The most delicious chicken breast marinade. TOP of the best marinade options for chicken breasts

Let's be honest - if you cook chicken breast just like that, without anything and preliminary preparation, it will turn out dry and uninteresting. Fast, yeah. And convenient. But it doesn't taste good. But in order to be both useful and original, you need to work a little - conjure over the marinade, which will give the meat additional flavors and, of course, will make it softer and juicier. Do you have your own brand marinade for chicken breast ? If not, hurry up to look under the cut - I will share my ideas. However, even if you have your own proven recipe chicken fillet marinade, look anyway - surely something will hook you to such an extent that you want to repeat it right away.

To overcome anger, you need to go to the nearest supermarket, choose a larger chicken and name it by the name of the offender - for example, Vasya or Petya. When you come home, change your clothes, wash your hands, take a sharp knife and cut off Vasya and Petya whatever you want. Feel the anger receding? It is also very effective to pick up a culinary hammer - beat the meat as hard as you can. And then dip Vasya or Petya in boiling oil! That's it, there was no anger!

By the way, chicken breast marinade- the thing is quite universal: if you wish, you can cook it for lean pork, and for turkey, and even, perhaps, for veal. Try, look for your perfect option and be sure to share your best practices!

How to marinate chicken breast: 10 ideas from Raisins

1. Honey marinade for chicken breast

Subtle honey notes give subtle sweetness and incredible aroma. Combine mustard beans (a couple of tablespoons) with an equal amount of honey, add salt, pepper (excellent - chili), stir and brush the chicken breast thoroughly with the mixture. Leave for 2-10 hours and then bake or sauté. Amazingly delicious!

2. Ginger marinade for chicken breast

Fans of oriental culinary motives will surely appreciate this option for chicken fillet marinade. Finely grate fresh ginger, add orange juice and zest from the same fruit, mix with salt and pour over the meat. Leave in the refrigerator for a maximum of 24 hours, then cook as planned - in the oven or in a skillet, double boiler or multicooker.

3. Spicy chicken breast marinade

Mix in the proportions that suit you personally, finely grated onion, a few cloves of garlic, 100-150 ml of lemon juice, salt and chili. After marinating, the meat will be spicy, spicy, hot and almost fiery. If you omit the moment with the pepper, it will turn out well too - not so spicy and very fragrant.

4. Spicy marinade for chicken breast

You probably love herbs. So take a bag of those that you like the most, mix them with salt, rub the chicken breast, adding a couple of tablespoons of vegetable oil. Hops-suneli, herbs Italian cuisine, mint, basil, rosemary - almost everything is wonderful! Just try to marinate a little longer - let the meat lie in the refrigerator at least overnight, and then you can cook. Fried - delicious!

5. Kefir marinade for chicken breast

It sounds very unexpected, but, believe me, the result is excellent. The meat acquires a delicate creamy aroma, is covered with a thin crust that gives off cheese, but inside it remains juicy and soft. Mix a glass of kefir with a few cloves of garlic, add salt and pepper, and then pour the resulting mixture over the chicken breast. Leave it overnight and then cook as planned. It is very cool to bake such meat in foil.

6. Beer marinade for chicken breast

Alcohol and characteristic beer aromas will disappear during preparation chicken meat, there will be a wonderful bread spirit and the smell of something very thick, homely, cozy. Mix a glass of beer with salt, pepper, add a couple of cloves of garlic, some dry parsley and be sure to cumin seeds. Pour the fillet with the resulting marinade, leave overnight or a little more in the refrigerator. Then bake. Or simmer. Or fry. Everything is fine!

7. Soy marinade for chicken breast

Half a cup of soy sauce and a teaspoon of honey - mix everything, pour over chicken fillet... You don't need to salt - usually soy sauces are already salty enough. Simple and delicious. The longer the meat is in such a marinade, the more interesting your dinner will be. By the way, soy sauce gives the chicken a dark color - keep it in the marinade a little longer, and the chicken fillet will turn completely light brown.

8. Grapefruit chicken breast marinade

Tell me how delicious meat can turn out if you cook it in this marinade, right? Of course not! Squeeze out the juice, mix it with a couple of tablespoons of balsamic (or wine) vinegar, add salt, a mixture of dry herbs of Provencal cuisine. Pour the chicken fillet, leave in the refrigerator overnight (or better - a day). And bake in foil - let all the aromas remain inside the meat, it will be great!

