Butter dough for pie without yeast. Fried pies without yeast

Do you have a little time to cook, or you just don't like the smell of yeast? Then take on board a few recipes without yeast dough.

Obtained in an appropriate way, it can be boiled, fried, baked in the oven. For dumplings, dumplings and noodles, prepare the dough in water or milk.

For lush pies and pies use a soda dough quenched with acid. Unleavened dough for baking, they are prepared mainly with sour cream or with the addition of fat (butter, margarine, vegetable oil). It is so harmoniously combined with various fillings that it is simply impossible to list all the products.

From yeast-free dough excellent lean pasties, belyashi, fried pies, pizza are obtained, pies and twirls are baked in the oven.

Yeast-free dough - general principles and methods of preparation

It would seem that without yeast, the pie cannot become soft and fluffy. In fact, it is possible, moreover, simple and fast. A minimum of products - and the dough is ready in vegetable or butter, sour cream, kefir and even beer. It is most often used for savory pies and toppings. Confectionery from yeast-free dough (shortbread, custard, biscuit, puff, butter fresh) prepared with the addition of animal fats.

Recipe 1: yeast-free pizza dough

This dough is used to form a large country style pizza, cooked on rectangular tins. The filling is prepared separately in a frying pan, and then everything is placed under the grill.

Ingredients: flour (2, 5 cups (leave a little for rolling), eggs (2 pcs), milk (1/2 cup), vegetable oil (preferably olive oil, 1 tsp), salt.

Mix flour with salt and sift onto a work surface. In the center of the slide, make a depression, a "well". Stir the eggs with the warmed milk separately, add olive oil and slowly pour it into the well, gently stirring. The mixture should be absorbed into the flour. Knead the dough, adding a little flour. When the dough becomes elastic (after about 10 minutes), form a ball, wrap in a damp towel and leave to ripen for 15 minutes. Roll out with a rolling pin, put in a mold, prepared filling on top according to the recipe.

Recipe 2: Yeast-free dough for pasties

We all love juicy pasties. Main role the filling plays in this, but the dough is equally important. It should be very dense and at the same time pliable, so that during frying the pasties do not crack and stick easily. It is prepared in milk or water. An interesting dough for pasties can be obtained on beer - hot or cold, regardless of the filling, its quality does not change.

Ingredients: wheat flour (3 glasses), light beer (1 glass), chicken egg (1 pc), salt.

The easiest way to cook. The secret of this dough is in the composition and in the fact that it needs to be kneaded well and left for some time to ripen. Beat the egg with salt. Pour in beer and stir. Pour in sifted flour (how much it will take), knead the dough. After a while, it will become slightly softer. Tear off small pieces and roll out the dough. Chebureks turn out to be very airy, swollen and become soft and lush. Put the finished pasties on paper napkins to drain the fat. For more lean dough you can exclude the egg.

Recipe 3: unleavened dough pie

Yeast-free pie dough - best idea for the "guests on the doorstep" situation, or if you like to cook quick meals... You can use any interesting fillings- vegetables, meat, mushrooms, sweet fillings and others. Interesting ideas to you!

Ingredients: flour (500 grams), butter (250 grams), salt (0.5 teaspoon), egg (1 pc.), A glass of water or milk.

Sift flour and salt, mix with butter from the refrigerator, chop into small crumbs with a sharp knife. Beat the egg, add water and beat again. Pour the dough into the grits and knead well. This dough is perfect for baking filled cakes. Roll it out and keep it in the cold for 15-20 minutes. We spread the filling and bake in the oven.

Recipe 4: yeast-free dough for pies

That's why great recipe can be cooked and fried and baked pies... It is quite simple, but the cakes are amazing. You can stir flour and margarine using a food processor.

Ingredients: flour (3 cups), margarine or butter (100-10 grams), kefir (250 ml), salt (half a teaspoon), baking powder (baking powder, 1 teaspoon).

Flour with margarine is crushed in a food processor, add salt and baking powder. Pour kefir and knead soft elastic dough... We form a ball and transfer it to a cold place. The dough is ready for use in 40-60 minutes.

Recipe 5: yeast-free chicken dough

In ancient times, kurnik was considered a wedding cake. Stuffed to the eyeballs with fragrant chicken, it symbolized prosperity in the house. It was baked from various types of dough, the most quick way- pie on kefir yeast-free dough. We choose fatty kefir, butter (in extreme cases, fatty margarine).

Ingredients: kefir (250 ml), margarine or butter (1 pack, 200 grams), salt, soda.

We extinguish the soda by pouring it into kefir. Melt the butter in a saucepan and cool slightly. Combine the resulting products separately in a bowl. Add flour in small portions so that the dough is not tight. Knead until it stops sticking to your hands. Leave the dough in a plastic bag or cling film for about 1.5-2 hours. Roll out the finished dough and form a cake.

Baking powder is a mixture of baking soda with an acid quencher. Such a mixture is obtained independently by quenching soda with vinegar or fermented milk products. If you think that kefir is not acidic enough, and vinegar is undesirable to use due to any diseases, add a little lemon juice or citric acid... Dilute the acid with water 1: 1.

