What to cook from black currant for the winter. Black currant for the winter

Fragrant black currant is an obligatory inhabitant of our summer cottages. Such a spreading bush sits somewhere near the fence and generously presents us with fragrant sweet and sour berries. And in them, by the way, there will be more vitamins than in overseas oranges! Having eaten from the heart useful berries, you can start blanks. Black currants for the winter are perfectly stored in the form of jam, compotes, jelly, and if you work hard, then you can cook something more complicated from it!

To make our black currant for the winter not only tasty, but also healthy, be sure to make a couple of jars of "raw" jam or freeze the berries crushed with sugar in the freezer. A spoonful of such a delicacy - and it's summer again in your apartment!

Jam from black currant without cooking

1 kg of black currant berries,
1.2 kg of sugar.

Carefully inspect the collected berries, immediately remove the spoiled, damaged ones, otherwise even one rotten berry will spoil all your efforts. Remove stalks and twigs from berries and wash under cold running water. Be sure to dry the berries on a towel. Pass the dried berries through a meat grinder, place the berry mass in a deep bowl, add sugar and stir. Cover the bowl with cheesecloth and let sit for an hour. After the time has elapsed, stir again and leave to stand still. After the third stirring, place the container with currants in a cool place, preferably overnight, so that the jam has time to thicken. In the morning, mix the jam well and put it in dry sterilized jars so that there is one more centimeter of free space to the top, and close with nylon lids, previously scalded with boiling water and dried. You need to store such jam in a dark, cold place.

Classic black currant jam

6 stacks black currant,
6 stacks Sahara,
1 stack. water.

Separate the currants from the twigs and rinse thoroughly. After that, pour the berries with water, bring to a boil and add sugar. Cook for 15-20 minutes, stirring and skimming. Put the finished jam in sterilized jars, roll up the lids and, after allowing to cool, transfer to a storage place.

Five-minute jam

1 kg of black currant,
1.5 kg of sugar
1 stack. water.

Peel fresh black currant berries from the twigs, wash well and let them dry slightly. Place a saucepan with the indicated amount of water on the fire. When the water boils, gradually add sugar to it and stir constantly to dissolve the sugar. Now that all the sugar is dissolved, pour the berry into the boiling syrup and stir. A little secret: so that the black currant berries in the jam are not shriveled, scald them with boiling water before cooking and only then dip them into the syrup. When the foam starts to form, count for 5 minutes. Try to remove all the foam, but if a little remains, it doesn't matter. After exactly 5 minutes of active boiling, remove the jam from the stove and begin to lay it out in pre-prepared sterilized jars. Roll up the jars with lids and wrap until they cool completely.

Dry tails left on the berries from flowers can not be touched. But if you want to feel like Cinderella - take your nail scissors and go! Your inner perfectionist will be pleased.

Blackcurrant jam for the winter

10 stacks black currant,
15 stacks Sahara.

Wash the currants thoroughly and spread them in a thin layer on a towel, tray or oversized platter to dry slightly. Then put the berries in a bowl for making jam and add half the sugar to them, stir and bring to a boil over low heat, stirring occasionally. After boiling, cook for 17-20 minutes. Next, remove the bowl from the heat, add the remaining sugar, mix well to completely dissolve. Then put the berry mass in sterilized jars and roll up the lids. Store in a cool place.

Blackcurrant jelly for the winter

1 kg of currants,
2 kg of sugar
1 liter of water.

Sort out the black currant berries, first freeing them from debris and twigs, wash in small portions under cold running water, dry slightly. Then fill in the berries cold water at the rate of 0.5 liters of water per 1 kg of berries and heat over low heat, but do not let it boil. Discard the berries on a sieve, rub them over a saucepan so that the juice separates there. Squeeze the berry cake through several layers of cheesecloth. When the juice has cooled a little, filter it, again using cheesecloth, folded in several layers. Add sugar and put on fire. Boil the jelly for half an hour. Then pour hot into sterilized jars, close the lids and let cool completely at room temperature... It is advisable to store the jelly in the refrigerator, but if this is not possible, then in each jar, when the jelly cools down a little, pour 1 tbsp. l. sugar (sugar will create a thin crust that will keep the jelly from spoiling).

