Dishes with cream 33 percent. Dishes with cream

Whipped cream is sometimes referred to as the cream of Chantilly Castle, attributing the authorship to the legendary François Vatel But the first reliable mention of this dessert dates back to the 18th century. The secret was owned by the chosen chefs, and the most skillful hands whipped such a cream. Now for any home kitchen you can make a fantastic lush treat worthy of kings.

Natural cream is a capricious product. When working with them, every little thing matters.

  • For homemade choose cream 33 percent fat. A less fatty product is more difficult to beat, and 38% are more often used in production.
  • After the purchase, the package of cream is cooled in the refrigerator to 4 - 6⁰С for at least 4 hours.

It is impossible to quickly cool the product in the freezer, as it will immediately freeze and churn into butter. For the same reason, do not lean the packaging against the back of the refrigerator.

  • Keep a clean, dry bowl and whisk in the refrigerator for at least 30 minutes. Before use, the container must be wiped to remove condensation.
  • Before starting work, you need to knead the package of cream with your hands or shake it so that the liquid in it becomes uniform. It often happens that the cream on the surface becomes slightly thicker than on the bottom, although the fat film has not yet formed on it.
  • You can whip the cream with a hand whisk. Work begins with slow circular motions from the center of the bowl, and then gradually increase the intensity and range of motion. It is better to keep the dishes at an angle - this way the cream additionally circulates.
  • Beat the product in about 200 ml portions in one bowl. With more volume, it is more difficult to get a stable result.
  • If there is a noticeable whisk mark on the cream, it means that it is whipped “to soft peaks”. As such, they are already used in some recipes. After a minute of active work, the traces on the surface stop spreading, and strong sharp peaks rise behind the rim. You do not need to beat it longer.
  • You can check the readiness of the cream by turning the container over. The result is perfect if nothing comes out.

If necessary, natural whipped cream can be stored in an airtight container in the refrigerator for no more than 10 to 12 hours.

Whipped cream with 20% cream

Drinking cream less than 30% fat is difficult to whip, since it is the fat that stabilizes the cream. To whisk a product containing only 20 percent fat, you will need to keep the temperature of the product, tools and environment as low as possible.

  1. If it is possible to regulate the temperature in the refrigerator, you need to lower it to 1 ° C.
  2. Cool the cream, dishes and whisk to this temperature for work.
  3. Prepare ice and fill a wide container with it. You can pour some ice water into it.
  4. Place the container with the cream on ice and beat the cream slowly at first, and after 2 minutes increase the speed.
  5. Place the thickening composition in the refrigerator again for 10 - 15 minutes.
  6. After that, continue whisking until tender.

Simple mixer recipe

Even at home, cream is rarely whipped by hand. Most often they use some kitchen appliances... You can choose a mixer or any apparatus with a whisk attachment. Optimum power 350 - 400 watts.

You cannot whip cream with a blender with a knife attachment.

  1. Cream and dishes are cooled according to all the rules.
  2. They start work at a low speed so as not to detect the cream, that is, so as not to provoke their separation into butter and whey. For the same reason, it is better to give up powerful food processors.
  3. The process takes 3 to 7 minutes.
  4. If the cream is spotted and a layer of butter has formed in it, you can add a few tablespoons of cold liquid cream and beat gently again.

With powdered sugar

Most recipes require sweet whipped cream. Grains of granulated sugar do not have time to dissolve during the preparation of the cream, so powdered sugar is used for it.

For 500 ml of cream:

  • 100 - 150 g icing sugar;
  • 5 g vanillin.

Optionally, you can add 40 ml of rum or liquor.

  1. Whisk the cream until soft peaks.
  2. Shake them with powdered sugar through a sieve and mix with a whisk.
  3. Repeat until the powder runs out.
  4. Add the flavors and whip the cream into a strong foam.

Cooking with gelatin at home

For cakes, the whipped cream can be stabilized with gelatin. Decorations on the cake will hold firmly, will not "float" from the heat during tea drinking, even if you use low-fat drinking cream. So that the cream does not have an unpleasant aftertaste from gelatin, you can add liqueur, rum, vanilla to it, berry syrup, cocoa.

For 150 ml of cream you will need:

  • 6 g gelatin;
  • 40 g icing sugar;
  • 40 ml of water.

Flavors and food colors are optional.

