, and cocoa butter (17 g). Then we put White chocolate(50 g) and cottage cheese (100 g). All ingredients must be thoroughly mixed, and then beat with a blender until smooth, and add cream again (200 g). Ready cream should be infused in the refrigerator for a couple of hours. After that, you need to beat it again.

And now you can decorate the curd muffins with cream and strawberries.

Another cupcake recipe

If you do decide to pamper your family and guests delicious pastries, then we want to offer you another recipe for cottage cheese muffins. A completely ordinary set of products and a simple technology for preparing this recipe literally captivate.

We need the following ingredients:

  1. Eggs - 4 pcs.
  2. Cottage cheese - 0.4 kg.
  3. Powdered sugar - 200 g.
  4. Vanillin, baking powder.
  5. Butter - 100 g.

With a mixer, you need to slowly beat the eggs with powder. You have the right to regulate the amount of powdered sugar yourself. Then add oil to the mass, which will also give softness. After that, add cottage cheese, vanillin and baking powder. You can also add cinnamon. Beat the whole mass with a mixer so that the dough has the most homogeneous structure as possible.

Lubricate the silicone molds with butter (you need to melt the butter), and then spread the dough. If you want to get a curly top of the cupcake, then it is better to spread the mass through a large bag. The forms should not be filled to the very top, because the dough will grow during baking. The top of the pastry can be brushed with yolk. It will give it a beautiful color.

It is very important to place the dough tins in hot oven... Cupcakes are baked at one hundred and eighty degrees and fifty minutes. IN finished form they need to be put to cool in the molds themselves, then it will be easier to get them later. You can serve pastries by pouring condensed milk or liquid chocolate.

Varieties of cupcakes

If we talk about curd baked goods, then I would like to remind you that muffins can be baked not only in the form of small buns. Large size silicone molds are also sold. And you can make one or more large muffins from the same dough using the same recipe. It all depends on the situation. Sometimes portioned baking is convenient, and sometimes a large cake will look more appropriate, because it can be soaked in syrups in the same way, cut into separate pieces and smeared with cream. It will turn out wonderful sweet dessert... In general, you can experiment with cupcakes and do something interesting and unusual.

A very tasty and wonderful dessert will turn out if inside a large cake there is a filling of several types of fruits and berries with the addition of grated chocolate, which will melt and soak the porous dough. In the context, such a delicacy will turn out to be bright and beautiful. And the taste of the finished cake will be incredibly tender, moist, thanks to fruit syrup and chocolate. From above, you can decorate it with dried fruits. All in all, simple baked goods can be turned almost into a cake. And at the same time, you will not spend a lot of time and effort on cooking.

Instead of an afterword

So, we talked about how to cook cottage cheese muffins. A recipe with a photo will help you understand the baking technology of such products and options for decorating them. Having tried to cook such pastries on your own once, you will understand that it is not at all difficult, and you can always please your family with homemade cupcakes.

Today I have Easter cottage cheese muffins in silicone tins that are baked in the oven. This is great recipe for those who have no time to bother with Easter cakes, but want to bake something for the holiday. It will not take you a lot of cooking time, and they are baked for about 30 minutes.

The recipe for Easter cottage cheese muffins, I showed you with a photo, so that all the processes are clearly even more clear. Believe me, even a novice hostess can repeat everything without difficulty.

I also use silicone and paper molds for baking them, but you can take any, it's at your discretion. Take any size and type of forms, because they can be made not only in the form of cupcakes, but also in one large one.

I throw candied fruits as a filling, and if you don't have them, take raisins, dates, dried apricots or something else. You can make an assortment and put different filling options in them. I really liked the recipe for the cottage cheese Easter cake and I will definitely bake them again, but next time you can not pour anything or make icing from chocolate.

This recipe for cottage cheese muffins in silicone molds, I have relatively recently, but I already liked them, because they come out tender and soft, and often cottage cheese pastries may not be very successful and rubber, but not in this case. Additionally, I advise you to look at the recipe for Easter cake, which I made with sour cream and I also really liked its taste.


  • Cottage cheese - 130 g
  • Butter - 75 g
  • Sugar - 150 g
  • Salt - a pinch
  • Chicken eggs - 2 pcs.
  • Flour - 150 g
  • Baking powder - 1 tsp
  • Candied fruits - to taste
  • Egg white - 1 pc.
  • Powdered sugar - 100 g
  • Lemon juice - 3 drops

Candied Easter Cupcake

So, to make a curd cake for Easter, I first knead the dough. I grind the cottage cheese into a bowl through a sieve, and if you have it already homogeneous, then you do not need to grind it. Then I add sugar and soft butter. Then I add salt and drive in the eggs.

