How to grease pies for shine. Beautiful, ruddy pastries: how to make pies ruddy? Sour cream glazing

Bakery homemade always tastier than any other. Neither children nor adults will refuse such a treat if they stand on the table delicious buns with a fragrant crust.

It is imperative to observe the proportions of the dough and the recipe so that the buns turn out to be great.

Only start baking in a good mood, putting all your love into baking. Do baking in a good mood and in a great mood, otherwise nothing good will come of it.

Your mood will be transferred to baking, and therefore, having eaten such a bun for breakfast, each family member will have a whole day with good mood, and therefore any task to submit to him.

In fact, recipes do not always indicate how to grease buns before baking or after cooking. Many housewives ask this question when starting to bake at home.

Lubrication of the buns really does play a big role. The end result of the appearance of the baked buns will depend on this particular procedure. It is worth trying to make the buns shine.

What and how to smear

I recommend brushing your baked goods with a silicone brush, which you can buy at any utensil store. Today, such a product is not uncommon and it is likely that a similar kitchen attribute is already in your home.

If this brush is not at hand, then you can replace it with a brush based on goose feathers, tea bags, a gauze swab. In fact, the instrument plays a secondary role. You need to be able to act correctly.

The hostess should perform light movements, almost weightless. Create in the kitchen, creating real culinary masterpieces in the oven, which will certainly delight your loved ones!

Baking Lubrication Recipes

I am aware of a variety of coating options for baked goods for a vibrant color. I will present this information in this article, and you already read it to the end and decide on which recipe suits you the most.

The result will be the same: beautiful and ruddy buns baked in the oven.

Chicken Egg Lubrication

The most common way to grease buns is by simple chicken. egg. It is customary to use it in different variations, for example, only the yolk or a whole egg.

In the first case, the pastry will be covered with a yellowish, bright crust with a rich taste. If you want a milder shade, it is worth diluting the yolk with milk.

Stir the mixture well, and then you need to grease the rolls with it. If you wish, you can add sugar to the batch, then the coating will have less gloss.

Dilute chickens. an egg can be sour cream, water, sugar. Try different variations of this method by choosing best recipe for yourself, pampering your loved ones with delicious pastries.

After your efforts, you will receive a lot of compliments in your direction. This makes it easy to lubricate baked goods.

Tea brewing

The baked goods will have a golden brown crust, but you should not expect shine. You can grease the buns with sweet tea, just brew it stronger.

Components: 3 tbsp. Sahara; 100 ml boiling water.

Cooking Algorithm:

  1. Stir the mixture and let stand for a couple of minutes.
  2. With cooled tea, you need to grease the buns.

By the way, in this case it will be appropriate to take a tea bag instead of a brush and grease it. There is another popular recipe for greasing buns, which is popular with modern housewives.

Components: 1 tbsp. flour and 100 ml of boiling water; 3 tbsp Sahara.

Algorithm of actions:

  1. Stir all ingredients.
  2. Grease baked goods.

The result will delight you with the bright matte shade of the buns.

Milk glazing

To improve the external characteristics of the buns, it is worth using warm milk. When the buns are almost ready, you need to take them out of the oven and use a silicone brush to apply warm milk on top of the dough.

Do this as quickly as possible and send the baked goods to the oven to bake. As a result, the buns will be covered with an appetizing crust with ruddy casks.

Sweet buns can be made shiny by using more than just warm milk for lubrication, but by sweetening it with sugar. Delight your family more often with baking, and then go about your business.

Water glazing

This method will appeal to all those housewives who want to bake beautiful pastries, but do not want to go to the grocery store.

Lubricating sweet pastries with plain water can help them develop a vibrant crust and soften the dough.

Some housewives sweeten the water and begin to grease the rolls with it. The result is a bright, glossy glaze on the buns. By the way, if you want to achieve such a goal, you need to take a simple sweet soda and grease the buns.

You will be amazed at the result, and you will always grease so that the rolls are even more appetizing.

Vegetable oil

Vegetable oil will help to realize the desire to bake pies with a soft crust. You can take any kind, be it just sunflower, corn or olive.

It should be warned that you should not expect a bright and glossy crust from oil-free glazing.

Lubricate rast. butter not only rolls, but all other baked goods made from puff pastry or stretching. This must be done before baking.

