Tempura rolls at home. Warm rolls or rolls "Tempura

One of the most healthy, tasty and nutritious meals are hot rolls. In our article we will reveal all the secrets of their preparation!

Every day there are more and more fans of this dish. Japanese food like sushi. Moreover, the variety of fillings used for making rolls is really impressive!

Everyone will find a recipe to their liking. We offer you several tried and tested recipes for hot rolls. Try to cook them too!

Roll hot classic

To prepare a hot roll you will need:

  • pressed nori seaweed
  • special sushi rice
  • salmon or salmon (smoked or lightly salted)
  • boiled pork, chop, balyk or bacon
  • cottage cheese"Almette"
  • fresh cucumber

Hot roll recipe:

  1. Cook the sticky rice porridge... To do this, pour the washed rice with water (for 200 grams of cereals, take about 250 grams of liquid). After boiling, cook the porridge over low heat, covered with a lid, for about 15 minutes. Then remove the saucepan from heat and leave to infuse for another 15 minutes without opening.
  2. Mix 1 tbsp separately. l. rice vinegar (or white wine), 7.5 tsp. sugar and 2 tsp. sea ​​salt). When the sugar and salt are dissolved, season the prepared rice with the resulting mixture, gently turning it over, but without stirring. Prepare half a nori kelp sheet by placing it flat side down on the table.

3. Spread warm rice over the nori in an equal layer (up to 1 cm), leaving the farthest edge of the sheet unfilled, about 1-1.5 cm wide. Put curd cheese on the rice, and on it, parallel to the wide side of the nori - stripes fresh cucumber and boiled pork (bacon, chop or balyk). Using a bamboo napkin, gently roll the roll using the uramaki technique. If you wish, you can complicate the recipe by wrapping the finished roll with a layer of smoked salmon.

4. Carefully cut the resulting roll into 8 equal parts and place in a special baking dish. Grind each piece with grated hard cheese and grill in the microwave for 7 minutes.

5. Roll is hot ready! It remains only to carefully lay it out on a dish and serve. Bon Appetit!

Hot rolls "Tempura"

Another option for preparing this dish is the Tempura hot roll. These rolls are especially tasty when eaten warm. Try to cook this original dish and please your family and friends with it!

To prepare hot rolls "Tempura" you will need:

  • nori seaweed
  • round rice
  • shrimps
  • mayonnaise
  • 1 egg
  • refined vegetable oil

The recipe for hot rolls "Tempura":

  1. First, cook the rice (as in the previous recipe).
  2. Spread the warm rice over the nori, leaving the far edge 1–2 cm wide. Line the boiled and peeled shrimp with a strip of mayonnaise next to it.
  3. Gently roll the nori into an elastic roller, slightly moisten the rice-free edge with water and "glue" the resulting roll.
  4. Beat an egg, add a little to it warm water and flour (enough to make a rather thick dough, as for pancakes). Salt the resulting mass a little.
  5. Dip a roll in the dough and fry it until golden brown over high heat. Cool it slightly and cut into equal parts. Bon Appetit!

Roll hot with salmon

The peculiarity of this recipe is in the tempura batter, which gives a new taste to things that have already become familiar. Make sure to try this dish!

To prepare a hot roll with salmon you will need:

  • rice - 0.5 kg
  • Buko cheese
  • acne
  • tobiko
  • salmon or salmon fillet - 240 g
  • fresh cucumber - 1
  • egg - 1
  • tempura or regular flour
  • breadcrumbs
  • nori leaf

Recipe for making hot roll with salmon:

  • Place a sheet of nori seaweed, shiny side down, parallel to the bamboo mat. Put the finished rice on the surface of the nori with your hands soaked in rice (or ordinary vinegar). Be sure to leave the farthest edge of the nori leaf (1 cm wide) unfilled with rice.
  • Brush the rice with Buko or Philadelphia cheese. If you like Tobiko, flying fish roe, be sure to add that too. Also place strips of eel, salmon and fresh cucumber parallel to the edge of the nori leaf. Gently shape the roll with a bamboo mat (makisu).
  • Mix the egg with tempura flour or regular flour and dip the finished roll into the resulting batter. Then roll it in breadcrumbs and place in a skillet with heated oil. Fry on all sides until golden brown. When the roll is browned, place it on a napkin to remove excess oil. Then, using a sharp knife dipped in rice vinegar, cut the roll into 4 pieces.
  • Place the finished tempura roll on a dish and pour the Unagi sauce over it to make the dish spicy taste and aesthetic appearance. Also, do not forget to serve ginger to the table, soy sauce and wasabi.
    Enjoy your meal!

