Easter at home. Easter and Easter cake recipes

Easter cottage cheese is prepared only once a year, on Maundy Thursday, so that it will stand for the Bright Sunday of Christ. Mistresses do homemade cottage cheese and take out special detachable forms in the form of a truncated pyramid - a pasochny, on the walls of which the letters ХВ and Christian symbols are carved. Then the drawings are printed on the finished Easter, and it looks very bright and impressive. Interestingly, cottage cheese Easter is prepared only in the central and northern regions of Russia, and in the South an ordinary Easter cake is called Easter or pascha. The form of Easter is a symbol of the Holy Sepulcher, therefore it reminds Christians of the sufferings and torments of Christ. There is an opinion that this dish is very difficult to prepare, but, as one Russian proverb says, the eyes are afraid, but the hands are doing it. Let's talk about how to make Easter at home so that it turns out not only tasty, but also beautiful and appetizing.

For royal Easter - the best products

When buying ingredients for this dish, it is better not to save money and choose the best and highest quality products. Curd should be very fresh, not sour, not dry, better homemade... To do this, pour kefir into the boiling milk in a thin stream and when the curd curds separate from the whey, turn off the heat, close the pan with a lid, let the mass brew and cool. After that, we throw the curd back onto a double layer of gauze laid out on the bottom of the colander, tie a gauze knot and hang it over the sink or pan for about a day. From 3 liters of milk and 3 liters of kefir (they are taken in equal proportions) it turns out about 1 kg of cottage cheese. But the weight of the finished product may vary depending on the quality and fat content of milk and kefir - the higher the fat content, the more cottage cheese you get. Also for Easter you may need cream and sour cream 25%, unsalted butter 82.5%, fresh eggs, sugar, honey, condensed milk, chocolate, marmalade, poppy seeds, dried fruits, nuts, candied fruits, berries, mint and spices - it all depends on the recipe.

Two ways to cook Easter

Cottage cheese Easter can be made in two ways - cold and hot, which means that Easter can be raw and boiled. For raw Easter, cottage cheese is wiped twice through a sieve or minced in a meat grinder, then all the products are mixed and placed under a press. Boiled Easter is not actually boiled, but heated over a fire, then slowly cooled in a dish with cold water... Insofar as fresh curd it is not stored for long, it is better to make raw Easter in a small size, while boiled ones can also be laid out in large forms - they retain their freshness and pleasant taste longer. By the way, hot Easter is more tender and sweeter.

For the simplest raw Easter, take 2.5 kg of cottage cheese, rub it twice through a sieve, mix 200 g of butter with 1 glass of sugar, until the mass turns white and fluffy. Then add 250 g of fatty sour cream there and continue to grind until the sugar grains are completely dissolved. By the way, this is the main sign that it is time to mix the mass with cottage cheese, add a little salt and fill the pasta box. We put a saucer with a load on top and send Easter to the refrigerator for 12 hours.

The simplest boiled Easter is made from 300 g of butter, 400 g of sour cream and 4 eggs. The mass is brought to a boil with constant stirring, after which it is mixed with 2 kg of grated cottage cheese. At Easter, a little salt is added, it mixes well and goes into shape. For such recipes, it is recommended to take eggs fresh, from home-made healthy chickens.

How to make Easter from cottage cheese: secrets and subtleties

If Easter is prepared from store-bought cottage cheese, it is better to first hold it under pressure to remove excess liquid. Housewives who prepare homemade cottage cheese leave it hanging for a day, since the whey remaining in the cottage cheese will prevent the mass from hardening in the mold. It is no coincidence that in Russia this dish was called Easter cheese - the cottage cheese should turn out to be quite dense and cut well with a knife.

Liquid sour cream can be laid out in several layers of gauze in a colander and refrigerated. The sour cream should be so thick that a spoon is in it - only in this case the Easter will be stable. The butter should be kept warm beforehand so that it becomes softer, dried fruits should be sorted out, rinsed and dried, and the nuts should be freed from the skin. If you replace sugar with powdered sugar, raw Easter will be softer and the sugar will not grind on your teeth. For the same reason, all spices should be ground in a coffee grinder or purchased already ground.

By the way, cottage cheese rubbed through a sieve differs in consistency from cottage cheese passed through a meat grinder. In the first case, it turns out to be very delicate, light and airy, in the second case - more viscous and dense.