A next recipe- for those who do not buy candy in the store. it old recipe, it was also called "dry jam".

Protein-candied black currant berries

black currant berries,
1 stack. sugar or ½ stack. powdered sugar
1 egg white
1 tbsp. l. lemon juice.

Remove the dense, large black currant berries from the branches, wash them well and be sure to dry them in an even layer on a towel or tray. Dissolve the sugar in the protein, add lemon juice. Rub this mass white until it thickens. Dip each blackcurrant in the resulting mass, put on a dish sprinkled with powdered sugar and let dry well. The protein mass around the berry should harden and keep the black currant fresh for a long time. When every single berry is dry, put them in dry, prepared jars, cover with parchment paper on top, tie around the neck with thread and store in a cool, dry place. It's hard to believe, but such a workpiece can be stored for a very long time if you act according to the recipe and do not allow moisture in the storage place.

It was the turn of the compotes for the winter. Black currant is considered an ideal companion for pale berries and fruits that do not have a pronounced taste. However, mono-compote from black currant is an excellent thing.

Blackcurrant compote

Ingredients (for a 3L jar):
300 g black currant,
300 g sugar
3 liters of water.

Remove the black currant berries from the branches, sort them out and, just as in the previous recipes, wash them thoroughly and dry them. Pour sugar into boiled water, stir, wait until all the sugar dissolves and the water boils again. Boil the syrup for 5 minutes. Pour the berries into the prepared sterilized jars and fill them with a small amount of syrup (if you pour in all at once, the jar may burst). Let the jars warm up well and pour the remaining syrup into them. Roll up boiled lids, turn over, wrap and, when they are completely cool, put in a cool place.

Many housewives leave berries on the branches. This does not affect the taste, but it speeds up the cooking process.

If you like black currants for the winter in the form of an assorted compote, follow the above recipe in terms of the ratio of sugar and berries, and fill in the classic way: first pour the berries with boiling water, drain after 10 minutes, boil with sugar, fill the jars and then roll up.

Happy blanks!

Larisa Shuftaykina

In chapter:

Black currants are known for a variety of health benefits. It has a disinfectant, tonic, and immunity-strengthening effect. The berry is also valued for its tonic, antipyretic, diuretic properties. It is successfully used as an antiscorbutic agent.

Such a variety of positive effects on the body is due to the presence in the structural formula of ascorbic acid and other vitamins - E, B, K. Minerals and other elements necessary for the normal functioning of all organs are presented in the composition. Therefore, the desire to preserve some part of the nutrients making a variety of preparations for the winter.

What currant berries can be used for harvesting? It all depends on the type of preparation: black currant for jam or jam is taken ripe, it can be slightly crushed. For compote and jam, it is better to take slightly unripe, hard berries so that they do not lose their shape during the process.

Blackcurrant blanks without cooking

Please note that the shelf life of grated black currant without heat treatment is no more than a year, and even then in a cool, dark place. But we can safely say that only in this form the fruits have retained the entire set of vitamins that are so necessary in winter.

Grated currants for the winter with sugar

The easiest way is to prepare ground fruit with sugar. Berries ripe without damage are selected, all impurities in the form of twigs and leaves are removed. Fold in a sieve and rinse thoroughly with a fairly strong stream of cold water. Spread onto a paper towel to dry.

The proportions of berries and sugar are 1: 2, that is, 2 kg of granulated sugar is taken for 1 kg of berries. This rule applies not only to black currants, but also to other berries.

Turn berries (2 kg) into mashed potatoes using a blender or meat grinder, transfer to enamel pot, add sugar (4 kg) and mix thoroughly. To achieve complete dissolution of sugar, keep the mass at room temperature for three hours.

During this time, jars and plastic lids are sterilized. The grated berries are mixed again, packed, a thin layer of citric acid is poured on top and covered. The fragrant puree can be stored in the refrigerator for almost a year.

