How to make vegetable ratatouille. Mysterious ratatouille

At the word "ratatouille", most of the inhabitants of our country will smile when they remember the funny rat-cook from the cartoon of the same name, but the ingredients of this simple French dish are unlikely to be named. Meanwhile, ratatouille is one of the most famous vegetable dishes: vegetarians appreciate its independent refined taste and meat eaters are often chosen as a light side dish. If you want to diversify your daily family menu, be sure to read How to make ratatouille at home - step by step recipe with a photo will help you organize a French dinner in your kitchen.

Ratatouille - a treat for the poor

This is now ratatouille served in high-end restaurants French cuisine, and in 1778, when the first written mention of the dish appeared, baked vegetable stew considered the food of the poor peasants... The very name "ratatouille" excludes all claims to a noble origin: the word "rata" then served as a general designation for food, and the verb "touiller" is translated as "stir". So no fancy in the name of the recipe, as it would be typical for court cuisine.

It is believed that the first ratatouille was prepared in the vicinity of modern Nice - the heart of Provence. Any local treat is hard to imagine without olive oil and famous provencal herbs as became the highlight of the stew.

The peasants collected the ingredients for ratatouille in their own garden: zucchini, eggplants, tomatoes are present on the menu of the inhabitants of Provence during the warm part of the year. Traditionally, vegetables are cut into thin slices, then alternately put in a beautiful variegated spiral, generously seasoning the dish with aromatic sauce. In order for the ratatouille taste to be harmonious, the ratio of vegetables should be approximately the same.

Contemporary cooking offers many variations and fantasies about ratatouille. So they can cook it, cutting the ingredients into cubes or at all frying them separately and connecting just before serving.

Chefs boldly experiment with products, adding pumpkin, potatoes, mozzarella, etc. to ratatouille. Such culinary delights arouse some interest among restaurant visitors, but still they are far from the popularity of the classic ratatouille.

In fairness, it must be said that ratatouille only conventionally considered primordial French dish : in neighboring Turkey from time immemorial there was a similar stew called imam bayaldi, the Spaniards cooked pisto, Italians love caponata, Hungarian lecho is also known throughout the world. The similarity of the recipes of these dishes raises some doubts about the French origin of the ratatouille: perhaps the food was borrowed from the neighbors and slightly modified.

Cooking ratatouille at home - ingredients list

Considering that the French summer does not differ much from ours in temperature values, in the warm season we can find the main components of ratatouille in our own garden. If there is none, we go to the store with a light heart - even out of season, prices for the most popular vegetables are rarely sky-high, so ratatouille always turns out to be budgetary. So, according to the recipe we need:

  • 2 medium eggplants. We choose fruits 15-20 cm long, with a shiny smooth skin without visible damage. The presence of a stalk is mandatory, it determines the freshness of the eggplant - Brown color speaks of a long stay in the warehouse. Feel free to test the firmness of the pulp with a gentle finger pressure, as you would when buying meat. The fossa should recover quickly. It is better to cook ratatouille immediately on the day you buy the eggplants, they spoil very quickly;
  • 1 zucchini 25-30 cm long. It is these sizes that distinguish edible zucchini, and the giants so beloved in our people, 10 kg each in France, are sent to feed livestock. The skin should be tender, soft, free of dents and cuts;
  • 4 ripe tomatoes. Do not buy too large fruits, the diameter of our tomatoes should be symmetrical with eggplants and zucchini to make the ratatouille beautiful and even. The first sign of the quality of tomatoes is a pleasant aroma, if there is no smell at all from the box with vegetables, it means that they were collected from the garden in green. For ratatouille, choose fruits with a beautiful solid color without scratches;
  • A couple of sweet bell peppers, better than red ones. If there is no red pepper, yellow or orange will do, but the ratatouille sauce may not be sweet enough. Crunch a slice of purchased pepper - if it is a little bland, then add a small whisper of sugar while cooking ratatouille;
  • Onion head, a few teeth garlic, salt, olive oil, sachet provencal herbs.

