Achma recipes at home. Homemade achma: the best recipes and all the secrets of cooking

Those who have been to Turkey probably had a chance to taste the delicious the National dish- achmu.

By appearance flour product resembles a regular donut, but that's where the similarities end.

Turks are very proud of the recipe; every local housewife has her own secret of baking.

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National Turkish blue achma can be sweet, have meat filling and cottage cheese, achma with cheese and olives is also popular. But the prerequisite is softest dough that just melts in your mouth! To taste and appreciate the buns, you can order it at any resort:, etc. We will tell you how to cook achma at home quickly and easily!

It's important to know

  1. Cooking achma is a somewhat painstaking process and it is important that nothing distracts you at this moment.
  2. Use only fresh and high-quality ingredients for buns: selected eggs, flour top grade, full-fat milk. Only then will the result be truly amazing.
  3. You can knead the dough with gloves, so it will be easier to get away from your hands, and you will not overfeed it with flour.
  4. Before baking, the dough must be allowed to rest for a couple of hours and "breathe".
  5. The oven should be hot, so the baked goods will rise and bake better.

Calorie content and properties

It is worth admitting Turkish achma buns are not suitable for those who are on a diet and limit themselves to muffins... Achma with cottage cheese and cheese, for example, will contain almost 350 kcal per 100 grams, and a fifth of this small portion will consist of fat!

If you are preparing achma with meat, then you can use not Ground beef, and, for example, finely chopped chicken fillet. You can also cook lazy lavash achma (you will find the recipe below) - it will have only 200 kcal per 100 grams. But you must agree that this will no longer be that hearty and mind-blowing Turkish delicacy. The percentage of proteins, fats and carbohydrates in it is as follows: 20 44/36.

Achma recipes: we cook ourselves

It's time to tell you how to cook achma with cheese, meat, cottage cheese and other varieties of this dish. Let's start from the very easy recipe: pita bread in the oven.

Lazy achma

Turkish housewives cook it only if they have very little time. Although such baking turns out to be fragrant and satisfying, it is still not quite a traditional way. If you are just stepping onto the path of cooking and gaining experience, then you will appreciate the ease of this option.


  • pita bread - 500 g;
  • kefir - 2 glasses;
  • eggs - 2 pcs;
  • cottage cheese - 200 g;
  • cheese - 100 g;
  • butter- 2 tbsp. spoons;

Cooking method:

  1. Lubricate the mold with vegetable oil. Use a cooking brush to apply a thin layer more easily.
  2. Cut the pita bread into small pieces and line the bottom of the mold in half.
  3. Beat eggs.
  4. Mix eggs and kefir.
  5. Grate the cheese.
  6. Stir the cheese into the curd.
  7. Lay out cheese filling and fill with some of the kefir mixture.
  8. Cover everything with the rest of the pita bread and fill it with the second half of the kefir.
  9. Top with slices of butter. Place in the oven for 20 minutes at 180 degrees.
  10. The dish will brown and look very appetizing.

We hope that you will like pita bread achma, a recipe with a photo will help you make it in just half an hour. If you remove cottage cheese from the ingredients, then you get achma with lavash cheese. And if you remove only the cheese, then you get an achma from pita bread with cottage cheese. As you can see, the scope for imagination is very large here and ingredients can be easily changed to your liking.

Puff pastry achma

That's enough too quick option making puff pastry achma, a recipe with a photo will convince you of this. Of course you can do puff pastry and independently, but it is much easier and even cheaper to buy ready-made in the store. We recommend choosing yeast puff pastry.


  • puff pastry - 1 pack;
  • salted cheese - 400 g (you can use suluguni, feta cheese or any other of your choice);
  • butter - 200 g;
  • cream - 100 ml;
  • egg - 2 pcs;
  • vegetable oil for baking.