For various reasons, people do not really like baking made from yeast dough - many simply do not like the smell of the yeast itself. Basically, a recipe is sought quick baking, as they say, on hastily... If preparing lean dish, recipes are taken without yeast, eggs, milk and sour cream.

Delicacies from yeast-free dough can be made in a pan, in the oven, in a slow cooker, and even in a microwave oven.

  • Flour - 2.5 - 3 tbsp.;
  • Draining. oil - 100 g;
  • Kefir - 220 g;
  • Salt - a pinch;
  • Baking powder - 1 tsp

Non-yeast dough for pies at home

Making such a dough is very simple, if you have a food processor or blender, the process is even easier.

How to make the dough:

  1. Combine flour and butter in a blender or food processor. Add salt and baking powder (baking powder) there.
  2. Pour in kefir and knead the dough, very soft and elastic in consistency.
  3. Form a ball of dough, transfer to a cold place.
  4. After 40 minutes, you can work with the dough.

Agree, it's very simple. If the dough is needed for sweet pastries, add the right amount Sahara. So you can bake both delicious simple buns and pies with different fillings- with cheese and eggs, with cheese, ham and onions.

Buns without yeast on sour cream

You can cook quickly yeast-free buns on sour cream.

You will need:

  • Sour cream - 7 tablespoons;
  • Sugar - 2 tablespoons;
  • Draining. oil - 40 g;
  • Yolk - 1 pc.;
  • Egg of chickens. - 3 pcs.;
  • Lemon - 1 pc.;
  • Salt to taste;
  • Flour - the quantity is known during the preparation process.

Softened butter should be mixed with eggs, sour cream, lemon zest and salt. Pour flour until a soft, very elastic dough is obtained. This dough can be rolled into quick pretzels, sprinkled with sugar and baked in the oven until browned.

Than baking buns from ready-made dough, you can quickly mix the base with sour cream - it will be tasty and fast.

Yeast-free baked goods: dough with mineral water

Dough on mineral water often used for making lean baked goods.

For the test itself you will need:

  1. Min. water with gas - 270 g;
  2. Potato broth - ½ l;
  3. Soda - 1 tsp;
  4. Sugar - 1 tsp;
  5. Salt - 2 chips.;
  6. Rast. oil - 110 g;
  7. Flour - 1 kg.

Anything is used for the filling - you can make the same pies with potatoes, with an egg, onions, etc.

Add sugar, salt, oil, soda and flour to the potato broth. Knead the dough, it should become soft. Cover the dough with a napkin and let it rest while you prepare the filling.

Roll out the dough, cut into circles. A spoonful of the filling is placed on each circle, the edges of the pie need to be pinched.

Pies are fried in oil in a pan, for a few minutes on both sides. Fried pies serve with warm tea, and someone uses them instead of bread - with soup, for example.

Examples yeast-free baking mass, and it often does not yield to more familiar recipes. On yogurt, on sour cream, on kefir - there are a lot of options, and every time you can get baked goods with a very interesting, rich taste.

Dough for pies without yeast: recipe step by step with a photo

Flour products have always enjoyed special love in our country. There are many recipes on how to make dough for pies, buns and other goodies. In this case, the "secret" ingredient is often yeast, soda or fermented milk products. It is thanks to these additives that an airy and lush base for culinary masterpieces is obtained.

Each housewife has her own secrets of successful baking, but our article covers the main recipes. delicious dough for pies that will definitely come in handy. By experimenting with the right ingredients, you can create your own perfect recipe homemade baked goods.

The cooking process begins with the selection of suitable products, because nothing good will come of poor-quality ingredients. The main nuances of choosing ingredients for a recipe for yeast dough for pies are given below.

How to choose the right ingredients

  • Flour is used, as a rule, wheat top grade... If the recipe does not specify otherwise, then it is she who is meant. Flour should not contain foreign impurities, have unpleasant odors and lumps. If you squeeze a handful of good flour in the palm of your hand, then the output will be a loose lump that quickly collapses under the pressure of your fingers. If the lump continues to retain its shape, the flour is damp, so it will not be suitable for good baking.
  • The basis can be very diverse. For the yeast version, this is warm milk, kefir, whey, or just boiled water. You can find recipes using fruit juice divorced tomato paste and even beer. Usually these subtleties are used to create pies, cookies and other types of pastries, but for pies it is advisable to make the dough lean.
  • The temperature of the components usually matters as well. To prepare the yeast, it is necessary to provide a warm (non-hot) liquid. Puff pastry recipes, on the other hand, involve the use of all ingredients cold.
  • Grease the finished baked goods on top with a beaten egg and sugar. This will help you get a delicious golden brown crust.

By purchasing high-quality ingredients, you can be sure of a positive outcome of the case, but you still need to know some of the nuances of the correct kneading.