But if you decide to give softness to yeast or butter dough, it is better to lubricate with vegetable oil in finished form, but when the rolls are still hot.

Sour cream glazing

This recipe is appreciated by many housewives.

You need to take: sugar; flour; sl. butter and sour cream.

Algorithm of actions:

  1. I mix sour cream with flour.
  2. I add melted butter, but pre-chilled.
  3. I add sugar to the mixture and mix again. You need to get a smooth, homogeneous mass.
  4. I cover the pastries with glaze.

Mix of butter and chicken yolk

Butter glazing can be used not only for buns, but also for not very sweet cakes.

Components: 2 tbsp. melted sl. oils (can be replaced with margarine); 1 PC. chickens. yolk.

Algorithm of actions:

  1. The composition of the sl. add the yolk oil.
  2. I grind the mass so that it has a homogeneous composition.

The resulting grease will perfectly complement the dough. The rolls will become soft, and they will be decorated with a glossy crust with bright highlights of the sun. Such rolls were on the table of every grandmother in our childhood.

Mix of butter and flour

The icing recipe is very simple.

Components: melted sl. butter; water; flour.

Cooking Algorithm:

  1. Sl. melt the butter and let it cool.
  2. I mix the sl. oil with cold water.
  3. I bring in flour. I grind the mass.
  4. I grease the rolls with the mixture, send them to bake.

In the event that the rolls are sweet, add sugar to the mixture. By the way, it is not necessary to always add sugar to the icing. You can grease the rolls with the mixture, and then grind the sugar. During baking, it dissolves evenly and is absorbed into the dough.

Solar glazing

This recipe will appeal to all lovers of colorful pastries. The thing is that the lubricant will be bright and sunny. This effect is due to the addition of the solar spice turmeric.

She has her spicy taste which is loved by many healthy food aficionados.

Components: 1 piece chickens. egg; milk; turmeric.

Algorithm of actions:

  1. Beat chickens. egg.
  2. I pour in milk and add turmeric, just a little.
  3. Stir and grease baked goods.

Topping for buns

It is possible to add brightness to products not only with the help of enrobing. To make the rolls even brighter, more fragrant, beautiful and mouth-watering, I advise you to use: sesame seeds, poppy seeds, coconut flakes, sesame seeds, crushed pumpkin seeds or sunflower seeds.

An excellent alternative for oat baking will become pre-fried oats. flakes. To prevent the sprinkling from falling off, you need to grease the baked goods before applying it.

Cheese topping for delicious buns

Cheese topping will certainly provide savory rolls with a ruddy and appetizing crust. In this case, lubrication of the dough is not necessary at all. It is worth making several cuts in the buns after proofing, or simply pushing a couple of holes with a knife.

Add grated cheese with sl. butter and crushed garlic. The rolls will turn out to be fragrant, and even with a delicious, nutritious bake. Your loved ones will be delighted with such a treat.

Sometimes, even the most experienced housewife can twist in the kitchen and completely forget about greasing baked goods for shine. You shouldn't be upset in this case at all.

  • The finished products will also look wonderful if you know one secret: when you take the rolls out of the oven, you can anoint them with plain water. You can also sweeten some water.
  • Place the rolls on a wire rack, covered with a tea towel. If you are afraid to smear the towel with baked goods, you can put paper on top of the rolls, and only then cover.

Each of the above options will be useful to the hostess. We all choose the recipe that is not only the easiest, but also affordable.

But it's interesting to try a new bun grease every time to make them shine, adding variety to your table. Do not be afraid to experiment, because in culinary art this skill is always welcome!

My video recipe

What can a homemaker boast about? Cleanliness in the house, comfort, well-organized life, happy household members. But that's not all. Homemade cakes are the main characteristic of a good housewife. How to grease the brownies? This information will be extremely useful and informative. Read and memorize.

Glossy blush: all the secrets of home baking

It's no secret that any dish looks more appetizing and more attractive if it is originally served and decorated. Show your imagination, especially since the confectionery world does not limit it.

It just so happened that pies, pies, croissants, rolls and other delicacies should always have a glossy and appetizing amber crust. Do you think this is unrealistic, in particular for lean confectionery? Not at all. Now we will turn your culinary consciousness upside down and tell you how to grease pies before baking.

There are always options

Let's start with the familiar classics. Of course, we are talking about chicken eggs NS. Many housewives use whipped yolk to grease the surface of their baked goods. The result is appetizing golden brown and an attractive glossy sheen.

