Recipe for cottage cheese casserole with dried fruits in the oven. Cottage cheese casserole with dried apricots – 4 recipes

People love to read stories of those who have lost weight, because it gives strength and motivation to fight extra pounds. Additionally, you can learn a lot of new information, learn the nuances of a particular diet, take into account the pros and cons. Real weight loss is possible subject to restriction of nutrition and gymnastics. The rest of the attempts will not bring results, and if they end well, they may turn into a set of even more excess weight later.

Weight loss stories with before and after photos

Both small changes, for example, an unusual dinner, and a serious revision of the menu, the addition of physical activity, help to reduce weight. Explore the successful weight loss stories of women and girls of different ages using different methods.

Tamara, 46 years old

At my age, it is already difficult to lose weight, but I decided to lose weight for my daughter's wedding in order to look perfect in the photo. I understood that it was necessary to reduce the volume of the abdomen and waist, began to replace dinner with a glass of kefir and an apple, bought a gym membership. The trainer selected the optimal program that suited me specifically and did not put stress on my knees.

The first week was hard, I always wanted something sweet. I took vitamins with chromium, and soon overcame my need for sugar. Two weeks later, I was happy to go to training. It was interesting to watch my body change. In a month, I lost five extra pounds, my waist and abdomen decreased, and overall fit appeared. I am satisfied with my real figure, even after the holiday I will continue to go to fitness.

Anfisa, 23 years old

I have always been a donkey, but I really wanted to become slim. When my fiance proposed, I was very happy, but for the sake of beautiful photos at the wedding I decided to take up serious weight loss. I had to give myself no mercy - I began to count calories rigidly, I did exercise machines every day, and a month later began to run. It was very hard, but real motivation helped.

My real story ended with the fact that in six months I lost 25 kg and acquired a dream figure. On wedding photos I looked just great, and my husband noted my gorgeous look. I managed to consolidate the result, after the wedding I will continue to play sports, I will revise my nutrition in the direction of more correct, and not as hard as before. I always want to look beautiful.

Evgeniya, 31 years old

After the second pregnancy and graduation breastfeeding I decided to come to grips with my figure. Most of all worried about the big belly, stretch marks on the buttocks and cellulite. Special weight loss was not required, only to reduce the volume of the priests and abdomen. She began to study at home with the child, using it as a load - squatting with the baby in her arms, swinging the abs with raised legs, doing the bar.

This was not enough for real weight loss, so I began to look for more advanced material. I signed up for one of the online fitness courses. There were strict requirements, every day a report on classes and not a drop aside from the developed nutrition. It was hard, I wanted to cry, but I didn't give up. For 12 weeks of training, I became more resilient, the volume of the protruding abdomen was halved, and the waist decreased by 6 cm. This is a feat!

Anastasia, 34 years old

After leaving the hospital, I urgently needed to lose weight - I weighed 89 kg, which, with my height of 159 cm, looked like a disaster. Since I was breastfeeding the child, it was impossible to severely limit myself in nutrition, to lose weight dramatically. I started small - every day I walked 5 km. At the same time, she chose difficult routes - she climbed a mountain, climbed stairs, walked to the fifth floor without an elevator.

After seven months, I finished breastfeeding, at that time weighed 65 kg. There was still a little more to win, I began to limit the calorie content of dishes. Refused mayonnaise, fatty, fried. In just three months of an impromptu diet of chicken breast and calorie-deficient vegetables, I achieved my ideal weight. It remains to maintain my hard-won 54 kg - I walk a lot, once a week I arrange fasting days.

Elizabeth, 21 years old

I work as a model, so any deviation in weight upwards makes itself felt in the photo. There is one secret of how to lose weight quickly. Before shooting for a catalog of lingerie or going to the catwalk, you need to fast during the day. Drink only water and a green tea cocktail with a pinch of ginger. The result can be immediately seen in the photo - just a day of cleansing according to such a diet significantly changes the body, edema disappears, the stomach is "deflated", the muscles become more prominent.

Such a diet should not be resorted to more than once a month. Once I was starving for two days, and I felt very bad, I almost fainted. So fasting is beneficial, but for a limited time. I want to warn people with severe obesity from it - my doctor said that such fasting is prohibited for them. Young girls can afford it - try this recipe and write your real story!