Before laying curd mass in a pasochny, the bottom is covered with a linen napkin or gauze so that the edges hang out of the mold and Easter can be easily removed. It is better if the fabric is damp, otherwise wrinkles may form, which will ruin the Easter surface. From above, Easter is covered with the edges of the fabric and a wooden board, be sure to put oppression and take out the form in the cold for about 12 hours.

Sour cream Easter with boiled condensed milk

Cooking boiled Easter at home

Extraordinarily tasty Easter, which is soft and at the same time perfectly keeps its shape, your family will certainly like it.

In 500 g of cottage cheese, wiped through a sieve, add 3 yolks, 100 g of sugar, 200 g of sour cream and a little vanillin, knead the mass well and beat in a blender so that it becomes tender and airy. Then cut into pieces 100 g of butter, add to the curd and beat again until smooth.

Now we put the saucepan on the fire and heat it very slowly, stirring constantly. Bring the curd mass to a boil and let it cool to room temperature in a large bowl of cold water, then refrigerate for 3 hours.

Easter will thicken a little and acquire a pleasant consistency. At this stage, we add 80 g of raisins to it, which is pre-washed and soaked for 20 minutes in boiling water.

We spread the curd mass into a mold, put it in the refrigerator for a day and serve with raisins and marmalade.

Lazy Easter for busy housewives

It happens that there is no time to cook a real classic easter, but how can you leave your family without an Easter treat? Let's try to cook a quick Easter for unusual recipe- it turns out to be very delicate and fragrant.

So, thoroughly grind 2.5 kg of sour cream with 10-15 tbsp. l. sugar, add vanillin, 150 g of any toasted nuts and 150 g of dried fruits, well washed and dried. Easter with dried cranberries and pine nuts is especially tasty.

And now we put the fabric in the pan - either 12 layers of gauze, or 4 layers of chintz, or 2 layers of coarse calico. Pour sour cream, collect the corners of the fabric and hang the mass in the refrigerator using a cup holder, a basket with a high handle or other devices - you will have to strain your imagination and be smart. Sour cream should hang for a day, but every 6 hours it is necessary to untie the fabric and stir the contents, since the sour cream thickens on the outside, but remains liquid inside. You cannot put it under the press, otherwise the whole Easter will flow out along with the serum. You can decorate this amazing Easter dessert with grated chocolate, nuts, berries and fruits.

How to serve Easter

Easter cottage cheese can be decorated with gelatinous figurines, pieces of chocolate, candied wedges of berries and fruits. The simplest decor is cinnamon, powdered sugar, cocoa powder, poppy seeds and multicolored coconut flakes... For decoration, you can use nuts, dried fruits, fried sesame seeds, rose petals, mint sprigs. Easter looks very nice, decorated with edible beads, flowers and mastic figurines. Dessert can be decorated with whipped cream, especially chocolate, M & M's sweets, pastry powder, pour over melted chocolate or caramel. Or you can just put a church candle in the middle, because Easter is beautiful in itself. Easter should be cut with a warm knife, constantly dipping it in warm water and wiping with a napkin so that the pieces are even and beautiful on the cut.

Now you know how to make Easter with your own hands, how to decorate it and properly serve it. Do not be afraid complex recipes and get ready for a bright spring holiday, when not only nature comes to life, but also our hearts. May your Easter table always be generous, rich and delicious!

For lack of extra time, many people prefer to buy Easter cakes. But Easter is only once a year! Try to find time to please your loved ones with Easter goodies.

Moreover, the recipes that we offer you do not need much time, effort or money. Yes, and what can compare with the scent homemade baked goods?! So, hostesses, let's get started.

1. Classic Butter Easter

A) For dough, take:
- warm milk 1 glass;
- yeast 100 gr. or dry 1 tbsp;
- sugar 2 tbsp;
- salt 0.5 tsp

B) When the dough rises three times, add there:
- melted margarine or lard 80-100 gr.;
- eggs 4 pcs.;
- sour cream 2 tablespoons;
- vodka 1 tbsp;
- sugar 2 cups;
- vanillin, cloves, saffron, raisins - optional;
- flour.

C) Knead the dough thoroughly so that it does not stick to your hands. We put it in the warmth in a spacious container, let it come up. Once again we mix well. Who prefers porous, air cakes, put less flour, and knead the dough, constantly lubricating your hands vegetable oil... Who prefers a dense structure - put more flour.

