Indian samosas recipe. Indian Samosa Fruit Pies Recipe

Delicious appetizing hot samosas are often sold today in Crimea, on the beaches. It is not uncommon to hear the voice of the seller, who beckons buyers with a loud cry: Samosy! Delicious hot samosas!

Samosas are actually a popular South Asian dish. It became known throughout the world as the Vedic vegetarian food originally from India. These pies with varied filling made from flaky text and deep fried. Anyone who has tried samosas at least once will definitely want to eat them again.

We cook samosas not only with vegetarian fillings, but with the most different, including meat. In the same Crimea, pies with fruit and berry filling are popular. You can often buy real Indian samosas made from vegetables with oriental spices. And the Crimean Tatars prepare this dish from minced meat- beef, lamb, chicken. These pies are often called samsa.

Today we will cook pies with two different fillings - with cheese and lamb.

Samosas with Adyghe cheese

Samosas with Adyghe cheese and herbs are a kind of "Caucasian-Crimean" version. To prepare them, we need the following products:

  • flour - 400 g
  • water - 100 ml
  • Adyghe cheese - 450 g
  • butter melted - 300 g
  • vegetable oil - 100 g
  • greens (cilantro, dill, parsley)
  • spices (coriander, curry, turmeric)

Cooking samosas with cheese

Pour flour into a bowl, pour in vegetable oil, salt. Stir until flaky. Then add water and knead the dough until a homogeneous elastic mass is obtained. We cover and put in a warm place for half an hour.

Cooking the filling. Grind the cheese, finely chop the herbs.

Put 2 tablespoons of ghee in a hot skillet. Add spices to the melted butter: coriander, turmeric and curry. Mix and add cheese. Mix again. We want the cheese to melt a little. Then add the greens and mix everything again. The filling is ready.

Roll out the dough into a sausage and divide it into 12 parts. From the obtained pieces of dough, we form balls and roll them out with a rolling pin. Cut into two halves with a knife.

Moisten the edge of the straight side of the half of the circle from the center to one of the ends. We fold both ends so that the cone comes out. Now we fix the cone by tightly connecting the ends. We fill the resulting cone with the prepared filling by about two-thirds. We pin the edges, forming a seam in the form of a twisted string.

Heat the pan. For deep fat, put ghee. When frying, samosas should be half immersed in deep fat. We fry in turn on each side. Turn over or remove when a golden crust is obtained.

We spread the samosas on any flat dish and wait for the remaining oil to drain.

Crimean samosas with lamb

Samosas with meat are often called samsa. This dish is known here thanks to people from Central Asia. It is prepared in Uzbekistan, Turkmenistan and other former republics. In Crimea, samsa is sold directly on the streets of cities by Crimean Tatars. To prepare it, we need the following products:

  • puff pastry - 1 pack
  • lamb - 650 g
  • onion - 2 onions
  • cumin - 1.5 tsp
  • black pepper - 1 tsp
  • egg - 1 pc
  • sesame seeds
  • oil

Cooking Crimean samosas

Instead of lamb, you can take beef or chicken. Cut the meat very finely with a sharp knife.

We also chop the onion quite finely and add it to the meat. Add pepper and salt.

We knead everything well with our hands. We put the resulting filling in the refrigerator.

Cut the puff pastry sheets into small cakes.

We roll out the pieces of dough, getting flat, like pancakes, cakes.

We fill the obtained "pancakes" with prepared meat filling.

We fold the cakes into triangles. Preheat the oven to 220 ° C.

Mix the egg with two tablespoons of water. Lubricate the samsa egg mixture... Sprinkle sesame seeds on top. Grease a baking sheet with oil and put prepared samosas on it.

We bake the pies until a golden brownish hue is obtained. First at 215 ° C for 20 minutes, then another 15–20 minutes at 175 ° C.

Text: Evgeniya Bagma

One of the most popular dishes Vedic cuisine - samosas - cannot leave indifferent even the most violent anti-vegetarians. They are easy to prepare and just as easily (that is, in an instant!) Are eaten by everyone, without exception.

How to make samosa dough?

Samosas, including the famous Indian vegetable samosas, are Vedic pies that are fried in a lot of oil. They can be prepared with both regular fillings (vegetables, rice, tofu, etc.) and sweet (fruits, nuts, custard etc.).