  1. Gelatin is soaked for half an hour according to the instructions on the package. After that, the excess water must be drained. Conversely, water should not be drained from instant gelatin.
  2. Put the container on fire and pour a third of the cream into the gelatin.
  3. Heat until the gelling composition is completely dissolved, not allowing the liquid to boil.
  4. Cool the mixture to room temperature.
  5. Cool the rest of the cream and beat until soft peaks.
  6. Add powdered sugar and all necessary additives.
  7. Beat the cream until tender, until firm peaks.
  8. Until the gelatin "seizes", pour it into the cream in a thin stream, without stopping whipping.
  9. Immediately apply the composition to the cake and smooth with a spatula or pour into molds and place in the cold.

To remove such a cream from a pastry bag, you need to hold it in the refrigerator for 4 - 5 hours.

Powdered cream

Correctly diluted dry cream is whipped into a strong, dense cream, and taste are not inferior to natural ones.

  • 250 ml of milk;
  • 100 g of dry cream.

Any additives are possible, as is the case with natural cream.

Special powder for churning is already slightly sweetened, you need to dilute it with milk according to the instructions on the package. Powdered sugar is added to ordinary dry cream only when the mixture begins to thicken.

  1. Cool milk to 3 - 5 ° C.
  2. Stir with the powder with a mixer at low speed.
  3. Beat the composition at high speed for three minutes.
  4. Use it immediately or put it in the refrigerator.

Whipped coffee cream

You want to make your morning dessert quickly and easily. Coffee with whipped cream - perfect option... The cream is knocked down in 3 - 5 minutes and coffee is prepared for another 7 minutes. You can save a little time if you whip the natural 33 - 35% cream the day before. They will perfectly "live" to an early portion of coffee.

It is not recommended to spread a cream stabilized with gelatin or egg white on a hot drink. Whipped 20% drinking cream will also melt during serving. Therefore, the best ingredients are chosen for the hot treat.

An easy recipe for making whipped cream with Viennese coffee:

  • a portion of espresso;
  • 20 g dark chocolate;
  • 50 - 80 ml of chilled cream;
  • 50 g icing sugar;
  • 5 g vanilla;
  • sugar in coffee if desired.

Coffee can be prepared as you like, in a Turk or a coffee machine. It is important that it is hot.

  1. Beat the cream on low speed until soft peaks.
  2. Add powdered sugar and vanilla. Beat the cream until tender.
  3. Grate chocolate or melt in a water bath and stir it into coffee.
  4. Spoon the cream onto the hot drink or remove from a pastry bag in a circular motion.
  5. Sprinkle with grated chocolate.

Now there are no secrets left for you in making whipped cream. Feel free to make them in your kitchen and delight your homemade delicious desserts.

Sometimes even chocolate can get bored, but you want something sweet. In this case, cream will help out - on its basis you can make amazing desserts. You don't have to be a great chef to do this - they cook in no time.

We have collected some of the most delicate creamy treats that even those who are just starting to cook can handle.

(5 photos total)

Panna Cotta


  • 150 ml cream 10% fat
  • 1 sachet of gelatin
  • 2-3 st. l. Sahara
  • 1 vanilla pod
  • any fresh or canned fruit or jam (optional)


  • Pour the gelatin into a bowl and fill it with warm boiled water to swell.
  • Pour cream into a saucepan, add sugar.
  • Put the cream and sugar mixture on the stove and bring to a boil, stir until the sugar dissolves.
  • Take a vanilla pod, cut it in half and carefully remove the contents, which we put in a saucepan with our boiling mixture.
  • We remove the pan from the heat, pour the soaked gelatin into it. Stir and cool.
  • Now it remains to cool the panna cotta. We pour the dessert into glasses or bowls and put it in the refrigerator for 4 hours - nothing can be done, we will have to endure. During this time, you can prepare an additional filling for the dessert: any berries, fruits or jam that you like. It will be delicious anyway!