Cold syrup

A similar recipe for harvesting black currants allows you to save all vitamins and use the syrup to add to tea or porridge for a child. Note, however, that uncooked blackcurrant syrup can only be stored for six months.

Juice is squeezed out of washed berries - 500 ml. A kilogram of sugar is poured in and mixed thoroughly for quite a long time, ensuring that all the grains are dissolved. After obtaining a homogeneous consistency, pour in a sachet of citric acid weighing five grams. Poured into sterilized bottles. Sealed with plugs. You can additionally coat them with molten paraffin. Store in the refrigerator for a maximum of six months.

Unusual blackcurrant harvesting recipes

Of course, the most popular and simplest ways to preserve black currant berries for the winter are compotes and jam. However, you can use unusual recipes blanks. Connoisseurs of savory flavors will love the following ways to prepare aromatic black currant.

In the marinade

For 1 liter jar you will need:

  • black currant berries - how much will go in;
  • allspice - five peas;
  • carnation - one bud;
  • cinnamon - one stick;
  • sugar - one kilogram;
  • table vinegar 6% - two tablespoons.

The washed berries are blanched in boiling water for about two minutes. They take them out with a slotted spoon and pour them into sterile liter jars, on the bottom of which they put allspice, cloves and cinnamon.

Pour in hot marinade. For its preparation, one and a half liters of water is brought to a boil and sugar is added.

Vinegar is poured into each jar and sterilized at 85 ° C, taking into account that the duration of the process for liter cans is 20 minutes. Then they roll it up. They are kept in the refrigerator for a week, and then rearranged, if necessary, into the pantry.

Sugar in protein

I want to pamper myself in winter not only traditional jam from black currant, but something unusual and original. Using this recipe from an old grandmother's arsenal, you can get delicious treat that even children can do.

Take raw protein chicken eggs, thoroughly stir a glass of sugar in it. Pour in a tablespoon of fresh lemon juice and grind the mass white. It should acquire a thick consistency, after which prepared currant berries are rolled in it and laid out in one layer on a horizontal board sprinkled with powdered sugar. After the protein layer has dried, it is placed in dry sterile jars under plastic lids and stored in the refrigerator.

Blackcurrant berries, candied in protein, look like small candies with a sour natural filling.


Currant is a versatile berry, from which a wide variety of dishes, drinks and winter preparations are prepared.

If you can properly prepare jelly using ripe black currants, the family will be provided with a fragrant and healthy treat for the winter.

For this recipe, use very small jars from baby food volume of 100-200 ml, no more. This will allow you to eat the open jar in one go.

Juice (one liter) is squeezed out of the washed dry berries, and a kilogram of granulated sugar is poured. They put it on the stove. It is necessary to cook after boiling for an average of 10 minutes, remembering to constantly stir. Hot jelly is poured into small jars. They are closed with lids after they have cooled completely.

Puree - ice cream

Another way of harvesting black currants for the winter is freezing, but not simple berries and cooked in sugar. You end up with daylight savings homemade treat which can be enjoyed in winter. For this preparation method, you will need regular 100 ml disposable plastic cups.

You will also need the following products:

  • black currant berries - one kilogram;
  • granulated sugar - half a kilogram.

The berries are mixed with sugar and placed on the stove. Cook with stirring until all the grains dissolve. This process usually takes no more than five minutes. Then the mixture should be wiped through a sieve or colander and placed in small plastic cups. You can additionally cover each glass with a regular bag. When cooled down, the cups are placed in the freezer.

If desired, mix currant puree with yogurt before freezing. You can enjoy such berry vitamin ice cream in a day. It keeps excellently throughout the winter.


Kilogram of washed ripe berries boil for two minutes in 50 ml of water. Grind hot through a sieve with a wooden spoon. Add sugar - 600 grams. Cook with continuous stirring. When a drop of mass stops spreading on a cold saucer, spread the mass on parchment laid on a baking sheet. The layer thickness should be 15 mm. Place the baking sheet on the top tier of the oven with minimal heat. The door is opened slightly. When a dry crust appears, take out and cut the layer into pieces. Dip them in sugar and put them in a vase.

