Lean dough for dumplings with potatoes. Lenten dumplings

Make lean dumplings at home - simply and quickly: with potatoes, mushrooms, cabbage, carrots or cherries, lazy or stuffed!

Lean dumplings with different fillings during Great Lent will help you diversify your table with delicious and healthy dish... Today we offer you to cook lean dumplings with potatoes.

For the test:

  • Flour - 0.5 kg
  • Water - 250 ml
  • Vegetable oil - 2 tbsp. spoons
  • Salt to taste

For filling:

  • Potatoes - 0.5 kg
  • Carrots - 1 medium
  • Onions - 2 medium
  • Vegetable oil - for frying
  • Dill (optional) - to taste
  • Ground black pepper - to taste
  • Salt to taste

Let's start by making dumplings dough. Sift flour, add water, salt, and knead hard dough.

Now leave the dough for 10 minutes for the flour gluten to swell.

After 10 minutes, knead the dough for literally half a minute, add vegetable oil and knead further until all the butter is absorbed into the dough and it starts to stick a little to the surface again.

Cover the dough and leave for about an hour, during which we will prepare the filling for the dumplings.

Chop the onion finely, grate the carrots on a coarse grater. Roast vegetables on vegetable oil and set aside a small part of the frying for further dressing of the finished dumplings.

Peel and boil the potatoes in salted water.

Make mashed potatoes by adding vegetable frying, pepper and salt. Cool the potato filling for the dumplings, and you can sculpt the dumplings.

The dough turns out to be elastic, it can be rolled out thinly, and it does not boil in boiling water. In such dumplings, there may be little dough and a lot of filling.

Boil dumplings for 5-7 minutes.

Add the remaining vegetable frying (fried onions) to the prepared dumplings with potatoes. Bon Appetit!

Recipe 2: lean dumplings with mushrooms (step by step photos)

Ingredients for the dough:

  • 0.5 kg flour
  • 350 ml milk
  • 0.75 tbsp salt
  • 0.5 tsp vinegar slaked soda

For the mushroom filling:

  • 0.5 kg of boiled mushrooms
  • 2 onions
  • sunflower oil
  • salt and pepper for the filling to taste

Let's start the preparation of dumplings with mushrooms by kneading the dough. Place the ingredients for the dough and knead thoroughly by hand or in a bread maker.

Let's prepare the filling. Boil the mushrooms, chop, fry together with chopped onions on sunflower oil... Season with salt and pepper to taste.

Roll out a thin layer.

Cut out the circles with a notch.

Place the mushroom filling in the center of the circles.

Let's stick the dumplings.

Cook ready-made dumplings with mushrooms in boiling and salted water for about 7 minutes.

Lean dumplings with mushroom filling are ready. Serve with fried onions, herbs or mushroom sauce.

Recipe 3: lean dumplings with sauerkraut

Dumplings with sauerkraut - healthy and low-calorie dish recommended for diet food... None of the purchased dumplings taste like homemade ones. Dumplings with sauerkraut are not at all like their fellows with stewed cabbage. The stewed filling is nourishing, homemade, cozy, and the sauerkraut, on the contrary, “invigorates”, whetts the appetite. Such dumplings are more suitable for the role of an appetizer than a main course, but, nevertheless, they deserve attention.

for the test:

  • water - 100 ml
  • salt - 0.5 tsp.
  • flour - 1 tbsp.

For filling:

  • sauerkraut - 150 g

for refueling:

  • vegetable oil - 30g
  • onions - 1-2 pcs.

Prepare the filling first. Take the right amount sauerkraut, rinse it from the brine and set to boil, or simmer for 10-15 minutes in a skillet. When the cabbage has cooled, squeeze out any remaining water.

Dissolve salt in water and gradually add flour. It is better to immediately knead the dough thick in a bowl, so that you do not mix it with your hands for a long time. Therefore, if a glass of flour is not enough, add a little more. When the dough stops taking flour, transfer it to the table and knead it into a tight, smooth lump.

Roll out the dough thinly enough.

And cut out circles of the desired size from it. Filling of sauerkraut coarse, so it is better to make the dough circles larger, so that the dumplings are easier to sculpt.

