How to make buckwheat flour in a blender. Buckwheat flour: benefits and harms, reviews

Buckwheat is famous for its beneficial qualities. It contains a lot of iron, thanks to which an excellent prevention of anemia and heart disease is carried out. On the basis of cereals, no less valuable flour is made, which is often used by confectioners and bakers. On this basis, many people are interested in how to cook buckwheat flour right.

Buckwheat flour composition

Buckwheat transfers all the substances useful to health to its crushed "brother". Among the most demanded are magnesium, iron, iodine and phosphorus. But flour is not deprived of fluoride, sodium, sulfur, copper, zinc, calcium, potassium and others.

Of the vitamins, buckwheat contains the notorious antioxidant tocopherol (vitamin E), which is responsible for the youth of the body and the beauty of the skin. Also flour concentrates a decent dose of ascorbic acid, vitamin PP, group of B vitamins.

Thanks to this list nutrients buckwheat flour is often used to create healthy dishes... It is even consumed in its pure form in order to improve the health of the body.

How to cook buckwheat flour

  1. To prepare a natural product, you only need buckwheat. Free it from foreign debris in advance, rinse it 5-8 times in water and dry it on paper towels.
  2. Washing can be done warm or cold water, the first option is preferable. To be on the safe side, it's best to use filtered water instead of tap water.
  3. For the convenience of rinsing, first send the buckwheat into a fine-grained sieve, then lower it into the basin and start washing. When the water becomes clear and all the debris is gone, leave the raw materials to dry.
  4. After the moisture has partially disappeared, cook the skillet with non-stick coating... In this case, you can use a multicooker if its bowl meets the characteristics.
  5. Send the buckwheat to a skillet or multi-bowl, heat for 7 minutes. This step is optional, but desirable. So you will reveal the true taste of buckwheat.
  6. The tingling sensation should be accompanied by vigorous stirring. In no case should the composition be allowed to burn. When the cereal starts to crackle in the pan, remove it from the stove.
  7. Place in a clean and dry baking sheet, flatten and be sure to bring to room temperature... Cover with a towel, wait 1 hour. After this time, you can proceed to the final stage - grinding.
  8. Manipulations are carried out using a coffee grinder or any other grinder of this kind. Load the buckwheat in portions, after the procedure, pass through a sieve and store in a parchment package.

Buckwheat-based pancakes

  • flour top grade(wheat) - 0.2 kg.
  • homemade buckwheat flour - 0.2 kg.
  • chicken egg - 3 pcs.
  • vegetable oil - 60 ml.
  • granulated sugar - 20 gr.
  • fine salt - 15 gr.
  • soda - 3 pinches
  • heated milk - 2.5 cups
  • warm drinking water - 2 glasses
  1. To obtain delicious pancakes homogeneous consistency, take care of sifting wheat and buckwheat flour in advance. Take milk and drinking water, warm up to a temperature of 35-40 degrees.
  2. Pour soda, granulated sugar, ground salt into the liquid. Stir until the granules are completely dissolved.
  3. Refrigerate chicken eggs for a better beating. Break them into a separate bowl and work with a mixer at medium, then high power. Achieve a fluffy lather that won't fall off.
  4. Add the egg mass to the milk mixture, mix with a fork. Mix the two flours together and start sifting into a bowl of milk and water.
  5. Handle slowly to prevent clumping. When the dough is thin enough, add the vegetable oil.
  6. Heat the pan in advance and grease it with corn or olive oil, since sunflower seeds release carcinogens during frying. Roll out the pancake in a frying pan, fry until the edges darken, turn over.

