How to make chickpea cutlets. How to cook chickpea cutlets deliciously: recipes for vegetarians and supporters of a healthy diet

If you are preparing a meal for vegetarians or people who are fasting, then you should consider in advance what dishes it will consist of. An excellent alternative meat products in this case, chickpea cutlets are cooked in the oven, slow cooker or in a pan.

Moreover, this dish perfect for fasting with a crispy crust and a delicate texture on the inside that won't leave anyone indifferent. These chickpea cutlets will become a real taste discovery for many housewives and their guests, and the simplicity of manufacture and the composition of the product will pleasantly delight.

A simple recipe

This cooking method contains simple ingredients and it will not be difficult to prepare such a lunch option for vegetarians. In addition, the dish diversifies the table of people who eat meat products.


Oven chickpea cutlets recipe

This cooking method is not much different from the above. Chickpea cutlets in the oven are not so juicy, but undoubtedly healthier than a product from a pan.


  • 1 cup chickpea beans
  • 1 glass wheat groats bulgur;
  • 1 medium carrot;
  • 0.5 onions;
  • salt, seasonings.

Cooking time: 40-50 minutes.

Calorie content of the dish: 240 calories per 100 grams.

How to cook chickpea cutlets in the oven:

  1. Soak chickpeas for several hours;
  2. Then place in a container with water and cook for 15-20 minutes;
  3. Bulgur is also put on medium heat and cook for about 8-10 minutes;
  4. Combine bulgur and chickpeas and grind with a blender. In this case, do not pour out the remaining chickpea water. Thus, you get a mass that resembles a puree in texture;
  5. Chop the carrots with a grater, chop the onion into small pieces;
  6. Combine vegetables with a mass of chickpeas and bulgur, add seasonings and salt;
  7. Form cutlets from the mixture;
  8. Put on a baking sheet baking paper, place the cutlets. Then put all this in a preheated oven.

This recipe is also suitable for cooking in a steamer and multicooker. With this option for processing the product, it will be even more useful and suitable for people who follow their figure and adhere to proper nutrition.

Simple and jellied fish pie. You can use both fresh and canned fish.

Recipe for vegan chickpea cutlets with cabbage


  • 1 cup chickpeas
  • 1/3 of white cabbage;
  • 1 medium carrot;
  • 2 cloves of garlic;
  • 1 onion;
  • 1 egg;
  • Wheat flour;
  • salt, spices.

Cooking time: 40 minutes.

Calorie content of the dish: 230 calories per 100 grams.

How to make vegan chickpea cutlets with cabbage:

  1. Soak chickpeas overnight;
  2. Next, fill the peas with water, lightly salt and set to cook for 15 minutes;
  3. Grind the chickpeas with a blender or twist them in a meat grinder;
  4. Finely chop the onion, chop the carrots on a grater. Also chop the garlic finely;
  5. Mix the chickpea mass with chopped vegetables. Add salt and spices to the mixture;
  6. Next, break a chicken egg into a mass, mix;
  7. Add a little flour;
  8. Cut the cabbage and stew, then mix with the general mixture;
  9. Form cutlets, roll in flour and fry on both sides over low heat.

To make the dish even more tasty and aromatic, you can use the following cooking tips:

  • If you did not have time to soak the peas, then you need to cook them for a few minutes longer;
  • In order for the chickpea puree to get the desired consistency, you need to add water, but it is better to use the water in which the peas were cooked;
  • It will be useful to add finely chopped celery to the chickpea "minced meat";
  • Instead of wheat flour for more the right dish it is worth using oat bran;
  • In these recipes, the following spices will be appropriate: black pepper, coriander, ginger, curry, turmeric.

Chickpea cutlets will diversify your table in fasting and delight unusual taste household members. Also, a product cooked in an oven or double boiler will not only tasty option supper, but also very useful with a minimum of harmful components.

Vegetarian chickpea cutlets are delicious, enough hearty dish, very good idea for both vegetarians and fasting people. "Minced meat" for these cutlets is very beautiful color, due to turmeric, and very aromatic and tasty from the addition of cumin. By the way, these cutlets somewhat reminded me of falafel in taste, I think they can also be served in a pita with fresh vegetables, herbs and yogurt sauce, it will be just as tasty.

Prepare everything necessary products for vegetarian chickpea cutlets. Peel and wash carrots, onions and garlic. Soak the chickpeas in cold water for several hours, preferably overnight.

Boil the chickpeas in slightly salted water until tender. Depending on the variety, this can take from 40 minutes to 1.5 hours. Drain the water, cool the peas.

In a small amount vegetable oil fry the coarsely chopped onion, garlic and coarsely grated carrots.

Combine the chickpeas, sautéed vegetables, cumin, turmeric, salt, and pepper in a blender. Punch all ingredients until smooth.

Transfer the chickpea "minced meat" to a convenient deep bowl, add flour if necessary so that the patties are well-cooked.