Stretch each circle in the center and put a teaspoon of the filling on it.

Bring the opposite edges of the circle together.

And blind the dumpling with a crescent moon. To prevent the dough from sticking to your hands, periodically dip your fingers into the flour.

For a dressing, sauté diced onions in oil. Boil water, salt it and dip the dumplings in boiling water. Stir them immediately in a saucepan to prevent the dough from sticking to the bottom. Take enough water so that the dumplings float freely. After boiling, boil the dumplings for 3-4 minutes, pour a glass into the pan cold water and take out the finished dumplings with a slotted spoon. Season them immediately with onions and serve hot.

Recipe 4: potato lean dumplings (with photo)

Even on fast days, you don't want to give up tasty and hearty food. I suggest making lean dumplings with potatoes, which will be appreciated by all lovers of this dish. It will take a lot of time to prepare them, but the end result will delight you and your family. If you are not fasting, serve hot dumplings with sour cream or other suitable sauce... Otherwise, fry the chopped onion in vegetable oil and serve with the dumplings. Very tasty option... The cooking process includes two stages - preparing the dough and filling. I described the step-by-step recipe with photos of delicious dumplings in detail for you.

  • water 250 ml.,
  • salt 1 tsp,
  • sunflower oil 2 tablespoons,
  • wheat flour 450-500 gr.
  • potatoes 600-700 gr.,
  • salt to taste
  • ground black pepper to taste.

First of all, you need to cook potato filling as it should cool down. Peel potatoes, rinse and cut into small pieces. Send to the pan. Pour over with hot water to speed up the cooking process and cook until tender, about 30-40 minutes.

In the meantime, you can cook lean dough for dumplings. Pour boiled water into a convenient deep container room temperature... Add vegetable oil and salt. Stir with a spoon to dissolve the salt.

Sprinkle the sifted wheat flour in portions. Stir with a spoon until the dough thickens. Then put on the board, adding the remaining flour, and stir it into the dough. Stir until the dough is firm, firm and smooth.

Cover with a cloth and rest at room temperature for 20-30 minutes.

Drain the potato broth. You can make pies with potato broth. Season the potatoes with salt and pepper. Grind with a crush and leave to cool.

For convenience, divide the dough into four parts and work with each separately. Keep the balls of dough under the cloth so that they do not get chapped.

If necessary, dust the board with flour and roll it into a thin layer. Cut out round blanks with a mold or glass.

Place the potato filling in the center of each circle.

Lift the edges and pinch tightly so that they do not creep out during the boiling process. At this point, the workpieces can be transferred to a dusty board and frozen in the freezer.

Or, boil water, salt and boil. Dip the dumplings and boil for 5-8 minutes after they float up.

Lean dumplings with potatoes are ready. Serve immediately with fried onions. Bon Appetit!

Recipe 5: lean lazy dumplings with mushrooms

What to cook quickly? Can be done lazy dumplings with potatoes or in another way Italian potato gnocchi. The recipe is quite simple and very easy. Such dumplings are delicious and can even be consumed in fasting, they are also dietary. Combined with mushrooms and fried onions, it's a bomb.

  • Potatoes - 540 g
  • Flour - 150 g
  • Salt - 1 tsp
  • Mushrooms - 200 g
  • Bulb onions - 2 pieces

Boil the peeled potatoes in not salted water until cooked, as it boils - we reduce the heat)

Meanwhile, cut the onion into half rings

and for small pieces of mushrooms, I chose butter ... you can take mushrooms.

When the potatoes are boiled, this is about 15-20 minutes (depending on the size, drain the water, salt and puree ... it should be free of lumps, let it cool a little.

In a small amount of vegetable oil, fry the onion until golden brown, then add the mushrooms and keep it on fire for a little more.

The potatoes are a little cold, but still warm. Add flour in several stages, knead the dough first with a fork, then on the work surface with your hands. It is unnecessary to knead for a long time, the dough is gathered and enough.

Let's wrap it in food wrap for just a few minutes.

The dough is rested, we divide it into several parts for convenience.