Rolls with crab sticks

To prepare hot rolls with crab sticks, you will need:

  • 2-3 nori leaves
  • 1 stack. rice
  • 100 g of hard cheese
  • 150 g crab sticks
  • 1 fresh cucumber
  • 150 g soft cheese
  • 1 spoonful of soy sauce
  • 50 ml oil
  • 1 spoonful of sugar
  • 2 tablespoons white wine vinegar
  • 1/2 teaspoon salt
  • breading
  • 2 eggs
  • 1 stack. water for cooking rice and 2 tablespoons for the marinade.

Recipe for making hot rolls with crab sticks:

  1. First, the rice is cooked. The groats are seasoned with marinade (vinegar and salt, sugar with sauce), mixed so that the dressing is thoroughly mixed with the cereal.
  2. A cucumber with crab sticks is cut into strips.
  3. Next, they start collecting the rolls.
  4. Unfold nori, distribute rice, soft cheese and chopped foods.
  5. Rolls are dipped in an egg, dipped in breading and fried.
  6. Then the rolls are cut portioned pieces and laid out on a baking sheet lined with parchment.
  7. Cheese (hard) is cut into thin squares and spread on top of all the "stumps".
  8. Bake until the cheese is browned.

Bon Appetit!

Not sure how to make Tempura rolls at home? Then our quick and easy recipe will help you! Feed your family and friends a delicious and satisfying Japanese meal.


  • rice for sushi - 1 tbsp.;
  • nori - 4 sheets;
  • salmon fillet - 120 g;
  • Buko cheese - 80 g;
  • cucumber - 1 pc.;
  • smoked eel - 100 g;
  • pickled ginger - 120 g;
  • Unagi sauce - 50 ml;
  • tempura flour - 100 g;
  • chicken egg - 1 pc;
  • vegetable oil - 500 ml
  • water - 20 ml.


Start rolling the roll, lightly pressing it down with your fingers. Dip the finished rolls in batter. If you want to achieve crispy crust, you can pre-roll the roll in bread crumbs. Fry the Tempura rolls in boiling oil for two minutes.

Serve the roll cut into pieces, with Unagi sauce and pickled ginger. For spicy lovers, you can stock up on wasabi. It is curious that "Unagi" in Japanese means eel, so this sauce is perfect for these rolls.

There are many options for making Tempura rolls, for example - EbiTempura roll. This is the same roll, only instead of filling it uses a royal Tiger shrimp... Kunsei Tempura rolls use caviar, perch, bacon - whatever your heart desires.

Regardless of which version of the rolls you decide to cook, a hearty dinner is provided for you.

Every year the number of fans of such a Japanese dish as sushi is increasing and increasing. And there is nothing strange about this, since the variety of ingredients used to make the rolls is really impressive.

If you don't know how to treat your guests, then we suggest making hot rolls. It is original and very tasty dish, which will surely please all your household members. And not only.

Classic hot rolls: a recipe with a photo of a Japanese dish

Despite the external complexity, Japanese dishes are easy and simple to prepare. However, for the formation of rolls and their heat treatment, you will need special skills and, of course, culinary imagination.

So how do you make hot rolls? The recipe for this Japanese dish requires the use of:

  • pressed nori algae - 3-5 pcs.;
  • round rice for sushi - about 1.5 glasses;
  • salmon or salmon (you can use lightly salted or lightly smoked) - use at your discretion;
  • rice or wine white vinegar- 1 large spoon;
  • light sugar - 7 dessert spoons;
  • hard cheese - about 80 g;
  • sea ​​salt - 1 small spoon;
  • carbonade, boiled pork, bacon or balyk - use at your discretion;
  • curd cheese "Almette" - about 200 g;
  • long fresh cucumber - 2-3 pcs.

Preparation of components

Before preparing hot rolls, they must be properly formed. For this, sticky porridge from round rice is cooked. The groats are thoroughly washed and poured with plain water (250 g of liquid should fall on 200 g of dry product).

After the liquid boils, the contents of the bowl must be cooked under a lid over low heat for about ¼ hour. Next, the porridge is removed from the stove and, without opening, left for another 15 minutes.

Having prepared a viscous mass of rice, they immediately begin to prepare a special dressing. To do this, mix rice or white in one bowl wine vinegar, sea ​​salt and granulated sugar. When the free-flowing ingredients dissolve, fragrant dressing add to the porridge and gently turn it over (without stirring).

As for fresh cucumber and boiled pork, they are cut separately into long and not very thick strips. Smoked salmon is also chopped. We will decorate a ready-made dish with it.