You can make marmalade with gelatin (30 g), which is soaked in half a glass of cool water. Currants (400 grams) are boiled for five minutes in 100 ml of water. Rub through a sieve. Sugar (300 grams) is added quickly and heated, stirring constantly with a wooden spatula, until all grains are dissolved. Add the swollen gelatin, stir and immediately remove the pan from the stove, avoiding boiling. Poured hot over silicone molds or on a large plate.


Connoisseurs of pleasant homemade types of wine will love the aromatic blackcurrant liqueur with a sour, piquant taste, which is very easy to prepare.

You will need:

  • well-ripe clean and dry fruits (1 kg),
  • a three-liter bottle with a wide mouth,
  • sugar - 300 grams,
  • high-quality vodka - 0.5 liters.

Pour berries and sugar in layers, and then pour in vodka. Place the container on a windowsill on the sunny side and shake it daily for a month. After this time, place in a dark place, continuing shaking after three days. After 2 weeks, the liquor is filtered, poured into glass bottles with plugs. It is stored for a maximum of three years.

Filling for pies

This recipe, in addition to black currant berries, also contains other ingredients - apples. But the end result will delight lovers of baking, since the blank can be used as a filling for pies, cakes, muffins, pies and just as a dessert for tea.

A kilogram of White filling apples is peeled from the core and peel. Cut into medium cubes and place in an enamel pot. Pour lemon juice on top (squeeze out about two tablespoons) and pour a layer of sugar - 600 grams.

Three hours later, when the apples give off juice, pour a glass of water and simmer the apples with low heat for 30 minutes. Stir them with a wooden spoon. Pour in cinnamon - on the tip of a teaspoon, half a pack vanilla sugar and put currant berries - 100 grams. When the mass begins to boil, add cocoa powder - a tablespoon. Cook for another five minutes. When hot, they are immediately poured and sealed.

Blackcurrant blanks for the winter - traditional recipes

Compotes, preserves, jams, jam - these recipes belong to traditional ways harvesting berries for the winter. Beloved by many for spicy taste black currants are the most common classic recipes preparations for the winter.

For homemade preparations, you can use several recipes.


For the winter, it is easy to prepare a delicious refreshing compote from aromatic black currants. The most common use for this is three-liter cans, but in this recipe, liters are used as dishes. By the way, which is very convenient - one can at a time.

Sorted, washed and dried berries are poured into three liter sterile jars, filling about a third of the volume. Pour 3 liters of water into a saucepan, which is brought to a boil with medium heat. Dissolve with stirring 300 grams of sugar and boil for 5 minutes. Fill the jars with syrup immediately with a small stream so that they do not burst. They are rolled up, placed on a flat surface on the lids and kept under a blanket for 24 hours. Such useful blanks can be stored in the pantry.

Simple jam

For a tasty and easy-to-make jam, you need the usual ingredients. Pour a kilogram of pure berries into a saucepan, add 800 grams of sugar. Then pour in cool water - two tablespoons and leave for 2 hours. During this time, juice will appear.

After stirring the contents of the pan, place it on a slight heat. After boiling, the jam is cooked with stirring for 15 minutes, after which it is set aside for a two-hour infusion. After this time interval, it is required to reheat the mass and boil for 15 minutes. Pour into jars immediately and close. You can turn the berries into puree right in the saucepan before boiling again with an immersion blender.

Jam with whole juicy berries

This recipe can be called the simplest, because it cooks very quickly, but it takes time to prepare the berries.

To make blackcurrant jam not only tasty, but saturated with juicy berries that have almost not lost their shape, they are boiled for 3 minutes in the evening and left to cool in this water until morning. Drain the liquid, add sugar, measuring the amount by weight equal to berries... Cook with stirring for 8 minutes, pour the jam hot and roll up. Store in cool conditions.

Thick jam

Doesn't leave indifferent children and adults alike fragrant thick jam- a natural source of vitamins in the winter season.

To make a thick aromatic jam, one and a half kilograms of berries are mashed using a blender. Placed on the stove with medium heat turned on. After five minutes, a kilogram of sugar is carefully introduced in small portions with continuous stirring. After boiling, the jam is boiled for 35 minutes, stirring systematically and removing the foam. Lay out hot.

