Egg pancakes salad with chicken and corn. Chicken and Egg Pancake Salad

Egg pancakes (and pancakes in general) are easy to prepare, but they are amazingly appetizing to decorate any salad in which they appear. Also, it is a good alternative to just boiled eggs... Well, chicken and corn, without which not a single recipe in the selection below is complete, are simply perfectly combined with pancakes. Pancake salads are good for both everyday and festive table.

The recipe for this salad is very simple, but not boring at all, and all this is due to the touch in the form of a fried onion, with which the dish will certainly appeal to everyone, and even to those who usually dislike onions in salads. And it can also be helpful to know that characteristic taste onions can be supplemented (masked) by adding a few drops at the end of frying soy sauce.


  • 200 g white chicken fillet;
  • 2 fresh eggs;
  • mayonnaise;
  • medium potato;
  • salt;
  • 250 g corn;
  • sunflower oil;
  • medium onion;
  • ground black pepper.


  • Break the eggs into a bowl, salt, stir and bake two thin "pancakes" in a well-heated frying pan (greased with butter), cool, roll the ingredient into a roll and cut into thin strips;
  • boil potatoes and cut into cubes;
  • finely chop the onion and fry until deep golden brown in a little oil, pepper;
  • boil chicken and cut into cubes;
  • put the chicken, potatoes, egg pancake, corn, onions in one bowl and season the salad with mayonnaise.

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Smoked chicken salad, omelette, corn

The omelet in this salad, saturated with cheese and herbs, could be an appetizing dish in itself, but in this case it serves simply as an expressive background for the smoked chicken, as well as the spicy crunchiness of cucumbers and fresh sweet peppers.

And it is useful to know that the density of the pancakes can be adjusted not only by adding flour, but also by mixing a small amount of starch into the beaten eggs.


  • 250 g smoked chicken;
  • 3 fresh eggs;
  • 50 g of hard cheese;
  • medium carrots;
  • salt;
  • 200 g of pickled cucumbers;
  • wheat flour;
  • butter;
  • 100 g fresh bell pepper;
  • fresh parsley;
  • mayonnaise;
  • sour cream;
  • 200 g corn.


  • cut poultry meat into strips;
  • grate cheese on a fine grater;
  • boil carrots and cut into strips;
  • break the eggs, add to them 2 teaspoons of sour cream, 1 tablespoon wheat flour, salt, cheese and finely chopped parsley, mix everything well and bake a few brown egg pancakes in butter. When they have cooled down, fold them in a pile and cut into strips;
  • cucumbers and Bell pepper cut into small cubes;
  • combine mayonnaise with sour cream in proportions 1: 1;
  • toss the chicken, carrots, peppers, corn, cucumbers, egg pancakes and season the salad with mayonnaise.

Pancake salad with smoked chicken, corn, mayonnaise

Sour cream and prunes are a classic combination for desserts, but in rare cases they are also suitable for salads (only, of course, without added sugar), as, for example, in this impressive recipe with smoked meat poultry, hearty pancakes and an apple that brings a touch of originality to all. Also, if desired, the taste of the salad can be enriched with the addition of dried apricots.


  • 200 g of meat with smoked chicken legs;
  • 2 pancakes (plain, not egg);
  • lingonberry jam;
  • medium-sized fresh apple;
  • sour cream;
  • 6 prunes;
  • natural yogurt;
  • 200 g corn.


  • cut the chicken into small pieces;
  • cut the apple into strips;
  • fold the pancakes one on top of the other, roll up and cut into narrow strips;
  • finely chop the prunes;
  • combine yogurt and sour cream in 1: 1 proportions, add a little lingonberry jam to taste;
  • put together the chicken, corn, apple, pancakes and prunes, season the salad with the sauce.

Festive salad with egg pancakes, smoked chicken and corn

A holiday salad cannot be made from an ordinary recipe, but a thousand complex ingredients and steps are not always necessary. V this dish the golden mean was observed: well-known ingredients in a bold combination, plus you don't need to serve bread with the salad, because it already contains croutons.

As for the egg pancake, here it looks more like an omelet, but it has its own charm.


