Sponge cake is a classic step by step recipe. How to bake a simple tea sponge cake

February 20, 2017

Sponge cakes are very often used in the preparation of cakes. We can say that this is the basis of the foundations and the beginning of the beginnings.

Since learning how to cook is correct and lush biscuit cake you can go a long way in cooking. It is tied to the preparation of a large number of cakes and pastries.

The biscuit is based on only three ingredients: flour, sugar, and eggs. It is important to learn how to cook a biscuit with simple recipe, and then you can start all sorts of experiments. It is important to go from simple to complex and gradually complicate the recipes, as this path will be the shortest.

And so the classic biscuit is eggs, flour, sugar. Many theorists claim that making the right biscuit is a troublesome business, but I am a practitioner and I argue that cooking a biscuit is a common thing. It's as easy as frying eggs for breakfast. The only difference is the baking time and that's it. So if you want to make a biscuit for breakfast, you will have to get up very early, since the baking time is about 40 minutes or more. So it is more advisable to prepare breakfast in the evening. But this is all a lyrical digression, and now directly to the point, so to speak. Read the recipes below and choose for yourself what you like best and unsubscribe in the comments under the post, as it is important for me to know how much my recipes could make your life easier.

And so for classic cooking biscuit, take the next set of products.


  • 4 eggs
  • Sugar glass.
  • Flour glass.

Cooking process.

Separate the whites from the yolks. Separate the yolks from the proteins.

Half a cup of sugar for proteins. And the rest of the sugar will go to the yolks.

Beat both well with a whisk with a mixer, a blender, and a combine is not important. It is important to beat the yolks until a viscous white foam.

Beat the whites until foamy. But here the foam should turn out to be very viscous, practically standing. To check the readiness of the proteins, very simply turn the bowl in which you beat the proteins upside down, if the resulting foam does not fall out of the bowl, then the proteins are ready.

And put it in the refrigerator so that the whites are better whipped is not worth it. This is an old myth that, as it was a myth, will not give you anything. The only thing that can speed up the whipping process is a pinch of salt. Yes, salt, just a little.

Mix whites and yolks in one bowl. And add prepared flour.

Mix everything well and voila, the biscuit dough is ready. It remains to pour it into a mold and put it in the oven.

Preheat the oven to 160 to a maximum of 180 degrees and put the dish with the dough into it. Cooking time is approximately 40-60 minutes. Maybe less can be more. It all depends on the characteristics of your oven.

To check the readiness of the dough, you just need to pierce it with a toothpick if there is no dough on the toothpick and it is completely dry and clean means that the biscuit is completely ready. And all that remains is to let it cool down and you can get it out of the mold.

The recipe for a fluffy biscuit that always turns out

The second recipe is easier and faster.

To prepare a biscuit cake, we will take the same set of products, only the process will be slightly simplified.


  • 4 eggs.
  • A glass of sugar.
  • A glass of flour.
  • A little salt.

Cooking process.

This recipe is simpler than the previous one in that the eggs here will not need to separate the whites from the yolks. And beat them separately from each other. In this recipe egg yolks and the whites whisk together, which shortens the cooking time.

Break the eggs into a bowl, add a little salt so that the eggs are beaten better and start working with a mixer. It is best to start beating the eggs straight away at high speed.

Beat the eggs until a strong white foam appears. By this time, the egg mass should have increased in size by almost three.

Only now can sugar be added. Sugar is better to add parts in three to four passes. We continue to beat and add sugar. If you pour out the sugar right away, then there is a risk that the proteins will settle and the foam will sharply decrease in size, which should not be allowed.

We continue to beat until the sugar is completely dissolved.

When the sugar is completely dissolved, you can begin the process of adding flour. Of course, you need to sift the flour before that. This will help enrich it with oxygen and give the biscuit more airiness.

We also add flour in three or four passes. I must say that when cooking biscuit dough, with flour you need to do a little differently. When kneading the flour, you do not need to drive it in a circle with a spatula; mix the flour from bottom to top. This process of mixing flour keeps the dough airy.

Grease a baking dish with vegetable or butter. Pour the prepared dough and place in the oven for 30-40 minutes. You need to bake such a biscuit at a temperature of 160-170 degrees.

If there is a desire and opportunity, you can add raisins, fruits, nuts to the dough.

Well, that's all our biscuit is ready, you can take it out of the oven and serve it to the table. It is possible that the first time you will not be able to prepare a beautiful airy biscuit. It is possible that the eggs are not beaten to the desired state. Or the oven was not ready.

Therefore, you should not be upset, but try to cook it over and over again. Only practice and diligence will help you prepare beautiful and delicious biscuit cakes.

Kefir biscuit recipe

For those who are the first to prepare a biscuit, it is difficult to cook a high fluffy cake, so the housewives go for a little trick that helps beginners without much experience to cook the cake lush and airy. The addition of kefir makes the dough less capricious and more airy. From the recipe below you will learn how to make a biscuit with the addition of kefir.


  • 4 eggs.
  • A glass of sugar.
  • A glass of flour.
  • A glass of kefir.
  • A pinch of salt.
  • Soda a teaspoon.
  • Cocoa 2-3 tablespoons.

Cooking process.

Break the eggs into a bowl, add a little salt so that the eggs beat better and start working with a mixer or blender. Beat eggs until firm white foam. And add sugar in parts, beat until the sugar is completely dissolved.

Add soda to kefir. Wait for the foam to appear in the kefir and add the kefir to the eggs. Mix everything well one more time.

Sift flour, add cocoa powder and gradually mix with eggs and kefir.

Cocoa is in the beauty recipe so this ingredient is optional and can be neglected.

Gently mix flour and eggs until smooth and place in a greased baking dish.

We bake at 160 degrees for 30-40 minutes. Willingness to check with a wooden skewer. If, after piercing the biscuit, the skewer remains dry, then the biscuit is completely ready. You can make tea and invite guests.

Honey biscuit in a slow cooker

Try making a sponge cake in a slow cooker. And not a simple biscuit, but honey, besides, it is very simple to cook in a multicooker.


  • 5 eggs.
  • A glass of flour.
  • A glass of sugar.
  • Half a glass of honey.
  • Salt.
  • Baking powder for the dough.

