Oven baked apples with honey. Baked stuffed apples

Not every housewife knows how to bake apples in the oven so that the dish does not fall apart, burn and be tasty. With our recipes, you will quickly learn how to cook these fruits in the oven and can delight your family with a delicious and healthy dessert even every evening.

Whole oven-baked apples are excellent, very delicious dessert, which is not a shame to serve and guests. But it is important to choose the right type of fruit.

The most suitable varieties for baking are crispy, as they keep their shape well and do not fall apart. Golden apples are excellent baked.

  • 4 large or 6 medium apples;
  • 60 g of honey;
  • 60 g of any nuts;
  • 4 tsp Sahara;
  • 1 tbsp. l. cinnamon.

You need to cut seeds from each apple. You should get a tapered notch. You can scrape off the rest of the seeds with a spoon, but this should be done carefully so as not to spoil the apple.

  1. Next, you need to put a spoonful of sugar in each apple. If the fruits are small, then put a smaller one.
  2. On top of the sugar, add a little cinnamon to each apple. The combination of this spice and fruit flavors is sure to please your home.
  3. Nuts are laid on top of the cinnamon. Now portions of the dessert need to be placed on tracing paper spread on a baking sheet and sent to the oven. Many housewives grease a small mold butter and bake fruit in it.

It takes about 20 - 30 minutes to bake at 180 degrees.

The process must be observed all the time so that as soon as the apples become soft, take them out. Otherwise, the peel of the fruit may crack a lot, the pulp will creep, and the dessert will not look attractive.

As soon as you get the apples out of oven, they must be immediately transferred to a dish and poured with liquid honey. If you only have sugar, it can be melted by steam. The aroma in the kitchen, while you cook apples baked in the oven with honey, will be simply indescribable!

Whole apples in the oven can be baked in puff pastry. To prepare this dessert, you can buy ready-made frozen puff pastry.

In addition to him, you will need:

  • 1 kg of apples;
  • 50 g walnuts;
  • 70 g of honey;
  • 1 egg.

Apples should be washed and cored with a knife. But you cannot completely remove it - a little pulp should remain at the "bottom" of the fruit.

  1. In a bowl, steam the honey and chop the walnuts separately. Combine these ingredients and place in the hollows in the apples.
  2. Beat the egg in a foam in a separate container.
  3. The thawed dough is rolled out and cut into squares of such a size that it is convenient to wrap the apple. A stuffed fruit is placed on the center of the workpiece, the corners of the dough are glued together with an egg. As a result, the apples should be like in a bag of dough with small cuts on the sides. On top of the dessert should be greased with an egg.

The baking dish is lined with tracing paper and apples are placed on it. It is enough to bake the dessert in the oven for 20 minutes at 200 degrees. Apples in puff pastry- it is very satisfying and, moreover, useful.

This soft and aromatic, in moderation sweet dessert can be obtained by baking apples in the oven in small pieces, rubbing with sugar.

You will need:

  • 4 medium-sized apples;
  • 2 tbsp. l. Sahara;
  • 30 g butter;
  • a pinch of cinnamon;

Grease a baking dish with plenty of oil. Wash the apples, cut into four parts and cut out the seed capsule from them. Put the fruit slices in a mold, sprinkle with sugar and cinnamon on top. You need to bake apples with sugar in the oven for only 10 minutes at a temperature of 180 degrees.

Baked apples with cottage cheese

For children, you can cook baked apples with cottage cheese. There is a lot in such a dessert nutrients and a lot of calcium, which is necessary for the child's body. The dessert turns out to be unusually tender and tasty.

You will need:

  • 4 medium apples;
  • 100 g of cottage cheese with a fat content of 1%;
  • vanilla sugar to taste;
  • yolk;
  • a handful of raisins.

Apples, traditionally, should be washed, cut off the top and core removed with a knife. You should have impromptu fruit cups.

  1. To prepare the filling, you need to peel the apple cores from seeds and partitions, and then beat in a blender along with the yolk, cottage cheese and raisins.
  2. Vanillin is added to the resulting mass and beat well again.
  3. Then the apples are stuffed with filling and spread in a form previously coated with vegetable or butter.
  4. You can cover the "cups" with cut tops. Dessert is baked for 20 minutes at 180 degrees.

Cooking with nuts

In literally half an hour, you can make an insanely delicious dessert from apples and walnuts, which is not a shame to serve and guests. In combination with walnuts and condensed milk, apples are especially tasty.

You will need:

  • 4 medium apples;
  • 4 tbsp. l. condensed milk;
  • 50 g of nuts;
  • a little citric acid;
  • optional vanillin;
  • 1 tsp icing sugar.