Tatiana, 30 years old

My real story of losing weight with a photo can be called extreme. I had to lose 5 kg in three days, but I could not believe that this was possible. I decided to try the first stage of the Ducan diet, when I had to eat one protein. You know, it helped! For three days of eating only cottage cheese and chicken breast I lost not even five, but six extra pounds, which is good news.

I'm not sure if you can continue to eat protein alone for more than three days, but the effect was amazing. I achieved my goal, and then I thought that it would be necessary to consolidate the result. She continued the second stage of the Ducan diet, included carbohydrates, some flaxseed oil and bran in her nutrition diary. At the third stage, I lost 10 kg out of the extra 13. Now we need to consolidate the losses, and then enjoy life and feel great.

Eleanor, 55

At my age, it is no longer customary to lose weight, but I consider myself a young attractive woman, and therefore strictly follow my figure. I'm not complaining about her, but I would like to reduce the size of the hips from 48 to 46 sizes. Losing weight was not very easy - after menopause, the metabolism slows down. I opted for a milk-restricted diet and the trendy outdoor Nordic walking complex.

Refused late dinners, began to walk more in the fresh air. Together with my friends, we studied the technology of walking with sticks, and every morning we started with a walk in the nearest park. This helped in an amazing way - in two months I became slimmer exactly by size, the extra swelling went away, the hips and abdominal muscles were tightened to normal. It is a pleasure to look at yourself in the mirror!

Daria, 29 years old

Due to hormonal disruption, I recovered very much, but could not achieve weight loss. I decided that I would remain fat, but I accidentally saw the contacts of a famous nutritionist on the website on the Internet. I made an appointment with her, gave a lot of money for the project, but in the end, after passing the tests and studying my problem, I received an action plan. There was a long and difficult work - first it was necessary to lose 20 kg with the help of a diet, then the remaining 10 - with sports activities.

It was hard to limit myself, but the moral support of the nutritionist helped. She calculated every gram of snacks and meals, and I bought the groceries exactly according to her recommendations. In six months, 20 kg melted, it was time to sign up for the gym. Another 4 months were spent on the loss of the remaining 10 kg. I am again a slender girl, I look at my old photos and do not believe that I was like that.

Stories of women who lose weight on proper nutrition

Examine what people look like before and after losing weight when using the right diet. This method is the most popular and effective in losing extra pounds, sparing for the body and comfortable in following the recommendations.

Zhanna, 36 years old

My weight was never ideal, but after the birth of my third child, it became disastrous. I didn't like my full photos, so I decided to start losing weight. My real story was nutritional overhaul. All my life I got used to eating with rolls, eating salads with mayonnaise, sausage, I especially loved sweets and carbonated drinks. I had to give up all this.

She started life from scratch - she removed everything fatty, fried, smoked and too spicy from the diet, began to dress salads olive oil, introduced the right snacks. My approximate daily diet: for breakfast - an omelet, two toasts with cottage cheese and cucumber, coffee. Lunch - soup, buckwheat with boiled turkey, dinner - light vegetable salad and a glass of kefir. Snacks - nuts, apple. For three months of such nutrition, we managed to lose 15 kg. In the photo, a completely different person, this is a success.

Marina, 49 years old

My daughter is an adherent of proper nutrition. There is nothing forbidden in her house, completely healthy foods... Looking at her, I also thought about switching to such a diet. I started small - on the 21st day I gave up refined sugar. So I developed a habit of doing without sweets. Then she began to exclude potatoes, pasta, fatty meat from the diet. She completely refused sausages and smoked meats.

The addiction was long, but the gradual transition was easier for me than "right off the bat", and there were no breakdowns. For a year of proper nutrition, I lost 10 kg, energy appeared, I almost never get tired in a day, I feel better than at 20. This is what only healthy foods mean. I plan to go in for sports to look even better, to attract the attention of interesting men.

Yana, 27 years old

Today it is fashionable to lead a healthy lifestyle, do not drink, do not smoke, eat only the right food. I also succumbed to this hobby, but for the purposes I had not just a lifestyle, but also weight loss. My real story with a photo: I lost 8 extra pounds in six months, which I am very pleased with. I didn’t do anything special in terms of diet: I included more protein and vegetables in the diet, I don’t buy products with dyes or flavors.

