How to make Mexican tacos. How to make tacos - Mexican food recipe

There are many culinary masterpieces representing “filled bread”. In our country, shawarma is in the first place in popularity. This representative of oriental cuisine includes pita bread, minced fried meat, spices, sauces, fresh vegetables... In the article, let's talk about Mexican exoticism - tacos, recipes and cooking methods.

Taco is a semi-closed type sandwich, a rolled cake with meat, cheese, herbs, onions, peppers inside. Condiments and sauces are included.

You don't have to be a kitchen genius to cook. The main thing is to find all the ingredients.

The classic taco recipe


Servings: 4

  • corn tortillas 8 pcs
  • meat (beef, pork, chicken) 300 g
  • pepper 1 PC
  • onion 1 PC
  • tomato 1 PC
  • parsley 1 bundle
  • olive oil 1 tbsp. l.
  • hot sauce to taste
  • wine vinegar 1 tbsp. l.
  • sugar 1 tsp
  • black pepper 1 tsp
  • salt 1 tsp
  • chilli 1 tsp

Per serving

Calories: 143 kcal

Proteins: 21.8 g

Fats: 1.6 g

Carbohydrates: 3.9 g

20 minutes. Video Recipe Print

    Chop the onion into strips, add a little wine vinegar, put to marinate.

    Add chopped herbs, black pepper, sugar, salt to the onion. Mix.

    Wash the tomato and pepper, remove the seeds, cut into tiny pieces.

    Pass the meat through a meat grinder, fry in olive oil for five minutes. Then add pepper, tomato, salt, chili powder and a little water.

    Simmer the resulting mixture under the lid until the moisture evaporates. When the minced meat is ready, transfer to a deep bowl and allow to cool.

    Put a few spoons of minced meat on the cake, a spoonful of onions with herbs and a little hot sauce.

    Bend the cake in half. Make sure the filling is evenly distributed. It remains to decorate with herbs and the taco is ready.

If your family wants something new, prepare a Mexican taco. If there are children, reduce the amount spicy ingredients.

3 homemade taco recipes

Tacos are a Mexican treat. Everyone who was lucky enough to visit Mexico tasted the gorgeous taste of this dish. In their native lands, not every cafeteria will be able to order it, it is easier to make tacos at home. It is prepared as simply as beef heart or cutlets.

Cooking tortillas

  1. Pour 50 g of kefir into a large bowl, add a little soda and salt. Pour 50 g of flour into a bowl, knead the dough. This is enough for 4 servings.
  2. Divide the dough into four pieces and roll each piece well.
  3. Fry the resulting cakes on both sides. Bubbles are the first sign of readiness.

The base for the tacos is ready. Let's talk about the filling. I offer several options.

Salmon tacos


  • salmon fillet - 2 pcs.
  • olive oil - 1 spoon
  • salt and pepper


  • canned corn- 1.5 glasses
  • cherry tomatoes - 1 glass
  • black beans - 0.5 cups
  • carrots - 1 pc.
  • chopped red onion - 0.25 cups
  • celery
  • salsa - 0.5 cups


  1. Cooking the sauce. Mix all the ingredients listed above in one bowl.
  2. Grease the fish fillet with oil and sprinkle with spices. Fry the fish on both sides. It will take no more than 10 minutes.
  3. Chop the cooled fish fillet using a regular fork.
  4. Put some fried fish on the flatbread and pour over the prepared sauce. It remains to fold in half.

Turkish tacos


  • turkey - 0.5 kg
  • chopped onion - 30 g
  • cakes - 10 pcs.
  • ground chili and paprika
  • salt, oregano, ground pepper, and garlic powder.


  • tomatoes - 2 pcs.
  • cheddar cheese - 150 g
  • green salad- 750 g.


  1. Prepare the filling. Grind all indicated ingredients and mix well.
  2. Fry the meat in a frying pan, then add onion, ground chili, paprika, salt, oregano, ground pepper and garlic powder. Put out until tender. This will give the contents of the pan a pink tint.
  3. Put the filling on the tortillas and pour over the sauce. Fold in half.