To prepare dough for samosas, you need 1.5 liters of flour, 150 ml vegetable oil, 3 tsp. salt and 1 tsp. soda. Sift flour into a large bowl, pour in butter, mash the flour and butter with your hands, add salt, soda, knead a thick soft dough. Add a little water if necessary. Wrap the dough in plastic wrap for 15 minutes. This amount of dough is enough for 32 samosas. Divide the dough into 2 parts, take one, and cover the second with plastic wrap so that it does not wind up. Divide the piece into 8 equal pieces. Roll each part into a thin oval, cut each oval into 2 identical halves. Take the half of the oval, fold it into a cone, place it on the table with the seam down and push from the inside so that the seam of the cone sticks together. Put the filling for samos into the resulting "little bag", pinch the top edge with your hands soaked in cold water. Decorate the seam with a pigtail. Place the samosas on a dry surface.

Samosas are fried in deep saucepans or a saucepan with a thick non-stick bottom. The oil should be enough to completely cover the samosas. Heat the oil well and then dip the pies into it. Fry on both sides and remove with a slotted spoon to allow the glass to excess oil.

Samosas: recipes for fillings

Samosas with rice.

Ingredients: 375 g of rice, 150 ml of vegetable oil, 3.5 tsp. salt, 1 tsp. turmeric, 1 fork white cabbage, 70g tomato paste, 400g Adyghe cheese(paneer), 1 bunch of dill, 1 tsp. caraway seeds, 2 tsp. coriander, 2 tsp. asafoetids, ¼ch.l. chili pepper, 2 tsp. black pepper.

Preparation: cut the cheese into cubes, fry in vegetable oil, cover with salted water overnight, discard in a colander. Rinse the rice, add 40ml of vegetable oil, fry while stirring, add 700ml of water, salt, turmeric, stir, cook until the water is absorbed and the rice becomes crumbly. Chop the cabbage, put in a saucepan, add salt, pour 75ml of water, simmer for 5 minutes, add tomato paste, black pepper, water, stir, simmer for another 2 minutes. Heat 40 ml of vegetable oil, add cumin, coriander, asafoetida, chili pepper, heat, pour oil into rice, add cabbage, finely chopped dill.

Samosas with fruits.

Ingredients: 2 apples, 1 orange, a glass of sugar.

Preparation: cut the apples into cubes, grate the orange zest on a fine grater, peel and cut the orange pulp and cut into slices, put the fruit and zest in a saucepan, cover with sugar. Fry over medium heat until the fruit caramelize, cool.

Samosas with potatoes.

Ingredients: 400g potatoes, 1 tbsp. ghee, 1 onion, 1 bell pepper, 100g canned peas, 50g cashews, chili powder, curry, salt.

Preparation: boil potatoes in their skins, peel, cut into small cubes. Bell pepper and peel the onion, chop thinly, fry a little, mix with potatoes, add green pea, nuts, spices, salt, mix.

Samosas with custard.

Ingredients: 25g butter, 150g sugar, 500ml milk, 3 tbsp. flour.

Preparation: melt the butter in a saucepan, add sugar, when the sugar darkens, pour milk into it, stir until the caramel is completely dissolved. Dilute 3 tablespoons of water in a little water. flour, pour the solution into a saucepan with milk, mix until smooth.

Samosas are best served hot, but they retain their wonderful taste qualities... For unsweetened samosas, you can serve sauce - for example, tomato sauce. Sweet - sprinkle with powdered sugar before serving.

Fruit samosas are crispy dough products with a lot of fruit filling. Spicy and ruddy pies and ask to be in the mouth.

Samosas - a traditional recipe


  • flour - 400 g;
  • water - 160 ml;
  • sugar - 50 g;
  • apple - 200 g;
  • pear - 150 g;
  • raisins - 50 g;
  • butter - 30 g;
  • cognac - 15 ml;
  • cinnamon - 5 g;
  • a pinch of salt.


Samosas with fruits - the recipe is simple and quick, it will not take you much time and will pleasantly surprise you with the result. To make the dough, mix flour and salt and add water in small portions to this mixture. Knead the dough and refrigerate for an hour.

