Sweet roll with fruits. How to make sweet rolls with fruits with your own hands

Sweet rolls homemade with cream cheese and fruit is a sophisticated and trendy dessert that you can taste with a variety of fresh or canned fruits or berries.

Both children and adults love these creamy rolls. You can make them more or less sweet by varying the amount of powdered sugar or using fruit with a pronounced sour taste for the filling. We took photos for this recipe in the winter and we had bananas and canned peaches. At different times we tried to make rolls at home with strawberries, kiwi, raspberries, pitted cherries in various combinations. Dessert has always gone off with a bang. Cream cheese can be substituted for soft curd cheese. To make fruit rolls, you will need a roll mat and cling film. From the specified number of products, we get 3-4 rolls (depending on the diameter).


  • Rice paper for spring rolls
  • Cream cheese - 400 grams
  • Powdered sugar - 120-130 grams (about 0.75 cups)
  • Fruits and berries of your choice (preferably 2-3 types)
  • Cold boiled water - just a little to dampen the rice paper
  • Dessert sauce (optional)


We wrap the mat for making rolls with cling film.

Wash and dry fruits and berries. Cut large fruits into cubes or long slices (this also applies to strawberries), do not cut only small berries such as raspberries.

Let's say again: you can use not only fresh, but also canned fruits, you can use berries, it is better to use 2-3 types of fruits or berries in one roll.

Mix cream cheese with powdered sugar.

Mix thoroughly until homogeneous mass.

Put 1 sheet of rice paper on a mat wrapped in cling film (if someone does not know, this is EDIBLE paper). We moisten the paper with water: sprinkle a few drops and distribute with your palm over the entire sheet ( watch our recipe video!). When folding, the paper should not break, but it should not get soaked into porridge either.

Put the creamy mixture in the middle of the rice paper and spread it in the form of a rectangle.

On the cream cheese lay out fruits and berries.

With the help of the mat we roll up the roll, gently crushing it with our fingers, before the last “turn-over”, you can add another drop of water to the edge of the rice paper. You can leave the roll round, or you can use the same mat to give it a triangular or square cross-sectional shape ( watch our recipe video!). We repeat the operation and roll up the rest of the rolls. It is good to send the finished rolls to the freezer for 15 minutes, so that later it will be easier to cut them into pieces.

Any food becomes boring over time. That is why people try to modify dishes or turn to other cultures for novelties. Thus, rolls, popular in the east, have come into our lives. The beauty is that there are so many of them. But they are offered mainly as a second course in compliance with all serving rules. But what if you turn them into dessert?

It seems strange, but in fact it turns out very tasty and unusual dish which is loved by both adults and children. If in the homeland of rolls this is considered unusual, then we use the novelty with might and main. By the way, in order to enjoy such a dessert, it is not necessary to go to a restaurant, because sweet rolls with fruits can be made with your own hands.

What is the basis?

First of all, you need to understand the structure of the roll. After all, the word itself means "to wrap", which means that the filling is fastened in a special shell. In ordinary rolls, this role is played by nori, which is cut to a special length. What is the substitute in the sweet version? For this, pita bread or ordinary ones are most often used thin pancakes.

If you stop at the first option, then the sheets of pita bread can be purchased at the nearest store or bakery and feel free to start cooking. If pancakes, then first they need to be fried. To do this, prepare the dough. Combine eggs with vegetable oil, add salt, sugar and milk. Then gradually add flour to thicken. If you want to somehow diversify your rolls, then you can divide the dough into two bowls and add cocoa to one. Thus, you will get pancakes in two colors.

Another option is biscuit mass. Of course, in comparison with the first, it is much tastier. For such a dough, you need to crumble a biscuit into a food processor, add sweet cookies there, as well as chocolate or cocoa. At the end, melt the butter (just do not make it liquid), pour and knead until smooth.