Brazilian tacos


  • minced meat - 700 g
  • onion - 1 pc.
  • garlic - 1 clove
  • tomato sauce- 100 g
  • salt, cumin, pepper.


  1. Minced meat, stirring occasionally, fry in a pan. Crush large lumps with a spatula.
  2. Drain off excess fat, add a little chopped garlic and chopped onion to the minced meat.
  3. Fry until the ingredients are soft. Then add tomato sauce, salt, caraway seeds, pepper to the minced meat. Continue cooking for 15 minutes.
  4. Put the resulting filling on the flat cakes and fold in half.
  5. Serve cooking masterpiece with sour cream, tomatoes, cheese and salad.

Making tacos at home is easy. Which option to give preference to is up to you. We'll have to try all three, then it becomes clear. Dishes prepared according to these recipes can be included in the New Year's menu in absentia.

Chicken recipe video

Great spaghetti taco recipe

Tacos have a long history, as they appeared before the arrival of Europeans in Mexico. The snack includes corn tortillas and various fillings: fried minced meat, seafood, pieces of sausage, beans, salad, onions.

Spaghetti tacos spicy appetizer, the composition includes bolognese sauce, without which it is difficult to imagine italian pasta.


  • corn flour - 1.5 cups
  • eggs - 1 pc.
  • water - 1.5 cups
  • vegetable oil- 200 ml


  • garlic - 2 cloves
  • olive oil - 2 tablespoons spoons
  • butter- 25 g
  • onion - 1 pc.
  • carrots - 1 pc.
  • celery - 1 pc.
  • bacon - 85 g
  • milk - 300 ml.
  • dry wine - 300 ml.
  • tomato paste - 50 g
  • spaghetti - 400 g
  • spicy herbs - 2 tsp. Spoons
  • greens - 1 bunch
  • canned tomatoes - 100 g


  1. Tortillas... Pour flour into a bowl, beat in an egg, add a little salt. Stir the dough slowly with a spoon while adding water.
  2. Pour a little of the mixture into the pan and bake a cake. Proceed in the same way with the remaining dough.
  3. While one cake is being prepared, mix the dough. The cornmeal sinks quickly to the bottom.
  4. Fold the finished cakes in half and secure the edges with a skewer.
  5. The taco has a golden color, which means that the cakes should be fried.
  6. Heat the oil in a deep frying pan and, after boiling, fry all the cakes on both sides. Hold with a fork, and for frying one cake, no more than 30 seconds.
  7. Put the fried cakes on a napkin.
  8. Sauce blank ... Finely chop the onion, grate the celery and carrots. Peel and crush the garlic with a knife.
  9. Cut the bacon into small pieces, about 0.5 cm wide.
  10. Pour half of the oil into a deep container, add butter, put on the stove to heat up.
  11. Add vegetables, bacon, garlic. Fry for 10 minutes. During this time, the vegetables will soften.
  12. Add minced meat and fry, stirring occasionally with a spoon.
  13. Dressing the sauce ... Pour milk into a frying pan with ready-made minced meat and boil for 15 minutes over high heat.
  14. Pour in wine and simmer for about a quarter of an hour.
  15. Send to the frying pan tomato paste with canned tomatoes... Bring the resulting mass to a boil, crush the tomatoes with a spoon, add herbs, pepper, salt. Put out.
  16. Stewing sauce ... The bolognese sauce is stewed for about 4 hours. For our dish, it is enough to stew for about 2 hours.
  17. Cover the container with the sauce, leaving a small gap, put on a small fire. Stir the sauce every 20 minutes.
  18. Remove the finished sauce from the stove, close the lid completely, put to infuse. Enough 40 minutes.
  19. Cooking spaghetti ... Pour about one and a half liters of water into a large saucepan, put on the stove. After boiling water, add a little salt to the pan and olive oil.
  20. Dip the spaghetti in boiling water, holding it in a fan. The pasta is cooked for about 10 minutes. Stir at the beginning of cooking.
  21. Fold the finished spaghetti in a colander. Do not rinse. When the water drains, mix the spaghetti with the prepared sauce.
  22. Taco filling ... Fill the cakes with the previously prepared filling. Two tablespoons of the filling are enough for one cake.
  23. Put the finished tacos in a baking sheet and put in the oven for 5 minutes. Temperature - 120 degrees. The dish is ready.

