What can you do with chokeberry. Chokeberry wine at home

A ripe dark berry that ripens in mid-autumn is very healthy. It lowers blood pressure, cleanses the blood, relieves anemia and helps to activate the immune processes in the body. Most The best way to preserve this storehouse of vitamins - to make preparations from chokeberry for the winter.

There is a mass for this great recipes... Compotes, jams are prepared from blackberries, berries are ground with sugar, frozen and simply dried or dried. All these methods allow you to prepare different and healthy treats from black rowan.

Chokeberry, mashed with sugar without cooking

In spite of great amount vitamins P, C, iodine and many others nutrients and microelements, alas, not everyone likes it because of the tart and sour taste. Therefore, good housewives find a way to "sweeten the pill." For example, the recipe for grated raw chokeberry with sugar without cooking is simple and easily gives the berry the desired taste.

Products for the recipe are taken in proportions of 1: 0.5 (1 kg of mountain ash and 500 g of sugar). First of all, we sort out the berries, separating the rowan from the branches. Then we thoroughly rinse our crop and dry it in a natural way. Then we take a blender and grind the berries along with granulated sugar. The output is a homogeneous berry mixture.

Now you can sterilize jars with lids and pour berry puree into the still hot containers. We set the cans aside for a few minutes so that the berry will let more juice. During this time, the sugar must completely dissolve. The treat is ready! You can store the sealed jars in the refrigerator when they are completely cool. Bon Appetit!

Chokeberry jam for the winter

Chokeberry can be prepared for the winter in the form of a delicious jam. To do this, we take berries with sugar and water in such an amount:

  • Chokeberry berries - 1 kg;
  • 1.5 tbsp. water;
  • Granulated sugar - 1.2 kg.

We put the sorted and washed berries in a saucepan, pour in water and send them to the fire. Steam the mountain ash under the lid so that it completely softens. Then we grind the soft berry through a sieve. We send the berry puree to a cooking bowl, add sugar and boil until tender.

Apple and chokeberry jam recipe

Jam from apples and chokeberry will also turn out to be no less useful and tasty. For this recipe you will need:

  • Rowan berries - 1 kg;
  • 1.5 kg of sugar;
  • Apples - 0.4kg;
  • 2 tbsp. water.

We also sort out and wash berries and apples in running water. From the latter, we remove the seed box and peel it. All together is ground in a blender to a puree mass and mixed with sugar. We send the saucepan with applesauce to the stove and boil until tender over low heat.

Chokeberry marmalade, recipe "Home"

Despite all the astringency and astringent properties of chokeberry, the prescription marmalade comes out very sweet, not cloying and aromatic. At the same time, it is prepared very simply. For the recipe we need:

  • Rowan black-fruited - 1-1.2 kg;
  • 400 ml of water;
  • 600 g sugar + a little for decoration.

We sort out the rowan, rinse and send in a saucepan of water over medium heat. We heat the contents and boil until the berries soften. Then we rub the mountain ash through a sieve, getting berry puree. The output should be about 600 g of puree berry mass.

Now sugar is poured into the mountain ash puree (it turns out 1: 1) and again goes to the stove. The berry-sugar mass is cooked until thickened. Next, you need to prepare a dish on which we will spread the marmalade. To do this, you need to moisten it in ice water and only then spread a thick mass on it. Use a knife to evenly distribute the mass and dry it in a natural way.

You can serve it by cutting the marmalade into pieces and roll each in sugar. Bon Appetit!

Chokeberry jelly for the winter "Black Mirror"

Like any other berry, you can also make delicious and sweet jelly from rowan berries. In this case, the taste will not be tart, you get a real dessert. For him we take the following products:

  • Rowan - 1 tbsp.;
  • 3/4 Art. Sahara;
  • 2 tbsp. l. gelatin;
  • 4 tbsp. water;
  • Citric acid - on the tip of a knife.

We sort out the mountain ash, rinse it and squeeze the juice from the berries. We put the cake in a saucepan and send it to the fire with hot water. After 10 minutes of cooking the cake, filter it. Pour sugar and acid into the resulting broth. Then we send it back to the stove and boil, periodically removing the foams.

Now you need to properly prepare the gelatin. To do this, according to the instructions on the package, soak the substance in cold water for 5-40 minutes. The time will depend on the type of gelatin (granule or plate).

Add the prepared gelatin to the broth and bring everything to a boil. After that, the raw juice that was squeezed out of the mountain ash is sent here, and everything is mixed. Distribute the cooked mixture into the molds and send it to solidify in the refrigerator. Also, the hot mixture can be poured into sterilized hot jars and covered with gauze - this is how the chokeberry jelly is kept for the winter. When the mass has cooled completely, we tie the jars parchment paper.

Chokeberry jelly recipe without gelatin

If there is no gelling substance at hand, then you can make chokeberry jelly without gelatin. For this we take:

  • Rowan - 1 kg;
  • Sugar - 700 g;
  • 0.5 kg of water.

We sort out the berries, rinse and put them in a bowl, pouring heated water. We send to the stove to boil until the berries are completely softened. Then we filter the berry mass and squeeze it out with gauze or cotton cloth. Add sugar to the broth and put on the stove over low heat.

For 15 minutes the mass is boiled, after which the still hot broth is poured into sterilized jars and covered with gauze. When the jelly has cooled, the jars are covered with parchment paper and tied tightly. Bon appetit in winter!

Chokeberry jam for the winter: a healthy sweetness

Regular use of chokeberry normalizes blood pressure and strengthens blood vessels. And so that the astringency of the berries does not affect the desire to use healthy preparations, you can make a fragrant jam from black chokeberry for the winter. For him you will need:

  • Rowan berries - 1 kg;
  • Water - 200-300 ml;
  • Sugar - 1-1.2 kg.

As with making jam, the main ingredient must be rinsed, sorted out and poured into an enamel container. Pour water there, knead the berries well and cover with granulated sugar. We put the saucepan on low heat and heat until the sugar dissolves. After that, we increase the fire, and boil the jam until tender. Stir the mass periodically with a spatula.

If you plan to pasteurize jam in jars, then turn off the heat at a temperature of about 105 ° C. To store jam without pasteurization, the temperature should reach 107 ° C. Pour the ready-made, still hot delicacy into clean, heated dry jars. If necessary, we pasteurize or seal when a sugar crust forms on top of the jam.

Jam from apples and chokeberry "Fantasy"

Autumn is rich in vitamins. In addition to the classic recipe, chokeberry berries can be combined with another equally useful fruit - an apple. Autumn vitamin jam from apples and chokeberry has a delicate taste and aroma. For this recipe we take:

  • Rowan - 1 kg;
  • Apples (Antonovka) - 2.5 kg;
  • Water - 5 tbsp.;
  • Granulated sugar - 3 ½ tbsp.

We sort out the berries, clean them of leaves and twigs, and then rinse. Boil the mountain ash in water for about 45 minutes until it is soft. We pour the water into a separate container, and grind the berries in a meat grinder. Now we are preparing the apples - we rinse the fruits and dry them with a kitchen towel. Clean apples from the seed box and cut into slices or small cubes.

Fill the chopped Antonovka (or another variety) with water from under the mountain ash and boil for about 25 minutes, also until soft. You can grind apples in mashed potatoes through a sieve, then discard the peel. Mix the ready-made puree from berries and apples, add sugar to them and leave to infuse overnight.