Beat all this with a mixer at the lowest speed, until smooth. Then add flour and baking powder. It can be added not in parts, but immediately all the required amount.

I mix it all and it turns out very tender curd dough, without lumps.

Now, to make the recipe for Easter cottage cheesecake even more delicious, I add candied fruits or any other dried fruits to your taste.

As a result, the dough turned out to be of medium consistency, that is, not liquid and not very thick. It should not drip off the spoon.

I make cottage cheese muffins in silicone and iron molds. But be sure to insert paper into the iron ones, then you don't need to lubricate anything and they can be removed without difficulty. Next, I fill these molds with dough and you can put them to bake in a preheated oven, at 180 degrees, for 30 - 35 minutes.

5 minutes before readiness I do protein glaze... Pour icing sugar into a deep bowl and add one egg white, as well as a couple of drops of lemon juice.

Many sweet tooths are crazy about cottage cheese muffins. This treat can be prepared in holidays, but you can serve it for a simple tea party, delighting your home with delicious pastries.

You can prepare curd cakes in silicone molds according to one of the recipes I have proposed. The shapes can be different, for example, a round cupcake or a rectangular one.

It's up to you to decide which cottage cheese muffins in tins will be served to the table, especially since today there are a huge assortment of silicone bakeware on the market.

The filling for muffins with cottage cheese is not limited only to raisins or cherries, you can make baked goods with orange peel, candied fruits, in general, the list of what can be used is really great.

Curd muffins in molds will have not only appetizing view, but also delicate taste... Such pastries are tasty, healthy and loved by many, both children and adults.

Make sure in the photo that these are not just words, and bake them yourself. Below I propose to study my recipe for cottage cheese muffins, which can be cooked in the oven at home using silicone molds.

Simple curd muffins

The recipe for making sweet pastries involves the use of such products: 400 gr. cottage cheese; 50 gr. sah. powder; 1.5 tbsp. flour; 150 g sl. oils; 125 gr. Sahara; 3 pcs. chickens. eggs; 12 gr. baking powder; vanillin about a pinch.

The technology for baking pastries in silicone molds is simple:

  1. I sow flour 2-3 times. You've probably noticed that many recipes provide for this process, because in this way it is possible to saturate it with oxygen.
  2. Sl. I melt the oil using the oven. This should be done over low heat.
  3. Shake sugar and eggs, add butter, vanillin, cottage cheese and beat the resulting mixture well.
  4. I mix the flour and baking powder and add there, but I mix everything with a whisk and add the flour slowly so as not to spray it.
  5. Beat the dough at low speed, but gradually add it to achieve a uniform dough consistency.
  6. Always wash and dry silicone molds before using. It is very convenient that they do not need to be lubricated. fat. I put the dough in a bag or pastry bag to fill the mold 2/3 full.
  7. I bake in the oven at 180 gr. about 30 minutes. You can decorate with sah. powder. Remember that the muffins will need to cool before being removed from the oven.

Cottage cheese muffins with cherry filling

My recipes are easy to prepare and don't include hard-to-find ingredients. To bake curd cakes in silicone molds, you will need to take this set of products:

400 gr. cottage cheese; 1.5 tbsp. sah. powder; 2 tbsp. flour; 250 g sl. oils; 2 tsp van. Sahara; 3 pcs. chickens. eggs and 1 chickens. protein; 1 tsp baking powder; 3 tbsp. l. kart. starch; 1 pack. confetti.


  1. I prepare flour, just as the previous recipe indicated. I mix it with baking powder so that there are no lumps. I grind sugar into powder using a coffee grinder. I warm up the sl. butter and pass the curd through a sieve. You will need to get the seeds from the cherries and wash them thoroughly.
  2. I mix the sah. powder with eggs, beat the mass and add to the butter. I need to get a fluffy foam, and therefore I beat for 10 minutes.
  3. I beat the curd mass and add to the mixture, I also add a van there. sugar, flour and baking powder. I need to get a thick mass, and therefore I beat it at high speed.
  4. I roll the cherry into the cards. starch, put in ready dough, but very carefully so that the berries do not warm up. I fill out the forms 2/3 and bake for 20 minutes at 180 gr.
  5. When the curd muffins are ready, I make a decoration. For this purpose, I use glaze. To do this, add the egg yolk, beat it with a fork until frothy and mix with 100 gr. sah. powder. Look at the density, 50 gr. will also suffice.

I decorate curd muffins with icing and cover them with a package of confetti.

