Pancake menu background. Pancake cafe business plan: necessary equipment and cost calculation

Sweet pancake cake is an unusual, but tasty, rather easy dessert to prepare. The best part is that the recipe does not involve baking, that is, such a delicacy can be prepared without oven... An excellent solution for summer cottages, kitchens with a minimum of technology or people who are not friendly with the dough.

Pancakes are delicious on their own, they may differ in appearance, thickness, structure due to the difference in ingredients. Most often they are prepared either, or, or, as well as mixing them, but there are more original recipes.

You can use thin cakes with sauces, gravies (sour cream, jams, syrups), fillings, or even use as a base for. So this dish is not as easy as it seems.

Most unusual option The use of pancakes is to create a dessert. Various ingredients can serve as a filling, naturally sweet - creams, condensed milk, fruits, chocolate, even cookie crumbs.

The pitch also differs if traditional cakes simply stacked from layers one on top of the other, then more unusual desserts involve twisting the blanks and laying them out in a certain sequence. So it will be not only tasty, but also beautiful!

Fans of everything chocolate will love this dessert option. It stands out for its beauty in the cut thanks to the alternation of brown pancakes with three types of cream.


  • Milk - 650 ml
  • Flour - 225 g
  • Sugar - 100 g
  • Cocoa powder - 25 g
  • Butter - 50 g
  • Eggs - 4 pcs.
  • Vanilla - 4 g

For the cream:

  • Cream 35% fat - 600 ml
  • Sugar - 100 g
  • Vanilla - 4 g
  • Cocoa powder - 5 g
  • Instant coffee - 4 g
  • Oreo cookies - 2 packs


  • Sift flour with cocoa, add sugar, vanilla.

  • We drive in the eggs one at a time, mixing everything with a whisk.

  • Pour in milk little by little, kneading the dough until smooth.

  • For perfect smoothness of the lump-free dough, pour it through a sieve.

  • We close the container with cling film, let it rest for 30 minutes.

  • We disassemble the Oreo cookies, remove the filling, grind the baked goods into crumbs with a blender.

  • Fry pancakes in a frying pan with a small amount of vegetable oil; it is not necessary to add fat during frying.

  • It is best to make the pancakes thinner to get as many layers as possible.
  • To make the cake beautiful, first we cut off the edges of the blanks, for this we put the pancakes in a pile, put a plate of a slightly smaller diameter on top, cut off the excess with a sharp knife, do this with the whole product.

  • Whisk cold cream with sugar, vanilla until soft peaks, divide into three parts, add cocoa to the first, coffee to the second, and leave the third unchanged.

  • We put the first pancake on a dish, it is convenient to put strips of parchment under the edges so that you can remove it later and the plate remains perfectly clean.
  • Lubricate with cocoa cream, sprinkle with biscuit crumbs on top.

  • We do this with the third cake.
  • Then we use the second type of cream, then the third, if desired, you can alternate them.
  • When the dessert is already folded, carefully place the cutting board on top, pressing down slightly to get an even top.
  • We cover the cake, put in the refrigerator for a couple of hours to soak.

  • Decorate before serving by sprinkling with cookie crumbs, cocoa or with whipped cream and whole Oreo cookies.

  • We remove the paper, try it. Enjoy!

Sweet pancake cake with condensed milk and sour cream

One of the simplest recipes for which any pancake will work. In fact, this is a great way out if too many pancakes were prepared on Shrovetide or simply for the table, which were not eaten. Do not waste the good? Moreover, making such a cake is really easy.

You will need:

  • 20-25 ready-made pancakes
  • Boiled condensed milk - 1 can
  • Sour cream 20% fat - 0.5 l


  • We cut the edges of the blanks with a knife around the bowl, or simply press it down, squeezing out the cakes of the desired size.

  • We mix boiled condensed milk with sour cream (if there is no already boiled version, then you will have to buy the usual one and cook for 3 hours, making sure that the water does not boil away), stirring thoroughly until homogeneous mass.

  • Lubricate the cakes with cream.
  • Decorate with nuts, dried fruits, fruits, grated or melted chocolate.

  • We soak in the refrigerator for several hours, we get delicious dessert with the finest layers and aromatic, sweet filling... And the best part is that even a child can make a cake if there are cakes themselves!

Pancake cake recipe with cottage cheese and banana

Connoisseurs of sweet bananas and cottage cheese should try this dessert. By the way, instead of these fruits, you can take other favorites.

Main products:

  • Pre-baked pancakes - 25-30 pcs.
  • Bananas - 7-8 pcs.
  • Sour cream 20% - 400 g
  • Cottage cheese - 200 g
  • Gelatin - 10 g
  • Powdered sugar - 200 g +3 tbsp
  • To decorate the cake:
  • Black chocolate - 100 g
  • Chocolate drops or dragees - 2 tablespoons
  • Cherries, canned in own juice or from jam - 2-3 tbsp.