9. Mustard marinade for chicken breast

Choose mustard depending on whether you like it spicier or softer. American sweet mustard will give the meat a smack and aroma, French mustard - piquancy and light bitterness, classical - pungency and brutality. Grease the chicken fillet on all sides, pour lemon juice at the same time and leave to marinate for 2-24 hours. And then you know what to do!

10. Chicken breast in wine

Yes, the most common wine. Well, of course, you shouldn't take the surrogate that stands in the store around the corner for three kopecks - after all, you will later eat this meat, so choose a quality wine, fill it with chicken breast. Leave for 2-10 hours, and then bake in the oven - a riot of aromas is guaranteed. By the way, you can add a little herbs - rosemary and thyme go well with fruity wine notes.

Chicken breast is a healthy dietary meat that is recommended for both those who strive for a healthy lifestyle and those who hope to get rid of a few extra pounds.

However, the breasts are often too dry and tough. How can you avoid this? Most chefs advise you to follow a few rules, the first of which is to use the right chicken breast marinade.

General principles making chicken breast marinade

It is undesirable to add mayonnaise and other mixtures containing vinegar to it. If the chicken breast kebab marinade contains a lot of acid, then the meat will acquire a sharp taste and will be harsh. In general, do not make the mixture too acidic, regardless of what you decide to add: vinegar, juice of some citrus or kefir.

Too generously salt the chicken breast marinade in the oven is also not worth it. Salt helps the meat to quickly lose juice and become "rubbery". It is better to add salt towards the end of the marinating process, 10-15 minutes before baking.

If you want to get juicy and soft dish, buy a chilled, not frozen chicken, and one that has been frozen and thawed several times, no marinade for a chicken breast kebab will save you! Not to mention the fact that such meat can easily be poisoned. So take the product only from a trusted store.

Using the marinade for chicken breasts, you can bake a whole chicken in the oven, only it needs to be marinated much longer, it is best to leave it overnight. But bake the chicken so that it turns out not dry, but juicy, better in the sleeve. If you like the crust, then you can cut (carefully so as not to burn yourself!) The sleeve and turn the temperature higher.

Various spices are added to the chicken breast marinade. This, of course, depends on the taste, but the following should be attributed to the generally accepted seasoning options:

  • Coriander;

You can use ready-made mixtures or make your own. Or you can make a chicken breast kebab marinade or a baked dish, limiting yourself to one thing. For example, thyme gives an interesting taste to a dish, and curry often appears as a "solo" (although it may be wrong in this case to speak of a solo, because curry is a mixture of spices). But it is important not to overdo it with spices, otherwise the marinade for chicken breasts in the oven will clog the taste of the bird itself!

It is necessary to marinate the breast from an hour to two, it does not make sense to keep it longer.

It will marinate faster at room temperature, but if this “ room temperature»Is too high, it is better to place the chicken bowl in the refrigerator.

Make sure that the chicken breast marinade completely covers the meat. If this is not the case, you need to periodically take out the bowl and mix the contents, ensuring that the chicken is completely coated with marinade.

Recipe 1. Kefirny chicken breast marinade


    Garlic - 2 cloves (3 if small)

    Lemon - about a third of a small citrus

    Kefir 1% fat - quarter liter

    Thyme, mint, a little black pepper

    Mustard - tablespoon

    Salt to taste; add one hour after the start of marinating the chicken

Cooking method

    Peel the garlic and chop finely, squeeze juice from a third of the lemon. Peel the onion and chop it very finely. Using a whisk, mix kefir with garlic and onion, then gently stir in lemon juice followed by mustard and black pepper. If you are using fresh herbs, chop them as small as possible, you can even chop them with a blender. If dry, rub it between your fingers. Then add the chopped herbs to the marinade.

    Put chicken breast in the marinade and keep in it for about an hour, turning now and then. Then add salt, mix again and marinate the chicken for another 15 minutes.

    Bake in the sleeve or cook a shish kebab.