In the morning, put the pan on low heat and cook, stirring constantly, until you get a thick mass like sour cream. This will take approximately 45 minutes. The full readiness of the dish can be checked by dripping jam on a saucer. If the drop has cooled down and has not spread on the plate, then the delicacy is ready. Turn off the fire on the stove, and pack the even hotter jam in previously prepared sterilized jars and seal.

Chokeberry pastila at home

Do you like sweet and healthy, but don't want to mess with banks? Then the recipe for such a sweet as chokeberry marshmallow, prepared at home, is exclusively for you. For her you need to take:

  • Rowan - 10 tbsp. berries;
  • Granulated sugar - 5 tbsp.;
  • 2 squirrels.

Pour the berries removed from the stalks and thoroughly washed into a pan (metal) and crush with a wooden spoon. Sprinkle the berry mass with granulated sugar, cover with a lid and put in an oven preheated to about 160 ° C. It is recommended to use a glass lid to make it easier to "peep" behind the mountain ash.

As soon as enough juice is released in the pan, stir the mass to better distribute and dissolve the sugar. After that, the mixture takes on a jelly-like appearance, grind it with a sieve and leave to cool. Add raw proteins to the already unheated mass and beat until the mass turns white.

Now the future marshmallow needs to be dried. Let's prepare a heat-resistant glass dish for this and fill it 1/3 full. We heat the oven to 80 ° C, put the dishes and watch the marshmallow so that it does not dry out. Upon reaching the desired condition of the first layer, the next part is laid out on top. We do the same with the remaining third of the mass.

When all the candy is ready, the container is covered with white paper and then a lid. Store the treat in a cool, dry place. Bon Appetit!

Blackberry compote "Winter's Tale"

As with any other berry, compote can also be made from rowan. To do this, we take berries (the amount will depend on the estimated volume of the container) and sugar in the calculation of 500 g per 1 liter of water. We clean the berries, rinse in running water and dry on a towel. In the meantime, we sterilize the jars, after which you can fill them with dry berries by 1/3, no more.

Pour rowan into the jars with boiling water and leave for 3 minutes. After that, pour the water into a saucepan, bring to a boil and add sugar to it. After mixing, we boil everything for up to 10 minutes, after which we pour it back into jars with rowan. Banks are rolled up and turned over until they cool completely, wrapped in a blanket. After a month, the compote can be drunk.

Ranetka and chokeberry compote "Paradise apple"

A more delicate taste can be obtained by preparing compote from ranetka and chokeberry. For him we take:

  • Apples - 1-1.5 kg;
  • Rowan - 0.5-0.7 kg;
  • Cold water - 4-4.5 liters;
  • Sugar - 6 tbsp.

We sort out small juicy ranetki, rinse under warm running water and pour into a bowl, flooding with water. We wash the rowan berries in a colander, also in warm running water, in parallel sorting out from spoiled berries. Having let the excess water drain from the mountain ash, we set it aside for now.

We prepare cans for compote - we rinse and sterilize the containers and leave them to dry. Pour some ranetki and 2 handfuls of rowan into the finished jars. As a result, about half of the can should be filled. Now we take a large pot, fill it with clean water and send it to the stove.

When the water boils in a saucepan covered with a lid, turn off the heat. After that, fill the containers with apples and berries with boiled water almost to the neck. In this form, the future compote is infused for about 15 minutes. After the specified time, the liquid should become a delicate scarlet hue.

Now we again pour the infusion into a saucepan and send it to high heat, covered with sugar. The proportions are 1 glass of sand per liter. Stir the boiled liquid with a wooden spoon, achieving complete dissolution of the sugar crystals. After that, the fire can be turned off. Fill the jars with sweet syrup again with a ladle and seal them with metal lids. We store the cooled compote in the cellar or pantry.

Chokeberry syrup with citric acid and cherry leaf

Chokeberry syrup is very beneficial for people with high blood pressure. To maximize the benefits, you can make chokeberry syrup with cherry leaves and citric acid. Such a vitamin preparation is easy to use and treats many diseases. So, for the syrup we take:

  • Aronia - 2 kg of berries;
  • 2.5 liters of water;
  • Citric acid - 25 g per liter;
  • Granulated sugar - 1 kg per 1 liter;
  • Cherry leaves - to taste (the more, the tastier it will be).

The leaves will be needed for the recipe in approximately 1: 1 proportions with rowan.

We wash the cherry leaves and rowan berries in running water, after which we fill everything with boiling water. In this form, we leave the products to infuse for a day. The next day, the infusion from rowan is poured into a saucepan and sent to the stove. When the infusion boils, acid is poured into it in the specified proportions. Throw away the cherry leaves from the container with rowan and pour the resulting syrup to the berries. Again we withstand the infusion for a day.

The next day, we drain the mountain ash infusion again, the berries are no longer needed. Again we send everything to the fire, and when it boils, we add sugar there at the rate of 1 kg per 1 liter of infusion. Pour the well-mixed still boiling broth in pre-sterilized jars or glass bottles under an inch and seal.

Chokeberry juice - recipe in a juicer

Chokeberry juice is a great multivitamin. It can be an excellent alternative medicine for constipation, colds, runny nose and coughs. Of course, freshly squeezed is healthier, but you can make chokeberry juice in a juicer according to a simple recipe.

We sort out the berries and rinse, then knead the mountain ash and sprinkle with a little sugar. So the berries are infused for several hours, you can leave it overnight. In the morning, squeeze the juice out of the berries. You can squeeze out the juice without sugar, then take frozen mountain ash.

For cooking in a juicer for 5 liters of juice for future use, it must be properly prepared. We put the hose on the outlet of the vessel to drain the resulting juice, securing it. We do all the preparatory measures according to the instructions for the device. Fill the container with water - 4 liters. As soon as the water in the juicer boils, we proceed to the procedure for squeezing berries and cooking juice. Care must be taken to maintain a constant boil in the container so that steam is generated.

When the water boils off, it can be topped up, but not exceed 4 liters. This amount will be enough for juicing for 70-80 minutes. When cooking is over, the juice must be immediately poured into prepared containers - sterilized bottles or jars.

Harvesting chokeberry adjika for the winter

Everyone is used to cooking adjika from hot pepper with spices, salt and herbs. And surely few people can cook this dish from berries. Meanwhile, chokeberry makes an excellent adjika for the winter. For cooking we take:

  • Berries - 1 l;
  • 2-3 st. l. salt;
  • 130 g sugar;
  • 60 ml vinegar (9%);
  • 125 g garlic;
  • Cinnamon - 0.5 tsp;
  • 0.5 tsp carnations;
  • 1 st. l. spicy mixture of hops-suneli;
  • Allspice - 5-6 peas;
  • Ground red pepper (hot) - 0.5 tsp.

Rowan, as in any other recipe - sort out, rinse and discard in a colander. You need to get rid of excess water. Then we clean the cloves of garlic and pass it and the berries through a meat grinder, mixing them together. Add allspice with ground spices to the resulting mass. Separately mix the sugar with vinegar and salt and pour over the berries.

Now we are preparing the jars - we rinse and sterilize. Pour boiling water over the lids. We put the finished adjika in jars, close and send to the refrigerator. The dish has an original pleasant taste. Bon Appetit!