Of the listed components, ratatouille can only cause doubts about the seasoning. Study the list of herbs on the back of the label, if you are intolerant to one of them, try to form a similar collection yourself: sage, rosemary, oregano, marjoram and mint sold separately.

Step-by-step recipe for ratatouille

So, the ingredients are collected, we proceed to the most important thing - cooking ratatouille at home. Get a comfortable deep baking dish where you will upload the ratatouille. You will also need a cutting board, a wide knife, a frying pan, a small bowl, and hot boiling water. Follow the recommendations of the step-by-step recipe, referring to the photo:

Eggplant cut into even circles 3-4 mm thick, put them in a deep plate, sprinkle with salt and stir for its even distribution;

Pour some oil into the bottom of the frying pan, put it on fire. Chop the pepper small cubes, fry 5 minutes.

Then add chopped onion and continue to fry under a lid on low heat;

Peel the tomato after pouring boiling water over them. Chop the pulp finely and send stew to onions and peppers.

Ideally, if the tomato mass after stewing at all will not have lumps- then the ratatouille will be especially tender. Therefore, if possible, grind the tomatoes with a blender;

Greetings, dear friends! Today in the menu of the Home Restaurant there is a recipe for vegetable ratatouille in classic version: simple and affordable. By itself, a classic ratatouille recipe involves many ways of cooking, like any "classic" dish. There are a lot of ways how to cook ratatouille at home, and today we will cook ratatouille in the oven, almost in a classic version. My ratatouille: a recipe with a photo step by step - at your service!

My recipe for ratatouille is quite simple, without "complicated turns", and will appeal to both advanced chefs and novice hostesses. Today I will tell you how to cook ratatouille at home in the oven, so that it turns out no worse than in best restaurants France. Looking ahead, I will say that this is very tasty dish! If you have never cooked a classic ratatouille - get it right!


  • 1 PC. eggplant
  • 1 PC. zucchini
  • 2-3 pcs. a tomato
  • Provencal herbs

for the sauce:

  • 3 tbsp olive oil
  • 1 PC. bell pepper
  • 1 PC. bulb
  • 2 pcs. a tomato
  • salt and black pepper


  • baking foil
  • rosemary for serving

How to cook ratatouille: a recipe with a photo step by step

The classic version of ratatouille always starts with a sauce. Moreover, it can be absolutely any vegetable sauce like our favorite squash caviar, classic adjika, or tomato paste diluted with water. But today we will prepare a sauce for ratatouille on purpose: it is quite simple and unpretentious, but this simplicity does not diminish the French charm of the finished ratatouille.

Pour olive oil into a frying pan, and fry the bell pepper and onion until they are soft. Pre-cut the pepper and onion into cubes.

Add the grated tomatoes to the fried onions and peppers. Stir and simmer for five minutes.

Salt and pepper our ratatouille sauce and remove from heat.

Cut the eggplant, zucchini and tomatoes into rings. Not too thin, so that when baked in the oven, our classic ratatouille does not turn into porridge.

Put the chopped vegetables in a mold at an angle, alternating the rings of vegetables. Vegetables for ratatouille need to be slightly salted.

We cover the form with ratatouille with foil, and send it to the oven preheated to 180 degrees for 40-50 minutes.

The ratatouille recipe is simple, but requires many ingredients. There are several options for preparing such a dish, but whichever one you choose, it will surely become a delicious dinner, ideally combined with a glass of wine.

Classic ratatouille - basic recipe, according to which the dish is made in the oven.

Required products:

  • 3 cloves of garlic;
  • three tomatoes;
  • eggplant and zucchini;
  • a spoonful of butter and vegetable oils;
  • bulb;
  • 3 sprigs of rosemary and thyme;
  • seasonings.

