Corn semolina porridge. Kindergarten nightmare - lumps in semolina

Mamalyga, as you know, is a traditional Georgian thick corn porridge. By the way, in some regions of Georgia it is used to this day as bread. Initially, hominy was prepared from Italian millet (millet). This dish is eaten and cooked with pleasure in other countries, for example, in Romania and Moldova. The very name of the porridge comes from their language, but the Georgians call mamalyga - gomi.

Mamalyga is an inexpensive, healthy and easy-to-prepare dish. You can add dishes such as lobio or chicken liver in Georgian. In this case, you will also receive an inexpensive, but very tasty menu.

Many years ago, Georgians were preparing millet hominy... However, they used an unusual millet, rather Italian. And then corn drove it out. In the 1940s, not only millet, but also corn was sown in Georgia.

In Russia, millet hominy was made until the time when corn flour appeared on the free market. It is worth noting that it does not taste the same as in Georgia.

If you prefer millet hominy, then it is better to immediately fry it with cheese.

Hominy recipe


  • corn grits - 1 part;
  • water - 3.5 parts (for example, if you take 2 glasses of cereal, then you need 7 glasses of water);
  • cheese (suluguni or other).

Cooking method

Georgians cook according to the recipe white hominy corn grits... She has a slightly different taste than usual. For example, we take 5 cups of corn grits (this is 650 grams, that's enough about 5-6 servings) and 17 glasses of water. Depending on the grits and the fire, you may need more water. Initially, use the rule: less water is better than more. After all, when the cereal is boiling, you can add water to it, if necessary. But if there is too much water, you will have to evaporate it for a long time.

Information for salty lovers: hominy after boiling, do not eat salty. You can only slightly add some salt to the water at the very beginning of cooking. Many people prefer not to add salt at all. After all, cheese should be salty in this dish.

So, they poured water over the cereal and put it on a small fire. Bring the porridge over low heat until cooked until the water boils away. Try hominy, if the cereal is boiled, then the porridge is ready. Everything is very simple!

The cooking time for this recipe will depend on the intensity of the fire, the size of the cereal and the quality of the cereal. Therefore, the cooking time varies from 45 minutes to 1.5 hours. In the above proportions, the porridge is cooked for 1 hour and 15 minutes.

You can choose the thickness of the porridge yourself, depending on your preferences. But remember that hominy should not be liquid. It should not flow like rice milk porridge. When laying out hominy on plates, it should form a non-spreading slide.

After boiling, hominy must be stirred, otherwise there is a possibility of lump formation. And during further cooking, the upper layers of the porridge will not receive enough heat compared to the lower ones.

For the convenience of mixing hominy, it is better to use a wooden spatula called chogani. Generally, you can use any paddle which you have at home. The main condition: it should not be too thin, otherwise it may break.

There is an opinion that this porridge needs to be added with corn flour, or if it is not there, then semolina. Let's figure it out. The purpose of adding flour is to thicken the mass. This is necessary in cases where you have purchased large cereals. However, the factory groats that you find on the shelves in stores are usually small, therefore you do not need to add flour, the porridge will be thick anyway.

Corn crunches

After preparing the porridge, you can make another dish - corn crunches. This is also a simple, uncomplicated, but very tasty dish.

After you put the finished porridge on the plates, there is still a lot of hominy left on the sides of the pan. Place this saucepan on a low heat. The porridge on the walls will dry out, fried and turn into crispy delicious crust ... Your crunches are ready! They break off easily from the sides of the pot. Such crunches are very fond of children.

How to serve hominy on the table

As we already said, hominy should be laid out on a plate in a slide. We insert pieces of cheese into the hill - suluguni or imeruli. Mamalyga is applied with a chogani spatula. So that the porridge does not stick to the shoulder blade, the chogani should be periodically moistened in cold water.

You don't need to cook hominy for several days. Anything prepared according to the recipe should be eaten immediately. Do not store hominy in a saucepan. And if there's anything left, fry it. Mamalyga is served and eat while it's hot.


The factory suluguni, although it is a miserable copy of the real suluguni, is still suitable for us to add to porridge. You can use feta cheese, Adyghe cheese and other types of cheese. The main condition is for the cheese to melt and be salty. Many people think that Western European cheeses do not go well with hominy. By the way, try adding to hominy salted cottage cheese or cottage cheese with mint and adjika.