When to grease pies with an egg? The age-old question. Before heat treatment, of course. The yolk will bring the brightest colors to your baked goods. But there are other tricks that famous pastry chefs sometimes resort to.

You can use the whole egg, just beat it well before applying it to the baking surface. In some cases, it is recommended to take exclusively protein. This way, the baked goods are guaranteed to acquire an attractive gloss, but the golden hue will be rather weak.

Unsweetened baked goods should also be appealing. In this case, the white of one egg can be mixed with water. 1 tbsp. l. crystal liquid will suffice.

If you want to show your culinary skills in all its glory and, so to speak, strike with weapons of mass gastronomic destruction, prepare an egg glaze from the following components:

  • chicken eggs;
  • oils;
  • granulated sugar;
  • water.

Light glossy shine, appetizing crust and the ruddy surface will be the main decoration of the pies.

Our forgetfulness often sticks in the wheels. What if the pies are already reaching in the oven, but the cherished shine and blush have not appeared? You can use a little trick. No magic or fraud, just sleight of hand and ingenuity. Dissolve granulated sugar in milk and grind egg yolk. You can decorate with such glaze already ready-made baked goods... The result will surprise you. The confectionery product will not only become softer and more appetizing, but also acquire the coveted amber shine.

As if by magic, the pastry turns into ...

Have you looked into the refrigerator and found no chicken eggs in it? And the household is already looking forward to your signature pies? No problem. Now we will share secret information on how to grease the pie if there is no egg.

Tea is not only a fragrant drink

Using freshly brewed tea, you can add a golden brown crust to your baked goods. There will be no gloss, but this is not the main thing. Housewives who prefer to cook lean pastries resort to this trick.

To prepare such a lubricant, you will need strong tea and granulated sugar. The mixture will turn out to be very thin, but you can fix it with flour. Just a couple of tablespoons of the bulk will do wonders.

Milk rivers

Milk copes well with any difficulties in baking. It is not only added to the dough, but also used as a glaze. In order for the surface of the baking to acquire the cherished gloss and ruddy color, the milk needs to be slightly warmed up. It is better to do this in a proven grandmother's way - in a water bath. And to give confectionery additional sweetness, you can add a couple of tablespoons of granulated sugar or powder.

Universal glazing: what's the secret?

To prepare a unique and delicious glaze, we need a classic set of products:

  • butter;
  • egg yolks.

Thanks to this tandem, the baking surface will become rich amber color and will shine in the sun with all the edges of the gloss. The butter is melted until a liquid homogeneous state, and then mixed with the yolks.

A little trick: the oil mass should not be hot, otherwise the eggs may curl. Anything, including unsweetened baked goods, is lubricated with such a mass. Before or after baking - decide for yourself.

Water is the source of life

If you don't have at hand necessary products, ordinary water will give the desired gloss to the baked goods. The crystal liquid makes cakes and other pastries softer. And the color will change a little: it will turn out more saturated. Water can be mixed with sifted flour and butter. The liquid must be cold, and the flour must be sifted.

Instant transformation

The usual sugar syrup... It is better to cover the pies with such a lubricant after heat treatment. Although, in exceptional cases, this can be done during baking. Better then, use a kitchen spray.

In a matter of seconds, your confectionery masterpiece will be able to transform refined vegetable oil. Prefer olive oil. Do not forget about the bees' favorite delicacy. Honey water or pure honey will also have a positive effect on the prepared delicacy. Amber color, dazzling gloss and additional aroma are not all the benefits of using such a glaze.

If you want to hide the flaws of the prepared pies or croissants you have made, you can use a thick icing that is made from flour, butter and sour cream. Of course, the rosy color of the pastry will not be visible, but in the gloss you can see your reflection.

Home fragrant pastries at all times, everyone liked it, leaving no one indifferent, neither children nor adults. For pies, buns, and also pies to be a success, it is not enough to cook them according to the selected recipe. You need to put all your love into this process and be sure to apply the "final touch" to the products before baking - glazing, which will give the pies not only appetizing view but also amazing taste.

How can you grease the pies before or after baking? Every housewife asks this question when she is going to bake pies or buns. After all, the final result depends on how they will be lubricated: the pies become more ruddy and appetizing, with a soft and glossy shiny crust.

