What can be made from cornmeal. How to bake gluten-free cornmeal cookies

Usually, the cookie idea comes up when there is a little unused flour left. This is much more common with cornmeal. And this is very good idea! And most importantly, it is incredibly quickly feasible.

Benefits of corn flour

This product contains all the immense benefits of corn itself. Beautiful color, special structure and unique taste - ideal flour for baking. It is also gluten-free, which has become a real threat not only for those looking to lose weight. Cookies made from it are much healthier and safer for children in terms of allergies.

This product is stored much longer in finished form... That is, the cookies remain crispy and fresh for a long time, as if they had just been taken out of the oven. She keeps her well taste qualities and goes well with various additives: both sweet and savory.

Chopped corn quickly saturates the body, bringing with it many micro and macro elements, vitamins, and minerals. It contains a lot of vegetable protein. Moreover, it has a lower calorie content than wheat, therefore it is recommended by nutritionists. Plus, a high fiber content has the best effect on bowel function.

Almost all baked goods made from this flour are crumbly. However, it may not require eggs or butter. After all, flour is also used in cosmetology, which once again proves its benefits and versatility.

A simple recipe for gluten-free sweets

Algorithm for making cookies from corn flour gluten free:

Shortbread cookies for children

  • 7 g vanillin;
  • 220 g corn flour;
  • 6 g salt;
  • 60 g icing sugar;
  • 220 g wheat flour;
  • 190 g butter.

Time - 1 h 15 min.

Caloric content - 447 kcal / 100 g.


  1. Sift both types of flour together with salt into one large bowl, and then mix them with a spoon;
  2. In a smaller bowl, cut the butter into pieces. It is desirable that it be soft, then it will be easier to mix it with vanilla and powdered sugar. You can use sugar, but the powder will dissolve faster;
  3. Beat this creamy mass with a mixer for about two minutes so that it increases in volume;
  4. Gradually add the flour mixture to the butter and knead the dough. You may need less flour. You do not need to knead much, it is enough to make the dough gather in a ball;
  5. This ball must be placed in the refrigerator for an hour. It is better to wrap it in foil so that it does not dry out;
  6. Pull the ball out after a while and hold it in the room for about five minutes. When it has become softer, you can form smaller balls and put them on a baking sheet;
  7. Cookies should be baked for about twelve minutes, they should only change color slightly at a temperature of 170 degrees.

Rice and Corn Flour Cookies

  • 3 g dough powder;
  • 75 g rice flour;
  • 1 egg;
  • 25 g corn flour;
  • 60 g sugar;
  • 60 g butter.

Time - 1 hour 25 minutes.

Caloric content - 408 kcal / 100 g.

Cooking process:

  1. In a container, first mix the soft butter with sugar, then drive in an egg and beat the whole mass with a mixer. It should rise, and the sugar grains should dissolve;
  2. Sift rice and corn flour with baking powder and add to creamy mass by kneading the dough;
  3. The ball of this dough must be cooled in the refrigerator, it takes about an hour;
  4. Roll the cooled ball into a bar and cut it into neat squares. For it to cut well, the knife must be warm;
  5. Chop the squares with a fork and send them to bake on a baking sheet over medium heat. They do not need to be kept in the oven for more than fifteen minutes. Store in an airtight container.

Cornmeal Nut Biscuits

  • 130 g walnuts;
  • 225 g corn flour;
  • 120 g sugar.

Time - 25 minutes.

Caloric content - 363 kcal / 100 g.

How to cook:

  1. Beat cold eggs with sugar, foam should form on top;
  2. Sift flour here and mix it in;
  3. Heat the nuts quite a bit in a frying pan, and then grind them in your hands to remove excess husks. Then immerse them in a blender or mince them to make a nut gruel. It needs to be added to the rest of the ingredients. Instead of walnuts, you can use absolutely any other nuts, including a mix of them;
  4. Mix all the ingredients and transfer them to a pastry bag. If it is not there, you can spread the cookies directly on the baking sheet with a spoon. You can give any shape;
  5. Bake for about fifteen minutes at 200 Celsius.

Fasting baked goods

  • 110 g sugar;
  • 90 ml of water;
  • 225 g wheat flour;
  • 15 ml vinegar;
  • 6 g of soda;
  • 210 g corn flour;
  • 110 ml of oil.

Time - 30 minutes.

Caloric content - 369 kcal / 100 g.

How to cook lean cookies from corn flour without eggs:

  1. Both types of flour must be sifted and sugar added to them, mixed;
  2. Combine oil with water in a separate container, stir with a fork or whisk;
  3. Dissolve soda in a large spoonful of vinegar, and then pour it into an oil-water liquid, stir;
  4. Now pour the liquid into the flour mixture, stir and knead the rather fatty dough. You should not add more flour;
  5. Let the dough rest for ten minutes, then cut it into pieces that need to be rolled into balls. Put them on a baking sheet, it is not necessary to grease it;
  6. Then send to bake at 180 Celsius for a maximum of twenty minutes.

Banana Corn Flour Cookies

  • 15 ml of oil;
  • 4 g of soda;
  • 1 banana;
  • 10 ml apple cider vinegar;
  • 60 g corn flour.

Time - 35 minutes.

Caloric content - 209 kcal / 100 g.

Cooking method:

  1. Peeled banana must be mashed with a hand blender. If there is no blender, you can just knead it well with a fork;
  2. Then add a little oil to the puree and stir;
  3. Pour sifted flour into the same bowl, and also add a little soda, quenched with vinegar. To mix everything;
  4. The dough will be quite dense. It needs to be rolled into a layer, not too thin;
  5. Cut out future cookies with a mold. Can be made in the form of emoticons or asterisks, as you like. Transfer to a silicone mat;
  6. Bake over medium heat for about ten minutes. Let cool and serve.

The recipes presented today are as simple as possible. This makes it possible to supplement them with as many different ingredients as possible. For example, you can add dried fruits (dried apricots, raisins, prunes), candied fruits, nuts, seeds. You can even add gummy bears.

In addition, you can use unsweetened ingredients. These can be olives or crispy bacon slices. Of course, then you need to reduce the amount of sugar. You can add various spices: nutmeg, various herbs, stir in ginger, cinnamon, coconut flakes, chocolate drops, even chili peppers! It only depends on your own preferences.

The versatility and special taste of corn flour are only a small part of its advantages. Cookies from it are always crispy and tender at the same time. To prepare it in the evening for tea is a matter of a few minutes!

*** Gluten is a vegetable protein found in some cereals. Approximately 1% of people on the planet suffer from a congenital intolerance to this substance or celiac disease.

People with celiac disease are forced to follow a life-long gluten-free diet.