I take superfoods every day - these are foods that are especially rich in beneficial nutrients. Of these, goji berries, sea buckthorn, green buckwheat can be distinguished. My morning starts with a glass warm water with honey on an empty stomach, after half an hour I have breakfast with oatmeal or natural unroasted granola. Lunch takes place in a cafe, and I have dinner with a glass of kefir and an apple. Simple and delicious!

Sophia, 34 years old

Due to health problems, I gained an extra 10 kg. It was also difficult to reset them because I was constantly in the hospital and almost did not move. After leaving the hospital, I went to the doctor for help. He advised me to practice vegetarianism. I wanted to give up meat before, but I was afraid that due to the lack of animal protein, I would have anemia and hair loss. The doctor said that this can be corrected by taking special vitamins.

My daily diet includes a lot of peas or beans, nuts, Adyghe cheese... I can’t completely give up dairy products and eggs, but I don’t eat meat and fish. In two months of such a diet, it was possible to lose 8 kg, there are still two, but they are the most difficult. Vegetarianism hardened the body, I noticed that digestion began to work better, I do not suffer from constipation, as before.

Ekaterina, 32 years old

Real weight loss stories from photos will never tell you the whole truth, but I will reveal a secret - it is important to work hard and hard to get the desired effect. No dietary supplements and creams will help get rid of the rollers at the waist or "ears" on the buttocks. You need to often go in for sports, give up your usual food, replacing them with healthy ones.

So I gave up everything harmful in favor of proper nutrition, and I do not regret it. I eat only protein-rich foods, combine them with fiber in the form of vegetables and occasionally allow myself a small piece of cake. In my diet there is no sausage, chips, cookies, only bitter chocolate (a square per day) and honey remained from sweets. With such a clean diet, I lost 12 kg in a year, my health has improved significantly.

Ulyana, 35 years old

During my life I tried many diets until I realized that The best way for real weight loss is proper nutrition... Previously, she could eat her husband and children, constantly taste food in the cooking process. So, without noticing it, she gained an extra 7 kg. I don't like to go in for sports, so I tried to give up everything harmful that was in the diet.

To avoid temptations, I transferred the whole family to proper nutrition. At first, the husband resisted - he loved to eat tightly and drink a bottle of beer at night. To date, he has lost 17 extra pounds, and I have lost even more weight than I had planned - by 10 kg. The diet contains fruits, vegetables, dairy products without additives, boiled meat and steamed fish. Spices give all this a special charm. I do not regret switching to such a diet - health is more expensive.

Natalia, 52 years old

My real weight loss story is hard and long. I weighed over 100 kg, which led to complications in the joints. When it became difficult to walk, I decided to urgently engage in weight loss. If you compare the old photos and the ones taken now, you can find 100 differences. I dropped the first 30 kg by swimming and giving up sweets. I reduced the amount of portions, began to eat fractional, but often.

It was hard, I always wanted something sweet, but I overpowered myself. I didn't give myself a reason to eat something harmful, if I wanted to eat, I ate an apple or drank a glass of kefir. After reaching a weight of 70 kg, I began to do exercises on simulators, and received a developed personal weight loss program. With the help of refusal from fatty and fried, another 15 kg were taken. My weight is perfect and I am completely satisfied with my figure.


There are many real stories of people who have lost a lot of weight with confirming photographs "before" and "after". Based on their experience, you can analyze how easy or difficult it is to lose weight.

There are so many tips, recipes, diets and medicines on the Internet, but in most cases, all attempts end either in vain or with great damage to health. Some people manage to lose a couple of kilos, which then quickly return.

If it is difficult to decide on strict measures or actions, then looking at yourself from the outside, as Mikhail Dmitriev did, you can radically change your own opinion. Most stories reveal many negative aspects of being overweight: loneliness, illness, or the excruciating heaviness of your own body.

More often than not, people are seized by stress, problems, or simply not having enough time to take care of themselves and their diet. The thinner people, the photos before and after which can be seen below, had big problems with self-esteem, nutrition and society, but in the end they were able to overcome them, as well as the problem of being overweight.

Keith Reiter

At the age of 21, the girl gained a weight equal to 120 kg, it became difficult for her to walk and her health began to deteriorate. At that moment, Kate realized that something needed to be changed. The girl always had a good appetite and loved to eat a lot and tasty. But at a turning point She started by reducing the portions of food consumed, thanks to this, in 7 days, her weight decreased by more than 8 kg.