The pies can be greased before or after baking using a silicone brush, gauze pad, tea bags, or a natural goose feather brush. It does not matter what the glazing will be applied with, it is important to do it with light, almost weightless movements.

Exists various options glazing and each housewife chooses the most optimal one for herself, which is suitable for a particular type of dough.


The most common and simplest glaze is a chicken egg. It is used entirely or only the yolk. With the addition of milk, sour cream or water, as well as sugar. Yolk-coated pastries have the brightest and richest crust. For a more moderate color and gloss, the yolk is diluted with milk. If you want to get pies with a bright crust, but with a less pronounced gloss, it is recommended to add sugar to the milk-yolk mixture.


Warm milk is also used as a glaze, which is suitable for any type of baking. To do this, a few minutes before the pies are ready, using a brush, you need to grease their surface with warm milk and place them in the oven again until golden brown. Sweet rolls and pies will have a mouth-watering and moderately shiny crust when brushed with sweetened milk.

Sweet tea

For sweet pastries to acquire a golden brown crust without gloss, you can grease the pies with sweet strong tea. To do this, dissolve 2-3 tablespoons of sugar in 100 ml of hot tea leaves. Grease buns or pies with the cooled mixture. As a "brush" you can use tea bag... Some housewives also dilute a small amount of flour (1 tablespoon) in a sweet brew and lubricate the products with this liquid glaze. As a result, the crust takes on a matte bright color.

Plain water

To make the color of the crust appear a little, and also it becomes softer, you can moisten the ready-made, still hot pies a little with plain water. Some mistress-mistresses grease ready-made sweet pastries with sweetened water (or sweet soda). As a result, such buns and pies acquire a bright, glossy crust.

Vegetable oil

In order for the baked goods to acquire an unusually soft crust, the pies are greased with any vegetable oil, be it sunflower, olive or corn oil. However, you should not expect a shiny crust from this glaze. Vegetable oil can be greased before baking puff pastry or stretch dough. Yeast or butter pies it is better to lubricate with oil already ready-made, but still hot.

A mixture of butter and yolk

For all types of pies and pies (sweet and not so), butter glazing is suitable. It is prepared as follows: add the yolk to softened butter or margarine (1-2 tablespoons) and grind to homogeneous mass... Pastries coated with such a glaze acquire a rather soft, bright and glossy crust.

Sour cream glazing

Before baking, grease sweet pies and buns very well with a mixture of sour cream, butter and flour, sprinkle with sugar on top. To prepare this glaze, sour cream must be thoroughly mixed with flour and combined with chilled melted butter. Mix the mixture well again until smooth and homogeneous.

A mixture of butter and flour

You can also grease any products with a mixture of flour and butter before baking. Mix the softened butter with a little water (cold), add a little flour and grind. Grease the pies with this mass before baking. For sweet pies and pies, add sugar to the mixture.

Of course, of all the listed options, each hostess chooses the easiest and most affordable one for herself. But after all, every time, using a new grease for pies, you can diversify the festive look of your pastries. Don't be afraid to experiment in the kitchen.

How to grease pies, pies and buns after baking so that they shine, are rosy and soft? This question is asked by many novice hostesses, because everyone wants homemade cakes to be ruddy, with a glossy crust, and usually - if you do not use some tricks - the baked goods turn out to be without shine and completely pale.

The whole secret of softness, shine and golden color of baked goods lies in the glaze. And if in simple words - before cooking, baked goods need to be greased with an egg or any glazing option that suits you (a lot depends on the dough, the method of molding and your personal preferences).

This article will focus on exactly how to grease pies and buns so that they are golden brown and what needs to be done to make them shine after baking.

Any glazing is applied to the dough after proofing, about five minutes before planting it in a hot oven. The products have already risen well, they have become lush, now you need to decide what to cover the top with. First, I will tell you how and how to grease pies and buns, I mean how the glazing will be applied to the surface of the dough.

This must be done very carefully so as not to damage the dough, not to lower it. Use a soft brush, preferably natural bristle or a silicone cooking brush. If there is a quill, it's great. In the absence of either one or the other, roll a piece of gauze in several layers, dip in the prepared composition and squeeze lightly. In no case should you press on the surface of the products, the movements should be light, weightless. First, they are passed with a brush along the top of the product, moving to the edges, then they are coated in a circle so that the buns and pies are rosy on all sides.