Recipe 2. Marinade for chicken breast in the oven with honey


    Honey - 4 tablespoons

    Dry spicy herbs (thyme, basil, rosemary, etc.) - 1 tablespoon

    Soy sauce - 2 tablespoons

    Olive or corn oil - 5-6 tablespoons

    Black pepper - to taste

    There is no need to add salt to this chicken breast marinade - soy sauce will add saltiness

Cooking method

    Melt the honey in a water bath (put a container with honey in a saucepan of water, and that one on gas; heat, stirring the honey continuously).

    Mix liquid honey with soy sauce, then add vegetable oil and stir well. Add dry herbs and peppers.

    Marinate the breast in this composition for about an hour, and then bake in the sleeve. It's a good idea to add young potatoes and pour over everything with the rest of the marinade - it will turn out exquisite dish in a somewhat oriental style.

Recipe 3. Marinade for dry chicken breast

This chicken breast marinade option is especially suitable for those who love the taste of chicken itself, not spices.


    Salt - spoon

    Sugar - spoon

    Vegetable oil - 2 tablespoons

Cooking method

Mix salt and sugar with butter and rub the chicken breast with the mixture. Place under a small load and hold for about an hour, and then bake in the sleeve.

Recipe 4. Spicy chicken breast marinade


    Vegetable oil (it is better to take olive oil) - 2 tablespoons

    Lemon - 1/2 small

    Granulated sugar - 2 large spoons

    Garlic - 4-6 medium-sized cloves

    Ginger - a piece about three cm long

    Soy sauce - 2-3 tablespoons

    Lime - wedge (you can use lime juice - full teaspoon)

    Black pepper

    If you think the sauce is not salty enough, add a little salt.

Cooking method

    Remove the zest from half of the lemon, then squeeze the juice. Pass the garlic through a press. Peel the ginger and chop finely (but it is better not to grate it).

    Mix lemon and lime juice with soy sauce and vegetable oil, add ginger and garlic, stir, add pepper and, if you deem necessary, salt. Put in small lemon zest cut with scissors.

    Place the chicken breast in the marinade for an hour or an hour and a half, and then cook in any way.

Recipe 5. Marinade for chicken breast in the oven with sour cream


    Sour cream - half a glass (it is better to take 20% fat)

    Mustard (you can take the usual, Russian, or you can prefer some kind of exquisite softer) - a teaspoon with a top

    Dry paprika powder - teaspoon

    Garlic - 3-4 cloves

    Curry - about one and a half teaspoons

    Lime or lemon juice - about a teaspoon

    Any spicy herbs to your taste, you can Italian or Provencal mixture - half a teaspoon

Cooking method

    Peel the garlic and pass through a garlic press.

    Stir in all the citrus juice drop by drop into the sour cream, then, continuing to stir with a whisk, put the garlic, curry and paprika, add the herbs, lightly rubbing between the fingers.

    Coat the breast or pieces of chicken breast with this marinade and keep so for about an hour and a half, making sure that the chicken is covered with sauce on all sides, if necessary, turn it sideways.

Recipe 6. Marinade for chicken breast "Pineapple"


    Grain mustard - 1 spoon

    Plain mustard - 1 spoon

    Half a can (400g) canned pineapple

    Sour cream 15 - 20% - 3 tablespoons

    Pepper mixture - half a teaspoon

    Onion - half a small onion

    Salt - half to a whole teaspoon

    Apple vinegar- 1 spoon

Cooking method

    Peel the onion and chop with a knife finely enough; you can also chop the onion using a grater or food processor, blender, or the like.

    Put the pineapples and syrup in a blender bowl, then grind into a liquid puree. You can, however, leave larger pieces, and not exactly mashed potatoes.

    Mix sour cream with pineapple puree and mustard in a bowl with a blender or whisk. Then add the onion and pepper mixture and mix well again. And only at the end add salt and vinegar (you can do without it).

    Chicken breast marinated in pineapple marinade makes sense to continue cooking with pineapples, for example, you can bake the breast with pineapple pieces and cheese.

Recipe 7. Marinade for chicken breast in the oven "Horseradish"

In fact, this is a joke name. The marinade is very tasty, it just contains horseradish. It is better to take a piece of horseradish root, but if this is not possible, ordinary horseradish in a jar will do, preferably the simplest one, without beets or cream. However, you can use them as well.