Seeing such a result, she began to act more actively, installed a calorie counting application and began to carefully observe the dietary norm, gradually reducing it, thereby reducing her weight by another 15 kg in about 3 weeks. The result is amazing, but Kate did not stop when it became easier to move, she began to actively train in the gym.

Weight decreased and in less than a year it became equal to 70 kg.

Darina Tsiganova

From early childhood, Darina gradually gained weight due to psychological trauma and their so-called "seizure". The girl really gained weight and by the age of 25, when she was also pregnant, the figure became 128 kg. Darina realized that it was wrong, that she wanted to be a beautiful girl and a mother.

When the child was one year old, Darina finally decided, at first she completely excluded sugar, salt, rolls and bread, butter from the diet. In the first week, the girl lost almost 10 kg. The next step was fractional meals: many small portions at intervals in time instead of one hearty lunch.

Once a week, she allowed herself to deviate from a healthy diet, but only at the cost of a long walk. She began to play sports and run 2 times a week, and so after 8 months she lost 63 kg.

Veta Obukhova

Since childhood, Veta had a tendency to be overweight, at 15 she weighed 73 kg. The first time she tried to lose kilograms, she practically stopped eating, her weight decreased, but her health also deteriorated. In addition, she soon gained twice as much, everything was still aggravated at first by one pregnancy, then immediately by the second.

With a weight of 90 kg, she went to a nutritionist training from Moscow, under the influence of which she began to lose weight correctly. The diet was composed of healthy food: vegetables, fish, cereals, nuts - and divided into many meals and snacks. With such a diet in 8 months she lost weight up to 55 kg. And later, starting to train, she adorned her body with a small relief.

Anna Sizenova

Anna's romantic story began with 88 kg and the absence of her size in fashion stores. Like everyone else, at first she tried to lose weight on her own, but all the diets ended with the girl starting to eat a lot again. And so, having made up her mind, she began to study individually with a coach.

He drew up a menu for her, to put it mildly, strict, and prescribed workouts 3 times a week (strength and cardio). In almost 3 months, Anna then lost 12 kg, after which she said goodbye to the coach and began to train herself a little. Soon, a new coach came in his place, offering to help Anna with training for free, who later became her husband.

He made up for her nourishing, but low-calorie menu and continued to train, thanks to which today her weight is 65 kg.

Julia Angel

Julia entered the institute with a weight of 75 kg, immersed in her studies, she often did not notice the excess weight and the amount of food consumed. But there was a beauty contest in which she wanted to win, but the completeness did not allow. Then she almost stopped eating, she lost 15 kg and won, but immediately gained them back.

Having finally decided to get rid of them, she created a menu for herself, daily calories consumed did not exceed 1100-1200 and removed sugar and flour from the diet.

Thus, in almost a few years, she achieved a result of 50 kg.

Julia Sergacheva

The thinner people, the photos before and after which confirm the veracity of the stories, talked about the efforts with which they managed to overcome excess weight, but in the case of Julia, circumstances helped her a lot.

Her result is amazing, since she lost as much as 50 kg with ease and in a fairly short time.

As a teenager, Julia quickly began to gain kilograms, eventually reaching a weight of 135 kg. Due to health problems, she initially adhered to a lax diet and gradually played sports. After another operation, the doctors prescribed a strict menu for her, based on exclusively proper nutrition.

She ate several times a day, in small portions, mainly:

Evgeniya Vorobyova

After the birth of two children, Evgenia gained a lot of weight, which at that time was about 117 kg. And she certainly didn't like her looks when she realized the situation. She started with a calorie-based diet, which she still follows. TO healthy eating gym classes increased 3 times a week, later reinforced with protein intake. As a result Evgenia's weight dropped to 69 kg.

Sara Saisonova

The girl was always slim and weighed 54 kg, but the birth of a child changed everything, which led her to the deplorable figure of 80 kg. After the end of breastfeeding, Sarah decided to change something and began to look for diets, opting for proper nutrition with reduced portions.

Sara Saisonova is one of the women who have lost weight, the photo of which is presented. She was able to lose 20 kg.

The portions became no more than a fist, Sarah began to drink more water and soon transferred the whole family to a similar menu.

Her weight is back to normal, today it is 60 kg. It cannot be said that in the process of losing weight, Sarah did not go in for sports, since any mother with a small child leads a rather active lifestyle, full of walks, cleaning and household chores.