Cooking method:

  1. Defrost the puff pastry and cut into slices.
  2. Beat eggs and add cream to them.
  3. Grease a baking dish with butter and lay out 1 layer of dough.
  4. Grate the cheese or, if using soft varieties, mash well with a fork.
  5. Put some of the cheese on the first layer of dough, add a few slices of butter.
  6. Pour the egg and cream mixture over the dough.
  7. Repeat all steps until you run out of ingredients. The number of layers will depend on the size of your form, if it is small, then the achma will turn out to be taller and more lush.
  8. Bake in a preheated oven at 180 degrees for 20 minutes.

The dish will taste like khachapuri, achma, the recipe with the photo of which is posted above, nevertheless closer to Georgian cuisine.

Achma with meat

Achma with meat will definitely be appreciated by the male half of your family. The dish turns out to be so hearty that it can easily replace a full meal.


  • minced meat - 500 g;
  • flour - 500 g;
  • milk - 200 ml;
  • water - 200 ml;
  • vegetable oil - 150 ml;
  • sugar - 3 teaspoons;
  • salt - 1 teaspoon;
  • a bag of fast-acting yeast;
  • egg for lubrication - 1 pc.

Cooking method:

  1. Sift flour and add salt, sugar and a bag of yeast to it. The dosage may vary depending on the yeast manufacturer, so we recommend that you first read the instructions on the package. Mix well.
  2. Make a well and pour oil, water and milk into it. All liquids should be at room temperature.
  3. Knead the dough: it should be soft, stringy and very pliable.
  4. Cover it with a cotton towel and leave it in a warm place for a couple of hours. During this time, the dough should double in volume.
  5. Fry the minced meat until half cooked. For juiciness, you can add finely chopped onions to it.
  6. Divide the matched dough into 10 equal parts.
  7. Roll each piece thinly and lay out the sautéed minced meat. Roll up.
  8. Roll the resulting sausage (roll) into a circle in the shape of a donut.
  9. Place the bagels on a greased baking sheet.
  10. Spread a beaten egg over the baked goods.
  11. Bake at 180 degrees for 40 minutes. When the top is browned and the buns increase in volume, the achma is ready.

As you can see from the recipe for achma with meat and the photo above, it is more difficult to prepare it than the previous options.

Achma with cottage cheese

Achma with cottage cheese, the recipe for which we give below, is especially popular with children. You can make it sweet and serve as a dessert. The dough is also prepared for these baked goods in the same way as for the achma with meat. The only difference is that the amount of sugar can be increased from 3 teaspoons to 10.

Cottage cheese is used as a filling for these baked goods. We recommend taking 400 grams of cottage cheese, 100 ml of sour cream and 5 tablespoons of sugar. Mix the whole filling thoroughly, you can beat it with a blender to achieve the perfect consistency. If you add vanillin to the filling, then the achma will turn out to be even more fragrant.
Cooking method:

  1. Just like when preparing meat achma, gently roll out the pieces of dough and put the filling on them.
  2. Roll gently and fold into a bagel.
  3. Be sure to brush it with a beaten egg to get a golden top. Sprinkle with white sesame seeds to make the dish more original.
  4. Bake for 30 minutes at 180 degrees.
  5. We hope that achma with cottage cheese, the recipe with the photo that we have prepared, will turn out to be soft and amazingly tender.

As you can see, cooking achma at home is actually not that difficult. Moreover, there are many recipes for the dish, both the simplest and quite laborious. And despite all the calorie content of achma, this the most delicate pastries worth it to then "sweat" a little on the simulators.

Today we propose to cook the Georgian pie "Achma" - the recipe, as always, will be step-by-step. Achma is a dish from Georgian traditional cuisine, which is a puff cheese, tasty pie with an incredibly pleasant aroma, golden crust and the most delicate taste.

Some people confuse this Georgian a traditional dish with other pastries - khachapuri. But the main difference between both dishes is the use of unsweetened dough and salted cheese. The dough for making achma is made in about the same way as for dumplings, and for the filling they use Ossetian cheese or suluguni, but you can prepare the filling, if desired, from a mixture of cheeses.

As well as, the recipe is from simple, but the taste of the pie differs from the usual ones, and not only because it is with cheese, but also multi-layered. Here is a recipe for 8 servings.

