Samsa with pumpkin from ready-made puff. Samsa with pumpkin - juicy triangles! Recipes of Uzbek and simple samsa with pumpkin from different types of dough

Samsa with pumpkin in Uzbek is signature dish Central Asian cuisine. And this type of triangular, square, rectangular and round pies has been known on the territory of modern Uzbekistan, Turkmenistan, Kyrgyzstan, Tajikistan since the days of the existence of kingdoms and caliphates.

The name "samosa" can be found in Persian, Iranian and Hindi. In addition to Asia, a delicious samsa with pumpkin recipe can be found in the Mediterranean countries.

Other fats and oils can be used in Europeanized versions of this oriental dish, and, as a rule, there will always be more butter dough.

For the preparation of Uzbek samsa with pumpkin, as a rule, they use puff pastry .

Traditionally, flaky samsa with pumpkin or other suitable filling is baked in a special oven - tandoor, but the dish also goes well in electric, gas ovens.

Puffed samsa with pumpkin


Knead the dough from flour, water, eggs and salt: dissolve the salt in water, pour into the sifted flour, drive in an egg and knead until elastic.
We roll it up into a pretty bun, put it in a plastic bag and leave it on the table at room temperature for half an hour.
Then take it again and knead it properly, if the dough is too soft, you need to add flour a little bit, knead so that the dough is like a dumplings in consistency, that is, quite steep.

For convenience, we will cut the dough into two parts, one of which we put in a bag, and the other we will roll out.
Roll out the dough into a thin rectangular layer about 1.5 - 2 mm thick.
Lubricate this rectangle with soft butter (not quite liquid, otherwise everything will flow out) or fat tail ghee, or soft margarine (I always grease with butter margarine).

Roll the dough into a roll, rather tight, but so that the butter is not squeezed out,

then roll it into a snail and leave it covered with a towel. Many people advise putting the dough in the refrigerator for half an hour - an hour (not in the freezer!).
We do the same with the second part of the test.

In the meantime, prepare the filling. Many housewives rub pumpkin on a coarse grater.
Then cut the onion into thin strips and mash a little with your hands. Mix onion with pumpkin, lightly salt.
This is one option for making the filling.

But traditionally, the filling is done like this: first cut the pumpkin into strips, and then across into small cubes. I do not advise using a grater for these purposes - if you rub it on a grater, the pumpkin will let the juice out and the dough will turn out damp, and the filling will be dry.

Cut the onion into thin quarter rings.

Lightly fry the onion in vegetable oil, enough for it to begin to give off its aromas. Add finely chopped pumpkin cubes, mix well, salt and pepper to taste. Let's try it with salt, add salt if necessary.

The main task is not to bring the filling to readiness, but only to mix everything well so that the tastes combine, and the salt and sugar melt. You will have to try several times until the result suits you.
Warm up all together for 4 minutes and turn off the heat. The pumpkin will cook in the oven.

If your filling still has juice, then just tilt the bowl so that the juice drips.

Place the filling in a bowl and cool.

Now we take out the dough from the refrigerator (the butter should harden completely). Expand the snail of dough

and cut into equal pieces.

Put each piece in a column and flatten.

Dip each piece (barrel) with the cut side in flour and roll it out into a thin cake - from the middle to the edges, the edges of the dough should be thinner than the middle. So the samsa will clearly see the structure of the puff pastry.

Not extremely subtle this time.

I met the advice that when rolling, in no case do we sprinkle the table and dough with flour! Flour will hammer the dough and puff.
To prevent the dough from sticking to the table, brush it with vegetable oil. But she herself has not used it yet.
If someone does this, please share in the comments.

Put the filling in the center of the cake,

being careful not to touch the edges.

Form samsa, carefully pinching the edges so that the filling does not leak out during baking.

It is a special process to seal the edges. Close up about a third longitudinally ...

And close up the rest so that you get a triangle.

Put the samsa on a baking sheet with the seam down.

Then beat the egg with a little milk or water. Grease the dough on top.

It remains only to add literally a pinch of sesame seeds on top. You can use light sesame seeds,

but traditionally sprinkled with black. And you can do without it altogether.

And you can send it to a preheated oven. Oven temperature ~ 200 degrees, baking time, about 20 minutes. You need to navigate your oven.
Bake till golden brown.

The finished samsa is crispy at first, and then becomes very soft. The dough is amazing, even very thinly rolled out, it exfoliates.