We will form a sausage from each piece and cut into identical pieces ... They can be given absolutely any shape (triangle, square, ball)

I will draw with a fork, dipping it in flour and lightly pressing down on the dumpling. I put the dumplings on a board, which I covered with foil and lightly sprinkled with flour

Salt the boiled water to taste, toss in the potato gnocchi ... stir with a spoon so that the dumplings don't stick to the bottom ... By the way, you can even freeze the gnocchi, and then immediately boil them without defrosting, of course.

Potato dumplings have surfaced, boiled ... Cook over medium heat for 2-3 minutes and you're done! The main thing is not to digest. Dumplings grow slightly in size and become very tender

Can be served with fried onions or herbs and vegetable oil. Well, I serve with mushrooms and fried onions. Bon Appetit!

Recipe 6: lean momo dumplings with cabbage and carrots

  • wheat flour - 3 tbsp.;
  • salt - 2 tablespoons;
  • water - 1.5 tbsp.;
  • white cabbage - 300 gr.;
  • carrots - 1 pc.;
  • onion - 1 pc .;
  • ground black pepper - 0.5 tsp

Sift flour into a bowl.

Add 1 tbsp. l. salt and mix everything.

Pour in hot water. Not steep boiling water, but hot enough.

Knead the dough. Knead the dough for 5-7 minutes, until smooth.

Transfer the dough to a pact and put it in the refrigerator. Let's get to the stuffing for the momo. Grate cabbage. With a knife, so thinly, it is impossible to cut, so three on a grater.

Three carrots on a coarse grater.

Finely chop the onion.

Combine all the vegetables in a bowl.

Season vegetables with salt, pepper and mix well. But, in no case, do not crush. Vegetables will give juice and it will be difficult to sculpt momo.

While making the filling for the momo, the dough rested. We make a tourniquet from the dough, cut it into pieces. Roll each piece into a cake.

On a cake, generously, lay out the filling.

Shaping the momo.

We spread the momo on the grill for the mantle cooker.

Cook after boiling water for 20 minutes.

You can serve momo with sour cream.

Recipe 7: lean cherry dumplings (step by step)

I also suggest you try making lean dumplings with cherries. The dough in them is incomparable!

  • water - 200 ml
  • vegetable oil - 50 ml
  • salt - ½ teaspoon
  • sugar - 1 tsp
  • flour - 340-400 g
  • cherries for filling - 500-700 g
  • filling sugar - to taste
  • powdered sugar - to taste

Wash the cherries beforehand, peel and dry. Combine warm water with vegetable oil and mix well. Add salt. Put on fire, bring to a boil and add half the sifted flour. Stir quickly so that there are no lumps and stir until the dough begins to lag behind the sides of the pan.

Pour the rest of the flour on the table in parts and gradually knead to a homogeneous dough. You may need less or more flour depending on the quality.

Roll it into a thin layer and cut out circles with a glass.

Put a few cherries on each circle of dough, sprinkle with sugar and form dumplings.

Put the dumplings in boiling salted water and cook until tender.

Then, using a slotted spoon, transfer to a dish, season with powdered sugar if desired and serve.

Lenten dumplings with cherries are ready! Bon Appetit!

Bonus: how to make lean dough for dumplings

Here is one of the recipes for soft, elastic and very tasty lean dough for dumplings. To prepare it, you need a minimum of ingredients and effort, and the taste is quite decent.

  • 500 gr. flour
  • 260 ml. warm boiled water
  • 3 tbsp vegetable oil
  • a pinch of salt

Pour flour on the table and make a funnel in the center. Pour water into a funnel, add salt and vegetable oil. Stir the flour into the liquid gradually. Knead a firm dough. The dough can be prepared in a bread maker by placing the products according to the instructions. Use the program: "Pelmeni". Wrap up ready dough in a plastic bag and rest for 40-50 minutes.

The dough can be used for dumplings with sweet and savory filling as well as for dumplings. The dough turns out to be plastic, rolls out well and does not break during cooking.

Who doesn't like to eat dumplings? Them appetizing taste familiar from childhood.