How to knead the dough into pies correctly

  • Flour must be sifted so that it is crumbly and airy. This step will also allow you to identify foreign inclusions that are not needed in finished products.
  • The liquid used must be warm, but not hot. This temperature promotes the rapid growth of yeast, but hot water will simply kill beneficial microorganisms. In this case, the dough will not "rise".
  • The use of spices is also necessary. Salt helps to get an airy texture, and sugar makes baked goods brown by stimulating the growth of yeast bacteria. In this case, it is better not to report any spices than to throw too much of them.
  • It is advisable to grease the surface of the countertop and hands with a little oil so that nothing sticks.
  • It is better to cook the dough for pies in the oven using egg yolks, so it will turn out lush and crumbly.
  • The sponge method provides for some time before the introduction of flour in order for the yeast to rise slightly. Quick recipes are carried out according to the principle of successive addition of ingredients, as well as a minimum holding time.

Having mastered the simple wisdom of kneading, you can experiment with various recipes... Usually inexperienced housewives are afraid to work with yeast, but the principle of their use is simple. The main condition is to provide baked goods with the necessary warm temperature for raising the dough, and also to avoid sharp sounds when the products are in the oven. Do not bang the door, turn on loud music, or talk in a raised voice.

Simple, quick and delicious recipes

The simple rules listed above will help you get the perfect result, and the best recipes collected in our article will help you make a foundation for any occasion.

Simple pie dough

It is best to start your acquaintance with baking with the simplest recipes. In addition to ease of preparation and minimum set products, this solution also has an unconditional plus - always a successful result. Having mastered the basic principles of using yeast, you can try your hand in other directions.

Required Ingredients:

  • warm milk or water - 1 glass;
  • baker's yeast - 25 grams;
  • granulated sugar - 2 tablespoons;
  • vegetable oil - 3 tablespoons;
  • flour - 4 cups;
  • a pinch of salt.

How to cook:

  1. Heat milk or water.
  2. Dissolve yeast in warm liquid.
  3. Add butter, sugar and salt.
  4. Sow flour, add in small portions, stirring constantly.
  5. Pour the rest of the flour on the table, knead the dough.
  6. Transfer the ball to a bowl.
  7. Grease the top with vegetable oil so that it does not dry out.
  8. Cover with a towel and leave in a warm place for about half an hour.
  9. When the dough has approximately tripled in volume, you can start forming the pies.

As you can see, the recipe is not complicated, and the base for baking is lush and tasty. For sweet products, it is necessary to increase the sugar content to half a glass, but usually this option is universal and suitable for use in any version of the filling.

Quick pie dough in 15 minutes

Cooking takes the shortest possible time, and the result will be very pleasing. Quick dough for pies is a great option for working women, because it will be very easy to please your home with delicious pastries.

Required Ingredients:

  • flour - 0.5 kg;
  • butter - 200 grams;
  • milk, fermented baked milk or kefir - 0.5 cups;
  • two eggs;
  • sugar - 1 tablespoon;
  • salt - 0.5 tsp

How to cook:

  1. Melt the butter, mix with salt and sugar.
  2. Beat the eggs, you can use only the yolks, doubling the amount.
  3. Mix milk, melted butter and eggs together and beat well.
  4. Sift the flour and sprinkle it on the table.
  5. Pour the resulting liquid into the flour, knead the dough.
  6. Leave on the table, covered with a napkin for about 15-20 minutes.

The use of quick yeast dough for pies also has an indisputable advantage, because the cooking process is capable of even for inexperienced housewives.

Dough for pies in a bread maker

This multifunctional device has long settled in our kitchens. At the same time, few people pay attention to the fact that in addition to the various recipes used in the bread maker program, most of the devices are also equipped with a very convenient dough preparation function. The process does not require constant intervention, and the prepared base for the pies will be lush and tasty. The main secret success - the exact dosage of the ingredients.

Required Ingredients:

  • milk - 150 grams;
  • dry yeast - 1 tsp;
  • one egg;
  • melted butter (margarine) - 50 grams;
  • sugar - 1 tablespoon;
  • salt - 0.5 tsp;
  • flour - 2.5 cups.

How to cook:

  1. In a separate container, beat the melted butter, warmed milk, sugar and salt.
  2. First we immerse liquid ingredients, then add flour.
  3. Make a small depression on top of the flour and add yeast.
  4. Select the appropriate mode and turn on the device.

After the appointed time, you can take the mixture out of the appliance and use it for baking. This makes an excellent yeast dough for patties, but it can also be used for other purposes.

Butter dough for pies

In principle, for making sweet pastries, you can use universal recipe but using a sweet base is also warranted. The amount of sugar must be precisely regulated, because an excess of it will lead to rapid growth of yeast and just as quickly the dough can "fall". The second threat is an overly browned crust, which can mislead about the degree of doneness of the pies.

Required Ingredients:

  • milk or water - 0.5 cups;
  • flour - 5-6 glasses;
  • sugar - 150 grams;
  • eggs - 5 pieces;
  • butter (margarine) - 250 grams;
  • sunflower oil - 0.5 cups;
  • baker's yeast - 100 grams;
  • some salt.