  • 200 g smoked chicken meat;
  • 3 fresh eggs;
  • 2 tablespoons of milk;
  • 100 g of pickled cabbage;
  • large fresh tomato;
  • 150 g corn;
  • a slice, two white loaves;
  • vegetable oil;
  • 2 cloves of garlic;
  • 150 g ham;
  • 2 tablespoons flour;
  • salt;
  • mayonnaise.

Housewives often think about what to cook for breakfast, lunch or dinner, as well as to festive table so that it is cost-effective and very tasty. Of such universal dishes not so much. One of them is a salad with pancakes and smoked chicken, only its smell causes a strong appetite. With the help of this dish, you can make the festive table more satisfying, feed the household members tightly before leaving for work, or arrange a bachelorette party by adding white wine to the dish.

If you think that a salad with pancakes must necessarily have Russian roots, this time you are wrong. This is a fragrant dish that has a special taste when served "hot in the heat", originally from Italy. Pancakes are also a little unusual and are cooked on starch, somewhat reminiscent of Italian noodles - it is called omelet lien. Garlic and herbs are added to the salad, mixing all this with mayonnaise.

Considering that Mediterranean cuisine is rich in ingredients, there are many variations. classic recipe based on culinary fantasies sauce, additives in the form of olives, salad, canned corn and several types of chicken meat. This dish can be prepared in the Russian manner by wrapping chicken filling into traditional thin pancakes, sprinkled with sauce or sour cream. Each of these recipes deserves special attention and to visit your table.

How to make a salad with pancakes and smoked chicken - 7 varieties

The classic salad recipe is pretty simple. The main task is to make egg pancakes, they must be firm enough. It is better to cut the pancakes by stacking the pancakes in a stack, in this case the noodles will be long enough and convenient when stirring.

As a dressing, you can use mayonnaise with various additives, experiment with aioli sauce, tartar, flavor the salad with lemon or lime.


  • 5 eggs;
  • 2 tbsp. l. starch;
  • 300 g smoked chicken;
  • 2-5 cloves of garlic;
  • 400 g mayonnaise;
  • greens.


Cooking pancakes does not take much time, they can be done in advance or before preparing the salad. If you are preparing 1-2 servings for cutting the pancake tape, you can roll the pancake into a tube. The starch is mixed with the eggs in homogeneous mass, pancakes are baked in pans without frying. In this case, they give the salad a sunny hue. Decorating with parsley or dill will allow you to add color variety to the design of your dish.

You can prepare egg pancakes for salad using this video:

Salad video recipe:

Interesting flavor combinations guarantees you a pancake salad with smoked chicken and cucumbers. If you're not ready to make a large batch right away, try adding tartar sauce to your classic salad.

The combination of pickled cucumbers gives originality, it is important to choose crispy gherkins, in this case the taste will be truly delicious. This salad can also be used as an appetizer "with vodka", you will receive the most flattering assessment from your husband if you correctly leave the kitchen during his conversation with friends, having previously prepared such a salad.


  • 5 eggs;
  • 2 tbsp. l. starch;
  • 300 g smoked chicken;
  • 3-4 medium pickled cucumbers;
  • 400 g mayonnaise;
  • slices of lemon for decoration.


Make pancake strips, cut cucumbers into long thin slices and smoked brisket... Mix with mayonnaise or sour cream. The salad will taste better a few hours after cooking. Also to improve taste can be slightly warmed up chicken breast and mix with hot pancakes. Lemon add flavor, especially if serving as a snack.

Pancake salad with smoked chicken and corn is a variation on the same salad without pancake straws. Egg pancakes will add calorie and nutritional value to the dish. This is a great option for lungs and quick breakfasts... The pancakes in the salad can be served rolled up and cut into pieces. They will complement the dish with carbohydrates and will be a good substitute for croutons or bread.


  • 5 eggs;
  • 2 tbsp. l. starch;
  • 300 g smoked chicken;
  • 100 g canned corn;
  • 1 PC. Peking cabbage;
  • 1 PC. red onions;
  • 300 g mayonnaise;
  • eggs 2 pcs.;
  • lime juice;
  • greens.


Make pancake strips or pancakes with eggs and starch. Mix the rest of the recipe, add mayonnaise, sprinkle with red onions, top with herbs, lemon or lime. Capers and olives are a good addition to this salad. Place chopped pancake rolls on top of the salad.

This dish is perfect with a sweet sherry wine or aperitifs. This combination will make the taste varied and impressive.