How to make it fragrant and tasty dish in the post - we will tell you further.

Classic lean dough recipe

To make the dough, you will need to pour flour and salt into a bowl. Mix everything and add water there. After that, you should knead the dough, stirring the mixture with your hand.

We leave the mixture for twenty minutes, but for now we go about our business. After twenty minutes, the dough becomes airy and pleasant to the touch.

The dough can be filled with potatoes and mushrooms, as well as rice and mushrooms.

To give the dough more elasticity, you can put it in the refrigerator for several hours, and then take it out and sculpt dumplings from it.

Here's a simple process! Having learned how to cook such lean basis, you can be sure that the dish will turn out to be great.

And now we turn directly to the preparation of the dumplings themselves. Please be patient and, of course, in a good mood!

Dumplings with potatoes for fasting

Everyone knows that potatoes are an indispensable ingredient in every dish. Lean dumplings with potatoes are no exception. They are especially good in fasting. The dish comes out fragrant, satisfying and very tasty. We will tell you further how to prepare this mouth-watering dish.

For manufacturing, we take a set of products in the form:

  • Wheat flour - 250 grams;
  • Potatoes - 350 grams;
  • Bulb onions - 2 pcs.;
  • Dill - a bunch;
  • Ground black pepper - 1/4 tsp;
  • Salt - 1/2 tsp;
  • Carrots - 200 grams;
  • Olive oil - 20 milliliters;
  • Vegetable oil - 30 milliliters.

The cooking process will take about 2 hours.

Calorie content - 202 kcal.

Consider the recipe with the photo step by step. For making, take a bowl and start preparing the dough. Pour flour, salt and water there.

We take the package and send the dough there. We put the package in the refrigerator. The dough is left there for forty minutes so that it is easy to work with.

While we are busy with the filling. In another bowl we rub vegetables in the form of onions and carrots. We send them to the pan and fry the mixture until a golden crust appears on the onion.

Peel the potatoes, cook, turn into mashed potatoes.

As soon as vegetables and potatoes are ready, transfer them to a bowl and mix. They are accompanied by dill, pepper, salt, olive oil (a little). Everything should be mixed carefully.

We take out the dough and roll it out on the table, abundantly sprinkled with flour. We make mugs with a small glass. Put the filling in the center of the resulting circles and form small pies, sticking the edges of the dough together.

If you wish, you can decorate the resulting dumplings beautifully. We send the resulting dish into hot water and cook until the dumplings rise to the surface (about five minutes). They can be served with sour cream and dill.

Now we propose to see how the whole process takes place in the video:

Tandem with mushrooms - popular among the people

Mushrooms with potatoes have become a popular filling for many dishes, in particular, they are also used for dumplings. They are especially good in fasting, since the dish turns out to be nutritious, healthy and very satisfying.

To prepare lean dumplings with potatoes and mushrooms, take a set of products in the form of:

  • 2 glasses with flour;
  • 1 glass of water;
  • Salt to taste;
  • 250 g potatoes;
  • 1 onion;
  • 2 tablespoons with vegetable oil;
  • 50 g dried or 100-150 g fresh mushrooms;
  • Ground black pepper to taste.

The culinary process will need to be spent at least 1 hour and 30 minutes.

There are approximately 193 kcal in 100 grams.

For the manufacture, we take the listed ingredients. Wash, soak and boil dried mushrooms or just wash the fresh ones, cut them. Next, clean, wash, finely chop the onion.

Fry mushrooms and onions in a pan until pleasant aroma. Then we peel, wash and boil the potatoes. We make ordinary mashed potatoes from it. Fried mushrooms and onions are added to the resulting mixture.

We mix everything. Cool it down. While the filling is cooling, we make the dough. To do this, you need a bowl, into which water is poured and flour and salt are poured.

All should be mixed and left in the refrigerator for thirty minutes. During this time, the filling will have time to cool. After this time, we get it. Roll out the dough and make small circles.

Mugs can be made with a mold or with a glass. Add the filling to the mugs. We fix the ends and send the resulting dumplings to boiling water.

Cook for five minutes. The dish is ready. Serve with dill.