Delicate creamy dessert

Ingredients for 3 servings:

  • 200 ml cream, 33% fat
  • 1 cup fresh raspberries (can be substituted with any other berries or fruits)
  • 1/3 cup sugar
  • 6 cookies
  • mint for decoration
  • icing sugar for decoration


  • We break the cookies with our hands into small pieces (you won't be able to use a blender, because it will grind the cookies into small crumbs, but we need whole pieces).
  • Divide the cookies into 3 equal parts and arrange them in 3 glasses. Cookies will take up about 1/6 of the entire glass.
  • Pour into a deep cup heavy cream, add sugar and icing sugar. With a mixer, beat the cream into a thick foam, this will take about 5 minutes.
  • Place a layer of whipped cream on top of the cookie. Put raspberries on top - be sure to dry, otherwise it will let the juice out and the dessert will not turn out so beautiful.
  • Put another layer of whipped cream on the raspberries, fill the glass to the top. Decorate with berries, icing sugar and a sprig of mint.

Pavlov's airy cake


  • 4 egg whites
  • 220 g sugar
  • 2 tsp starch
  • 1 tsp lemon juice
  • 400 ml cream 33% or higher
  • 3 tbsp. l. icing sugar
  • 500 g of any berries and fruits


  • Mix sugar with starch.
  • We put the proteins in the mixer bowl and begin to beat at high speed. Gradually, one spoon at a time, add the sugar-starch mixture.
  • When all the sugar has been added, beat for a couple more minutes to make the mixture smooth and shiny. Pour in lemon juice and beat again. To check the meringue for readiness, scoop it up with a spoon and turn it over: the mass brought to readiness should not fall.
  • We put the meringue on a baking sheet covered with parchment in the form of 9 small nests with a small depression in the center.
  • Preheat the oven to 180 ° C. Place a baking sheet in it and immediately reduce it to 110–120 ° C. Dry the meringues until dry. We take it out of the oven and let it cool.
  • Preparing the cream. To do this, whisk cold cream with powdered sugar at high speed.
  • Spread the whipped cream on the meringues and decorate with berries or fruits.

Lemon Butter Cream


  • 6 egg yolks
  • 2 tbsp. l. grated lemon zest
  • 0.5 cups sugar
  • 1 glass of milk
  • 3/4 cup cream, 33% fat
  • a pinch of salt


  • Preheat the oven to 150 ° C.
  • Mix the yolks in a bowl, lemon zest and 1/4 cup sugar.
  • Combine milk, cream, salt and remaining sugar in a small saucepan and bring to a boil over medium heat.
  • Mix the egg and milk mixture. Pour into small heat-resistant bowls. Place the bowls in a deep baking dish.
  • Pour hot water into a baking dish so that it reaches the middle of the bowls with the future cream. Cover the form with foil.
  • We bake for 25-30 minutes.
  • We take it out, cool it to room temperature and put it in the refrigerator for 4–5 hours.

Creme brulee


  • 2 yolks
  • 2 tbsp. l. Sahara
  • 120 ml cream, 33% fat
  • pulp of 1 vanilla pod (can be substituted with vanilla sugar)


  • Mix the yolks with sugar and mix quickly with a whisk, but do not beat.
  • Put the cream in a saucepan, add vanilla to it and bring to a boil, but do not boil. We filter through a fine sieve.
  • Mix the cream with the yolks, mix quickly and pour into refractory molds. Even a regular glass jar will do.
  • Preheat the oven to 120 ° C. Put the crème brulee tins in a deep baking dish and pour hot water into a large dish so that it reaches the middle of the small ones.
  • We bake for about an hour. The finished crème brulee slightly quivers in the middle.
  • We take it out, cool it a little and send the dessert to the refrigerator for 3 hours.
  • If you want it to be completely French, you can decorate the dessert with caramelized sugar. To do this, put 1 tsp in each mold. sugar, evenly distribute over the surface of the dessert and put in the oven for 1-2 minutes under a strong grill.

Wonderful crème brulee. If you don't have a vanilla pod, replace it with vanilla, slightly reducing the amount of sugar. Products are based on 3-4 servings of dessert ...

For dessert

A light and unusual Scottish puff dessert with an unusual combination of whipped cream and oatmeal... In this recipe, add whiskey to the cream.

For dessert, soufflé

From the products specified in the recipe, about 600 grams of caramel mousse will come out, under a mold 18 cm in diameter. Ingredients: yield of cooked mousse: ..

For dessert, Mousse

Homemade ice cream made from milk, cream and egg yolks. Ingredients: milk - 250 ml, cream (33-35%) - 250 ml, egg yolks- 4-6 pcs, sugar - 100 gr, vanilla ..