The cooking process is not at all complicated:

  1. Walnuts peel, chop finely with a knife, and then mix with condensed milk and vanilla. The latter must be added to your taste. This will be the filling.
  2. Rinse and dry the apples. Cut off the top of the fruit, take out the seed capsule with a spoon. You can also remove some of the pulp to add more filling.
  3. Grate the walls of apples with lemon so that they do not darken.
  4. Fill the prepared fruits with the filling, put in a greased form and send to the oven preheated to 180 degrees for 15 minutes.

How to cook in foil

Apples in the oven are baked with sugar in foil. Cinnamon is also added to the dessert to taste.

You will need:

  • 5 medium apples;
  • 5 tsp Sahara;
  • ½ tsp ground cinnamon.

Getting started:

  1. Apples should be washed well and cut out with a sharp knife.
  2. Mix sugar with cinnamon and put in 1 tsp. in every apple.
  3. Cut the foil into squares so that a whole fruit can be wrapped in each.
  4. Arrange the apples in foil squares and wrap tightly, fastening it on top.
  5. Dessert is baked on a baking sheet for 20 minutes at 200 degrees in the oven.

When the fruit is ready, they are allowed to cool slightly, and then carefully removed from the foil.

The nuances of baking apples in the oven

Experienced housewives have their own secrets of cooking baked apples in the oven, thanks to which they do not fall apart and turn into porridge.

It matters how much apples are baked and at what temperature.

How many apples to bake in the oven

Everything here largely depends on the thickness of the walls of the apple and its size. If small fruits are baked, then 15 minutes is enough. If the fruit is large, then the time should be increased to 20 - 25 minutes.

Many housewives do not take out the apples immediately after baking, but let them sweat a little in the cooling oven. After "rest" the finished dessert is sprinkled with powdered sugar.

At what temperature to cook fruits

The temperature at which apples will be baked is selected based on the size of the fruit and its variety. Fruits of medium hardness, stuffed with filling, can be baked until cooked at a temperature of 220 degrees. You can also determine that the dessert is ready by the slightly cracked peel.

  • Small fruits, the diameter of which is about 7 cm, are baked at a temperature of 220 degrees.
  • Medium-sized apples (about 10 cm) are cooked at 200 degrees.
  • Large fruits bake well at temperatures ranging from 170 to 200 degrees.

As you can see, it is very easy to prepare a healthy and tasty dessert. A minimum of ingredients, very little cooking time, and the health benefits and delight for the stomach are guaranteed!

Cooking delicious and healthy dessert- baked apples with honey and nuts in the oven. Recipe available all year round, captivates with its simplicity of preparation and a short list of products, great for a lean menu and a children's diet. The process is simple - we cut out the inedible part with seeds from the apples and fill the empty space with the filling. In our example, this will be a mixture of nuts, raisins and cinnamon, sweetened with honey. That's all - we entrust the rest of the work to the oven, and we just have to keep track of the time and wait for the result!

Dense apples are successfully softened in the oven - hot steam will soak through even the strongest fruits. The sweetness of honey is in perfect harmony with the sour pulp, and the cinnamon adds an appetizing spicy aroma. A perfect and versatile combination!


  • apples - 500 g;
  • honey - 2 tbsp. spoons;
  • walnuts - 30 g;
  • raisins - 30 g;
  • cinnamon - 1 teaspoon without a slide.

Baked apples with honey and nuts in the oven recipe

  1. Wash apples, wipe with a towel. We cut off the “cap” of each fruit - the top with the stalk. For baking, apple varieties with a strong green skin and dense sour pulp (Antonovka, Granny Smith, etc.) are best suited.
  2. With a knife we ​​cut out and take out the middle with the seeds, trying not to damage the bottom. We get neat blanks - apple "bowls".
  3. Lightly chop the walnuts with a knife (the pieces should remain large enough), combine with cinnamon, washed and dried raisins. Add honey and mix the ingredients. Candied solid honey can be reheated to help the ingredients come together more easily.
  4. Fill the apple blanks tightly with a sweet nut-honey mixture.
  5. Cover with previously cut "hats". We cut off the stalks so that they do not burn out during baking.
  6. We transfer the apples to a heat-resistant container. We send it to an oven heated to 180 degrees. The baking time depends on the type (hardness) of the apples. Softish fruits on average reach readiness in 15-20 minutes, dense ones will take more time - 35-40 minutes.
  7. Baked apples have a slightly wrinkled appearance and a tarnished skin. The middle of the fruit should soften. You can eat dessert both warm and chilled.