One of the options is a salad with smoked breast and Korean carrots, the pancake straws in this case are more like an omelet. The dish is very interesting in taste, nutritious and satisfies hunger well. It is recommended as an everyday snack or as a separate meal for a bite to eat.


  • 300 g Korean carrots;
  • 300 g smoked chicken;
  • 1 can of green peas;
  • 2 tbsp. l. soy sauce;
  • 2 tsp rice vinegar;
  • 200 g mayonnaise;
  • 3 eggs.


Make an omelet with eggs, rice vinegar, and soy sauce with a pinch of sugar. The pancake is fried on both sides. Peas are mixed in a separate container without liquid, Korean carrot, scrambled eggs and smoked chicken cut into strips, mayonnaise is added. The salad should be infused for 15-30 minutes before serving.

Watch the video recipe:

This dish will be an excellent choice if you decide to surprise your guests with something special. At the same time, it will take you only 10 minutes to prepare this recipe. The richness of taste is guaranteed by lemon thyme, Dijon mustard and garlic. it a good option for dinner or light lunch. Perfect for dry white wine from European grape varieties.

The appetizer is baked over cheese cheddar, so it can be served in the form of baked pancake rolls.


For pancakes:

  • 110 g wheat flour;
  • a pinch of salt;
  • 300 ml of milk;
  • 2 eggs;
  • olive oil.

For filling:

  • 40 g butter;
  • 110 g fresh champignons;
  • 1 clove of garlic, minced
  • 1 tbsp. l. lemon thyme;
  • 50 g flour;
  • 300 ml of milk;
  • 225 g smoked chicken;
  • 1 tsp dijon mustard;
  • salt and ground black pepper;
  • for sprinkling with cheddar cheese.


Mix the pancake dough ingredients, cook the dough in a frying pan. You should get 4 thin pancakes... Then the mushrooms are fried until soft, garlic, thyme and flour are added. Next, you need to pour in milk and boil until the juice thickens. The prepared sauce is mixed with smoked chicken, Dijon mustard with the addition of ground pepper.

To make the mass better formed, you can add boiled rice. This can be done if you want to prepare the dish in the form of rolls.
The pancakes are placed in a mold, sprinkled with cheese and baked until browned. Your hot snack or a warm pancake salad is ready.

Pancake salad - with eggs, pickled mushrooms and smoked chicken

This salad is a culinary variation of pasta with a classic combination of smoked chicken and pickled mushrooms, very often served in European cafes. The dish is very simple to prepare, it will be a great addition to lunch or a separate dish for a light dinner. It will take 20 minutes to cook.


  • 5 eggs;
  • 2 tbsp. l. starch;
  • olive oil for frying pancakes;
  • pickled champignons 100 g;
  • blue cheese 100-200 g;
  • smoked chicken 200 g;
  • 1 tsp lemon or grape juice.

I really like these recipes "on hastily", especially if guests come and urgently need to feed them something tasty. Here you can do several stages at the same time: while the chicken is boiling, prepare egg pancakes, chop the onion and open a can of canned corn, and at the very end add the chopped meat. my fridge often contains a piece of boiled fillet, since I love salads and cook them often. It is all the more convenient because everything that is available can be used and it will turn out delicious. Here, for example, as in this salad. I am such a salad and I cook for children, however, I fill them with low-fat sour cream or yogurt.

To prepare a delicious salad with egg pancakes and corn, take the ingredients on the list.

Boil the chicken fillet in salted water, then cool and chop. Cutting can be anything - for example, pieces in the form of cubes or strips.

Beat a couple of eggs into a small bowl, salt and add a pinch of black pepper. Whisk vigorously with a fork.

Heat the pan, you can grease the surface with vegetable oil. Pour the beaten eggs into a skillet and spread over the entire surface as you would for a regular pancake. Literally in a minute and a half, the pancake will grab and you can remove it from the fire. Allow to cool slightly, cut the pancake into strips.

Rinse fresh herbs under the tap, dry and chop. Remove the husk from the onion and chop it finely. Shallots do not have a bright bitterness, but onions do. Therefore, if you decide to use it, it is better to scald the chopped onions with boiling water or marinate with table vinegar and sugar (for 1 onion - 1/5 tsp sugar and 1/2 tsp. apple cider vinegar, mix everything and mash well, leave for 15 minutes).