How to cook:

  1. Crumble yeast into a bowl.
  2. Add sugar and some warm milk.
  3. Stir in a little flour until yogurt is thick.
  4. Leave in a warm place to prepare the dough.
  5. Beat eggs and sugar in a separate container, you can add vanillin for flavor.
  6. Melt the butter and mix everything.
  7. Add vegetable oil and gradually add flour.
  8. Knead the dough and leave to rise for 20 minutes.

The sweet pastry dough is suitable for baking rolls, bagels and homemade pie... In any case, the hostesses will appreciate the ease of preparation and excellent results.

Puff pastry for pies

There is an opinion that the preparation of puff pastry is a very complicated procedure. This is fundamentally wrong, because it is from it that you can make crispy pies, puffs, as well as traditional italian pizza... The main condition for successful cooking is that all ingredients must be cooled sufficiently. Used only cold water, eggs from the refrigerator and pre-frozen margarine. The rest of the cooking steps are presented below.

Required Ingredients:

  • glass of water;
  • flour - 4 cups;
  • margarine - 400 gr;
  • egg - 1 pc.;
  • table vinegar - 1 tablespoon

How to cook:

  1. Grate margarine and mix quickly with flour until melted.
  2. Beat the egg, gradually pouring in water and vinegar.
  3. Gradually pour the liquid into the flour, kneading the dough.
  4. Put in the refrigerator for half an hour.

From such a base, you can cook almost any dish, fry and bake in the oven.

Lean pastry dough

An unusually simple and delicious recipe involves the use of a minimum amount of ingredients. You can make dumplings and dumplings from this mixture, use it for dumplings, and also cook from it homemade noodles... The pies from it will turn out to be not so fluffy, but tasty and crispy.

Required Ingredients:

  • glass of water;
  • flour - 3 cups;
  • a teaspoon of salt.

How to cook:

  1. Pour flour in a slide on the table.
  2. Dissolve the salt in water.
  3. Pour water into flour.
  4. Knead smooth dough.
  5. Leave it on the table, covered with a napkin.
  6. Knead again after 20 minutes.

A big advantage of such a recipe will be the possibility of fairly long storage in the refrigerator, and if necessary, you can freeze it. It is very convenient to knead a large batch at a time and then use the prepackaged bags from the freezer.

Kefir dough for pies

The secret of preparing this mixture is in the fermented milk ingredient, which gives airiness and volume. Usually, these recipes do not contain yeast, which does not get along well with acidic environments. There are small nuances in the further use of the dough, so the recipes for frying and baking will be slightly different.

Required Ingredients:

  • a glass of kefir;
  • vegetable oil - 3 tablespoons;
  • flour - 3 tablespoons;
  • salt and soda - on the tip of a knife.

How to cook:

  1. Mix kefir, salt and soda in a bowl of suitable size.
  2. Leave the mixture for about 15 minutes.
  3. Divide the flour into three portions, sift, and then gradually introduce into the mixture.
  4. Knead the elastic dough.

The dough for fried kefir pies is prepared according to the same principle, and to give elasticity, a portion must be added to the mixture vegetable oil... You can also use melted butter or margarine.

Non-yeast dough for pies

Despite the great popularity yeast recipe, there are some restrictions on its use. Some medical indications prohibit yeast baked goods with a number of diseases, therefore there is at least delicious recipes without this ingredient. Dough for pies without yeast is prepared on the basis of kefir, sour cream or milk. An example of such a mixture is shown below.

  • Put in the refrigerator for half an hour.
  • This recipe works best for fried pies. Instead of sour cream, you can take fatty kefir, as well as a little melted butter.

    Choux pastry for pies

    The use of this cooking method is also extremely popular, as the process is simple and fast. The main requirement is the use of steep boiling water, because in this case the flour must be brewed.

    Required Ingredients:

    • water - 0.5 l;
    • sugar - 50 grams;
    • flour - 4 cups;
    • dry yeast - 1 sachet (11 grams);
    • vegetable oil - 100 grams;
    • some salt.

    How to cook:

    1. Heat half of the water, add sugar, butter and yeast, leave to raise the dough.
    2. Sift flour and mix with dough.
    3. Boil the remaining water and pour into the resulting mixture.
    4. Stir with a spoon to avoid lumps.
    5. When the mixture is cool enough, knead well with your hands.
    6. Form a lump and leave in a warm place for about half an hour.

    To improve the taste, you can use milk instead of water, or simply replace vegetable oil with butter. An important nuance: the dough should not be rearranged from place to place, as well as stress in the form of loud sounds, otherwise a good result may not work.

    Homemade cakes are always in demand for a wide variety of events. Despite the abundance of dishes from foreign cuisines, such delicacies will never disappear from our tables. Variety of fillings and the use of an unconventional approach to the selection of ingredients will help diversify the usual menu.

    At the same time, the main component delicious pastries there is always dough. There are several main types of this base, the preparation process of which involves the use of yeast, soda or yeast-free dough. The best recipes as well as the main secrets happy baking presented in our article.