We form rolls

Hot rolls at home are quite simple. Such a dish will serve great alternative usual lunch or dinner.

After preparing the main components, you can safely start forming the rolls. To do this, spread half a sheet of nori algae on the mat with a smooth surface down and spread warm rice (about 1 cm thick) over it. In this case, the far edge is left unfilled (about 1-1.5 cm).

As for the rice itself, curd cheese is placed on it, on which strips of boiled pork and fresh cucumber are spread (parallel to the wide side of the seaweed).

With the help of a mat, the roll is neatly folded using the uramaki technology.

Heat treatment in a microwave oven

To make hot rolls not only tasty, but also beautiful, they are baked in a special dish. To do this, the semi-finished product is cut into 8 equal parts, which are flavored with grated hard cheese, and sent to the microwave. In grill mode, hot rolls are cooked for about 7 minutes.

Serving to the table

After the hot rolls are completely cooked at home, they are laid out on a plate and covered with small pieces of smoked salmon. Also, the dish is flavored with soy sauce and presented to the table along with Chinese chopsticks.

Making delicious Tempura rolls

The recipe for hot rolls at home may include the use of not only different fillings, but also different heat treatment. One of the most popular types of this Japanese dish is the Tempura roll. This oriental snack is especially tasty when consumed warm.

How to prepare hot Tempura rolls. To do this, we need the following set of products:

We form rolls

To make hot rolls, boil round grain rice as described above, and then season it aromatic sauce... After that, they begin to form the dish.

The nori leaf is laid out on a mat and warm rice is spread over it, leaving the far edge of the algae free (1-2 cm wide). After that, pickled shrimps are placed in a line, and a strip of high-calorie mayonnaise is placed next to it. In this composition, nori is rolled into an elastic roller. So that it does not disintegrate, the free edge of the sheet is slightly moistened with water and "glue" the resulting roll with it.

Cooking batter

Hot rolls at home (a photo of the dish is presented in this article) is very often cooked in batter. For its preparation, a large chicken egg is beaten vigorously with a whisk, and then a small amount of warm water and wheat flour are added. Pour in the last ingredient until a rather viscous and thick dough is obtained (about the same as for pancakes).

Salting the resulting mass, immediately proceed to heat treatment rolls.

Fry rolls on the stove

It is recommended to fry the rolls on the stove using thick-walled pan... It is strongly heated over high heat and greased. vegetable oil... After that, all the formed rolls are laid out in the dishes, having previously dipped them in the previously prepared batter.

Fry the products until golden brown. At the same time, it is recommended to periodically turn them over with a fork so that they brown on all sides.

Serving to the table

After frying the shrimp rolls in oil, they are carefully removed and cut into pieces 3-4 centimeters thick. The products are beautifully laid out on a plate, flavored with any sauce and immediately presented to the table.

Cooking a hot roll with eel and salmon

This dish is especially popular with those who are tired of the usual dinners of meat and poultry. There is nothing complicated in its preparation. The main thing is to follow all the requirements of the recipe.

A feature of this method of making homemade rolls is tempura batter. He is able to give a new taste even to those dishes that have long become familiar.

You can make such a dinner both for a simple family meal and for a festive table.

To implement the presented recipe, we need:

Making rolls

How are hot rolls prepared? The recipe for such a dish is very easy to implement. To begin with, round grain rice is processed. It is boiled in exactly the same way as it was presented in the first recipe, and then seasoned with a fragrant wine dressing.

After the rice porridge is ready, the nori sheet (shiny surface down) is laid on a bamboo mat and then covered with a layer of boiled and viscous cereal. In this case, be sure to leave the far edge of the sheet unfilled (about 1 cm wide).

After the described actions, the still warm rice porridge is smeared with Buko or Philadelphia cheese. If you like the caviar of flying tobiko fish, then it is also added to the rolls, evenly distributed over the rice. After that, strips of eel, fresh cucumber and slightly salted salmon are laid out parallel to the edges of the algae.

Having carefully formed an elastic roll using a mat, it is placed in the refrigerator for several minutes.

Making batter

The batter for such a dish is easy and simple. Egg whisk well and then mix with tempura and regular wheat flour... As a result of such actions, a viscous, but not very thick dough is obtained.

How to fry rolls?

The formed rolls are removed from the refrigerating chamber and dipped in the resulting batter. Then they are immediately rolled in bread crumbs. In this form, the products are laid out in a pan with hot sunflower oil and fried on all sides until golden brown.