What do they eat this porridge with

As we have already mentioned, in some regions of Georgia mamalyga is used as a substitute for bread. In this regard, it is eaten with almost all dishes.

Porridge goes well with lobio or fried pork... Tkemali, tomato satsebeli, for example, made from the correct tomato paste, and adjika with sour cream.

You can not invent anything, and eat this porridge without anything. If you have anything left, fry the porridge with cheese and eggs.

Usually porridge is fried in a pan with cheese. For some, this is the preferred cooking method.

Some people constantly eat corn semolina, while others have never even heard of it. Our site decided to tell you about this porridge and teach you how to cook it. She really has many advantages, so you can diversify your daily menu with simple and fairly exquisite dishes from corn semolina.

What is corn semolina?

Corn semolina is actually not really semolina. Just since the word itself has become almost a household name, the fine grinding of any cereal is often called semolina. Therefore, we will immediately dot all the i. And let's clarify. Corn semolina is the finest grind of corn grits, which became known for this as semolina. The name stuck and many manufacturers began to write right on the packaging.

The benefits of corn semolina

Corn semolina is a treasure nutrients... It contains proteins, vegetable fats and complex carbohydrates, vitamins C, B and A, potassium (needed for muscles, including cardio), magnesium (improves food fermentation, participates in protein synthesis, improves biliary function and stimulates intestinal function) and iron (necessary for normal hemoglobin, stimulates the liver and spleen). And it also contains essential amino acids, without which our body simply cannot function normally, and fiber, which cleanses the intestines.

It is also gluten-free, making it suitable for a gluten-free diet for celiac disease.

Calorie content

The calorie content of corn semolina is about 315 calories per 100 grams of dry cereal. And when we cook porridge, then this calorie content, in fact, decreases 3-4 times. In addition, these are complex carbohydrates that perfectly saturate and digest for a long time. So you won't go wrong if you start your morning with such a wonderful tomorrow, recommends our healthy diet ru. We have already written about porridges:

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What is the advantage of semolina over cereals?

Not everyone loves corn porridge, because it bears little resemblance to some kind of delicacy, and it takes a long time to cook. But corn semolina is completely devoid of these disadvantages. So if you dream a little and show your culinary talent, then you can feed your family tasty and healthy.

How to cook corn semolina?

It is cooked like any porridge. For 1 part of cereal, you need to take 3 parts of water or milk.

For diet breakfast you can use low-fat milk mixed 1: 1 with water.

It takes about 15 minutes to cook the porridge. Then you can add a little salt and butter or sugar. Butter and sugar, however, not at all dietary products... But if you don't overdo it, there will still be more diet food than, say, butter and cheese sandwiches or sausage.

What to cook with corn semolina? We offer recipes for every day

The usual porridge will sooner or later get bored. Therefore, it is better to cook a variety of dishes so that the diet does not repeat from day to day. We offer several recipes for delicious and healthy dishes, which are quite suitable for both diet and Sunday lunch when you want to pamper your family with something tasty and unusual.


Famous italian dish, which is very much loved in Europe. IN classic version it looks like our hominy. But you can dream up and make a diet polenta with cheese and herbs.

We need:

  • Corn semolina - 1 tbsp;
  • Milk - 1.5 tbsp;
  • Water - 1.5 tbsp;
  • Cottage cheese - 100 gr;
  • Hard cheese - 100 gr;
  • Any greens - 50 gr.

Cook porridge in milk mixed with water (it needs to be slightly salted) for 20 minutes. Add grated cheese to this porridge after turning it off. Mix cottage cheese with finely chopped herbs. Put a layer of porridge with cheese in the mold, then a layer of cottage cheese with herbs and again cover with porridge and cheese. We send for 5-10 minutes in a well-preheated oven. Polenta with cottage cheese and herbs is ready!


It is a bread substitute that can be eaten with cheese, sauce, meat, salads. Now this recipe has been improved and supplemented many times. And the preparation of hominy is very simple.

We need:

  • Corn semolina - 1 glass;
  • Water - 2.5 cups;
  • Salt.