    I wonder why this happens: you try one pizza and can't come off, and eat a slice of another - it's not at all like something is missing in it. What really is the secret delicious pizza? Do you think in the filling? You are wrong, the whole point is in the test and only in it. To make the pizza really tasty, you need to properly prepare the dough, which, according to its recipe, can be varied, but it is this that will affect the final result of the dish you cook.

    The easiest version of the dough is without yeast. It is without their presence that the dough turns out to be thin and crunchy. By the way, this is the recipe used by Italians. Any housewife can easily cook yeast-free pizza dough at home. The main advantage of such a pizza dough is that it bakes much faster than yeast dough, which means that it will take you much less time to prepare pizza than usual.

    It can be simple unleavened, with sour cream, with butter or with the addition of cottage cheese. The dough for pizza on sour cream turns out to be tender and crumbly, and with the addition of cottage cheese - soft and airy. You can also make yeast-free pizza dough using kefir, beer or mineral water. Each type of pizza dough has its own individual taste. To argue about which dough is better is just a waste of time. It is much easier to cook in turn each of the dough recipes we offer and opt for the one that suits your taste and liking.

    Pizza dough with milk "For Italian pizza"

    2 stacks wheat flour,
    2 eggs,
    ½ stack. warm milk
    2 tbsp vegetable oil,
    1 tsp salt.

    Combine the flour and salt in a bowl. In a separate bowl, mix eggs, milk and vegetable oil until smooth. Gradually, in small portions, stirring constantly, pour the egg-milk mixture into the flour. The flour should completely absorb the liquid and result in a smooth, sticky mass. Begin to knead this mass with your hands, periodically sprinkling flour on it and your hands. The dough will be soft, elastic and smooth. Roll it into a ball, wrap it in a damp towel and let it sit for 15 minutes. When the time is up, dust the table with flour and roll out the dough as thin as possible.

    Pizza dough with olive oil

    2 stacks sifted flour
    ½ stack. boiled, lukewarm water,
    4 tablespoons olive oil,
    1 tbsp baking powder for dough,
    1 tsp sea ​​salt.

    Add salt and baking powder to the sifted flour, mix. Then pour in water first, then olive oil. Knead the dough for 10 minutes until elastic. Roll the finished dough into a ball. Separate the amount of dough you need from it and stretch it on the table with your hands to the required size, and then transfer it to a baking sheet.

    Unleavened dough on mineral water

    3 stacks sifted flour
    1 stack. mineral water,
    1 tbsp Sahara,
    ½ tsp soda,
    ½ tsp salt.

    Combine all dry ingredients right on the kitchen table: flour, salt, sugar and soda. Make a slide, in it - a small dimple and, stirring, add water in portions. Knead a firm dough. Next, tear off a piece of the size you need from the finished dough and, rolling it out on a floured surface, transfer it to a mold or onto a baking sheet and lay out the filling.

    Pizza dough without yeast and eggs

    1.5 stack. flour,
    ½ stack. low-fat kefir,
    ⅓ stack. olive or any other vegetable oil,
    2 tbsp Sahara,
    1 tsp salt,
    ½ tsp soda.

    Mix kefir with baking soda and leave for 10 minutes. Sift flour. Add vegetable oil, salt, sugar to kefir with soda and mix. After that, start, constantly kneading, gradually introduce flour into the dough. This should be done until the dough begins to stick well from the hands, it should be soft and elastic. After the dough is kneaded, cover it with cling film and refrigerate for 30 minutes.

    Whey Free Yeast Pizza Dough

    4 stacks flour,
    1 stack. milk whey,
    3 tbsp vegetable oil,
    1 tsp salt,
    ½ tsp soda.

    Pour whey into a deep bowl, add 1 cup. flour, salt and baking soda and stir well until homogeneous mass... Then add vegetable oil and stir again. Then add the rest of the flour in small portions, carefully stirring in each new portion. Gradually, you will get a well-stretching dough. Divide it into pieces. Lubricating your hands with butter, stretch the dough piece you want to form a circle directly on the broiler or baking sheet, and put the rest of the dough in the freezer until next time.

    Beer pizza dough

    1.5 stack. flour,
    280 ml of beer,
    2 pinches of salt.

    Combine flour and beer and season with salt. Cover it with a towel and leave in a dry and warm place for 30 minutes. Then remember it a little with your hands and leave it again for 15 minutes. The dough should not be very thick.

    Sour cream pizza dough

    flour - how much dough will take,
    2 eggs,
    3 tbsp sour cream,
    150 g margarine
    1 tsp Sahara,
    ½ tsp soda,
    salt to taste.

    In a separate container, beat eggs with salt and sugar, add sour cream and soda to them and mix. Add melted margarine to the egg mass and mix everything thoroughly again. Then slowly add flour to the total mass and knead an elastic dough. Cover it with a towel and let sit for 10 minutes. Then roll out the dough in such a way that it turns out to be a crust.

    Pizza dough with baking powder

    300 g flour
    100 ml of water,
    4 tablespoons vegetable oil,
    1 tsp baking powder for dough,
    ½ tsp salt.