Perhaps the most difficult and unusual is the choice of do-it-yourself sweet rolls based on fruit jelly. The fact is that the product itself is rather capricious. The jelly often shakes or the consistency is not suitable for the dish. Moreover, you need to make a whole layer. To do this, over low heat, you can heat the juice (orange, for example) and gradually add sugar to it until it dissolves. The gelatin soaked in a water bath is filtered and added to the juice. This mixture is cooked over the fire for several minutes, and then poured into a long flat dish no more than 5 mm thick, and solidified in the refrigerator. It may happen that the jelly sticks to the dishes. Then you need to dip the cold bottom in hot water for a couple of seconds and quickly turn it over onto the film.

Add the filling.

When preparing sweet rolls with fruits with your own hands, you yourself can determine which fruits will go into your dish. But there are other ingredients to keep in mind as well. We are talking about Mascarpone cheese. Of course, it is completely optional, but its flavor will give your rolls extraordinary tenderness. Moreover, you can buy it at any store. If there is a deficit with it, then you can replace it with Ricotta or Philadelphia cheese. It will take no more than 300 grams.

If you take a pancake, then you can immediately spread the cheese with a filling. If pita bread, then you have to prepare it. First, moisten it with water and put it in the microwave to dry. Then you will need cling film or a special roll mat. Put one layer in there. Then you can mix your cheese with the grated walnuts and chocolate. Spread all this mass with a thin layer on the shell.

Next comes the turn of fruits. Here you have a huge choice. Apples, bananas, mangoes will go. In general, everything your heart desires: both fresh and canned. There is only one moment. If you take a fruit that lets out too much juice (for example, strawberries), then you need to cut it right before laying it on the dough, otherwise your roll will simply soften. So, put the fruit cut into small slices on the cheese and start rolling the roll. When you receive the pipe, carefully cut it into equal pieces with a knife. Your sweet fruit rolls are ready.

Various additives.

The principle of preparation for sweet rolls is the same. But a variety of additives allow you to cook them constantly in different ways and thus the dessert never gets boring. What can you add? Anything your heart desires. You can add raisins to the cheese mass, add different types chocolate, any nuts. It all depends on your imagination.
Having laid out the rolls on a plate, you can start decorating them. To do this, use colored coconut flakes, as well as powdered sugar. In addition to the attractive appearance, you will also enhance the taste of the dessert. You can sprinkle with berries, and also add strawberries, not only inside, but also as a decoration on top.

But it’s not over yet. Regular rolls would be too insipid if people did not dip them in soy sauce, which certainly gives them an oriental flavor and enhances the flavor of the ingredients. Sweet rolls also have a place for sauces. As an additive, various jams, honey, condensed milk, preserves, yogurt, etc. are suitable. But even if you do not use sauces, then such delicious desserts go well with coffee and tea.

Video how to cook sweet rolls with fruits:

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Yummy! Try it!


● Milk - 500 ml;
● Vegetable oil - 4 tbsp. l;
● Egg - 2 pieces;
● Sugar - 2 tbsp. l (in dough);
● Salt - a pinch;
● Flour - 8-9 tbsp. l. with a small slide;
● Cottage cheese - 400 gr;
● Sour cream - 7-8 tbsp. l;
● Sugar for curd filling - to taste;
● Fruit, to your taste, I have apples, kiwi, tangerines, bananas)

For cooking pancake dough Pour milk into a bowl and mix with eggs. Add sifted flour, sugar and salt. Stir the dough with a whisk or beat with a mixer until smooth. In terms of density, it will be like an ordinary pancake dough - not very thick, but not completely liquid either. Pour vegetable oil into the dough, stir. The pancake dough needs to stand for 10 minutes, then you can start frying the pancakes.
Coat the pan with oil under the first pancake. We collect in a ladle the right amount dough (for a thin pancake), pour it into the pan and twist it in different directions so that the dough spreads in a thin layer along the bottom. Wash, peel and cut the fruit into strips.