Cooking process:

  1. Before you start putting the ingredients in the mold, you can immediately turn on the oven 180 degrees.
  2. Cover the baking dish with butter, top with a layer of chopped onions, garlic and sprinkle with herbs.
  3. Cut the remaining vegetables into thin circles and send them to the onion, laying them out in turn. We put the remaining branches of herbs between the plates. Season the entire contents with spices and oil.
  4. Cover the dish with foil and bake for 50 minutes. Then the cover is removed, and the process continues for about 30 minutes.

How to cook a dish in a multicooker?

Ratatouille in a multicooker is no longer traditional recipe... Yes and heat treatment happens differently. But from this the dish does not lose at all with its taste classic.

Required products:

  • one paprika and one onion;
  • two zucchini and eggplant;
  • three tomatoes;
  • a glass of dry white wine;
  • 2 cloves of garlic;
  • various herbs and spices;
  • 2 tablespoons of tomato paste and the same amount of olive oil.

Cooking process:

  1. All selected vegetables should be cut into small pieces or whatever you like. If the vegetables are old, remove the skin and veins from them. Young ones can be cut immediately.
  2. Coat the bowl with the specified amount of oil, put the prepared ingredients there, fill the contents with wine, tomato paste and season with various herbs and spices. Turn on the device for 60 minutes, setting the "Extinguishing" mode, and wait until everything is ready.

Oven baked vegetable stew

Oven ratatouille, or just a vegetable stew, is made in much the same way as the classic recipe. It turns out a hearty and low-calorie dish.

Required products:

  • lemon and sweet pepper;
  • herbs and spices;
  • one zucchini and one eggplant;
  • 0.1 liters of white wine;
  • a spoonful of olive oil;
  • two tomatoes.

Cooking process:

  1. You can add other vegetables to your liking. All of them must be peeled, if necessary, and cut into thin circles or slices. Stir together.
  2. The pouring is prepared separately, for which the wine is combined with oil. Everything is well seasoned with spices and certainly some herbs, for example, rosemary.
  3. Foil is placed in the mold, vegetables are placed on it, poured over with the sauce made and again covered with foil on top. Cook the dish for about 20 minutes, preheating the oven to 180 degrees.

Quick recipe in a frying pan

If you don't want to mess with the oven at all, then try cooking ratatouille in a pan.

Required products:

  • basil and thyme on a sprig;
  • 2 cloves of garlic;
  • two onions;
  • a spoonful of vegetable or olive oil;
  • one pepper and a tomato;
  • two zucchini and eggplant;
  • seasonings.

Cooking process:

  1. For of this recipe you will need a sufficiently deep and large frying pan with a lid. We heat the oil in it, add zucchini and eggplants cut into thin circles, fry for several minutes before they begin to change color.
  2. Put the garlic and onion cut into cubes there, keep it for about five minutes more, and then chopped tomatoes and Bell pepper.
  3. Season the contents with herbs and spices to taste, cover with a lid and simmer over low heat until the vegetables are soft. This will take about 25 minutes.
  4. Then we "bring" the dish for another five minutes without a lid, raising the heating level so that the excess liquid evaporates.

In milk and cheese sauce

Another variation. And delicious! After all, cheese goes well with vegetables.

Required products:

  • herbs and spices to your taste;
  • zucchini and eggplant;
  • 15 milliliters of olive oil;
  • 50 grams of butter;
  • one bell pepper and a tomato;
  • about 80 grams of any cheese;
  • a spoonful of flour;
  • a glass of milk.

Cooking process:

  1. Rinse all vegetables well, remove the skin if necessary, cut into thin circles and place in a baking dish. Season with spices and put the ratatouille in the oven for 40 minutes, while not forgetting to cover the vegetables with foil. Temperature - 180 degrees.
  2. While the ingredients reach the desired state, we make the sauce: we melt the butter along with the flour, pour in the milk, add a little pepper, salt and grated cheese. Stir until smooth.
  3. Pour already softened vegetables with this mass, remove the foil and keep in the oven for another 15 minutes. Before serving, while the dish is still hot, sprinkle with the remaining cheese.

Original recipe with grapes

Usually the stew is made from vegetables, but in this version it is proposed to make it with grapes, try it - it's delicious!