  • We bake pancakes according to your favorite recipe.
  • We dilute gelatin cold water, let it swell for 15 minutes, then heat it up to 60 degrees, filter it through a sieve.
  • Cover the detachable form with cling film, leaving free edges.
  • We peel the bananas, cut them into four pieces in length, twist each such strip into a pancake.

  • Mix cottage cheese with sour cream, add powdered sugar, gelatin, beat the cream well.

  • Put the prepared banana rolls with a snail in a mold, pour generously with cream, on top - a second layer of rolls, more cream.

  • We close it with cling film, let it soak for a couple of hours, preferably at night.
  • Pour the cake out of the mold with the rest of the cream, decorate with melted chocolate, dragee.

Pancake cake with custard and strawberries

The custard conquers with its airiness, lightness, tenderness, its taste is perfectly complemented by soft fruits such as fresh strawberries... This unusual dessert both adults and children will definitely like it!


For the test:

  • Flour - 200 g
  • Milk - 0.5 l
  • Egg - 3 pcs.
  • Water - 100 ml
  • Sugar - 3 tablespoons
  • Salt - 0.5 tsp
  • Vegetable oil - 3 tablespoons
  • Butter - 50 g

For cream and decoration:

  • Milk - 0.5 l
  • Vanilla - 4 g
  • Sugar - 100 g
  • Eggs - 5 pcs.
  • Corn starch - 45 g
  • Fresh strawberries - 200 g
  • Powdered sugar - 1 tablespoon

  • First, we make a cream so that it is infused, for this we heat the milk in a saucepan, add vanilla, half of the sugar, let it boil and turn it off.
  • Divide the eggs into whites and yolks, pour the yolks into the remaining sugar, add starch there, mix.
  • Pour the egg-sugar mixture into the cream, heat until thickened, let cool.
  • In the meantime, we make pancakes, for this we beat milk with eggs, water, salt with a mixer, add sugar little by little, then pour in vegetable oil, add flour in portions, without ceasing to beat until a homogeneous dough is formed.
  • We bake the cakes as usual, and so that the finished pancakes do not stick together, grease them with a piece of butter with hot ones.
  • Beat the cooled cream with a mixer until a fluffy homogeneous structure, but making sure that the mass does not have time to exfoliate.
  • We coat the cakes with cream, decorate the top with washed, dried strawberries cut into thin slices.
  • Let the dessert soak in the refrigerator for 30-60 minutes, lightly sprinkle with powdered sugar before serving.

Pancake cake with curd cream and fruit

Another option curd dessert with an unusually delicate, airy soufflé cream.
For him you will need:

For the test:

  • Milk - 400 ml
  • Sour cream of any fat content - 120 g
  • Eggs - 3 pcs.
  • Flour - 1 tbsp + 2 tbsp.
  • Salt - 1/3 tsp
  • Baking powder - 2 tsp
  • Vegetable oil - 2 tablespoons
  • Vanillin - 1 tsp

For the cream:

  • Sour cream - 300 g
  • Cottage cheese or Ricotta cheese - 500 g
  • Sugar - 1 tbsp.
  • Cream of fat content not less than 33% - 1 tbsp.
  • Gelatin - 8 g
  • Water - 50 ml
  • Vanillin to taste
  • Orange - 2 pcs.
  • Banana - 2 pcs.


  • Mix milk with sour cream, eggs, salt, sugar, baking powder, vanilla. Add flour gradually, after sifting it, beat everything. At the end, add refined vegetable oil, it will help not to put fat in the pan during the frying process.

  • We heat the pan until haze appears, grease it with a brush, pour out a little dough, distributing it in a circular motion.
  • We fry the dough on both sides, we do this with the whole dough, there is no need to grease the finished pancakes.

  • If we use cottage cheese, then it must first be wiped through a sieve, with Ricotta this is not necessary, we mix the raw materials with vanilla, sugar, separately whip cream with sugar.
  • Mix the curd mass with pre-soaked in water for 15 minutes, and then heated in a water bath until melting and strained gelatin.
  • Mix cottage cheese with cream, mix until smooth, let thicken in the cold for 30 minutes.

  • We collect the cake, smearing the pancakes with cream, laying on top of the peeled fruits cut into thin layers through the layer (or on each layer, but in turn - first bananas, then oranges).

  • So we add the whole dessert, fill it with the remaining cream on top, decorate with grated chocolate or fruit.

  • We give the cream to gel in the refrigerator for a couple of hours, and soak the cakes.

Pancake cake recipe with cherries and sour cream

This cake can decorate any festive dinner. It is not only delicious, but also beautiful. And, unlike the baked counterpart, it cooks much faster.