Rinse the fruits, peel off the tails, seeds and peels, cut them into small cubes. Transfer them to a saucepan, add butter, sugar and two tablespoons of water. Simmer the fruit until cooked, the mixture should have a puree consistency. If the apples and pears are ripe, then you do not need to add water. Pour the raisins with boiling water and cognac for 15 minutes.

Mix fruit puree and raisins and refrigerate the filling. Remove the dough from the refrigerator and roll it out, then cut into pieces, and roll each piece into an oval cake. Cut the cake in half, join the halves and pinch all sides except the one where the cut was made. It turns out a kind of pocket.

Repeat this step for all pieces of dough. Conceive them fruit filling and close up the last edge. This process is the most difficult in making samosas. When the filling is closed in the dough, all that remains is to deep-fry the dish.

To do this, heat a liter of vegetable oil in a small frying pan. If you have a deep fat fryer, fill it 80% with oil. Samosas should be fried for 3 minutes, until the dough acquires caramel color... Put the finished samosas on a paper towel to drain excess fat. Sprinkle cinnamon on the items and serve.

Samosas - recipe with berries


  • flour - 400 g;
  • water - 160 ml;
  • sugar - 100 g;
  • cranberries - 200 g;
  • red currant - 150 g;
  • butter - 30 g;
  • nutmeg - 5 g;
  • a pinch of salt.


If you know how to make samosas with fruit filling, making berry ones will not cause you any difficulties. Dough in this recipe prepared similarly to the first method.

To prepare the filling, place the berries and sugar in a saucepan and cover with a lid. Boil the mixture for 5 minutes or more, until all the berries have burst and the sugar has dissolved.

Roll out and start samosas using the technology from the previous recipe. Fry them in oil for 3 minutes. Ready pies sprinkle with ground nutmeg and serve warm.

If you are a fan of oriental desserts, then do not forget to cook and. Bon Appetit!

Samosa (samosas) - pies of the original form with vegetable filling deep fried. The National dish Indian food, vegetarian, spicy. Samosas satisfy hunger well and are a kind of fast food in India, sold everywhere on the streets and markets, on buses and trains. Spicy, hearty and crunchy.

The dough for samosa is kneaded unleavened, sometimes flaky, but the filling can be any. The most commonly used are potatoes, beans, carrots, peas, green beans, onion. Traditionally, a lot of hot spices are added: chili, cumin, coriander, turmeric, etc. Indian "triangle pies" are fried in a large amount of oil and served hot.


for the test:

  • wheat flour 500 g
  • vegetable oil 4 tbsp. l.
  • salt 1 tsp without top
  • cold water 200 ml

For filling:

  • potatoes 2 pcs.
  • carrots 1 pc.
  • peas 3 tbsp l.
  • onions 1 pc.
  • garlic 1 tooth.
  • chili pepper 2-3 rings
  • zira 2 chips.
  • turmeric 2-3 chips.
  • coriander 2 chips.
  • parsley 0.5 bunch
  • vegetable oil 1 tbsp. l.
  • deep fat oil 300 ml

Total cooking time: 40 minutes / Yield: 20-24 pcs.


    First you need to knead the dough. I sift the flour into a bowl, add salt and refined vegetable oil. I rub it with my hands. A crumb should form.

    Stirring with a spoon, pour in cold water... I knead it quickly, it should be tight, but elastic dough like plasticine. I cover it with a towel and leave it for 20 minutes at room temperature.

    While the dough is lying down, I am preparing the filling. I peel potatoes and carrots, cut them into small cubes and boil until cooked in boiling salted water, put them in a colander and cool. For peas, green, frozen, or canned peas work well. If you have fresh peas, then boil them in boiling water for 5 minutes, and then put them in ice water to preserve their beautiful emerald color. If you have frozen peas, then simply pour boiling water over it and leave for 3 minutes, and then drain all the liquid. Canned vegetables do not need additional processing, you just need to drain the liquid from the can.

    I cut the onion into cubes, finely chop the garlic with a knife, remove the seeds from the chili pepper and chop finely. I heat up a frying pan with oil, sauté the onions with garlic, chili, cumin, coriander and turmeric. I fry for about a minute, stirring constantly.