Based on materials,

  • black pepper
  • cumin - 1 teaspoon
  • vegetable oil - 40 milliliters
  • yolks - 1 piece
  • Step-by-step video The recipe for cooking Uzbek samsa with pumpkin:

    1. Put a teaspoon of salt in a bowl. Pour in a glass of water. Add the egg. Beat with a whisk. Pour in flour. Knead the tough dough. Cover it and leave for 15 minutes.

    2. Prepare the filling. We clean the pumpkin. Cut into cubes. Cut the onion into small cubes. We put it on the pumpkin. Cut the fat tail into cubes. Add to a bowl with vegetables. Add 1.5 tsp. salt and half a teaspoon of pepper. Add cumin by rubbing it in the palms. Sprinkle with vegetable oil. We mix.

    3. Sprinkle flour on the table. Knead the dough into a cake. Sprinkle with flour. Fold in half. We knead it with our hands again, increase the diameter of the cake.

    4. Roll out the dough with a rolling pin into a thin layer. Lubricate with vegetable oil. We wrap it in a roll. Cut into 12 pieces.

    5. Connect the ends on one side of the pieces. We roll out each workpiece so that the edges are thinner and the middle is denser.

    6. Put the filling on the dough. We fold the edges of the dough with an overlap, forming triangles. Place the pies on a baking sheet, seam side down. We break the egg. Separate the white from the yolk. Beat the yolk with a little water. Using a brush, grease the pies egg mixture.

    7. Put the pies in the oven at 220 degrees for 20-25 minutes.

    Samsa from puff pastry with pumpkin

    Samsa with pumpkin from ready-made puff pastry


    • Two onions
    • Two packs of puff pastry (Yeast or yeast-free dough does not matter)
    • Pumpkin
    • Zira a couple of spoons

    Recipes for delicious pies

    samsa with pumpkin


    220 kcal

    5 /5 (1 )

    For many, samsa is a pie with meat or meat and cheese. Traditionally, this is the case, and it turns out very tasty dish, but what if you can't eat meat yet, but you want something interesting? Prepare pumpkin samsa!

    Samsa is asian dish, so the dough for it is usually quite bland, but we are used to using puff pastry, which turns out to be airy, light and crunchy. Pumpkin gives this dish even more lightness, so it can be eaten by people with a weak stomach or some kind of dietary restriction.

    And also this samsa will appeal to vegans and vegetarians, because it does not contain meat and uses ingredients of plant origin.

    In addition, it is very easy to prepare samsa, especially if you use it already ready dough... But today we will look at how to independently prepare puff pastry and how to make samsa with ready-made ones.

    Uzbek samsa with pumpkin from puff pastry

    Kitchen appliances: bowl, rolling pin, baking sheet, brush for smearing, knife.


    How to choose the right ingredients

    • If you prepare the dough yourself, then choose only the highest grades of flour.
    • The finished frozen dough must be absolutely firm. If the edges are soft, then it has already been defrosted.
    • The pumpkin should be ripe and small in size, without spots or dents on the skin.

    Cooking process

    First stage

    Second phase

    Video recipe for cooking samsa with pumpkin

    To feel and understand all the subtleties of making samsa, watch this video. The young man demonstrates the recipe, commenting on and explaining his actions. Samsa with pumpkin in Uzbek in this video turns out to be very beautiful and appetizing.

    Samsa with pumpkin video recipe

    On the page

    2012-09-01T16: 02: 34.000Z

    Samsa from ready-made dough

    Prepare samsa from finished dough even easier, we just have to prepare the pumpkin filling for the samsa.

    • Cooking time: 25 minutes.
    • Servings: 5-6 pieces.
    • Kitchen appliances: grater, baking sheet, rolling pin, knife.


    • puff pastry - 900 g;
    • pumpkin - 600 g;
    • butter- 50 g;
    • bulbs - 3 pcs;
    • salt pepper.

    Cooking process

    Video recipe for making samsa

    This short video with pleasant music will help you understand all the nuances of making samsa, so I advise you to watch it.

    SAMSA WITH PUMPKIN Vegetarian recipes
    1/2 pumpkin, about 600-800 g.
    50 g butter
    3 onions
    900 g ready-made puff pastry
    30-50 g black sesame seeds
    2 yolks
    salt, black pepper

    I got 30 pieces


    2016-10-07T14: 00: 02.000Z

    What to serve samsa with

    Samsa can be served with first and second courses. It can be served at the end of a tea session or offered as a snack. It is convenient to take Samsa with you to work. Delicious combination is samsa with tomato juice but this is an option for amateurs. You can take it with you on the road or into nature, because it does not deteriorate for a long time, satisfying and easy to transport.