When all the pancakes are ready, we do curd filling for pancake rolls with fruit. Mix cottage cheese with sour cream and sugar until a homogeneous viscous mass. Leave it for a while to melt the sugar, then taste it. If the fruits are sour, make the curd mass sweet, if the fruits are sweet (canned peaches, for example), then better cottage cheese leave sour. Arrange the cooled pancakes on the board or on the table. Cut the edges on both sides so that the cut of the pancake rolls with cottage cheese and fruit is even. Cover about half of the pancake with a layer of curd mass. Put fruits in the middle with a strip. We fold the pancake into a tight roll, transfer it to a separate plate.

So start all the pancakes. If the edges unfold, coat them with curd mass or sour cream. Cover the pancakes with foil, put them in the refrigerator for 30 minutes. Cut the chilled pancakes into slices of the same size and place them vertically on a plate (cut up). For sweet rolls, you can prepare fruit syrup or whip cream with sugar, sprinkle pancake rolls with cottage cheese and fruit with chocolate or powdered sugar, or serve with jam syrup.


● 100 g sushi rice
● 300 g plums
● 2 tbsp. tablespoons of sugar
● 100 ml 20% cream
● 2 tbsp. spoons of rice vinegar
● Vanilla
For 2 rolls.

1. Boil rice as for sushi. Spread out in a thin layer on a mat covered with cling film.
2. Cut the plums in half, remove the seeds, pour the cream over the pulp and simmer over low heat until the plums are soft. Grind the mass in a blender, add sugar and vanilla to taste.
3. Put half of the sauce on the rice, roll up the rolls and cut into 6 pieces.
4. Pour the remaining sauce onto a plate, place the rolls on top and serve

Instead of plums, you can use apples, pears, blackberries or strawberries. If you don't have time to make the sauce, you can use any fruit jam or jam of your choice.


● 1 glass of milk
● 1 tbsp. spoon of cocoa
● 2 eggs
● 2 tbsp. tablespoons of sugar
● 1-2 tbsp. tablespoons of flour
● 2 tbsp. spoons butter
● Vegetable oil for roasting
● 1 cup cooked sweet rice
● 250 g mascarpone cheese
● 2 tbsp. spoons of honey
● 1/2 cup sugar
● 15 g gelatin
● 1 mango fruit
● 2 peaches
● 5-6 strawberries
For 6-8 rolls

1. Grind eggs with sugar and cocoa, add melted butter, milk and flour, knead batter... Grease a frying pan with vegetable oil, heat well, bake thin pancakes.
2. Soak gelatin in 1/2 glass of water, leave for 20-30 minutes to swell, then dissolve in a water bath. Heat honey, add sugar and 2-3 tbsp. spoons of water, boil for 1-2 minutes. Cool, add mascarpone and gelatin, beat with a mixer.
3. Peel the mango and peaches, cut in half, remove the seeds, cut the pulp into thin strips. Wash the berries, dry, cut into slices.
4. Grease the pancakes with cheese cream, spread 1-2 tbsp of each pancake with wet hands. spoons of rice, smooth. Put slices of berries, strips of fruit in the middle, grease with cheese cream.
5. Roll up the rolls with a mat. Place in the refrigerator for 20-30 minutes. After the rolls, cut diagonally into 4-6 pieces. Arrange on a plate, serve with fruit syrup.


For rice:
● Orange 80 g
● Cinnamon sticks 1 stick
● Milk 500 ml
● Round grain rice 150 g
● Sugar 80 g
● Salt 0.7 tsp.

For rolls:
● Canned pineapple 80 g
● Orange 1 pc.
● Bananas 1 pc.
● Coconut flakes 4 tbsp. l.
● Mango 1 pc.
● Almond crumbs 1 tbsp. l.
● Fresh mint

1. Divide the rice in half and paint one half with a teaspoon beet juice... I grind the beets with a blender and squeeze through a cotton cloth.
2. On the makisu, wrapped in a foil, spread the rice in diagonal stripes of white and pink so that you end up with a square.
3. Cut out a block 1 cm thick from a banana, put it on fig. With the help of makisa, we roll up the roll.
4. Transfer the roll to coconut flakes crushed into small crumbs with a blender, roll it so that the roll ceases to be sticky.
5. Cut off the edges with a knife to align the roll. Each time, wetting the knife and removing the stuck rice with a wet napkin, cut the roll into pieces 4 cm wide. From this amount of rice, I got 2 large rolls, cut into 8 portions.