The following foods should disappear from the diet forever:

Wheat, rye, barley, oats and their derivatives: bread, cereals, starch, flour, pasta, kvass and so on….

The most commonly used flours and foods for gluten-free baked goods include:

  • Rice flour
  • Tapioca flour
  • Soy flour
  • Corn starch
  • Corn flour
  • Buckwheat flour

Products for 8 cookies with a diameter of 7.5 cm

  • Corn flour 160 g

*** Please note: not corn grits (polenta) are used for baking, but corn flour!

  • sugar 120 g
  • milk 206 g or 200 ml
  • butter 67 g or 75 ml
  • salt - pinches
  • baking powder 6 g
  • medium eggs 2 pcs. or large 1.5 pcs.
  • vanilla sugar

jam or jam 8 tbsp

*** Remember, in cooking you can try and create to your taste, but baking requires strict weight and measurement guidelines, otherwise you risk getting a completely different product!

Cornmeal Cookies - Cooking Method

Heat the oven to 200 °.

Prepare bakeware - it can be any muffin tins.

Or these with a notch -

*** you will find out later why these are the best fit!

If forms without non-stick coating, then you need to grease them with oil.

Dough to cook

Sift the flour.

Mix dry ingredients: flour, sugar, vanilla sugar and salt.

Pour in milk and add butter.

Bring the mixture to a boil.

Stirring all the time, cook over low heat for 7 minutes.

Cool down.

Stir in eggs.

Add baking powder.


BAKE cornmeal cookies

Turn off the fire in the stove to 180 °.

A. If you bake in muffin tins, then

Put 1 tbsp. test

1 tbsp thick jam, or jam, or whole berries from jam

Top 1 tbsp. test

*** Such problems may arise: when baking - if the jam is liquid - it can sink to the bottom of the molds.

B. If you bake in tins with grooves (as in the photo) - then

Put 2 tablespoons each. Test.

Bake for 25 minutes.

Make a test with a splinter.

Remove the cookies from the oven and leave for 5 minutes.

Remove the cookies from the molds and cool on a wire rack.


If you baked in hollowed out tins, then

After the cookies have cooled, you can fill the grooves with jam, berries from jam, jam, any cream ... Etc.

*** It all depends on whether you have to follow the diet.

... so navigate yourself!

These filled cornmeal cookies are soaked in jam and become very juicy and tender!

By the way, such cookies are not very sweet.

Health food offers delicious and interesting recipes! Diet and diet recipes- For you!

*** And remember: diet food is a health food!

You should not eat diets without first consulting your doctor!

Nutritional therapy will not replace therapeutic measures, but it will contribute to recovery!

Very simple, tasty and light curd cake for tea.

Curd 2%: 240 g.
Soft cottage cheese 0%: 150 g.
Egg: 2 pcs.
Corn flour + rice flour: 70 g. + 50 g.
Butter: 15 g.
Vanillin: 2 g.
Baking powder: 1 tsp
Stevia: to taste

Delicious and delicate dietary lemon pie, with a pleasant citrus taste and aroma.

Corn flour: 50 g.
Oat flour: 70 g.
Butter: 15 g.
Egg: 3 pcs. + 1 egg white
Ricotta: 250 g.
Soft cottage cheese 5%: 200 g.
Lemon zest: 2 tsp
Lemon juice: 1-2 tablespoons
Baking powder: 1 tsp
Stevia: to taste

The history of the appearance of this cake in my kitchen is very prosaic - there was a large tray with fresh mint in the refrigerator, and I absolutely did not know what to do with it. I bought it to make tea and, maybe, decorate a couple of dishes, but for some reason mint is sold in large trays, and I can't drink so much tea, if I wanted to!) I had to improvise. And the result, by the way, I really liked - the cake is unusual, juicy, tasty, aromatic and mint. Can be made as muffins.

Delicious, aromatic dietary apple muffin with raisins - a great addition to tea or coffee. I eat for breakfast and snacks. And I can also for dinner. 🙂

Rice flour (can be wheat flour): 100 g.
Corn flour: 100 g.
Egg: 2 pcs.
Homemade yogurt (or kefir): 200 ml.
Curd 2%: 60 g.
Baking powder: 1 tsp
Apples: 200 g.
Raisins: 35 g.
Stevia: to taste

Today we have healthy corn pancakes for breakfast with different fillings for every taste: with suluguni cheese, homemade yogurt, date jam and honey. Delicious and nutritious breakfast.

Corn flour: 80 g.
Cornstarch: 30 g.
Milk 0.5%: 200 ml.
Olive oil: 5 ml.
Egg: 2 pcs.
Salt: a pinch
Boiling water: how much will it take (≈200 ml.)

Another healthy and tasty breakfast muffins, this time - lemon with candied fruits.

From the number of ingredients listed below, I made 6 muffins. The calorie content of one muffin is 115 kcal.

I love having breakfast with muffins so much - it's very tasty and convenient. Plus, there are always a few snacks left over. And my daughter just adores them. And since all my muffins are not only very tasty, but also very useful, I do not worry at all that the child eats "rolls". For example, today for breakfast we have diet carrot muffins with raisins and cherry jam.

With the number of ingredients listed below, I made 8 muffins. The calorie content of one muffin averages 85 kcal.

Very simple and quick option Italian focaccia: dietary focaccia with tomatoes and rosemary. It is easy to prepare, it turns out very tasty and healthy. Such pastries can be enjoyed by children. It is based on cottage cheese, which does not taste at all, and baked goods are much healthier and less high in calories.

Millefeuil is a very popular French cake, which literally means "a thousand petals" because it is traditionally made from puff pastry. Diet milfey with raspberries may not consist of a thousand petals, but nevertheless, the dessert turned out to be unusually tender and tasty. And, most importantly, unlike its French counterpart, it is absolutely healthy and many times less high-calorie.

The raspberry season is beginning, which means that we urgently need to cook something with it. We will prepare a very light, insanely delicious dietary raspberry pie. With fresh raspberries to preserve all their vitamins and health benefits.

Homemade crackers

Make crunchy, mouth-watering, ruddy crackers. This is delicious!

Garlic bread

Garlic bread is a great addition to a plate of borscht!

Polenta ram

The famous Italian polenta - please the family with such porridge!

Fried bream

Do you like fish? Prepare delicious, ruddy bream!

Xylitol cake

Make cakes with xylitol - delicious and much healthier than with sugar!


Georgian dessert is something worth trying!

Cheese fondue

Gourmet recipe cheese fondue straight from Switzerland!

Fried mullet

Fried mullet is perfect for any table.