Marina Kozlova

Marina was always overweight, but this did not bother her, she especially relaxed when she met her future husband. But after a 2-week trip with all-inclusive meals, where she didn’t deny herself anything, Marina was frightened by the numbers on the scales, or rather it was 88 kg, which became the starting point.

However, the numerous diets on which the girl sat on her own did not give absolutely any result, until the book "System minus 60" fell into her hands. It was with her, not limiting herself to food only until 12 days, that she said goodbye to 13 kg in a short time. But after a while, she became pregnant twice. And although the weight did not increase much, the body was still difficult to call ideal.

The thinner people (photos before and after which are presented in the article), perhaps, would have surrendered in the place of Marina, because the old method no longer gave the girl results. But Marina began to study all the intricacies of the correct diet and nutrition. And so, the numbers on the scales began to decrease again, but the body did not become much more beautiful. At this moment, the girl decided to turn to sports.

Gradually getting used to it, Marina got carried away with running, and the results after 1-2 months could not but rejoice, not only the body was transformed, but also the general mood. She decided to add strength training, 4 times a week for half an hour.

By also adjusting the nutrition for yourself, that is, by doing healthy desserts, and without eating after 19.00, Marina began to weigh 62 kg.

Mikhail Dmitriev

People who have lost so much weight like Mikhail (his before and after photos are shown below) are able to inspire and give helpful advice just by telling your story. Mikhail rapidly gained weight by the end of school, the numbers were about 110 kg. The situation worsened after he entered the institute and the time allotted exclusively for study, he gained up to 130 kg.

Many times, trying various diets, Mikhail broke down, not lasting more than a week. And yet, he decided to get down to business thoroughly and immersed himself in the study of nutritional programs. A difficult year, constant bans and disruptions yielded results, Mikhail lost 63 kg.

Tatiana Rybakova

Tatiana was always full, but during the period of graduation from school and entering the institute, the weight became critical, he exceeded the mark of 100 kg. Often trying diets, Tanya was constantly frustrated, and they did not help. Today, she skillfully inscribes foods, even harmful ones, into her diet, while not getting fat.

This is due to the fact that she correctly calculates the calories consumed, and the percentage of carbohydrates, proteins and fats. Yes, proper nutrition combined with competent training is a laborious process that takes a lot of time, however, the result is worth it.

Losing weight people, the photos before and after which really amaze, often begin their program to lose weight. Likewise, Tatiana today is not only a fitness trainer for girls who want to lose weight, but also their advisor regarding proper nutrition.

Tatiana began to conduct her own courses for overweight girls, the key idea of ​​which is not only weight loss, but also keeping it on track. The basis of her diet is any food, but always made from useful components.

Galina Kuznetsova

By the age of 54, Galina had tried all kinds of diets: from Japanese, buckwheat and to diet cocktails. But the result was always the same. She could hold out for some time, shed a couple of extra pounds, as a result, her patience ran out due to an increased feeling of hunger, and she gained more than she threw off during this time.

Trying to lose weight in similar ways, she only gained, and her weight became equal to 108 kg. At this time, serious health problems began: it was difficult to walk, lack of strength, shortness of breath during a normal walk. Then Galina began to be interested in a healthy balanced diet, which ultimately saved her.

The path took a long time, but in the end In less than 3 years, Galina was able to easily get rid of 33 kg. Water became an additional assistant, setting a reminder on the phone, she did not forget to drink as much as possible. And this, in turn, helps to cleanse the body and accelerate metabolism.

Anastasia Rudenko

By the age of 23, Anastasia weighed 95 kg, she was often looked at with pity, insulted, and she herself did not particularly like the reflection in the mirror. And for several years of a sedentary lifestyle, the addition of more than 10 kg finally convinced her of the need to act. Then she and her friends bought a gym membership, where she began to train personally with a trainer.

The first months of Anastasia were incredibly hard, she could barely walk after classes, however, soon she began to change in appearance and got used to physical exertion. Centimeters began to melt before our eyes, so less than a year later, the weight was reduced by 30 kg. In addition, the girl is so used to and fell in love with sports that now she cannot live without it.

Tips from people who have lost weight, reviews on the effectiveness of different methods

As can be understood from the experience of numerous girls, the most effective ways for them were:

  • proper nutrition;
  • counting calories;
  • reducing portions;
  • workout in the gym.