● 100 g cooked sweet rice
● 100 g camembert cheese
● 4-5 strawberries
● 2 sheets of nori
For 2 rolls

1. Cut Camembert into strips. Rinse the strawberries, dry, cut into slices. Put the rice on 2/3 of the nori sheet with wet hands.
2. Place Camembert strips and strawberry slices in the middle. Roll up the rolls with a mat, cut them diagonally into 4 parts.
3. Serve with vanilla ice cream and garnish with strawberry leaves.

To get thin rolls (hosomaki), put cheese and strawberries in one row. For thick rolls (futomaki), lay out the products in 2-3 rows.
Instead of camembert cheese, you can use feta or dor blue.
Strawberries can be replaced with blackberries, strawberries, raspberries.


● 150 g cooked sweet rice
● 3 sheets of nori 10 × 18 cm
● 100 g of cottage cheese
● 1 canned peach
● 2-3 st. tablespoons of sugar
● 2-3 st. spoons of blueberry jam
● Colored coconut flakes
For 3 rolls

1. Grind the peach in a blender, add cottage cheese and sugar, beat for 2-3 minutes.
2. For convenience, wrap the mat with cling film. Lay a sheet of nori, spread the rice on it over the entire surface with wet hands. Then gently turn the nori so that the rice is on the bottom.
3. Place in the center curd cream and jam. Use the mat to roll the roll. Roll in coconut, cut into 6 pieces and serve.

You can add a little vanilla sugar or cinnamon to the peach-curd cream for flavor.
Instead of canned peach canned apricots or pears can be used.

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Sweet rolls are great desserts that can be served with tea or festive table... The binder of this dish is the finest rice, soy paper or nori, and cottage cheese is used as the filling, fresh fruits, chocolate or berries.

Sweet rolls can be made at home without any problems. Below are the recipes for the simplest, but very tasty rolls.

Saimaki curd rolls

To prepare curd saimaki rolls, you will need the following components:

  • nori algae 18x10 cm (three leaves);
  • sweet cooked rice (160 g);
  • cottage cheese (110 g);
  • blueberry jam (three tablespoons);
  • canned peach (one piece);
  • colored coconut for sprinkling;
  • granulated sugar (three tablespoons);
  • ground cinnamon or vanilla sugar for the scent.

Grind a peach in a blender, add granulated sugar, cottage cheese, a little ground cinnamon or a few grains of vanilla sugar, beat for at least three minutes.

For convenience, wrap the mat for making rolls with a thin cling film. Place a sheet of nori or rice paper of the desired size on the mat. Spread the sweet sticky rice over the entire surface of the nori with moistened hands and tamp a little. Very gently turn the sheet over with the rice facing down. Then put the blueberry jam and curd cream in the center of the other side of the nori. Fold the roll neatly with a mat. Roll the finished roll in colored coconut and serve, after cutting it with a very sharp knife into six equal pieces.

Rolls with mango and chocolate

To prepare rolls with mango and chocolate, you will need the following products:

  • chicken eggs (two pieces);
  • cocoa powder (one tbsp. spoon);
  • whole milk (one glass);
  • butter soft (two tablespoons);
  • granulated sugar (two tablespoons + 0.5 cups);
  • vegetable oil for frying;
  • flour top grade wheat (two tablespoons);
  • mascarpone cheese (260 g);
  • ready-made sweet rice (one glass);
  • liquid honey (two tablespoons);
  • ripe mango (one piece);
  • gelatin (15 g);
  • strawberries (six berries);
  • fresh peaches (two pieces).

Connect chicken eggs with cocoa and granulated sugar (two tablespoons), grind all these components and add a little warmed milk, melted butter, required amount sifted flour, then knead a fairly thin pancake dough.