Lean lazy dumplings with potatoes

Lazy dumplings are a very tasty and simple dish that can be prepared quickly. Perfect for fasting. For manufacturing, we take a set of products in the form:

  • Potatoes - 7 pcs.;
  • Flour - 7 tablespoons;
  • Salt, ground black pepper.

Cooking will take 1 hour.

Calories per 100 grams - about 270.

Manufacturing takes place in this way: wash the potatoes, peel, cut into pieces and boil until tender. We drain the water, and grind the potatoes in a blender or three on a grater until porridge.

Salt, pepper and mix everything until smooth. We do not stop kneading, add flour in small portions and knead the airy dough from the potatoes. We make the dough into a tube, cut into small pieces and roll each piece with the dough in flour.

Throw the dumplings into boiling water and cook for three to five minutes. Take out the prepared dumplings with a slotted spoon, sprinkle with herbs and serve with sour cream.

So, the dough for dumplings with potatoes can be prepared quite simply. But if you want to make the dish truly appetizing and unique, and not an ordinary product made of flour, you should look at the following tips and take them into your arsenal.

The dough should not be made taut; during cooking, the finished products will simply open and the filling will fall apart. Therefore, it should only be soft and stick a little to your hands when cooking.

Do not forget to sift the flour - this way it can be saturated with oxygen and it becomes easier to combine with other ingredients.

You need to knead the dough for at least ten minutes to achieve the required elasticity.

It is always worth leaving the finished product after mixing for thirty minutes so that the mass can become more elastic.

Traditional dough for dumplings is made only from premium flour with the addition of eggs; if you use flour from hard varieties, eggs may not be added.

To give better elasticity, it is possible to add a little vegetable oil - literally a few drops per glass of flour.

For kneading, you can always use a bread maker in the course - a good dough can be obtained in it. It is possible to leave the finished dough in the bread maker to give it airiness, since the technique itself can maintain the required temperature for kneading.

We have selected a few more recipes for you. Made quickly and tastes great.

and how about lean cutlets from cabbage? find their recipes.

Prepare correctly sauerkraut our site will help, since it has already been collected for you necessary recipes and advice from knowledgeable housewives.

It is possible to make dumplings with potatoes quickly if you use a dumpling machine. Now they can be produced in various forms. There are species with both large holes and small ones.

Don't make the filling the day before cooking. It will be stale and the dumplings will deteriorate faster.

If you put the dough in the refrigerator for a short time, you can get a rather elastic mixture, with which it is pleasant to work with and sculpt dumplings.

Already read: 9082 times

The lean menu is monotonous, boring and of course meager. To diversify it, it is quite time consuming and a little complicated. How to choose foods that you can eat and that will simultaneously become the basis of a satisfying unusual dish? I propose to "dilute" your boring lean dishes real dumplings, only unusual, but lean.

How to make lean dumplings, what fillings to use during fasting and how not to break the fast, read on.

Lean dumplings recipes

Almost everyone loves dumplings along with dumplings. Even modest ladies who are on a diet, sometimes would gladly taste a plate of mouth-watering dumplings with cherries or cottage cheese. Men, for the most part, prefer dumplings with cheese, potatoes and fried onions. There are also lovers of dumplings with cabbage, mushrooms, pumpkin and even fish. However, not all of these types of dumplings can be classified as lean.

Even the dough for dumplings is prepared according to the Russian tradition with eggs and butter, and according to the Ukrainian tradition it is kneaded in yogurt or milk whey. And yet, I tell you, there are dumplings on the lean table! You just need to show a little imagination, remove forbidden foods from the main habitual recipe and cook real lean dumplings.

The tradition of making exactly lean dumplings is deeply rooted in the history of Russia. Even my grandmother knew and remembered how to give tenderness, softness and splendor to the dough for lean dumplings. But it is she who distinguishes real Russian dumplings from Ukrainian ones. A little soda slaked in vinegar is added to Russian dumplings for porous airy dough. That's the whole secret!

Mix the dough, roll it out, lay out the filling, and sculpt half-moon dumplings with a pigtail edge.