    Horseradish - a piece of root of a centimeter in 3 - 4 (or 2-3 tablespoons of ready-made horseradish from a jar)

    Sour cream 20% - half a glass

    Tomato paste - 1 spoon

    Parsley (fresh; if not, you can take dried)

    Salt - a teaspoon

Cooking method

    If you are using fresh horseradish root, it must be washed and peeled, then finely grated or chopped using any suitable cooking device.

    Finely chop fresh parsley, and chop dried parsley with your fingers, you can crush in a mortar.

    Mix sour cream (you can take more fatty, but less fatty is already undesirable) with horseradish, freshly grated or from a jar, add parsley and tomato to the same place, and later - salt.

    Marinate chicken breast in this composition for about two hours.

Recipe 8. Marinade for chicken breast barbecue with white wine

One of the most exquisite and delicious chicken marinades.


    Orange - 1 piece

    Lemon - half medium

    Honey - 2 - 3 tablespoons

    Ginger - a piece of about 3 cm

    Table white wine - ¾ glasses

    Greens (dill, thyme, basil, and the like fresh) - a small bunch

Cooking method

    Wash the orange very carefully with a brush. Remove the zest from it and cut with kitchen scissors into strips a couple of millimeters apart.

    Cut the lemon into thin slices.

    Melt the honey in a water bath so that it becomes completely liquid.

    Wash the ginger under running water, peel and cut into small pieces.

    Squeeze the juice out of the orange.

    Rinse the greens thoroughly by immersing them first in water and then under running water. Chop as small as possible.

    Put honey in orange juice and mix thoroughly until smooth. Top up with white wine. Mix everything well again and even beat a little.

    Now you can add solid ingredients - pieces of zest and lemon, herbs.

    Stir the marinade again and dip the chicken breast into it. Leave to marinate for at least an hour and a half.

  • Sometimes it is difficult to chop the garlic finely enough, especially the young one. To make it easier for yourself, crush a clove by pressing flat with a knife.
  • It is advisable to add fat to any marinade. Corn oil is best, but you can also use any other or sour cream, heavy cream etc.
  • If you don't have a sleeve, you can bake the chicken breast in a sauce or foil-covered dish.

Housewives often prefer to bake or stew poultry fillets, especially when they are watching the figure. But to surprise the whole family with juicy and tender meat, you need to be able to properly prepare the marinade for chicken breast, especially since almost all products can often be found in the refrigerator.

Using this method of processing meat, you will get a very beautiful, deliciously crispy crust on juicy portions.

For 4 chicken breasts, prepare:

  • 2 tbsp. l. mustard (better than Russian), olive oil and honey;
  • 1 tbsp. l. zest and lemon juice;
  • ground pepper;
  • some rosemary and thyme;
  • 3-4 cloves of garlic;
  • salt.

Cooking method:

  1. Put the chicken in a container, rub it thoroughly with chopped garlic. In the meantime, mix all the remaining ingredients in a separate bowl. Pour the resulting composition onto the meat and mix everything.
  2. We cover with a lid or foil, keep in a cold place for at least two hours. Then you can bake in the oven by placing the breasts on a greased sheet or wrapping them in foil first.
  3. To get a nice crust, pour the melted juice over the portions. If using aluminum paper or a special sleeve, tear off the top 10 minutes before being done.
  4. Almost any side dish is suitable: salads, mashed potatoes, pasta, rice, etc.

Delicious sour cream dressing

If this fermented milk product remains in the refrigerator, use it to prepare the chicken for baking. Lightweight but very delicious dinner provided.

Minimum set of products:

  • fresh parsley with dill;
  • 4 tbsp. l. sour cream;
  • 2 cloves of garlic;
  • spices to taste.

Yogurt chicken breast marinade

One more quick way preparing meat for baking.


  • 100 ml low-fat yogurt;
  • 2 tbsp. l. soy sauce;
  • 2 cloves of garlic;
  • ½ tsp each. curry, basil, paprika;
  • salt and pepper mixture.
  1. The beauty of this marinade is that the housewives often don't leave the chicken to soften, but start cooking right away.
  2. We prepare a baking sheet with high sides. Its size should correspond to the number of pieces. Lubricate the container with oil.
  3. Rinse the breast under running water, let the moisture flow, put it on a baking sheet.
  4. Mix all the ingredients of the marinade in a cup and pour the mixture over the chicken. We cover it with foil, carefully securing the edges, put it in the oven at 180 degrees for 20 minutes. Then remove the "lid" and continue the process for another 10 minutes to brown the portions.
  5. Pour the rest of the marinade into a saucepan and serve with the meat.
  6. If you are preparing chicken for frying in this way, then let it brew a little in a cool place.