Oven baked apples with honey and nuts are ready! Bon Appetit!

Apples baked in the oven with honey is really very simple, but at the same time delicious and low calorie dessert... If you want something sweet, but without sacrificing your figure, then this recipe is for you.

Baked apples with honey are made with a minimum of ingredients and will be great healthy breakfast for the whole family.

Required products:

3 - 4 apples;
6 - 8 tablespoons of liquid honey.

Cooking process:

1. Be sure to rinse the apples well and dry them with paper towels.
2. Cut off the top with the ponytail, and then completely remove the middle. The inside of the apple should be half empty, and the walls should be about an inch thick.
3. Place inside about two tablespoons of honey, or be guided by your taste.
4. Place the dessert on a baking sheet or in a baking dish and cook at 180 degrees for no more than 20 minutes.

With added nuts

Why not make a honey and nuts treat? After all, these two products are perfectly combined with each other, creating a very pleasant taste.

Required Ingredients:

Several apples, depending on how many people you are preparing the dessert for;
two tsp. honey for each fruit;
any nuts (for example, walnuts or hazelnuts - to your taste).

Cooking process:

1. We wash the fruits, let them dry, and then cut off the tops and take out the inside, leaving the walls.

Of course, it is best to use a special device for this, but you can get by with a sharp knife. The main thing is not to accidentally damage the sides of the apple.

2. Cut the nuts into smaller pieces (you can lightly beat them in a blender) and mix with honey.
3. Fill each apple with the resulting mixture, put them in a mold and put them in the oven for 15 minutes, preheating it to 160 degrees in advance.

Cooking with cottage cheese

Another very useful option the dessert in question - with honey and cottage cheese. Such a delicacy can also be given to children, especially if they refuse pure cottage cheese.

Required products:

Two apples;
100 grams of cottage cheese;
four tablespoons of honey.

Cooking process:

1. First, let's make the filling. Place the curd in a convenient deep container, add honey to it and stir until smooth so that the ingredients are evenly distributed. The recipe indicates the approximate amount of honey, you can add more or less honey to your taste.
2. Rinse the apples, wipe them off, cut off the top first, and then remove what is inside.
3. Fill the fruits with the prepared filling, put them in the oven and bake for about 20 minutes, preheating the stove to 180 degrees.

Baked apples with honey and cinnamon

Imagine the smell coming from baked goods with this fruit and spice! So baked apples with honey and cinnamon turn out to be no less tasty and aromatic.

Required products:

Two apples;
cinnamon to taste;
2 - 3 tablespoons of liquid honey.

Cooking process:

1. We wash the fruits well, dry them at room temperature or wipe it with paper towels.
2. With a thin knife, first remove the top, and then cut out the hard core so that an empty space forms inside.
3. About half of the apple, starting from the top, remove the skin in a circle.
4. Fill each fruit with a little honey and sprinkle ground cinnamon, at the same time, be sure to process those places from which the skin was cut.
5. Bring the dessert until cooked at 180 degrees. This will take no more than 20 minutes.

With lemon

Required products:

a third of a lemon;
four tsp honey.

Cooking process:

1. Rinse the lemon and cut into small cubes along with the skin. Put it in a bowl and mix with honey so that the citrus is completely covered with it.
2. Rinse the fruit, pat dry, remove the top and then the hard core. At the same time, do not touch the walls of the apple. You should have whole fruits, but only without the top cap and with a small cavity inside.
3. Fill them with lemon and honey filling, send to the mold and cook for about 20 minutes at 200 degrees.

Raisin recipe

Required products:

3 - 4 small apples;
100 grams of raisins;
two tablespoons of honey;
cinnamon to taste.

Cooking process:

1. Sort out the raisins, rinse. It is advisable to pour boiling water over it and let it stand for at least 10 minutes - this will make it softer and tastier.
2. Be sure to rinse the apples, because they will be cooked with the skin.
3. Dry them with napkins or paper towels, cut off the very top on the side where the ponytail is by about one centimeter and cut out a hard core. As a result, you should have an empty fruit inside and completely whole on top.
4. Drain the raisins, let it dry a little and combine with honey.
5. Fill each apple with this filling. If desired, sprinkle the dessert with ground cinnamon on top and add some chopped nuts.
6. Place the workpieces in a small mold so that there is some distance between them. Pour in about 100 milliliters of water and cook the treat at 180 degrees for about 30 minutes. Serve when cooled slightly.

We bake with honey in foil

Want to preserve the properties of the fruit as much as possible and do not know how to properly bake apples in foil? Just use this recipe.