D) In ​​containers lined with well-oiled paper, put the dough one-third and let it rise again. Whoever wishes, add 4-5 steamed raisins per mold. You can also finely chopped dried apricots.

E) We put the forms with the dough in a preheated oven (on average, 180 degrees) until cooked (an hour and a half). Do not put the sheet with the forms too low - the bottom of the cakes may burn. Do not place it too high - the dough will rise and the top may burn too. Remember that for the first 40 minutes we do not open the oven at all! Otherwise, the dough will fall and all your work will be lost.

Separately, according to the forms for the api, who bakes for the first time. Both paper and silicone are on sale now, and whatever you want! But, from many years of experience, I can say that there is nothing better than coffee or canned food cans! The main thing is not to be lazy, cover it well with paper so that there are no bare spots left in the form, otherwise the dough will burn there, and you will not be able to take out the finished Easter. It is recommended to simultaneously bake the dough in tins of approximately the same volume.

E) We saw through the window in the oven that the top of the pastry was browned. Carefully open the door, and with a bamboo stick we pierce the cake through. If the stick turns out to be dry and clean, then you can safely take out the forms, the product is ready! If there is moisture or pieces of dough on the stick, then we leave it to bake.

G) They took out the ready-made Easter cakes. We put the form on its side and slowly pull on the paper. Pasochka pulls out perfectly. We release it from the paper, and leave it on its side to cool, while constantly turning it, otherwise, dents will remain on the sides. In no case, do not put ready-made hot Easter on the bottom! Due to its softness, it will immediately lose its beautiful shape.

H) Easter cakes have completely cooled down, you can already put them on the bottom. The most enjoyable part of the job. We decorate the cake. I recommend homemade icing, store glaze does not freeze: beat the protein of one egg with a glass of powdered sugar so that this mass does not flow out of the container. Optionally add vanilla and citric acid several crystals. We coat the top, for this it is convenient to use a pastry brush, sprinkle with Easter decor. Imagine!

2. Kulich hastily

- cream 1 glass;
- eggs 5 pcs.;
- sugar 0.5-1 tbsp.;
- yeast 50 gr. or dry 1 tbsp. l .;
- butter, melted 200 gr.
- flour, spices.
Dilute sugar and yeast in warm cream. Let the yeast bloom. This will happen very quickly, right in front of your eyes, and here, the main thing is that this dough does not overstay. We knead the dough, it should be of medium consistency. Let it come up for about 20 minutes. Fill in a third of the form. Let it come up, literally 10-15 minutes, as this dough comes up very quickly! Further, everything is the same as usual.

3. Puff cake

- melted margarine 500 gr.;
- eggs 2 pcs.;
- warm milk 1 glass;
- yeast 50 gr. or 1 tbsp. dry;
- sugar 2 - 3 glasses;
- flour, spices.
It can be done with or without dough, after dissolving the yeast in warm milk.

4. Easter curd custard

Curd 1kg;
- butter 200 gr.;
- egg yolk 2 pcs.;
- 0.5 cups of sugar;
- cream 1 glass;
- salt, vanilla, crushed nuts, raisins.

Thoroughly grind the yolks with sugar, add cream and heat well. Put butter in the hot mixture. Let cool slightly. We put the cottage cheese and the rest of the ingredients. Stir constantly, bring to a boil, but do not boil! Everything, Easter is ready. We spread the mixture into rigid forms, ramming well. We put it in the cold.

5. Kulich simple

Take one glass at a time:
- softened butter;
- egg yolks;
- milk;
- sugar
- diluted yeast (1 tablespoon dry yeast);
- spices at will;
- flour, how much the dough will take.
Make a brew. Knead the dough into the dough.

6. Easter cake without dough

Warm milk 0.5 l;
- yeast 125 g, or 2 tbsp. l. dry;
- melted butter 200-300 gr.;
- sugar 0.5 kg;
- sour cream 200-300 gr.;
- egg yolks 10 pcs.;
- flour, about 2 kg.;
- spices at will.
Dissolve yeast in warm milk. Beat the yolks with sugar. Mix all ingredients. The dough should be soft, not thick, fluffy. Let the dough rise for 3-4 hours. We bake.