Required products:

  • a bunch of white grapes;
  • Apple;
  • two tomatoes;
  • herbs and spices;
  • two zucchini and bell peppers;
  • one onion and potatoes;
  • 4 tablespoons of olive oil.

Cooking process:

  1. All of these vegetables must be cut into small cubes, except for the courgettes. We turn them into thin circles.
  2. Peel the apple, remove the core, cut into four parts. We simply separate the grapes from the branch and rinse them.
  3. Mix all the ingredients of the dish, put them in a mold. Sprinkle on top with herbs, salt, pepper, oil and add a little plain water. Cooking for an hour and a half at 200 degrees.

With sour cream and egg sauce

You can slightly diversify the taste of vegetables with the help of sauce.

Required products:

  • two zucchini, tomato and eggplant;
  • onions and peppers;
  • spices;
  • a spoonful of olive oil;
  • three eggs;
  • Provencal herbs to taste;
  • 0.2 kg sour cream.

Cooking process:

  1. Cut onion, tomato and pepper into small cubes and simmer for a few minutes. Then pour in half a liter of water, add the selected spices and simmer until soft.
  2. Turn the remaining vegetables into mugs, put in a dish and drown in the prepared broth. Cover with foil and cook at 200 degrees for 40 minutes.
  3. Stir the sour cream with the eggs, add spices to your taste and pour the vegetables in the oven with this dressing. Remove the foil and keep for another 15 minutes until golden brown.

Hearty vegetable stew with chicken fillet

And before you is far from French ratatouille, but a delicious and full-fledged dinner.

Required products:

  • pepper, zucchini, tomato - one at a time;
  • 0.5 kg of chicken fillet;
  • a clove of garlic and an onion;
  • three tablespoons of tomato paste;
  • aromatic herbs and spices;
  • 2 large spoons of olive oil.

Cooking process:

  1. Chop the onion and garlic into any pieces, fry until golden brown, and then combine with the fillet, previously chopped. We keep it on the stove until it starts to change color.
  2. We put chopped peppers, tomatoes, tomato paste, pour in a little water and simmer for about 10 minutes, making a low heating level. At the same stage, spices are added to the vegetables. You can serve this dish with fresh herbs.
  3. 0.1 liters of white wine;
  4. juice of half a lemon;
  5. two tomatoes, onion;
  6. herbs and spices.
  7. Cooking process:

    1. Peel the potatoes, chop them into cubes and fry until soft.
    2. Saute chopped onions, slices of eggplant and zucchini in a separate container. When they start to change color, add the garlic. Keep until the vegetables are soft and golden.
    3. In a saucepan, mix potatoes and vegetables, add chopped tomatoes, wine, spices with herbs and lemon juice... Cooking for 20 minutes under the lid, setting a low heat level of the stove.

Hello dear readers! Recently, my son and I watched the cartoon "Ratatouille". The child really liked it, and I decided to do classic dish Provencal cuisine prepared the main character cartoon. I like the fact that now you can cook ratatouille in the oven not only in summer, but also in other seasons. This light, aromatic and very tasty dish will surely please your loved ones. It is baked in half an hour and can be used as an appetizer, side dish or a separate dish.

V classic recipe the dish is made from eggplant, zucchini and tomato with tomato sauce (pasta with spices, diluted with water). The products are cut into thin slices - no more than 2-3 mm in width.

You can bake vegetables both in the oven and in a slow cooker - this will not particularly affect the taste. The dish is low in calories, meets the requirements proper nutrition, but at the same time very satisfying. It is recommended to add Provencal herbs as spices, which will give the vegetables the flavor of summer France. These are thyme, basil, rosemary, tarragon, celery. Real chefs tie them into a bouquet and put them in a dish while cooking, and then take them out.

To get a full meal, prepare such a casserole with cheese, add minced meat or chicken meat to it. These products go well with vegetables, and the dish becomes more satisfying.