    • If the dough sticks to your hands and does not roll out well, add a little flour.
    • To make the samsa a beautiful golden color, lubricate it egg yolk before baking.

    To prepare samsa with pumpkin, we need a pre-prepared dough, see the footnote under the recipe. Samsa with pumpkin turns out to be very tasty and juicy. It is important to maintain a balance of salt and sugar in the filling, otherwise it will not turn out tasty. It must be remembered that these are not sweet pies, there is onion, black pepper in the filling, but the sweetness of the pumpkin should still be felt.

    For the filling, we need products such as in the photo:

    And the dough prepared in advance.

    Cut the pumpkin first into strips, and then across into small cubes. I do not advise using a grater for these purposes, the filling will stick together and it will be completely different.

    Cut the onion into thin quarter rings.

    Lightly fry the onion in vegetable oil, enough for it to begin to give off its aromas. Add finely chopped pumpkin cubes, mix well, salt and add sugar. The main task is not to bring the filling to readiness, but only to mix everything well so that the tastes combine, and the salt and sugar melt. You will have to try several times until the result suits you. Warm up all together for 4 minutes and turn off the heat. The pumpkin will cook in the oven.

    Place the filling in a bowl and cool.

    Unroll the dough snail and cut into equal pieces.

    Put each piece in a column and flatten.

    Roll out smooth cakes from each piece of dough. Put the filling in the center of the cake.

    Form samsa, carefully pinching the edges so that the filling does not leak out during baking.

    Put the samsa on a baking sheet, brush with an egg or sour cream, sprinkle with nigella and bake in a preheated oven until golden brown. Oven temperature 200 degrees, baking time, about 20 minutes. You need to navigate your oven.

    The finished samsa is crispy at first, and then becomes very soft. The dough is amazing, even very thinly rolled out, it exfoliates. I am very happy with the result.

    Serve samsa immediately with tea.

    Enjoy your tea!

    The filling for samsa can be made not only for meat, but also for pumpkin - choose best recipes samsa with pumpkin!

    Cooking samsa with pumpkin. The dough is flaky, crunchy and crumbly. Add butter to the pumpkin filling, it will turn out juicy and aromatic.

    • Flour - 1.5 cups
    • Pumpkin - 150 g
    • Water - 100 ml
    • Chicken egg - 1 pc.
    • Bulb onions - 1 pc.
    • Butter - 60 g
    • Sugar - 1 tsp
    • Salt to taste
    • Pepper to taste

    Sift the flour.

    Crack the egg with water, add salt.

    Pour an egg with water into the flour and knead the dough for samsa.

    The dough turns out to be quite dense, keeps its shape and does not stick to hands.

    Wrap the dough in plastic wrap and send it to the refrigerator to "rest".

    Roll out the dough into a layer 2-3 mm thick, trying to give it a rectangular shape.

    Lubricate the dough layer with butter.

    Roll it tightly into a roll, wrap it in foil and put it in the refrigerator for 30-40 minutes.

    For now, let's prepare the pumpkin filling. Cut the pumpkin into small cubes, finely chop the onion hands. Add sugar, salt and pepper to taste. Cut the cold butter into small cubes and add to the filling.

    Take the dough out of the refrigerator and cut it into cubes 3-4 cm high. Flatten the bar and roll it into a flat cake.

    Put the pumpkin filling in the middle and pinch the edges with a triangle.

    We spread the samsa with pumpkin on the silicone mat with the seam down.

    We bake pies with pumpkin in an oven preheated to 190-200 degrees, 20-30 minutes, until golden crust... Grease hot samsa with pumpkin with butter.

    Crispy samsa with juicy pumpkin filling is ready! Bon Appetit!

    Recipe 2: Uzbek samsa with pumpkin (step by step)

    Samsa with pumpkin is being prepared original recipe, when the dough is kneaded with curdled milk, making Uzbek baked goods soft enough compared to others classic recipes this dish popular in the East.

    Traditionally, flaky samsa with pumpkin or other suitable filling is baked in a special oven - tandoor, but the dish also goes well in electric, gas ovens.