7. Kulich without yeast

- butter melted butter 50-60 gr .;
- warm milk 300 ml.;
- eggs 2 pcs.;
- powdered sugar 120-150 gr.;
- flour about 0.5 kg;
- soda 1 tsp;
- lemon juice 4 tablespoons;
- spices.
Grind the yolks with powdered sugar, combine with butter. Slowly pour in the lemon juice. Add baking soda and other foods. Beat the whites separately with a pinch of salt, add. Knead well the light dough and immediately put into molds. Place in a preheated oven. Bake at 180 degrees for 50-60 minutes.

Happy Easter everyone! Bon Appetit! And happy holidays!

Cheese chicken

These funny balls look like real chickens. But delicate taste cream cheese with a light garlic aroma and crunchy fried nut inside will leave no doubt - before you is a masterpiece snack that will become original decoration Easter table.


200 g deep yellow cheese (such as cheddar)
150 g cream cheese
1-2 cloves of garlic
0.5 tsp turmeric
a pinch of salt
roasted peanut or almond kernels
carrots (preferably thin), a package of salted crackers, black olives, dill - for decoration

How to cook:

"Nest" salad

"Nest" salad

We are offering to you traditional salad reinterpreted: fewer calories, more benefits and more flavor. Boiled potatoes, beef tongue and we combined cheese with fresh cucumber and crispy salad leaves. And our original light refueling will become great alternative banal and heavy mayonnaise!


3 medium potatoes
1 large fresh cucumber
200 g boiled beef or veal tongue
150 g gouda cheese
half a white onion
5 sheets of iceberg lettuce
3-4 st. a spoonful of low-fat sour cream
1 teaspoon mustard
a pinch of salt
1 pack of salted straws - for decoration
a bunch of fresh dill - for decoration
3 boiled quail eggs - for garnish

How to cook:

Classic boiled pork

Classic boiled pork

Let us allow ourselves a little literary liberty and supplement the rhetorical question of the great classic: what Russian does not like fast driving ... and a piece of juicy boiled pork? We bring to your attention classic recipe, following which you will surprise your guests with delicate airy meat with the aroma of garlic, mustard and a light honey crust.


700-800 g pork neck(meat should not be steamed or frozen)
1 tbsp. a spoonful of mustard (preferably granular or with red pepper)
1 tbsp. a spoonful of liquid honey
3-4 cloves of garlic
salt, pepper - to taste

How to cook:

Jellied chicken

Jellied chicken

Fragrant transparent broth, bright vegetables, herbs and the most tender chicken... A minimum of effort - and it all turns into a delicious festive jellied!


2 chicken drumsticks or 1 large chicken breast
5 tbsp. cold water
1 large carrot
2 cloves of garlic
1 onion
canned green pea- taste
a bunch of dill and parsley
1.5-2 tbsp. spoon of gelatin
salt, black peppercorns - to taste
Bay leaf
boiled quail eggs- for decoration

How to cook:

Royal kurnik

Royal kurnik

This fantastic cake will take time to make, but remember how long you have denied yourself everything. Multilayer filling of the most delicate chicken breast, the finest pancakes, fried mushrooms and potatoes with sour cream combined with crispy delicious dough- the royal kurnik is worth a couple of hours!



2.5 tbsp. flour
1 teaspoon sugar
a pinch of salt
pinch of baking soda
100 g butter
0.5 tbsp. kefir
1 egg

350 ml warm milk
1 large egg
1 tsp sugar
a pinch of salt
5-6 Art. a spoonful of flour (100-120 g)
2 tbsp. a spoonful of vegetable oil

Chicken filling:
2 large chicken breasts

Potato filling:
2 large boiled potatoes
bunch of green onions
250 g sour cream (25-30%)
salt to taste

Mushroom filling:
1 large onion
1-2 tbsp. a spoonful of butter
350 g champignons
salt, pepper - to taste

1 egg yolk - for greasing the cake

How to cook:

Recipe "Easter Tsarsokoy" from the famous pastry chef Alexander Seleznev. Watch the video!..

Chocolate eggs

Chocolate eggs

Extravagant Easter eggs prepared on the basis of the classic Potato cake, covered with a thick layer of dark chocolate glaze. Served on a stick, our cakes will become not only an excellent dessert, but also a wonderful decoration on the Easter table.