If the glaze is applied carelessly, unevenly, then the baking will be ugly, with whitish stripes and spots. It is very important that the composition with which you cover the dough is warm, i.e. you need to get the egg out of the refrigerator in advance and beat it or heat the milk a little.

How to grease pies and buns before baking so that they are golden brown

Egg-oil mixture
Sour cream
Sweet tea or brew
Warm water
Vegetable oil


When they write that baked goods need to be greased with an egg, novice housewives have a question - what do they grease the pies with: with protein or yolk? Or a whole egg? Egg white is used for other purposes, for protein glaze, there will be a separate article about this. And pies and buns are smeared with a beaten egg or egg yolk. Beat the egg with a whisk or fork until light foam appears. If desired, you can add a little sugar or pour in a spoonful of milk, but with the addition of milk, the blush will be paler. If smeared only with yolk, the crust turns out to be very ruddy, brownish, bright, glossy. Usually a mixture of yolk with water or milk is made, in proportion to one yolk of a spoonful of liquid. The surface will not be so dark, but shiny, glossy, even.

Egg and butter mixture

Suitable for any type of dough. Beat the egg into a foam, adding 2 tbsp while beating. l. water and 1 tbsp. l. melted butter. Water and oil are added in several stages, alternately 1 tsp. Immediately after cooking, the glaze is applied to the dough and placed in the oven. To make the crust very bright, make a yolk-oil mixture. In a warm bowl, rub one yolk with a spoonful of soft butter until it melts or until a liquid homogeneous mass is obtained.

Sour cream

Another common question: how to grease the pies if there is no egg? You can replace the egg with sour cream, it will give a uniform light golden crust, but there will be almost no gloss. It is better to use sour cream liquid, not very fatty, keeping it for some time at room temperature. For sweet buns and pies, make sour cream glaze, mixing liquid sour cream with flour and melted butter. The mixture is applied in an even layer and sprinkled with white or brown sugar on top.


Warm milk is used to grease any baked goods from any type of dough, both before and after baking. The crust will turn out to be golden-ruddy, thin, moderately shiny, without gloss. For sweet cakes and rolls, add a few pinches of sugar to the milk, stir and apply to the surface before sending it to the oven. Unsweetened baked goods can be greased twice - before placing in the oven and five minutes before being cooked.

Strong sweet tea or brew

This type of glazing is used for sweet products. In half a glass of hot, very strong tea or fresh brew, add two tablespoons of sugar, dissolve and allow to cool to room temperature... Pies and buns are greased with a concentrated drink before being sent to the oven. As a result, the products acquire a bright intense blush, matte, without gloss.

Warm water

The purpose of this type of glazing is to show the color of the crust and soften it. Usually used for savory lean baking, buns from bread dough, McDonald's hamburger buns, unleavened pies. For sweets, you can add a little sugar to the water. Lubricate the baked goods with water a few minutes before cooking and as soon as they were taken out of the oven. The crust will become darker and softer, with a slight gloss or matte finish.

Vegetable oil

To make the crust soft, grease the pies with butter. But when to do it depends on the composition of the test. Puff or puff is greased before baking, and yeast pies and buns after being removed from the oven while hot. There will be no shiny crust, but the blush will appear a little, but the most important thing is that the pies and buns will remain soft for a long time even if they are not covered.

How to grease buns and pies after baking to make them shine

Honey syrup
Berry and fruit syrups
Sugar syrup
Butter, ghee, or vegetable oil

Honey syrup

For sweet pies and pies, buns this perfect option glazing. It softens, brightens and flavors at the same time. Take an equal amount of honey and warm water(2-3 tablespoons each), mix and grease hot baked goods as soon as they are removed from the oven. It will become rosy, with a glossy sweet crust and will smell delicious with honey. But keep in mind that honey syrup has a very rich taste and aroma, and if you baked a pie with a lot of spices, then you should not grease it with honey syrup so that the aromas do not compete with each other.

Berry and fruit syrups

if you have homemade jam or jam, making sweet syrup is a matter of a few minutes. Mix jam with water to form a thick viscous liquid. Strain it, remove the fruit pulp. Jam is even easier - separate the syrup from the berries and cover the hot cakes or rolls. It is advisable to use light jam and jam: from peaches, apricots, apples. Choose a syrup appropriate for your baked goods. If in doubt about the right solution, use apricot - it is considered universal. The surface will become shiny, glossy, slightly sticky, if desired, sprinkle the top of the buns with crushed nuts.