You will need:

  • Canned cherries - 400 g (or 800 g frozen)
  • Sugar - 150 g
  • Eggs - 2 pcs.
  • Vegetable oil - 2 tablespoons
  • Sour cream 20% fat - 500 ml
  • Flour - 270 g
  • Milk - 600 ml
  • Dark chocolate - 40 g
  • Sugar - 0.5 tsp
  • Salt - 0.5 tsp


  • First, beat the eggs, sugar, salt into a light foam, add warm milk, stir in the flour.

  • Let the dough rest for 15-20 minutes, then add vegetable oil, mix.
  • Fry the first pancake in a greased frying pan, the rest - already on a dry one (there will be enough butter in the dough).

  • So we fry all the dough.
  • Mix sour cream with sugar.

  • We put several cherries in a row on a pancake, roll it up with a tube, so we form rolls from all the blanks (if frozen berries are used, then it must first be boiled with a glass of sugar for a couple of minutes).

  • We put the rolls in a row on the dish, grease with sour cream, fold the second row (one roll less), so we create a kind of pyramid, not forgetting to fill the voids with cream.

  • Let the cake soak, freeze for a couple of hours - and eat with pleasure!

Homemade sweet cake with mascarpone and cream

Particular tenderness can be achieved by adding soft cheese mascarpone.


  • Flour - 2 tbsp.
  • Milk - 500 ml
  • Egg - 2 pcs.
  • Sugar - 3 tablespoons
  • Butter - 2 tablespoons
  • Soda - 1 pinch
  • Vinegar - 0.5 tsp
  • Mascarpone cheese - 0.5 kg
  • Powdered sugar - 150 g
  • Cream - 300 ml
  • Vanillin to taste
  • Milk chocolate for decoration

  • We make pancakes from flour, milk, sugar, eggs, slaked soda vinegar, let them cool.
  • Whip the cream with powdered sugar, add cheese, finely chopped chocolate, mix.
  • Lubricate the "cakes" with the resulting cream, coat ready cake with the rest of the cheese mass, decorate.
  • Let it brew for the night, try it!

Cooking a pancake cake stuffed with boiled condensed milk

And finally, one more option for combining the dough with boiled condensed milk.

For him we take:

  • Pancakes - 13 pcs.
  • Boiled condensed milk - 200 g
  • Milk - 100 g
  • Eggs - 2 pcs.
  • Sugar - 0.5 tsp


  • Cooking pancakes according to your favorite recipe.
  • To pour with a fork or whisk, beat the eggs, add sugar, milk, beat again.
  • We put the first pancake on a plate, put a teaspoon of condensed milk on the edge, roll it up, we do this with all the blanks.

  • We take a split form with a diameter of 25-26 cm, line it with parchment.
  • Put the pancake rolls inside with a snail.

  • We cover everything with fill.
  • We bake at 180 degrees for 40 minutes, cool slightly, carefully remove the form, put on a dish, sprinkle with powdered sugar, decorate as desired.
  • It remains to wait two hours while the dessert is infused in the refrigerator - and you can feast on this beauty.

On the threshold of Maslenitsa, the time when it is supposed to eat pancakes with different fillings... If you get tired of their usual taste or if you have baked shortbreads that no one wants to eat anymore, make such cakes. This is really something! Well, the options you like can always be prepared "just like that" or for a festive table.

If you have the idea to open a pancake shop, then most likely you already have the initial capital, you love to cook and you have looked for a profitable place for this type of business. But even if you do not have any preliminary entrepreneurial groundwork, then you can think over the idea of ​​a pancake and put it into practice within a few months. In this article we will tell you how to do it as quickly and safely as possible for your own finances.

Business planning

The peculiarity of planning the opening of a pancake house is that the first step is to concentrate all efforts on finding high-quality equipment and a suitable place for trading. At the same time, you can search for investors and suppliers. To obtain an optimal result, carry out the following preliminary measures:

  • study offers for the sale of a ready-made business;
  • collect information on franchises;
  • visit exhibitions and sales of new equipment for street trading;
  • to study the proposals of domestic manufacturers of ready-made equipment for a pancake;
  • analyze offers in the Chinese market.

Having navigated the existing price proposals, a budding entrepreneur who is considering how to open a crepe shop from scratch can plan costs. If your own start-up capital is not enough for the project, then you will have to attract partners.

The best scheme for attracting partners is an offer to become a co-founder of a pancake shop. In this case, when registering an enterprise, it will be necessary to register an LLC (with sole financing, an individual entrepreneur is sufficient). The advantage of such a partnership is that there is no need to pay interest for the use of other people's money, and there is also no need to return the money invested in the company. The partner gets his dividends from the profit and that's it.

If you do not want to share your business with partners, then the best solution is to obtain a bank loan. Banks' requirements for borrowing entrepreneurs:

  • official business registration;
  • professional business plan;
  • collateral (real estate, transport or equipment).

Having fulfilled the listed conditions, the entrepreneur will be able to receive loan money at a low interest rate (up to 20% per annum). Otherwise, business development will have to take short-term small loans at 2-3% per day, which will dramatically increase the payback period of the entire project.