    Then I add potatoes, carrots and peas to the pan, pour in 2-3 tbsp. l. water, add salt to taste and heat for 2-3 minutes. Add finely chopped parsley and cool.

    While the filling is cooling down, I return to the dough. I divide it into 10-12 pieces in size egg... I roll each piece into a cake about 2 mm thick and cut the resulting oval vertically into two parts.

    I connect the cut and press it to make a bun of dough. I fill it with filling and connect the open edges, it turns out a pyramid - a triangular pie, which is traditional for samosa.

    I heat up the oil for deep fat (a large amount so that the pies float freely in it). I dip 2-3 pies in boiling fat and fry until golden brown on both sides. They fry quickly, the main thing is to warm up the oil well, then it will not be absorbed into the pies, they will turn out to be crispy on the outside and soft on the inside. I spread the samosas on a paper napkin to remove excess fat.

It turns out a whole slide of crispy pies with spicy filling- 20-24 pieces depending on the size. It is better to serve them hot, you can add a light sauce. Bon Appetit!

Today we are going to talk about one of the most popular Vedic dishes. Of course, these are samosas. For those who first encountered such baking, we explain that these are pies that are fried in a large amount of vegetable oil. So, samosas: recipes for dough and various fillings.

Real Indian Samosa Pies

How to cook samosas? The whole secret of this baking is to knead the dough. And a step-by-step recipe will help us do everything right.

It is interesting! Samosas are found not only in Indian cuisine, but also in Crimean and Uzbek cuisine.


  • 0.6 kg of sifted flour for the dough;
  • 60 ml of refined vegetable oil for dough;
  • 200-300 ml of purified water;
  • vegetable oil for frying;
  • 10 g cumin;
  • 10 g of spices "Garam Masala";
  • 10 g mango powder;
  • salt;
  • sifted coarse flour for breading;
  • 7-8 potatoes;
  • bulb;
  • 150 g frozen green peas.

Attention! The classic Indian recipe for samosas involves adding ground chili pepper to the filling. If you like spicy food, include this ingredient in your recipe.


  1. Sift the flour and combine with refined vegetable oil.
  2. Add caraway seeds to the resulting mass, as well as ½ tsp. salt.
  3. We introduce water in small portions and mix the base. We need a firm dough.
  4. Divide the dough into small portions and roll them into half-palm sized lumps.

  5. Now we bread the resulting circles in sifted coarse flour and roll them into a thin layer.
  6. Lightly fry the resulting tortillas in a dry frying pan. It will take literally two minutes. This trick will make our dough crunchy.
  7. Preparing the filling for samosas. Peel and rinse the potatoes. Boil the root vegetables in salted water.
  8. Break the finished potatoes with a fork. Attention: we do not need to bring it to a puree state, just mash it slightly.
  9. Peel the onion, chop finely with a knife and put it on the potatoes.

  10. Now add the Garam Masala seasoning and mango powder. Stir the filling well. Salt it if necessary.
  11. Let's go back to the tortillas. Let's cut them into two equal parts. Fold it in a stack and trim the edges with a knife.
  12. In a separate small bowl, mix the sifted flour with purified water. We should have a sticky paste like this.
  13. Lubricate the workpiece with the resulting mass on one side.

  14. We fill the envelope with filling.
  15. We fasten the edges well. We will get these triangles.
  16. Pour the refined vegetable oil into a deep saucepan. We calculate its amount based on the fact that samosas should literally completely immerse themselves in oil.

  17. Fry them until golden crust stirring with a slotted spoon.
  18. Put the finished samosas on a baking sheet covered with a kitchen towel to get rid of excess oil.
  19. These are the Vedic pies we got.

On a note! You can add baked pumpkin pulp to the filling.

Crimean samosas: traditional recipe

Now consider Crimean recipe samosas with fruits. These pies will surely be appreciated by your household.


  • 50-70 g of icing sugar;
  • 2 apples;
  • 200 g sifted wheat flour;
  • 30-35 g butter;
  • 50 g steamed raisins;
  • salt;
  • purified water;
  • refined vegetable oil;
  • taste ground coriander and cinnamon powder.

Attention! You can add any fruits and berries to your filling.


Attention! Samosas can be fried in a deep fryer.