Chokeberry raisins at home

Aronia is a very healthy berry, but does not leave a pleasant sweet aftertaste. Unfortunately, her fruits are tart and have a specific astringent taste. But homemade chokeberry raisins are worth trying for the winter - they are sweet enough and melt pleasantly in your mouth. In addition, everyone can cook it, it's very simple! We take:

  • Rowan - 1.5 kg;
  • Granulated sugar - 1 kg;
  • Water - 2 tbsp.;
  • Citric acid - 1 tsp.

We carefully pick the berries from the branches and sort them out, getting rid of leaves and litter. After that, the berries are washed under running water and reclined in a colander. Now we are preparing the syrup. Water is poured into a saucepan and sugar dissolves in it. We send them to the stove, bring them to a boil, until all the granulated sugar dissolves. When the water boils, pour the mountain ash and acid into a saucepan.

Cook the berries for about 25 minutes, then put them on a sieve or colander. Rowan syrup is perfect for making compote or ice cream. The boiled berry must now be dried. This requires an electric dryer or a conventional oven. We will use more the traditional way... Spread baking paper on a baking sheet and evenly spread rowan on it.

We dry the berries at a low temperature - about 50 ° C. If you still have an electric dryer, then its grate should also be covered with paper. Rowan raisins are kept in paper or cloth bags, and you can also leave them in a closed glass container. Raisins can be stored in this way for a whole year, but you can eat it this way or add it to baked goods. Bon Appetit!

Is it possible to freeze chokeberry for the winter

Vitamins, minerals and pectin substances of chokeberry strengthen the blood vessels of the brain, help the liver to function properly and improve the functioning of the endocrine system. Therefore, it is recommended to stock up on useful berries for future use by any means. One such method is freezing.

How can you freeze chokeberry for the winter: a simple recipe

The berry perfectly “survives” the freeze, keeping all its beneficial features... There are several ways to do this. The choice of the freezing method will depend on further plans for the berry. For freezing whole berries most in a simple way we take:

  • Rowan;
  • Towel;
  • Colander;
  • Vacuum bags.

We sort out the berries from leaves, stalks and twigs, rinse and discard in a colander. Then we dry on a kitchen towel, periodically turning the fruits over. Now we put the dry mountain ash in portions in vacuum bags (preferably in one layer) and try to get rid of the air in them as much as possible. Hermetically sealed packages of berries can be sent and stored in the freezer.

How to dry chokeberry in the oven

In the oven, you can prepare chokeberry for storage not only for one winter, but also for more than a year. To do this, you need to take the berries that are already ripe. It is recommended to harvest after the first frost, then the mountain ash will fully reveal all its useful properties.

How to properly dry chokeberry berries in the oven

The berries are removed from the collected umbrellas and washed thoroughly, then thrown back into a colander. Can also be spread thinly on a tea towel. When the berry is dry, it can be moved to the oven with a temperature of 40 ° C for 25-30 minutes. After the time has elapsed, the temperature in the cabinet rises to 60 ° C, and the berry is already dried until fully cooked.

Readiness is visible by the lack of water in the berries. In this case, the mountain ash should not be red or brownish. This will mean that the berry is dry. You can store drying from blackberry in plastic containers or glass containers closed with nylon lids. The main thing is that moisture does not penetrate inside. All drying is ready!

Drying chokeberry in an electric dryer

The wonders of home appliances make it incredibly easy to prepare seasonal produce for the winter. So you can preserve the maximum amount of useful properties of chokeberry by drying it with an electric dryer.

To do this, take the mountain ash, remove it from the branches, sort it out from the leaves and spoiled berries. We wash exclusively first-class mountain ash in running water through a colander. Then we let the unnecessary water drain, spreading the berries on a sieve in a layer of a couple of centimeters. It is necessary to dry chokeberry in an electric dryer at a temperature of about 60-70 ° C. In doing so, follow strictly the instructions in the instructions for the device.

Well-dried berries should get rid of almost all the water, but have not yet acquired a reddish brown color. Otherwise, it will mean that the berries have dried up and lost their main wealth - vitamins and minerals. The finished drying can be stored in an airtight container that does not allow moisture to pass through. These can be any plastic bowls, but not plastic ones.

Please note that with such a harvesting of chokeberry for the winter, its berries lose their unpleasant astringency. The taste of drying comes out sweetish with sourness, and the berry itself retains a maximum of useful substances.

Useful blanks for you!

The unique healing effect of chokeberry on the body is known to many. For the needs of pharmacology, it is grown on an industrial scale. To replenish the supply of vitamins and minerals, to correct the condition for various diseases, the fruits are used all year round... You can just put them in the freezer and take them as medicine, but there are many delicious ways preserve healthy berries.

Chokeberry for the winter is jam, jelly, juice, wine and even spicy sauce for meat. The specific, recognizable taste and color can complement the usual blanks from other products, as well as successfully act as the main ingredient.

Chokeberry - cooking features

Abundance of the harvest of black useful berries does not depend on the whims of the weather. Even in a rainy summer, the fruits ripen perfectly and remain on the branches until the very frost, or even go under the snow. If other garden crops can sometimes not please with the number of berries, then chokeberry is always in abundance.

The unique chemical composition of chokeberry dictates some of the features of its preparation:

  1. 1. Terms of collection. The later the berries are picked from the bush, the better. The blackberry acquires its optimal taste after the first frost. Before that, it may seem too tart and even bitter. If the berry is ripe, but removed earlier, it can be brought to condition by placing it in the freezer for a while.
  2. 2. Features of taste. The amount of sugar in fruits, as well as the vitamin and mineral composition, is determined by the fertility of the soil and the abundance of the sun. Under any favorable growing conditions, it will not be superfluous to enrich the taste of the blanks. Well softens chokeberry dishes lemon acid(or citrus juice) added in minimal amounts according to the recipe. The acid removes the viscosity and makes the taste lighter.
  3. 3. Coloring of berries. The maroon, almost black juice of the fruit strongly stains any surfaces it comes into contact with. It should be remembered that juice stains are difficult to remove from enameled dishes, fabrics and furniture; gloves should be worn to protect your hands.
  4. 4. Expiry date. There are few yeast bacteria in the berries, so the blanks are well stored even without sterilization. Blackberry juice will not ferment for a long time, but this fact creates difficulties in making wine.
  5. 5. Compatibility with various products. Rowan has a soft taste and aroma. It combines well with other berries, fruits, citrus fruits, and fruit tree leaves. Spices are usually not added to blackberries.

Despite the fact that the fruits of the chokeberry are covered with a dense skin, and the taste of the fresh berry is astringent, the desserts from it are pleasant and unusually healthy. Such delicacies are especially shown for hypertensive patients, people with visual impairment, with vitamin deficiency.

Aronia with sugar without cooking

The best way to cook delicious treat from chokeberry - grind it with sugar. The raw product retains all the beneficial properties of the plant, and the high content of tannins and other natural preservatives in the berries allows you to store the blanks on the lower shelf of the refrigerator for several months.

Fresh and frozen fruits are suitable for cooking chokeberry without boiling. The washed raw materials should be dried, spreading in a thin layer on a clean towel, and then chopped in a blender or minced, alternating portions of mountain ash with sugar. Food ratio for healthy dessert: for 1.5 kilograms of berries - 1 kg of sugar.