Corn flour

Corn flour recipes were created by our great-grandmothers. They knew that it was made from fine or coarse grinding. What kind of food to eat? It is up to the gourmet to decide, but everyone is obliged to cook interesting pastries at home. From a coarser grinding, a crumbly, granular flour is obtained. As for the second type, bread rises much better. In all national cuisines there are features and subtleties of preparing products from this product. Mamalyga or Mexican flatbreads, which are traditionally treated to tourists. Today delicious dishes from this type of flour are found everywhere, since the demand for it has grown incredibly. Chips are a delicacy that is quite popular from Europe to America. Fishermen manage to catch fish on them and the catch is always happy. And in Africa, they prepare a specific African hardened ugali. Contains up to 330 calories, especially recommended for athletes and those who follow the figure.

Sweet cornmeal baked goods

Corn flour a very useful product, although we are used to baking from wheat flour, you can also bake from corn. There are quite a few corn flour baking recipes.

We will introduce you to corn flour baking recipes... With them, you can easily diversify your family's menu and your family will be able to try something completely new for them. This pastry is worth trying to cook at home, especially since corn flour is on sale in any large supermarket and it is quite affordable.

  1. Cornmeal cookies
  2. Corn flour muffins
  3. Corn tarts with berries
  4. Corn shortbread cookies
  5. Crispy corn biscuits
  6. Corn pie with cottage cheese

Cornmeal Cottage Cheese Casserole

Casserole with cottage cheese and corn flour

It would seem nothing new, another cottage cheese casserole... In fact, this is how it is, but this does not include either Wheat flour, nor semolina, they are replaced by corn flour.

Corn flour gives the casserole a whole new flavor and smell. And this casserole is more useful than the classic one. And children really like the yellowish color that corn will give.

To make a casserole you will need:

  • Corn flour - 150 g;
  • Cottage cheese of any fat content - 600 g;
  • Egg - 4 large pieces;
  • Baking powder for dough - 0.5 teaspoon;
  • Vanillin - to taste;
  • Sugar to taste;
  • Salt - on the tip of a knife;
  • Vegetable oil - for lubricating the mold.

Let's start cooking:

  1. It is worth starting cooking with cottage cheese. You can take it of any fat content, I prefer to use fat homemade cottage cheese from the market. Often I don't even take 600 g, but a little more. Pour the cottage cheese into a bowl for preparing a casserole, remember it with a fork if it is large.
  2. Add sugar to your liking, and add salt, mix well the cottage cheese with sugar.
  3. Now break the eggs to the curd, mix everything well.
  4. Then add baking powder and vanillin mix again.
  5. Add all the cornmeal to the curd, mix everything thoroughly until smooth. Flour should combine well with cottage cheese, there should be no lumps.
  6. Take the form in which you will bake it, the size and shape are not important, you can at least bake a frying pan. Lubricate it well with vegetable oil, you can also grease it with margarine, but grease it liberally.
  7. Place the casserole dish in an oven preheated to 180 °, bake for 40-50 minutes.
  8. Then take it out of the oven and let it cool, only then shake it out of the mold or just cut it straight into the mold into pieces.

Enjoy your meal!

Ginger Lemon Corn Cookies

Ginger Lemon Corn Cookies

Just unbelieveble delicious cookies with an oriental touch. If you love the ginger-lemon flavor, then this cookie will delight you, you will get a lot of pleasure from it.

The recipe for this cookie was brought by friends from a vacation in Turkey and since then it has been prepared by all our friends and relatives.

For cooking corn biscuits with ginger and lemon you will need:

  • Corn flour - 130 g;
  • Corn groats - 50 g;
  • Salt is a small pinch;
  • Ground ginger - a quarter teaspoon;
  • Sugar - 150 g;
  • Butter - 100 g;
  • Egg - 1 piece;
  • Grated lemon zest - 1 tablespoon.

Let's start cooking:

  1. Immediately take out a container of suitable size for preparing the dough.
  2. The butter must first be softened by holding it in a warm room.
  3. Pour sugar to the butter, finely grind the butter and sugar with a whisk. The oil should turn white. Become more airy.
  4. Then break the egg to butter and mix well again with a whisk until smooth.
  5. Now take a lemon and rub the zest from it, the zest should be 1 tablespoon, usually 1 lemon is enough to grate a spoonful of zest. Pour it over the butter.
  6. Also send ground ginger to butter.
  7. Corn flour, corn grits and baking powder mix in a separate bowl. If the cereal is very coarse, you can grind it a little in a coffee grinder, I do not do this.
  8. Pour the dry mixture into the butter, and mix everything very thoroughly.
  9. Next, take a baking sheet, cover it with parchment paper.
  10. Now take the dough with a tablespoon, roll balls out of it, press each ball a little. Place the cookies on a baking sheet, do not place them side by side, there should be at least 4 cm between them.
  11. Place the baking sheet in an oven preheated to 180 °, bake the cookies for 15 minutes.
  12. Take off ready-made biscuits on the dish.

Bon Appetit!

Cornmeal cookies

Cornmeal cookies

Unusual cornmeal cookies, will bring novelty to your sweet homemade cakes... These cookies learn to be very tasty and crunchy.

Cookies are great for a tea party or a glass of milk. So it is well suited for a snack for children on a walk, it is quite nutritious and is just perfect for such snacks.

For making cookies with corn grits you will need:

  • Corn groats - 130 g;
  • Wheat flour - a glass (200 g);
  • Butter - 100 g;
  • Egg - 1 fat;
  • Sugar - 100 g;
  • A pinch of salt.

Let's start cooking:

  1. For cooking, you need deep dishes.
  2. The butter must be softened first. To make it softer faster, you can cut it into small pieces immediately into the cooked dish.
  3. Pour sugar into the butter and grind them until white. (These cookies can be made not only sweet, but also salty, if you like these baked goods).
  4. Then pour all the corn grits to the butter. It must be finely ground. Stir the cereal and butter well.
  5. Next, break 1 egg into a mass of butter and cereals, mix everything well.
  6. Then add wheat flour, add it gradually, because cereals and flour are different, therefore it is necessary to pour the flour gradually so that there is no overkill. Knead everything well, the dough should be soft.
  7. Roll the dough into a ball. Sprinkle flour on the table. Roll out a layer about 1 cm thick. Squeeze out with a cookie cutter or simply cut the layer into pieces.
  8. Place the cookies on a baking sheet lined with parchment paper.
  9. Place the baking sheet in an oven preheated to 180 °, bake the cookies for 25 minutes until a beautiful brown color.
  10. Remove the cookies to a platter.

Your cookie is completely ready!

Corn flour muffins

Corn flour muffins

Delicious cornmeal muffins, perfect for family tea or serving guests. Black currant in the dough gives an incredible aroma and a pleasant aftertaste. I often cook these pastries for children, they love them very much and take them for walks.