But, of course, in order to achieve the best result, it is necessary to control all these aspects at the same time. It is important to say about workouts that they must necessarily combine strength and cardio workouts so that muscles do not build up under a layer of fat.

People who have lost weight, the photos before and after which are presented above, say: in order to lose weight, it is not necessary to eat tasteless and exclude your favorite foods from the diet. Firstly, sometimes you can allow small excesses, the main thing is that after that there is no breakdown due to improper nutrition.

And secondly, even healthy foods can be incredibly tasty:

  • healthy desserts based on cereals;
  • dried fruits with nuts;
  • vegetable stew, especially cabbage and beets;
  • fish and lean meat with various sauces.

Basically, all the weight loss stories given above are based precisely on proper, balanced nutrition.

As you can see from the example of people who have lost weight with a photo before and after, you should not eat more than you want and what fits into the body, you do not need to consume fatty foods and then feel heaviness.

Eating healthy meals in small portions makes it much easier to shape your body and improve your health and overall tone.

Article design: Oksana Grivina

Videos about people who have lost weight

Photos of celebrities before and after losing weight:

Many are fascinated by the incredible weight loss stories of people, the results of which are confirmed in the photographs before and after. If it is difficult to dare to strict measures and diets, real stories of losing 30 kg., Can give impetus to action. After reading detailed instructions, you can find out how people who were able to lose weight achieved their goal.

Weight loss stories of wife Lexi and Danny Reed, who lost 180 kg. for two

When the young people met, Lassie's weight was 218 kg., And Danny's 127 kg. They consumed up to 8,000 kcal per day. for two. The diet was jac-foot ( fried potatoes, fried chicken with a crunchy crust, potatoes with bacon). At the same time, their lifestyle was completely satisfying, until the moment when they got married, they thought about having a child. This is how their weight loss story began.

Important! It is necessary to trust myself and not doubt that training and diet are within the power of everyone.

How did you get started?

A married couple arranged a marathon for themselves. They did not stipulate an end date, they decided that they would lose weight until they improve appearance and will not restore health, even if it takes a long time. They did not see any obstacles for themselves - this is real weight loss, especially since the plastic furniture could not withstand their weight and broke, on the street they cast sidelong glances at the spouses. All this caused considerable discomfort. The first thing we did was change the diet, then we added sports and outdoor activities.

How did you eat to lose weight?

Danny and Lassie's real-life stories of how to lose weight through diet prove the importance of avoiding junk food. No chips, chocolates, soda. If before that they liked to go to restaurants and visited fast food cafes, then, starting to lose weight, they cooked food at home.

A set of exercises for weight loss

The daily routine has changed dramatically. If earlier the couple rested and slept for a long time, then deciding for themselves that every morning moves them away from their goal, the couple began to get up earlier and engage in cardio loads. We spent 40 minutes on morning classes. At the same time, we combined strength loads (training on simulators) and cardio, so muscles grew under the fat deposits. Real weight loss stories of people show that to become healthy you need to work out intensively.

How did you motivate yourself?

Real weight loss begins with motivation, seeing the goal, it is easier to go towards it. The only limitation is to be only in the head, you need to make a decision for yourself to get rid of excess weight. The couple dreamed of having a child.

The weight loss results were amazing. Lassie weighs 82 kg., Danny - 87 kg. The result of a woman's weight loss history can be seen in the photo. The couple actively posted them on the social network. As Lassie herself says: “I was able to lose weight, the photo is an indicator of that. And together we were able to change our world! " Family relations became even stronger, as earlier Danny could not even wrap his hand around his wife's waist. The couple does not stop there, with a positive attitude they expect that they will be able to become parents. Danny and Lassie lead an active lifestyle - they ride bicycles, horses, go to the mountains.

Interesting! It is important to tune in that change can be achieved gradually, with perseverance and work. But in the end, everything will lead to great results.

Weight loss stories of blogger Tanya Rybakova

My weight loss story began at the age of 14. At that time weighed 105 kg., You can imagine how this reflected on self-esteem in adolescence. Emotions were on the verge of despair. It was hard to find trendy teenage clothes. I didn't want to look at the reflection in the mirror at all. Classmates have always teased and humiliated. In his teenage years, health difficulties were added. Shortness of breath and joint pain appeared. As a result, I decided - it's time for a change.