For dessert, Ice cream

The cake is prepared without baking on the basis of cookies and curd mass... Apricots for a layer of cake can be taken fresh or canned in cans. Ingredients:..

Baking, Cakes, Cookies

Ganache (fr. Ganache) - butter cream with chocolate and butter. The thickness of the cream depends on the proportion of cream and chocolate (the more chocolate, the thicker the cream) ...

Baking, Cream

A platter to celebrate Valentine's Day, pour panna cotta into bowls or pretty glasses to impress. Ingredients:..

For dessert, Puddings

Beautiful and delicious pancake snails made from rolled pancakes filled with mushroom julienne baked in the oven. Ingredients: pancakes ..

Baking, Pancakes

Delicious cake with strawberry soufflé from biscuit dough... Ingredients: Composition of the dough chicken eggs- 2 pcs, sugar - 0.5 stack., Flour - 1/3 stack ...

Soufflé, Biscuits, Pastries

Cake with Raffaello sweets and filling from butter cream with strawberries or raspberries. Ingredients: Composition of the dough: 2 chicken eggs ..

Baking, Sweet pastries, Cakes

Creamy mousse with lemon juice and vanilla slightly sour awesome taste. Ingredients: cream (not very fat) - 340 gr. eggs (or ..

For dessert, Mousse

Fruit and berry recipe milkshake based on non-fat cream with banana and raspberries and cherries. Ingredients: Banana - 1 piece ..

Drinks, Cocktails, Alcohol Free

A cold drink with a frothy coffee and cream. Ingredients: Coffee (Greek, instant) - 1 spoonful of coffee Granulated sugar - to taste ..

Drinks, Alcohol Free, Coffee

Healing vasodilator and removing toxins from the body, tea from ginger root is best drunk in the evening before bedtime. The photo shows tea without ..

Drinks, Alcohol Free, Tea

According to this recipe, creamed coffee is prepared in zucchini in the Polish capital of Warsaw. Ingredients: Natural coffee, beans - 30 grams Water - 100 ..

Drinks, Alcohol Free, Coffee

A delicious coffee drink with cream and a caramel flavor will cheer you up in the morning or add energy during the working day. Ingredients:..

Drinks, Alcohol Free, Coffee

Cake from banana pancakes with layers of cheese and yoghurt under cream frosting and walnuts... Ingredients: Dough composition: Flour (wheat, ..

A true culinary specialist has his own special recipe for every occasion. One product can form the basis for a completely different dishes, which are prepared according to their recipe. What can be made from cream? Within the framework of this article, options for using milk cream are considered, we will find new ones, interesting recipes and give examples original dishes which are prepared on the basis of of this product.

What is cream?

Cream is popular milk product... Previously, it was obtained by separating the top layer of milk settled in a container. This is where the name comes from. The thing is that the smallest particles of fat float to the surface of the milk, which is why the top layer is so greasy. The process of separating cream from milk can take several days, which is not very convenient for an industrial scale production. For the extraction of cream, a special technology is used, which reduces the production time significantly. The process of separating liquids of different densities and properties is called separation. By centrifugation, milk is separated into two fractions, while fat loss is minimal. It is possible to regulate the percentage of fat in the final product.

Which is much fatter than milk, which is why they are used to make cheese, butter, sauces and soups. Cream is actively used in the confectionery industry. Various creams made from heavy cream are very delicate and airy.

Cream differs in fat content. The percentage of fat is measured. The shops offer the following assortment of cream, depending on the fat content in them:

  1. Low fat. maybe 15, 17, 19%.
  2. Medium fat. The maximum fat content is 35%.
  3. High fat. This is a product with a fat content of 50-60%.

There is another type of cream that is actively used in the confectionery and food industries. This cream is called dry. They look like powder white... This mixture consists of stabilizers, flavorings, emulsifiers and flavor enhancers. The cost of such a product is much lower, the fat content can reach 70%. Powdered cream is used for the production of cereals, soups, 3 in 1 coffee. And from this cream you can make something special.

Which cream to choose?