To begin with, I would like to say that it is necessary to cook such a traditional dish from Georgian cuisine only on the baking sheet with high sides. In addition, I would like to note that such a dish is consumed only hot, and if it turns out that the achma has cooled down, then it will be possible to reheat it without any difficulty again, from repeated heat treatment the taste of such pastries will not change in any way.

And for those who prepare this for the first time Georgian dish, you also need to know that very thick and cold yogurt is served to the hot achma without fail. And if such a drink is not available, then it can be replaced with kefir with a high percentage of fat.

So, for the preparation of Georgian achma, you will need a set of the following food products.

Ingredients for achma:

  • butter - 72 g;
  • water - 260 ml or (whey for the test);
  • eggs - 4 pieces for filling and dough (3 + 1);
  • suluguni cheese - 520 g (for filling);
  • fine table salt (one pinch);
  • wheat flour - 4 cups pre-sifted;
  • deodorized vegetable oil - 52 ml.

Making cheese pie:

  1. The preparation of achma begins with the correct kneading of the dough, which should resemble the dough for dumplings.
  2. Then, for a while, the dough should be set aside so that it “rests” after kneading.
  3. And at the same time, you can easily start preparing the filling for achma. And for this chicken eggs in the required amount should be added to the grated suluguni, then stir with your fingers as intensively and thoroughly as possible.
  4. After that, you need to light one burner and put a pan on it, where water was previously poured. Moreover, it is desirable that the container be of such a volume so that you can pour at least three liters of water, add 2 tbsp of vegetable deodorized oil there. spoons, and also add a little salt as you like. After that, you need to wait for the water to boil.
  5. At the same time, prepare a baking sheet with high sides. Grease this form with melted cow oil, then put the remaining cow oil to melt.
  6. Pinch off a very small piece from the dough, roll it out in such a way that its dimensions correspond to the dimensions of the baking sheet, moreover, the thickness of the layer should be 1 mm, but not more. If the dough was prepared correctly, then there should be no problems with rolling out, and the layer will not break and remain elastic.
  7. Put the rolled out thin layer on a baking sheet, then, using a silicone brush, grease it with pre-melted cow oil. On the surface of the dough layer, lay out the filling, distribute it evenly, and fold the edges of the dough together on top.
  8. Now the turn has come for the next layer of dough, which should also be rolled out, then immediately put it in a container of boiling water for ten seconds.
  9. Pull the boiled layer out of the boiling water with a fork or tongs, then put it on some surface to glass the water. Put the layer of dough that has been cooked on top of the cheese filling, then again with the help of a silicone brush brush over the entire surface with melted cow's butter and once again distribute the filling evenly.
  10. The same should be done with the rest of the layers, lay them on top of each other until they can still fit on the baking sheet. After the last layer is laid out, it should also be smeared with melted butter, then put the filling on it.

Traditionally, achma is a multi-layer cake filled with cheese filling between the layers. The dish belongs to the popular Georgian cuisine, but its recipe is so simple and successfully adapted to our products that any housewife can master the art of its preparation. The main principle to rely on when creating achma is that the dough is unsweetened, and only salted cheese is selected.

By the way, Georgians use Suluguni cheese for achma, but this does not mean at all that it cannot be replaced. Alternatively, you can mix Suluguni with other types of salted cheeses, for example, with feta cheese - it will turn out to be very original and tasty. And the dough for achma starts up the most ordinary, like dumplings or dumplings, although there are more complex options.

The main secret dough consists in the fact that before the formation of the cake, the rolled layers, except for the bottom and top, are boiled in salted water. Then each of them is laid out on a baking sheet and generously sprinkled with grated cheese. The last, uncooked, layer is usually lubricated with soft butter. Then the formed achma is sent to hot oven for fifteen to twenty minutes, until the cheese is melted and the top is browned.

Achma - food preparation

For a classic achma, we need the following set of ingredients: flour with a high gluten content, chicken eggs (usually two pieces), fresh butter and hard cheese... Often, sour cream and herbs are used in the preparation of achma. It is better to choose a baking dish with high sides, although this is not essential.