Cook steep porridge for about 20 minutes, add a little salt and let it freeze. Then pour with butter, sauce, sprinkle with cheese. You can warm up the hominy or eat it cold.

Corn semolina tortillas (a la Spanish tortilla)

There are variations of this dish in all national cuisines the world. You can make them with herbs or cheese, fry in a dry pan or in oil. Eggs are usually not placed in them. But if you want to make a more rich version, for example, for children, then it is quite possible to put it.

Classic tortillas:

  • Corn semolina - 1 glass;
  • Water or milk - 2 glasses;
  • Salt, maybe a little sugar.

There are 2 options:

  1. We knead the dough from corn semolina and water or milk, add, form cakes and fry them in a dry frying pan with non-stick coating or in oil.
  2. Cook thick porridge, form cakes from it. Add 1 egg (optional). We form cakes and fry in any vegetable oil.

Corn semolina zrazy

We make the base, as for corn semolina tortillas. And we prepare any minced meat for the filling.

Minced meat options for corn feeds:

  1. Hard cheese, herbs, 1 egg.
  2. Cottage cheese, herbs, 1 egg.
  3. Minced meat fried with onions.
  4. Finely chopped chicken fillet fried with onions.

We cook porridge, we cook minced meat. From the cooled porridge, form a cake in the palm of your hand. Put the minced meat in the middle and wrap it with our porridge cake or cover it with a smaller cake on top and seal the edges so that the minced meat is inside. You can roll the zrazy in breadcrumbs, and then fry in oil. Or fry on both sides at once.

Diet cutlets from corn semolina with zucchini

Low-calorie cutlets are a great diet option. For them we need:

  • 0.5 cups corn semolina;
  • 1 glass of water;
  • 1 cup grated zucchini
  • 1 egg;
  • 1 tablespoon flour
  • Salt pepper.

Cook porridge from corn semolina in water, salt. Let the shovel cool down. Add the egg and grated white zucchini or green zucchini. We put flour, mix the mass. Fry like cutlets or pancakes in butter.

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Corn semolina hamburger

Avoid fast foods and forbid yourself to even think about hamburgers? Completely in vain. There is nothing seditious about these imported sandwiches. Adepts healthy eating the recipe has long been improved, one of the variants of which is a hamburger made from corn semolina.

In Italy it is called polenta hamburger and is prepared like that. Tortillas are fried from corn semolina. Then they take any filling: chicken fillet cutlets, herbs, lettuce, cucumber, tomato, cheese. Shifts several layers of this yummy between the tortillas. The diet hamburger is ready!

Corn semolina pizza

Everything is extremely simple here. We cook thick porridge in water, as we did before. Put it with a spoon in a greased and sprinkled with breadcrumbs form. Put any filling on top: ham, olives, tomatoes, herbs, boiled chicken fillet. Pour with any dietary sauce, sprinkle with cheese and send to the oven for 20-30 minutes to bake.

The result is a delicious and low-calorie pizza that will not harm your figure. It is suitable for a healthy diet.

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Corn porridge - common and popular dish in those areas where this crop is grown. It has long been cooked in Moldova, Ukraine, in the agricultural states of America, in Mexico, Italy, Spain, etc. Like other cereal dishes, such porridge is prepared with sugar or salt in water, milk, and various gravies. Here are some recipes.

Lean porridge

Before cooking corn porridge, you need to take into account this feature. Like semolina, corn grits tend to form clumps. Therefore, it should be poured into a saucepan or cast iron in a thin stream, stirring. Otherwise, the plates will then be full of lumps, which, moreover, will turn out to be half-baked. It will not turn out very appetizing. And one more clarification on how to cook corn porridge: a cast iron pot is best suited for this purpose. In a saucepan, it may burn, and the taste will not be the same. It is best to stir with a wooden spatula in one direction. Now let's get started. Pour a liter of water or broth (vegetable or meat) into cast iron, let it boil. In the boiling broth, little by little, stirring all the time, add a glass of cornmeal. Season with salt, add a few tablespoons of vegetable oil, reduce heat, and let the porridge simmer under the lid. Stir. After 15-20 minutes, add seasoning (thyme, allspice, curry or something else). Bring it to readiness. That's the whole science of how to cook corn porridge.