The pancake business plan depends on the type of the future enterprise. The most profitable formats for crepes are cafes or kiosks.

Key indicators of a pancake business plan

It is impossible to plan a promising venture without drawing up a business plan. It is advisable to order this document from a professional auditor who will be able to provide the customer-businessman with reasonable and reliable conclusions about the financial performance of the future project.

But ordering a professional business plan is an expensive pleasure, and therefore, in order to determine for himself whether it is worth starting preparation for the implementation of the idea of ​​organizing a pancake shop, an entrepreneur needs to draw up an approximate financial plan for a future enterprise.

An approximate business plan for a pancake-style cafe with a total area of ​​100 sq.m. (sales area - about 40 sq.m.):

An approximate business plan for a pancake shop in the format of a small stall:

From the above calculations, it follows that the payback period for a pancake baking business is on average six months, and the choice of a start-up format for this type of business depends on the amount of initial investment that an entrepreneur is willing to invest in the project.

Pancake equipment

A set of equipment for a pancake is formed from several basic items:

  • pancake maker;
  • refrigerators and cabinets for storing food;
  • trade showcases;
  • furniture for visitors;
  • transport.

An entrepreneur who wants to save money on equipment can cut costs for furniture for visitors and display cases, but the equipment for preparing and storing products must be of excellent quality.

If you buy a pancake as a ready-made business, then first of all you need to get expert advice on whether the equipment for making pancakes is in good working order and how long it can still serve. If crepe makers have a small durability resource, then the buyer has the right to demand a price reduction.

The cost of one professional electric crepe maker is about 40 thousand rubles. A cafe needs at least three such baking machines. The kiosk can be equipped with one pancake maker.

If your cafe is planning a wide range of pancakes and fillings, then you need to purchase two refrigerated cabinets for the kitchen. One for storing dairy products, and the other for fruits, vegetables and meat fillings... The cost of one cabinet is about 30 thousand rubles.

Kitchen furniture and display cases are available on sale. The cost of the entire set can be no more than 15 thousand rubles.

In the trading floor with an area of ​​40 sq.m. you can place about 10 tables, each for three guests. A set of such furniture will cost about 30 thousand rubles.

A coffee machine can be obtained from a distributor of coffee beans free of charge by concluding a contract for the sale through a cafe of the coffee of the brand that this distributor is distributing.

A complete set of equipment for a pancake cafe will cost about 200 thousand rubles.

To organize a stall, much less money is required:

  • one pancake maker for making pancakes (40,000 rubles);
  • a small refrigerator (20,000 rubles);
  • forced water supply system (RUB 10,000);
  • several high tables near the kiosk (5,000 rubles).

Total: 75,000 rubles.

Reconstruction or renovation

Due to the fact that the business of the production and sale of hot pancakes belongs to the economic activities of enterprises Catering, then both on the part of buyers and on the part of regulatory authorities, these establishments are subject to high requirements for compliance with sanitary and hygienic rules during the performance of all production processes.

When purchasing or renting premises for a pancake cafe, please note that it was used by the previous owners. The best option is to rent or buy out an object in which the cafe has previously worked. In this case, the entrepreneur will not need to spend money on the reconstruction of premises for a catering establishment, but only to carry out cosmetic repairs.

The cost of renovation for the cafe is 100 sq.m. (40 sq.m. - trading floor):

The cost of renting premises for a cafe is about 60 thousand rubles a month.

If your project is a pancake on wheels, then instead of investing in renovating the premises, you will have to look for craftsmen who can convert your existing car into a diner on wheels.

It should be noted that there is still no regulation for vehicles that are not factory converted to the point of retail sale of ready-made food products... To avoid controversial situations with law enforcement officers, it is recommended to equip a covered trailer under a pancake on wheels.

The purchase and re-equipment for a pancake trailer will cost about the same 500 thousand rubles.

Pancake work

Those who are planning how to open a crepe shop from scratch should not only plan the costs of equipment and repairs, but also think over the quality of the product, its assortment and service conditions.

Sample menu for a pancake house:

Based on this data, you can forecast daily revenue and purchase.

Pancake recipes are usually kept secret. Your branded recipe can be the backbone of your advertising campaign. If you do not want to experiment and agree to start with the traditional pancakes that are most familiar to the consumer, then invite a good chef who will train your staff to make quality goods and at the same time economically use the products necessary for making pancakes.

If you do invite a chef, then order from him also the service of training your staff in serving pancake dishes. A beautiful or non-standard presentation can also become a feature of your pancake.

To determine the volume of monthly purchases for a pancake, you can focus on the following figures:

The cost of cooking one pancake:

Product nameQuantityCost, rub.)
Total: 15,4
Flour0.05 kg1,5
Milk100 ml5,0
Eggs0.05 kg2,5
Oil (vegetable)0.02 l0,8
Oil (drain)0.01 kg5,0

Thus, the cost of one basic pancake without filling is 15.5 rubles.