Required products:

Two apples or how many servings are required;
two tsp. honey for each fruit.

Cooking process:

1. Rinse the fruit and let it dry. Then, use a sharp knife to remove the cap and use a teaspoon to remove the seeds and hard core so that a cavity forms inside.
2. Fill it with honey. You can use it more than indicated in the list, according to your liking.
3. Transfer the dessert to a mold, completely wrap each apple in foil so that there are no gaps, and keep them for about 10 - 15 minutes in an oven preheated to 180 degrees.
Other ingredients can be added to the composition of the components of any of the recipes, thus improving the taste of the finished dessert. Do not forget about dried fruits, jam, nuts, cream - all this goes very well with baked apples.

  1. Good time to all readers and guests! Today's post will not be the same as usual, since its author is not me, but Maxim - a beginner, but a dreaded culinary specialist! 🙂 Cooking delicious dishes Maxim is engaged in his free time from work, but in general he is a great connoisseur of the design of premises, furniture and everything connected with these. You can learn more about Maxim's hobbies on the pages of his website. Well, that's it, I will not drag out any longer, I will hand over to the author.

Oven baked apples recipe

Greetings, dear readers of the blog www.site! My name is Maxim, and today I am starting a new section on the site "Who is the Boss", which will solve the question of whose place is at the stove. Just kidding, of course, Nastya kindly allowed me to post a recipe on her blog, which I really like for its simplicity of preparation and useful qualities products that are used. You can get to know me better and add me as a friend on my contact page, I am happy to receive guests!

All of us men love to eat deliciously, but we only have one snag - not all of us know how, and love to cook. But, in principle, we can do everything to please our soul mate or just give the opportunity to take a break from cooking.

So today is a recipe from a culinary man. And it is called baked "apples in the oven with honey and nuts"

What do we need to prepare it?

  1. Apples in the amount of five pieces.
  2. One hundred grams of walnuts. You can buy immediately peeled or in shells.
  3. One hundred grams of honey. Absolutely any that you like will do, and buy this.

That's all. Let's start preparing our culinary dish... The recipe for baked apples in the oven was suggested to me by a friend of mine, two years ago, since then we have been preparing it and enjoy an excellent combination of healthy and tasty ingredients.

And now step-by-step instruction how to make such delicious food.

I will immediately give advice - choose the most beautiful and round apples in the store, it will be easiest to work with them.

Our neat apples need to be washed and dried. Then we proceed to the most complex procedure of our recipe. In order to stuff apples with nuts and honey, you need to remove the core of the fruit. True, this must be done very carefully, try not to violate the integrity of the apple.

Core Removal Tools

I usually do it with a teaspoon. True, this time we suffered losses. One fighter from our tea set was out of order 🙂 It happens, what can you say here 🙂

Ready "blanks"
Assistant 🙂

After all the apples are ready, you can start preparing the filling for the apples. Grind the walnuts. This can be done with an ordinary tablespoon. Let us use heavy artillery, otherwise the junior squad failed.

Add nuts

We put the crushed nuts in apples and pour them with honey, it usually takes me two teaspoons for one apple.

Everything. Preheat the oven to 180 degrees and put our apples in a pan for forty minutes. After turning it off, let it stand a little.

Baked apples: benefits

Apples- a product rich in vitamins and iron. One apple a day extends your life by one year.

Honey- one of the most irreplaceable foods, which is rich in amino acids, so necessary for us in cold and cloudy seasons.

Nuts- a source of protein that can replace required amount consumption of meat, and improves brain activity. Plus, it has a positive effect on exclusively male hormone, well, we all know about this.

Baked apples: calories

There are only 93 calories per 100 grams. So eat to your health, and I will go to wash the dishes, because a real chef's kitchen is always clean.

P.S. Not a single spoon was harmed during the preparation of the recipe.

Bon Appetit! Read me in contact.

Baked apples are a healthy and tasty dessert. It turns out to be low-calorie, unless, of course, the fruits were baked in shortcrust pastry with a lot of oily and sweet filling... We will tell you how to cook delicious baked apples in the oven.

Which variety to choose

The apple selected for baking should have a firm rind and firm flesh. It is worth remembering that fruits of early varieties have a thin skin that can burst in the oven, so you should choose autumn apples with a dense skin. You can bake any fruit, but the best dishes obtained from the varieties Simirenko or Antonovka. You can also take Golden and Granny Smith apples.

How to prepare fruits

For baking, select several apples of the same size. Before cooking, use a sponge to thoroughly clean the peel from dirt and wax, which is sometimes used to cover the fruit to extend their shelf life.