By the way, there are a lot of fillings for lean dumplings, you can sculpt dumplings every day and never repeat it. Of course, for lean dumplings, only vegetable fillings, cereals, berries, and mushrooms. Cottage cheese, cheese, cracklings - will not work.

How to make lean dumplings?

You need to start sculpting dumplings with the preparation of the dough.

Dough for lean dumplings I cook like that.

  1. In about 1 tbsp. warm, almost hot water, dissolve 0.5 tsp. sugar and a pinch of salt.
  2. I pour the water into a bowl or saucepan, pour in a little vegetable oil, then add a handful of flour. I can't say how much flour is needed, it always leaves in different ways. I just put a bowl of sifted flour next to it and take a handful until I get the desired consistency of the dough.
  3. While the dough is still liquid, I pour 0.5 tsp into it. slaked soda in 1 tsp. vinegar, ordinary, 6%.
  4. Next, you need to act a little faster, add the required amount of flour and knead the dough.
  5. I prefer to work with soft, slightly sticky dough, which is more comfortable for me and the dumplings come out more tender.
  6. Then I leave the dough in a bowl, sprinkle with flour and cover with a napkin. The dough should rest for about 20 minutes, but no more.

Sometimes, for dumplings, you can prepare choux pastry... I will not say that it is better than the first option, but it has the right to exist.

Choux pastry for dumplings

  1. Sift 2.5 tbsp into a deep bowl. flour. In the center of the slide, you need to make a depression. Add a pinch of salt and 2 tbsp. l. vegetable oil. Loan in a thin stream, pour 1 tbsp of flour directly into this "crater" of flour. boiling water. Stir with a spoon or spatula at the same time. I grind the flour with water so that the dough comes out as best as possible, and all the flour is brewed evenly. The result is large lumps of brewed flour. Then I transfer the dough to a board sprinkled with flour and knead it thoroughly with my hands until the lumps become soft dough... I roll the well-kneaded dough into a ball, cover it with a hot bowl and a towel.
  2. This test needs to stand for almost an hour, then use it as directed.

Well, now about the fillings.

The most simple filling for lean dumplings - cherry.

So what if it's snowing outside. Supermarkets always have any berries in the freezer section. Frozen cherries are great.

Frozen cherry filling

  1. Defrost the cherries and cover with sugar. I have 1.5 tbsp. cherry leaves about 1 tbsp. Sahara. It's not sweet, believe me.
  2. So, put the cherries in a bowl, cover them with sugar and leave them alone for 15 minutes. Then drain the juice from the cherry. It can be useful for jelly, compote, or just add to the porridge.
  3. Cherries without juice, which means they are ready for stuffing lean dumplings.
  4. It is better to lay out the cherries in 2-3 pieces. for each circle of dough.

Advice: you need to cook dumplings with cherries in salted water! Serve with jam or powdered sugar.

Another type of filling is familiar to many.

Potato and onion filling

It couldn't be tastier and easier, but how satisfying!

  1. Boil peeled potatoes, mash them with the remaining broth or add warm water.
  2. Fry separately in vegetable oil onion cubes. I advise you to fry it until Brown.
  3. Mix mashed potatoes with onions, salt and pepper. Add dill greens if desired.
  4. Sculpt the dumplings as usual.

I have a recipe for a rather unusual filling, from cabbage with mushrooms.

Cabbage filling with pickled mushrooms

Of course, mushrooms are suitable both fresh and dry. At your discretion.

  1. It is better to grate cabbage on a medium grater or use a special shredder.
  2. Pour some oil on a cast-iron skillet, put the cabbage and simmer until tender. If you need to add water. Chop the pickled mushrooms finely and add to the cabbage.
  3. Fry the onions separately. Mix all ingredients, salt to taste. Cool the finished filling and mold the dumplings with it. I recommend serving such dumplings by sprinkling with vegetable oil and sprinkling with herbs.