To make cornmeal muffins you will need:

  • Corn flour - 160 g;
  • Black currant - 100 g;
  • Wheat flour - 50 g;
  • Kefir - 100 g;
  • Sugar - 120 g;
  • Egg - 2 pieces;
  • Baking powder for dough - 1 teaspoon.

Let's start cooking:

  1. You will need a deep dish for cooking.
  2. Beat all the eggs in there and pour in the sugar, whisk the eggs and sugar a little with a whisk. No need to beat until foam, just combine them carefully.
  3. Then pour kefir to the eggs. You can take the cheapest kefir, it is even better to take kefir, which is already approaching the end of its shelf life, with such kefir the dough always fits better. Stir them up.
  4. Pour half of the cornmeal into the eggs and kefir. Stir the dough. Then add the baking powder and the other half of the cornmeal as well as the wheat flour. Mix everything thoroughly, there should be no lumps.
  5. After kneading the dough, add all the black currants and mix everything thoroughly. You can replace black currant with other berries of your choice. Mix everything well and gently so as not to crush the berries.
  6. Then pour the muffins into the tins. Can you take silicone molds or paper, you can use regular iron muffin cups. Fill them no more than halfway, they will fit and should not flow out of the molds.
  7. Place the molds in an oven preheated to 180 ° and bake them for 20-30 minutes. They should be reddened. Be sure to check the readiness with a wooden toothpick.
  8. Take them out of the oven, shake them out of the molds.

Your muffins are ready!

Multicooker corn pie

Multicooker corn pie

Increasingly, we began to cook and bake in a multicooker. And this cake is cooked in it. Corn flour makes it delicious. This cake is prepared very simply and very quickly. It is quite possible to serve it on the table for guests on a holiday.

  • Cornmeal - 1 cup (250 g)
  • Wheat flour - 1 cup (200 g);
  • Egg - 3 pieces;
  • Milk - 250 ml;
  • Liquid honey - half a glass (200 g);
  • Butter - 100 g;
  • Soda - 1 teaspoon;
  • Vinegar 9% - 1 tablespoon;
  • Condensed milk boiled - 200 g.

Let's start cooking:

  1. First you need to prepare butter and honey. They must be placed in an iron or glass dish. Put the honey and butter in a steam bath, melt them and stir thoroughly to combine.
  2. In another deep dish in which you will prepare the pie dough. Pour milk into it.
  3. Break eggs into milk, mix milk and eggs well with a whisk.
  4. Add sugar to the milk and pour the butter and honey mixture, mix well.
  5. Add very little flour to the milk mixture, mix with a whisk.
  6. Then pour soda into a tablespoon and pour it with vinegar, pour the sizzling mass into the milk mixture and stir quickly.
  7. Pour the rest of the corn and wheat flour immediately after the baking soda. Knead the dough thoroughly, there should be no lumps.
  8. Lightly grease the multicooker bowl with vegetable oil.
  9. Turn on the multicooker to the mode in which you bake, for me this is the soup mode. Turn it on for 45 minutes.
  10. When the time is up, shake the cake out of the bowl and turn it over quickly and return it upside down to the multicooker. Turn it on for another 5 minutes.
  11. When the cake is ready, shake it out of the bowl and let it cool completely, or at least until slightly warm.
  12. Then divide it into 2 halves. Put the condensed milk on the bottom, smooth it over the surface and place the other half on top.

Your pie is ready to serve!

Corn tarts with berries

Corn tarts with berries

In this recipe, more than one is prepared big pie, and 3-4 small pies. They turn out to be simply incredibly tasty, and the berries soaking it with their juice make it even tastier. It is better to make such pies in summer during the berry season.

To make corn pies you will need:

  • Corn flour - 250 g;
  • Butter - 150 g;
  • Egg - 3 pieces;
  • Sugar - 150 g;
  • Orange juice - 3 tablespoons;
  • Orange zest - from 1 orange;
  • Vanillin - to taste;
  • Baking powder for dough - 1 teaspoon;
  • Berries to taste.

For syrup:

  • Orange juice;
  • Sugar - 100 g.

Let's start cooking:

  1. For cooking, you need a deep dish in which it will be convenient to beat.
  2. Break the eggs into it and pour in the sugar, beat them with a mixer until a thick, stable foam.
  3. The butter needs to be melted in a steam bath or microwave, the butter should not be hot, just warm, otherwise the beaten eggs will curl. Pour it in a thin stream into the beaten eggs, beating with a mixer on medium speed.
  4. Now take an orange, first remove and rub the zest from it, and pour it directly over the beaten eggs. Then cut the orange in half and squeeze out all the juice. Take 2 tablespoons of this juice and pour it like this for future dough.
  5. Then add a little flour, stir.
  6. Pour in the baking powder, stir and add the rest of the flour, mix the dough thoroughly so that there are no lumps.
  7. Pour the dough into the portioned pie tins, if not already available, you can make 1 large pie in your existing baking dish.
  8. Put the molds in the oven, preheated to 170 °, bake until golden brown, be sure to check the readiness with a toothpick.
  9. Let the pies cool.
  10. In the meantime, prepare the syrup. For it, mix the orange juice, which remains, and the sugar in a small saucepan.
  11. Put on the fire, bring the syrup to a boil, let it simmer for about 5 minutes, remove it from the heat and let it cool.
  12. Shake slightly cooled pies out of the molds.
  13. Cut the top crust off the cake.
  14. Pour syrup over them well.
  15. Top with fresh berries.

Your pies are completely ready!

Corn pie with poppy seeds and pears in a slow cooker

Corn pie with poppy seeds and pears in a slow cooker

This delicious pie worthy of filing for festive table... Poppy and pear make it just special and incredibly delicious. It is prepared in a multicooker, which greatly simplifies its preparation.

Corn pie is great with tea, milk, or a cup aromatic coffee... Be sure to try it, you will love it forever.

To make such a cake, you will need:

  • Corn flour - 150 g;
  • Wheat flour - 200 g;
  • Poppy - 250 g;
  • Pear - 250-300 g;
  • Water - 300 ml;
  • Sugar - 180 g;
  • Vegetable oil - 120 g;
  • Baking powder for dough - 1.5 teaspoon;
  • Vanillin - to taste;
  • Powdered sugar - for sprinkling the cake;
  • Vegetable oil - for lubricating the mold.