Classic vegetable eggplant and zucchini ratatouille in the oven

This is the dish that the protagonist of the cartoon of the same name prepares. Processing products takes a minimum of time, and the result is always excellent! The main thing is not to overexpose the vegetables in the oven, and everything else will be a matter of technique.

Required products:

  • 1 medium eggplant (17-18 cm long);
  • 1 zucchini of the same size;
  • 3-4 tomatoes;
  • 2 cloves of garlic;
  • 2 tbsp provencal herbs;
  • 2 tbsp tomato paste;
  • 2-3 tbsp refined olive oil;
  • ¾ glasses of hot water;
  • ground pepper (optional);
  • 1 tsp salt (no slide).

How to cook:

1. Wash the vegetables, cut into thin slices without peeling the skin.

2. Alternate the vegetable wedges in a baking dish in the following order: courgette, tomato, eggplant. They are laid out in a circle, quite tightly, until the container is completely filled.

3. Prepare the sauce: mix tomato paste with hot water, crushed garlic, spices, salt. Try the sauce to taste with salt.

4. Add pepper and oil, mix well.

You can use refined olive oil or sunflower oil.

5. Pour the sauce over the vegetables evenly and cover (you can use foil).

6. Bake in the oven, temperature 200 degrees, then open for another 10 minutes.

The dish can be served both hot and chilled, sprinkled with fresh herbs or grated cheese. For this recipe, I use a 20 cm mold.

Oven ratatouille with potatoes and cheese - a simple recipe

Such vegetable casserole easily perfect for lunch or dinner. Here, in addition to the main ingredients, potatoes and cheese were added. The dish will become perfect side dish to any meat, and especially suitable for chicken or.

What you need:

  • 1 zucchini;
  • 1 eggplant;
  • 3-4 pcs. potatoes;
  • 2-3 medium tomatoes;
  • 150 g of hard cheese;
  • 2 glasses of milk;
  • 2 eggs;
  • 2 tbsp vegetable oil;
  • a pinch of nutmeg;
  • salt and pepper to taste.

Cooking process:

1. Cut the eggplant and zucchini into slices, lightly salt. Stir and let sit for 20 minutes to let them juice.

2. Slice potatoes and tomatoes in the same way.

3. Grease the baking dish well with vegetable oil, fill with vegetables in the following order: eggplant, zucchini, tomato, potatoes. Season with salt and pepper to taste.

4. Grate the cheese on a fine grater, mix with milk and eggs. Season with salt, add nutmeg, stir.

5. Pour the resulting mixture over the vegetables.

6. Place in an oven preheated to 200 degrees. Bake for 30-40 minutes.

If your oven gets very hot, cover the baking dish with foil. And 5 minutes before cooking, remove it to get a golden brown crust.

How to cook lean ratatouille in a slow cooker at home?

An excellent option for those who are struggling with extra pounds, lead a healthy lifestyle, or just want to diversify the menu. It cooks very quickly and contains a minimum of calories. You can bake the dish not only in the oven, but also in the multicooker, which makes the process easier.

Oven ratatouille with minced meat and vegetables

Want to get a side dish and a hot dish at the same time? Then this recipe is for you. You can take minced meat if you prefer. diet food... The dish is great both hot and cold, so you can take it to work as a snack.

Required Ingredients:

  • 500 g minced meat;
  • 1 onion;
  • 1 eggplant;
  • 1 zucchini;
  • 2 tomatoes;
  • 1 bell pepper;
  • 1 egg;
  • 1 tbsp semolina.

For the sauce:

  • 1 tbsp tomato paste;
  • 5 tbsp vegetable oil;
  • 300 ml of water;
  • salt, pepper and other spices to taste.

Step-by-step recipe with photo:

1. Finely dice the onion, mix with the minced meat.

2. Add semolina and vegetable oil. Lightly salt, season and mix well with your hands.

3. Form the mass into flat hamburger-style patties.

4. Cut the vegetables into thin slices.

5. Lubricate the mold with oil. Lay out the cutlets and vegetable slices, alternating them as follows: courgette, cutlet, pepper, eggplant, tomato.