Another point to consider: the dough for achma should be rolled out in rather thin layers. Sometimes the traditional Georgian pie recipe is diluted with other ingredients that go well with cheese, such as mushrooms or garlic.

Achma - best recipes

Recipe 1: Achma with sour cream

Achma is by no means low-calorie dish, but so juicy and tasty! Everyone who has tasted it at least once will never be able to forget this taste. Achma with sour cream, like any other, despite the simplicity of preparation, is a very rich dish in taste. We assure you will fall in love with it from the first bite!


- 500 gr. Suluguni cheese (or Suluguni + Brynza)
- 400 gr. flour
- 200 gr. sour cream
- 170 gr. butter
- half a glass of water
- three eggs
- salt to taste

Cooking method:

1. Knead a tough dough from water, salt, flour and eggs. If the specified amount of flour is not enough, then add. We remove the dough for half an hour so that it infuses a little.

2. Melt the butter in a water bath, rub the cheese on a coarse grater, mix it with sour cream and butter Ready dough divided into nine parts. One of them should be larger than the others.

3. Roll out the largest part of the dough into a thin layer and lay it on the bottom of a mold with high sides. The layer should cover the entire inner part of the mold, including the sides. Lubricate it abundantly with oil.

4. We put to boil water in a saucepan, and next to a bowl with cold water... Next, roll out the remaining parts of the dough to the size of the mold. When the water boils, we lower each layer in turn in boiling water for two minutes, then immediately dip it in cold water.

5. On the lowest (raw) layer, which is in the form, put one boiled one and sprinkle it with cheese. And so we do with the rest of the layers. Then we close the cake with dough sides (from the bottom layer). Lubricate it with butter and send it to a hot oven (heat to 200 C) for 30-40 minutes.

When the achma is baked, we take it out of the oven, grease it with oil again and cover it tightly with a clean towel or paper for 10-15 minutes.

Recipe 2: "Lazy" achma

Cooking the classic achma will require some effort and time from you when rolling out the dough, but there is a recipe for the so-called "lazy" achma, where sheet pita bread or ready-made layers for lasagna are used. It tastes in no way inferior to the traditional one, but it is prepared much faster and easier.


thin pita bread- 6 pcs.
- suluguni 400 gr.
Adyghe cheese- 300 gr.
- 500 ml of kefir
- garlic 2 cloves
- a bunch of dill
- three eggs
- butter 50-70 gr.

Cooking method:

1. Grate both types of cheese, chop half of all greens and mix with cheese, add chopped garlic. Beat kefir with eggs with a mixer and mix the mass with the second half of the greens. Salt a little.

2. Cut four pita bread into several large pieces. We leave two intact. Grease the deep form with oil, lay out a whole pita bread on the bottom so that the edges hang over the sides of the form.

3. Evenly distribute a layer of grated cheese with herbs. Large pieces Dip pita bread in kefir mass and spread it on the cheese with a second layer. We repeat the procedure with each layer (there should be 4-5 of them).

4. Close the cake with a second whole pita bread, carefully seal the edges and pour the remaining kefir mixture over the cake. We rub the frozen butter on a grater and distribute it over the surface of the achma.

5. Put the pie in the oven (preheated to 200 C) for twenty minutes. Then we take out, cut and enjoy delicious and hearty dish.

Recipe 3: Achma with mushrooms

Classic achma is incredibly tasty, but why not try its recipe with other ingredients! Mushrooms go well with cheese, you need to use it!


- six eggs
- 700 gr. flour
- half a glass of water
- three tbsp. lies. vegetable oil (preferably olive oil)
- a teaspoon of salt
- 300 gr. butter
- 700 gr. suluguni
- 300 gr. feta cheese
- 300 gr. champignons
- a bunch of greens
- 250 ml of non-acidic sour cream
- a couple of cloves of garlic

Cooking method:

1. We start from water, vegetable oil, four eggs, flour and salt elastic dough so that it can be easily rolled out. Divide the dough into eight parts.

2. Chop the garlic with a knife, finely chop the mushrooms. Fry the mushrooms in vegetable oil, at the end add garlic, pepper and a little salt to them (not salted).