At the end of school, I managed to get rid of 20 kg, and then after another 3 years the weight was 51 kg. A photo of losing weight by 50 kg., This indicates that everything is possible and everything works. The history of the thinner Rybakova and photos indicate that an active lifestyle and proper nutrition are the key to a beautiful figure. Real stories of how people with a lot of weight managed to lose weight, encourages and helps to see the achievability of the goal.

How did you get him to study?

Success stories are based on nutrition and exercise. Tanya Rybakova is no exception. Recognition among peers to be their own, to have friends has become a great desire to change their appearance. The support of loved ones and loved ones plays an important role. Having tried different ways and diet, it turned out that losing weight is not so easy.

Tanya Rybakova's diet

Based on a real success story, in order to lose weight, it is important to learn how to properly combine food. Rybakova applied separate food and paid attention to glycemic index products. The reason is that by applying dietary restrictions, using a meager diet, the body does not receive the right amount nutrients... Therefore, hair, nails can break. It is important to choose such a diet so that you can lose weight and saturate the body with vitamins and minerals. At the same time, it is important not to overeat, to know when to stop. Overeating is fraught with weight gain.

You can find an alternative to every harmful dish, a substitute for useful ones. All dishes are boiled or steamed. You need to consume a lot of water, except for tea and soups. Protein products (meat, steamed fish, nuts, beans, etc.). Fermented milk products (low-fat cottage cheese, kefir, yogurt). Salt is allowed only in a very small amount, sugar, flour is prohibited.

Rybakova's sample menu:

A set of exercises for weight loss

Real weight loss is achievable by making efforts to supplement proper nutrition with sports. To enjoy the results of losing weight without harm to the body, you need to exercise on cardiovascular equipment, fitness, and a swimming pool. It is necessary to build up lean body mass. Workouts are carried out 3 times a week. It is important to drink plenty of clean water during exercise. The most important thing when losing weight is to get rid of excess weight, and then keep it at the same level, preventing the growth of fatty tissues.

In the photo you can see real people who have lost weight on their own and their stories are mesmerizing. Since, thanks to perseverance, they have an excellent figure and excellent health.

Real stories of losing weight by 30 kg. show how, with perseverance, getting rid of each kilogram, you need to go to the goal.

How did Alla Pugacheva lose weight?

For a long time, the stage prima donna wore shapeless long hooded dresses. They perfectly concealed excess weight. But then Alla Pugacheva suddenly lost 30 kg, and the photo is proof of that. Now she wears jeans and surprises everyone with her great figure.

Some have said that the secret of the fast weight loss story lies in the use of liposuction. But in reality, everything is simple.

A photo of women who have lost weight after 40 is a great incentive. And it is not necessary to take drastic measures, to do liposuction or resection of the stomach, it is important to show perseverance and work on yourself.

Photos of weight loss stories up to 30 kg. allow you to see with your own eyes how to apply a particular diet in order to have a body shape, as in the photo of Alla Pugacheva. It is amazing that at any age a woman can get rid of excess weight, for example, different stories of weight loss.

How did it all begin?

The weight loss stories of the Prima Donna with a photo are incredible changes and work on oneself, given the singer's busy schedule. For many years, the struggle for a beautiful figure lasted. I tried a mono-diet on myself. She ate only buckwheat porridge. Then I tried another way - eating soups, boiled meat, fish, dinner was excluded. Then a course of expensive rehabilitation and cleansing in a Swiss clinic.

Effective weight loss was the use of low calorie diet and classes with a physical education instructor. But the extra weight came back from time to time.

Now the figure of the Prima Donna is like that of a teenager. The real story of how Alla Pugacheva lost weight gives an incentive not to give up, because at any age you can look young, fit, beautiful.

What did you eat to lose weight?

For Alla Borisovna Pugacheva, it is important to eat a lot of vegetables. Fiber is the staple of the diet. Fresh vegetables and fruits should always be on the table.

Eating food is consumed in small portions. It is important to drink plenty of clean water. The diet includes soups, baked fish, buckwheat. Uses several prohibitions:

  • do not eat bread products at night;
  • give up salty, sweet foods.

An important point is to organize your personal day correctly. You need to go to bed no later than 23:00. The reason is that from 11 pm the hormones melatonin and somatostatin are produced, which affect the metabolism. If the production of melatonin is disrupted, then fat is deposited in the abdomen more quickly, worsens the work of the adrenal glands, and accelerates aging.