3 eggs
90 g sugar
75 g flour
15 g starch
butter - for greasing the mold

125 g butter, room temperature
60 g icing sugar
50 g of condensed milk
2 tsp cognac or rum (can be omitted)

Chocolate glaze:
120 g dark chocolate
0.5 tbsp. high fat cream (35%)
10 g butter

multicolored pastry decorations

How to cook:

Pie "Flower"

Pie "Flower"

Sweet and airy yeast baked goods with a festive scent of cinnamon, shaped like a flower. The indentations in the petals allow you to decorate the cake with colored easter eggs, and its shape beckons to quickly break off a fresh piece!


400-450 g flour
250 ml milk
12 g fresh yeast(4 g dry)
70 g sugar
70 g butter
1 teaspoon ground cardamom
0.5 tsp salt

2 tbsp. a spoonful of butter
3 tbsp. spoonful of sugar
2 tbsp. spoon of cinnamon
50 g dark chocolate (can be omitted)
50 g of any nuts (can be omitted)

egg yolk - for greasing the cake
coarse sugar - for sprinkling

Hello my dear guests. It's time to pick up a recipe cottage cheese easter at home. The Great Day is coming soon - Orthodox Easter. In 2020, it falls on April 19.

In our family, we are preparing for this day in full. All traditional holiday attributes must be present on our festive table- cottage cheese Easter, and dyed.

We prepare all these Easter dishes with our whole friendly family. Every year I try to find new recipes for traditional Easter dishes... Now I am sharing my selection with you.

The original form of Easter is a truncated pyramid representing the Holy Sepulcher.

There are two types of cooking Easter: raw and custard. We will consider both methods and you will choose a recipe for your liking. But first, a few general tips:

  • It is better to choose cottage cheese fresh, dry and homogeneous.
  • Before cooking, the curd is put under oppression to get rid of excess liquid (put it in a colander or sieve, put it on a saucepan, cover it with something flat on top and put any load on it).

  • Then it will be necessary to grind it through a sieve two or three times in order for it to become airy.

  • Take cream or sour cream 30% fat, they will beat better.
  • Remove the butter from the refrigerator beforehand so that it melts and becomes soft.
  • Rinse the raisins and set them to soak for 30 minutes in advance, then rinse again and dry on a towel, I take paper ones.

  • As a rule, they use a pasochny in the form of a truncated pyramid. But if not, you can take any other form convenient for you. You can even use a flower pot, the main thing is that excess liquid under the load can flow out through the bottom of the mold.

  • Easter must be kept under yoke for at least 12 hours in the refrigerator.

Easter without baking - a simple classic recipe

This method is called raw and is faster to cook. This dessert turns out to be very tender.


  • Cottage cheese - 500 gr.
  • Butter - 200 gr.
  • Cream - 150 ml.
  • Egg - 2 pcs.
  • Raisins - 100 gr.
  • Vanilla sugar- 1 tsp

1. Separate the yolks and whites. Gently break the shell in half over the dish and pour the yolk from one half to the other, so the protein pours onto the dish. Set aside the yolks separately.

2. Grind the yolks with butter.

3. Add the grated cottage cheese there and mix.

4. Put whipped egg whites, raisins, cream into the mixture and mix.

5. Put cheesecloth in two layers in a pasochny so that the painting gauze goes over the edges.

6. Put the curd mass there, constantly compacting, then cover with cheesecloth on top.

7. Place something flat on top and a load (for example a can of water) on top and refrigerate for 12 hours. Then remove and flip onto a platter.

The whole batch takes very little time. Nothing complicated, isn't it?

Cottage cheese Tsar's custard

As you can see from the name, this recipe is brewed.


  • Cottage cheese - 500 gr.
  • Butter - 200 gr.
  • Cream - 100 gr.
  • Egg yolks- 3 pcs.
  • Sugar - 1 glass
  • Raisins, almonds (crushed), candied fruits - 1 tablespoon each
  • Vanillin - 1 tsp

1. Beat egg yolks with sugar, add cream, vanilla sugar and cook. Stir constantly until thickened (about 3 minutes).

2. Add butter to the curd and mix.

3. Mix raisins, candied fruits and nuts with the mass.

4. Pour the boiled mass into it.

5. Cover the pan with a double layer of gauze and tightly put the curd mass there.

6. We close the edges, put the load and send it to the refrigerator for 12 hours.

7. Then turn over onto a dish, remove the pasochny and cheesecloth, decorate.

Recipe with raw boiled condensed milk

Unusual recipe. This Easter can be a decoration for your table.


  • Cottage cheese - 500 gr.
  • Sour cream - 200 ml.
  • Butter - 150 gr.
  • Boiled condensed milk - 200 gr.
  • Boiled egg yolk - 2 pcs.