Let's start cooking:

  1. Take immediately a deep dish in which you can prepare the dough.
  2. Pour the whole poppy into the dishes at once.
  3. Add all the sugar to the poppy seeds.
  4. Pour all the corn flour there, mix this dry mass so that the ingredients are thoroughly mixed.
  5. Boil the water and immediately pour boiling water over the poppy seeds, sugar and cornmeal. Mix everything quickly. Now let this mass infuse and cool, it takes about 25-30 minutes.
  6. While insisting poppy seed, you can prepare the rest of the ingredients.
  7. Combine wheat flour, baking powder and vanillin and drain.
  8. The pears must be peeled, cored with seeds and cut into small cubes.
  9. When the poppy seed mixture has cooled, add vegetable oil and a pear to it, mix everything thoroughly.
  10. Next, add wheat flour, knead the dough thoroughly, try to avoid lumps.
  11. Lubricate the multicooker bowl with vegetable oil.
  12. Put the dough in the multicooker bowl, turn it on for baking, or whatever mode you usually bake. Turn it on for 50 minutes.
  13. When the time is up, shake the cake out of the bowl, quickly return it to the bowl, top down, and turn it on for 5 minutes to bake the top too.
  14. Then shake the cake out of the bowl and sprinkle it with powdered sugar.

Your pie is completely ready!

Corn shortbread cookies

Corn shortbread cookies

These cookies cook very quickly and take almost no time. It turns out to be very crumbly and tasty. These cookies are just perfect complement for tea. Of course it is difficult to take them with you for a walk, they crumble very easily.

To make cookies you will need:

  • Margarine - 150 g;
  • Egg - 2 pieces;
  • Sugar - 100 g;
  • Cornmeal - 1.5 cups (250 g)
  • Baking powder for dough - 0.5 teaspoon.

Let's start cooking:

  1. For cooking, take a container in which it will be convenient for you to prepare your dough.
  2. Prepare the margarine first. It must be put in an iron bowl, put it on the stove and melt completely, it should become liquid. Pour it into the prepared dish.
  3. Pour sugar into the margarine.
  4. Break the eggs as soon as possible to the margarine. Mix everything thoroughly until smooth.
  5. Add gradually, kneading all the cornmeal, and knead the dough thoroughly.
  6. Put it in the refrigerator for 15-20 minutes.
  7. Take a baking sheet, line it with parchment paper.
  8. Pinch off pieces of dough, roll balls out of it, flatten it and place on a baking sheet.
  9. Put the baking sheet in the oven, preheated to 180 °, bake until golden brown, the baking time is not indicated, because everyone pinches off pieces of dough of different sizes and the baking time will differ, be guided by the color of the product.
  10. Put the finished cookies on a dish.

Bon Appetit!

Pear and Orange Corn Pie

Pear and Orange Corn Pie

Delicious cake will perfectly diversify your tea drinking. Even a small piece of such a pie will bring a lot of pleasure. Our family loved it from the first bite and now we cook it constantly. It can be easily prepared even for a holiday to serve to guests.

To make Pear Orange Corn Pie you will need:

  • Corn flour - 200 g;
  • Wheat flour - 150 g;
  • Butter - 150 g;
  • Orange zest - 1 teaspoon;
  • Orange juice - 40 g;
  • Egg - 3 pieces;
  • Milk - 100 ml;
  • Sugar - 140 g.

Let's start cooking:

  1. For cooking, prepare a deep dish in which it will be convenient to prepare the dough.
  2. Break eggs into a bowl, add sugar to them. Beat eggs with sugar using a mixer or whisk, they should double in size.
  3. Then add room temperature milk to the eggs.
  4. Melt the butter in a small bowl, it should become liquid. Pour butter over milk with eggs.
  5. Take an orange and rub the zest from it, you need 1 teaspoon of it. Then cut open the orange and squeeze out the juice. Orange juice and add the zest to the dough piece.
  6. Then mix corn and wheat flour separately, add baking powder to the same.
  7. Add the dry mixture to the liquid mixture and mix them thoroughly so that there are no lumps.
  8. Peel the pear and cut it into long slices or half rings.
  9. Use a baking pan, a split pan works best.
  10. Place the dough in a baking dish and place the pear slices on top.
  11. Place the baking dish in an oven preheated to 180 ° and bake the cake for 40 minutes
  12. Let it cool slightly, remove it from the mold.

Your pie is ready to serve!

Crispy corn biscuits

Crispy corn biscuits

Delicious and crunchy cookies go well with any drink. Children simply gobble up such cookies by both cheeks. The seed grains in the dough make it even more attractive to children who love both products.

To make corn cookies, you will need:

  • Corn flour - 400 g;
  • Sugar - 150-200 g;
  • Butter - 200 g;
  • Kefir - 60 ml;
  • Baking soda - a quarter of a teaspoon;
  • Sunflower seeds - 100 g.

Let's start cooking:

  1. The preparation of these cookies is pretty simple. Immediately take the dishes in which it will be convenient for you to prepare the dough.
  2. The butter must be softened first. Put it in a prepared dish.
  3. Add sugar to butter and mix well.
  4. Then combine the cornmeal, sunflower seeds, and baking soda. Add them to the butter. Mix everything thoroughly until smooth.
  5. Then add kefir to the resulting mass, mix everything thoroughly again, the mass should become homogeneous.
  6. Then put the dough in the refrigerator for 20 minutes.
  7. Then roll out the dough into a thin layer about 1 cm thick.
  8. Cut the layer into pieces of any shape. Place the cookies on a baking sheet lined with parchment paper.
  9. Place the baking sheet in an oven preheated to 180 °, bake the cookies for 20 minutes.
  10. Remove the finished cookies from the oven, put them on a dish.

Bon Appetit!

Corn cookies with dried cranberries

Corn cookies with dried cranberries

If you love cranberries, you just can't help but love these cookies. The biscuits are very tasty and crumbly, and the cranberries give it a slight sourness. Making it even tastier and tastier. It goes well with tea or milk.

To make cranberry corn cookies you will need:

  • Corn flour - 150 g;
  • Wheat flour - 120 g;
  • Sugar - 80 g;
  • Egg - 1 piece;
  • Butter - 120 g;
  • Salt is a small pinch;
  • Dried cranberries - 40-50 g;
  • Lemon zest - 1 teaspoon.

Let's start cooking:

  1. Use a convenient deep dish for making the dough.
  2. Put butter in it, it is better to soften it first, keep it in a warm room until it becomes soft. Put it in a prepared dish.
  3. Add sugar to the butter, beat them with a mixer or a whisk, it should become more fluffy.
  4. Next, add the eggs to the butter mass, beat them together until smooth.
  5. Rub the zest from the lemon, grate 1 teaspoon.
  6. Combine corn and wheat flour in a separate bowl. Pour it into the oil mass.
  7. Add the dried cranberries immediately. Knead everything thoroughly and knead the dough.
  8. Next, you can roll out the dough and squeeze out the cookies with a mold, or you can simply pinch off the pieces of dough, roll them into balls, flatten a little and the cookies are ready.
  9. Place the cookies on a baking sheet lined with parchment paper.
  10. Place the baking sheet in an oven preheated to 180 °, bake the cookies until golden brown.
  11. Remove the finished cookies from the baking sheet and place on a dish.