Present for dinner

After frying the roll in breaded breadcrumbs, it is placed on a paper napkin to remove all excess oil. Then it is cut with a sharp knife soaked in rice vinegar.

Each roll is divided into 4 parts and beautifully laid out on a flat plate. Pour the finished dish with Unagi sauce. They do this to give the rolls an aesthetic look and piquant taste.

This dish is served with pickled ginger, soy sauce and wasabi.

Homemade tempura rolls are very simple to prepare, but they turn out to be just as tasty as in sushi bars, even better! Prepare tempura rolls for yourself according to our recipe! We will tell you how we cook this Japanese dish.

To prepare a dish, we need:

  • Sushi rice - 200 grams
  • Water - 250 ml
  • Rice vinegar - 40-50 ml
  • For filling:
  • Nori seaweed - 3 large leaves (6 small)
  • Cucumber - 1 pc.
  • Cream cheese - 1 jar
  • Crab sticks - 2-3 pcs.
  • Sesame
  • Pickled ginger and soy sauce for serving
  • For batter:
  • Eggs - 2 pcs.
  • Flour - 3-4 tablespoons
  • Soy sauce - 1 tsp
  • Frying oil

Tempura roll recipe

    First of all, to prepare a roll tempura, you need to cook rice. To do this, you need to take 200 grams of sushi rice. You can also use round grain rice. Rice must be rinsed well under running water, at least 3-5 times. When the rice is washed, put it in a saucepan with a thick bottom and pour 250 ml of water. We close the pan with a lid and put on fire. The first rule of making rice for rolls and sushi is not to open the lid! First we put on high heat, bring to a boil and, as soon as it boils, we reduce to the lowest heat. Cook for 15 minutes under a closed lid. Then remove the pan from the heat and leave the rice to stand under the closed lid for another 20 minutes.
    Transfer the finished rice to a plate or wooden bowl and pour 40-50 ml of rice vinegar, gently stir with a wooden spatula. Leave the rice to cool.

    Let's prepare products for the filling. We will use the most affordable products. Cut the cucumber in half and take out the core with seeds, and then cut into thin long strips. We also cut the crab sticks into strips. In addition, we still need cream cheese, we will use almette, Hochland cheese is also suitable. You can also add roasted sesame seeds to taste.

    When all the ingredients are ready, you can start making tempura rolls. For cooking, we also need a mat, however, in principle, you can do without it, and instead use cling film folded in several layers. If you use a mat, then for convenience, wrap it with cling film or, as we did, place it in a tight plastic bag. In addition, you need a very sharp knife, a bowl of cold water, and a cutting board.

    Place the nori sheet on the prepared mat. If you have a large nori sheet, break it in half. On the one hand, the nori sheet has a smooth surface, and on the other, it is rough. For tempura rolls, place the nori on the mat with the smooth side up. Spread the rice evenly on almost the entire surface of the nori, pressing it hard. Leave only about 1 cm from the edge without rice. For convenience, soak your hands in water to prevent the rice from sticking to your fingers. Next, spread cream cheese with a strip on the rice, a few strips of cucumber, crab sticks and sprinkle with toasted sesame seeds. Do not lay out too much filling, since then it will be quite difficult to wrap our roll.
    When the filling is laid out, we begin to spin the roll, lifting the mat away from us. This must be done carefully, first wrapping the filling and tamping it well, and then wrapping the rest. Brush the edge of the nori without rice with a little water.

    These are the rolls we got. For the convenience of frying, each of them must be cut in half. At the same time, it is advisable to moisten the knife blade in water so that the roll is cut well. Each edge of the roll must be dipped in flour.

    Now let's prepare the batter for the rolls. To do this, break 2 eggs into a wide and deep plate, add about 1 tsp. soy sauce (if your sauce is very concentrated, then add less). Then gradually add flour and mix well. It is difficult to say the exact amount of flour, but the batter should be like thick sour cream in consistency.

    Pour oil into a frying pan and let it heat up well. We dip each half of the cooked roll into batter from all sides. If you have a special breading, you can also roll in it. We spread it in a frying pan. Keep in mind that the tempura roll is fried very quickly, literally 5-10 seconds on each side. We do not need the filling inside to be fried, but only to make the batter. Put the finished fried rolls on a plate, if you wish, you can put them on a paper towel.

    Cut each half into 3 more pieces and put on a plate. Here we also put pickled ginger, wasabi if desired. It is customary to eat rolls by dipping each bite in soy sauce. Bon Appetit!