    Step-by-step instructions for making samsa with pumpkin. In order to cook delicious samsa with pumpkin, we should prepare or buy high-quality homemade yogurt at the bazaar. For this we fermented goat's milk at room temperature. And now I'm completely ready to show you samsa with pumpkin in a recipe with a photo of each step.

    For the test:

    • Flour - 400 g;
    • Goat sour milk - 250 ml;
    • Vegetable oil - 50 ml;
    • Soda - ½ tsp;
    • Salt - ½ tbsp. l.

    For filling:

    • Fresh peeled pumpkin - 700 g;
    • Sugar - 1 tbsp. l .;
    • Onions - 2 pcs.;
    • Vegetable oil (fat tail fat) - to taste;
    • Salt to taste;
    • Zira - 1 tsp;
    • Dried thyme - 1 tsp;
    • Hops-suneli - 1 tsp;
    • Black (white) pepper is optional.

    For lubrication:

    • Chicken egg yolk - 1 pc;
    • White sesame - 2 tbsp l.

    We will prepare all the products necessary for our samsa with pumpkin: flour, yogurt from goat milk, vegetable oil, salt, soda, sugar, pumpkin, onion, dry marjoram, white sesame, chicken egg.

    Chop the onions into thin half rings.

    Cut the pumpkin into slices and remove the seeds.

    Weigh out 700 grams of pumpkin, completely peeled from the rind and excess fiber.

    Let's save the onion in lamb fat or vegetable oil.

    Cut the pumpkin into small cubes.

    Let's save the pumpkin along with the onion, add salt and sugar.

    Add spices to the sautéing: cumin, marjoram and hop-suneli.

    While the filling is cooling down, let's do the dough. Pour the goat milk yogurt into a bowl, add soda, salt and vegetable oil.

    Gradually add the sifted flour, stirring it with a spoon.

    Let's form a soft ball out of the dough, similar to a yeast ball, beating it well against the work surface (40-50 times).

    Cut the ball of dough in half. Cut each half into 10 pieces one by one.

    Roll it out with a rolling pin and sprinkle the surface with flour.

    Put a large spoonful of pumpkin filling in the middle of the juiciness.

    We connect in the center and form a triangle, pinching the seams.

    We spread the samsa, seam down, on a sheet of parchment.

    Preheat the oven to 210 degrees. Lubricate the samsa triangles with yolk.

    Sprinkle the samsa with white sesame seeds.

    We bake for 35 minutes. Samsa is ready! Try it in any form - both hot and cold.

    Recipe 3: samsa with puff pastry pumpkin

    This samsa is made from puff pastry. Any filling can be used.

    • Water (for dough) - 1 stack.
    • Wheat flour / Flour (for dough) - 3 stack.
    • Salt (for dough - 1 tsp; for filling - 1 tsp) - 2 tsp
    • Onions (for filling) - 2 pieces
    • Lard (optional, for filling) - 100 g
    • Seasoning (for filling)
    • Sugar (for filling) - 2 tbsp. l.
    • Butter (for greasing the dough)
    • Pumpkin (for filling)
    • Egg yolk (for lubrication) - 1 piece
    • Kefir (for lubrication) - 1 tbsp. l.

    Knead medium-hard dough, roll into a ball, cover with a napkin, let sit for 15-20 minutes. Then roll it out thinly - 1 mm.

    Brush with melted butter.

    Fold in half, grease with oil again.

    Then roll up.

    Cut into 2 cm thick.

    Put on a dish, cover with a napkin and refrigerate for 0.5 hour.

    Pass the pumpkin through a grater. Finely chop the onion, lard, add salt, sugar, spices and mix.

    Roll out the cakes only on one side, carefully from the middle to the edges in one direction (you do not need to roll back and forth with a rolling pin) so that the layers open. Then in the opposite direction.

    Place the filling and secure the three sides in the middle.

    Put on a baking sheet (sprinkled with flour), brush with yolk mixed with kefir. Sprinkle with nigella or sesame seeds.

    Bake in a preheated oven until tender at medium temperature.

    Recipe 4, step by step: samsa with pumpkin in the oven

    We will learn how to cook samsa, already from ready-made puff pastry, and we will also prepare pumpkin filling for it, so much so that it is satisfying enough and no less useful. And we will also learn how to properly sculpt and bake.

    To prepare the filling, it is necessary to use exclusively fresh products, not only meat but also pumpkin, so that all beneficial features... Only in this way, it is possible to achieve the best result and it will no longer resemble the usual samsa that is prepared and sold on the market, and I categorically do not recommend buying them in questionable and untested places, especially in summer. And this time, we will not use meat, we will limit ourselves only to meat fat (lard), but this also requires special attention and sampling, like the rest of the products used.