Bon Appetit!

Corn Pie "Delight"

Corn Pie "Delight"

Such a corn pie will make any tea party bright and tasty. Its delicate and pleasant taste simply cannot but please. Chocolate glaze on top makes it just magically delicious and such a cake can easily replace a cake.

To make corn pie you will need:

For the cake:

  • Corn flour - 250 g;
  • Wheat flour - 100 g;
  • Semolina - 50 g;
  • Sugar - 150 g;
  • Kefir - 400 ml;
  • Egg - 1 piece;
  • Refined sunflower oil - 120 g;
  • Baking powder for dough - 10 g;
  • Salt is a small pinch.

For glaze:

  • Dark chocolate - 100 g;
  • Butter - 50 g.

Let's start cooking:

  1. As usual, you need a deep dish in which it will be convenient for you to prepare the dough.
  2. Pour all the kefir into it, break the eggs and add the sugar. Mix everything thoroughly until smooth.
  3. Then add vegetable oil to the kefir mixture, pour out 100 g, the remaining 20 will go to grease the mold. Mix in the same way.
  4. In a separate bowl, combine corn flour, wheat flour, semolina and a baking powder for the dough. Stir them together.
  5. Pour the dry mixture into kefir, mix everything well. The mass should be homogeneous, without lumps. Leave the dough to sit for 10 minutes. This is necessary because corn flour is larger than wheat flour and needs to be allowed to swell a little.
  6. Then take the form in which you will bake, grease it with the remaining vegetable oil. Pour the dough into a mold.
  7. Place the dish in an oven preheated to 180 °, bake until it appears golden brown... Be sure to check the readiness with a toothpick.
  8. Then remove it from the mold and let it cool.
  9. While the cake is cooling, you need to prepare the frosting. To do this, take a small iron or glass dish. Finely chop a bar of chocolate there, chop finely butter.
  10. Place the dishes in a porous bath and let the chocolate and butter melt completely. While they are heating, stir them regularly; the chocolate and butter should be mixed into one mass.
  11. Once you've melted it, pour the icing over the cake.

You can serve your cake warm or completely cooled.

Bon Appetit!

Corn pie with cottage cheese

Corn pie with cottage cheese

Delicious and the most delicate pie cornmeal you've ever tasted. This recipe was given to me by a pastry chef, he cooks it in the restaurant where he works and he stands there, I can tell you quite not like a piece regular pie... You can simply cook it at home and please your family with a new yummy.

To make corn pie you will need:

  • Corn flour - 200 g;
  • Wheat flour - 80-90 g;
  • Medium fat cottage cheese - 250 g;
  • Sugar - 190 g;
  • Baking powder for dough - 2 teaspoons;
  • Egg - 3 pieces;
  • Lemon - 1 small piece;
  • Orange - 2 pieces;
  • Salt - a quarter teaspoon;
  • Butter - 50 g;
  • Sour cream - 50 g.

Let's start cooking:

  1. You need to start with cottage cheese. It will need to be chopped with a blender or grated through a sieve. It should become pasty.
  2. Add sour cream to the curd and mix them.
  3. Then add softened butter and 150 g of sugar to the curd. Mix them thoroughly together. You should have a smooth paste.
  4. Now take an orange and rub the zest off it. You need 1 tablespoon of this zest. Take the orange aside for now.
  5. Then start typing in curd mass eggs, they need to be introduced one by one, mixing the ingredients after each egg added separately.
  6. Now take a 200 ml glass, squeeze the lemon juice into it, then squeeze the juice from the oranges, you should get a full glass of such a mixture of juices. Stir it up.
  7. Pour half a glass of lemon-orange juice into the curd mass, set the other half aside. Stir the juice with the curd mass.
  8. Combine corn flour, wheat bitch, and baking powder in a separate bowl. Add the dry mixture to the curd mass. Mix everything thoroughly, there should be no lumps.
  9. Take a baking dish. Lubricate it with a little vegetable oil or margarine. Pour the dough into a mold.
  10. Place the baking dish in an oven preheated to 180 °, bake the cake until golden brown. Test the pie with a wooden toothpick.
  11. While the cake is baking, you need to cook the syrup. Take a small saucepan for it. Pour the second part of the juice into it and add the sugar. Bring it to a simmer and immediately remove it from the stove.
  12. Remove the cake from the oven. Prick it liberally with a toothpick right in the mold, there should be a lot of pricks. Pour the syrup over the cake well. When it cools down, remove it from the mold.
  13. Your pie is completely ready to serve.

Bon Appetit!

Corn flour has been known for its health benefits since ancient times. Nowadays, most housewives underestimate its nutritional quality and rarely use it for cooking. It is possible to make many delicacies from it: pancakes and muffins, pancakes and tortillas, casseroles and muffins. Dishes cooked with this flour are light and crumbly. Below are selected recipes from corn flour.

This is a delicate, tasty, airy, low-fat and very healthy dish.


  • egg - 1 large;
  • corn flour - 90 g;
  • sweetener - 2 tsp;
  • kefir - 180 ml;
  • soda - half a teaspoon.


  1. Heat kefir. The main thing is not to overheat, otherwise it will curl up.
  2. Pour in soda, leave to complete the process.
  3. Pour in the egg.
  4. Add sweetener.
  5. Add flour.
  6. Bake in a non-stick skillet without using oil.

Bread recipe

The bread made from this flour is crumbly, friable. It bakes well. Products do not stale for a long time, retaining their taste.


  • warm water for dough - 125 ml;
  • wheat flour for dough - 130 g;
  • wheat flour for dough - 80 g;
  • sunflower oil - 3 tbsp. spoons;
  • fresh yeast - 15 g;
  • warm water for the dough - 125 ml;
  • granulated sugar - 1 tbsp. spoon;
  • corn flour - 180 g;
  • salt - 1 tsp.


  1. Mix yeast with sugar. Salt.
  2. Pour in water for dough. Rub with a spoon until a thin gruel is obtained.
  3. Pour in the flour for the dough.
  4. Leave for half an hour.
  5. When the mass grows, the dough is ready.
  6. Mix the dough water and cornmeal separately.
  7. Pour in the dough. Add oil.
  8. Pour wheat flour, knead the dough.
  9. Stir for a long time, slowly add flour. After eight minutes, the dough will become more pliable and more pleasant to the touch.
  10. Place in a pre-oiled mold.
  11. Cover with a package.
  12. Set aside for an hour.
  13. When the volume doubles, you can send to hot oven(200 degrees)
  14. Cook for about half an hour.