    Sift flour 2-3 times. After that, mix flour with baking powder and salt, pour in vegetable oil and water, which is best added in small portions - 2-3 tablespoons each. Knead the dough until it stops sticking to your hands. Roll up ready dough into a bowl, cover with a napkin and leave for 1.5 hours.

    Sour cream dough with mayonnaise

    2 stacks flour,
    5 tbsp sour cream,
    5 tbsp low-fat mayonnaise,
    1 egg.

    Combine egg, sour cream and mayonnaise in a mixer. Then add flour gradually and do not stop kneading. In the end, the dough should resemble thick sour cream. Pour it gently and evenly into an oiled deep mold. After that, having distributed the filling, you can cook pizza in a pan.

    Yeast-free pizza dough with ghee

    2 stacks flour,
    ½ stack. ghee,
    1 egg,
    1 tsp Sahara,
    1 tsp baking powder for the dough.

    Heat ghee, stir salt and sugar in it. Then add baking powder, separately beaten egg and mix well. After that, add the sifted flour in parts and knead until you get enough soft dough... Cover the finished dough for literally 10 minutes with a linen napkin moistened with water and leave for a while. Then roll it out, sprinkle with flour.

    Pizza dough without yeast on yogurt

    8 tbsp flour,
    1 egg,
    100 g softened margarine,
    100 g natural yoghurt,
    ½ tsp soda.

    Dissolve the baking soda in the yogurt. Add egg, margarine and flour to the prepared mixture. Stir the resulting mass with a mixer. If the dough is too thin, add more flour. Place the finished dough in the refrigerator for 30 minutes. Sift a little flour on the board, put the dough on it and roll a little in flour (this will prevent the dough from sticking to your hands as it rolls out). Shape the dough to the desired shape.

    Pizza dough with mayonnaise and kefir without yeast

    2 stacks flour,
    300 ml of kefir,
    2 tbsp mayonnaise,
    ½ tsp soda,
    ½ tsp salt.

    Drive an egg into the prepared container, add salt and soda to it, mix well the resulting mixture until smooth. Then add kefir and mayonnaise there. Slowly add the sifted flour. The finished dough should be similar in consistency to pancake dough - not too thick and not too runny. Once you get the dough you want, place it in a baking dish so that it is even, without bumps. Lay out the filling.

    Kefir dough

    500 g flour
    1 egg,
    100 ml of kefir,
    20 g vegetable oil
    1 tsp soda,
    a pinch of salt.

    Mix half the flour and salt. Beat the eggs in a thin foam and pour into the dough. Add 10 ml of vegetable oil there, add flour and knead the dough. Add remaining vegetable oil as needed. If the dough turns out to be thin, add a little more flour. Let the finished dough stand for 15-20 minutes before rolling it into a layer. To prevent the dough from sticking to your hands when rolling, grease them with vegetable oil.

    Pizza dough without yeast on cognac and butter

    500 g flour
    150 ml of kefir,
    10 g butter
    2 tbsp cognac,
    1 tbsp Sahara,
    1 tsp soda,
    ½ tsp salt.

    Sift flour into a large bowl, folding it in a small bowl. Make a small indentation in it, put softened margarine, then add sugar, soda, salt and pour in brandy. Knead to a homogeneous dough, shape it into a ball and leave it that way for 1 hour. Then knead and roll again.

    Pizza dough

    2 stacks flour,
    2 eggs,
    2 tbsp vegetable oil (olive oil can be used),
    ⅓ tsp baking soda,

    Break eggs into a bowl, add salt and beat. In a separate container, mix the sour cream and baking soda, add to the beaten eggs and mix well. Then add flour and vegetable oil and knead the dough, it should look like thick sour cream. Give ready dough stand for 20 minutes. After the lapse of time, start forming the pizza, having previously greased your hands and a baking sheet with vegetable oil.

    Dough "As easy as shelling pears"

    4 tablespoons flour,
    1 egg,
    2 tbsp mayonnaise,
    ¼ tsp soda.

    Combine mayonnaise and egg until smooth. Add flour and baking soda to it and knead the dough. Form a ball out of the resulting dough and roll out a cake 2 mm thick from it (it sticks a little to your hands, but, nevertheless, you can roll it out). Bake in oven at 180 ° C for 10 minutes. The pizza will turn out to be thin with a golden brown crust.

    Curd dough for pizza

    1 stack. flour,
    125 g fat-free cottage cheese,
    3 tbsp olive oil,
    1 egg,
    1 tsp salt.

    Add the egg, salt, vegetable oil to the curd and mix well with a mixer. Sift flour onto the resulting mass and knead the dough until it becomes elastic. Then roll it out and place it on a baking sheet. Bake for 10 minutes, then place the prepared filling over it and bake the pizza until tender.

    Yeast-free puff pastry for pizza

    2 stacks flour,
    ¼ stack. water,
    200 g butter
    1 tsp Sahara,
    a pinch of salt,
    citric acid to taste.