Cooking a dish according to this recipe will take a lot of time. But, the result is worth it. To make your cooking process easier, check out a few tips.

  1. The sauce will turn out to be more delicious if it stands in the refrigerator for about a day. You can store it for about 3 days. Using the freezer extends the period up to 3 months.
  2. When preparing the sauce, pour the milk first, then add the wine. As a result, the sauce will acquire a creamy flavor.
  3. Bake flat cakes from fine flour. As a result, they will not turn out to be crumbly and brittle.
  4. Sprinkle with cheese before baking in the oven. The dish will become more beautiful and aromatic.

Of course, people who often visit Mexico can enjoy a dish prepared by real artisans. If you are not one of them, make tacos at home. This makes an excellent appetizer with a touch of Mexican cuisine. Good luck in the kitchen!

Let's start with the tortilla. If you really want to make a real Mexican taco, then the tortilla (taco flatbread) should be made with cornmeal and water yourself. While this may sound like an ordeal, the process is actually quite simple. Combine the cornmeal and some water, roll the dough into a tortilla and fry in a skillet.

  • Tortilla on wheat or corn flour? Wheat flour tortilla has a softer, slightly sweet taste. However, for a real Mexican taco, you should use a tortilla made from corn flour, and the main element of the dish will of course be meat. Here again, it all depends on your tastes. Experiment with both types of flour and make your choice.
  • Tacos, crispy or soft? Again, the choice is yours. Tacos are easy to make crispy by frying them in oil, but traditional Mexican recipes still require tacos to be soft.
  • How many tortillas should you wrap your tacos in: a bottom or two? Many Mexican restaurants serve tacos wrapped in 2 tortillas. So the filling of the tacos will remain inside, and yesterday's tortillas will come to the point. If you are on a diet, you can use only one lozenge.

Make an onion sauce with coriander and lime juice. The sauce is very easy to prepare, and without it the taco will not be the same. Just mix following ingredients and let the sauce sit for a couple of hours:

  • 1 finely chopped onion
  • 1 finely chopped coriander leaves
  • juice of 2-3 limes
  • You can choose to use pico de gallo sauce. Pico de gallo is a simple blend of tomatoes, onions, garlic, coriander and lime. This sauce is often used for tacos, and like the onion sauce, it is very easy to make.

    Alternatively, you can use Tomatillo (vegetable physalis) sauce in a slow cooker. Regardless of how you prepare your tomatillo sauce (in a slow cooker, oven or on the stove), the basic idea does not change: cook the tomatillo, onion, garlic and jalapeno peppers, and then blend everything in a blender with a little lemon or lime juice. ... A nice addition to any taco.

  • Prepare the meat. When it comes to tacos, choosing and preparing meat is the most important step. Meat will either make your dish divine or ruin it (unless you're making vegetarian tacos). That is why in this article we will introduce you to several options for preparing meat for tacos. There are several ways to cook meat for tacos:

    • Karne asada (grilled meats such as beef)
    • Karnitas (literally "small pieces of meat" such as pork)
    • Al pastor (shepherd meat, such as pork)
    • De pescado (fish)
    • De Camarones (from shrimp)
    • Other clippings such as tongue, brains, cheeks, lips, etc.
  • Fill the tacos with meat and add any topping you like. Your taco is almost done if it consists of tortilla, meat, onion sauce as well as tomato sauce or pico de gallo. But you can make your tacos more interesting by adding a little spice:

    • Beans (black or overcooked)
    • Guacamole or avocado
    • Cheese (Queso Fresco or Mexican Cheese Blend)
    • Roasted corn
  • Mexican taco is a simple and uncomplicated dish that has a bright, rich taste and attractive appearance... Today we will master Mexican taco recipes for home cooking.