Lemon gives the workpiece more delicate taste... To do this, add 100 g of granulated sugar and one peeled citrus to the specified number of products. All is crushed together in any of the indicated ways. Raw jam is left at room temperature until the grains are completely dissolved. The mixture, wiped with sugar, is placed in sterilized jars and closed with lids.

Chokeberry jam

The autumn berry is ready for processing when almost all horticultural crops have finished bearing fruit. Therefore, the simplest jam is made from chokeberry without additives. For the recipe, you will need the following ingredients:

  • chokeberry - 1 kg;
  • granulated sugar - 1 kg;
  • citric acid - on the tip of a knife;
  • water - 150 ml.

Rinse the fruit thoroughly before cooking. The berries are dense, do not deform, so at first they are poured with plenty of water, removing the emerging twigs, leaves and stalks, and then washed under a strong stream. Well-peeled berries do not foam when boiled.

Cooking sequence:

  1. 1. The whole process takes place in one container, so you should immediately choose a saucepan with a thick bottom or a bowl for jam.
  2. 2. Water is poured into a bowl and boiled over high heat, adding half the sugar rate. Heating is continued until the grains disappear completely with constant stirring.
  3. 3. Without removing the pan from the heat, add a pinch of citric acid to the solution.
  4. 4. Sorted, washed and dried berries are added to the syrup and brought to a boil.
  5. 5. Boil the fruits for 15 minutes over medium heat and set aside from the stove.
  6. 6. Pour in the remaining sugar and wait for the workpiece to cool.

In a few hours, a new portion of sugar will completely dissolve, and the berries will be soaked in sweet syrup. The cooled jam is reheated and boiled for 15 minutes, poured hot into sterilized jars and immediately sealed tightly. Black chokeberry blanks do not need additional sterilization and are well stored at home at room temperature.

Chokeberry compote

Aronia can be prepared as a separate product or as an additive to other horticultural crops. When cooking compotes for the winter from apples, pears or light grape varieties, black rowan fruits are often added. It improves color, increases nutritional value product and extends the shelf life of conservation.

The fruits of black chokeberry have antiseptic properties, so compotes from it can be preserved without boiling, by hot pouring. For the winter, such blanks are made without sterilization.

One three-liter jar you will need the following ingredients:

  • black rowan berries - 0.5 kg;
  • granulated sugar - 0.5 kg;
  • clean drinking water - 2.5 liters;
  • a third of one lemon.

The sequence of cooking chokeberry compote:

  1. 1. Thoroughly wash and sterilize cans with a capacity of 3 liters. Prepare the berries as usual and pour into each jar, according to the recipe. Cut the lemon into slices and add to the fruit.
  2. 2. Prepare a syrup from water and sugar. Bring the mixture to a boil and simmer for 2-3 minutes.
  3. 3. Fill the rowan jars with boiling filling to the very top.

Banks can be immediately rolled up and wrapped up until they cool completely. This blank is stored in a cool place. If you intend to keep the compote in the apartment in winter, the processing should be done twice: for the first time, leave the syrup in a jar for 15 minutes, carefully drain, boil the liquid and re-pour it into containers.

Black rowan juice

For the preparation of a healing drink, ripe, dark berries are suitable, when pressed on which a thick bard juice is released. To prepare the fruits, they should be thoroughly rinsed, peeled from the stalks, it is not necessary to dry them.

There are many ways to squeeze juice from dense berries. Depending on the kitchen equipment and fixtures, this can be done different ways.

Using a juicer

The unit allows you to get a thick, ruby ​​drink quickly, without spending a lot of effort. To prepare a drink, you should take at least 2 kg of berries. Since the fruits of the chokeberry are dense and dryish, you will get a little juice. After passing the raw materials through a juicer, the resulting concentrated drink can be temporarily placed in the refrigerator.

The separated cake is poured with boiling water, so as to lightly cover it. Leave to stand for 2-3 hours, and then filter through cheesecloth and add to the mountain ash concentrate.

The container with juice is placed on the stove, the heating is turned on and sugar is added. The amount of granulated sugar depends on the desired sweetness of the finished drink and the amount of resulting juice. An approximate product tab looks like this:

  • chokeberry juice - 1 l;
  • sugar - 100 g or more;
  • citric acid - 1/4 teaspoon.

After boiling, keep the workpiece on low heat for another 5 minutes, and then pack it into heated sterile jars or bottles and screw it with prepared lids.

Using a juicer

A useful kitchen unit can be powered or require heating on the stove. To prepare the juice, it is enough to fill the juicer 3/4 full with water, place a grid and a bowl with fruits sprinkled with sugar on top in the ratio: for 1 kg of blackberry - 200 g of sugar.

Close the cover of the unit and turn on the heating. After boiling, lower the temperature to a minimum. After 45 minutes, the juice will be ready to be drained immediately into a sterile container and sealed. Tightly rolled containers are wrapped and left to cool slowly for 24 hours.

Through a sieve or cheesecloth

You can get juice from mountain ash by rubbing it through a sieve or squeezing it through several layers of gauze. This is not the easiest method and requires a lot of effort. To facilitate the procedure, the berries should be blanched, and then the juice should be separated. Sequence of work:

  • 1.5 kg of pure berries are placed in a bowl with a wide, thick bottom;
  • add 0.5 liters of boiling water to a container and, stirring, heat to a boil;
  • the blanching time depends on the hardness of the fruit, usually 5 minutes is enough.

As soon as the fruits are softened, the heating can be turned off, and the berries can be rubbed through a sieve with a wooden spoon or pestle. The remaining cake is poured with water and insisted for 2-3 hours, and then the liquid is re-separated. Combine the juice from two extracts and, adding a glass of sugar and a pinch of citric acid, boil over low heat for 5 minutes. The hot drink can be poured into sterile glass jars and sealed. Cool at room temperature for 24 hours.

Rowan beverages keep well in the refrigerator or cellar. Having received a lot of thick, tart and healthy juice, you can make wine from it according to a simple recipe.

Blackberry wine

The stages of making wine from chokeberry differ from fermentation of other crops only in terms. Alcoholic drinks made from grapes, raspberries, cherries will be ready much faster. Chokeberry has a very low sugar content and yeast cultures in its juice are reluctant to develop. Fermentation begins only after a week, in contrast to the usual 2-3 days for wine. To speed up the process, raisins, rose hips, raspberries, and other products with increased fermentation or a special sourdough are added to the drink.

Do not wash the berries before preparing juice for wine. This will keep more wine from the surface of the fruit, and they are responsible for the fermentation process.

Bookmarking products for making homemade chokeberry wine:

  • ripe chokeberry fruits - 5 kg;
  • water - 1 l;
  • sugar - 1 kg;
  • up to 50 g of unwashed raisins.

Berries are kneaded by hand or crushed by others. in an accessible way.The further process of making wine consists of several stages:

  1. 1. Prepared raw materials are placed in a 10-liter glass jar, add half of the sugar and raisins, stir.
  2. 2. Cover the container with gauze and leave to ferment for a week, stirring the wort daily with a wooden spoon.
  3. 3. When the pulp rises to the surface and foam begins to form, the drink is filtered for the first time. Having drained and squeezed out the removed thickening through cheesecloth, filter all the liquid through a coarse sieve and poured into a clean vessel to continue the process.
  4. 4. The remaining amount of sugar and 1 liter of water are added to the pulp for re-fermentation. After 6-7 days, the juice can be squeezed out again and added to the general container.
  5. 5. The bottle with wine is equipped with a water seal and left in a warm place for a period of 1 to 2 months. During this time, the fermentation process is completed, a sediment will fall to the bottom.
  6. 6. The wine is carefully poured from the sediment, sugar or alcohol is added to obtain the desired strength and sweetness of the drink. Bottled it.