Sweet Raisin Cottage Cheesecakes

You need to take these products to bake cupcakes in silicone molds:

250 g cottage cheese; 20 gr. flour; 150 gr. margarine and boneless black raisins; 250 g Sahara; 2 pcs. chickens. eggs; 1 tsp baking powder; vanillin about a pinch; 3 tbsp milk.

We begin to prepare curd cakes in silicone molds:

  1. I pour the raisins with boiled water for 10 minutes, let them cool and dry them.
  2. I sow flour, put baking powder in it.
  3. I soften the margarine.
  4. I knead the dough - grind margarine and cottage cheese, beat eggs and sugar. I mix the two mixtures and put in the vanillin.
  5. The dough will be dense, and therefore you need to add milk and raisins there. I mix everything well again.
  6. I bake the dough in the form of a bake for about an hour - one and a half at 180 gr. in your oven. To understand if the cake is ready, you need to check it with a wooden stick. If you stick it in, and it is wet and not baked, it’s too early to get the baked goods.

But that's not all, I still have a very entertaining recipe for sweet curd pastries. Below is a recipe using orange peel that will interest lovers of original pastries.

Cottage cheese muffins with orange zest

Look at the photo how beautiful these curd muffins are. Most importantly, the orange flavor is even stronger the second day after cooking.

You can fully appreciate the orange aroma that comes from it, and enjoy the amazing taste.

To make curd muffins, use:

140 gr. cottage cheese; 20 gr. sah. powder; 150 gr. flour and sugar; 80 gr. sl. oils; 2 pcs. chickens. eggs; 1 tsp baking powder; peel from one orange, which must be chopped into a zest.

Cooking process:

  1. I prepare all the ingredients in advance. I sow flour, mix with baking powder.
  2. Sl. I soften the butter.
  3. Pound cottage cheese, beat margarine and sugar. Rub the orange peel on the shallow side of the grater.
  4. I mix cottage cheese and eggs together, achieving a homogeneous mass with a mixer.
  5. Then I put flour and 1 tsp in the mixture. baking powder, zest.
  6. Stir and fill baking tins. I send for 20-35 minutes. in the oven, bake at 180 gr.
  7. I advise you to decorate the cupcakes, but you can leave them like this, this will not change the taste. But remember to let the baked goods cool before taking them out.

You can take sah as a decoration for baking. powder, icing, or grated chocolate on top.

In fact, the recipes do not indicate what exactly you need to decorate a sweet treat for the whole family, and therefore connect your imagination to this.

The recipe is very simple, and therefore should not cause you problems, even if you are just mastering cooking and baking.

If you are not in the mood or the weather is rainy outside, this is not a reason to deny yourself sweet cottage cheese pastries. Every recipe on my blog has its own pros.

Anyway, I advise you to follow my example and spoil your family with wonderful pastries more often.

To bake cupcakes without any problems, I advise you to read the information below:

  1. Do not neglect the flour sifting procedure. Thus, you can provide airiness and tenderness to baked goods.
  2. Planning to add dried fruit to the dough? Be sure to wash them and fill them with water. Then sprinkle with flour. Thus, the percentage of adhesion with the dough will improve, which is very important for the cake.
  3. It is better to cool the cream, eggs before cooking, then they will easily beat.
  4. Avoid slamming the oven door as the cupcakes may fall off otherwise.
  5. If you work with puff pastry, so as not to damage future baked goods, grease your hands with rast. oil.
  6. When the mold and dough are very sticky, it is worth steaming it a little using a steam bath.
  7. Do not decorate a warm cake with cream, it will flow.
  8. The mixer paddles and bowl will allow you to beat the chickens. egg whites, if dry and clean, otherwise the operation may fail.
  9. To make the decorations, and the cream, including, lay on the cupcakes in the best way, freeze them in advance.
  10. The dough should be put in a bag during kneading and continue to work with it so that the mixture does not stick to your hands.
  11. Put the dough in the mold so that there is a depression in it, then the sponge cake will not rise in the middle.
  12. To whisk the whites thickly, put a little salt in them before that.
  13. Puff cakes will be soft if you put 1 tablespoon in the dough. three percent vinegar.
  14. To remove stains from the silicone molds in which the muffins were baked, use one-to-one ratio of baking soda and salt.

My video recipe

Cottage cheese is an inimitable product in its versatility. In combination with minimal set other ingredients it makes delicious and dissimilar culinary "tricks". And silicone molds help to diversify the serving and make baking easier. We offer to master interesting recipes cottage cheese muffins in silicone molds.

Safety comes first!