Serving the dish

You can serve it, sprinkle with chopped herbs, with salad from fresh cucumbers and tomatoes, onions and bell pepper tucked in vegetable oil or sour cream. Or it is possible with cracklings and feta cheese. Or with tomato sauce... To do this, finely chop 2 large onions and fry until golden brown with enough oil. Then add 4-5 tomatoes cut into small wedges and simmer until the excess liquid boils away and the sauce thickens a little. Season with salt, add a couple of garlic cloves at the end. Make the sauce sweet and sour for a better taste. The dish will turn out to be very appetizing if you prepare not tomato, but sour cream-mushroom sauce for it. Western Ukraine knows how to cook corn porridge with such a sauce. There it is called a banush and is made with whey or sour cream. Very tasty, believe me!

Sweet porridge

Milk corn porridge cooked in butter with the addition of sugar, fruits and nuts will turn out to be no less tasty. Soak the raisins, dried fruits in advance (cut them into pieces beforehand). Cook cereals in milk (1.5 liters), stirring constantly. Add sugar and a little salt to taste. Add a packet of vanillin or vanilla sugar to add flavor to the dish. After 15 minutes, add the fruit and cook until tender with a pinch of cinnamon. Put a piece of butter in the finished dish. As you can see, cooking corn porridge in milk is no more difficult than cooking ordinary. When serving, it can be sprinkled with jam syrup, honey or sweet sauce. This kind of food is especially popular with children. By the way, if your porridge is thick, it doesn't matter. You can form cakes from it, coat them with any cooked on hastily cream or jam, jam, let it brew for half an hour, then cut into slices and serve as a cake or pie. Households will appreciate your efforts as they deserve!

Bon appetit and delicious meals!

The modern food market offers the buyer a variety of choices of cereal products, which makes it possible to choose the best option for every taste. So, corn semolina has gained immense popularity, from which you can prepare tasty and healthy dishes.

Composition and useful properties

Corn grits have been known to mankind since ancient times, and therefore have become widespread throughout the world. In the post-Soviet era, this product was used to make cereals in all kindergartens. Semolina is a solid grind, thanks to which it does not boil over during cooking, and also keeps its shape well.

Corn semolina is a cereal that corresponds to a manna product in its variety. It is the external similarity that determines the name of corn semolina, but the composition, taste and method of preparation of cereals are significantly different.

Semolina is rich in fiber, capable of replenishing the lack of proteins, carbohydrates and some microelements in the body. 100 grams of this product contains:

  • more than 300 kcal;
  • 10.2 g protein;
  • 70.5 carbohydrates;
  • 3.5 g of fiber.

IN finished form cereal loses calories and has 96 kcal. per 100 g (on average).

Corn grits are able to retain all their properties after passing heat treatment... You can not only boil it, but also fry it. With any method of preparation, the porridge is completely absorbed by the body, has a positive effect on intestinal activity. It normalizes the functioning of the nervous system, and also speeds up brain activity. Corn product allows you to maintain vitality after grueling workouts and heavy exertion. In addition, it helps to stop the aging process, and also has a beneficial effect on the general condition of the skin and hair.

Regular consumption of porridge helps to accelerate metabolism, which improves overall well-being, as well as increase efficiency. Corn semolina can be safely added to the diet of children, pregnant women and the elderly.

Corn porridge helps to lose weight, as even a small portion can saturate a person for the whole day. This cereal helps to remove toxic substances and excess cholesterol from the body.

But this effect can be achieved only if you do not add salt and butter to the dish.


Despite a lot of positive qualities and versatility, semolina can be harmful. Its use is contraindicated in people with individual intolerance and dystrophy. This is due to the fact that it contains enzymes that can burn fats, and with a lack of weight, this can lead to sad consequences.

This product is not suitable for people who suffer from poor appetite, as even a small portion of porridge can satisfy hunger for a long time.

You can not eat semolina with gastritis and ulcers, as well as problems with bowel movements. People with increased blood clotting are also at risk.