The finished wine should be stored in a cool place: refrigerator or cellar, where it will ripen for another 3–6 months. Gradually brightening and becoming more transparent, the drink acquires a ruby ​​color and characteristic taste.

To obtain high-quality chokeberry wine, it should be drained from the lees regularly. Not only during the fermentation stage, but also during storage. The settled wine has a beautiful color, pleasant taste and retains useful properties for up to 5 years.

You can make others from black chops at home. alcoholic drinks with greater strength. See the video for the recipe for liqueur.

Cherry leaf syrup

The sweet, healthy syrup is easy to make and can be stored for a long time. Classic recipe involves the use of such products:

  • chokeberry - 2.5 kg;
  • water - 4 l;
  • citric acid - 25 g;
  • sugar.

The berries are poured with boiling water, citric acid is added, stirred and left, tightly covered and wrapped, for a day. Then the settled mass is filtered, without squeezing the berries, so that the syrup turns out to be transparent.

For each liter of the resulting liquid, add 1 kg of sugar, a few cherry leaves and cook for 10 minutes. After taking out the leaves, the syrup is packaged in a sterile container and sealed. The high sugar content allows the billet to be stored at room temperature.

Blackberry jam

Aronia is not the most juicy and sweet product, but in terms of pectin content it can compete with apples. When boiled, the blackberry quickly thickens. You can make marmalade and jam from it, add it as a gelling component to other products. The mountain ash jam turns out to be very thick and is well suited for filling baked goods and pancakes.

Ingredients for making homemade jam:

  • chokeberry - 500 g;
  • sugar - 200 g;
  • water - 100 ml.

You can prepare a dessert from fresh, frozen and even withered berries. The washed fruits are pre-soaked in cold water for 15 minutes.

Further steps:

  1. 1. Prepared raw materials are poured into a blender and crushed. Grains should be present in the mass; you should not turn the berries into a paste.
  2. 2. Add the whole portion of sugar, water and put on fire. Bring to a boil, constantly stirring the product.
  3. 3. After 15 minutes of boiling, the jam will become thick enough. Foam, as a rule, does not appear, and you do not have to remove it.

Hot jam is laid out in prepared small jars and sterile rolled up.

Jam with apples

Blackberry jam can be cooked by adding apples, then the taste will become much softer. Late, sweet varieties will do. If the skin is thin, the fruit does not need to be peeled.

Composition and required amount products:

  • 700 g sweet apples;
  • 300 g of black mountain ash;
  • 500 g sugar;
  • 150 ml of water.

After washing the selected fruits, the apples are coarsely chopped, removing the seeds, and combined with the mountain ash in one bowl. Then they cook like this:

  1. 1. Using an immersion blender, grind the fruit mixture to a jam-like mass. A little water is added to facilitate the process.
  2. 2. Pour sugar into the preparation, stir well and put on moderate heat.
  3. 3. After boiling, the jam is boiled for at least 20 minutes. If the thickness seems insufficient, increase the cooking time to half an hour.
  4. 4. The boiling mass is laid out in sterile jars: first thick part and liquid syrup on top.

The containers are sealed and cooled; there is no need to turn the dishes over. The liquid part of the jam should remain on the surface - this way the workpiece will be better preserved. The pectins of apples and mountain ash, boiled together, will create a fairly dense mass when cooled. Jam prepared according to this recipe is a real storehouse of vitamins and at the same time is very convenient to use. It is easy to prepare from it healthy drink by simply diluting with water. The dense jam consistency is good both for filling in any baked goods and for spreading on sandwiches.

Hypertensive patients, people suffering from diabetes mellitus, anemia, and problems with blood vessels know about the beneficial properties of black mountain ash. The increased iodine content allows to solve some problems with the thyroid gland and protects against the effects of radiation. Simple recipes tasty preparations for the winter will help you get the healing effect of chokeberry with pleasure.


Is it hard to eat a lot of blackberry, but you don't want to lose the harvest? There are many ways to preserve the benefits of this berry and give it an unusual taste. For those with a sweet tooth and not only we have selected good recipes.

In city courtyards, you can often see red rowan, small and not very delicious berry... Therefore, the impression at the sight of the black variety is somewhat undermined until you try it. It doesn't taste like sugar, of course, but that's what makes it such a valuable material for culinary experiments. The fruits themselves grow in clusters, the berries are large, with an elastic skin. Blackberry ripens in early autumn. But there is no need to rush to pick berries if you do not have natural competitors, such as birds. Because the mountain ash will become the most useful after the first frost, that's when it's time for seaming for the winter.

Red rowan

In addition to the charming taste that can be obtained with the help of various canning methods, this berry also has a healing effect. It is most desirable on the table for hypertensive patients, but it is also useful for people with gastritis (in the case of low acidity), with high vascular permeability, atherosclerosis and other ailments. But you should definitely clarify the recommended doses of this berry in the treatment or prevention of any diseases. Of course, the blackberry itself and the blanks from it will become a storehouse of vitamins and mineral substances with vitamin deficiency.

Blackberry berries

Do you think there is no place for this berry on your table, because you do not like jam or compotes? Do not rush to close the page, because many more dishes are prepared from it for the winter, as well as dried, felted and insisted. We will try to offer those recipes that will please you too. This berry is not suitable unless ulcers and those suffering from gastritis with a high level of acidity.

The best way to preserve the beneficial properties of the black chokeberry for the winter is not to boil it. But the likelihood that it will last long is small, you say. This is true, but you can still devote some of your harvest to this type of harvesting. Berries can be stored long enough if they are not plucked from the brush. To do this, cut off the entire rosette at the base with scissors and spread these clusters more freely in a wooden box. Place the container in a cool place, preferably a cellar, where it will always be dark and the temperature will not exceed 5 degrees. You can even hang the brushes on the rope all in the same cellar. The main condition is that the berry must be extremely dry, do not wash it or pick it after rain, fog or dew.

Berry harvest

Drying will also allow you to preserve the useful set of substances of the black chokeberry at the level of a fresh berry. But the preparation itself is a bit troublesome, because using the oven is not recommended. You need to tear off the berries and sprinkle on paper, and then stir from time to time. All this should be in a warm and ventilated room, where the temperature does not rise above 50 degrees.

Drying blackberry

And, of course, the time of refrigerators and freezers provides us with a good opportunity to preserve berries for the winter right from the bush. But it is only very important to do it right. The berry is also separated from the stalks and placed in the mode quick freeze... Do not be too lazy to divide the harvest into portions in advance, excessive defrosting will cause the blackberry to become impoverished. It is not recommended to wash it, unless rinse it directly on the brushes with running water and dry it under natural conditions, and then separate the berries. Usually, the fruits from the bush are not dirty, but this procedure is enough to knock down the dust.