Cooking process.

Beat the eggs without separating the yolks from the whites into a thick foam. Add sugar in several rounds. To make the eggs beat well, add a pinch of salt. Beat eggs for about 10 minutes.

Melt honey in a water bath to a liquid state. Let cool slightly and mix with beaten eggs.

Sift flour and mix with baking powder. This amount of flour will require about a teaspoon of baking powder. Gently mix flour with eggs and honey.

Grease the multicooker bowl with oil and pour the airy dough into it.

Set the baking program for 40-50 minutes. After cooking, allow the biscuit to cool slightly for about 10 minutes and you can take it out. ready-made cake on a plate.

Enjoy your tea drinking.

What to do if the biscuit does not work

Of course, not the first time you get beautiful and lush biscuits. And what to do if the baked goods did not meet your expectations. Well, do not throw it away because so many products and time has been spent.

Break the biscuit cake into small pieces of about 1 centimeter.

Separately in a bowl, beat 500 grams of sour cream and two or three tablespoons of sugar. Optionally, you can add cottage cheese, grated chocolate, honey to sour cream.

Dip the pieces of biscuit in the cream and lay the layer on a plate.

Put canned fruits in a second layer. Cherries, apples, peaches, strawberries. We spread the layers in a slide.

At the end, pour the rest of the cream, chocolate or just syrup over the slide. It turns out very tasty. And if you also give the biscuit to soak well, then you will not be distracted by the ears from this treat.

How to make biscuit dough video recipe

This is very delicate pastries, which literally conceals in the mouth. Today we will present not only the classic biscuit recipe, but also its variations.


  • eggs - 4 pieces;
  • vanilla sugar- 1 tsp;
  • flour - 0.1 kg;
  • sugar - 0.15 kg.


  1. Separate the yolk from the protein carefully. Place them in different bowls.
  2. Pour about 75 grams of sugar and a teaspoon of vanilla sugar over the yolks.
  3. Whisk the yolks with the sugar. To do this, set the mixer to maximum speed and beat the eggs for 7-8 minutes. Until this mixture is thick and light.
  4. Wash the mixer and beat the whites with it. First, set the speed to minimum and increase as you beat. When the proteins have stable peaks, add sugar. Introduce it gradually, one spoon at a time.
  5. Take a silicone spatula and transfer one-third of the beaten egg white to the yolks. Mix everything gently by hand.
  6. Sift all the flour 2 times.
  7. Add half the flour to the yolks, mix everything.
  8. Now transfer another 1/3 of the whites to the yolks. Mix everything gently with a spatula.
  9. Add the second portion of the flour.
  10. Transfer the remaining proteins and mix everything.
  11. The dough is ready, stir gently to lose volume.
  12. Take a split form and place the parchment on the bottom. The sides of the baking sheet do not need to be greased.
  13. Bake the biscuit in the oven, its temperature should be 180 degrees. The approximate baking time is 40 minutes. For the first 25 minutes, you cannot open the appliance, because the biscuit may lose its shape.
  14. After 30 minutes, you can check the readiness. Perhaps that time was enough for him. After all, ovens have different capacities.
  15. Separate the baked dessert from the mold with a knife.
  16. Biscuit by classic recipe in the oven is ready. Garnish with fresh fruit and serve. Enjoy your meal!

A simple honey treat recipe


  • eggs - 4 pieces;
  • honey - 3 tbsp. spoons;
  • flour - 1.5 cups;
  • butter - for greasing the baking sheet;
  • sugar - 1 glass.


  1. Separate the whites and yolks.
  2. Beat the whites with a mixer until foam forms.
  3. Now take sugar and add it spoonfully to the proteins, without stopping working as a mixer. When you add all the sugar, the protein mixture will hold its shape perfectly.
  4. Add the yolks to the beaten mass. Bring this mass to a uniform consistency.
  5. Melt the honey in a water bath and add it to the beaten eggs.
  6. Sift all the flour. Introduce it to the dough in small portions. Now beat the dough at the minimum mixer speed.
  7. Put parchment on a baking sheet, brush it with butter.
  8. Pour the dough.
  9. Heat the oven to 180 degrees and bake the product in it for about 40 minutes.
  10. After 30-35 minutes, remove the biscuit and check its readiness with a toothpick. If it is dry, everything is ready, if there are pieces of dough, the biscuit needs to be baked.
  11. The fluffy sponge cake can be taken out of the oven and served after cooling down.

Whipped cakes in 5 minutes in the microwave or 20 minutes in the oven

This recipe will help you if guests suddenly come.


  • eggs - 2 pieces;
  • baking powder - 2 tsp;
  • salt - 1 pinch;
  • milk - 10 tbsp. spoons;
  • vanillin - to taste;
  • sugar - 8 tbsp. spoons;
  • refined vegetable oil (odorless) - 5 tbsp. spoons;
  • flour - 8 tbsp. spoons;
  • cocoa powder - 4 tbsp. spoons.


  1. Whisk 2 egg yolks with sugar.
  2. Add all the cocoa powder to the beaten yolks.
  3. Beat all subsequent ingredients on low speed.
  4. Add sifted flour and baking powder to the dough.
  5. Pour milk into the thick mixture, it should be room temperature.
  6. In a separate bowl, beat the egg whites with a pinch of salt. Add this mass to the yolks and mix everything gently with a spatula.
  7. Lubricate glass form butter and pour the dough into it. Send the mold to the microwave for 4-5 minutes.
  8. If cooking in an oven, heat it to 180 degrees. Bake in it chocolate biscuit about 20-30 minutes.
  9. Pour the condensed milk over the sponge cake and serve. Enjoy your tea.

Delicious biscuit for 4 eggs in the oven (boiled)


  • eggs - 4 pieces;
  • baking powder - 1 tsp;
  • sugar - 1 glass;
  • boiling water - 3 tbsp. spoons;
  • flour - 1 glass;
  • vegetable oil - 3 tbsp. spoons.