Products should be packed tightly, preferably without voids or gaps.

6. Mix water with spices, add salt and pepper, pour tomato paste and 4 tbsp. l vegetable oil. If you like more sauce, add another 100 - 200 ml of water.

Pour the resulting sauce over the vegetables and put them in the oven at 180 degrees for an hour.

Ratatouille - This delicious vegetable dish originates in the province of Provence. It was there, in France, that it was invented by people, and the Oscar-winning cartoon of the same name about a mouse-cook brought the greatest popularity. Oven ratatouille is traditionally cooked in the oven from zucchini, eggplant, pepper and special tomato sauce... In this article, we will try to describe as broadly as possible how to cook ratatouille at home in the oven, share valuable tips and different ways cooking.

Basic moments.

The motto of this wonderful dish can be considered "the simpler, the better", so it will not be difficult even for a child to cook it.

The main characters in this vegetable extravaganza are zucchini, tomatoes, eggplants and bell peppers. Therefore, it is very important to use only fresh, good products, without external damage.

How much ratatouille is cooked in the oven? Of course, when such yummy is baked and exudes magical notes of aroma, we want to feast on the masterpiece faster. But in this case, you should not rush - the longer the vegetables languish, the better. The baking time should be at least 1 hour, ideally 1 hour and 20 minutes.

A classic of the genre - we are preparing a dish with herbs "Provencal".

Classic ratatouille in the oven is unthinkable without a special tomato and sweet pepper sauce. To prepare it, we need:

  • Bulgarian pepper - 2 pcs.;
  • Tomatoes - 3 pcs.;
  • Onions - 2 pcs.;
  • Olive oil, salt.

List of remaining ingredients:

  • Zucchini - 2 pcs.;
  • Eggplant - 2 pcs.;
  • Tomato - 3 pcs.;
  • Sweet pepper - 2 pcs.;
  • Garlic - 2-3 cloves;
  • Basil, cumin, parsley;
  • Salt.

First you need to prepare the same sauce. To do this, place 2 peppers on a small baking sheet (you can use a small baking dish), simmer in the oven at 180C until the skin begins to darken (the process takes 20-30 minutes). After that, remove the skin, core, seeds.

If the peel has not all come off the peppers - there is nothing wrong with that, leave it, as the blender will grind everything later.

Cut the peppers and tomatoes into small pieces. Before this, it is advisable to blanch the tomatoes and remove the skin.

Chop the onions, fry in a pan in oil. Then add finely chopped peppers, simmer for another two to three minutes. Finally, add the tomato, salt, and fry for another 5 minutes.

Cool the frying slightly, transfer to a blender, chop.

Now you need to prepare the remaining vegetables.

Zucchini, tomatoes, eggplant, cut into thin, equal rings and soak in slightly salted water for 20-30 minutes.

Also cut the bell pepper into thin rings, after removing the seeds and core.

Pour 2/3 of the resulting sauce into a baking dish, arrange the vegetable rings as shown.

Spread the rest of the dressing over the vegetables, sprinkle with chopped herbs, garlic, salt.

The form must be covered with foil so as not to spoil appearance dishes. We put the container in an oven preheated to 180 degrees for 1 hour. After the time has elapsed, remove the foil, leave for another 10-15 minutes in the oven.

Ratatouille with cheese in the oven - a recipe with a photo.

The cheese sauce, which is used in this cooking method, adds tenderness to the dish, creamy shades of aroma and an incomparable taste! The recipe is simplified by the fact that instead of a sauce that takes a lot of time to prepare (in the classic version), it uses tomato juice... It will not at all impair the taste of the dish and will significantly save your time!

For cooking cheese sauce required:

  • Cheese hard varieties- 100 gr.;
  • Butter - 50 gr.;
  • Milk - 1 glass;
  • Flour - 1 tbsp. spoon;
  • Salt.