Most often, cream is prepared from the usual for us cow's milk, however, there is also cream from goat milk... Previously, they differed only in fat content, but now the following types of product can be found in stores:

  1. Normalized cream. This product is made from real cow's milk. In industrial plants, milk is homogenized. This process consists in inhibiting the concentration of fat on the surface of milk and breaking the mass into the smallest components. The fat is distributed throughout the entire milk mass, and then, using a separation process, it is separated from the milk plasma and released from the mixture. Such cream is the best industrial option, its composition is similar to that of natural cream. However, the taste is still different.
  2. Powdered cream. They have nothing to do with natural milk products. The composition includes various chemical elements and plant components, which, due to their properties, imitate the taste of a natural product. Such cream is much cheaper in price, it has a long shelf life, so it is very convenient to use it in the food industry.
  3. Cream in a bottle. Product similar to dry cream. In the composition you can find elements of plant origin and synthetic additives. The shelf life of such a product is quite long.
  4. Portion cream. This cream can be like natural composition and synthetic. Study the packaging of the product carefully.

Consuming natural products is good for your health. On the other hand, synthetic food products are not only useless, but also dangerous for the body. Therefore, preference should be given not to a cheaper product, but to a higher quality one.

Homemade ice cream based on cream

To make ice cream at home from cream, you need a fresh natural product. The use of dry cream is not possible in this case. In the process of cooking, they stratify, for this reason it is impossible to achieve the desired consistency of the mass. Use only natural cream with a fat content of 30% or more. To make ice cream you will need following ingredients:

  • heavy cream - 900 g.
  • icing sugar - 200 g.
  • chicken egg yolks - 6 pcs.
  • vanilla - 60 g.

The yolks must be mixed with vanilla powder and icing sugar. To receive homogeneous mass it is most convenient to use a whisk. Bring the cream to a boil, then mix with the resulting mass. You should get a homogeneous mixture. Put it on low heat and cook until thick. After that, the ice cream is poured into containers and placed in the refrigerator for freezing. Other ingredients such as chocolate, cocoa, pistachios, etc. can be added. Use natural ingredients to color the ice cream. food coloring... Ice cream made from cream at home is ready. It turns out delicious and appetizing.

Cream sauce

Different sauces can radically change the taste characteristics of a dish. And cream sauce is a classic addition to many dishes popular around the world.

To get tender cream sauce you will need the following products:

  • cream - 20 ml;
  • wheat flour - 1 tbsp. l .;
  • butter- 1 tbsp. l .;
  • salt to taste;
  • ground black pepper to taste.

Fry the flour in a dry frying pan, add the butter and stir the mixture. We begin to pour in the cream in a thin stream, while constantly stirring with a whisk. This is a very crucial moment, the sauce should be homogeneous, without lumps. Add salt and pepper, cook for 2 minutes. During this time, the sauce will thicken and take on the desired consistency. Remember that cream can be used to make more than just classic sauce... Spices and additional ingredients can drastically change the taste of a dish.

Making real sour cream

Sour cream is a fermented milk product made from cream with or without a special ferment. The starter culture includes fermented milk and creamy streptococci.

To prepare tasty and healthy sour cream from cream, you need to take a fresh natural product. It is better to take a non-purchase option. Buy 3 liters of country milk and leave it in the refrigerator for a day. This is necessary in order for the cream to separate. We remove them with a spoon and leave to sour in a room with room temperature, then put them back in the refrigerator for a day.

Let's try to figure out how to make sour cream from cream, if you don't want to wait too long. You can make sour cream using sourdough. Add to fresh heavy cream, the temperature of which is 37-38 °, 2 tablespoons of high-quality sour cream, mix. Cover the container with a cloth and leave it for 7-9 hours. In this case, the mass should not be mixed. Then we put the container in the refrigerator to thicken. Are you interested in the question of how to make sour cream from cream, in which there is a spoon? Everything is very simple. You must use extra fat for cooking.


What can be made with medium-fat cream? Sure, delicate cheese mascarpone. It is prepared from a natural product. To obtain cheese, lemon juice is used, which causes the cream to curdle due to interaction with an acidic environment.

Consider classic recipe Cream mascarpone. We need:

  • cream with a fat content of 20% - 500 ml;
  • 1 medium lemon

Heat the cream to a temperature of 80 °, it is better to do this using a water bath. Squeeze out 2 tablespoons of lemon juice and pour it into a bowl of cream. Turn off heat and let the solution sit for 10 minutes. The mass will begin to curl up. First, a heterogeneity will appear, resembling the consistency of kefir, then the dense mass will begin to separate from the liquid.