With soy sauce for oven baking

Now let's try to make a hot marinade for spicy lovers.

Prepare the following foods:

  • a bunch of fresh green onions;
  • a head of garlic;
  • 150 ml soy sauce;
  • 0.5 tsp ground red pepper;
  • about 5 cm of ginger root.
  1. Pour the sauce into a bowl. Here we place the garlic and ginger root, chopped on a grater. Add pepper, finely chopped green onions. Mix the marinade thoroughly.
  2. Rub the prepared meat with the resulting composition, put the pieces under the press and leave it overnight.
  3. The soy brisket fries pretty quickly.

For chicken fillet kebab

If you are going for a picnic and the choice of meat for barbecue fell on chicken, do not buy a semi-finished product in the store, but use this recipe. It is considered neutral and will not harm health, which cannot be said about mayonnaise, which releases carcinogens when frying.

For 1 kg of brisket we buy:

  • 100 ml of mineral water;
  • favorite spices;
  • large onion;
  • a head of garlic if desired;
  • salt and pepper to taste.
  1. Chicken breast kebab marinade is not prepared in order to soften meat, but only in order to ensure taste and preservation delicate properties product.
  2. The brisket must first be washed and dried with a kitchen towel, cut into large pieces, since it takes a little time to get ready.
  3. Mix all the ingredients for the sauce together with the coarsely chopped onions. Curry, saffron, and basil are often used as spices.
  4. Pour the prepared meat with sauce and mix thoroughly. Let it brew for about half an hour. Salt before cooking.
  5. In order not to lose the juiciness of chicken, we string the pieces on skewers close to each other.
  6. The frying time depends on the portion size and ranges from 15 to 30 minutes.

With lemon, herbs and spices

This spicy marinade is perfect for grilled chicken breast.

For 1 kg fillet, prepare:

  • 100 ml of olive oil;
  • 1 lemon;
  • a couple of cloves of garlic;
  • 2 pcs. chili peppers;
  • 1 tbsp. l. turmeric, caraway seeds, coriander (ground);
  • 2 tsp curry;
  • salt.
  1. Rinse the lemon thoroughly, finely rub the yellow part of the zest. Mix with garlic passed through a press, chopped chili, peeled from seeds and stalks. Add all the seasonings and spices.
  2. With the resulting mixture, carefully rub the prepared chicken chops, let it brew under pressure for several hours. Grease the grill grate with oil, lay out the meat and fry for 10 minutes on each side.

Marinade glaze for chicken breast

More often honey is used for glaze. V this recipe consider holiday option cooking with cranberries, which will not only create a beautiful color, but also an exquisite taste.

For the marinade:

  • 100 g cranberries;
  • 1 tsp orange peel;
  • 2 tbsp. l. brown sugar;
  • 2 cinnamon sticks;
  • 4 star anise stars;
  • 100 ml dry red wine;
  • 2 tbsp. l. sweet soy sauce;
  • 40 g butter.

Consider the step-by-step instructions:

  1. Pour wine into a saucepan, add cranberries, zest, cinnamon and star anise.
  2. Boil the composition over medium heat for about 10 minutes.
  3. Catch the seasonings with a fork. Grind the resulting mixture with a blender.
  4. Add sugar butter and soy sauce.
  5. Bring the mass to a boil, remove from heat and let cool slightly.
  6. Rinse the chicken breast and pat dry with paper towels.
  7. Rub portions with half of the marinade, use the rest to serve the dish.
  8. Cover the product with foil and refrigerate for an hour.

Cook in a baking dish for about 30 minutes in an oven preheated to 200 degrees. These luxurious marinades can be obtained very quickly and economically!

The dryness of chicken, especially poultry breasts, puts obstacles in the way of cooking many dishes. It is especially strong if you are planning brass dishes or dishes made on an open fire. But lovers and supporters diet food found a way out of the situation. Marinade for successfully copes with its dryness, making the meat juicy and tender. And if you take into account how many of its variants have been found, you can safely buy fillets in large quantities for any holiday or outing.