3. Melt the oil. Mix sour cream in a bowl with chopped herbs. Three cheese on a coarse grater.

4. Put the water to boil in a saucepan. We roll out one part of the dough into a very thin layer (the dough is plastic, so we help with our hands). And we spread it on the bottom of the greased form so that the sides hang down.

5. Lay out a layer of cheese. The rest of the dough is also rolled out to the size of the mold and immersed in boiling water (each layer for 2 minutes). We take out with a slotted spoon and fold the cake, greasing each sheet with butter and covering it with a layer of cheese. Spread the fried mushrooms between 4 and 5 layers, and pour sour cream with herbs between 2-3 and 6-7.

6. On the last 7th layer, lay out the rest of the cheese and seal the achma with the 8th layer (boil it too). Grease the top of the pie with the two remaining eggs and send it to the preheated oven for half an hour. Then we take it out, cut it into portioned pieces and eat. Bon appetit, everyone!

- When buying Suluguni cheese, be sure to click on it and make sure that whey appears between its layers. This is usually the main indicator of the authenticity, freshness and quality of the cheese;

- Achma is tasty only hot, but the "highlight" of the Georgian pie is that it can be heated in the oven (microwave) several times. From this, he will not lose in the least in taste.

We will not argue about whose national dish this is - both Georgian, and Abkhazian, and Achma in Adjarian are very similar, and most importantly, they are delicious!

This cake is also called saburani - a word of Ossetian origin.

Any recipe conveys all the originality of the dish.

Achma is often called khachapuri, but every Caucasian can easily explain to you what the difference is.

To create baked goods, boiled dough is used, and for khachapuri - raw.

Yeast may be present in the dough for khachapuri, Georgian achma is a recipe for yeast-free baking.

The dough in the Caucasus is prepared on the basis of flour, water, olive oil and eggs. The lean phyllo dough, popular in the Mediterranean, is very close to his taste.

The piquancy of achma is based on the combination of the tastes of brine cheeses and unsweetened dough, and butter gives airiness to the dish, which should be flavored with each thin layer of dough. Be sure to grease the bottom and walls of the baking dish with oil.

How to cook

The classic filling for achma is salty Caucasian cheese.

It can be Suluguni, Adyghe, Imeretian.

Cheese is often used.

If these cheeses taste too harsh for you, pair them with whole cheeses, not low-fat cottage cheese or feta.

When buying a pickled cheese, just press on it a little, making sure that whey is released - this indicates its freshness.

Those for whom it is troublesome to prepare dough the traditional way, can buy pita bread or a package of ready-made puff pastry in the store, pita bread with cheese is also quite tasty.

Achma with ricotta

Achma with cheese turns out to be especially tender if cooked with.

Making such a cake is easy enough, but long. But believe me, it's worth it! If you don't want to mess with the long process of making pie dough, you can make achma from ready-made puff pastry.


Recipe Information

  • Cuisine: Georgian
  • Type of dish: savory pastries
  • Cooking method: kneading dough, baking
  • Servings: 6-8
  • 1 h 30 min
  • Nutritional value per 100 g:
    • Caloric value: 360 kcal
  • chicken eggs - 2 pcs.
  • wheat flour - 160-200 g
  • drinking water - 100 ml
  • vegetable oil - 3 tablespoons
  • butter - 170 g
  • salt - 1/2 tsp
  • ricotta - 300-400 g.

Cooking method:

We start kneading the dough. To do this, break the eggs into a bowl, add salt and beat all the foam with a whisk.

Pour in water and vegetable oil, mix.

We start adding in small portions wheat flour, which is preliminary.

The finished mass turns out to be dense, tight, reminiscent of dough for dumplings. We transfer it to the work surface of the table, sprinkled with flour.

We divide everything into 6-8 pieces, not necessarily equal.

Roll each piece into a very thin layer, thinner than noodles. In order to better see how thin it is, I put a book under it, and you can see that you can easily read the font.

Thus, we roll out all the prepared pieces of dough, put them in a pile, be sure to sprinkle them with flour so that they do not stick together.