  1. Set the required temperature on the oven - 180 degrees.
  2. Combine the flour with baking powder and sift this mixture through a sieve.
  3. Beat eggs with sugar until white.
  4. Add the sifted flour and baking powder mixture to the eggs. Whisk everything again.
  5. Now add vegetable oil and three tablespoons of boiling water to the dough.
  6. Pour the finished dough into a greased form.
  7. Cover the tin with foil. Then our delicacy will be baked evenly.
  8. Bake the dessert for about 30-40 minutes.
  9. After the specified time has elapsed, remove the biscuit and wait for it to cool completely. Only then can you cut it up and treat your family.

Cooking chocolate cake - a step by step recipe


  • flour - 0.18 kg;
  • vanilla sugar - 1 tbsp spoon;
  • sugar - 0.22 kg;
  • cocoa powder - 0.04 kg;
  • yolks - 4 pieces;
  • salt - 1 pinch;
  • butter - 0.07 kg;
  • eggs - 4 pieces.

For the cream:

  • cream (fat content more than 35%) - 0.5 l;
  • cocoa powder - 0.03 kg;
  • condensed milk - 0.2 kg.
  • chocolate - 0.15 kg;
  • cream - 0.15 l.


  • sugar - 0.1 kg;
  • water - 0.1 l;
  • rum (you can not add it) - 0.02 l.


  1. Break 4 eggs into a deep bowl, add 4 more yolks to them. Pour 220 grams of sugar into them. Mix everything.
  2. Place the container with the egg mass on water bath... Stir this mixture constantly until it warms up to a temperature of 40-45 degrees.
  3. Beat the heated mixture with a mixer. It should increase by about three times.
  4. Add vanilla sugar and some salt at the end of the whisk.
  5. Combine flour with cocoa and sift these dry ingredients.
  6. Divide conditionally chocolate flour into 3 parts. Add one part first, gently mix everything with a spatula. Repeat this process with the remaining flour.
  7. Pour about 3-5 spoons into a separate container finished dough... Mix it with melted butter. Return this mixture to the main test.
  8. Place parchment on the bottom of the form, fill in everything biscuit dough.
  9. Preheat the oven to 190 degrees and bake the biscuit in it for about 30-35 minutes.
  10. Ready biscuit remove from the baking sheet and leave to rest for 5 hours.
  11. Now let's make the impregnation syrup. Pour 100 grams of sugar into a saucepan and add 100 milliliters of water. Heat the syrup until it boils. Cool it a little and add rum.
  12. Cut the biscuit into 2 or 3 cakes.
  13. Now we make the cream. Pour 200 grams of condensed milk into a container and mix it with cocoa powder. Add 500 milliliters of cold cream. Beat everything with a mixer.
  14. Now you can collect the cake. Place the first crust on a flat dish and soak in the rum syrup. Now coat it from all sides butter cream... Repeat these steps with the rest of the cakes.
  15. Immediately conditionally calculate all the impregnation and cream so that they are enough for all the cakes.
  16. Now we make the icing. Heat the cream vigorously (almost to a boil).
  17. Pour them over a broken chocolate bar. Mix everything up homogeneous mass... Let it cool slightly.
  18. Now pour the cooked frosting over the whole cake. Leave the cake to soak.

On sour cream


  • flour - 0.2 kg;
  • sour cream - 0.12 kg;
  • sugar - 0.3 kg;
  • soda - 1 pinch;
  • butter - 0.1 kg;
  • chicken eggs - 3 pieces.


  1. Combine the soft butter and sugar in a large container.
  2. Add eggs and sour cream to the butter. Beat everything with a mixer.
  3. Now add flour and baking soda. Whisk everything again.
  4. Grease a baking sheet with butter. Sprinkle flour on top.
  5. Place the dough in a baking sheet.
  6. Preheat the oven to 190 degrees and bake the sponge cake in it until tender. It will take about 40-50 minutes.

We hope you enjoy the classic oven biscuit recipes and can bake delicious treat cooked with love.

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A handmade cake is a symbol of a family holiday, home warmth and comfort. The easiest and most popular home cake made from biscuit. Biscuit dough contains a minimum of available ingredients that are in any home kitchen, it is easily whipped with a mixer, just baked. And of course, cakes from homemade biscuit with homemade cream are incredibly tasty. Any of the most beautiful cakes from the best pastry shops cannot compete with them. And even though a homemade cake is not as beautiful and exquisite in appearance as a cake from a professional pastry chef, when baking at home, we are always sure that we used quality products and cooked with love. Here you will learn not only how to bake a biscuit for a cake, but also how and with what to soak it. I will also offer you some of the most popular biscuit recipes and I will give you a selection of recipes for simple and delicious creams, ganaches and cake icings. And of course, they are waiting for you simple options decorating homemade cakes with beautiful photos.

Biscuit recipes

Classic biscuit

Proportion of eggs, sugar and flour for a classic biscuit: for 1 egg 30 grams of sugar and 30 grams of flour.

  • eggs 4 pcs
  • sugar 120 gr
  • premium wheat flour 120 gr

For round shape with a diameter of 24-26 cm

  • eggs 5 pieces
  • sugar 150 gr
  • premium wheat flour 150 gr

For round shape with a diameter of 28-30 cm

  • eggs 6 pcs
  • sugar 180 gr
  • premium wheat flour 180 gr

For a roll on a baking sheet measuring 38 cm X 32 cm

  • eggs 3 pcs
  • sugar 90 gr
  • flour 90 gr

If you replace 1/3 of the flour with ground nuts or cocoa powder in a classic biscuit, you will get a nut or chocolate biscuit, respectively.

Often in the biscuit dough, part of the flour is replaced with starch, it is believed that with it the product will turn out to be more airy and tender, since it reduces the amount of gluten. But I do not recommend and never add myself. And to reduce the effects of gluten, simply stir the flour into the eggs quickly.

Beat eggs until frothy for 7-8 minutes. Gradually add sugar, beat for at least 10-15 minutes until fluffy and increase in volume by 2.5-3 times and complete dissolution of sugar. Sift flour into beaten eggs in 2-3 doses, stir with a spoon or spatula. Make sure all the flour is mixed into the dough. Pour the dough into a mold, cover the bottom of which with baking paper, the sides do not need to be oiled. Bake in a preheated oven at 180 ° C for 35-40 minutes.