Marinade with olive oil and oregano

For him, three quarters of vegetable oil is taken (of course, olive oil is preferable), a quarter of water, 3-4 cloves of garlic (pass through a press) and a quarter of a spoonful of dried oregano. All components are kneaded, the meat is dipped into the chicken breast marinade and left for two hours. It turns out a little liquid, but enough for processing a half-kilogram of fillet - it must be rolled in the resulting sauce.

Lemon marinade

In it, the fillet softens very quickly, so this recipe is an "ambulance" in situations for which you are not prepared: the arrival of relatives, a spontaneous trip to nature or the discovery of an empty refrigerator. To prepare such a marinade for chicken breasts, a quarter cup of lemon juice and olive oil, 3 chopped cloves of garlic, chopped small hot pepper like a "fire" and chopped herbs to taste - thyme, rosemary, parsley, etc. are mixed in a bowl. the amount is enough grams for 800 breasts. They are coated on all sides - and in half an hour you can bake.

Wine base

It is the most famous and popular chicken breast marinade. Salt and sugar (a tablespoon each), a couple of lavrushkas, black and allspice peppers are put in a glass of dry red wine, in equal amounts as much as you like. The mixture must be warmed up, but it must not be boiled - as soon as the sugar and salt dissolve, the container is removed from the stove. When the marinade has cooled, the breast is placed in it. The volume is enough for half a kilogram. You need to marinate fillets for at least five hours.

Onion marinade

One of the simplest. For a pound of fillets, two onions are ground in a blender until gruel, flavored with salt, seasoning (ready-made chicken is suitable, but it is tastier and more fragrant to collect your own) and black pepper - a teaspoon of each spice. This chicken breast marinade is spread over the meat very carefully, practically rubbed in. It is not supposed to keep the fillet in it for long - half an hour is enough. But if you spend the night in the refrigerator, it will only be juicier.

Honey marinade

It would seem that the result should be sweet, but practice shows that this is not entirely true. Maybe because this chicken breast marinade also includes mustard. For it, mix equal amounts of clear liquid honey, soy sauce and hot mustard plus lemon juice - as much as you like. For flavor, you can add spicy herbs. The sauce does not need spices, but if desired, you can add them. You need to marinate the fillet for about an hour. No longer worth it - there will be a conflict between the sweetness of honey and the sharpness of mustard.

Sesame and ginger marinade

Very fast"! Combine and (a tablespoon), two - freshly grated ginger, a quarter cup of weak vinegar and a teaspoon of soy sauce. It is rubbed with the fillet composition and left alone for a quarter of an hour. in a marinade concocted according to this recipe differs exquisite taste and a wonderful crust.

In addition, we note that not all recipes are listed by which you can make a unique marinade for chicken breasts. There are options based on orange or pineapple juice, yogurt and kefir marinades, there are recipes with exotic or rare ingredients. We have listed only the most popular, proven and suitable for any final dish.

Chicken breast is one of the most capricious parts of chicken. Even experienced chefs rarely want to cook this kind of meat, since there is practically no fat in it, which is why it becomes dry after cooking.

However, this tasty meat should not be written off.
Nutritionists assure that chicken breast is the most useful and low-calorie meat. It contains many vitamins, including substances that are involved in the body's production of serotonin - the "happy" hormone. In addition, chicken breast contains a lot of protein - as much as 18 grams per serving, and the nutritional value usually does not exceed 100 kcal.

There are many variations of cooking chicken breast: together with it they make salads, casseroles, and even prepare a favorite dish of many - Kiev cutlets. But still the simplest and most popular cooking method is pure baking.

Method of picking up the marinade

Chicken breast itself has a neutral taste that can be overpowered with any seasonings and sauces. However, a marinade that overpowers the true flavor of the meat will not be suitable.

The marinade should combine many flavor combinations, and most importantly, it should be in harmony with the meat.
Speaking specifically about chicken breast, the marinade should perform another function - to soften the meat.

As mentioned above, chicken breast contains a small amount of fat, which is why water evaporates from it during cooking and the meat becomes dry. To avoid this, the marinade in which the chicken will be marinated must combine a fatty component. Most often, mayonnaise or sour cream acts in its role, however, there are more original marinades which help to retain moisture.