Melt the butter in microwave oven or at .

We start assembling the pie. We take one of the rolled dough sheets and put it on a suitable baking dish, the dough sheet should be larger than this form and the ends should hang from it. Lubricate it with melted butter and chop a small amount of ricotta.

We leave one more sheet of dough raw, the rest must be slightly boiled in boiling water. It is necessary to lower the layer into boiling water in wave-like movements so that nothing sticks together and does not crumple. We keep it in boiling water for only 30 seconds.

And immediately transfer the cooked sheet to a bowl of ice water, which should be at your fingertips. Then we transfer it to a colander so that all the water is glass.

We transfer the dough into a mold, carefully distribute. If the dough breaks in some places, it's okay ... Lubricate with melted butter.

We do this with all the remaining sheets of dough, except for one, as I said. This dough sheet will finish off and cover the entire cake. But, at the same time, it must also be lubricated with oil.

We send the cake to the oven for 30 minutes, the temperature should be 200-220 degrees.

Fragrant baked goods with cheese are ready! Enjoy your meal!

Classic Georgian Cheese Recipe

When you first start creating a test, invite a partner - most likely, you will need an assistant, because a real achma requires skill and experience.

You will need:

  • 800 g flour
  • kilo suluguni
  • 4 eggs
  • a glass of warm water
  • 2 tbsp. l. olive oil
  • 200 g butter
  • 1 tsp salt.

Step-by-step cooking

  1. Grate the cheese (not finely).
  2. Combine eggs, water, salt and whisk. Sift the flour onto the countertop with a slide, deepen the top and pour in the whipped mixture. Gradually adding vegetable oil, knead the dough.
  3. Form a bun, cover it with fabric. Let it stand warm for 20 minutes.
  4. Use a sharp knife to separate the fourth part from the kolobok, and divide the rest into 7 fragments.
  5. Roll out a large piece thinner, place it in the mold (let the edges hang down).
  6. Fill a large saucepan with water, add a little salt to it. Let it boil.
  7. Prepare a large container by filling it with ice water
  8. Melt the butter.
  9. Roll out the smaller pieces of dough thinly. Submerge them one at a time in boiling water for a minute.
  10. Remove with two slotted spoon and transfer to a container with ice water, and from it to a colander.
  11. Lay the layers on a towel and cover with a cloth.
  12. Grease the dough covering the mold with butter, cover it with one layer of boiled dough, also seasoning it with butter.
  13. The next "floor" is cheese.
  14. Continue to lay the layers of boiled dough, greasing them with butter and sprinkling with cheese.
  15. Cut the treat into equal squares and place in the oven (+ 180 ° С) for 30-40 minutes. A golden crust will tell you about readiness.

Lazy pita bread with cheese and cottage cheese

I learned this recipe by accident - now it is one of my favorite options, especially in the country.

To prevent the baking from being dry, the lavash sheets should be additionally flavored with an egg-milk mixture.

It can contain kefir, fermented baked milk, unleavened yogurt, sour cream.

You will need:

  • 3-4 sheets of thin pita bread
  • 150 g cottage cheese
  • 150 g salted cheese
  • 400 g of kefir
  • 4 eggs
  • 80 g butter;
  • dill, cilantro, parsley, basil
  • salt.

How to cook

  1. Grate cottage cheese and cheese, stir.
  2. Whip kefir with eggs, slightly salted.
  3. Chop the greens finely.
  4. Cover the bottom and sides of the molding container with a sheet of pita bread, season it with an egg-kefir mixture, lay the cheese-curd mass.
  5. Tear the remaining pita bread with your hands into several pieces, dip them into the mixture.
  6. Lay the soaked pita bread on the first cheese layer, then alternate with the filling, sprinkling with herbs.
  7. The last layer is cheesy. Wrap the sheets of lavash (bottom) on it from the walls of the form, forming the top of the dish.
  8. Pour the remaining sauce over the cake and place in the oven (+ 180 ° C) for 40-50 minutes.