    Best Mexican Taco Recipes

    Tacos are made at home, bought on the street and generally eaten everywhere. It is prepared very quickly from simple and affordable ingredients. This is hot food, which you can eat "on the go." Tacos are good for treats big company or when the guests are already "on the doorstep." If everything is that simple, let's find out how to make tacos at home.
    The basis of tacos is corn tortilla curved shape. Also, the taco recipe includes meat filling, vegetables and sauce. All ingredients are selected to complement each other's bright flavors and create contrast. Crispy tortilla, hot, juicy meat and enveloping sauce. This, although simple, is by no means bland dish. The appetizer is often prepared spicy and pungent, but this is a matter of taste. Taco classic recipe includes Ground beef, fried in a pan, fresh vegetables and beans. Taco sauce recipes vary by region.

    Peculiarities of making Mexican tacos

    Taco cooking recipe
    First, the tortillas are prepared. The homemade taco recipe can be greatly simplified if you buy ready-made tortillas in the store. But, if you decide to make them yourself, you will need cornmeal and water. The dough is rolled out into a thin cake, fried in a pan and folded in almost half while hot. For the filling, minced meat, baked, stewed, fried or grilled meat are used. "Torn meat" is ideal, read the recipe. The variety of fillings is very large, so you can create your own unique taco recipe. TO meat filling add onions, tomatoes, peppers and herbs. For sauces, Salsa, guacamole and, of course, Taco sauce are suitable. The latter is made from tomatoes, onions, chili peppers, corn starch, garlic, spices, salt and vinegar.
    Ideal meat for a dish
    How do you choose the perfect taco meat? It should be high-quality, fresh meat with a pronounced taste. Mexican beef tacos are delicious when made with alternative steaks such as steak. It is low-fat, has a bright beef taste and a reasonable price. It can be fried or grilled, and then sliced ​​to make it easy to eat. For more softening, the steak is pre-marinated in a mixture of lime juice and oil, or in a mixture of peppers and garlic powder. In the first case, the beef takes on a citrusy, refreshing flavor and aroma, which is very good for tacos. We wrote more about how to cook Henger steak.
    Choice of shoulder or neck cuts. Whole steak from marbled beef for tacos must be wet. This is meat that was stored in a vacuum package at a certain temperature and humidity, due to which the chemical process of decomposition of proteins and collagen took place in it. The meat fibers were softened, the meaty flavor was richer, and the moisture was not lost. Ideal for wet aging.
    If you want to make minced tacos, dry aging will do. Such meat also underwent a fermentation process in a special chamber with a stable temperature and humidity. It has lost excess moisture, due to which its taste has become more pronounced. At the same time, the minced meat has sufficient marbling so that the dish is not dry. You can buy such carefully prepared meat in an online meat store or in a steakhouse shop on the Metropolitan Market. This is marbled meat from Ukrainian grain-fed bulls. It has an affordable price and exceptional quality.
    Depending on what kind of meat the tacos are made from, the choice of sauce and the overall taste of the dish depend. For example, if you decide to use grilled meat, a smoked sauce will come in handy. Minced tacos can be made with sauces based on sour cream or avocado - guacamole is ideal. Whichever option you choose, with marbled T-Bone meat your mexican dish tacos will be cooked to the highest standard.