The classic biscuit is very fluffy, delicate and airy. In my opinion, it is good even by itself without impregnation and cream, just sprinkle with powdered sugar.

Detailed step by step photo recipe cooking ⇒

Butter biscuit

For one round mold with a diameter of 26-28 cm or for two molds with a diameter of 20 cm
This amount of dough can also be baked in a 24 cm diameter pan, place the excess in muffin tins and bake with the main biscuit.

  • eggs 6 pcs
  • sugar 165 gr
  • premium wheat flour 150 gr
  • butter 75 gr
  • baking powder 1 tsp

Melt the butter, you can microwave oven.
Beat eggs until frothy for 7-8 minutes.
Add sugar gradually, beat until volume increases for 10-15 minutes. Add the flour and baking powder to the beaten eggs in 3 to 4 meals - sift directly into the eggs. Stir gently with a spoon or spatula from bottom to top and toward the middle. Make sure that all the flour is mixed into the dough.
Add 2-3 tablespoons to melted and slightly cooled butter. biscuit mass, mix and then add to the total mass in 2-3 doses, mix gently. Make sure all the butter is evenly mixed into the dough.
Bake the biscuit in a preheated 160 ° C oven for 40-45 minutes.
More tips for baking a sponge cake at the bottom of the page.

Detailed step-by-step photo recipe for cooking ⇒

Angel biscuit

For round shape with a diameter of 20 cm

  • eggs (proteins) 6 pcs
  • a pinch of salt
  • flour 65 gr
  • baking powder 1 tsp
  • sugar 125 gr
  • vanilla sugar 1 tsp
  • lemon zest from 1-2 tsp

It is not necessary to use the freshest proteins, on the contrary, it is better to use "aged" ones, that is, those that have stood in the refrigerator in a hermetically sealed container for 3-5 days. You can also use thawed proteins.

Carefully separate the whites from the yolks so that not a single drop of the yolk gets to the whites. Add salt to the protein mass and beat until a fluffy and soft white foam is obtained. While whisking, add a mixture of plain and vanilla sugar in small portions. Whisk until firm.
Remove the zest from the lemon by rubbing on a fine grater (remove only a thin yellow layer, without touching the bitter white part), add to the whites. Sift flour with baking powder, add (sift) to the protein mass in 3-4 doses, gently knead from bottom to top and to the middle. Avoid too intense or rough movements, otherwise the delicate air mass may settle! Lay out protein dough into a dry form (we do not lubricate the walls with anything), level the surface. Bake in a preheated oven at 180 ° C for 35-40 minutes.
More tips for baking a sponge cake at the bottom of the page.
Yolks can be prepared, which can be stored in the refrigerator for up to 2 weeks or cooked very tasty

Orange biscuit

Similarly, you can cook lemon biscuit replacing the orange with 2 lemons.

  • eggs 4 pcs
  • sugar 130 gr
  • flour 160 gr
  • starch 40 gr
  • large orange 1 pc (zest and 80 ml of juice)
  • baking powder 6 gr

Remove the zest from the orange and squeeze the juice. Combine flour, starch and baking powder - sift. Beat eggs until frothy for 7-8 minutes. Gradually add sugar, beat for at least 10-15 minutes until fluffy and increase in volume, 2.5-3 times and complete dissolution of sugar. Heat up Orange juice until boiling. Add to egg mixture orange zest and sift flour mixture into beaten eggs in 2-3 doses, stir with a spoon or spatula. Make sure all the flour is mixed into the dough. Stir in orange juice into the dough. Bake in a preheated oven at 180 ° C for 30-35 minutes.
More tips for baking a sponge cake at the bottom of the page.

Chocolate biscuit

For round shape with a diameter of 24 cm

For the chocolate mass:

  • cocoa powder 30 gr
  • sugar 200 gr
  • odorless vegetable oil 135 gr
  • water 100 ml

For biscuit:

  • eggs 5 pcs
  • sugar 50 gr
  • premium wheat flour 200 gr
  • baking powder 1 tsp
  • salt 0.5 tsp

Cook the chocolate mass: combine cocoa powder and sugar in a small saucepan, add water and vegetable oil - bring to a boil with constant stirring.
Combine dry ingredients: flour, baking powder, salt - stir with a spoon and sift.
Beat eggs with sugar until whitened and swollen.
Add the chocolate mass to the beaten eggs in 3-4 doses, continue whisking.
Add flour mixture in 2-3 doses (sift into the dough), mix well with a spoon. At the end, you can punch a little with a mixer.
Bake in a preheated oven at 180 ° C for 45-50 minutes.
More tips for baking a sponge cake at the bottom of the page.

Chocolate sponge cake (lean)

For a round shape with a diameter of 20-22 cm

(glass volume 200 ml)

  • flour 2 cups
  • cocoa powder 2 tbsp
  • sugar 1 cup
  • vegetable oil (refined) 4 tablespoons
  • baking powder 2.5 tsp.
  • vanilla sugar 2 tsp
  • water 1.5 cups

Combine dry ingredients: sift flour with cocoa powder and baking powder, add vanilla and regular sugar, stir. Pour in water gradually, stirring well. The dough should be smooth, viscous and uniform, evenly chocolate colored. Add vegetable oil, mix thoroughly. Bake in a preheated oven at 180 ° C for 30-40 minutes.
More tips for baking a sponge cake at the bottom of the page.

Unsweetened chocolate in recipes can be replaced with cocoa powder, according to the following scheme:
every 30 grams of chocolate = 1 tbsp. l. butter+ 3 tbsp. l. cocoa (no slide). Reverse replacement is also possible if we want to replace cocoa with chocolate.

Impregnation recipe for biscuit

Basic impregnation recipe

So that the cake is not dry and at the same time, so that your biscuit does not float in a puddle of syrup, you need to correctly calculate the amount of impregnation. Remember the proportion: for a biscuit weighing 500 grams, you will need 250 - 300 grams of impregnation.

  • water 3 tablespoons
  • sugar 2 tablespoons
  • 1 tbsp cognac

From this amount, 100 ml of syrup is obtained.