  • buckwheat flour - 400 gr.
  • hot water - 300 ml.
  • wheat flour - 620 gr.
  1. Sift two types of flour into a common bowl. For manipulation, use an exceptionally fine sieve. The raw materials must be mixed with each other so that the final product does not fall apart. Wheat flour allows the dough to retain its elasticity.
  2. It is not necessary to purchase buckwheat flour on store shelves. You can cook the raw materials yourself. Sort out the buckwheat and run it through a food processor or coffee grinder. After manipulation, sift the raw material without fail. Whole kernels should not be powdered.
  3. Heat the drinking water indicated in the recipe to 90 degrees. Mix in flour. Pour in the liquid gradually, stirring the components constantly. This will make the flour a little bit. Avoid clumping. Break them up completely if necessary.
  4. After that, start kneading the raw materials using the classical technology. The dough should be firm. Get a ball from raw materials, put it aside for half an hour. The composition should be infused for some time. As a result, the dough will easily roll out, while the elasticity will be fully preserved.
  5. Divide the raw material into several equal apple-sized lumps. Cover the product with cling film to keep it from drying out. Roll out the first ball, the thickness of the product should not exceed 6 mm. Fold the layer 4 times. Roll out the product again, get a pancake thickness of about 2 mm.
  6. Thoroughly flour the pancake and set aside. You do not need to cover the dough, let it dry. Repeat the manipulation with the rest of the balls. After that, fold 4 pancakes together, sprinkling with plenty of flour. Roll the pancakes into a roll. Chop the product with a sharp knife. Choose the width of the strips as desired.
  7. It takes 10 hours to dry the noodles. In the oven, the process can be significantly accelerated. At 60 degrees, it will take you about 2 hours. Store the product in a dry place. Cooking time takes only 10 minutes.

Buckwheat raw materials bring much more benefit to the human body than wheat flour. In addition, buckwheat has dietary properties, which allows you to successfully apply the composition for weight loss.

Video: cleansing the body with buckwheat flour

Buckwheat is an ideal alternative to cereals used all over the world. Buckwheat flour can be used to bake pancakes, which are so popular in Russian cuisine. In France, this flour is used to bake biscuits. Buckwheat pie is often seen during breakfast in America. In Japan, traditional buckwheat noodles are considered a healthy food. So, buckwheat flour: benefits and harms.

Great alternative to cereals

Celiac disease is an increased sensitivity to protein and gluten in cereals. This disease is usually congenital and incurable. Those who suffer from gluten intolerance have to go without many foods. For example, protein or gluten is found in huge quantities in cereals such as rye, wheat, barley and spelled.

Meanwhile, there are grains that are gluten-free. These include buckwheat. Rather, these are not even grains, since buckwheat has nothing to do with wheat and cereals. It belongs to the family of so-called pseudo-cereals and is closer in relationship to sorrel than to cereals.

What is buckwheat made of?

Buckwheat contains approximately 10% high quality protein. But that is not all. It contains three times more lysine than cereals. And he, as you know, is a building material for proteins and provides strong bones. In addition, buckwheat contains a considerable amount of vitamins E and B1 or B2. It is also rich in minerals such as potassium, calcium, iron and magnesium, as well as silica, which is very important for skin and hair.

Nutritional value per 100 g of cereal is:

  • calories - 341;
  • protein - 10 g;
  • fats - 1.7 g;
  • carbohydrates - 71 g.

What's the use?

Buckwheat is gluten and lectin free. Why, in fact, are they so bad? Lectins are proteins that enter the bloodstream, bind to red blood cells and make the blood thick. This increases the risk of circulatory problems, thrombosis, strokes, and heart attacks.

Lectins can also negatively affect the development of chronic inflammatory processes, contribute to the deterioration of the intestinal flora. They irritate and increase the permeability of the intestinal mucosa. Recently, lectins have been considered as one of the causes of autoimmune diseases.

Buckwheat provides high quality protein. In addition, it supplies all eight essential amino acids, which is far more important than meeting protein needs. Buckwheat flour lowers blood sugar levels. It is considered an ideal food for diabetics and people who are concerned about high blood glucose levels.

Buckwheat also lowers blood pressure. It contains rutin, a miracle-working substance. For example, it significantly reduces oxidative damage in blood vessel walls, reducing the manifestations of hypertension.