Five minutes

This recipe currant jam for the winter it is rightfully called the fastest, "five-minute". For preparation, use small jars, no more than 500 ml in volume. Before unfolding the jam, both jars and lids should be sterilized in a convenient way.

For five minutes, a mixture of berries (2 kg) with sugar is passed through a meat grinder (you need to measure 2.4 kg). Place the mass in an enamel basin. It should boil in an intensive mode for only five minutes. They are removed from the stove, distributed in small jars and rolled up. Wrap up with a blanket for a day. Store in cool conditions.

In a multicooker

You can make jam in a slow cooker. The multicooker is an indispensable assistant to the hostess in the kitchen. This household appliance allows you to prepare not only the first and second courses, but also jam, salads and other preparations for the winter. You just have to put the prepared mass in banks and roll it up.

To do this, pour half a kilogram of berries into the bowl, given that they should take up no more than a third of the total volume. Pour in a quarter glass of water, and turn on the cooking mode for 10 minutes. With an immersion blender, the berries are turned into a mushy mass, 300 grams of sugar are added with stirring. After closing the lid, set the extinguishing mode. The jam will be ready in 30 minutes.


Jam in its consistency is slightly different from jam. It is more liquid, but the same monotonous, without lumps, bones and peels. Eating currant jam is no less pleasant and healthy, and you can also add it to baked goods or tea.

Sorted and washed berries - 2 kg are placed in a saucepan, covered with a kilogram of sugar. Keep on slow heating until the berries are soft. Be sure to stir to prevent burning. The slightly cooled mass is rubbed through a sieve and boiled again over low heat. It is necessary to immediately note the initial volume, since the future jam will boil until it decreases by one third.

Distribute hot jam over the prepared jars and roll up. In a cellar or refrigerator, such a delicacy is stored for a year or longer. In a cupboard in a kitchen or pantry, it will last for a maximum of six months.

Boiled syrup

Another way to harvest blackcurrants for winter is to make syrup. The principle of its preparation is a little similar to jam or jam, with the only difference that slightly fermented berries are cooked. And then remove the bones and peel, leaving a homogeneous liquid. For utensils, prepare glass containers with a narrow neck, for example, bottles with screw caps. Don't forget to sterilize!

The berries, cleaned of impurities and washed, are placed in a volumetric glass container, mixed with sugar, observing a 1: 1 ratio. Place under a lid in a warm place for three days. When fermentation begins, pour the mixture into a saucepan and boil for 10 minutes. Then, while still hot, the skins and seeds are removed using a sieve. The syrup is brought to a boil.

It is necessary to immediately pour into prepared glass containers. The workpiece is stored under sealed lids for at least a year.

Black currant, due to its vitamin-rich composition, is one of the unique berries for preparing tasty and healthy preparations.

This is a real vitamin bomb among berries. It supplies the human body with vitamins C, B, PP, K, E, H, A, and its composition is rich in such useful substances as iron, organic, phosphoric and ascorbic acids, pectins, potassium, calcium. It is interesting that not only berries, but also currant leaves have a healing effect.

To get as much benefit from it as possible, doctors recommend that you do not give it to thermal treatment, but rather freeze or dry it. That is why in our article we will focus on methods and best recipes harvesting currants for the winter.

Selection and preparation of berries

The first step towards properly freezing currants is choosing the berries themselves. Preference should be given to ripe, fresh berries of high quality, preferably large ones. Please note that the fruits are just ripe, as overripe ones lose their beneficial features and may not look very appetizing after thawing.

Make sure that there are no broken, damaged or rotten berries among the berries.


Currant jelly for the winter is a great opportunity to replenish your body with vitamins.
To get this delicious dessert you need to stock up on just berries and sugar (1: 1.5). Pour the prepared fruits with cooled boiled water so that they are barely covered. Bring the mixture to a boil and simmer over low heat for about 30 minutes.

Blackcurrant blanks have always been honored by a good housewife. It's budget-friendly, fast, and delicious. And such currant desserts are incredibly healthy.