Times when consumers were wary of the new kind kitchen utensils- utensils made of silicone - fortunately passed. Now silicone molds can be found in the kitchen of every self-respecting housewife. However, every medal has a flip side. There was a high demand - and low-quality products were instantly lined up on the shelves.

The main advice when choosing silicone cookware is to have a certificate. Baking should not only be tasty, but also safe. Moreover, the one that children also eat with pleasure. For example, diet curd cakes.

Indirect signs of low-quality food grade silicone are odor and brittleness. A good silicone mold should not smell and change color (whiten) at the fold. And she shouldn't smell good either. In some cases, this is a sign of even lower quality products.

And one more tip: do not rush to the bright. The acidic shades of silicone are not at all in favor of its quality.

"Silicone" rules

Silicone molds don't require much attention. They are easy to clean and burnt food can be easily shaken off without leaving any residue. However, for all their advantages, containers also have some disadvantages.

First of all, it is their instability. The slightest wrong movement - and the contents, if liquid, can be spilled. Therefore, there is a rule: first, silicone molds are placed on a stable surface and only then are they filled. After that, you don't need to move and rearrange them anywhere.

The second rule is to never cut anything in these shapes. Silicone is very "vulnerable".

Silicone cottage cheese muffins: a recipe for a classic base


  • 200 g of cottage cheese of any fat content;
  • 1 tbsp. Sahara;
  • 3 eggs;
  • 120 g butter;
  • 4 tbsp. l. raisins (optional);
  • 1.5 tbsp. flour;
  • 1 tsp baking powder.

To decorate:

  • 2 eggs (only whites, yolks can be put in the dough);
  • natural or safe artificial food colors.


This curd cake recipe with photo step-by-step cooking can be taken as a basis for many variations on the theme of curd muffins.

Read also:


  • 100 g soft cottage cheese;
  • 1 jar of vanilla yogurt
  • 3 tbsp. l. flour (with a slide);
  • 1 egg;
  • 100 g shortbread cookies(better than chocolate);
  • 50 g butter;
  • 250 g frozen cherries or 1 tbsp. fresh;
  • 3/4 Art. Sahara;


The preparation of these muffins is fundamentally different from the previous ones.

  1. Crumble the cookies to small crumbs and mix with soft butter.
  2. Divide the resulting mass into 4 silicone molds (depending on their size) and lay out in a dense layer on the bottom.
  3. Mix cottage cheese with sugar in a blender or grind very well in a bowl. The mass should be without lumps, homogeneous.
  4. Add an egg to the curd, and then yogurt and flour. Mix everything very well.
  5. Put the resulting mass in portions into molds on a sandy bottom.
  6. Preheat the oven to 220C. Pour water into a large refractory container and place the filled silicone molds in it. The water should reach almost halfway through the contents of the forms. Bake for 30 minutes.
  7. Remove the finished muffins from the molds only after they have cooled completely.
  8. Remove the pits from the cherries, put the berries in a colander. You can stir them a little with a spoon and squeeze lightly. We don't need extra juice.
  9. Put the cherries on top of the finished muffins, sprinkle with powdered sugar.

Ingredients and cooking technology are given above in step by step recipe curd cake with photos. It can be used as a base and for curd-banana muffins. But the cream will have to work a little.


  • 200 g (small pack) sour cream - can be replaced with heavy cream;
  • 2 bananas without dark spots;
  • 2 tbsp. l. powdered sugar;
  • 1/2 packet vanillin (if vanilla is not available, you can use vanilla sugar)


  1. Beat the sour cream with a powdered sugar mixer until it becomes smooth and thick. If you have high-fat cream instead of sour cream, stop whipping it as soon as it gets thick. Otherwise, you can get oil and whey separately. However, such an attack can also happen with sour cream. So don't overdo it.
  2. Peel the bananas, break them coarsely and put them in a blender. We make a homogeneous airy puree out of them.
  3. Quickly, until it darkens, mix the banana puree with whipped sour cream.
  4. We cut the finished muffins, take out a little pulp from the middle with a teaspoon (such yummy will not be lost!) And fill with banana cream.


  • 400 g of cottage cheese;
  • 1/2 tbsp. milk;
  • 1 pt vanilla sugar;
  • 40 g gelatin;
  • 100 g sugar;
  • any berries.


  1. Place cottage cheese, milk and sugar in a blender and beat until smooth.
  2. Prepare gelatin according to the instructions on the package. Heat until dissolved.
  3. Mix gelatin with curd mass... Pour into the split silicone mold and put in the cold to freeze.
  4. Put the berries on the cooled cake. Sprinkle with powdered sugar if desired. Delicious dessert ready!