Abkhazian Achma in a multicooker

In Abkhazia, suluguni is used for achma - white and brown (smoked).

Popular filling - and unripe so-called "first cheese".

And so the Abkhaz achma practically does not differ from the Georgian one.

Cooking in a slow cooker is just one way, and I'll demonstrate it.


  • 300 g puff pastry
  • 200 g cheese
  • a glass of kefir
  • 2 eggs
  • 70 g sl. oils
  • salt pepper
  • greens.

How to cook

  1. Make a filling with shredded cheese and chopped herbs.
  2. Combine kefir and eggs, salt, pepper.
  3. Divide the dough in half and roll out thinner.
  4. Place a layer of dough in the multi-bowl, raising the edges, on it - a part of the filling (in a thin layer).
  5. Cut the remaining dough into small pieces with a knife, cover the filling with some of them, pour the kefir-egg mix.
  6. Add the remaining cheese, then the dough, and again the flavoring mixture.
  7. Use the raised edges of the dough to seal the dish.
  8. The last "floor" is butter sticks.
  9. Set the timer for 40 minutes (Bake).

Meat recipe

These are already variations on a theme, but how delicious it turns out!

Use lean minced meat: beef, lamb, veal, chicken, turkey.

It's easier to make this cake with a thin Armenian lavash or ready-made dough.

The recipe is very simple.

We need:

  • 3 sheets of ready-made frozen dough
  • chopped meat
  • 4 onions
  • carrot
  • 50 g hard cheese
  • half a cup of meat broth
  • 50 ml vegetable oil
  • greens
  • salt pepper.

Cooking steps:

  1. Leave the finished frozen dough in the bag in the refrigerator overnight - it will defrost by morning. Sprinkle the table with flour and thinly, but not transparent, roll the sheets.
  2. Chop onions and carrots, combine them with minced meat, fry a little in oil.
  3. Add broth, salt, pepper, simmer (5-7 minutes).
  4. Cool and mix with chopped herbs.
  5. Grate the cheese, beat in an egg, mix.
  6. Place a rolled dough sheet on the bottom of the forming container, pulling out the edges.
  7. Lay out a layer of minced meat, cover it with a second sheet of dough, season with a cheese and egg mix.
  8. The next layer is minced meat again.
  9. Cut the third sheet into pieces, place on the minced meat and brush with the mixture.
  10. On top is the remaining minced meat.
  11. Fold the edges of the base, covering the filling, and spread the cheese and egg mass over the surface.
  12. Place the treat in the oven and bake for 45 minutes (+ 180 ° C).

Achma in Turkish

IN Turkish cuisine the name "achma" means fluffy buns with spices. They are united with the Caucasian achma not only by the name, but also by the airy structure and salty cheese.


  • 5 tbsp. wheat flour
  • 2 tbsp. warm milk
  • 100 ml olive oil
  • 7 g dry yeast
  • 3 tbsp. tablespoons of sugar
  • 100 g pitted olives
  • 50 g feta cheese
  • 100 g butter
  • sesame seeds, poppy seeds (to taste)
  • 1 teaspoon of salt.

How to do:

  1. Dissolve sugar and yeast in milk. Leave for half an hour, then combine with the remaining milk, olive oil, salt, stir.
  2. Add flour in portions, kneading a soft dough.
  3. Cover it with a light cloth. Let it stand in the warmth for about an hour and "grow" twice.
  4. Cut the olives into rings, chop the cheese, melt the butter.
  5. Divide the dough into tangerine-sized portions and roll into tortillas. Season them with oil and arrange olive rings, sprinkling with cheese.
  6. Roll each product into a “roll”, connect the ends, turning into a donut.
  7. Cover the baking sheet parchment paper and spread out the buns.
  8. Coat the turkish buns with whipped yolks, sprinkle with sesame seeds and poppy seeds.
  9. Put in the oven (+ 180 ° С), bake for about half an hour.
  • Achma served hot is the most fragrant and tasty - this is how the cheese aroma is most fully revealed.
  • When heated in an oven or microwave, the dish does not dry out, remaining fresh and airy, but only if you cover it with a lid.
  • Be careful with this pastry if you follow your figure - the calorie content of any option is very high - at least 350 kcal per 100 g.