How to make pancakes?

Corn flour pancakes are delicious and very healthy, because they contain a lot of vitamins. The dough bakes well, remaining soft and melting in the middle with a crispy golden crust around the edge.


  • eggs - 2 large;
  • wheat flour - 130 g;
  • corn flour - 400 g;
  • salt - half a teaspoon;
  • carbonated water - 250 ml;
  • corn oil - 2 tbsp. spoons;
  • milk - 270 ml.


  1. Mix the flour.
  2. Pour in milk, it should be at room temperature.
  3. Break eggs. Salt.
  4. Pour carbonated water. Beat.
  5. Leave for half an hour.
  6. Smear a hot skillet with corn oil.
  7. Scoop up the mass with a ladle. Tilt the pan, pour in the dough. Tilting in different directions, distribute over the entire surface.
  8. Turn over after one and a half minutes.

Corn biscuits

Cornmeal cookies are crumbly and satisfying with a bright yellow color.


  • wheat flour - 100 g;
  • eggs - 2 large;
  • baking powder - half a teaspoon;
  • sugar - 130 g;
  • vanilla sugar - 1 tsp;
  • butter - 180 g;
  • orange zest - 1 pc .;
  • corn flour - 250 g.


  1. Beat sugar with egg and vanilla sugar.
  2. Add softened butter.
  3. Mix.
  4. Place the zest.
  5. Add corn flour. Stir in, then wheat.
  6. Place in a bag and place in the freezer for half an hour.
  7. Roll. Cut out shapes.
  8. Put on a baking sheet. Bake for a quarter of an hour.
  9. Temperature 180 degrees.

Mexican tortilla

Corn flour tortillas come in a variety of recipes. it lean option, no oil added. It is recommended to add a little wheat flour for the bunch to make the dough elastic. Most often, thin cakes are baked, but in fact, you can make any thickness you like.


  • hand oil;
  • corn flour - 150 g;
  • salt;
  • wheat flour - 75 g;
  • boiling water - 250 ml.


  1. Mix the flour.
  2. Add salt.
  3. Pour in water.
  4. Stir.
  5. The dough should be elastic and firm. If too dry, add more water. If thin, add cornmeal. To make the dough easier to knead, hands must be constantly lubricated with sunflower oil.
  6. Cut into eight pieces. Cover with a package.
  7. Roll up the balls. Roll.
  8. Heat the pan.
  9. Lay out the cake. There is no need to add oil.
  10. Fry for a minute. Turn over. You cannot keep it for a long time, otherwise it will dry out.

Corn flour patties

A healthy, nutritious treat that the whole family will appreciate.


  • selected eggs - 5 pcs.;
  • wheat flour - 70 g;
  • corn flour - 200 g;
  • warm water - 150 ml;
  • spices;
  • sugar - 1 tsp;
  • lean oil - 3 tbsp. spoons;
  • salt - 1 tsp;
  • bulb;
  • fast-acting dry yeast - 6 g;
  • white cabbage - 170 g.


  1. Mix sugar with water, add yeast.
  2. After the yeast has swollen, pour in the egg and salt.
  3. Pour in wheat flour and a little corn flour. Knead.
  4. Add the remaining cornmeal gradually. The dough should not stick.
  5. Cover with foil.
  6. Insist for an hour and a half. It should at least double.
  7. Chop the cabbage.
  8. Pour oil into the pan. Place the cabbage. Salt. Add spices.
  9. Fry.
  10. Peel the onion. Cut. Add to cabbage.
  11. Darken for six minutes.
  12. Boil eggs, cool, peel, cut into cubes.
  13. Mix with cabbage.
  14. Grease a baking sheet with oil.
  15. Turn on the oven (180 degrees).
  16. Roll a sausage out of the dough.
  17. Cut into equal pieces.
  18. Twist the ball. Flatten in your hands to make a circle.
  19. Put the filling.
  20. Pinch the edges.
  21. Put on a baking sheet. Bake for half an hour.

Mamalyga - a step by step recipe

Gourmet, delicious-tasting cornmeal porridge - hominy. It is simple and quick to prepare it; this requires a minimum of products.


  • corn flour - 0.5 kg;
  • water - 1000 ml;
  • salt;
  • butter - 75 g.


  1. Boil water in a cauldron, adding salt.
  2. After boiling, add flour. It should be added in small portions. Boil for two minutes.
  3. Stir so that there are no lumps.
  4. Add oil.
  5. Smooth with a spoon.
  6. Set fire to minimum. Boil for a quarter of an hour.
  7. Turn the cauldron on a wooden board. The correct hominy will fall out, retaining its shape.

Corn flour: benefits and harms

Many buying this product think about the benefits and harms of corn flour. The most important thing is that food made from flour is low in calories, but at the same time nutritious. it a good option to relieve the body after a feast, as well as to lose weight. Due to its high fiber content, dishes made from this flour normalize bowel function and have a good effect on the brain and circulatory system.

If you want to improve the color and texture of your skin, consume foods that include this flour for a long time. Its composition improves the condition of teeth and bones, helps to eliminate the inflammatory process in the bladder, normalize urination and sugar levels, and slow down the aging process.

except useful properties, limitations are known. It should not be eaten after surgery, as it thickens the blood. If the child has a tendency to allergies or diathesis, meals with cornmeal should not be consumed. If there is a poor appetite and there is a lack of body weight, flour can be harmful, it interferes with weight gain. Contraindicated in exacerbation of gastrointestinal diseases. Therefore, if you have a disease of the gallbladder or liver, you should consult your doctor.

What is the difference from rye flour?

Meals made with cornmeal are softer than those made from rye flour... In the second case, the baking comes out very dense.

Is different corn composition beautiful yellow color. Rye flour has a grayish tint and there are inclusions - small particles of grain shells.

Each of us often meets corn flour on store shelves, but, unfortunately, not everyone knows what can be made from it, but there is great amount baking recipes.

Corn flour cakes - recipe


  • corn flour - 300 g;
  • wheat flour - 80 g;
  • warm water- 150 ml;
  • chicken egg (large) - 1 pc .;
  • kitchen salt - 0.5 tsp;
  • fresh - 50-70 g.


Pour warm drinking water into a bowl of cornmeal, stir, cover and set everything aside for about 35-40 minutes. Now we introduce a chicken egg into this bowl, sift wheat flour here, sprinkle everything with salt and knead a dense dough. We make a sausage from it and cut it into not very large circles, which we then flatten a little and get neat cakes. Liberally coat the bottom of a heated Teflon pan with a piece of good, fresh bacon. We place the cakes here and, reducing the fire to a minimum, bake them under a closed lid, not forgetting to turn them over when a golden crust forms.

