Buckwheat pancakes with kefir recipe. Quick Buckwheat Pancakes

Buckwheat pancakes are enough famous dish, which came to us from ancient times. It must be admitted that it is completely unfair that people forgot about him.

This is due to the fact that we had to deal with times of deficiency of this porridge, which is the main ingredient. Buckwheat is a very useful product, which is deservedly called a dish for astronauts.

Pancakes on boiled buckwheat and kefir are also a favorite dish of those who follow their figure.

The recipes for this treat are very different, there are many ways to cook buckwheat pancakes at home in order to feed your loved ones with very tasty and healthy food.

Pancake recipes will be presented by me in this article, I sincerely hope that you will appreciate them, take an interest and cook at home yourself. It takes very little time to cook, and the range of products is not great, and it is affordable.

Pancakes with buckwheat porridge and the addition of kefir

The recipe indicates the use of chickens. eggs and as much as possible. The thing is that we will cook buckwheat pancakes with kefir. This flour does not include gluten, and therefore has a low adhesion rate.

Components: 1 tbsp. buckwheat flour and kefir; sugar; salt; pack. baking powder; 4 things. chickens. eggs.

Cooking Algorithm:

  1. From chickens. I separate the egg whites and yolks. The latter must be mixed with kefir.
  2. In another bowl I mix flour, salt, sugar. I add the first mixture. I'm making a dough.
  3. Beat the whites into a froth, add them to the dough. The batch is ready to bake the pancakes.
  4. I form pancakes, put them in a frying pan, but remember that the surface of the dishes should be thoroughly heated and smeared with rast. oil.
  5. I'm frying pancakes.

The recipe will allow you to bake really tasty and healthy homemade kefir pancakes in a short time, which even kids will like.

You can serve such buckwheat pancakes on kefir with sour cream or sauce. In fact, I leave this point to your discretion. Other recipes for this delicious dish will be presented below.

Recipe for delicious porridge pancakes in a hurry with the addition of milk

Components: 150 ml of water; 250 ml of milk; 1 tbsp. gr. flour; 0.5 tbsp. psh. flour; 0.5 tsp soda; 2 pcs. chickens. eggs; salt; sugar; 1 tbsp olive. oils.

Cooking Algorithm:

  1. I make a dough kneading. I add both types of flour to a bowl, add soda, sugar, salt. I knead the mass.
  2. I pour in water, milk, and also add a lot of olives. oil.
  3. Beat chickens. eggs and add to the dough. It should be thick.
  4. I leave the dough in the cold for half an hour. Covering a lot of food. film.
  5. When the time is up, I heat up the frying pan, water the rast. butter and cook pancakes from porridge in a frying pan.

Tip: if you have a frying pan at home with non-stick coating, which means you can bake delicious homemade pancakes with the addition of buckwheat, even without rust. oils. These baking recipes will not harm your ideal figure.

When the buckwheat porridge pancakes are ready, do delicious tea and serve. Recipes for such pastries are in great demand among housewives.

Fritters with buckwheat porridge liver

These pancakes can be a great addition to dinner or replace a snack.

Components: 400 gr. liver; 3 tbsp ghee; 1 PC. chickens. eggs; 100 g ready-made buckwheat; tv cheese; salt; 2 tbsp flour.

Cooking Algorithm:

  1. I wash out the liver, cleanse the hymen and send it to the meat grinder.
  2. Separating proteins from chickens. yolks and beat them into a bake.
  3. I add yolk, oil, pepper, salt to the liver. I stir it.
  4. I add proteins to buckwheat. I stir it.
  5. I mix the two mixtures together. I make pancakes and fry them in a skillet with ghee.

The readiness of the pancakes is determined when the minced meat becomes light in color, but has not lost its juiciness. In this case, the pancakes will be ready. If there is no juiciness, then the pastries will turn out to be harsh.

It is worth decorating the dish with grated cheese and green tea. And below is another interesting recipe!

Diet recipe for pancakes with buckwheat porridge

A very simple recipe. You will be able to bake a non-nutritive dish that will appeal to all those who look after their appearance and does not want to get better.

You need to take: 300 gr. buckwheat; 1 pack. cottage cheese; salt; 4 tablespoons gr. flour; 2 tbsp Sahara; 1 tbsp. sour cream (take low-fat).