1. Mix butter with sour cream and add egg yolk.

2. Mix cottage cheese with boiled condensed milk.

3. Combine both mixtures and add egg yolk.

4. Mix everything into a homogeneous mass.

5. Fold the moistened and wrung out cheesecloth in two layers into the mold. And we put a lot there.

6. Close the top with gauze, put the load in the refrigerator. Deliver in 12 hours. Flip onto a platter and decorate to your liking.

Cottage cheese Easter with custard crème brulee flavor

Here we need the following products:

  • Ryazhenka - 500 ml.
  • Kefir - 500 ml.
  • Sour cream - 200 ml.
  • Egg yolk - 1 pc.
  • Powdered sugar - 2.5 tablespoons
  • Vanilla sugar - 1 tsp

1. Mix kefir, fermented baked milk, sour cream and egg yolk.

2. While stirring, simmer until whey appears. And then transfer the mass to cheesecloth (the cheesecloth should be folded into 4 layers) and squeeze out all the serum properly.

3. Add powdered sugar and vanillin there, mix.

Video recipe for Easter dessert with chocolate without baking

Very interesting option, dessert is stacked in layers.

Raw cottage cheese Easter without eggs


  • Cottage cheese - 500 gr.
  • Sour cream - 200 ml.
  • Powdered sugar - 200 gr.
  • Butter - 200 gr.
  • Vanillin - 1.5 tsp
  • Raisins - 200 gr.


1. Beat the grated cottage cheese with powdered sugar, sour cream and vanilla.

2. Add the soaked raisins and stir.

3. Put everything in a mold with gauze, cover with oppression on top, refrigerate for 10-12 hours.

4. Then turn onto a plate. Easter is ready.

There really isn't a well-established framework for Easter cottage cheese recipes. You can add and subtract ingredients and their proportions. The main thing is to follow the basic rules of cooking, which were described in this article, and then as your imagination tells you.

That's all for now. I look forward to your comments on which recipe you liked. Come visit again.

Easter baked goods are much more varied than everyday ones, and this is understandable. After a long fast, I want to please loved ones with something special and unusually tasty. In fact, there are so many Easter recipes that you can write a separate book about them, but the basic composition of the products and the baking principle are almost the same everywhere. The only difference is additional ingredients and spices, which can be added as desired, so consider the main Easter recipes, of which there are only three. It can be classic, cottage cheese without baked goods and lean for vegetarians.

Difference between Easter and Easter cake

Easter cake is the same Easter, only in a different form. Kulich is a tall, elongated, buttery, cylindrical bread, as in the photo, and is baked not only for Easter. Its size depends only on your desire and the baking dish: you can decorate the table with a large cake, and treat children with small ones.

Classic Easter (Easter cake)

Classic Easter can be decorated with chocolate or powdered sugar icing, as in the photo, or you can not do this - it all depends on your desire.


  • Chicken eggs - 3 pcs;
  • Wheat flour - 500 grams;
  • Milk - 1 glass;
  • Butter - 130 grams;
  • Sugar - 120 grams;
  • Raisins - 200 grams;
  • Dry yeast - 1 tsp;
  • Egg whites for glaze - 2 pcs;
  • Powdered sugar - 100 grams;
  • Vanilla sugar - 10-15 grams;
  • Confectionery decorations (sprinkles).

Cooking method:

  • Remove all food from the refrigerator a couple of hours before cooking to warm it up to room temperature. This does not apply to the 2 proteins you need to make the frosting. Divide the flour into three equal portions;
  • Prepare the dough: slightly heat the milk and dissolve 1 tbsp. a spoonful of sugar and a third of the total flour, and then add the yeast and stir. Cover the container with the dough with a saucer and leave in a warm place for 40 minutes. When the volume of the dough increases, stir it;
  • Separate the whites from the yolks, grind the yolks with plain and vanilla sugar, then mix them with the dough and the second part of the flour. Knead the dough thoroughly;
  • Whisk the whites separated from the yolks (3 pcs) into a thick foam with 1 pinch of salt and add to the dough, then stir in the last part of the flour;
  • Soften the butter and add it to the dough;
  • Knead the dough for 15-20 minutes. If it sticks to your hands, add a little flour;
  • Leave the dough to rise in a warm place for 1 hour;
  • Sort the raisins, rinse and pour boiling water over for 10 minutes, add to the dough and leave it for another 40 minutes;
  • Grease a baking dish with oil and place the dough, slightly kneaded for the last time before baking, into it and leave it for 15 minutes. Remember that the dough will increase in volume as it heats up in the oven, so fill the molds with it no more than a third.