Buckwheat flour regulates cholesterol levels, provides the body with fiber and plenty of lecithin. And lecithin inhibits the mechanism that is responsible for the absorption of cholesterol through the intestinal mucosa. Thus, cholesterol is simply excreted from the body.

This magical product also protects our liver. The fact is that lecithin is an essential nutrient for its cells. The lack of lecithin in the diet leads to the fact that the liver cells do not work at full strength and it does not cope well with the main task - detoxification of the body. Thus, the consumption of buckwheat helps the liver to maintain health.

Buckwheat is also useful for active thinkers. Our brains are 25% phospholipids found in lecithin. It is believed that regular consumption of buckwheat helps to eliminate anxiety, depression, fatigue, and even improves mental performance.

Wouldn't it hurt?

Probably, after reading the above information, you are already making a menu and thinking over how much buckwheat you need for this. But at the same time, it is important to take into account that the only drawback of buckwheat is the exceptional benefits of the product and excellent taste qualities dishes made from it. Eating these foods can get carried away and damage your body by overeating, followed by stomach cramps or bloating.

What to do with buckwheat flour?

First of all, let's figure out how to make buckwheat flour. Buckwheat flour is easiest to buy in finished form... But if you are not looking for easy ways or have overly stocked up with buckwheat, and you need flour, it can be made using any kitchen appliance, for example, a coffee grinder, blender, food processor. You can also resort to the grandmother's method, using a metal mortar and pestle. The main thing is that after grinding the cereal to the state of flour, do not forget to sift it.

Traditionally, flour is used for baking, but we'll go the other way. Today, a healthy lifestyle is in trend, which also includes getting rid of drooping sides and a double chin. We will cleanse the body with buckwheat flour with kefir.


  • buckwheat flour - 25 g;
  • kefir - 150 ml.

Preparation and application:

  1. In the evening, this is important, thoroughly mix the flour with kefir and send it to the refrigerator until morning.
  2. In the morning, 30-40 minutes before breakfast, we drink this life-giving cocktail.
  3. Continue doing this for 2 weeks.
  4. Then you can rest for a month and consolidate the result with a repeated course of kefir with buckwheat flour in the morning.

Who did buckwheat flour help to lose weight?

And finally, let's listen to the reviews of women and doctors about the benefits of buckwheat flour with kefir for weight loss:

  • Natalia: “I have been using this recipe for a long time. Improved blood counts, in particular ESR. I feel at ease. "
  • Elena (endocrinologist): "Kefir and buckwheat are a recipe for people with absolutely healthy digestion, otherwise you risk cleaning yourself up to the state of a hospital bed."

Such flour can be bought ready-made in the store, but it is better to cook it at home with your own hands. So you will know for sure that there are no impurities in the flour, that it was made from high-quality raw materials and ground recently. This is not difficult to do. It is enough to grind the raw material, for example oat flakes or chickpeas. This can be done using the following gadgets.

Coffee grinder: you will have to grind for a long time and in small portions, in addition, before this, the coffee grinder must be thoroughly rinsed from coffee residues and dried well.

Flour mill: a special gadget in which you can grind flour from any, even the hardest raw materials. A good flour grinder is not cheap and takes up space in the kitchen, but if you cook flour with your own hands all the time, then buying a quality gadget is worth it.

Powerful blender: if you are thinking of changing the blender to a new one or this is your first purchase, it makes sense to immediately purchase a powerful gadget, like a high-speed one Moulinex LM936E10 - it is equipped with a unique 6-blade knife that grinds any ingredient into powder, be it nuts, berries or even ice. In such a blender, it will be possible not only to prepare smoothies or mashed potatoes, but also flour.

1. Oat flour

Beneficial features: contains vitamins of group B, E, phosphorus, zinc and manganese, it has a lot of fiber and enough protein, while the reduced content of starch and gluten. In total, 100 g of the product contains 13 g of protein, 6.8 g of fat and 65 g of carbohydrates.

What to cook with oatmeal: pancakes, pancakes, pancakes, porridge, cookies, casseroles, in addition, oatmeal can act as a binder in the dough instead of chicken eggs when making vegan baked goods.