Labor Relations

For the functioning of a pancake cafe, an entrepreneur will have to hire at least 5 people:

  • 2 employees in the trading floor;
  • kitchen worker;
  • cleaning woman;
  • accountant-administrator.

To ensure the operation of the pancake-stand, it is enough to hire two shift sellers who will simultaneously bake the pancakes and sell them.

Pancake cake snack - an unusual addition festive table or a complete second course for every day. This savory appetizer is prepared with different fillings - fish, meat, vegetables, cheese.

A separate category of pancake cakes is made up of desserts, that is, dishes in which pancakes are interspersed with sweet creams, fruits, chocolate, we talked about them. Now it's time to discuss the snack option.

As a rule, the usual pancake dough and or just one or the other. Also, sometimes cakes are made from other products, for example, grated zucchini or liver, then the dish turns out to be completely different.

The simplest, but rather tender version of the dish is with cheese (melted) and garlic to add spice. The preparation is simple due to the fact that there is almost no need to prepare the filling - mixed and that's it.

The products are as follows:

For the test:

  • Milk - 1 l
  • Egg - 2 pcs.
  • Sugar - 1 pinch
  • Salt - 2-3 pinches
  • Vegetable oil - 3 tablespoons
  • Flour - 2 tbsp.

For filling:

  • Cheese - 250-300 g (better soft, sold in cans or tubes, like sausage)
  • Garlic - 1-2 cloves

  • In a deep container, mix half of the milk with the rest of the products, beat with a whisk until smooth, then add the remaining milk, adjusting the consistency - you may need less or a little more.
  • Peel the garlic, grind it with a press or grater, combine with soft melted cheese.
  • Fry the dough in a pan, trying to make the biscuits thin, but not torn
  • As you fry, collect the cake, smearing it with a garlic mixture.

By the way, processed cheese You can replace it with the usual one, simply by rubbing it before the cooking process and applying it to hot cakes, from the temperature it will soften, soaking the dough. If you do not have time to fold the cake hot, just put the dish in the microwave for 1-2 minutes upon completion, and it will melt.

Pancake snack cake with canned fish

We will get a luxurious cake by adding noble tuna or salmon to the usual ingredients. With the economy option, you can replace this fish with cheaper canned food, the result will be slightly different, but still tasty.

To prepare the dough, we take the following products:

For the dough:

  • Flour - 250 g
  • Milk - 550 ml
  • Eggs - 2 pcs.
  • Salt - 0.5 tsp
  • Sugar - 2 tablespoons
  • Vegetable oil - 2 tablespoons
  • Curd cheese - 300 g
  • Tuna - 1 can
  • Red caviar for decoration - optional
  • Greenery for decoration


  • We make a homogeneous dough from these products, fry pancakes.
  • Grease each cake with a thin layer curd cheese, then we spread the fish, caviar.

  • The most tasty combination for the holiday - alternate layers, the first - only cottage cheese, the second - with fish, the third - with caviar, and so on, until all the products are used up.
  • Grease the top with cottage cheese, decorate with herbs, caviar, fish.

Pancake snack cake with chicken and mushrooms. It's just incredibly delicious!

This dish combines the most traditional delicious ingredients, so the result is expectedly good.

The ingredients are as follows:

For the test:

  • Flour - 300 g
  • Milk - 350 ml
  • Water - 250 ml
  • Egg - 3 pcs.
  • Sugar - 1 tablespoon
  • Salt - a pinch
  • Vegetable oil - 50 ml
  • Chicken fillet - 600 g
  • Champignons - 600 g
  • Onions - 1 pc.
  • Sour cream - 300 g
  • Salt, pepper to taste
  • Greenery for decoration


  • Mix eggs, salt, sugar, stir.
  • Pour in half of the milk, gradually add the sifted flour, knead until smooth.

  • Add the remaining milk, pour in the vegetable oil, it will make the dough more elastic and will not add fat when frying.
  • If the dough is too thick - dilute with water, thin - add flour.
  • Let the liquid rest for 15 minutes.
  • Fry in a frying pan slightly greased with vegetable oil on both sides until a beautiful golden color, trying not to overdry.
  • Boil fillets in salted water in advance, cut mushrooms and onions, fry.

  • Grind everything with a blender or meat grinder, salt and pepper to taste.

  • Putting the cake together: lay out the first cake, alternating with the filling.

  • Cover the sides of the cake with sour cream, make a mesh from it or mayonnaise on top, decorate.
  • Let it soak in the refrigerator for an hour or two, try it!
  • Very satisfying, appetizing, aromatic version of the dish.