On average, Easter is baked for 50 minutes at a temperature of 150 degrees. Its readiness is checked as follows: as soon as the cap acquires a golden hue, the cake is pierced with a wooden skewer. If the dough does not stick to it, then Easter is ready. The cake is taken out of the mold only after it has cooled down a little.

Easter decoration

Baked Easter is decorated with protein glaze: whisk 2 chilled egg whites with 100 grams of sugar or powdered sugar until a dense homogeneous foam, grease Easter with it and decorate with pastry sprinkles.

Classic homemade Easter recipe

This video shows you step by step how to make a classic Easter cake.

Video source: Olga Matvey

Easter cottage cheese without baking

Instead of raisins, you can add cherry berries to the Easter dough. own juice, chopped citrus zest, candied fruits, nuts or dried apricots. You can also combine any of these additives with each other, as in the photo.


  • Homemade cottage cheese - 500 grams;
  • Sugar - 0.5 cups;
  • Vanilla sugar - 1 sachet (10-15 grams);
  • Sour cream 20% - 0.5 cups;
  • Butter - 100 grams;
  • Raisins - 100 grams;
  • Nuts - 100 grams;
  • Candied fruits - 100 grams (optional).

As mentioned above, if desired, some additives can be replaced with others.

Cooking method:

  • Remove all food from the refrigerator and leave to warm to room temperature;
  • Sort out raisins or dried apricots, rinse and cover with boiling water for 10 minutes. Drain and leave the dried fruit to dry on a clean towel;
  • The cottage cheese should be homogeneous, so it must be wiped through a sieve, minced or used with a blender;
  • Dissolve vanilla and regular sugar in sour cream and mix with cottage cheese;
  • Mix the curd mass with softened butter, and then add nuts and dried fruits there;
  • Lay out the Easter mold from the inside with gauze and leave the edges outside, otherwise it will be problematic to remove it later;
  • Place the curd mass in a baking dish and put it under a press in the refrigerator for 12 hours, draining the whey from time to time;
  • Remove the Easter cake from the mold and remove the cheesecloth.

No baking cottage cheese recipe

This video describes step by step how to cook Easter without eggs and flour at home.

Video source: tastyweek

Diet (vegan) Easter

Vegetarians celebrate Easter too, but this recipe isn't just for them. Many people go on a diet for various reasons, and thanks to lean baked goods can at least partially observe Easter traditions. As you can see in the photo, Lenten Easter looks quite appetizing.


  • Banana - 1 pc;
  • Baking dough - 2 tsp;
  • Sugar or fructose - 0.5 cups;
  • Flour - 250 grams (glass and 5 tablespoons);
  • Any fruit juice- 50 ml;
  • Raisins - 50 grams;
  • Water - 170 ml;
  • Vegetable oil - 3 tbsp. spoons;
  • Salt - 1 pinch

For glaze:

  • Water - 1 tbsp. a spoon;
  • Lemon juice - 1 tsp;
  • Powdered sugar - 6 tbsp. spoons;
  • Confectionery sprinkles for decorating pastries.

Cooking Easter:

  • Make mashed banana and stir it with juice, vegetable oil and sugar or fructose;
  • Add salt, baking powder and raisins;
  • Sift the flour through a sieve and gradually add to the dough;
  • Knead the dough. If it sticks to your hands, add a little more flour;
  • Grease the baking tins with vegetable oil and fill them with dough no more than halfway, as the dough will increase its volume;
  • Preheat the oven to 180 degrees and bake the cakes in it for 40 minutes. The exact duration of baking depends on the individual condition of the products, therefore, periodically, the cakes are checked for readiness by piercing them with a wooden skewer. If it comes out dry, then Easter is ready.

The baked Easter cakes are removed from the molds after they have cooled down, and then their caps are smeared with glaze.

Glaze preparation:

  • Mix the icing sugar with water and lemon juice;
  • Bring to a boil in a water bath and simmer for 5 minutes;
  • Decorate the cakes with icing and pastry sprinkles.

Vegan Easter recipe

This video shows you the cooking method step by step delicious easter without eggs and milk.