What exercises did you do?

To lose weight, it is important to choose the best sport for yourself. Active procedures in the pool, walking allow you to keep muscle mass in shape.

The most incredible weight loss stories of people with photos before and after weight loss, see the video:


Weight loss stories are a great addition to strict diets, vigorous workouts in the gym. The experience of other people helps you lose weight. The main thing is to determine for yourself a clear and clear goal and to show efforts, not to give up. Losing weight together is easier!

In principle, cottage cheese goes well with all dried fruits. But, since we have dietary meal then it is better to choose the product with the lowest glycemic index (GI). For raisins, it is 65, and for prunes and dried apricots, it is about the same - about 30.

Let me remind you that the glycemic index reflects the effect of foods on the change in blood sugar levels after eating them. So, a GI of up to 40 is low.

I also make this casserole with prunes, but I get bored with this taste faster. But with dried apricots - no. In addition, with it the casserole acquires a beautiful golden-amber color :)

So, you will need the following ingredients:

    1 cup dried apricots

    0.5 teaspoon salt

    mold oil

I would like to emphasize that there is not a single gram of sugar and flour in the composition.


Rinse dried apricots well. If dry, steam or pour boiling water for 15 minutes. Chop finely.

Add an egg to it, semolina and salt.

Add cottage cheese. Fat content - optional. This time I have 18%. If you wish, you can take it completely fat-free. The casserole does not suffer from this - checked! If the cottage cheese is good, homogeneous, without lumps, you do not need to wipe it through a sieve.

Since the ingredients are all started together, it is important to mix the mass thoroughly until completely homogeneous.

Lubricate the bottom and sides of the mold with vegetable or butter... Put the resulting mass in it, distribute it evenly.

My shape is small - rectangular, 18 x 25 cm. The casserole turns out to be low, it bakes well.

Grease on top with low-fat sour cream (I have 20%). If there is no sour cream, it doesn't matter, it will be delicious without it :)

Put the mold in a preheated oven, bake for about 40 minutes at 180 degrees. Make sure that the top does not burn. Put the prepared casserole on a board or dish.

Divide by portioned pieces and enjoy the taste! :)

The casserole will appeal to those who are not spoiled for sweets. I started to gradually reduce the amount of sugar in baked goods when my mother was diagnosed with diabetes. And now she refused it at all in some dishes. Now I can't even imagine why sugar is needed here! :)

Last week a friend came to visit, I treated him to just such a casserole. I forgot to warn you that it is sugar free. I remembered when we already ate it)) He said that it was very tasty and did not even think about sugar - is it there or not.

Now this is one of my favorite recipes - it turns out quickly, tasty and healthy!

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Cottage cheese casserole with dried fruits - this is a real taste of childhood. There is probably not a single person who at least once in childhood did not try delicious pie- casserole with cottage cheese and raisins, prunes or dried apricots.

It's so yummy, no words!

Despite the great taste, it is very easy to prepare a cottage cheese casserole with dried fruits. In literally forty - forty-five minutes you can do it. And that's not all, your presence in the kitchen will only take five to seven minutes. The rest is being prepared by itself, no honestly!

Watch, read, cook and see for yourself.

Cottage cheese casserole with dried fruits - ingredients

  • Cottage cheese - 4 packs or 800 g
  • Sugar - 1 glass
  • Flour or semolina - 150 g
  • Egg - 3 pcs.
  • Butter - 200 g
  • Milk - 100 ml
  • Raisins, prunes, dried apricots, dried apple(in any combination to taste) - 200 g
  • Nuts (optional, but desirable) - 100 g
  • Salt - 1 pinch

Cottage cheese casserole with dried fruits - preparation

  1. Grind the cottage cheese with sugar. Add eggs, milk, butter, flour or semolina and stir well so that no lumps remain.
  2. In the received homogeneous mass add whipped butter, salt, dried fruit.
  3. Dried fruits can be pre-soaked in water for softness.
  4. If you decide to use nuts, then you can take walnuts, cashews, almonds. In principle, pistachios are also fine. Depending on which nuts and which specific dried fruits you use, they will change and flavors casseroles, but in any case it will turn out very tasty.
  5. Mix all ingredients thoroughly and let it brew for 30 minutes.
  6. Put the dough in a baking dish and put in an oven preheated to 200 degrees for 30-40 minutes.

Bon Appetit!