The most favorite treat children and adults among the chokeberry preparations - jam. It turns out delicious not only with the addition of other fruits, but also purely from this black beauty, and the sweet and sour taste gives a lot of room for creativity. But in order for it to play with all the colors, you need a little preparation of the berries (before any jam). The mountain ash itself is a little dry, so it is blanched - clean fruits are soaked for up to 5 minutes in boiling water, and then sharply dipped into cold water. After that, we drain the water through a colander and you can start harvesting.

First, let's calm down diabetics, who will rush through the recipes, the jam does not have to contain sugar, however, it will turn out to be very specific in taste, but very useful. We'll have to sweat a little. We take a large saucepan, we will have to put jars there. In order not to breed a brazier with buckets in the kitchen, use a 0.5 liter container. Place a rag on the bottom of the pot so that the boil does not tip the jars. Fill the container with processed berries and place in a boiling pan. The water level should be up to the shoulders of the jar, and the boiling should not be intense, because we do not cover all this with a lid. The berries will gradually settle, and your task is to add more until all half a liter is filled with jam. Everything will take up to 40 minutes, all that remains is to roll up the container with a metal lid.

Chokeberry jam

Now let's move on to the sugar jam. All recipes contain approximately the same ratio, it is usually this: 1 kg of berries, 0.5 liters of water (you can use the one that remains from the blanching) and 1.5 kg of sugar... First, make a syrup (water and 0.5 sugar) and pour in the berry, bring to a boil, keep for another 5 minutes and remove. After that, the container must be left for 10 hours so that the mountain ash is soaked. Then you need to add the remaining sugar and cook to such a consistency that a drop from a spoon, falling on the table, does not spread, but remains as a ball. After that, the jam can be rolled up under the lids.

Apples can be added to the blackberry, fruit should be equally divided (0.5 kg each). The new ingredient in the recipe is also blanched. Pour berries and apples with boiling syrup, let it brew for 3 hours, then boil for 5 minutes and leave again for 3 hours. If the mountain ash has not become soft, the procedure should be repeated. When the berry still succumbed, the jam can be rolled up for the winter. If you are too lazy to change the recipe so radically, but you want to experiment with taste, add cherry leaves (100 g per 1 kg of mountain ash) to the blanching water and then make regular jam on it according to the method described above.

Blanching berries with apples

For lovers of bright flavor mixes, we suggest trying recipes with citrus fruits. You only need 2 oranges and 1 lemon per 1 kg of mountain ash. Citrus fruits are preliminarily passed through a meat grinder, you do not need to remove the skin. Add an exotic component to such a blackberry blank for the winter before the final boiling. If you also want to add apples to this cocktail, then cut them into slices and lay them along with the remaining sugar (citrus fruits are waiting for their turn aside). Just do not rush to put on fire, first let all the ingredients nourish each other for 3 hours. Then cook for 10 minutes and again leave to stand for 5 hours. Now it is the turn of citrus fruits and it remains to bring the jam to the desired consistency.

If you prefer compotes, then several options can be made from black chops for the winter. The easiest one is to pour the syrup once. 1/3 cans of peeled and cooked berries are covered to the neck with syrup (sugar: water - 1: 2, boiled for 10 minutes). The container must be sterilized before the berries are laid out there. As soon as the syrup is inside the jar, it is rolled up with a metal lid, the compote is turned upside down and carefully wrapped for even cooling. Then everything goes to a cold dark place and remains to wait for the winter.

Pouring syrup

In the first method, you need to guess the amount of syrup, and if the eye has not yet been trained for seaming, then you can make the compote in a different way. Pour the berries, pour boiling water over them to the neck and load all this into a saucepan, splashing a little boiling water on top as a boil-off reserve. Cook the whole mixture until the skin of the berries cracks, then add sugar and cook for another 10 minutes. It remains to spread the berries evenly in the jars, pour the resulting compote and roll up the lid. True, such a long heat treatment can reduce the content of nutrients.

If here you want to experiment with citrus fruits, then before putting the berries and syrup in jars, prepare peeled lemon and orange. In each 3-liter serving of compote, a couple of medium-sized slices are enough.

Lemon and orange for compote

You can take another berry, which is unlikely to be eaten raw, but in seaming it gives an interesting aftertaste. This is . Together with the blackberry for compote, it is washed and dried. The ratio of sea buckthorn and mountain ash is 2: 1. And sugar will need 130 g for every 3 liters of water. Sterilize the container and fill 1/3 with berries. Pour the syrup there, and put the jar itself in a boiling pan and sterilize again with compote. For 1 liter of container 10 minutes is enough, and for 3 liters you will have to wait half an hour. Then we roll up the compote with lids, also pre-steamed, turn over, wrap it up for several days.

If juice is more to your taste, then this recipe comes in handy. We take the berries, wash, dry and grind. Then you need to pour the resulting gruel with cold water (3/4 cup is enough for each kilogram of such mashed potatoes). Then we put all this on low heat and cook for about 15 minutes. Now we wait a little for the mixture to cool, but not completely, and put it under the press, and the juice obtained at the output, without putting it on the back burner, is sent to be filtered on several layers of gauze. But the juice is not yet ready, it should be brought to a boil and kept on fire for another 5 minutes and only then poured into sterilized bottles or jars. They should also be stored in a cool, dark place.

If you are not a sweet tooth, then maybe you will like alcohol? You can quickly and easily make a liqueur. To do this, fill a 3 liter jar with washed berries to the top, sprinkle with sugar (0.5 kg) and fill with vodka. Leave 2 cm to the edge of the neck. Close the jar with a plastic lid and store in the refrigerator for 2 months. After that, filter, bottle and send again to a dark, cool place, you can go to the cellar, wait in the wings.

Blackberry pouring

Wine lovers will have to work a little more. Better to use a 10 liter bottle. First, chop the blackberry (2 kg) and place it in a container, from above we send 1.5 kg of sugar there. To help ferment, a handful of raisins and gray rice are thrown into the future wine. The starting potion is ready, it remains to put it in a warm place and put on a glove on the neck, where the middle finger is prudently pierced. Visit your wine every day and shake the bottle, but keep your glove on.

When 3 days have passed, you need to grab a glass of sugar and 2 liters of boiled cold water and go to the bottle. We add all this inside, shake it and close it again with a glove. Shake the contents every day for 10 days. Then we repeat this operation with the same quantities and again wait 10 days to add sugar and water again. As a result, 33 days pass. The glove should inflate, then the wine can be drained. If this has not happened, it is still worth postponing, in a few days everything will be ready.

Making homemade wine

When you have drained the wine, you need to leave it to shed the sediment. After 2-3 days, pour into a new bottle very gently, so that what is at the bottom remains there. Now again we wait a couple of days and prepare another clean bottle. For sufficient purity of black chokeberry wine, such transfusions should be done at least 3 times. Then place the container with the finished wine in a cool place, having previously sealed it well, it is not necessary to roll it up.

If you do not like alcohol from your own harvest, then you will definitely like the seasoning. Take 5 glasses of rowan and 2. Pass them together through a meat grinder and add salt to taste. It remains to arrange in small jars and send to the refrigerator. Any meat dish will sparkle in a new way on your taste buds. In addition to long-term storage, blackberry can be used for baking, jelly and other dishes, but we will describe these recipes in other articles.