Dishes of Japanese cuisine have long sunk into the hearts and stomachs of many Russians, and a dish with a simple name, rolls, has become a favorite. They are so varied that people's eyes widen at the sight of such an abundance of varieties, and I just want to try everything. But today we will walk through this kind of this Japanese delicacy, like tempura rolls, or rather, we will learn with you how to cook tempura rolls at home.

Having mastered our simple recipe for tempura rolls, you can deliciously delight your loved ones at a family meal or amaze your beloved at home romance by candlelight. There will be nothing difficult in cooking, you do not need to be a cook from God, but just a neat, patient cook. You ask why patience and accuracy ?! They are necessary to get neat, small in size, tightly rolled pieces from which nothing falls out.

Cooking rolls according to a simple recipe

First, we will focus on what is tempura ?! Tempura is just a batter, but a batter made not from at all simple products... With a list the right products for batter-tempura you will get acquainted a little later. The prepared batter is baked in very hot oil for a couple of seconds, and how delicious the dish becomes after this simple and short procedure. But back to how to make tempura rolls, you naturally begin your cooking by collecting the necessary products.

Cooking List

You go to the nearest supermarket and buy the following list of ingredients:

  • Rice packaging to create sushi and roll, regular rice is worthless due to its increased starch levels.
  • A packet of Nori seaweed.
  • Filech of lightly salted red fish (salmon, salmon, tuna) - 350 g.
  • 1 fresh cucumber.
  • 100 grams of any cream cheese.
  • 100 grams of spicy soft cheese.
  • A packet of sesame seeds.
  • Rice vinegar 60 ml.
  • 3 tsp granulated sugar.
  • 1 small spoonful of salt.
  • 1 chicken egg.
  • Special flour for tempura, the amount of flour is adjusted "by eye".
  • Cold water, its amount is regulated during the preparation of tempura batter.
  • 60 grams of fine bread crumbs.
  • Vegetable oil for frying.

You also need to stock up on handy inventory, we will also draw up a list of it now. So, you need: a saucepan, bowls, a mat - it will just help to twist the tempura rolls, cling film, a sharp long knife, a wooden spoon and beautiful plate to serve a cooked Japanese dish.

Roll Cooking Instructions

A diagram of how to cook hot tempura rolls at home will be described step by step, in the smallest details, so that any chef can easily cope with a Japanese dish like a real sous chef.

  1. Pour rice into a bowl and wash it well under the tap, wash until the water in the bowl becomes perfectly clean, without a little hint of turbidity. Pour the washed cereal into a saucepan and fill it with water so that it covers the rice with one finger.
  2. We cover the saucepan with a lid and send it to the cooker. Within five minutes, the rice should be cooked on maximum heat, after ten minutes on minimum heat.
  3. Cooking is over, we are in no hurry to get the boiled cereal, but let it steam under the lid for about 20 minutes. After the time has elapsed, pour the rice from the pan onto a plate and wait for it to cool completely.
  4. Add vinegar, salt and sugar to the rice, mix the gruel until the dressing is completely dissolved.
  5. Now cooking a different filling, this process is just as simple, even a child can handle it on his own. We cut a cucumber and a fish file into thin strips. Pour the cheeses into a bowl and mix with each other. Delicious filling ready!
  6. We lay a mat on the table, put a sheet of cling film on top of it, the same dimensions as the mat, the third layer is a sheet of nori.
  7. We begin laying out the rice, the rice pad should not exceed two grains of rice.
  8. Having stepped back from the edge of the nori sheet of 1.5-2 centimeters, lay out not a thick strip of cheese, lay fish fillets on top of the cheese, and put a strip of cucumber on the side of the cheese.
  9. Now we start spinning the rolls, here it is important for you to "fill your hand" yourself. We spread the finished block on the board, take a sharp knife, moisten the tip in cold water, this is necessary so that during the cutting process the rolls are neat and do not stick to the knife.

Cooking tempura

You have prepared the rolls, but this is not the end of the preparation of our dish, we continue to cook tempura rolls at home. Now you will find instructions on how to cook batter and bake slices of food in it.

  1. Pour flour for tempura into a bowl, add an egg there, cold water, we begin to mix everything. The batter is ready.
  2. Now it's time to warm up the oil, heat the oil in a deep saucepan or frying pan.
  3. Pour bread crumbs into a plate, they will give the rolls a delicious crunch. Dip a piece in tempura mixture, and then in crackers and dip in hot oil. Roasting takes place in seconds, so don't overcook your dish!

Well, you have taken the step of a beginner sous-chef, we think that you will not stop your experiments with Japanese dishes, but wake up only to develop and develop.