Heat water, add sugar, heat and stir to dissolve sugar. Once all the sweet crystals have dissolved, leave the syrup alone and wait for it to boil. Remove any foam from the surface and remove the saucepan from the stove. Add alcohol to the cooled syrup: cognac, whiskey, rum.

TO sugar syrup you can add vanilla, cinnamon.
Water can be replaced with coffee.
For baby cake water can be replaced with fruit juice, no alcohol is added. You can also prepare milk impregnation for children: dilute condensed milk with boiling water to the desired consistency, add vanilla or cinnamon.
You can use any ready-made syrups (my favorite is almond - it goes well with chocolate biscuits). Syrup from homemade jam(if it is very thick, dilute a little with water). Often I use homemade for impregnation.
We also add alcohol to ready-made syrups.

Cake Cream Recipes

Cream with Mascarpone and cream

  • Mascarpone cheese 250 gr
  • cream not less than 33% 250 ml
  • powdered sugar 4 tablespoons

Whip the cream and icing sugar. Stir the mascarpone with a spoon, gradually pour the cream into it. Add vanilla. Whisk.

Cream with Mascarpone and butter

  • Mascarpone cheese 500 gr
  • butter 82% 100 gr
  • icing sugar 200 gr

Whisk butter and icing sugar until lightening for 3-5 minutes. Add Mascarpone and beat again until smooth.
More tips for making creams at the bottom of the page.

Cream with boiled condensed milk and butter

  • boiled condensed milk 2 cans
  • butter 82% 2 packs

Mix butter at room temperature with a spoon with boiled condensed milk until smooth, beat slightly.
More tips for making creams at the bottom of the page.


  • milk 0.5 l
  • corn starch 3 tbsp. l. (or flour)
  • eggs 1 pc
  • sugar 150 -200 gr
  • vanilla sugar 1 sachet
  • zest of one lemon (can be excluded)
  • butter 82.5% 180 - 200 gr
  • powdered sugar 1-2 tablespoons

Beat starch, sugar, vanilla sugar, salt, egg and a small amount of milk with a blender until smooth. Add remaining milk, stir. Bring to a boil with constant stirring. Try to get a homogeneous mass. Pour the cream into a bowl, cover with foil "in contact", cool. Whip the butter and icing sugar until white, gradually add the custard base in 3-4 doses, beat well.
More tips for making creams at the bottom of the page.

Lemon cream

Similarly, you can cook orange cream replacing lemon with orange.

  • lemon juice 90 ml
  • butter 150 gr
  • eggs 3 pcs
  • lemon zest 1 tbsp spoon
  • sugar 150 gr

In a heavy-bottomed saucepan, combine lemon juice, zest, sugar and eggs, mix until smooth. Put on low heat and, with constant stirring, bring to a boil and lightly thicken. Cool the resulting Kurd completely. Whisk in soft butter until fluffy. Continuing to beat, gradually introduce the cooled Kurd.
More tips for making creams at the bottom of the page.

Cream with Nutella

  • Mascarpone cheese 250 gr
  • cream not less than 33% 250 ml
  • powdered sugar 4 tablespoons
  • Nutella 250 gr

Whisk in the cream and icing sugar. Stir the mascarpone with a spoon, gradually pour the cream into it. Add Nutella. Whisk.
More tips for making creams at the bottom of the page.

Chocolate cream with chocolate

  • butter 300 gr
  • chocolate 170 gr
  • sugar 150 gr (preferably powdered sugar)
  • vanilla extract 1 tsp (or vanilla sugar 1 sachet)
  • hot coffee 1-2 tablespoons

Whisk in room temperature butter and sugar until whitened. Heat the chocolate on a steam bath, gradually add it to the butter in small portions, beat. Add hot coffee without stopping whisking.
More tips for making creams at the bottom of the page.

Chocolate cream with cocoa powder

  • butter 100 gr
  • milk 100 ml
  • sugar 1 cup (200 ml)
  • cocoa powder 2 tbsp. l.
  • wheat flour 2 tbsp. l.
  • cognac 1 tbsp (can be excluded)

Melt the butter, be careful not to burn. Mix sugar, cocoa powder and flour, add to melted butter, stir until smooth. Pour in milk little by little and cook with constant stirring until thickened. Refrigerate. Add cognac.
More tips for making creams at the bottom of the page.

Ganache and cake frosting recipes

Cover the top of the cake with ganache or icing. With their help, you can create beautiful streaks on the sides of the cake. To make the ganache or icing cover the cake in an even layer, when forming the cake, place the bottom of the biscuit on top, which is in contact with the bottom of the mold.

Ganache with dark chocolate

  • dark chocolate (70%) - 100 gr
  • cream (33%) - 50 ml
  • butter - 10-15 gr

Break the chocolate into pieces, put in a cup. Bring the cream to a boil and pour over the crushed chocolate. Stir until the chocolate is completely dissolved. Let cool, add butter, stir - you should get a smooth and shiny ganache.

Ganache with white chocolate

  • white chocolate 200 gr
  • cream 33% 100 ml
  • butter 10 gr

Break the chocolate into pieces, add the boiling cream, stir until smooth and refrigerate in the refrigerator for 2-3 hours, if necessary, you can leave it overnight. Take out the yellowish mass and begin to beat it with a mixer. In the process of whipping, add butter - it is necessary for a shine and a more delicate structure of the cream. After this manipulation, the ganache will thicken, turn white and be ready for use.

Ganache with cocoa powder

  • milk 170 ml
  • cocoa powder 4 tbsp
  • sugar 5 tbsp
  • butter 100 gr

Pour milk into a saucepan and bring to a boil. Pour in sugar mixed with cocoa powder. Cook the ganache over medium heat, stirring constantly, until the sugar is completely dissolved. Remove from heat and add oil. Stir to dissolve the oil.

Chocolate glaze

  • bitter chocolate 100 gr
  • butter 60 gr

Combine pieces of chocolate and butter, heat in a water bath until smooth.

Chocolate glaze (lean)

  • vegetable oil (refined) 1 tbsp. l.
  • sugar 2 tbsp. l.
  • cocoa powder 3 tbsp. l. without slide
  • water 40 ml

Combine cocoa powder, vegetable oil, sugar. Add water and, stirring occasionally, bring to a boil. Simmer for 2-3 minutes. Cool the finished icing slightly and pour over the cake.