    Put butter in flour and, mixing it with flour, chop into small pieces. Then add the rest of the ingredients to this mass and mix well. Roll out the finished dough, fold it several times and place in the refrigerator to cool. After a while, take it out and start making pizza.

    Chopped puff pastry for pizza

    2 stacks flour,
    150 ml of water,
    300 g butter or margarine,
    1 egg,
    1 tsp lemon juice
    ½ tsp salt.

    Sift flour, put chilled butter, cut into small pieces, and chop finely with a knife. Make a depression in flour and butter, pour salted water into it, add an egg, lemon juice and quickly knead the dough. Roll the finished dough into a ball, cover with a napkin and put in a cold place. Before baking, roll out the dough 2-3 times and fold in 3-4 layers.

    D. Oliver's pizza dough recipe

    3 tbsp flour,
    3 tbsp mayonnaise,
    a pinch of salt with a drop of vinegar.

    Combine all ingredients and knead the dough. In consistency, it should resemble pancake dough. Bake the resulting pizza base for 10 minutes, and then put the filling on it and cook for another 10 minutes.

    Pizza dough with basil and black pepper

    2 stacks flour,
    ⅓ stack. vegetable oil,
    ⅔ stack. milk,
    2 tsp baking powder,
    a pinch of salt, basil and black pepper.

    Mix all the ingredients with your hands in a bowl until smooth (the dough should be firm and slightly tight). Roll out the finished dough, prick in several places with a fork. Use toppings of your choice for making pizza.

    Try it, experiment, and you can surely not only appreciate the yeast-free pizza dough, but also make your own absolutely irresistible pizza.

    Bon appetit and new culinary discoveries!

    Larisa Shuftaykina

    The dough without the use of yeast helps a lot when you need to cook fried pies or pasties. This dough is lower in calories, does not take time to rise, and tastes good. We present options for how to do yeast-free dough for pies.

    Grocery list:

    • wheat flour - 0.4 kg;
    • water - 0.1 l;
    • low-fat sour cream - 80 gr;
    • two eggs;
    • salt - 6 gr.

    Cooking method

    1. Combine salt and sifted flour.
    2. Break eggs into another bowl, transfer sour cream to them and pour water. Mix everything and add to flour.
    3. Use a spoon to knead a soft, lump-free dough.
    4. Make a bun out of it. Cover the bowl of dough with plastic wrap.
    5. During this time, prepare the filling for the pies.
    6. Once it's done, divide the dough into two.
    7. From them make 2 sausages, each of which cut into small pieces.
    8. We roll these pieces into flat cakes. We put the filling in their center.
    9. We stick the edges together with our hands.
    10. The pies are now ready to be baked in the oven, or pan-fried.

    Yeast-free dough for kefir pies

    You will need:

    • a pinch of salt;
    • kefir - 0.35 l;
    • soda - 2 g;
    • first grade white flour - 0.5 kg;
    • sunflower oil - 150 ml;
    • two eggs.

    How to make a yeast-free dough with kefir:

    1. Break two eggs into a deep bowl. Shake them with a whisk until thick.
    2. Add soda, salt to the eggs, pour out the kefir, add the flour.
    3. Form a homogeneous dough without lumps with a spoon.
    4. Divide the soft dough gingerbread into parts. Roll each of them into a thin cake, sprinkle flour on the countertop.
    5. Place the prepared filling in them and fry in a pan with oil. Bon Appetit!

    Pie dough without yeast in milk

    The classic version of the dough will come out very soft, crispy and will not interfere with the taste of the filling.

    Recipe composition:

    • wheat flour of the first grade - 0.3 kg;
    • soda - 5 gr;
    • milk - 150 ml;
    • sunflower oil - 50 gr;
    • salt - 6 gr.

    How to make a dough with milk:

    1. Pour cold milk into a small saucepan and heat.
    2. Add 36 grams of vegetable oil to it, add salt and soda.
    3. Mix the mixture with a whisk and leave for 5 minutes.
    4. Pour required amount flour, gently knead the dough with a spoon so that no lumps appear.
    5. Sprinkle flour on your hands and roll into a lush ball of dough.
    6. You can sculpt pies from it right away. After all, the dough does not need to rise.
    7. Cut the gingerbread man into several slices and roll out the base for the pies from them.
    8. As soon as the filling is ready, immediately wrap it in the dough and send it to the oven or pan.

    Simple fresh on the water

    The yeast-free dough is ideal for cakes with not sweet filling or for pizza. If there is no milk or kefir, make it with water.

    Main components:

    • one egg;
    • flour - 0.4 kg;
    • salt - 5 g;
    • water - 150 ml.

    Step-by-step instruction:

    1. We heat clean water up to 60 degrees.
    2. Pour it into a glass, pour salt there. Stir the liquid with a spoon until the salt is completely dissolved.
    3. We take a sieve and sift the flour through it into a spacious bowl.
    4. The flour will turn out with a slide. We form a depression in it and pour salted water into it.
    5. Knead the dough with a knife.
    6. Pour out a raw egg and continue kneading.
    7. We now have a soft lump of dough. Sprinkle a little flour on top and let it rest for half an hour.
    8. Now you can start the process of cooking the pies.