Main product list:

  • Eggplant - 1-2 pieces;
  • Zucchini - 1-2 pieces;
  • Sweet pepper - 3 pieces of different colors;
  • Tomatoes - 2-3 pieces;
  • Tomato juice - 300 ml;
  • Olive oil - 2-3 tbsp. spoons;
  • Provencal herbs;
  • Salt, ground pepper;
  • Fresh greens.

Step 1. Pour tomato juice into a baking dish, mix with salt, Provencal herbs, olive oil and ground pepper. The best container would be glass or ceramic with high sides.

Step 2. Cut the eggplants into thin rings, add salt and set aside for 15-20 minutes. The salt will reduce the bitterness this vegetable produces.

Step 3. For peppers it is necessary to remove the stalk, seeds and veins, cut into half rings.

Step 4. Wash the zucchini, remove a thin layer of the peel. If the zucchini is young, you do not need to peel them. Cut into thin slices.

Step 5. Tomatoes must also be cut into thin rings.

Step 6. Place the vegetable rings on the tomato juice using a snake in random order. Place the dish with the workpiece in the oven for 20 minutes. Cooking temperature 180-200 degrees.

Step 7. While the vegetables are baking, let's start making the cheese sauce. Melt in a skillet or saucepan butter, then add flour, remembering to stir constantly to get a good consistency, without lumps.

Step 8. When the flour begins to exude a burnt nut smell, pour in the milk.

Step 9. After the mixture starts to boil slowly, add the grated cheese and a little salt, stirring the liquid in the same way.

Step 10. As soon as the sauce begins to thicken, remove from heat.

Step 11. We take out a container with vegetables, fill with sauce, sprinkle everything with chopped herbs, put in the oven for another 15 minutes.

Now you know the recipe for ratatouille with cheese in the oven, bon appetit!

Ratatouille with meat in the oven.

Ratatouille with chicken and vegetables in the oven is a dish ideal for supporters healthy nutrition. Chicken fillet will add a little calorie content, however, the food will still be full of vitamins and nutrients.

Of course, this recipe for ratatouille in the oven is difficult to classify as a classic, but there are exceptions to everything. Even this culinary fantasy will have the right to life. A set of products:

  • Chicken fillet - 400gr.;
  • Eggplant and zucchini - 1 pc.;
  • Tomato paste - 4 tbsp spoons;
  • Cheese - 100 gr.;
  • Sweet pepper - 2 pcs.
  • Sour cream - 150 gr.;
  • Provencal herbs;
  • Salt pepper.

Wash the chicken fillet in water, cut into thin slices.

Thinly cut zucchini, pepper and eggplant into slices, no more than 0.5 cm thick. For bell peppers, you must first remove the stalk with seeds.

Grate poultry and vegetables with salt and ground pepper to taste.

Put tomato paste on the bottom of a baking dish, mix with a little vegetable oil. Place vegetables and chicken on top of it, alternating with each other.

We put the container with the workpiece in the oven for 30-35 minutes, the cooking temperature is 200 degrees.

While the baking process is in progress, prepare the sauce. To do this, grate the cheese on a coarse grater, mix with sour cream.

We take out the ratatouille with chicken from the oven, evenly distribute the cheese and sour cream sauce, put it in the oven for another 20 minutes, while the temperature can be reduced to 180 degrees.

At the end of all of the above, I would like to add a few words about those things without which it is impossible to prepare a delicious ratatouille.

If someone from your household does not accept vegetable dishes with meat, and someone cannot eat vegetables without meat ingredients, then you can, for example, cook the chicken separately, or do it.

Basically, ratatouille is a vegetable stew. If you do not have time for a beautiful classic layout of ingredients, then you can cut vegetables into cubes, mix them in random order and bake like this.

Of course, the classic ratatouille is not conceivable without the addition of Provencal herbs. The amount directly depends on your taste, but do not forget the golden rule that everything should be in moderation. Therefore, it is not recommended to use too many spices, so as not to overpower the taste of vegetables.