Form small chickpea "minced meat" patties with wet hands and roll in breadcrumbs.

Fry the chickpea patties in a little vegetable oil on both sides until golden brown.

Place the finished chickpea patties on paper towels to remove excess oil.

Serve vegetarian cutlets from chickpeas with fresh herbs, with salad from fresh vegetables or with your favorite sauce.

Chickpeas are one of the many varieties of legumes. In most families, these large peas with small tails are not as popular and in demand as the same beans or peas, but not at all in their taste. Against. The taste of chickpea is not as bright as that of its legume counterparts. It is much softer and more tender, making it ideal for almost any dish. But vegetarians and fasting people especially value chickpeas, because more nutritious than the product hard to find. And if you've never tried chickpeas yet, now is the time to fix it! You can start with this simple recipe: veggie chickpea cutlets. In addition to the chickpea itself, the cutlets contain only onions, carrots and garlic - a vegetable set that can be found in every home. In addition, to prepare these cutlets, you will need a blender or a meat grinder (it will take longer and not so convenient, but it is also possible). Read the rest of the subtleties of the recipe below.

Taste Info Second courses of vegetables


  • chickpeas - 1 tbsp.;
  • carrots - 200 g;
  • onions - 150 g;
  • garlic - 3-4 cloves;
  • celery - sprig (optional);
  • salt - about 1 tsp;
  • spicy herbs (dry, mixture) - to taste and desire;
  • flour or bread crumbs - for breading;
  • vegetable oil - for frying cutlets and carrots.

How to make vegetarian chickpea patties

First of all, of course, we prepare the chickpeas: rinse it, fill it with water room temperature and leave until it swells. The proportions of chickpeas and water are 1: 3, while almost all the water should be absorbed. Ideal soaking time: 4-5 hours. If the chickpeas will stand longer, it is better to put them in the refrigerator, on the lower shelf, so that they do not start to sour.

Then we wash the swollen chickpeas, fill them with fresh water (1: 3) and boil until tender - this is about 40-60 minutes, depending on the “age” of the chickpeas. There is no need to salt water during cooking! We wash the finished chickpeas again and put them in a colander.

Then we arm ourselves with a submersible blender and grind the chickpeas. Now it will be only chickpea crumbs, but in the future, after adding puréed vegetables to the chickpeas, you will already have a plastic mass of the correct consistency - chickpea-vegetable mince. Some advise adding a chickpea broth to the chickpeas when grinding - it's better not. The finished minced meat can turn out to be liquid and it will have to be thickened with something: flour, semolina, or bread crumbs.

In parallel with boiling the chickpeas, we are preparing the vegetable component of our cutlets. We clean the carrots. We grind it with a grater - it does not matter large or small.

Fry the carrots until soft. We fry in a small amount of rast. oil with the lid closed.

Peel the onion, cut it into smaller pieces. Remove the husk from the garlic. Put the onion and garlic raw in a blender cup, throw in a sprig of celery (or other greens to taste) and puree into a mushy mass.

Grind the fried carrots with a blender and mix all three chopped masses - chickpeas, onions + garlic, carrots - into one.

Once again we go through the blender - and now, due to the juiciness of the vegetables, you should get a thick, plastic mass. If something went wrong and the required mince consistency did not work out, we correct it: thicken it with flour (chickpea, pea or buckwheat), semolina or bread crumbs; or diluted with pureed vegetables. Add spicy herbs, salt and seasonings to it (to taste), knead the minced meat again - and you're done!

Now we heat vegetable oil in a frying pan. It is better to take a frying pan with non-stick coating, and pour a minimum of oil, that's literally 2-3 tbsp. l., otherwise the chickpea cutlets will creep when turned over. We scoop up a little minced meat, form cutlets of the desired shape and thickness - there is not much difference here, the only thing is: it is more convenient to turn small cutlets. There is no need to moisten your hands with water, the minced meat does not stick to them. Breaded chickpeas in flour (or breadcrumbs).

And fry until golden brown on both sides, covering the pan with a lid.

Serve chickpea cutlets with herbs, vegetable salads or your favorite sauce - everything tastes like eaters. Bon Appetit!

Recently, chickpeas are gaining more and more popularity not only among adherents of proper nutrition, but also among those who are not averse to trying something overseas and unknown. Chickpeas are quite unpretentious in preparation, and it is very difficult to spoil it. And how much you can cook from these chickpeas! And soups, and salads, and snacks, and chickpea cutlets, and so beloved in the East hummus. Even sweets and pastries are made from chickpeas.

Even the fact that chickpeas need to be cooked for a long time does not discourage the desire to enjoy its delicate nutty taste and join a healthy diet. The issue of long-term cooking is solved quite simply - chickpeas just need to be soaked overnight. And that's all.

So, pour the chickpeas into a large bowl and add cold water... I leave it until morning. Chickpeas will absorb enough liquid overnight and will grow twice in size.

In the morning I rinse the chickpeas and send them to the blender, where I grind them well.