The benefits and harms of berries

This plant is familiar to Russian people from an early age. In the garden of almost every Soviet citizen, and now Russian, this shrub grows with beautiful bright beads. It became known in Russia back in the 11th century. O useful qualities ah currants learned after several centuries.

This berry has a sweet, slightly sour taste. The small black pearl is truly a gem, because it is a storehouse of a huge number of vitamins. That there is only one vitamin C, which maintains the immune system in working order and resists viral diseases. The vitamin ensemble contains vitamins P, B, E, K, as well as carbohydrates and fiber. The composition also contains minerals: zinc, potassium, manganese, iron, copper.

In addition, it helps in the fight against many ailments. Thanks to folic acid, this berry copes not only with the elimination of toxins, but also with radiation.

Even in dried form, it does not lose its ability to positively influence the functions of the body. Vitamin P helps with atherosclerosis by strengthening the walls of the capillaries and reducing their permeability. Phytoncides fight against Staphylococcus aureus - the causative agent of diphtheria, dysentery, as well as other microscopic fungi.

Application of leaves

If every summer season in the family is marked by the collection of a currant harvest, it is worth paying attention to the leaves of the plant. They are in no way inferior to berries in terms of the content of useful qualities. Therefore, lovers of aromatic evening tea will not be superfluous to learn a few rules for collecting:

Despite the abundance of reviews about the positive effect of black currant on the body, there are contraindications to the use of this product. Stomach ulcer, disruption of the gastrointestinal tract and gastritis are the reason for the prohibition of its use in food. It also increases blood clotting, so people who have suffered a stroke should avoid this product.

How to cook?

There are a lot of options for making currant jam. The easiest way to make a delicious treat while preserving all the vitamins present is to rub the berry with sugar.

This will require 1 kg of currants and 1.2 kg of granulated sugar. Wash and dry it on a flat surface. Then send everything to the meat grinder. You can also use a blender for chopping. This will make the product more uniform.

Add sugar gradually to distribute it evenly. It is better to do this in the evening, because the finished mass should be infused for 12 hours. At night, the air temperature drops, so the jam will not have time to ferment. In any case, leave it in the coolest part of the room. Remember to stir the composition from time to time. After thickening, lay out this fragrant composition in sterile jars. Pour a small amount of granulated sugar on top and close with a synthetic lid. Such yummy will be stored in the refrigerator for up to 6 months or more.

Almost the same proportions should be observed when cooking berry jam... For 1 kg of the mixture, take 1.5 kg of sand. Those with a sweet tooth need to increase the amount of the latter by another 300 g.

Having carried out the same manipulations as for the first case, set the pointer of the hob burner knob first on high heat and hold the container with the berry until it boils, and then reduce the intensity to a minimum, periodically removing the resulting foam.

After boiling for 10 minutes, remove the pan from the stove and leave it overnight. Then we repeat the procedure twice, extending the boiling time by 5 minutes. Next, pour everything into containers and close them with a seaming key.

Be sure to turn the cans upside down or sideways to check the seaming quality. The absence of a whistle will tell you that the job is done well.

It will not be difficult for the hostess to prepare compote for the winter, you just need to observe the proportions, and everything will work out.

Ingredients for the drink:

  • water - 300 g;
  • berry collection - 1 kg;
  • citric acid - 20 g;
  • granulated sugar - 1.5 kg.

Initially, we wash the berries in a deep plate, clean them of the stalks and fill sterile jars with them exactly 1/3, then add sand and citric acid... Pour boiling water over everything. After sewing the cans, turn them over and wrap them in a warm blanket.

Currant is the record holder for the content of vitamins, it also includes many substances necessary for our body. But pectins are not in her honor. Here she lagged behind even her "sister" - the red currant. But even this does not greatly affect the thickening of various kinds of sweet dishes. Therefore, you can safely create an appetizing jelly from it without adding various kinds of thickeners. The main thing in this business is to adhere to simple rules:

  • Only non-hybrid varieties are suitable for making jelly. In hybrids there is less pectin.
  • When cooking, do not use aluminum, as it oxidizes.
  • It is necessary to sterilize those containers in which the prepared food is supposed to be kept.
  • Cooking times can be shortened by using a wider container. This will make everything thicken faster and more evenly.

