Smoked chicken and arugula salad. Delicious and simple salad with arugula and chicken

I would call a salad with arugula and chicken breast very light and dietary. I cook such a dish mainly for dinner, especially after the long January holidays and feasts - that's when you want greenery. The mayonnaise in the salad can be substituted for Greek yogurt or sour cream if you're on a diet, although it's already low in calories. The celery stalk gives the dish juiciness, and pickled mushrooms give piquancy, although they can be replaced with pickled cucumbers, capers, etc., even with a sweet and sour apple. Experiment with flavors and prepare a unique dish every time!

Rinse the arugula and celery stalks, cut the stalks into small pieces and put everything on a plate - this will be the green base of the salad.

Pick the boiled chicken fillet with your hands into the fibers and lay on top of the greens. Remember that boiled meat must be chilled - boil it in advance for 25-30 minutes and refrigerate. As a chicken fillet, you can use a chicken breast, drumstick, quarter, removing the skin from them.

Cut the marinated champignons in half, if they are large, and also put on a plate.

Grate hard cheese with fine holes. Optionally, you can use soft cheese, smoked and even melted. Season the dish with salt and pepper, garnish with drops of mayonnaise, sour cream or yogurt. The recipe uses mayonnaise with mustard beans.

  • 350 grams of chicken breast
  • 4 eggs
  • 200 grams of cherry
  • 1 bunch of arugula
  • 2 tbsp olive oil
  • Salt, pepper - to taste
  • Preparation time: 00:45
  • Cooking time: 00:15
  • Servings: 2
  • Complexity: easy


Arugula has recently appeared in our culinary "use", but in such a short time it has been able to firmly strengthen its position. Unusual taste, the spicy aroma and slightly bitter aftertaste will add zest to any dish you cook.

In this recipe with a photo, I bring to your attention a salad with arugula, which will be a great addition to the table and will delight your friends, family and friends. It is quite simple to make it, most of the products are most often already in your refrigerator, you just have to find half an hour of free time.

  1. First, boil the chicken breast. It is cooked quickly enough, about 20-25 minutes after the water boils. The water needs to be slightly salted. Once the chicken is ready, take it out and let it cool.

  2. Cut the chicken into small pieces. Although some people like larger pieces, it all depends on your preference.

  3. We put a frying pan on the fire, pour a small amount vegetable oil and give time to warm up. After the oil is hot, put the chicken pieces in the pan.

  4. Since our chicken breast is already ready, we only need to fry it around the edges until it is crispy. To do this, you literally need 8-10 minutes, after which we remove the pan from the heat.

  5. While the chicken is fried, set the eggs to boil. Boiled eggs clean and cut into small squares.

  6. Put the eggs in a cup. Add ready-made fried chicken pieces there.

  7. Now it's the turn for the tomatoes. For such a salad, it is better to choose small cherry tomatoes, since they have a sweet, refreshing taste and, due to their small size, look very aesthetically pleasing as part of a dish.

  8. We send chopped cherry tomatoes to a cup with chicken and eggs.

  9. It's time to add arugula. Cut a small bunch (or tear it with your hands) into small pieces and add to the salad.

  10. Add salt, pepper, olive oil and mix thoroughly.

Simple and delicious salad ready, bon appetit!

Arugula in Slavic cuisine began to be used relatively recently. Our ancestors considered this grass a weed, suitable only for livestock feed and called it "caterpillar". The fashion for this spicy plant came to us from the Mediterranean countries. Arugula is especially loved in Italy, where it is often added to salads, pizza, and risotto. This herb tastes similar to sorrel, but it is more spicy and has a nutty mustard flavor. It goes well with many products and gives dishes a unique aroma and a touch of piquancy. Complementing this spicy herb with tomatoes and boiled chicken meat, you will get delicious and healthy dish... And a dressing of soy sauce, mustard and lemon juice will perfectly set off the nut-mustard taste of arugula and make the salad even more delicious.