Sugar syrup

Flavors are often added to the sugar syrup, which is used to cover finished products, to give it a more contrasting, rich taste. It can be alcohol (liquor) or lemon juice... To make sugar syrup, you need to take equal amounts of sugar and water (for example, 3 tablespoons each). Boil after dissolving the sugar crystals over a minimum heat for 2 minutes. Lubricate the baked goods with hot syrup so that it not only covers the top, but also absorbs into the crust. It will become tasty, shiny, slightly sticky.

Butter, ghee and vegetable oil

Ghee is used to soften the surface and give the crumb a pleasant taste, mainly cakes are smeared with it. But for yeast buns and pies, this option is also suitable. A shiny crust will not work, it will be evenly ruddy, matte. It is better to melt the butter and apply a thin layer of liquid to the finished baked goods. The crust will darken, become soft and shiny. Vegetable oil is used for the same purpose - to soften and tint the finished baked goods.

Beautiful, fragrant pies loved by adults and children. Remember the exciting moment in childhood, when a grandmother takes a handsome man out of the oven, bursting with heat and burning with gold, and immediately the saliva begins to run. To make the baking a success, she put a piece of her love, warmth and care into it. But that is not all. Even if the dough rises remarkably, it may remain pale and ugly in the oven. Today we will talk about how to lubricate pies for a golden brown crust.

Before, after or during

This is one of the most important questions to decide before putting your product in the oven. The algorithm is as follows: while the dough finally fits on a baking sheet, you must turn on the oven to warm up. You cannot put delicate products in a cold oven.

Now let's move on. What is the chosen shape? Small pies can be greased in advance. Baking from tender, puff or shortcrust pastry is carried out in the same way. Even during cutting, cover them with prepared glaze and send them to the oven. They will bake perfectly, and the top will not have time to burn.

Below we will take a closer look at the various options than greasing pies for a golden brown crust, but for now, let's finish the thought. Large items with meat or fish will last much longer in the oven, so it is recommended to postpone the glaze. About 10 minutes before cooking, you can take out the cake, apply the selected composition and return it back. It is not recommended to go far away now, as soon as the surface becomes ideally beautiful - it's time to pull it out.

Plain water

Since making a pie is not so difficult, this dish often happens on our table. But what if times are tough, and there is only enough food for the filling? How to grease the surface so that your family will eat your concoction with pleasure? It couldn't be easier. Immediately after baking, go over the surface with a brush moistened with water. This will not give the shine, but will make the crust more ruddy and softer. This is usually enough, because you are not cooking for a competition.


This is the very first thing that comes to mind. Indeed, what is there to think about, how to grease the pies for a golden brown crust. Beat an egg, waved a brush - and the result is obvious. This is the simplest and most effective type of glazing used by almost all housewives. However, there are some subtleties here. An egg is a yolk + white. In this case, everyone decides for himself what to use. If you take only protein, then it will give a light bloom. Add some sugar for a meringue that's good for Easter baking... but bakery products should be golden, for this we are today talking about how to grease pies for a golden brown crust. Housewives use the following options.

The whole egg is beaten and applied to the surface of the product. What is the advantage of this method? The pies are very beautiful, tender and ruddy, as if sunburnt. The warm shade goes well with delicious products. He has only one drawback - the appetite becomes indomitable.

Someone likes pies or pies to be not just golden, but dark brown. There are two options for this: add a little sugar to egg mixture(a teaspoon without a slide) or take only the yolk. If you are afraid that in this case it will turn out pale, then just a few grains of sugar are enough, and your product will shine with a chocolate gloss.

Sweet tea

Of course, this option works best for buns. The baked goods become even tastier from a golden, beautiful crust. However, this recipe can be adapted "just in case."

Here is a product on your table, ready for baking, and the eggs are over. Do not run to the store. How to make a golden brown crust on a pie? Very simple, make some strong tea leaves and cool. The tan will be less pronounced, but still noticeable. For 100 g of boiling water, 1 tsp is enough. dry brewing. If the baked goods are sweet, you can add 2 tablespoons of sugar to this amount. For meat pies enough 0.5 teaspoon. A very good lifesaver - be sure to write it down for yourself.