    • Pumpkin - 1.5 kg
    • Onions - 1 kg
    • Beef fat (white part of meat) - 500 gr.
    • Black and red ground pepper - an incomplete teaspoon each
    • Salt - 1.5 tablespoon
    • Puff pastry

    Peel the pumpkin from the skin and entrails, and also peel the onion. Then cut everything, including fat, into small square pieces.

    Transfer the chopped food to a deep bowl, add salt, black and red pepper. When adding salt and spices, it is advisable to rely on your own taste. Connect everything.

    Divide the pre-cooked puff pastry into the intended pieces and roll out into a flat layer, 3-4 mm thick. Apply pumpkin filling and shape into samsa.

    In many cases, when preparing pumpkin samsa, it is recommended to make the filling a little sharper. It is advisable to put spices, namely black allspice, a little more than usual, thus, the baked goods are tastier and cause a special appetite. It should be remembered that spicy foods are not recommended for children.

    Do not forget that we are preparing samsa from puff pastry and therefore, try not to press down too much during shaping, you cannot pinch the edges of the dough very much. It is recommended that you simply connect the upper corners with a triangle first, while superimposing the edge of the dough on top of each other, you just need to press down with your palm, and then apply the lower part in the same way, see the photos.

    Put the finished samsa in a pre-greased baking sheet with a seam at the bottom. Spread egg yolk on top of samsa and sprinkle with sesame seeds or poppy seeds.

    Bake in a preheated oven at 200-220 degrees, about 40 minutes, until golden brown.

    It is advisable to use flour for this baking. superior grades and I do not recommend keeping the puff in the oven for a long time, since such a dough, even when fully cooked, may look slightly pale. In such cases, so that the baked goods are browned better, for a more beautiful color and not only, the baking surface is smeared with egg yolk.

    As you can see, making samsa at home is not at all difficult. For me, the combination of pumpkin is the most successful option to combine business with pleasure. Such pastries turn out to be unusually tasty, soft-crispy crust. Yours will be delighted and the result will not disappoint you!

    Recipe 5: samsa stuffed with pumpkin and onions

    The composition of the products is minimal, and cooking it is so simple that any novice hostess can handle it, and, undoubtedly, will delight all household members with her skill.

    For the test:

    • Water - 2 tbsp.
    • Salt - 2 tsp
    • Flour - 1 kg.
    • Ghee or butter (for lubrication) - 150 gr.
    • Egg (protein) - for lubrication

    For filling:

    • Pumpkin - 800 gr.
    • Onions - 400-500 gr.
    • Salt, pepper - to taste

    Dissolve the salt in water, add flour, and knead the tough dough, collect it in a ball, cover with a napkin, and let stand for a few minutes. Melt the butter in a water bath (or in the microwave on defrosting mode)

    Divide the dough into 2 parts, roll it into a thin layer about 0.5 mm thick.

    Grease it with oil over the entire surface, and roll it neatly into a tight roll. Cover the prepared rolls with cling film and place in the refrigerator while we prepare the filling. By the way, this point of cooking samsa with pumpkin can be done in the evening, and leave the rolls in the refrigerator until morning.

    To prepare the filling, finely chop the onion,

    rub the pumpkin on a coarse grater,

    salt and pepper to taste.

    Cut the dough rolls into pieces with a knife, weighing about 50 grams each.

    flatten each piece into a cake,

    and roll it out.

    Put a large portion of the filling on the rolled flat cake so that the edges can be joined.

    It's okay if you think that there is a lot of filling, it will decrease during baking.

    Overlap the edges of the rolled cake, lubricating them with egg white for better adhesion.

    Form samsa, and place with the seam down on a baking sheet, previously covered baking paper... Brush the top with egg white and sprinkle with sesame seeds.

    Bake in the oven at 200 ° C until golden brown, in an electric oven this process took 40-45 minutes.

    Recipe 6: flaky samsa stuffed with pumpkin

    Samsa traditional oriental dish... Prepare samsa with meat, potato filling, in the spring it is necessarily samsa with greens, and in the fall preference is given to samsa with pumpkin. Well, we figured out the filling, but as for the dough, they traditionally prepare samsa from puff pastry. However, you can also cook from unleavened yeast dough or dough mixed with kefir. Today I propose to cook with me myself from homemade puff pastry.