Chokeberry for the winter is a preparation that is very useful for the body. In the past, berries were widely used. They were used as medicine, food, and decoration. Today the fruits of the chokeberry are not so popular, but the blanks do not lose their relevance.

Known as chokeberry, the tree bears fruit with sweet and sour black berries that have a tart taste. Often the crop is ready for harvest from mid-September to October. The fruits contain vitamins of groups C, E, B and A. Berries are rich in fluorine, iron, iodine and magnesium. Chokeberry is not a high-calorie food.

Now let's talk about what to make from chokeberry for the winter. Housewives prepare various preparations from chokeberry - it can be liqueur, jam, candied fruit, wine, jam or tincture. The berries are also dried and frozen. In any case, the finished product will be tasty, aromatic and healthy. It has already been mentioned above what time you can harvest. But in order for the berries to gain the maximum amount of vitamins and taste, it is recommended to wait for the first frost.

Due to the unique chemical composition it is important to pay attention to the following features of the preparation of chokeberry:

  1. Taste features. The vitamin composition and the amount of sugar in berries is determined by the abundance of the sun and the fertility of the soil. Even with the most ideal conditions cultivation is recommended to enrich the taste of the future harvest. Citric acid will help, which is added in a minimal amount. The substance will make the taste lighter and remove the viscosity.
  2. Shelf life. Due to the minimum content of yeast bacteria, rowan blanks are stored for a long time even without sterilization. The juice will not ferment either, but the wine still needs to be stored in accordance with the specified requirements.
  3. Color. The dark, almost black juice of the berries will color any surface it hits. It is important to remember that juice stains are difficult to remove from hands, furniture, fabrics and enameled dishes.
  4. Compatibility with other products. The berries have a mild aroma and taste, the black chokeberry goes well with the leaves of fruit trees, fruits, berries and citrus fruits. As a rule, spices are not added to the workpieces.

Video "Blackberry for the winter with orange and lemon"

From this video you will learn the recipe for chokeberry with orange and lemon for the winter.

Step by step recipes

The article presents step by step recipes blanks for the winter, among which you will surely find the blank option that the family will like.


Even despite the astringent properties and astringency of black chokeberry berries, many people prefer to harvest marmalade from it. The finished product is fragrant, sweet, but not sugary. Take 1 kg of mountain ash, 600 g of sugar and 400 ml of purified water.

  1. Sort the berries, wash and place in a saucepan.
  2. Cover with water and heat over medium heat.
  3. Cook until the black chops are softened.
  4. Rub the mass through a sieve.
  5. Add granulated sugar to the resulting puree, put on fire.
  6. Boil the mass until it thickens.
  7. Prepare a dish into which you can put the finished marmalade.
  8. Moisten the dishes with ice water, apply the berry mass evenly with a knife on the surface.
  9. Leave to cool.

Serve cut into pieces and roll in granulated sugar.


This option is ideal for all sweet lovers. Prepare 10 cups of chokeberry, 2 squirrels and 5 cups of sugar.

  1. Place the fruits in a metal container, crush until puree.
  2. Add sugar, cover and send to oven preheated to 160 ° C.
  3. When the juice appears, stir the mixture, so the granulated sugar will dissolve better.
  4. When the mass looks like jelly, grind through a sieve and cool.
  5. Pour the egg whites into the cooled mixture and beat well.
  6. Spread a third of the mass on a heat-resistant dish, put in the oven at 80 ° C.
  7. As soon as the first layer dries, put another third of the mass on top, and then the last portion.
  8. Cover the finished marshmallow with parchment or a dish lid, store in a cool place.


Although the fruits of chokeberry are tart and relatively sour, they make a useful and delicious jam... Take 1 kg of berries, 300 ml of water, 1.5 kg of granulated sugar.

  1. Steam clean berries in a container with boiling water.
  2. After the fruits are softened, grind them through a sieve (you can also pass through a meat grinder).
  3. Pour the finished puree into a bowl, add granulated sugar, stir.
  4. Cook jam until tender in one go.
  5. Pour the hot delicacy into clean jars, pasteurize for 20 minutes.

Candied fruit

Having prepared such a dish, people with diabetes mellitus get an excellent sweetness with a sugar substitute. According to this recipe, candied fruits are incredibly tasty.

List of ingredients: 1 kg each of berries and sugar, 1 bag of vanillin, 1 glass of purified water, 1 tsp. citric acid.

  1. Leave the black fruit in water for 48 hours. Change the fluid several times a day.
  2. Prepare a syrup from water and sugar, place berries in it.
  3. Cook for an hour, add acid and vanillin at the end.
  4. Transfer the fruits to a colander at night.
  5. Sprinkle berries on paper, leave to dry for a day.

The juice

It is often used as a medicine for coughs, colds, and runny nose. Since freshly squeezed juice cannot be prepared throughout the year, here is a good rolled juice recipe.

  1. Wash the bunches of black berries, remove the greens.
  2. Take 1 kg of pure berries and squeeze the juice out of them through a sieve.
  3. If there are a lot of oilcakes, pour them with a glass of warm water, leave for an hour, and pass through a sieve again.
  4. Boil the mixture, pour it into jars and proceed to sterilization.
  5. From the moment the water boils, sterilize the jars with you for 15 minutes.
  6. Take out and close them with clean lids.

It is not necessary to turn over the containers, but it is necessary to cover it with a blanket.

Jam with apples

To make jam from chokeberry and apples, you need the following ingredients: 1 kg of mountain ash, 2.5 kg of apples, 3.5 glasses of sugar, 5 glasses of water.

  1. Boil the berries in water for 45 minutes.
  2. Pour the liquid into a separate bowl, grind the berry mass through a meat grinder.
  3. Prepare apples: rinse and dry, peel, cut into cubes.
  4. Pour the apples with the water in which the berries were cooked and cook for 30 minutes.
  5. Rub the apples through a sieve to form a puree, discard the peel.
  6. Mix both masses, add sugar, leave overnight.
  7. Put the dishes on a moderate heat, cook until the mixture becomes thick.
  8. Turn off the stove, pour the hot delicacy into sterilized jars and close.


Chokeberry is also often used to make delicious jam. Below are good recipes that even novice housewives can handle.

Mashed with sugar

The amount of ingredients is determined depending on the case, but it is important to adhere to this proportion: 1 kg of berries per 500 g of granulated sugar.

  1. Sort the rowan fruits, remove the twigs.
  2. Rinse and leave to dry.
  3. Grind the berries in a blender along with sugar.
  4. Prepare jars after sterilizing them.
  5. Pour the mass mashed with sugar into still hot containers.
  6. Leave the jars open for 5-10 minutes so that the mountain ash lets out the juice.
  7. Close the lids, let cool and store in the refrigerator.

With lemons

A good housewife will always have a place in the pantry for chokeberry preparations. Aronia, aka blackberry, is equally good in preserves, jams, compotes, you can make juice, marshmallow from it, you can pickle it, dry it, freeze it. Today the topic of our conversation is chokeberry preparations for the winter, we will choose recipes so that any housewife can handle them without much hassle.


What is most often made from chokeberry for the winter? Of course, jam! Even the youngest housewife can easily master the preparation of rowan jam, I will give you a simple and affordable recipe.

We will need:

  • 1kg rowan berries;
  • 1.5 kg of sugar per 600 ml of water.