    How to make beer dough?

    This dough is a great alternative to the yeast version. Suitable for all types of ovens. Pies in a frying pan are especially tasty.

    Recipe components:

    • premium flour - 0.3 kg;
    • beer - 100 ml;
    • two raw chicken proteins;
    • margarine - 200 gr;
    • salt - 6 g;
    • one chicken egg;
    • soda - 2 gr.

    Step by step cooking:

    1. Use a light, light beer. Its taste will be reflected to a minimum on the dough.
    2. Grind and sieve flour.
    3. Remove a frozen piece of margarine from the refrigerator and rub it on a coarse grater.
    4. Pour the resulting mass into flour.
    5. You can also break one egg there, if desired, and add salt and soda.
    6. Shake the whites in a separate bowl and pour them into the dough along with the beer.
    7. Form the dough with the hands sprinkled with flour. If it comes out liquid, add more flour.
    8. Roll the dough into a bun, cover with cling film.
    9. Close it in the freezer for one hour.

    Dough for pies without yeast in butter

    You will need:

    • soda - 12 gr;
    • a portion of butter - 200 gr;
    • salt - 5 g;
    • flour - 400 gr;
    • water - 100 gr.

    How to make yeast-free pie dough in the oven:

    1. We pass flour through a sieve.
    2. Soften the oil in microwave oven or in a water bath.
    3. Pour soda into the flour and mix.
    4. If you plan on making a sweet-filled gourd, add another 25 grams of sugar. If the filling is with meat or cabbage, then granulated sugar is not needed.
    5. In the middle of the flour mass, make a depression and put soft butter, cut into pieces, into it.
    6. Shred the butter with a knife and mix it with flour.
    7. Pour water into a bowl, add salt.
    8. Pour the salted liquid into the dough.
    9. Make dough with your hands. You need to knead it until it stops sticking to your hands.
    10. Put the dough ball in the refrigerator for 20 minutes.
    11. After that, cut it into small pieces with a knife, roll each of them into a thin layer.
    12. Put the filling in the center of the cake with a spoon, seal the edges of the dough and place on a baking sheet.

    Recipe with the addition of cottage cheese

    Dough on curd base ideal for making sweet cakes, cheesecakes and rolls. Applicable for baby food.

    Grocery list:

    • baking powder for dough - 15 g;
    • one chicken egg;
    • salt - 5 g;
    • cottage cheese - 0.3 kg;
    • oil - 50 gr;
    • sugar - 50 gr;
    • wheat flour - 0.25 kg.

    Step-by-step cooking:

    1. Remove the oil from the refrigerator one hour before cooking. It should melt and soften.
    2. Transfer the pieces of butter to a bowl.
    3. Pour a raw egg there, add cottage cheese and transfer sugar.
    4. Mash the ingredients with a fork and mix well. You should get a homogeneous viscous mass.
    5. Sift flour twice through a sieve. There should not be a single lump.
    6. Combine flour and baking powder, pour them into the curd mass.
    7. Knead the mixture with your hands and make a dough. It should come out soft and light.
    8. Form a ball out of it, cover with cling film and refrigerate. This dough can be kept for a long time.
    9. Or immediately cut the bun into pieces and mold pies or sweet buns.
    10. Recipe composition:

      For the first test:

    • flour - 90 gr;
    • margarine - 200 gr;

    For the second test:

    • lemon juice - 10 gr;
    • flour - 260 gr;
    • salt - 3 g;
    • water;
    • one chicken egg.

    How to make puff pastry:

    1. An hour before the start of the process, put the margarine in a warm place.
    2. To prepare the first dough, pour flour into a bowl and put a piece of margarine.
    3. Grind the food in the bowl with a knife.
    4. Keep the lumps of margarine and flour as small as possible.
    5. With our hands we form a ball from the bumpy mass. We leave aside for now.
    6. Pour flour No. 2 into another dish.
    7. Pour out the lemon juice and add salt.
    8. Pour the egg into a glass beaker.
    9. Fill it with 150 ml of water. The liquid should be at room temperature.
    10. Mix the egg and water with a spoon.
    11. Pour the resulting mixture into flour.
    12. We knead the dough first with a tablespoon, and then with our hands sprinkled with flour.
    13. The lump of dough should not be tough.
    14. We roll it out on the table top in the shape of a rectangle.
    15. The layer should not be too thin.
    16. We spread the first dough we forgot on it.
    17. The lump should be closer to one edge.
    18. We wrap the second dough in the first in the form of an envelope.
    19. First, close the closest edge. Then we wrap the side parts and, finally, the far edge.
    20. Sprinkle the resulting lump with a small amount of flour and put it on the shelf in the refrigerator.
    21. We leave it open.
    22. After 30 minutes, roll it out with a rolling pin, roll it up and close it again in the refrigerator.
    23. After another half hour, the dough will be ready.