Pour the mixture into a lavsan bag and hang it over a container into which the whey will drain. After 1 hour, you can remove the bag, and use the resulting cheese in culinary recipes... If part of the serum is left, then the mass will take on the consistency of a cream.

Homemade oil

To prepare butter, you need 1 liter of heavy cream. It is better to take a natural fresh product, rather than a store-bought option.

To whisk the mixture, you need a mixer or whisk. Pour the cream into a glass or plastic container and whisk the mixture at low speed. Increase the speed of the mixer gradually. If you see small blotches of beige or pale yellow, it means that the process of oil formation has begun.

The liquid that will separate from the oily portion is called buttermilk. It is rich in vitamins and minerals. Buttermilk makes delicious and healthy pastries. Derived from cream homemade butter you need to put it on cheesecloth and leave for 2 hours. During this time, excess fluid will drain from it. From 1 liter of cream, 300-350 g of ready-made homemade butter should be obtained.

Cheese and garlic sauce

Some people don't even know that cream can be made delicate and fragrant. cheese sauce... This sauce is ideal with pasta or other dishes with pasta... For cooking we need:

  • hard cheese - 100 g;
  • cream 30% - 100 ml;
  • 1 clove of garlic;
  • salt, pepper - to taste.

The recipe is very simple: grate the cheese on a fine grater, squeeze the garlic. Stir the mixture, add salt and pepper to taste, then pour in the cream. The resulting mixture must be put on water bath to melt the cheese. Stir the sauce periodically with a whisk. When the consistency is smooth, try the finished product. Season with salt and pepper if necessary.

Cream soup "Dubarry"

This soup French cuisine named after the favorite of Louis XV Marie Jeanne Dubarry. The recipe for this soup is very simple and original. For cooking we need:

  • cauliflower -1 pc;
  • leeks - 1 pc;
  • milk - 500 ml;
  • cream 20% - 100 ml;
  • butter - 100 g;
  • salt, pepper - to taste;
  • parsley;
  • garlic;
  • Red caviar.

We disassemble cauliflower on inflorescences and send to cook before cooking. Put the butter in a separate saucepan and put on a slow fire so that the butter melts, but does not burn. Cut the leek into half rings, chop the garlic, send it to a saucepan with butter. When the onion is ready, pour the broth, milk into the pan, place the cauliflower. Salt and pepper to taste. After the inflorescences are completely cooked, pour in the cream. Remove the pan from the heat. Set aside some of the inflorescences for decoration, grind the rest with a blender. Decorate the dish with red caviar.

Ganache is a mixture of chocolate and cream. You can use absolutely any kind of chocolate: bitter black, milk or white. The less cocoa butter in the chocolate, the more you will need.

Only very heavy cream is suitable for making ganache. You can add melted butter to them. To prepare a classic ganache, we need the following products:

  • 2 dark chocolate bars (180 g);
  • 75 g cream 30%;
  • 100 g butter.

Pour the cream into a metal saucepan and place it in a water bath. Divide the chocolate into small wedges and place in a bowl of cream. When the mixture becomes homogeneous and smooth, remove the pan from heat and cool to 40 degrees. Add room temperature butter to the mass and mix the mixture. Cover the saucepan with plastic wrap and refrigerate for 2 hours. During this time, the cream will become thick and viscous.

Airy cream based cream

Whipped cream is known to everyone. This delicate airy mass is actively used to decorate cakes, pastries and other culinary delights.

To make such a buttercream, you need cream and powdered sugar. They should be very greasy and fresh. The fat content must be at least 30%. You need to work with cream carefully, as there is a high probability of spoiling the product if the cooking technology is violated.

Before working with cream, you need to keep it in the refrigerator for 24 hours. We begin to beat at first at low speed, then gradually increase the speed. When the cream begins to hold its shape, the whipping process should be stopped. Otherwise, we get butter. If you are not satisfied with the consistency of the cream, you can add gelatin. Cream for decorating cakes should be thicker, so it is more convenient to use.

You can use artificial cream to make the cream. At the same time, at the exit you will get a mass that will keep its shape well even with room temperature... Such cream whips faster and the risks of spoiling the product are minimized.


Exist great amount recipes using cream. Remember that the result of the dish will depend not only on the observance of the cooking technology, but also on the quality of the cream used. It is better to give preference to natural cream, collected from fresh cow's milk.