Rare recipes for fillings for lean dumplings

  • buckwheat with fried onions and mushrooms
  • buckwheat with pickles
  • mashed potatoes with pickled cucumbers
  • stewed carrot vegetable oil
  • steamed pumpkin with sugar
  • eggplants with tomatoes fried in vegetable oil
  • red sweet bell pepper oven baked
  • zucchini grated on a fine grater and blanched in salted boiling water

Experiment, fasting is not a reason to starve. You can pass it with the taste of lean dumplings!

Step 1: prepare the dough.

Of course, everyone knows how to cook dumplings with potatoes, and even more lean, but if you suddenly forgot, then this recipe will help you remember all the basics of this wonderful and simple dish... So, first we heat in a small container, for example, a kettle, 180 milliliters of purified water. Meanwhile, sift into a deep bowl 400 grams wheat flour, it is desirable top grade... Add salt to it and a couple of tablespoons of vegetable, preferably refined oil. After 3-4 minutes, pour boiling water from a kettle into the same bowl and start kneading the dough with a tablespoon.

When the kitchen appliance stops helping, we continue this process on the countertop with clean hands, giving it 5-7 minutes.

As a result, you should get a rather dense, but at the same time, soft flour semi-finished product, wrap it in plastic wrap and leave it on 40-60 minutes at room temperature.

Step 2: prepare the vegetables.

While the dough is infused, using the most ordinary, but sharp kitchen knife, peel all the vegetables indicated in the recipe. We wash them thoroughly, dry them, put them in turn on a cutting board and grind them. Cut the potatoes into cubes from 2 to 3 centimeters in size, put them in a deep saucepan and fill them with about two liters of purified water. The shape of the onion is the same as the previous ingredient, but smaller, about 1 centimeter.

Step 3: cook the potatoes.

Next, put the pot with potatoes on medium heat and after boiling, cook it 15 minutes, periodically removing the white foam from the surface of the bubbling liquid with a slotted spoon. After the right time, season the vegetable to taste with salt and keep on the stove for another 5-7 minutes until the slices are completely soft, that is, cooked.

Step 4: fry the onions.

We do not lose a minute, while cooking potatoes we are engaged in other important components of the filling. We turn on the neighboring burner over medium heat, put a frying pan on it and pour 3 tablespoons of vegetable oil into this dish. After a few minutes, dip the chopped onion into the heated fat and fry it until soft and tender. golden crust stirring occasionally with a wooden or silicone kitchen spatula. As soon as it is browned, move the pan aside and move on.

Step 5: prepare the filling.

When the potatoes are ready, use a kitchen towel to remove them from the stove and pour the vegetable broth into a separate clean dish. Knead soft pieces of tubers with a crush until a thick, lump-free puree.

Then add fried onions to the resulting mass, black ground pepper to taste and, if necessary, a little decoction from potatoes. Again, we loosen everything until smooth and we get a delicious lean filling, which we then cover with a lid and let it cool to a warm state.

Step 6: form lean dumplings with potatoes.

After a while, we check the dough, if it has floated, that is, it has become viscous, dust it with a small amount of flour and knead it a little to make it steeper. Then we roll it up with a sausage and divide it into 2 equal parts with our hands. We send one of them back to the bowl and cover it with a kitchen towel so that it does not get chapped. We move the second piece of flour semi-finished product onto the tabletop, crushed with flour, use a rolling pin to roll it into a layer with a thickness of 2 to 3 millimeters and squeeze out the cakes with a glass about 5 centimeters in diameter.

We immediately remove the cuttings under the towel, and put about one tablespoon of potato filling in the middle of each pancake. Then we take a cake in the palm of our hand, fold it in half in the shape of a crescent and pinch the edges so that there are no gaps. Put the finished dumplings on a chopping board sprinkled with flour and form the rest in the same way until the dough with filling ends.

Step 7: cook lean dumplings with potatoes.

So we have come to the almost final step, we take a deep saucepan, pour purified water into it, the amount of which directly depends on the desired portion flour products, and put on medium heat. After boiling, season the bubbling liquid to taste with salt, laurel leaf and two types of peas: black and allspice. Then we very carefully lower the dumplings into the same pan and cook them, stirring occasionally with a slotted spoon 7-8 minutes. As soon as the flour products float up, turn off the stove and let them stand in boiling water for another minute... Then we throw the dumplings into a colander and leave in the sink for a couple of minutes to drain excess liquid. Then we distribute them in portions on plates and put them on the table along with other lean delicacies.