Lemon glaze

  • powdered sugar 2/3 cup
  • lemon juice 1.5 - 2 tablespoons

Squeeze the juice out of the lemon and be sure to sift the icing sugar - rub through a strainer so that there are no lumps. Gradually add the juice to the powder, stir until a homogeneous thick mass. If the icing turns out to be very thin, add powdered sugar to it, if thick, add juice or water.

Jelly to cover the fruit on the cake

  • gelatin 10 gr
  • 0.5 cups water 100 ml
  • lemon juice 1 tsp
  • sugar 1 tbsp

Pour in gelatin cold water... When the gelatin swells, heat the mass until the gelatin is completely dissolved. Do not let it boil as the gelatin will lose its strength.
Add sugar and lemon juice. Cool slightly. Use a brush to apply the jelly to the fruit. The gelatin will harden and the fruit will retain its freshness.

How to make biscuit dough

♦ Eggs

Eggs for biscuit dough should be fresh and at room temperature.
If you forgot to take your eggs out of the refrigerator beforehand, put them in a bowl with warm water t 40 ° - 50 ° C for 3-5 minutes.
Usually eggs whipped whole, without separating the whites from the yolks, but in some recipes, separation is possible.
Eggs beat first at high speed for at least 7-8 minutes. And only then sugar is gradually introduced in small portions and whipped for at least 10-15 minutes until splendor and an increase in volume by 2.5-3 times, and the sugar is completely dissolved. You can determine the readiness of the beaten egg mass by the traces of the mixer whisk, which will begin to form on the mass when it reaches the desired consistency - the biscuit mass can be painted on the surface and the trace of the dough remains visible for several seconds.

♦ Flour

Flour for the biscuit is necessary be sure to sift along with baking powder, starch, cocoa or vanilla, if added according to the recipe. Sifting flour we enrich it with oxygen, it becomes softer and more airy, it mixes more easily with beaten eggs.
After adding flour to eggs, stir it with a whisk, spatula or spoon from bottom to top in a circle. You should not do this for a long time, because with long kneading, gluten develops in the dough, and this has a bad effect on the splendor of the biscuit. Do not use a mixer when mixing flour, it can settle the mass, the cake will turn out to be low, dense, heavy. Be sure to mix thoroughly as flour easily hides in the folds of a dense egg mass or settles to the bottom.

♦ Oil

If butter is added to the biscuit, then it must be pre-melt and cool a little, then add 2-3 tablespoons of biscuit mass to it, stir well, and only then combine with the rest of the dough. If you immediately pour the butter into the dough, it can fall off.

This is how it looks ready dough for biscuit.

How to bake a biscuit

For baking biscuits, it is best to use detachable round shape with non-stick coating. The good thing about it is that it is not greased with oil, just cover the bottom with baking paper.
If you don't have baking paper or parchment, line the bottom of the mold with a piece of plain white sheet, smeared with a drop of oil.

Fixed mold with regular coating brush with butter and flour (French shirt).

Silicone forms for baking grease vegetable oil odorless just before the first baking. In the future, high-quality silicone does not require lubrication - this is what the manufacturers recommend. But I advise you to grease and sprinkle with flour on the bottom of the mold.

Sponge cake feels great in a cake pan with a hole in both silicone and metal. Such a biscuit can be quickly baked and served by sprinkling with powdered sugar or pouring with chocolate or lemon icing.

Fill the baking dish 3/4 full since the finished biscuit will rise a lot when baking. With a split mold, it is easy to navigate by the inner rivets - the dough must reach the top rivet.
If there is more biscuit dough than will fit in the mold, place it in the muffin molds and bake with the main biscuit.

Rotate the dough mold around the axis, without tearing it off the table surface - so the dough is evenly distributed in the form.
The biscuit dough must be placed in the oven immediately after cooking, otherwise it will become dense.

Bake the biscuit in an oven preheated to the desired temperature in top-bottom mode without blowing (convection)... The dish should be on the middle rack of the oven.

Usually the biscuit is baked at t 180 ° C But it is better, after the biscuit has risen in the oven and slightly crusty, reduce the temperature to t 160 ° C and bake until tender at this temperature.

Do not open the oven until the end of baking. In any case, the first 15-20 minutes, otherwise the cake may settle. But, if it is necessary, for example, to take out a biscuit in small muffin molds - in them it will bake faster than in a large mold - open it briefly and very carefully, do not slam the oven door.

If the top of the biscuit covers too quickly golden brown - Cover it with baking paper or foil. A strong crust can interfere with moisture evaporation, the crust will remain unbaked, wet in the middle.

Check the readiness of the biscuit with a wooden skewer or a toothpick inserted in the center - it must be dry.

Allow the biscuit to cool in the mold - place on the wire rack, turning upside down so that the middle does not sag. If you do not have a special grate for cooling the biscuit, you can use the grate from the microwave oven or put the dish on 4 glasses - it is important that there is air between the biscuit and the surface.
When the biscuit has cooled down, run a knife between the biscuit and the rim of the form, open the form and turn the biscuit over onto the wire rack, remove the paper.

Shape the cake(cut the biscuit and soak it) only when the biscuit cools well(from 5 to 10 hours). You can bake the sponge cake in advance, a day or two before the cake is formed. For storage, the cooled ready-made biscuit is wrapped in cling film.

How to cut a biscuit

You can cut the biscuit cake into layers knife or special divider for biscuit only after it has cooled down well - at least 4 hours, and if you saturate, then 8 hours.

Very simple cut the biscuit with fishing line or dental floss: Make notches on the sides of the cake, insert the fishing line, cross in front of you and pull in different directions, keeping the ends parallel.

How to soak a biscuit

The syrup transforms the biscuit, which is rather dry in the basic variation, makes it more moist and tender. This is just a godsend for young housewives or those who do not have enough time for culinary delights. Indeed, with the help of different syrups, you can create new, dissimilar pieces of confectionery art from the same cakes.
Various syrups are used to soak the biscuit, fruit juices and sweet sauces. For a cake you propose to an adult, the impregnation may include alcoholic drinks... No alcohol is added to children's cakes.