Milky shores

Ask your grandmother how she greases the pies. Surely there is also a milk crust in her arsenal. They did not expect? But many chefs keep this recipe a secret. Unlike eggs, milk produces a tender, soft crust. Therefore, if you make pies that should not crunch, then this perfect recipe. Beautiful pie from yeast dough will come out even with a novice hostess if:

  • let him distance;
  • preheat the oven;
  • bake until half cooked;
  • 5-10 minutes before being ready to take out and grease with warm milk. The last point is very important, because the longer a product covered with such a glaze is heat treated, the darker it becomes. And if the temperature exceeds 180 degrees, then it can burn at all.


Speaking about how to grease pies before baking, one should not forget about the role of fats. It all depends on what effect is needed. If you want the cake to have a magical flavor and creamy taste, then send it to the oven without icing and bake until cooked. After that (now the crust is still quite hard when pressed, but not for long), inject a good piece of butter onto a fork and go generously over the entire surface. When finished, cover the cake with a napkin, then a thick towel and leave for 30 minutes to rest. Delicate, fragrant, soft and ruddy crust is provided for you. True, there will be no gloss.

Vegetable oil

This is another option for those who are wondering how to grease pies before baking. And it is not necessary to take sunflower seeds. Olive, cottonseed, in a word, any vegetable will do, it is only desirable that it be refined, since we expose it to heat treatment... You won't get a shiny crust, but it will be very soft.

The vegetable oil is applied with a brush to puff or puff pastry products before you put them in the oven. But yeast or butter can be glazed still hot, after the oven.

The easiest recipe

If you are a novice housewife, then you may be interested not so much how to cover the surface with glaze, but how to cook it tasty and aromatic. In fact, there is nothing difficult. There are simple recipes for pies in the oven on numerous sites, but today our goal is to find an option that has been tested by time and generations.

Since we assume baking without the use of oil, fats must be added to the dough itself. Otherwise, the products will dry out and become completely boring. The basis will be milk, from which the most delicious and fluffy dough is obtained.

So, take 1 liter of milk, 150 g of margarine, 1.5 kg of flour, 4 chicken eggs, 5 g of dry yeast and 3-4 tablespoons of sugar. The ingredients are simple and are found in every kitchen.

Beautiful yeast dough pie is prepared in a dough way... There are other options, but this is a topic for a separate article. So, heat a glass of milk and dilute yeast in it, add a spoonful of sugar and 8 - flour, leave for 15 minutes. Once the mixture has doubled, all other ingredients can be added. We knead a tender, elastic dough. Now you know how to make a pie. It remains to add the filling. It can be any, but best of all, such a dough is combined with jam and cottage cheese, cherries and raspberries, that is, with sweet fillings.

Meat beauties

And we continue to share secrets with you and tell simple recipes pies in the oven. Speaking about hearty and tasty products with meat and fish, you need to remember that much less fat goes into the dough here. Juicy filling compensates for their lack, and the cake turns out to be very tasty.

So, the classic pie dough is performed as follows. You will need 500 g of flour, 1.5 cups of milk, 30 g of yeast, 1-2 eggs, 1 spoon of sugar and 3 tablespoons of sunflower oil.

The cooking technology is similar. We heat the milk, add yeast, sugar and flour into it. Stir and leave to rise. Do not forget that all ingredients are taken warm (at room temperature), and the flour is sieved. Now we introduce all the other components and leave until the volume doubles. Mix well and put back in the pan to rise again. Now shake out the dough on the table and knock it out, lightly dusting the surface with flour. Everything, you can shape the product. From such a base, you will get a luxurious yeast pie with fish or meat, with cabbage and minced meat, with chicken and mushrooms.

Finishing touch

The foundation is very important. Half of the success depends on what kind of dough you get. And to make the pies ruddy, you just need to apply gloss. Milk, sugar, tea are the best options for sweet rolls. And what to do if a handsome man sits in the oven with meat filling? Try a unique tandem of butter and egg yolk... If you cover the cake with this icing 10 minutes before baking ends, you will get a rich, amber-colored surface. It will shine with all facets of gloss in the sun, delighting your home.

Instead of a conclusion

We have considered the simplest and most reliable recipes for making sweet and meat pies in the oven. Each of them is reliable and can be used in your kitchen. As for the techniques of glossing, here the choice remains with the hostess. If you want, you can do without glazing at all, but the product will lose its attractiveness somewhat.