Step 8: serve lean dumplings with potatoes.

Lean dumplings with potatoes are served hot as a full-fledged main course for lunch or dinner. After cooking, they are packaged in portions on plates, if desired, each is supplemented with fried in vegetable oil onions, mushrooms, fresh finely chopped dill, parsley, cilantro or green onions. Ketchup, tomato-based sauce, lean mayonnaise, vegetable salad, pickles or pickles can be offered as a bonus refreshing addition to such a simple meal. Cook with love and be healthy!
Bon Appetit!

Dumplings love water, so during their cooking it should be twice as much as flour products, that is, approximately 1: 3;

Very often, edible mushrooms of various types fried until fully cooked are put into the potato filling;

During the fast, there are days on which you cannot use any fats, in this case it is undesirable to put onions or you can stew them in a small amount of plain water until fully cooked and only then add them to the filling. Also, if you are an adherent of strict rules, but want the dish to be more satisfying, you can eat dumplings as soup along with the broth in which they were cooked;

The set of spices is not fundamental, use any spices, as well as dried herbs, which are used to season vegetable dishes.

They are always prepared from lean dough and are tasty and low-fat. Various ingredients are used as a filling: potatoes, cabbage with onions, meat, liver, cottage cheese, mushrooms and various berries.

Such "dumplings" can be eaten during fasting if the dough for dumplings with a small potato does not contain eggs and milk. Today we will describe a few simple and interesting recipes which will delight you with their delicious taste and speed of preparation.

with cabbage and potatoes

Main components:

A glass of flour;

Boiled water - 100 grams;

Onions in the amount of two pieces;

Sauerkraut - 600 grams;

400 grams of potatoes;

A bunch of dill;

Salt, black pepper;

Vegetable and olive oil - 50 grams;

A pinch of sugar.

Knead the dough into a deep cup, pour in the sifted flour and salt, knead thoroughly with your hands so that our lean dough becomes soft and elastic. Cover it with a napkin and leave it for half an hour.

During this time, we will prepare a light and healthy filling. Peel the potatoes and cook in salted water until tender, then crush them into a mashed potatoes and add a little vegetable oil.

Saute the onions in sunflower and olive oil... Part of the onion, along with chopped herbs and black pepper, shift into mashed potatoes. Add sauerkraut, pepper and a pinch of sugar to the remaining onion - simmer for 10 minutes.

Roll the prepared dough for dumplings with potatoes into a layer and squeeze out small circles with a glass, on which we spread the fillings. The edges must be well sealed so that the filling does not fall out during cooking.

We send the dumplings to boiled water and cook for 7 minutes. In a cup with ready-made "dumplings" you can add butter and shredded greens. Serve with sour cream, pickles or fresh vegetable salads- real jam!

Lean potato dumplings with mushroom sauce in a pot

Products for dumplings:

Flour - 350 grams;

Warm water - 150 ml;


Potatoes - 400 grams;

Onion head;

Salt pepper.

For mushroom sauce required:

Half a kilogram of champignons - mushrooms can be taken frozen, pickled or fresh;

Two cloves of garlic;

Black pepper, salt, cilantro.

Prepare the dough for flour, salt, fill with water and knead the hard dough - leave it warm under a napkin for 40 minutes.

Filling: mash boiled potatoes in mashed potatoes, mix with vegetables sautéed in vegetable oil - onions and carrots. Add finely chopped dill and black pepper to this mass.

Knead the prepared lean dough well with your hands, roll out a large sheet and use a glass to make circles. We spread the potato-carrot filling on each circle.

We make the onion chopped into cubes, lightly fry and add the chopped mushrooms to it, lightly add salt - simmer for no more than five minutes. Turn off the heat and squeeze out the garlic, then close the lid.

Boil the dumplings with bay leaves, put them in clay pots, and fill them with mushroom gravy on top - put them in the oven for about seven minutes.

This is original and spicy dish perfect even for a festive table.