    • puff pastry 250 g
    • pumpkin 250 g
    • salt to taste
    • ground black pepper to taste
    • egg 1 pc.

    Prepare puff pastry. If the dough is frozen, thaw the dough and it is advisable to do it in the refrigerator.

    Peel the pumpkin and cut into small squares.

    Season with salt and pepper to taste. The filling is ready. You can also add onions if desired.

    Puff pastry roll out into a layer with a thickness of 4-5 mm.

    Cut out circles with a diameter of 8-9 cm.

    Place the filling in the center of each circle.

    Secure the edges by forming a triangle.

    Heat the baking stone (or a baking sheet), lay the samsa with the seam down. Brush it with yolk and send to the oven. Bake for 30-35 minutes at 180 gr.

    Cool the samsa slightly and can be served. Enjoy your meal.

    Recipe 7: pumpkin samsa at home

    • puff pastry - 300 gr;
    • pumpkin - 500g;
    • onions - 300 gr;
    • salt - a pinch;
    • ground black pepper - to taste;
    • zira - to taste;
    • chicken eggs - 1 pc

    Let's prepare the filling. Cut the pumpkin into small cubes. Onion also cut into small cubes. There is one secret. If you add more onions, the filling will be juicier.

    Salt, pepper, add cumin. If there is no cumin, it's not scary, you can add ground coriander, but I really love cumin.

    Mix the filling.

    I like to add to samsa interior fat... It melts but does not melt, it turns out very tasty, well, and not lean. Cut the fat into medium pieces.

    We are all set. Now you can start sculpting.

    Brush with an egg before baking. sprinkle with sesame seeds on top, but I sprinkle on the sedan. love the aroma.

    Bake at 250-300 degrees for about 30 minutes.

    Recipe 8, simple: pumpkin-filled samsa

    A lot of goodies can be made from pumpkin! For example, a popular oriental dish in its unconventional form. Cooking pumpkin samsa!
    In fact, many of us are very familiar with samsa filled with meat. Pumpkin filling may seem to some as a mockery of traditional Central Asian pies. But this is not the case. Samsa with pumpkin is very popular dish Uzbek cuisine... This dish can be prepared for Halloween. Indeed, on this holiday, the pulp is removed from the pumpkin, carving funny faces. And with this recipe for samsa with pumpkin, you can also use the pulp, preparing a delicious dish.

    • flour (about 3 cups);
    • vegetable oil (1 tbsp. spoon);
    • water (1 glass);
    • pumpkin pulp (about 300 gr.);
    • bow (1 head);
    • spices and salt.

    Boil water. Pour a glass of boiling water over a glass of flour, knead the dough so that there are no lumps. Add vegetable oil to it, a little salt, and then gradually add 2 more cups of flour. The pumpkin samsa dough should be cool. By the way, you can make dough for this dish, just like for pies.

    Grate pumpkin, chop onion. Mix the ingredients, salt, add spices - cumin, pepper, cumin.

    Send to the oven. When the dough is browned, the baking sheet can be taken out - the pumpkin samsa is ready.

    Samsa with pumpkin can be served with tea or light vegetable salad. Bon Appetit!


      First, you need to prepare the ingredients that you will need to create samsa. This is a pumpkin, onion, egg, spices and puff pastry.

      Pumpkin and onion should be peeled, washed and then chopped into small cubes. Vegetables should be salted and pepper to taste and cumin added.

      Sprinkle some flour on a board or work surface. Puff pastry should be lightly rolled out with a rolling pin. After that, the workpiece is cut into several rectangles.

      Take one rectangle and place the filling in its center. In this case, the onion with pumpkin must be taken without juice, so that the dough does not get wet.

      After that, fix the edges of the rectangle, forming an envelope (see photo). Form the rest of the blanks in the same way.

      Now preheat the oven to 180 degrees. While it is warming up, the envelopes need to be greased with an egg and sent to a baking sheet, previously covered with baking paper. Send the samsa to bake for 30 minutes.

      After the specified time has elapsed, the dish cooked at low step by step recipe with a photo, ready. You can put it on a dish and serve it on the table. Optionally, in addition, Uzbek samsa stuffed with pumpkin is sprinkled with sesame seeds. Bon Appetit!

    Puff pastry can be prepared at home if desired, but not required. It can be purchased from the store at finished form... Samsa in Uzbek will turn out to be no less tasty.