Recipe for pancake cake with salmon and curd cheese

An exquisite appetizer will come out when you add tasty, tender, juicy salmon, and curd will complement the taste of the fish. Preparing a snack is easy, especially if you use ready-made cakes from the store.


  • Ready-made pancakes - 7 pcs.
  • Red fish - 300-400 g
  • Curd cheese - 200
  • Cream 35% - 200 g
  • Dill for decoration


  • Mix the cream with curd cheese until smooth.

  • Cut the red fish into cubes, combine with cottage cheese.

  • Wash greens, finely chop, mix with fish-curd mixture.
  • Lubricate the pancakes delicious cream, trying to keep the same amount.

  • The rest of the cream is used to coat the sides and top.

  • Let the dish soak for a couple of hours, decorate, serve in slices.
  • If you have time, you can bake the cakes yourself, but the dough should not be the thinnest, so that it looks more like a cake.

Unsweetened pancake cake with liver filling

A simple but very appetizing cake with the addition of liver will help to feed the guests, as they say, to the bone. It is suitable for a regular dinner, and a gala banquet, and the taste is very delicate!


  • Egg - 10 pcs. (3 for dough, 7 for filling)
  • Kefir - 1 l
  • Vegetable oil - 100 ml
  • Boiling water - 200 ml
  • Flour - 250 g
  • Chicken liver - 800 g
  • Onions - 2 pcs.
  • Mayonnaise - 5 tablespoons
  • Sour cream - 3 tablespoons


  • First, we make the dough - beat the eggs, add kefir, butter to them, gradually add flour and spices to taste, knead so that there are no lumps left.
  • Then add boiling water, mix quickly, let it brew for 10 minutes.
  • We fry the cakes, folding them in a pile.
  • Cook liver and eggs in separate pans, cool, grind with a blender, mix.
  • Peel the onion, cut it into small cubes, fry in a little vegetable oil.
  • Combine the liver mixture with onions, sour cream, mayonnaise, spices.

  • We spread the first pancake on a fairly large flat dish, grease with the resulting paste, so gradually fold the cake, leave the top cake clean.

  • Let the dish brew for half an hour or an hour, serve it to the table, decorating it.

Oven Mushroom and Minced Pancake Pie Recipe

A beautiful, nourishing, juicy pie-cake is prepared a little more difficult than the previous options for one simple reason - first you need to fry the cakes, then add the filling, and finally bake in the oven. But the result is worth the time and effort!


  • Unsweetened pancakes (ready-made or baked according to your favorite recipe) - 11 pcs.
  • Chicken fillet - 700 g
  • Mushrooms (champignons) - 500 g
  • Bulb onions - 2 pcs.
  • Garlic - 2 cloves
  • Salt, pepper to taste
  • Sour cream - 3 tablespoons
  • Mayonnaise - 1 tablespoon
  • Butter - 20 g
  • Hard cheese - 300 g
  • Dill to taste


  • Boil the chicken in salted water, cut into small cubes, add garlic grated on a fine grater (or you can press through a press), add salt, pepper if necessary, mix with sour cream and mayonnaise (1-2 tablespoons).

  • We make the second filling, for this, mushrooms, chop the peeled onion into a cube, fry on vegetable oil, lightly salted, pepper until tender.

  • Grate the cheese.

  • Grease the baking dish well with butter.
  • We put one pancake on the bottom of the mold, put several cakes on the sides in a circle so that the edges hang down - we will then cover the cake with them.

  • We spread a layer of chicken on the bottom, carefully leveling the mixture, trying not to tear the base.

  • Sprinkle with grated cheese on top.
  • We put the pancake again, cover with mushroom filling, cheese.

  • Repeat layers until we run out of products.
  • We wrap it to the middle of the edge, put another pancake on top.

  • Apply with a brush to the top butter, on top - sour cream or mayonnaise
  • Bake at 180 degrees for about 15-20 minutes (preheat the oven).

  • We take out the cake by turning it over onto a plate.
  • From above, if you wish, you can decorate the appetizer with dill, other herbs, vegetable flowers, Cherry tomatoes.
  • Such a dish is especially beautiful in the context - various fillings with juicy impregnation, fragrant, tender, very satisfying!

Video - how to make a pancake cake with mushrooms and red fish from Olga Matvey

An unusual but very tasty combination of mushrooms and red fish. Preparing an appetizer is simple - the products for the dough are mixed, then thin unsweetened pancakes, these cakes are laid out on a baking sheet, alternating with grated cheese, pickled mushrooms and salted fish, olives. Then it remains to heat the dish in the oven for 10 minutes at 180 degrees.

The uniqueness of this version of the salty cake is that it does not contain mayonnaise, cream, sour cream - cheese acts as a connecting component, which, when heated, is heated by gluing the layers.

See the video for cooking details.

Maslenitsa is not far off, when it is customary to eat pancakes with different fillings - sweet, salty, even exotic. When you get tired of using them just like that or the cakes will not be eaten - make such a cake! And for any feast, such a dish is just a godsend. Bon Appetit!