  1. Prepare a pan for blanching, a pan with cold water, a colander or a net for blanching, a bowl for cooking jam, a towel, oven mitts.
  2. We separate the rowan from the twigs, sort it out, removing the unusable berries, rinse and discard in a colander. While it is draining, boil water in a saucepan. We put the rowan in boiling water for 5-10 minutes, then immediately - in cold water with pieces of ice, using a colander or a metal mesh. We transfer the mountain ash prepared in this way into a bowl or saucepan for cooking.
  3. Let's prepare sugar syrup: dissolve 1.5 kg of sugar in 600 ml of hot water, bring to a boil, let the syrup boil for a few minutes. Pour rowan berries with hot syrup, leave to soak for 6-8 hours.
  4. How to cook berries in order to preserve the maximum usefulness? Cook the jam by boiling it several times, i.e. bring to a boiling point, boil for a few minutes, stirring, then remove the jam from heat for 15-20 minutes. We repeat this operation 4-5 times.
  5. Pre-prepare jars for pouring jam: rinse thoroughly in hot water with soda, rinse, dry. We sterilize the jars in the oven.
  6. To pour the jam, we take still hot jars and pack boiling jam in them, seal and cool hermetically.

In the piggy bank useful tips: Blanching allows you to soften the dense skin of the berries, preserve the structure of the product, facilitates the process of soaking the berries with syrup.

Chokeberry compote with sugar

How to do without such a preparation for the winter as compote? Store-bought drinks will never match the taste and healthiness of homemade drinks made with care and love.

What we need:

  • Blackberry berries;
  • 500 g of sugar per 1 liter of water.


  1. We will prepare cans, lids, a seamer, a towel, oven mitts. Wash the cans with soda in hot water, rinse, dry and sterilize. Boil the lids.
  2. We will sort out the rowan berries, rinse them dry on a towel. Put the prepared berries in jars, filling them by one third.
  3. Boil sugar syrup, pour it hot into jars with berries, let them saturate for 10-15 minutes, pour the syrup into a saucepan, boil and fill the jars again. You need to fill it up to the very neck, leaving no room for air.
  4. We will immediately seal with lids, roll up with a typewriter and turn the cans upside down. Leave it like this until it cools down.

To the treasury of tips: To give the compotes a richer taste, enrich them with vitamins, you can add companion berries in small quantities to the main berry: black currants, raspberries, rose hips, set off the taste with lemon or spices.

To determine the amount of syrup per jar of compote, you need to fill a clean jar with berries, pour cold water up to the neck. Drain the water into a measuring cup, measure the volume of water and calculate the required amount of sugar.

Chokeberry juice for the winter

How to save chokeberry for the winter so that you can cook delicious desserts from it later? Very a good option- preparation for future use of the juice of this berry to use it in winter for making fruit drinks, jelly, jelly.

What we need:

  • Chokeberry juice;
  • Sugar at the rate of 200 g per 1 liter of juice.

We will prepare a juicer, clean sterilized jars, lids, a seamer, a towel, oven mitts.

  1. We will sort out the berries of chokeberry, separate from the branches, rinse well and dry on a towel. To get juice from berries, use a juicer.
  2. Mix the resulting juice with sugar and pour into jars. We take 200 g of sugar for each liter of juice.
  3. Next, we paste the jars with the spilled juice in a water bath at 80-85 ° C for 20 minutes and seal them with lids, turn them over, cool.

A simpler version of juice sterilization: pour the juice obtained from a juicer into a saucepan, bring to a boil, dissolve sugar in it, boil for 1-2 minutes and pour it hot into dry hot jars sterilized in an oven. We will seal it with lids, turn it upside down, leave it to cool.

Pasteurization (gentle sterilization) will preserve more vitamins, and boiling will destroy all microflora and lengthen the shelf life of the finished product.

What do zealous housewives do for the winter from chokeberry, squeezing juice from it? Blackberry - the berry is not very juicy, after the juicer we will have quite a lot of cake. Under no circumstances should this valuable product be thrown away! There are many options for its use, ranging from making raw bread to delicious jelly. If all the cake could not be used at once, it can be frozen, and in winter you can pamper your household and yourself with vitamin juice.

Rowan, grated with sugar

How to prepare chokeberry for the winter to preserve vitamins?

You can cook unique blank for the winter with full preservation of all vitamins - mountain ash, rubbed with sugar.

What we need:

  • 1 kg of rowan berries;
  • 1 kg of sugar.

We will prepare clean sterilized jars, lids, a meat grinder or blender, a towel.

  1. Sort out the chokeberry berries, separate from the branches, rinse and dry on a towel. To obtain puréed berries, we pass them through a meat grinder or grind them in a blender. Add sugar to the crushed mass and mix thoroughly until it dissolves.
  2. If we want to get a “live” product that will be stored at a low temperature, we just need to transfer the berry mass to clean dry jars, seal it and send it to the refrigerator.
  3. If we need a product stored at room temperature, then mix the resulting berry puree with sugar and put on a small fire, boil for 3-5 minutes until the sugar is completely dissolved. We will immediately pack in hot dry jars and put in a pot of hot water for pasteurization.
  4. The pasteurization time for liter cans is 20 minutes. We will seal the cans and refrigerate without turning.

Rowan, rubbed with sugar without cooking, will preserve the whole range of nutrients - vitamins, organic acids, enzymes.

Rowan without sugar for the winter

Recipes for making chokeberry for the winter without sugar are very relevant in the fall, when the berries become sweeter and juicier after the first light frosts. If, for some reason, the use of sugar is undesirable, we can prepare chokeberry for future use in the simplest and fastest way.

What we need:

  • Rowan berries;
  • Boiled water.

Prepare clean, dry sterilized liter cans, lids, seamer, towel, oven mitts.

We will sort out the rowan berries, separate from the branches, rinse and dry on a towel. Put the berries tightly in jars, fill with hot boiled water, (not boiling water!) Cover with lids and sterilize in a saucepan with boiling water for 20 minutes, seal, cool.

A richer taste can be obtained if you pour the berries not with boiled water, but with boiled hot juice from the same chokeberry. Such berries in own juice can be given even to the smallest children, especially in winter, when there is a lack of vitamins.

Simple wine

What we need:

  • 700 g rowan berries;
  • 1 kg of sugar;
  • 100 g raisins;
  • 500 g of purified water.

We will prepare a clean, dry three-liter jar, a plastic lid, beautiful bottles.

  1. We will sort out the rowan berries, separate from the branches, rinse, dry. Mash the berries with a wooden pusher, transfer the mass to a three-liter jar.
  2. Add unwashed raisins, 300 g of sugar to the berries, add water, mix well.
  3. We will cover the jar with a lid, in which we will first make an incision, carbon dioxide will escape through it. We will put the jar in a warm, dark place for 7 days.
  4. We will stir the berry mass in a jar every day by shaking.
  5. After 7 days, add 300 g of sugar to the fermenting mass, mix and put it back in a warm place. We repeat the procedure in a week, and after a month of aging, add 100 g of sugar to the jar and wait until all the berries sink to the bottom. The wine should become transparent.
  6. We will have to strain it, bottle it and invite friends to taste this divine drink.

Chokeberry wine has tart taste, rich bouquet, intense aroma.

I suggest you take a look interesting video with recipes for harvesting chokeberry for the winter.