Cornmeal Cookies - Recipe


  • corn flour (finely ground) - 220 g;
  • potato starch - 3 tsp;
  • wheat flour - 70 g;
  • chicken eggs- 3 pcs.;
  • granulated sugar - 110 g;
  • margarine - 50 g;
  • - 50 g.


Melted butter together with margarine in microwave oven and introduce it into a container with eggs, which we pre-grind (to white) with granulated sugar. Beat everything with a whisk and pour into a bowl with two types of flour connected together and potato starch... We start kneading the dough and get an elastic, smooth lump at the exit. We roll it out thinly with a wooden rolling pin and, using special molds, push the cookies, which we then move onto a baking sheet covered with parchment. We bake these wonderful cookies in an oven heated to 200 degrees Celsius for no more than 25 minutes.

Eh, the times are long gone when, with a light feed from Nikita Sergeevich (who promised the Americans to show his mother to Kuzkin), corn was the queen of the fields. And then corn was sold in stores, and corn flour was - heaps! But no, cornmeal dishes do not take root in our East Slavic cuisine. Meanwhile, corn flour (like cereals) has been and remains to this day a very popular ingredient in the cuisines of different nations.

Many have heard about the famous Italian polenta or Moldavian hominy, Mexican tortillas or Georgian mchadi. Americans (southern and northern) still honor corn, and in southern Europe it remains in high esteem. And we ... We have nothing to boast of in this regard (except for sweet corn sticks Soviet times). Therefore, we can only learn the art of cooking dishes from corn flour, the recipes of which were inherited by modern people from the ancient Aztecs.

Tortillas from Mexico

If we are already talking about the Aztecs who founded Mexico City, then we will begin to master the recipes for corn flour dishes from Mexican tortillas. These corn tortillas tasty both by themselves and as a basis for many dishes Mexican food... Real tortillas require an open fire and a special earthenware pan. But we will perfectly cope with them in a regular frying pan.


  • Corn flour (one and a half cups)
  • Water (half glass)
  • Margarine (50 g)


Finely chop the margarine with a knife. Sift the flour and add to the margarine, there is also a pinch of salt. We grind the margarine with flour into crumbs and, gradually pouring in water, knead the dough. Divide the dough into several parts (according to the number of future cakes), cover with a towel and leave for fifteen minutes. Then roll out round thin cakes from the dough and fry them on both sides in a dry (no oil!) Hot frying pan. The tortillas are ready! You can eat them instead of bread, or you can go ahead and cook ...

On the basis of tortillas, you can make tostados - the same flour cakes, but fried in oil. If you put the filling between two tortillas, sprinkle them with cheese and fry them in oil, the result is a quesadilla. And if you throw the stuffed cake into a tube, then the dish will already be called a burrito. It's funny. Is not it? But only Mexicans amuse themselves this way. And, for example, in Georgia they prepare more "laconic" corn cakes.

Mchadi from Georgia

The recipes for mchadi and tortillas are very similar, but still this different dishes... If you are interested in "feel the difference", prepare both options and compare.


  • Corn flour (3 cups)
  • Butter (50 g)
  • Water (one and a half glasses)

Add a piece of butter, a pinch of salt to the sifted flour and, adding water, knead the soft and slightly sticky dough. With wet hands, form oblong cakes from the dough, which we put in a preheated pan and bake in the oven. This method of cooking mchadi is the closest to baking them in traditional stone pans "ketsi". But many housewives fry mchadi in a pan in vegetable oil(like regular cutlets). These cakes are served with cheese (ideally with Imeretian or suluguni).

Polenta from Italy

By and large, polenta is satisfying and delicious porridge, which was originally thought to be food for the poor. But over time, it was "figured out" by the better-off Italians, and besides, they were "ennobled". Polenta recipes differ mainly in additives. It is prepared with cheese, vegetables, mushrooms, seafood, minced meat... Try making polenta with cheese first.


  • Corn flour (350 g)
  • Water (600 ml)
  • Milk (400 ml)
  • Butter (150 g)
  • Cheese (200 g)
  • Clove of garlic
  • A piece of stale bread
  • Greens


Prepare cheese for polenta in advance (grated) and garlic oil... For the latter, melt the butter in a pan and fry the crushed garlic clove in it. For polenta, we take only a thick-bottomed pan. Pour water and milk into a saucepan and boil. Then add the crumbled bread there and, stirring constantly, pour out all the flour. Cook it over low heat, without ceasing to interfere (it is more convenient to do this with a wooden spatula). After boiling polenta for about fifteen minutes, add grated cheese to it. Add in small portions, waiting until all the cheese dissolves into porridge. At the very end, pour out the garlic oil and remove the pan from the heat. Serve with herbs.

Cornbread from America (by Stephen King)

Are you surprised? No, of course, the master of literary horror films himself did not invent this recipe and did not even publish it anywhere. But in his works, cornbread is very often mentioned. Remember The Green Mile? And the cornbread that the hero of Tom Hanks used to treat the black giant? And, for sure, this bread was prepared according to traditional recipe, which is held in high esteem by all housewives in the southern American states.


  • A glass of cornmeal
  • Glass of sour milk
  • A tablespoon of sugar
  • Incomplete glass of water
  • Butter (2 tablespoons)
  • Baking dough (sachet)
  • Baking soda (quarter teaspoon)


Turn on the oven in advance and place an empty thick-bottomed pan in it (let them warm up). Meanwhile, pour a tablespoon of flour into a bowl and pour boiling water over it (an incomplete glass). Whisk the brewed flour with a whisk and add spoiled milk(kefir, yogurt) and an egg. In another bowl, mix the remaining flour, sugar, salt, baking soda and baking powder and pour it all into the liquid mixture. Knead the dough (with a whisk or fork, but not with a mixer) until all the lumps are dissolved.

We take out the frying pan from the oven and melt the butter on it. Pour the oil into the dough, and grease the entire pan with its remnants. Mix the dough again and pour it into the mold. We bake for twenty to thirty minutes. The readiness of the bread is determined by golden crust and the moment when it begins to move away from the walls of the pan.


Spicy additives and fillings (red pepper, saffron, garlic, fried smoked meats, cheese, etc.) are added to the dough just before it is poured into the mold.

In general, corn flour is considered dietary and useful product... It is not for nothing that the recipes from it are so “multinational”. So do not pass by when you see a bag of cornmeal on the counter of the supermarket. Try yourself as a researcher of the culture of the ancient Aztecs, who not only loved corn, but also revered it, calling it their golden sun.