    Taco recipes with filling and sauce

    Now let's move on to specific recipes for beef tacos to bring together all the ingredients, complementing them with delicious sauces.
    Mexican taco stuffing recipe with minced meat involves the use of beef. Fry minced dry extract with onion, pepper and other spices. Cut the tomatoes, remove the seeds and chop finely.
    Place a layer of meat, tomatoes, chopped herbs in the tortilla, and then repeat the layers. Add a few drops of lime juice at the end. Serve hot tacos.
    Minced meat in this recipe can be replaced with steak. It is marinated in lime juice and oil for about 2 hours. Then fry for 3 minutes on each side, until the internal temperature reaches 63 ° C. The meat is then allowed to rest and finely chopped for tacos. In this recipe, you do not need to use lime juice for the finished dish, it is in the marinade.
    And here is another one minced meat taco recipe... We will prepare the filling by mixing meat with vegetables. Chop chopped onion and hot chili peppers and sauté until soft. Then add the cumin and garlic to the pan. After a couple of minutes - minced meat. Stir and cook until all ingredients are browned. After that, pour in the broth and simmer over low heat for 45 minutes.
    We need salsa and guacamole sauce. These sauces can be bought ready-made, but if you want a homemade version, they won't be difficult to prepare. For the salsa sauce, combine the finely chopped tomato, onion and cilantro, then add the juice of half the lime.
    To make guacamole, you need an avocado, the other half of a lime, and sour cream. Chop the avocado pulp and mix with sour cream and lime juice. When the minced meat is ready, collect the tacos. The tortilla cakes can be put in the oven for a few minutes to brown. Put the minced meat in them and pour over the sauces. Spicy minced taco recipe with two sauces is ready.
    Mexican Taco Recipe Can Be Used different types meat and even seafood. Chicken, lamb and pork are used for the filling. Chicken taco recipe little different from beef tacos. Chicken breast fried on a grill or in a pan, and then chopped with a knife into small pieces. The meat is seasoned not only with salt and pepper, but also curry. Canned red beans, sweet corn, fresh tomatoes and blue onions are used as a vegetable component. Suitable for chicken tacos delicate sauce from a mixture of yogurt, mayonnaise, lime juice and spices. The result is a more delicate, but no less intense taste. We showed you how to make beef tacos. Indeed, in the traditional version it is this meat that is used. Alternative cuts reveal their taste in this case to the fullest. Although taco recipes are very varied. You can add pumpkin seeds, all variety hot peppers, bell pepper and much more. The main thing is to get into the spirit of tacos and find your favorite recipe.

    Even when I was little, I had little idea how to eat cutlets, pilaf, salad with my hands, without a knife and fork, without cutlery at all. And eating soup without a spoon is generally fantastic.

    As it later turned out, in the Caucasus, often unleavened bread-flatbread - lavash, serves as both a fork and a spoon, Asian sticks are excellent replacements for cutlery (I even learned how to use them), Mexican tortillas - tortillas made from corn or wheat flour replaces a fork, a spoon and a knife for Mexicans ...

    With the help of these tortillas, they pick up sauce or hold pieces of meat, pick up salads, and in general, tortilla is the basis for so many Mexican dishes - enchilada, burrito, fajitas ,. The filling is wrapped in flat cakes or served as bread for many dishes. They eat with them.

    Tortilla (Spanish Tortilla) - "round tortilla", a thin tortilla made from corn or wheat flour, eaten mainly in Mexico, the United States, Central America and Canada. Corn flour cakes were baked by the ancient Maya Indians. And the Spanish conquerors gave them their name from the Spanish word tortilla, which means omelet, because the appearance of the yellow cornmeal tortilla really resembles an omelet.

    Tortilla is baked without oil over an open fire, in earthen pans (komal) or flat baking sheets. And then, right in the heat, roll up the cakes with filling, usually spicy, and dinner is ready. The recipe is taken from a Mexican cookbook.

    Tortilla. Step by step recipe

    Ingredients (6 tortillas)

    • Corn flour 1 cup (130 g)
    • Wheat flour 0.5 cups
    • Fine salt 0.5 tsp.
    • Vegetable oil 1 tbsp. l.
    1. The number of ingredients is very arbitrary. Exclusively to show roughly the proportions. Usually up to 1 kg of flour is used.
    2. Corn flour, although little used in our traditional cuisine but is available in stores. Usually, cornmeal is not as finely ground as conventional wheat flour, it looks more like bran. Pleasant light yellow color. It is worth taking flour of a finer grinding.