After that, the core (seed box) is removed from each apple from the side of the tail, trying not to damage the “bottom” with sepals, so that juice does not flow out of the fruit when baked. This can be done with an ordinary knife or with a special one with a rounded blade.

Baking features

Apples are often baked in a heat-resistant form. Some housewives add a little water to a mold or baking sheet so that the flowing sweet juice forms a marmalade at the bottom.

Better, of course, to spread the foil so that you do not have to waste time cleaning the baking sheet.

You can wrap the fruit in foil or dough to prevent the juice from leaking out.

At what temperature should apples be baked in the oven? The fruits are baked at a standard baking temperature of 180 degrees Celsius.

The baking time in the oven ranges from twenty minutes to half an hour and varies from the number of apples, the type and characteristics of the oven.

In finished fruits, the flesh is soft when pierced with a knife or toothpick.

Watch a video recipe for this dish:

Apples without filling

The most low-calorie (no more than 50 kcal), but at the same time very tasty and most useful are apples without filling. It is very simple to make them - you can even bake them whole, however, it is more pleasant to eat properly prepared fruits without a seed box.

If you decide to bake the whole fruit, be sure to pierce the peel in several places with a toothpick so that the peel does not burst during cooking.

You can cut and bake the fruit in halves, removing the core from them. It can even be cut into wedges and cooked nicely in shape.

After baking in the oven, take out the apples and sprinkle them with sugar, and then send them for five minutes to the turned off oven to form caramel.

You can bake the fruits by wrapping them in thinly rolled dough and serve warm with ice cream.

Apples with honey

We offer a recipe for cooking baked apples with honey in the oven.

Calorie content of the dish - 215 kcal, per 100 g - 62 kcal

Servings - 2

Cooking time - 30 minutes


Necessary products:

  • apples - 2 pcs.;
  • thick honey - 2 tsp;
  • fresh mint - for decoration.


To bake apples without filling, wash the fruits, remove seeds and veins, remove the tail.

Put a spoonful of honey in the grooves that you get after cleaning.

You can replace honey with granulated sugar. It is very tasty to complement it with butter - a piece and a quarter of a teaspoon. You can put a teaspoon of condensed milk in apples instead of sugar and honey.

Place the apples in a mold and place in the oven for 15-20 minutes.

Before serving, the baked dessert can be garnished with fresh mint and sprinkled with powdered sugar or cinnamon, depending on preference. Baked apples with honey from the oven are ready!

Filled apples

There are a lot of baking options. Someone cooks apples without filling, someone likes to fill the fruits with juicy curd, fruit, nut or even meat mass.

Oven baked apples can be filled with a mixture of:

  • chopped dried fruits;
  • chopped nuts and honey, which are a good addition to liquor, wine or cognac;
  • cottage cheese, eggs, sugar, sour cream and raisins;
  • boiled rice with raisins, sugar and butter;
  • steamed oatmeal with dried fruits and sugar;
  • cranberries and sugar;
  • a piece of chocolate.

Apples go well with vanilla and cinnamon flavors, so add these spices to the filling. A good addition to the taste of a baked apple lemon zest... Vanilla or chocolate sauce can be served with the finished dish.

By the way, you can bake fruit stuffed with hard cheese and dried fruit or hard cheese and minced meat... True, such a dish can no longer be attributed to desserts. It is rather an appetizer.

To put the filling in apples, you need to cut them or take out part of the pulp with a spoon. You can cut different ways... For example, cut the apple in half and remove the seed box, and place the filling in the grooves.

You can cut the fruit across by cutting off the top with a tail. Take out the "stub" and place the stuffing mass instead. Then cover with a cut "lid".

Or you can cut the fruit across into thin layers and put the filling in a thin layer between them, "collecting" the apple back.


Oven baked apples are a great dessert for children and adults. It cheers up and replenishes the body with vitamins and minerals.

What are the benefits of baked apples in the oven? This dish will improve metabolism, avoid constipation, remove toxins, reduce weight, increase immunity, prevent the development of cancer and lower cholesterol levels.

Fruit after heat treatment contain vitamins PP, H, B, E, A, C, minerals potassium and iron, as well as a large amount of pectin. Potassium is necessary for the normal functioning of the heart and the normalization of metabolic processes, iron - to supply oxygen to the blood, and pectin removes toxins from the body and improves skin condition.

Now you know how to cook baked apples in the oven. This is diet dish can be eaten by both nursing mothers and pregnant women, and introduced into complementary foods for children from 6 months. Bon Appetit!

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