I clean the white cabbage of tough and damaged leaves, rinse it and, chop it into large pieces with a knife, put it in a blender bowl. I do the same as with chickpeas - I grind it into small crumbs.

Pepper I clean from seeds and partitions and cut into small cubes.

I mix minced meat for future cutlets: chickpeas, cabbage, peppers and carrots, grated on a fine grater. I stir it.

In fact, chickpea supplements can be very different, not just such. For example, white cabbage can be replaced with colored or broccoli by disassembling them into small inflorescences. You can also add onions or leeks fried until golden brown. Mushrooms are also a good addition. And if you like spicy, then add a little chili pepper. Cutlets from this will only benefit in taste.

I add semolina, salt and pepper to the minced meat. I stir it.

Now I form round patties, taking about one tablespoon each. I send them to the refrigerator for 20-30 minutes. This will help the cutlets keep their shape better.
I did not roll the cutlets in breadcrumbs, but if you are afraid that they will not keep their shape, then bread them in the same semolina, flour or ground oatmeal.

I heat up a frying pan, a little vegetable oil on it and fry the chickpea cutlets over low heat under the lid.

Hello, dear visitors, I am glad that you have visited the page of my site!

The confrontation between vegans and meat-eaters to me personally sometimes reminds me of an endless holy war, in which each side has its own weighty arguments, and the choice largely depends on the person's convictions. And where there is ideology, since all people are different, it is very difficult to find the truth. I do not adhere to a specific position and sometimes I like to cook vegetarian or generally vegan dishes, but, from time to time, culinary products with meat are always present on my table. That is, that is, but each of the disputing communities deserves respect.

Today my choice fell on a wonderful work of culinary thought of people abstaining from animal food - vegan chickpea cutlets. Surprisingly, this dish has, although somewhat unusual, but still very pleasant taste. But to be honest, my husband ate the first cutlet in its pure form, and put on the other two raw smoked sausage... In preparation, this culinary product is very simple, it takes little time, if you do not take into account the long period of soaking the bean component. The cost of the dish is very small.

The use of chickpea cutlets deserves a separate description. This product, like most in vegan cuisine, is dietary, which I personally value very much, because it is very difficult to maintain a figure while eating varied and tasty at the same time. Chickpea, also called "Volga peas", "Turkish peas", "nohut", "mutton peas", is a treasure nutrients for the human body.

  • Magnesium and potassium support the work of the heart system.
  • Calcium, phosphorus have a beneficial effect on appearance person.
  • Methionine is a component of many drugs prescribed to support liver function.
  • Vitamin C has a beneficial effect on the ability to resist disease.
  • Cellulose, in my opinion, crowns all of the above set, since it helps the intestines to get rid of stagnant phenomena.

The composition of the dish is not comparable to meat cutlets, the balance is somewhat biased towards carbohydrates, but they are complex and bring only benefits and increase in strength.

Now I propose to buy everything you need in the nearest store and start cooking ...

Nutritional value of the dish per 100 gr.

BZHU: 6/4/20.

Kcal: 131.

GI: Medium.

AI: Medium.

Cooking time: 20 minutes active + 6 hours for soaking chickpeas.

Servings: 4 servings (500 g).

Ingredients of the dish.

  • Chickpeas (chickpeas) - 200 g (1 tbsp).
  • Water - 500 ml (chickpeas will absorb about 300 ml).
  • Carrots - 150 g (1 pc).
  • Onions - 50 g (1 pc).
  • Garlic - 10 g (2-3 cloves).
  • Soy sauce - 50 ml (3 tablespoons).
  • Wheat flour top grade- 50 g (2-3 tbsp).
  • Nutmeg - 4 g (1 tsp)
  • Lemon juice - 26 ml (2 tablespoons).
  • Sugar - 6 g (1 tsp).
  • Vegetable oil for frying - 20 ml.


Let's prepare the ingredients. Chickpeas must be rinsed under running water to get rid of possible impurities and dust.

Peel the carrots, with onions and garlic, remove the husk. Squeeze juice from lemon (2 tablespoons).

Place the legumes (200 g) in a deep bowl and fill with water (0.5 L). We leave it overnight.

You can start cooking in the morning. Rinse the swollen chickpeas again (I have absorbed about 300 ml of liquid) under running water and thoroughly grind it with a blender into a homogeneous puree.

Cut onions (1 pc) and garlic (2-3 cloves) into small cubes.

Fry vegetables in a hot skillet with oil for about 5 minutes until golden brown.

Rub the carrots (1 pc) on a fine grater.

Add fried vegetables, carrots, nutmeg to the chopped chickpeas (1 tsp), soy sauce(3 tbsp), lemon juice(2 tbsp) and sugar (1 tsp).

Knead the mass, achieving uniformity.

Form cutlets from the minced meat obtained and roll them on both sides in flour.

Fry the prepared semi-finished product in a hot frying pan with oil with medium heat for 5-7 minutes until golden brown.