For women who tolerate pregnancy well, do not suffer from overweight and toxicosis, semolina will not do any harm. Otherwise, it is necessary to abandon this product in favor of a lighter and less nutritious one.

Corn grits are not suitable for diabetics. It contains glucose, which when heat treatment only increases its performance.

Cooking recipes

Such cereals are prepared in one way or another, depending on what kind of corn was used for its preparation. Much also depends on the degree of grinding, since semolina can have a size of 0.7 mm. up to 1.2 mm.

It will take about 20 minutes to cook semolina porridge in water, but the dish is cooked in milk for more than half an hour. You can use a multicooker to make cooking easier. semolina prepared for children, as it is well absorbed and also tastes good. And if you add a little berries or syrup to it, then you can get a dessert dish.

Porridge for breakfast

For such a dish, you will need to prepare a small saucepan, pour 210 ml into it. water, add 2 teaspoons of sugar, and then bring the liquid to a boil. After that, slowly pour 3.5 tablespoons of cereal into the pan. You need to cook porridge for at least 20 minutes, constantly stirring the mixture. After 15 minutes of cooking, you need to reduce the heat, add butter to the pan, and after a minute pour 150 ml into it. milk. After 5 minutes, the semolina can be removed from the stove.

Semolina in a multicooker

To prepare this dish, you need to take:

  • 4 tablespoons of semolina;
  • 250 ml. water;
  • 250 ml of milk;
  • 3 tablespoons of sugar;
  • 15 g butter;
  • a pinch of salt.

Pour milk and water into the container, add cereal, salt and sugar, and then mix everything thoroughly. Next, on a slow cooker, you need to select the "porridge" mode, set the time - 19-21 minutes. After this time, the porridge must be seasoned with oil.

This dish can only be prepared with milk. And to achieve better taste you need to add berries, nuts or syrup.


For cooking semolina pie you will need:

  • 200 g semolina;
  • 200 g of sugar;
  • 60 g butter;
  • 200 ml. milk;
  • 3 eggs;
  • half a teaspoon of baking soda.

First you need to melt the butter, then mix sugar and eggs with it. After thorough mixing, you need to pour semolina into the mixture, constantly stirring the gruel to avoid the formation of lumps.

Milk and soda are added to the mixture. To enhance the taste, you can add berries or nuts to the cake. After that, you need to pour the mixture into a mold and put in a preheated oven. You need to bake the manna for 40-50 minutes at a temperature of 190.

Semolina casserole

This recipe involves the use of ready-made corn porridge, to which you need to add 2 beaten eggs and 100 g of sugar. After that, 2 tablespoons of butter, a pinch of salt and 10 g should be put in the porridge. vanilla sugar... The resulting dough is poured into a greased mold, and then sent to a preheated oven for 10-15 minutes.

I don't get tired of cooking porridge! On the contrary, I continue to experiment with combinations of cereals and other components. Today we have corn grits and semolina porridge.

The recipe came about for a reason. Usually, when preparing porridge for myself, I take the ingredients by eye, and it often turns out that there is more liquid than cereals, and liquid porridge I do not like. Once, once again, having got into such a situation, I decided to pour a spoonful of semolina into the almost ready-made porridge, knowing that it absorbs a lot of liquid. Having received as a result not only thick, but also delicious porridge pleasant uniform consistency, I was pleasantly surprised. Since then, I deliberately take more water and milk in order to add semolina at the last moment. IN this recipe, of course, I figured everything out, and you won't have to pour it on the eye. But still, I advise you to do this sometimes, suddenly, too, you will discover something new ...

So, let's get down to cooking semolina porridge.

We wash the corn grits thoroughly.

We transfer to a saucepan, add salt, pour in hot water.

Cook over medium heat, stirring occasionally so that the porridge does not burn, until the liquid is absorbed. It will take about 15 minutes.

Then pour in the milk and bring it to a boil again.

Little by little, preferably in a thin stream, add semolina, while stirring the porridge with a spoon, so that no lumps form.

Cook literally for a minute on low heat, stirring the thickening porridge. Then turn off the heat and leave under the lid for 10 minutes.

Season the prepared porridge generously butter, mix.

Corn semolina porridge is ready! Serve hot, sweetened with honey or jam to taste. Bon Appetit!