In the heat, take a couple at once! In Russian national cuisine, aromatic toasted pancakes are served for breakfast and evening meals; they are good for refreshment in the fresh air, they can act as dessert dish... And most importantly - everyone loves pancakes! So, let's look at how to open a crepe, where to start. See below for an example of a business plan.

How to open a crepe shop from scratch?

Fast food company based on Russian traditions national cuisine, - that's what a pancake house is in our country.

She won't be able to provide high - average check, but implies a fast turnover of the flow of visitors. We will compose the approximate content of your future business plan.


The choice of the correct location of the future catering point determines the success of the entire business project. The most important condition should be the absence of similar pancakes or cafes nearby, with a similar assortment. By taking away some of their clientele, they can take targeted actions to eliminate you as a competitor.

Cafe "Skovorodka"

A big plus for a favorable location will be the proximity to railway and bus stations, social and administrative facilities, office buildings, metro stations, educational institutions, children's parks, skating rinks. The business district of the city, a busy pedestrian zone - their proximity will create a competitive advantage for the point.

On average, for renting a room with an area of ​​about 40-50 square meters, you need to mortgage 50,000 rubles.

Permits documentation

According to the legislation of the Russian Federation, a pancake business is an individual entrepreneurial activity.

The necessary documentation on the basis of which the food point will function:

  • The building of a catering establishment must meet the requirements of SNiP
  • Norms and requirements for the safety of food raw materials and products (MVT 5061).
  • Norms and requirements for environmental safety (SanPiN 42–123–5777, SNiP
  • Fire safety standards and requirements (GOST 12.1.004).

On average, teaching documents costs 200,000 rubles.

Walnut- the product is expensive and in high demand. can become a family business for years to come.

How to open a Subway fast food restaurant franchise, read.

Growing commercial fish is a profitable business, as in this product supply is insufficient, but demand is there. Here we will look at how to grow sturgeon for sale at home.

Requirements for the premises

The area and structure of the premises must be at least 40-50 m², including:

  • hall for visitors;
  • food production area;
  • washing;
  • warehouse.

A prerequisite for the organization of the premises is the presence of all types of basic communications and general fire safety means. Namely:

  • heating;
  • water supply (cold and hot);
  • sewerage and ventilation communications;
  • telecommunications;
  • fire escape;
  • emergency exit;
  • fire-fighting equipment.

For the hall, where tables for visitors will be located, an area of ​​30-40 m² is quite enough, and for a technological room where pancakes will be baked, at least 20 m² is needed. Nowadays, it has become very popular to connect the kitchen and the hall for visitors, giving customers the opportunity to observe the process of cooking.

Pancake shop interior

Of course, the cafe needs powerful ventilation, installation of split systems that can be replaced with industrial or semi-industrial air conditioners.

After that, you can start developing the design project of the room. As a rule, food outlets, where pancakes with various fillings are the main dish, are decorated in the Russian national style, choosing the appropriate name for it, for example: "Teremok", "At Granny's", "Pechki-Lavochki", "BlinOK" and others.

Wooden tables, benches and chairs, as well as chintz curtains on the windows, “walkers” on the wall, items of peasant life - will create the atmosphere of a Russian folk tale.

The more interesting and attractive your establishment looks, the more visitors of different ages will become your regular customers.

Pancake equipment

Technological equipment:

  • ventilation;
  • fire safety system;
  • dispensing counter;
  • pancake baking machine;
  • coffee machine;
  • electric kettle;
  • refrigerator;
  • freezer;
  • Dishwasher;
  • oven;
  • necessary utensils and kitchen utensils.

On average, the purchase of the necessary technological equipment will cost 500,000 rubles.


The staffing table should be oriented towards several positions, including:

  • cook - 22,000 rubles;
  • cook assistant - 17,000;
  • waiter - 15,000;
  • dishwasher - 10,000;
  • cleaning lady - 10,000.

On average, monthly staff costs will amount to 72,000 rubles.

Every food preparation worker must have a valid health record.

The staff who will be in contact with visitors, in addition to professional requirements, must be presented with additional ethical and aesthetic standards for working with clients. These workers should always be friendly, helpful and get along well with children. If at the same time they are dressed in appropriate suits, it will become an additional plus to the image of your establishment.

Pancake cafe menu

A professional chef knows at least about twenty types of this Russian food.

They are made from various types of flour, of different consistency (yeast, unleavened, custard).

And a huge variety of fillings is predetermined by our very national culture - mushrooms, meat, fish, caviar, potatoes, fruits, dairy products. Pancakes can be served with jam, condensed milk, sour cream - for every taste!

Other dishes from Russian folk cuisine will not interfere with your menu: pancakes, pies, pies, kulebyaki. If your chef is a professional, then in a short time the fame of the pies from your pancake house will spread around the neighborhood, bringing to you those who appreciate delicious high-quality cooking.