How to make oat flour: place the oatmeal in a blender, grind until flour.

2. Buckwheat flour

Beneficial features: buckwheat flour is an order of magnitude healthier than wheat flour, so we highly recommend using it for making pancakes and pancakes. It is hypoallergenic, gluten free, and also not as high in calories as usual. In buckwheat flour, in fact, as in buckwheat, there are a lot of useful microelements - vitamins of group B, E, P, iron, potassium, iodine.

What to cook from buckwheat flour: pancakes, pancakes, pancakes, casseroles, dumplings, savory and sweet baked goods, use as breading. Please note that baked goods and pancakes from buckwheat flour are not as dense as from wheat flour, but with a loose texture.

How to make buckwheat flour: grind in a blender buckwheat into flour.

3. Chickpea flour

Beneficial features: This flour contains a lot of dietary fiber, which detoxifies and cleanses the intestines. So if you or your family do not eat enough vegetables and fruits, here's a way for you. Fiber is especially important, according to nutritionists of all directions, if you eat meat and poultry, it will rid the body of the decay products of animal protein. Vitamin K contained in chickpea flour is an essential ingredient for full absorption of calcium. So the next time you cook cheesecakes or curd casserole, instead of wheat flour use this one.

What to cook from chickpea flour: pancakes, tortillas, cookies, casseroles (very similar to scrambled eggs in taste), you can use it as a binder in vegan dough instead of chicken eggs.

How to make chickpea flour: Pour chickpeas on a baking sheet covered with parchment, put in an oven preheated to 180 degrees for 10 minutes. Then cool the chickpeas, pour into a blender, grind into flour and sift through a sieve so that large fractions of the peel do not get into the flour.

4. Flaxseed flour

Beneficial features: As in flax seeds, flax flour contains a lot of polyunsaturated fatty acids Omega-3 and Omega-6, vegetable protein, fiber, antioxidants, vitamins A, E, H, D, group B, minerals - iron, calcium, sodium. Lingans, which are part of flax, inhibit the growth of cancer cells. In addition, flaxseed flour has a tonic effect on the entire body. Keep in mind that in production, flour is made from seeds after pressing the oil, which makes it completely low-fat, but at the same time deprives it of many useful properties.

What to cook with flaxseed flour: cheesecakes, casseroles, add to the dough for savory pastries, chopped meat, sauces, used as breading for cutlets, meat and poultry, as a binder instead of chicken eggs in vegan baked goods.

How to make flaxseed flour: Place flaxseeds in a blender or coffee grinder and grind to a flour consistency.

5. Almond flour

Beneficial features: one of the important constituents in almond flour is vitamin B4 (choline), which is essential for the brain and the normal functioning of the nervous system. In addition, this product contains many other vitamins and minerals - groups B, C, E, PP, potassium, magnesium, chromium, sulfur.

What to cook from almond flour: flour, like nuts, is very high in calories and fatty, so ideally mix it with other types (for example, buckwheat, oatmeal, rice, amaranth). Already from such a mix, you can prepare pancakes, pancakes, pancakes, casseroles, muffins, sweet and savory pastries. Of course, the famous macaroni cakes are made from almond flour. You can find the recipe at this link.

How to make almond flour: Pour the almonds with filtered water for 20-30 minutes, then remove the skins from the nuts, put the nuts on a baking sheet and put in the oven preheated to 150 degrees for 10 minutes. Then cool the almonds, pour into a blender and grind into flour, then sift through a sieve.

6. Amaranth flour

Beneficial features: it contains many different useful substances - vitamins A, D, E, C, PP, group B, magnesium, selenium, phosphorus, zinc, calcium. Amaranth flour is rich in antioxidants, so baking made from it is not only tasty and healthy, but also rejuvenates the body. Keep in mind that it is also gluten and cholesterol free, but contains vegetable protein.