Cooking Algorithm:

  1. I pass porridge and cottage cheese through a meat grinder. I add the rest of the ingredients to the mass, with the exception of sour cream.
  2. I pour sour cream into the batch, but very carefully. I constantly stir the batch and add sour cream.
  3. You need to bake the pancakes in the oven, and therefore I form pancakes with a tablespoon and send them to bake.

Serving pancakes to the table can be with sour cream, but even if it is not there, you can do without it, the taste will not get worse from this. Diet pancakes can be cooked even when buckwheat is left over after dinner.

Throwing out the porridge is not worth it, because there is an opportunity to cook very tasty dish... Such diet recipes are also to the liking of all thrifty hostesses.

Yeast pancakes with buckwheat porridge

The recipe will allow you to bake lush and delicious pancakes.

Components: 200 gr. buckwheat; 0.5 tbsp. flour; 125 ml of milk; 1 PC. chickens. egg; 0.5 tbsp. water; 1 tbsp sl. oils; 2 tsp dry yeast; 3 tbsp low-fat sour cream; salt.

Cooking Algorithm:

  1. Grind buckwheat in a blender.
  2. Separate the whites from the yolks. I beat the latter with milk, water and sour cream. I supplement the mass with flour. I introduce buckwheat. Leave the mass warm for 30 minutes.
  3. I add sl. oil and leave for 15 minutes.
  4. Beat the whites into a large foam and send them to fry the pancakes. In a couple of minutes, the baked goods will be ready. This completes the recipe.

My video recipe

The pancakes are prepared rather quickly, therefore they are ideal option for breakfast or snack. When preparing this ruddy dish, it is not necessary to use the classic recipe; you can experiment and cook pancakes, for example, from buckwheat.

When there is absolutely no time for cooking, and there is nothing ready in the refrigerator except for boiled buckwheat porridge, you can make excellent pancakes using a simple recipe for hastily.

Necessary products:

  • Buckwheat porridge - 0.35 kg.;
  • eggs - 2 pcs.;
  • flour - 1.5 tbsp. l .;
  • onion - 1 pc.;
  • soda - on the tip of a knife;
  • vegetable oil for frying;
  • salt to your taste.


Break the eggs into a large container, add salt and baking soda there and shake gently. Peel the onion and cut into small cubes.

Place the skillet on the stove and pour in a little vegetable oil... After warming it up, send the onion to the pan. Fry until golden brown. Pour into eggs.

Send buckwheat porridge to the eggs and add flour. Stir well.

Pour a small amount of vegetable oil into a preheated frying pan and put the dough with a large spoon, forming a cake.

Fry on both sides until appetizing crisp.

Good to know! If the pancakes are too greasy, they should be laid out on paper towels. The paper will quickly absorb excess fat, preventing it from ruining the dish.

Buckwheat pancakes without eggs

If you are going to cook buckwheat pancakes for breakfast, and you have no eggs in the refrigerator, it doesn't matter, you can do without eggs. This recipe is also very simple, but you will have to wait 30 minutes for the dough to come up.

Necessary products:

  • Buckwheat flour - 10 tbsp. l .;
  • mineral water - 0.4 l.;
  • yeast - 0.02 kg.;
  • sugar, salt to your taste;
  • vegetable oil - 2 tbsp. l. + for frying.


Pour half of the water into another container and heat it to 50-60 degrees.

Sift flour and pour into a large bowl. Pour to her cold water and beat thoroughly using a whisk. Pour in hot water immediately and stir well as well.

Combine yeast and sugar, place in dough. Next, pour in vegetable oil and salt. Stir and leave for half an hour.

After this time, you need to heat the pan and fry the pancakes. Remember to grease the bottom of the pan with vegetable oil each time.

Good to know! So that the pancakes do not stick together and do not dry out while others are fried, they can be greased with a piece of butter.

Serve immediately after frying. Can be eaten with honey, jam or jam.

Diet steamed buckwheat pancakes

Even sitting on a diet, you can eat tasty and healthy. And the proof of this is this dish... Despite the fact that the pancakes are steamed, they turn out to be very appetizing.

Read also: Zucchini and potato pancakes - 6 recipes

Necessary products:

  • Minced chicken - 0.6 kg.;
  • buckwheat grain- 0.5 tbsp.;
  • onion - 1 pc.;
  • garlic - 3 cloves;
  • egg - 1 pc.;
  • salt, ground black pepper to your taste.


Rinse the buckwheat in cool water, pour into a saucepan, add salt and cook, so that it is slightly boiled.