Delightful achma is another recipe for delicious Georgian cuisine. After all, in Georgia there is no delicious dishes... This tender cake with cheese with lots of appetizing layers is a bit like lasagna.

But, of course, this is not lasagna. If you have never baked this yummy yourself, then for sure, at least once in your life, you bought, tasted and know the taste of this dish.

It is simply impossible to pass by delicious, golden pastries with cheese. Gentle creamy taste and the aroma will not leave anyone indifferent.

At first glance, the cooking recipe seems unrealistically complex. Don't let this scare you, because my recipe will help you prepare the most delicious achma. The dough for her is about the same as you make on dumplings. Suluguni cheese can be bought now almost everywhere, but if suddenly you do not find it, feel free to take a mixture of several types of cheese, cottage cheese or feta cheese. A little skill, and you can please your family with this extraordinary yummy.

Delicious achma Georgian cuisine recipe, products:

  • Flour of the highest grade - 1 kg;
  • Chicken egg (homemade) - 4 pcs.;
  • Warm water - 400 ml;
  • Butter - 350-500 grams;
  • Suluguni cheese or a mixture of cheeses - about 1 kg (the more, the tastier);
  • Salt - a pinch;
  • Two wide bowls or pans;
  • Two towels;
  • Colander or two slotted spoon;
  • Wooden spoon.

Delightful achma Georgian cuisine recipe, preparation:

  1. The preparation of achma from an experienced hostess takes almost an hour. The first time, you will have this process a little more, but do not be alarmed - the result will be worth it.
  2. Break eggs into sifted flour. Add salted warm water and knead the dough as for dumplings. Knead it well so that it is elastic. A bread maker will perfectly cope with this task.
  3. Cover it with a towel and let it rest for 30 minutes.
  4. During this time, prepare the dishes and make the filling.
  5. Bring the water to a boil in one bowl, and pour cold water into the second. Bowls should be close to each other.
  6. Spread the towels on the table.
  7. Grate the cheese on a coarse grater and melt the butter. Although some housewives rub half the oil on a grater, and melt the other half. Although this is not important, it will still be very tasty.
  8. We divide the dough into 7-9 parts, which we give the shape of a ball. Two balls should be slightly larger than the others. These will be the bottom and top of our baked goods, which we will not boil.
  9. A baking dish (I like to bake in a rectangular shape), grease generously with butter.
  10. We roll out the first ball very, very thinly, as on homemade noodles, line the bottom of the mold with it and grease it with oil. The edges of the dough should hang on the sides, we will then wrap them on the finished achma.
  11. Roll out the second layer just as thinly, throw it on your hands and put it in a bowl of boiling water for 12-15 seconds. We take it out with a colander or slotted spoon, and immediately put it in a bowl of ice water. We cool and put it in a colander, and then transfer it to a spread towel. The layer turns out to be wavy, this is exactly what we need.
  12. We put it in a mold, collect it with an accordion and grease it abundantly with oil.
  13. We do the same with the third ball of dough and grease it, only add half of our grated cheese on top of it.
  14. We make the fourth and fifth ball, like the second layer.
  15. Repeat the sixth layer after the third - grease and pour in the remaining cheese.
  16. We repeat the seventh and eighth as the second.
  17. With the edges of the dough from the first layer, we cover the boiled layers, lifting them from below.
  18. We do not cook the ninth and do it like the very first. Roll out thinly with a margin around the edges, cover all 9 layers and, as it were, fill it inward.
  19. With a sharp knife, cut the achma into portions, filling the cuts with the remaining melted butter.
  20. We send the finished workpiece to the refrigerator for about an hour (more is possible).
  21. It is baked in the oven at 180-200 degrees for 40-60 minutes until golden brown. Of course, it is most delicious when it is hot.

During baking, the aromas in the kitchen will be just magical!

Delicious achma Georgian cuisine recipe is ready. Bon appetit and enjoy your health!

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Achma - delicious Georgian pastries