What to cook from amaranth flour: due to the complete absence of gluten in amaranth flour, it is rather problematic to cook bread or baked goods from it alone. But in combination with other types it will turn out excellent dough for pancakes and flatbreads, it can be added to casseroles, cheese cakes, breading. Amaranth flour porridge in the morning is a very healthy and hearty breakfast.

How to make amaranth flour: grind the amaranth seeds in a blender into flour, if desired, sift through a sieve to get rid of large particles.

7. Rice flour

Beneficial features: Perhaps the most common type of flour for gluten-free baking, it is easy to digest and does not irritate the intestines. However, you need to remember that it is made from white flour, which means, like wheat, rice has a high glycemic index, and it is referred to as "fast carbs" - the sugar level jumps, then quickly drops, causing hunger. At home, you can use healthy brown rice to make flour, but home production you need a powerful blender - the rice grains are very hard. Perfect option - blender Moulinex LM936E10, which we talked about at the beginning of the article.

What to cook from rice flour: biscuits, bread, buns, cakes, cookies, in general, replace wheat with it in the usual recipes (rice will require more liquid, so its amount in the recipe needs to be increased slightly), you can add rice flour as a thickener to soups, sauces, gravies.

How to make rice flour: Place unprocessed raw (dry) white or brown rice in a blender and grind into flour.

8. Coconut flour

Beneficial features: contains just an obscene amount of fiber - 39 g per 100 g of product (for comparison: wheat contains only 3 g). Coconut is a nut, so it has a lot of protein, like flour made from it, so it is a great ingredient for vegan dishes. Consider only that the calorie content of the product is high - 466 kcal per 100 g, so you should not overuse dishes with coconut flour if you are saving your figure. Of the significant advantages, one can also mention lauric acid. This is one of the most powerful natural antiviral substances that strengthen the immune system.

What to make with coconut flour: Due to its low stickiness, coconut flour requires more eggs (in vegan dishes, they can be replaced with flax or chickpea flour). You can cook pancakes, pancakes, pancakes, tortillas, casseroles, muffins, biscuit cakes, biscuits, add to cheese cakes and vegetable cutlets.

How to make coconut flour: easiest to cook from coconut flakes- just grind it in a blender. You can go a long way - buy coconuts, break through the shell, drain the water, cook from the pulp coconut milk, dry the remaining cake in the oven, and then grind it into flour.

9. Corn flour

Beneficial features: an order of magnitude healthier than both wheat and rye and even rice flour. Corn flour helps the intestines due to its high amount of fiber, thiamine in its composition improves brain performance and blood circulation, due to antioxidants it slows down the aging of cells, in addition, corn flour increases muscle growth, fights inflammation and improves complexion.

What to make with cornmeal: it happens three types- fine, medium and coarse grinding. The first makes delicious pastries, bread, pancakes, pancakes and other sweet and savory pastries. Medium is great for casseroles, mashed potatoes, porridge, hominy and polenta. Coarse - ideal crispy breading for cutlets, meatballs, meat and poultry. Plus it's gluten free.

How to make corn flour: easiest to put in a blender corn grits and grind into flour of the desired grind. If you want to do it yourself, you can buy dried corn kernels and grind them (only a powerful blender can cope with this task, corn kernels are very tough).

10. Tapioca flour

Beneficial features: tapioca (aka cassava, cassava sago, cassava) - incredible useful product, as well as flour from it. It is rich in protein, amino acids, vitamins and minerals. Such flour helps to strengthen bones, improve digestion, save from headaches and arthritis. In addition, tapioca contains almost no fat and is completely gluten free, which makes the product in the category of useful and hypoallergenic.

What to cook with tapioca flour: it gives the dough the necessary stickiness, so tapioca flour should be mixed with other types of alternative flours that have no stickiness (buckwheat, coconut, amaranth). From such a mix ( perfect option 1/3 tapioca flour for 2/3 other flour) you can make almost any sweet and savory pastry and use it instead of wheat in your usual recipes.

How to make tapioca flour: place dry tapioca balls in a blender, grind into flour, sift through a sieve to get rid of coarse particles.