If there is no need to use only whole fruits, they should be sent to a mixer so that own juice berries surrendered to the fullest.

An interesting option dessert - "Pyatiminutka", which includes 3 positions:

  • water - 0.4 l;
  • berry collection - 1 kg;
  • sugar - 1.25 kg.


  • wash the berry, dry;
  • prepare a syrup from water and sugar, leaving it after boiling for 7 minutes over low heat;
  • pour the prepared berries with the resulting mass and do not touch for 2 hours;
  • after the time has elapsed, put the dishes on the stove and cook for 5 minutes after boiling, remembering to stir;
  • pour the resulting jam into containers, and the berries can be separated from the syrup, so the jelly will turn out to be "clean";
  • preserve cans, wrap them up for a day, and then store them in a cool corner of the house.

In addition to preservation in a rolled form, storage of fruits when low temperatures is the most in an accessible way saving all the nutrients in them. Experts say that fresh food is best preserved at temperatures between -16 and -21 degrees. When frozen, they can remain usable for up to 12 months.

Storage options at low temperatures can be divided into several options:

  • whole berries;
  • in a frayed form;
  • in ice.

The procedure for freezing berries as a whole:

  • rinse, remove debris and dry them on a towel;
  • take a baking sheet and gently and evenly distribute the berries;
  • free up enough space in the freezer for berries and leave the pallet there for at least 4 hours;
  • after freezing, pour the fruits into prepared bowls;
  • if you wish, you can write notes indicating what and where exactly is.

It is recommended to freeze the berry puree if there is not enough space in the chamber for storing the fruits as a whole. To do this, using a mixer, you need to turn the pre-washed and dried berries into homogeneous mass... You can add sugar as desired and then arrange them very compactly. You can use such a mixture for filling pies or prepare a delicious fruit drink on a winter evening.

Also, to preserve ground currants, ordinary plastic bags or special ones that are sold in supermarkets for vegetables and fruits are quite useful.

No need to fill large volumes. They will defrost for a long time, and then you will have to think about what to do with such an amount. It is optimal to freeze berries in an amount of no more than 500 g per bag.

Another variation is freezing in ice. But this recipe is unpopular because the ice takes up too much freezer space.

Black currant is a unique natural gift, delicious dishes from which will delight all year round, raise immunity, and hearty pies with such a filling will appeal not only to children. All household members will be delighted with them.

For the technology of harvesting black currants for the winter, see the next video.

Almost every housewife makes blackcurrant blanks for the winter, because it is extremely useful and tasty. If your own vegetable garden abounds in fruits, you need to take care to preserve the harvest. There are many ways to do this, one of them is to make jam. Black garden berry is universal; jam, compotes, juices are prepared from it for the winter. And healthy fruits are frozen so that they can be used later instead of fresh ones.

Options for preparations for the winter from black currant

The easiest way to preserve the harvest of berries harvested in your garden is to place them in the freezer. In winter, the product can be used for cooking stewed fruit or as a filling for baking. Fresh fruits are added to tea and eaten sprinkled with sugar.

Another way to make a preparation for the winter is to cook jam. Everyone loves this delicacy, especially children. The refreshment will bring pleasure to guests during tea drinking and remind of summer days.

A simple recipe for preparation is currant juice or compote. Homemade drink much more useful than the store. Children will definitely appreciate its delicious taste. The best and easy way preserve the harvest of fruits from the currant bush - grind the berries with sugar. They keep well in a cool place. Those with a cellar should take note of this recipe.

Black currant blank recipes

The harvested crop cannot be stored for a long time, otherwise the fruits will become soft and deteriorate. It is important to start canning right away. You need to sort the currants, remove the litter and twigs, and then wash. It is convenient to do this using a colander or sieve, pouring some of the fruit into it.