Heat a small amount in a skillet with a thick bottom and low sides vegetable oil and bake very thin pancakes... Soak gelatin in water (0.5 cups) and leave it to swell for thirty minutes, then put on water bath and warm up with constant stirring until the crystals are completely dissolved. Pour liquid honey into a separate container and warm it up in a water bath. Add filtered water (three tablespoons) and half a glass of granulated sugar. Stir all the ingredients and heat the mixture for another two minutes. Cool the honey mixture, add the dissolved gelatin and mascarpone, beat with a mixer.

Rinse peaches and mangoes, peel, then cut in half and remove seeds. Cut the fruit pulp into thin strips. Wash and dry the strawberries, cut into small slices.

Brush each pancake with cheese cream over the entire surface. With moistened hands, place two tbsp on each half of the pancake. tablespoons of sweet rice and smooth. Place in the middle of the fruit strips, berry slices and place on top cheese cream... Roll up the rolls with a mat, previously wrapped with cling film. Place mats with rolls for twenty minutes in the refrigerator. Then cut the rolls diagonally into six pieces. Place the finished dessert on a flat dish and pour the thick fruit syrup on top.

Rolls fruit sweet

To prepare sweet fruit rolls, you will need the following components:

  • Philadelphia cheese";
  • egg omelet;
  • half a kiwi;
  • pineapple (1/10 part);
  • a mixture of fresh berries;
  • powdered sugar.

Put all the components on the table in front of you.

Put on a special mat egg omelet... Spread the cheese mass on the omelette and level in one line. Pour a small amount of icing sugar on top.

Cut the kiwi and pineapple into thin slices. Cut all the berries into halves. Put fruit on both sides of the cheese line on the omelet. Use a mat to wrap the omelette and shape it into a bar.

Cut the rolls into portions with a very sharp knife. Place the sliced ​​slices face up on a flat plate. Decorate the plate with thick fruit syrup, and put the halves of the berries on the rolls.

Apr 17, 2014 Marina

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We continue our Pancake Week experiments on "Japanese cuisine".

This time we

prepared sweet rolls. Shrovetide will be sweet

The main ingredient for this dessert is cheese. We had "Buko" and to make it suitable for a sweet roll, we will add powdered sugar to it. We bake ordinary pancakes.

We also need a filling. Any fruit will do. I think a couple of different ones will be enough for a roll. We used canned pineapple and green apples.

We take makisu, put a pancake on it. Spread cheese on a pancake and put fruit on the cheese. There is quite a lot of cheese, but do not overdo it so that the roll is wrapped. After we rolled the roll, by the way, do not press too hard, otherwise the cheese will be outside the roll :), we cut it. We got 4 pieces. But before slicing, put the roll in the freezer for half an hour.

Put it on a dish and you can pour it over with something. We poured caramel topping and ordinary condensed milk... Plus sprinkled coconut flakes and garnished with apple slices. It turned out very nice :) And delicious! For the first time we made sweet rolls, I think the experiment is very successful :)

Roll chocolate

We will cook these rolls from pancakes , and therefore, even a novice housewife can cook such a delicacy. And for your little ones it will be a real holiday -filling at your discretion, I suggest using bananas and curd mass.

Products for chocolate roll:

1 glass or 250 ml milk

egg - 1PC3-4 tablespoons of cocoa

floora glass of flour

2 tablespoons of sugar

4-5 st. tablespoons of vegetable oil

a piece of butter for greasing pancakes

2 bananas

1 pack of curd mass


How to cook chocolate rolls:

Make pancake dough with eggs, milk, sugar, cocoa, vegetable oil and flour - bakechocolate pancakes .

Now let's prepare the filling for our rolls - knead bananas in mashed potatoes and dilute the curd mass. Now we spread the filling - first the curd mass, then mashed potatoes - and roll the pancakes into a roll. When the filling and pancakes are over, put them in the freezer for 30 minutes. Take out and turn the rolls from pancakes to chocolate rolls - pour with sauce or jam and serve chocolate rolls to our sweet tooth!