The cut biscuit is impregnated with cold impregnation using a brush or pouring with a spoon, starting from the edges of the biscuit and moving towards the center. Wait for the syrup to be absorbed and repeat the soak if you feel the crust is not soaked enough.
The amount of syrup varies depending on the taste - some like a drier, only slightly flavored crust, while others like wet and even wet from impregnation.
Tall sponge cake can be soaked with a syringe. To do this, you need to draw syrup into a syringe and inject it into the biscuit with a thin needle, trying to evenly distribute the liquid in the biscuit cake.

How to make cake cream

The most popular biscuit cream made from Mascarpone cheese and whipped cream or butter.
In order for the cream to whip well, it must be cold, it is advisable to cool the dishes in which you will whip them, and the whisk of the mixer. Correctly whipped cream should maintain its shape and not spread into a cake. However, don't overdo it. Whipping cream for too long can end up with whey and butter instead of whipped cream.
It's important to add the whipped cream in small portions to the Mascarpone, not the other way around!

The average whipping time for 33% Petmolovo cream is 5 minutes, for 38% Valio - 1-2 minutes.

The cream with Mascarpone and butter will turn out to be denser and more stable, it is good to use it not only for cakes, but also to decorate cupcakes.
In the photo there are biscuit dough cupcakes baked in a muffin mold with Mascarpone cream and butter.

Another tasty and affordable Cream for a biscuit made from butter and boiled condensed milk. Its preparation does not require a mixer: mix butter at room temperature with boiled condensed milk until smooth, whisk slightly.
Advice:if condensed milk does not mix well with oil, put the cream in a container of hot water and continue stirring. Once the cream starts mixing well, remove it from the hot water to avoid overheating.

I advise you to cook condensed milk at home, because the finished product from the supermarket contains Palm oil and other unhealthy ingredients.
You can cook only natural high-quality condensed milk prepared in accordance with GOST R 53436 - 2009 To get a tasty treat, buy condensed milk with a fat content of at least 8-8.5%. The jar should say "whole condensed milk with sugar". Do not try to cook condensed milk produced according to TU ( technical conditions manufacturer). This condensed milk contains vegetable fats, and when cooked, they do not thicken.

How to cook boiled condensed milk

Put a closed (sealed) jar with condensed milk in a saucepan, fill it with water so that it covers the jar by 3-4 cm, bring to a boil and cook over low heat for 2-3 hours. Make sure that the water does not boil away, if necessary, add boiling water to the pan. Do not add cold water, condensed milk can explode. When the condensed milk is cooked, cool it. Thus, you will have a wonderful natural product. This can be done in advance, a few days before the preparation of the dessert.

You can apply the cream on the biscuit at home with a spoon, leveling it with a knife or a pastry spatula (a spatula with a heel).

How to decorate a homemade cake

Cake decorating is primarily a matter of a sense of proportion. You can use a bag for cream, sets of attachments and produce a lot of roses, leaves, borders and other beauty, but if you do not have sufficient skills, such decoration will look sloppy and primitive. Therefore, I advise the most simple ways decoration - sprinkle the cake with biscuit crumbs, chopped nuts or grated chocolate. This is how my grandmother decorated the cake, and here is more about it ⇒

Another option is to decorate the cake with meringue crumbs. Meringue (meringue) can be bought in a pastry shop, or you can bake at home ⇒

Mascarpone cream and boiled condensed milk... It is prepared in the same way as Cream from butter and boiled condensed milk.

A beautiful and delicious cake decoration is fresh fruits... The only drawback to this decoration is that the fruit winds up quickly, so decorate the cake just before serving or cover it with clear jelly (recipe above).

And this one Chocolate cake decorated, which are easy to prepare at home. Pay attention to the coating of the cake - this style is very popular now and is called "naked cake" (in Russian " naked cake"), Ie a cake covered with only a thin layer of cream through which the sides of the biscuit shine through.

An easy way to give your cake a festive look is to decorate with live edible flowers. This must be done before serving and, of course, use flowers grown without chemical fertilizers.
In the photo, it is decorated with a strawberry flower and mint leaves. This option is also suitable for decorating a cake.

Fresh flowers that can be eaten: rose, orchid, calendula, nasturtium, cornflower, chamomile, dandelion, clover, lilac, violet, pansies, sunflower, acacia, lavender, geranium, jasmine, hibiscus, elderberry. Flowers of edible berries and fruit trees: citrus, apricot, peach, apple, cherry, pumpkin, vegetable marrow. Leaves of mint, lemon balm, basil.
While these flowers are edible, you don't have to eat them if you don't feel like it. Having admired enough beautiful cake, you can just put them aside.

I tried to collect for you the most affordable and at the same time a variety of recipes biscuits, creams and ganache, shared the secrets of their preparation - I think, sufficient material for home improvisations. Bake cakes at home, friends! Let them turn out not very even, not very beautiful and will not delight in the luxury of decoration, home kitchen more than compensates for all this with love and joy that you will give to your family. I wish your families to be friendly and happy, may they have a lot of children, a lot of fuss and worries. And let your families be large, because in small families, as a rule, cakes are not baked.

The correct biscuit should be high and fluffy. But it turns out this way not always and not for everyone. But a biscuit is great cakes, pastries and cookies.

Biscuit dough

A lot depends on the test. For a biscuit dough, you need six medium-sized eggs, 130 g flour, 210 g sugar and vanillin (or 10 grams of vanilla sugar). For all six eggs, the yolk must be separated from the white. Tip: Refrigerate the eggs and they will beat faster. Neither soda nor baking powder is put in the biscuit dough. But if you are not relying on your whipping ability, add a little baking powder - by at least, it doesn't feel so much in the finished product.

Add vanillin or vanilla sugar, 105 g of regular sugar to the yolks and grind the resulting mass with a fork. A whisk will work too. The mass should turn white and increase several times in volume. Therefore, the whisk should be quite intense.

The biscuit flour should be enriched with oxygen. To do this, it is sieved through a sieve several times. If you want a chocolate sponge cake, add three to four tablespoons of cocoa powder to the flour.