Below we will analyze the most popular and delicious marinades that are suitable for cooking both on a fire in the form of a barbecue and for baking in an oven.

Chicken breast kebab - exotic and delicious pineapple marinade

An unsuccessfully cooked chicken breast will be tough, due to the fact that there are no particles of bacon between its fibers.
Perfectly soften the meat will help ... pineapple!

This exotic fruit famous for softening tough protein fibers, which makes meat softer.
Plus, pineapple juice will give the meat a sweet and sour flavor that gourmets will appreciate.

The exact recipe for this unusual marinade is presented below:

  • Chicken fillet - 1.5 kg
  • Pineapple - 300 gr
  • Hot paprika - 0.5-1 tsp
  • Salt pepper


  1. Chop the pineapple finely and dip the pieces of meat in it. Top with salt, pepper and paprika, which will spice up the dish. Stir with your hands.
  2. Leave the meat in the marinade for half an hour, no more, otherwise the meat will turn into porridge.
  3. Skewer the meat and grill it like a regular kebab.

If you don't have pineapple at hand, feel free to replace it with kiwi. The recipe, cooking process and holding time in the marinade are not affected.

Oven chicken breast marinade

The ingredients for the marinade will differ from the ingredients intended for cooking on a fire, since the method of cooking in the oven is slightly different: the meat is in an enclosed space, the temperature is different, there is no temperature drop, unlike cooking outdoors.

Soy sauce will help keep moisture in the meat. The large amount of salt it contains combines with water to form a jelly-like substance. This does not affect the taste of the meat, but it makes it juicier.

Marinade recipe:

  • Chicken meat - 1 kg
  • Soy sauce - 100 ml
  • French mustard (granular) - 50 gr
  • A clove of garlic - 2 pieces

Cooking process:

  1. Combine the sauce and mustard. Crush a clove of garlic and add to the mixture. Stir and dip the meat in the marinade. Leave on for 6-12 hours.
  2. Then put it in the oven and count for 40-50 minutes. The temperature should be 180-190 degrees.
  3. The advantage of this marinade is that the meat can be stored in it for two days. At the same time, the taste will not be overly saturated. The meat will "absorb" everything you need, and at the same time will not spoil.

In the last stages of cooking, you can sprinkle the meat with cheese for a tasty and crispy cheese crust... For connoisseurs of special cuisine, the meat can be sprinkled with sesame seeds.

Gourmet pickle

Tomato paste makes this marinade unusual. Tomatoes also contain acid, which also softens meat, but more gently than kiwi and pineapple. Therefore, the meat in it can also be left for a long time.

  • Chicken breast - 1 kg
  • Tomato paste - 100 gr
  • Tomatoes - 200 gr
  • Bulb onions - 2 pieces
  • Mineral water - 500 ml
  • Salt, pepper - adjust to your liking

Cooking method:

  1. Scald the tomatoes with boiling water and then immerse them in cold water so that the skin peels off easily.
  2. Finely chop the onion into even squares, mix with tomato paste and chopped tomatoes.
  3. Add salt and pepper, mineral water, stir.
  4. Grease a piece of meat with the prepared marinade and put it in a bag with it. Leave the meat in a cool place for at least 5-6 hours.
  5. Preheat the oven to 190 degrees and put on for 50-60 minutes.

To create a crust at the end of cooking, raise the oven temperature 20-30 degrees and open a baking bag or foil.

If the time is short and the meat has not stood in the marinade for at least 5 hours, then during cooking it may dry out. To prevent this from happening, place the chicken in a roasting sleeve or, if not found, wrap it in foil. This will seal the juices, leaving the meat juicy and flavorful.

A simple and delicious marinade for chicken skewers in the oven

If time is short, guests are on the doorstep, and only chicken breast is left in the fridge, you should not worry. There is a special delicious recipe marinade, which allows you to quickly cook chicken skewers, which allows you to create a complete tasty dish in one hour.