  • a bunch of arugula,
  • 2 tomatoes,
  • 200 g boiled chicken fillet,
  • half a small lemon (you need about a tablespoon of juice),
  • a teaspoon of mustard
  • 2 tablespoons of soy sauce.

Rocket and Chicken Salad Recipe

Rinse the arugula, tear it into small pieces with your hands and place them on a wide dish.

When choosing this spice, pay attention to the size of the leaves. The wider they are, the softer the taste of the plant, and vice versa, the narrower and smaller leaves indicate that the arugula will be sharp and spicy.

Cut the pre-boiled chicken fillet along the grain into small pieces and spread on top of the greens.

Mix soy sauce, mustard and lemon juice... Stir well to completely dissolve the mustard into the sauce.

Pour this mixture over the chicken meat, leaving a little for the finishing layer.

Cut the tomatoes into slices, put them on top of the fillets.

Pour the remaining sauce over the salad so that all of the ingredients are soaked. To do this, loosen the salad slightly with a fork. Now it can be taken out to the table.

Sometimes traditional snacks, no matter how loved they are, they become boring and want something new, fresh and unusual.

Then we advise you to try the salad with arugula and chicken - light, with piquant Italian notes and a subtle pungency of mustard herb, as arugula is also called. Today we will cook two options: the classic one with tomatoes and balsamic sauce, and the New Year's one with tangerines and purple onions.

Mediterranean arugula in salads

Arugula appeared in stores relatively long ago, but many still bypass it, not knowing about the taste and benefits of this unusual greenery.

Meanwhile, in Mediterranean cuisine, and even more so in Italian, it is considered almost one of the main ingredients, along with olive oil and seafood. It is added to soups, salads, pizzas and even tinctures.

  • Arugula has a slightly pungent, very spicy taste and goes well with meat or fish, emphasizing their aroma.
  • In addition, it is indispensable for those who follow their figure. Mustard herb is low in calories, improves metabolism and helps the digestive organs. So its use in salads is recommended for many reasons.

Festive salad appetizer with chicken and arugula


  • - 300 g + -
  • - 200 g + -
  • Arugula - 100 g + -
  • - 150 g + -
  • - for frying + -
  • - taste + -
  • - taste + -
  • Balsamic sauce - for dressing + -

Recipe for making meat salad with arugula and mozzarella

Let's prepare light salad v italian style with chicken breast and cheese. It is suitable both for the warm season and for decoration and variety. New Year's table... Begin.

  • Season the chicken fillet with salt and pepper. You can add a little dried basil or a mixture of Italian herbs.
  • Heat a tablespoon of vegetable, sunflower or olive oil in a frying pan and fry the chicken. One minute on each side until golden brown.
  • Cover tightly and let it brew for 10-15 minutes.
  • Rinse the arugula and dry it with a paper towel.

If we use potted grass, then we cut off the tough stems and leave only the leaves. If you initially took the ready-made mixture in the package, then you can immediately use it.

  • Place the arugula on a flat dish. If desired, lightly season with black pepper and drizzle with olive oil.
  • Wash cherry tomatoes, wipe dry, cut into halves and put on a salad.
  • Cut the mozzarella into small pieces, the pieces should be similar in size to cherry. We add them to the rest of the components.
  • Cut the chicken fillet into plates about 5 mm wide - this will be the top layer.
  • Top, just before serving, sprinkle with dark balsamic sauce. Remember that it has a slightly sweet taste, so we choose the amount at our discretion. Do not mix.

This is how quickly and beautifully you can prepare a salad with arugula and chicken. Of course, you cannot store it for a long time, so count on the right amount... In the recipe description, the ingredients are listed in two servings.

But it would be wrong to say that this is the only option to cook deliciously fresh and unusual salad with mustard grass. Try another spicy New Year's version with tangerines and smoked chicken.