The whites, separated from the yolks, are whipped in another bowl, clean and completely dry. To do this, it is better to take a submersible mixer and start beating at the lowest speed. As soon as foam appears, increase the mixer speed to maximum. After a while, the proteins begin to thicken. Then, without stopping whipping, add the remaining sugar to the whites and beat the mass until a strong foam. Gently add a third of the whipped whites to the whipped yolks and gently stir with a wide spatula until smooth.

Sift the flour onto the surface of the resulting mixture, mix, and then put everything in a bowl with the whipped egg whites. And, of course, we mix everything carefully again. Pour the resulting dough into a mold.

Biscuit baking utensils

You can bake a biscuit in any shape you like. If you need a biscuit for a cake, it is best to take a detachable tin mold with a diameter of about 23-24 cm. Grease the bottom of the mold with oil and sprinkle it with flour or semolina a little. You can line the bottom with baking parchment paper.

But the walls of the mold should not be lubricated. After all, the biscuit will have to rise. Slippery walls will not allow the dough to rise - it will simply slide down. When the biscuit is baked, go around the perimeter with a knife, carefully separating it from the walls. If you are afraid that the biscuit will stick to the unlubricated walls of the mold, it is better to cover them with parchment paper too.

Baking process

The oven should be turned on before you start whipping and stirring. For good baking of the biscuit, 180 ° C will be enough. The oven must be preheated in advance, because biscuit dough is not a dough for pies, it cannot stand. The biscuit is baked for about half an hour. No matter how much you want to look at your biscuit while baking, it is strictly forbidden to open the oven. Otherwise, from the flow of cold air, the delicate biscuit will simply fall off, and the output will turn out to be thin sweet pancake, not a biscuit. If you want to peep, look through the glass with the backlight on. The finished biscuit springs under the fingers, and no unbaked dough sticks to the toothpick stuck in the biscuit. Tip: Place the biscuit on the center shelf. Otherwise, there is a possibility that a high-placed biscuit will crack on top, and a biscuit located too low will burn before baking.

It is very convenient to cut the biscuit with a strong thick thread. And the cakes should be soaked after the biscuit has cooled down and stood a little, that is, 5 hours after the biscuit is baked.

The easiest biscuit recipe

I have never managed such a tall biscuit !!!

Even when I baked a sponge cake according to the classic recipe, where it is necessary to carefully separate the whites from the yolks, whip until crazy ... this is not required here, which is very convenient, and the result exceeds the most daring aspirations!

In fact, the dough for this simple biscuit is prepared in exactly the same way as for apple charlotte. Only the ingredients are needed twice as much.

And it turns out a tall, fluffy cake, from which you can build a huge cake for the whole family!

Another recipe for a very tasty, tender, fluffy sponge cake appeared on the site - on starch, if you are interested, you can try both for comparison :)


For a 24 cm shape:

  • 6 eggs;
  • 1 cup of sugar;
  • 1 cup flour
  • 1 teaspoon baking soda (or 1.5 teaspoon baking powder)
  • 1 tablespoon vinegar 9% or lemon juice.

Now - the recipe in video format! 😀

How to bake:

We break the eggs into a high bowl (there is no need to separate the yolks, as I have already noted), add a glass of sugar and beat with a mixer until a lush, light, thick mass is formed. It will take 1.5 - 2 minutes. Important! You need to beat, starting at the lowest speed of the mixer, gradually increasing it to the maximum: 1-2-3-4-5 ... (my mixer has 5 speeds, each for half a minute or a little more). Look at the consistency of the foam, it should become thick, light, when traces of the mixer beaters begin to remain, that's enough :)

Here is the state to which you need to beat eggs for a biscuit dough:

Pour a spoonful of soda on top, extinguish it with vinegar and mix. Attention - update! I read an article where it is written that soda should be mixed with dry foods (flour), and acid for quenching it (vinegar, lemon juice) with liquid ingredients. And extinguishing it in a spoon or on the surface of the dough is impractical, since all the carbon dioxide that creates the bubbles goes into the air, not into the dough. And since this biscuit does not contain liquid ingredients other than eggs, then I switched to this recipe on baking powder :) I mix it with flour and sift it all together into the dough.

Then gradually add a glass of sifted flour, mix thoroughly but gently with a spoon.

For clarity, here is a gif image of how to mix the biscuit dough correctly:

It is best to bake a biscuit in a split form, the bottom of which is covered with pastry parchment or tracing paper, greased sunflower oil... It is most convenient to lay paper on the bottom of the form, put on and fasten the sides, and then trim off excess paper along the edge. We also lightly grease the inner sides of the mold with vegetable oil so that the biscuit does not stick. But you don't need to grease too generously: the greasy walls of the mold can prevent the cake from rising.

Better yet, grease the mold with a thin layer of soft butter and sprinkle with flour. The fat will not allow the biscuit to stick, and the thinnest layer of flour will allow the biscuit dough to rise well, enhancing the adhesion of the dough to the surface of the mold due to its texture.

Pour the dough into a mold. This is how a properly prepared biscuit dough is poured: spread with a wide ribbon.

We put it in the oven. In the original recipe it was written to put in a cold one, but I always put such a dough in an already well-heated oven. It seems to me that the cake will not work otherwise. And I don't want to take risks and check something.

So, we put the form in an oven preheated to 180C and bake at the same temperature until tender.
And since the cake is high, it will take about 45-60 minutes. From time to time, you can slightly open the door and quietly look into the oven. If the crust is browned around the edges, and the middle is liquid, slightly reduce the heat so that the middle is baked. Just do not subtract sharply, otherwise the biscuit will "sit down". If the crust looks ready, try it in the center with a wooden stick. Doesn't it have dough on it? Great - the biscuit is ready!

We take out the form from the oven, give the cake about 10 minutes to cool, then, carefully cutting the edges with a knife, open the form. We turn the cake over onto the lid of a large saucepan, with a quick movement remove the paper from the bottom and turn it back onto the dish.

A chic tall biscuit is ready! When it has completely cooled down, ideally the next day, you can cut it with a sharp wide knife into 2-3 cakes, choose a cream and make a big delicious cake!