Marinate chicken kebab! We need the following ingredients:

  • Defrosted chicken fillet - 1.5-2 kg
  • Mayonnaise or very fat sour cream - 200 gr
  • Garlic - 4 cloves
  • Pepper and salt to taste

Let's start cooking:

  1. Crush the garlic in a garlic press (you can cut it into small squares with sharp legs), stir in mayonnaise or sour cream (you can use a 50:50 or 60:40 ratio, depending on taste). Add pepper and salt.
  2. Attention: do not oversalt, as mayonnaise itself contains a lot of salt.
  3. Mix marinade with meat and leave for 10-15 minutes.
  4. Skewer or place in a roasting bag and bake in the oven for 40 minutes. The oven temperature should be 180-190 degrees (depending on the size of the piece. Small pieces are always cooked faster).

Oven Breast Diet Recipe

Since chicken breast is a dietary meat, a special, low-calorie marinade can be used to preserve its benefits.
Lactic acid acts as a "softening" component, which, like any acid, softens the structure of meat.

Component components:

  • Chicken breast - 1-1.5 kg
  • Yogurt or kefir - 1 liter
  • Salt, basil - to taste


  1. Leave the chicken in yogurt or kefir for a day, not forgetting to add seasonings to it.
  2. Remove from marinade and wrap in foil. Put in an oven preheated to 180 degrees for 40-50 minutes.
  3. Tip: if desired, cut into foil for chicken fresh vegetables(eggplant, zucchini, tomato). During cooking, they will have time to soak in the juice from the meat and acquire an extraordinary taste and aroma, while retaining their benefits.
  4. Baked chicken breast combined with vegetables is a complete dish for a healthy diet.

Baked chicken breast in pineapple juice

Chicken with pineapple is a classic combination, but not everyone knows that pineapple is not only a great addition, but also an excellent marinade option that allows you to leave the meat tender even after baking.


  • Chicken breast - 1 kg
  • Pineapple juice - 1 liter
  • Salt and other spices - be guided by your taste


  1. Cut the chicken breast into medium sized pieces and dip in the juice. Keep the chicken in it for 10-16 hours. During this time, the acid will soften the meat fibers, which will make the meat softer.
  2. After this time, it is necessary to get the meat, grease it with salt, spices and cook in any convenient way.

Frozen and then thawed meat loses its elasticity, which makes it tough. If you want the meat to remain tender, do not freeze it. But remember that raw meat is only kept in the refrigerator for 24 hours.

If it was not possible to avoid freezing, then the meat should be defrosted not in room conditions or in a pot of water, but in the refrigerator. Yes, this is slow, but it will make the freeze-thaw process "less noticeable" for meat.

Basic principles and secrets of cooking, storing and consuming meat

  1. The main principle of finding a marinade is the selection of ingredients that contain acid. It softens meat, weakens fibers. However, do not use acetic acid... It negatively affects the structure and taste of meat, "tanning" it. There are situations when meat needs to be marinated quickly. Indeed, in such cases, vinegar can be used, but not much. In this case, the meat is marinated for no more than 10-15 minutes.
  2. You can use another, less sophisticated method, which is to preserve water with salt. Soy sauce is suitable for this, and mustard helps to "open" the fibers. The recipe above uses Dijon as it is less spicy and has original taste different from regular mustard.
  3. You can choose spices and seasonings yourself. The main thing is that they do not "conflict" with the main ingredients of the marinade, and also do not overlap the main taste of the meat, but harmoniously complement it.
  4. If you have doubts about preserving the softness of the meat, then you can play it safe by using additional attributes in the form of foil and baking sleeves. At the same time, at the end of cooking, you can make an incision or slightly open the foil to create a delicious crispy crust.
  5. The average cooking time for medium cuts of meat is 50-60 minutes, but this time may vary depending on the size of the cuts. Small ones cook faster, large ones slower. In this case, the meat should be perfectly thawed, without frozen parts.
  6. The cooking temperature in the oven ranges from 180 to 200 degrees, but it is best to set the temperature in the range from 180 to 190 degrees.
  7. Meat can be consumed both whole and in the form of salads, served with sauces. It goes especially well with chicken sour cream and garlic sauce in which is added green onions... This "refreshes" the taste.
  8. Ready meat is stored for 3-4 days. If the meat was baked with vegetables, then its shelf life is reduced to 2-3 days. Therefore, it is so important to keep the finished piece of meat separate from other ingredients.
  9. The finished product can be consumed either cold or hot. When reheating, a little water can be added to the meat to maintain its original appearance, taste and texture to keep it from drying out.

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