Puff salad with arugula, smoked chicken and tangerines


  • Smoked chicken - 500 g;
  • Arugula - 100 g;
  • Purple onion - 1 pc.;
  • Mandarins - 3 pcs.;
  • Honey - 1 tbsp. l .;
  • Olive oil - 3 tbsp l .;
  • Lemon juice - 1 tbsp l .;
  • Salt to taste;
  • Ground black pepper to taste.

Making a light chicken salad "New Year's mood" with arugula

As we can see, all the ingredients of this festive salad are already ready - all that remains is to cut and mix them. If you are preparing for the arrival of guests, then such a snack should be made at the very last moment so that it remains fresh.

  • Cut the purple onion into half rings as thin as possible. If we want a softer version, then it needs to be slightly salted and squeezed a little with your hands.
  • We wash and dry the arugula to remove excess moisture. If necessary, remove the thick stem bases. Leaves with a subtle mustard flavor are usually not cut.
  • In a small container, mix olive oil, lemon juice and honey.

If the honey is dense, you need to warm it up a little in the microwave or steam bath. Salt and lightly pepper the resulting sauce.

  • Stir the arugula leaves with the sauce and spread the resulting salad base on a flat-bottomed dish.
  • We remove the skin of the chicken - it is too oily, so it will not be needed in the salad. Separate the fillet from the bones. You can take any part of the bird: at least white meat, at least a thigh. Cut into small pieces and spread on arugula.
  • Distribute the purple onion evenly over the top.
  • The top dressing layer is tangerines. We clean the fruit, remove the white streaks and divide into slices. Depending on the size, the slices can be immediately laid on a salad or pre-cut into 2-3 pieces.

We have a simple and savory sweet and sour salad.

You can make a salad with arugula and chicken according to any of the recipes, or come up with your own. Just remember that these greens are quite tender, so you should not mix the ingredients in advance.

Also, do not put too hot ingredients on the salad: poultry from the fire, eggs, etc., it is better to let them cool down a little.

Bon Appetit!

Ciao, miei cari! That is, Bongiorno! Or rather, hello to all readers of Igor Dobrynin's culinary blog. Today we have a recipe for a salad with arugula, chicken and cherry pomodorka next in line. In Italy, arugula is simply adored and put wherever possible - this explains my today's greeting. Want to taste some Italian salad? Then go ahead!


- Rucola (bunch, approximately 50-100 grams);

- chicken fillet (1 breast);

- cherry tomatoes (1 pack);

pine nuts(optional).

- Cheese (you can take any, but preferably hard varieties);

For refueling:

- Olive oil (50 ml);

balsamic vinegar(5 ml);

- garlic (a couple of cloves);

- ground black pepper (to taste).

I advise you to start cooking salad with arugula and chicken with dressing, since it should be infused. To do this, pour olive oil into a small container, add a little balsamic bite, put chopped garlic there (I use a garlic press, but you can just chop finely) and black pepper to taste. Our sauce is ready! We set it aside, having previously mixed it.

Now it's the turn of the main ingredients. Wash the arugula under running water and throw it on a paper towel so that it absorbs moisture. If there is no such towel, you can just wait until it dries.

Cut the chicken breast, peeled of bones and skin, in half and send to cook for 20-25 minutes. While the fillet is boiling and the arugula is drying, we cut the cherry tomatoes (do not forget to wash them)

and grate the cheese on a medium grater.

After the fillet is cooked and cooled down a little, cut it into small pieces. It remains to combine all the ingredients.

First, load the rucola leaves into the salad bowl,

then we dilute the greens chicken fillet, we sprinkle the whole thing with cheese, and cherry tomatoes on top will make the desired accent.

If the salad is prepared for festive table, then it should be displayed in this form and stirred immediately before eating. If you do it on hastily for guests who suddenly come, and it is prepared literally in 30 minutes, then you can stir it right away. If there are pine nuts in the house, you can sprinkle them on top of the finished salad.

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