Such an assortment of Russian cuisine should be supported by appropriate drinks: jelly, tea with herbs, compote - but you will not have a hangover from customers!

On average, the cost of purchasing products will be approximately 100,000 rubles.

Business costs and profits

If we take the most minimal means of promoting products, then they should include:

  • online advertising;
  • advertising at citywide events;
  • print ads.

Feasibility study of the project

The type of activity carried out is public catering.


  1. Obtaining permits - 200,000 rubles.
  2. Utility bills - 5,000 rubles.
  3. Equipment - RUB 500,000
  4. Furniture for visitors - 100,000 rubles.
  5. Sign - 10,000 rubles.
  6. Lighting system - 100,000 rubles.
  7. Inventory - 100,000 rubles.

Total: 815,000 rubles.

We open a pancake shop from scratch in a small town step by step: documentation, premises, equipment, assortment, pancake markup, how to increase demand for pancakes, reviews.

You can make good money on pancakes, because the markup on pancakes is up to 500%, our people love pancakes, and the assortment of pancakes with fillings is impressive, about 30 various fillings can be offered to customers. But, as in every case in the pancake business, there are subtleties, which we will talk about in this article.

How to open a crepe shop? Where to begin?

We start by assessing the competition in your city and looking for premises for a pancake, you will need a room in a busy, crowded place, preferably in the central part of the city, the best option is premises near the market, station, office centers, educational institutions.

There must be running water, toilet, electricity in the room.

You will need to conclude a rental agreement with the owner of the premises with a monthly payment.

We register entrepreneurial activity, the best option for an individual entrepreneur, we determine the tax system, in this case the best option a single tax on imputed income.

Within 10 days you need to come to the pension fund, write an application and register.

You need to pay taxes monthly:

  • Income tax and unified social contribution for each employee.
  • The flat rate of the single tax.

You will need to get permission from the State Fire Inspection.

Also get permission from SES.

The main requirements of the SES for catering points:

  • The presence of a washstand with running water.
  • The presence of a toilet.
  • Floor and wall covering made of easy-to-clean material.
  • The presence of a hood.
  • Kitchen tables should have stainless steel work surfaces.
  • The presence of plafonds on lighting lamps.
  • There must be a certificate of conformity for the equipment.
  • Compulsory availability of refrigeration equipment for storing food.

What do you need to open a crepe shop? Pancake equipment.

For making pancakes, coffee, tea and storing food, you will need equipment:

Fridge freezer or freezer.

Production table with stainless steel working surface.

Kneader for liquid dough.

The pancake maker is professional.

Slicer (for slicing products for pancake filling).

The coffee machine is semi-automatic or automatic.

Tabletop display case for cooling pancake filling.

Trade scales.

Trade counter.

Kitchen stock (knives, cutting boards, etc.).

Tables and chairs for clients.

A sign for a pancake shop.

Pancake staff.

When the equipment in the pancake shop is installed, it is necessary to select personnel; for a small pancake, two cooks are needed to work in shifts.

There must be one more assistant on the shift, whose duties include accepting payment, giving out portions to customers, making coffee in a coffee machine, and keeping order in the hall. All pancake workers must have health records. It is better to do the accounting yourself; if necessary, you can outsource the accounting to a specialist.

Making a menu for a pancake house.

The main menu of the pancake house is filled with spring rolls. It is better to choose the most popular fillings:

  • Ham and cheese.
  • With meat.
  • Chicken.
  • Salami.
  • Smoked chicken breast.
  • Cottage cheese and dried apricots.
  • Mushrooms.
  • Condensed milk.
  • Salmon.
  • Salmon.
  • Caviar.
  • Banana and chocolate.

There are quite a few varieties of fillings, some are in good demand, others are not very good, in any case, you need to select a menu based on the preferences of the pancake's customers.

In addition to pancakes, the menu must include hot and cold drinks, several types of tea, coffee (espresso, Americano, latte, coffee with cream), juices, mineral water, ice cream.

Pancake as a business. Is it profitable to open a crepe shop?

We set a markup, in each case the markup is set individually based on various factors, such as competition, location, demand, but if we talk on average, then the approximate markup:

  • Coffee - 100%.
  • Tea - 300%.
  • Ice cream - 25%.
  • Pancakes - 500%.
  • Pancake filling - 10%.

Monthly expenses:

  • Premises for rent.
  • Taxes.
  • Salary.
  • Communal payments.
  • Purchase of products.

The pancake business pays off on average in a year of operation. Is it profitable to open a crepe shop? It is difficult to unequivocally answer this question, there are many factors influencing the final profit. The monthly profit of a pancake shop (minus all expenses) located in a large city in a good passage area is $ 2,000 - $ 3,000, in relatively small cities you can count on a profit of about $ 1,000.