      Corn flour

    3. Sift 1 cup (200 ml faceted) cornmeal into a large bowl. Considering that corn flour has much lower stickiness than wheat flour, and if you've never baked with corn flour, it is worth adding 0.5 cups of regular wheat flour to the corn flour. The addition of wheat flour will give a certain "head start" in rolling the tortilla, they will not fall apart.

      Mix corn and wheat flour, salt

    4. Add 0.5 tsp to the flour. fine salt "extra". Stir the flour and salt thoroughly to make the mixture as homogeneous as possible.
    5. Pour 120 ml into a glass warm water- 35-40 degrees. Add 1 tbsp. l. vegetable oil and shake with a fork. Next, pour the liquid into the flour and knead the dough. Most likely the dough will be a little liquid, so you need to add corn flour in small portions and achieve a very soft dough.

      Mix 120 ml warm water and vegetable oil

    6. Roll the dough into a ball, cover with a napkin and let stand for 30 minutes at room temperature.

      Roll the dough into a ball and leave for 30 minutes

    7. The dough will turn out to be approximately 350 grams. Divide the dough into 6 pieces by rolling up balls.

      Divide the dough into 6 pieces

    8. Put the pan on the fire. The pan must be dry, i.e. no need to pour oil. By the way, it is very convenient to use a pancake pan.
    9. Next, you need plastic wrap or a regular bag.
    10. Put a ball of dough on a piece of polyethylene and press down with your palm - flatten it to make a cake. Cover the dough with a second piece of polyethylene and roll out the dough with a rolling pin between two layers of polyethylene into a round cake with a diameter of 15 cm. Approximately like a CD.

      Roll out the dough into a thin cake

    11. Remove the top polyethylene sheet, turn the cake over into the palm of your hand and remove the bottom polyethylene sheet. Next, gently put the cake on a hot dry (!) Frying pan.
    12. Bake for 1.5-2 minutes on each side. The edges of the cake can be slightly curled up, this is normal. Slight bloating is also acceptable. The tortilla will turn deep yellow and bake well.

      Bake in a hot dry skillet

    13. Put the finished tortillas in a pile, on top of each other and cover with a napkin to cool. Tortilla, if not overdried, bends well and folds in half.

    Tacos, or tacos, are one of the most famous and popular dishes in hot Mexico all over the world. They are prepared on the basis of a thin tortilla called tortilla. And it, in turn, is kneaded on wheat or corn flour. In fact, the dish is hot appetizer similar to shawarma or even pizza. It can consist of a wide variety of foods, from vegetables and meat to mushrooms, cheese, fish, fruits and seafood.

    The five most commonly used ingredients in tacos recipes are:

    In traditional, classic recipes tacos add stewed cactus pulp. But not any, but special, Mexican. However, in the absence of such, many do without it. Also includes: fried beans, chicken, seafood and vegetable mix, pork, beef, chorizo ​​(flavored Latin American sausage), cheese, herbs, guacamole and salsa.

    Tacos are served unfolded: put the filling on the cake and put everything on a plate. The eater himself folds the tacos in half without resorting to cutlery. They also eat with their hands, like a regular sandwich.

    Translated from Mexican, this word meant "lump". But over time, it acquired its own meaning and today is translated as “light lunch” or “tortilla with spicy meat”. In the historical homeland, there are numerous establishments called taqeria, in which one or another type of tacos is served. Each taco has its own name. As a rule, it is associated with what the filling is made of.

    In addition to fillings, tacos differ from each other both in the method of preparation and serving. For example, corn dorados is fried in oil, folded in half or in a tube immediately filled with filling. Ahogados is served half drowned in salsa. The sudados is filled with boiled filling, and the decanast is made out in the form of a basket. For dobladas, the tortilla, folded in half, is first fried in oil until crisp and then just filled. And for degisados, all the filling is stewed first.

    Like many Mexican food, tacos have a pungent taste.

    The five lowest calorie taco recipes:

    At home, you can make tacos from scratch or using semi-finished products - purchased tortillas. The second is easier and faster: all that remains is to find the right recipe.