As you can see, in addition to wheat, there is great amount other types of flour. All of them are not difficult to prepare at home, including from such familiar products as buckwheat or rice. Such a variety of flour opens up a huge scope for the amateur to experiment in the kitchen for culinary fantasy... After all, now a branded charlotte or shortbread you need to try to do it in new versions ...

In the section on the question How to make flour? I tried to grind buckwheat in a coffee grinder. But flour doesn't work. How else can you make buckwheat flour? given by the author Salt the best answer is buy ready-made buckwheat flour,
because you can't build a mill, and a coffee grinder is "sharpened" for coffee ...
we cooked oatmeal, is it on sale now?

Answer from chevron[guru]
I used a coffee grinder. Yes, not flour, but good for porridge. Or cooked porridge - then in a blender.

Answer from Nikolaev[guru]
can ready-made porridge with an immersion blender, warm, hot
it is forbidden

Answer from Ball lightning owner[guru]
First, pass through a meat grinder with a fine sieve, then SMALL, no more than a tablespoon without a top, into an electric coffee grinder. Tilt the grinder 45-50 degrees so that the shaft in the center is free and only the tips of the impact knife are ground. For a coffee grinder, this is a heavy load, so 2-3 spoons and 30 minutes to cool down.

Answer from Small[newbie]
try to make oatmeal
(cheesecakes are delicious)

Answer from Valentin Douglas (Celt)[guru]
With a spice mill. One that looks like a manual meat grinder. Only small. The beast. Gnaws at everything. Pass through it. Sift. What is left, skip again .. Anyway, this is an extremely useful thing in the kitchen. Fall asleep a little. If it does not fray well, stretch or replace the spring.

Buckwheat is often called the “queen of cereals”. It is rich in iron, calcium, phosphorus, zinc, iodine, vitamins E, PP, B6, rutin. This product includes a large amount of vegetable proteins (their content is several times higher than in other cereals) and complex carbohydrates. The latter are absorbed for a long time and give a person the necessary boost of energy for several hours. The undoubted advantage of buckwheat is that it is grown without the use of herbicides (weeds do not interfere with the growth of this crop). In addition, she has never been genetically modified. Buckwheat grains can be consumed whole, or you can grind them into powder and use to prepare healthy dietary meals.

Before grinding buckwheat, it must be sorted out. Remove excess debris and black scales from the cereal. Rinse the beans under cool running water. Place it on a kitchen towel, allowing it to dry slightly. Put a heavy-bottomed pan on the fire and wait until it warms up well. Pour the buckwheat into a skillet and heat it for 5-10 minutes (until it starts to crackle). This procedure is necessary to obtain the rich taste of buckwheat flour. Cool the beans by placing them on a flat dish.

Now you can start directly with the grinding process. This can be done in a home mill. They are electric and manual. If you regularly cook large amounts of buckwheat flour, it is best to use the first appliance. For processing 1-2 kg of buckwheat, a hand mill is quite suitable. You can also grind buckwheat grains in a coffee grinder. However, for this purpose it is better to use the apparatus not with knives (it will quickly fail), but with millstones. A small amount of buckwheat can be crushed using a blender. If you do not have the listed devices at hand, use the old grinding method. Pour some cereal into a tall cup (mortar) and grind it thoroughly with a pestle. This is a rather laborious and time-consuming process, so it is not recommended to use it for large volumes of buckwheat.

The resulting buckwheat flour must be poured into a sealed dry vessel and tightly closed with a lid. It can be used to cook porridge, bake pancakes, pies and pancakes, or it can be used as a medicine to cleanse the body of toxins. Buckwheat flour regulates the work of the pancreas, helps to normalize metabolism, cleanses the intestines, and lowers blood glucose levels. To prepare the drug, mix a tablespoon of the powder with a glass of low-fat kefir and leave the mixture in the refrigerator overnight. In the morning, drink kefir with buckwheat 30-40 minutes before breakfast. The course of treatment is 2-3 weeks.