Clean berries must be dried by sprinkling a thin layer on a towel or baking paper... This recommendation is especially relevant if the hostess plans to freeze whole currants.

A simple jam recipe

To make currant jam, you need a basin or a wide saucepan with a thick bottom. It is not recommended to use a thin-walled one - a sweet mass sticks to it. The following ingredients are required:

  • 1 kg of berries;
  • 1 kg of sugar.

The berries are put in a bowl, interrupted with a blender and sugar is added. You can just crush them so that they let the juice out. The pelvis is placed on a medium-intensity fire. The hostess should stir the berry mass, avoiding sticking. As it heats up, foam forms on top, it must be collected with a spoon. After waiting for the jam to boil, it is kept on low heat for another 20 minutes.

The longer the treat is cooked, the thicker it becomes. For those who like very dense jam, it is recommended to increase the cooking time by another 10 minutes.

The hot delicacy is immediately poured into jars, after sterilizing them over steam, and clogging is performed. The container is turned over, wrapped up, and after it has cooled completely, it is removed to the pantry.

Black currant, grated with sugar

Sprinkle clean dry fruits with sugar and grind with a wooden crush. You can use a blender. The second method is less preferable due to the oxidation process of the metal packing, but it is more convenient and faster. The mass is left at room temperature for two days until the sugar grains are completely dissolved. At this time, it is periodically stirred.

It is convenient to store currants grated with sugar in half-liter glass jars. They need to be sterilized in any way and filled with a sweet mass, leaving some free space. A centimeter layer of sugar is poured on top of the currants. The blanks are closed with polyethylene lids.

If the grated currants are stored in a cellar or refrigerator, and not at room temperature, it is permissible to reduce the amount of sugar to 1.5 kg per 1 kg of berries.

Currant compote

  • 600 gr of fruits;
  • 300 grams of sugar;
  • 2.7 liters of water.

The berries are carefully sorted out, removing wrinkled and damaged ones, and put in pre-sterilized jars. The water is brought to a boil in a saucepan of a suitable size. It is advisable to use an enamelled container. The boiling water is poured into a jar of berries, covered with a lid and left for 30 minutes.

After the specified time, the liquid from the jar is poured back into the pan, leaving the fruits inside, sugar is added and mixed. Turning on the fire, they wait for a boil, after which they again fill the container with currants with syrup and tighten the lid. The jar is left to cool in an inverted position, wrapped in a blanket.

Freeze for the winter

This method of harvesting black currants for the winter is used most often because of its simplicity. The fruits are frozen whole. In this form, the crop is stored for several months. But first you need to prepare them:

  • sort out debris and remove from the branches;
  • wash with cold water;
  • dry on a towel.

Only undamaged firm berries are suitable for freezing entirely.

Prepared currants are packed in small bags of 200 g, tied and placed in the freezer. If there is a compartment for quick freeze, you should use it. After 3 hours, the berries will harden and can be transferred to the upper drawer of the freezer. In winter, whole berries are used for cooking compote or added to homemade cakes.

Jam for the winter

You can make delicious jam from black currant berries. It differs from jam in consistency. You will need a sieve to get rid of the skin of the fruit and get a homogeneous, almost transparent jam. The recipe only contains 3 ingredients:

  • sugar - 1 kg;
  • black currant - 1 kg;
  • water - 200 ml.

Clean fruits are placed in a saucepan, poured with water. The hostess's task is to bring the water to a boil, thanks to the high temperature, the berries will become soft, the skin will burst, and the juice will come out. Cooking is continued for no longer than 3 minutes.

Now you need to drain all the liquid into an enamel bowl and rub the berries through a sieve or cheesecloth to squeeze out the remaining juice. Put the pan with currant nectar on fire, add the entire amount of sugar and cook until thickened, stirring occasionally.

It's easy to check the readiness of the product - you just need to take a little jam and drip it onto a plate. If the mass does not creep when turning over, then it is time to pour the delicacy into sterilized jars.

There are many options for harvesting for the winter from black currant. Each recipe is good in its own way and worthy of attention. Busy housewives prefer the most simple ways- they freeze whole berries or grind them with granulated sugar.