Pour all prepared foods into a salad bowl. Add canned sweet corn to it.

Season the salad with mayonnaise of any fat content, but preferably medium or high. You can add spices to taste.

Mix everything and now the salad with egg pancakes and corn can be served. A large beautiful salad bowl or small bowls are suitable for serving, so that everyone gets their own portion of the salad. Garnish with fresh herbs before serving.

Bon Appetit!

Today we will cook delicious salad with chicken, egg pancakes and corn in a slow cooker. More precisely, in a multicooker we will only prepare products for the salad.

I've known chicken salad with egg pancakes for a long time. The original version is egg pancakes, mushrooms and onions. I really love salads, so today I decided to experiment and add chicken instead of mushrooms. And at the end, I will divide the salad in half and add pickled cucumber to one of the halves.

So, the main manipulations that we will need to carry out: cook chicken fillet, fry onions and egg pancakes. I want to note that we don't even need to turn the pancakes, this is a huge plus of the multicooker.

  1. Half chicken breast
  2. Four eggs
  3. Onion head
  4. Half a can of corn
  5. One pickled cucumber
  6. Mayonnaise
  7. Vegetable oil

The first step is to cut the chicken breast: remove the skin, separate it from the bone. You can use chicken fillet instead of breast.

Cook in the "Soup" program for 40 minutes.

Now let's start making egg pancakes. Break each egg into a plate.

Add a pinch of salt and beat with a fork.

Then we send it to the multicooker (one at a time) without adding oil. Program "Multipovar" 100 degrees, 2-3 minutes. Thus, within ten minutes, you will overcook all the pancakes.

We will cut the pancakes like this: we take two pancakes, put them on top of each other, fold them in half and cut them into strips (and we get half rings).

Cut the onion into cubes.

Add two tablespoons of oil to a multicooker pan and cook in the "Browning" mode for 5 - 10 minutes.

After cooking, we cut the chicken into small pieces. Now we collect everything in one deep cup. We send the chicken and half a can of corn. Sliced ​​egg pancakes and toasted onions.

Mix the salad. Divide into two deep cups and add the pickled cucumber, cut into small cubes, to one of them.

Now we fill everything with mayonnaise, eat and rejoice. I put two types of salad on a plate and garnished with herbs. Now about the taste: the salad with chicken and egg pancakes without a cucumber turned out to be tender, the salad with the addition of pickled cucumber turned out to be juicy.

After preparing the salad, the thought occurred to me that if, after frying the onions, add the already chopped chicken and cook in the "Baking" mode, it will be even faster. I advise everyone to try making this salad, and the slow cooker will help you with this. Bon Appetit!

Using egg pancakes, this easy-to-prepare salad is sure to decorate any festive feast... Pancakes, baked from eggs, are complemented in a dish with boiled chicken, canned corn grains, fresh green onions and carrots. And for the dressing, we used an ingredient familiar to salads - mayonnaise. A simple and delicious salad with egg pancakes and chicken will suit both a festive table and an everyday meal. Demonstrates the preparation of a step-by-step recipe with a photo.


  • chicken fillet (boiled) - 300 gr;
  • egg pancakes - 2 pieces;
  • canned corn - 0.5 cups;
  • carrots - 1 piece;
  • fresh green onions - 4-5 feathers;
  • salt to taste;
  • ground black pepper - optional;
  • mayonnaise - 3 tbsp. spoons.

How to Make Egg Pancakes and Corn Chicken Salad

We boil chicken fillet for our salad dish in advance. Cool it completely, and then grind it into small cubes. We send the chicken cut into a bowl.

Cut fresh carrots into small strips. A grater for Korean carrots will be appropriate for the convenience of grinding.

Cooking like this: beat two eggs with a tablespoon of mayonnaise, a tablespoon of starch and a pinch of salt. We bake from the resulting mass on vegetable oil two egg pancakes. Cut the cooled egg pancakes into strips.

Add the egg pancake strips to the rest of the ingredients in a bowl. Leave a couple of stripes to decorate the finished salad with.

First put the corn kernels on a sieve to drain off the excess juice, and then transfer them to a bowl.

Washed green onions chop finely, spread to the rest of the salad components.

Season salad with egg pancakes and mayonnaise. Season to taste with salt and pepper to your taste.