In the meantime, you need to peel the onion and garlic cloves from the husk and chop very finely.

When buckwheat is ready, pour it into a deep bowl and add to it. chopped meat, an egg, chopped onion and garlic, as well as salt and pepper.

Form pancakes from the resulting buckwheat mince and send them to a double boiler or slow cooker on the "steam" mode. Cook for 40 minutes. Diet steamed pancakes are ready.

Good to know! If there is no steamer or multicooker, it doesn't matter. You need to put a pot of water on the stove, and set a sieve of a suitable size on top, or just tie the pan tightly with clean gauze and put the pancakes on it. Cover and cook for the same amount of time.

Liver pancakes with buckwheat

Liver pancakes with buckwheat are prepared with a vegetable side dish, which immediately makes the dish complete.

Necessary products:

  • Beef liver - 0.50 kg.;
  • buckwheat - 0.10 kg.;
  • wheat flour - 0.10 kg.;
  • egg - 1 pc.;
  • carrots - 0.20 kg.;
  • sour cream (20%) - 0.10 l.;
  • milk - 0.10 l.;
  • hard cheese - 0.05 kg.;
  • vegetable oil - 0.05 l.;
  • soda - 0.5 tsp;
  • salt and other seasonings of your choice.


Rinse buckwheat and pour boiling water over for 15 minutes. Peel the liver from the film, rinse. Cut into large pieces and send to the blender bowl, beat. Drain the released juice.

Interesting to know! Continuous use beef liver prevents mental disorders and smoothes the manifestations of depression and emotional breakdowns. And all thanks to the high content of vitamin B12.

Add steamed buckwheat, egg, flour, as well as salt, soda and spices to your taste to the liver gruel. Mix everything thoroughly.

Heat a frying pan by pouring vegetable oil on it. Collect the resulting dough with a tablespoon and put in the pan. Fry the pancakes until a fried crust appears.

Rinse the carrots and grate with large cells. Add sour cream and milk to it, as well as salt and other spices. Stir well.

Put some of the carrot mixture in a frying pan, and put the pancakes on top. So lay out in layers until you run out of pancakes and carrot mixture.

Grate hard cheese on a fine grater and sprinkle on top of the dish. Bring to a boil and simmer for 30 minutes. Serve warm.

Zucchini pancakes with buckwheat flour

Familiar to us squash pancakes can be transformed by using buckwheat instead of wheat flour.

Necessary products:

  • Buckwheat flour - 0.050 kg.;
  • Greek zucchini - 0.50 kg.;
  • egg - 2 pcs.;
  • garlic - 1 clove;
  • vegetable oil - 2 tbsp. l .;
  • salt to your taste.


Read also: Mashed potato pancakes - 8 recipes

Break the eggs into a small container and sprinkle with salt. Whisk lightly using a fork.

Rinse the zucchini and peel off the stalk. Rub on a grater with fine holes. If there is a lot of juice, it should be squeezed out.

Interesting to know! In addition to the fruit and seeds of squash, the inflorescences of the fruit are also eaten. They are fried, added to salads, baked in pies and pizzas.

Pour eggs into the zucchini. Peel the garlic, crush it in a mortar and send it to the zucchini. Pour buckwheat flour here and mix well.

Heat the pan by first pouring a small amount of vegetable oil on it. Fry the pancakes, browning on both sides.

Buckwheat pancakes with kefir

Another simple and quick buckwheat pancake recipe that will satisfy the appetite of every family member.

Necessary products:

  • Buckwheat - 1 tbsp.;
  • eggs - 1 pc.;
  • flour - 2 tbsp. l .;
  • kefir - 2 tbsp. l .;
  • olive oil - 1 tbsp l .;
  • salt to your taste.


Rinse the buckwheat several times with cool water. Put a pot of water on the stove, add salt and pour the cereal there, cook until tender.

Step-by-step recipes for hearty buckwheat kefir pancakes with apple, banana, mushrooms and vegetables

2017-11-08 Yulia Kosich





In 100 grams of finished dish

8 gr.

10 gr.


37 gr.

269 ​​kcal.

Option 1: The classic recipe for buckwheat pancakes with kefir

To call classic pancakes a popular dish with us is an understatement. And indeed they are cooked often and everywhere. But the taste of this seemingly familiar dessert can be varied. For example, including fruits and berries. And also, adding to the recipe a rich, deep taste buckwheat flour... What will happen in the end? Let's try to make buckwheat pancakes with kefir to find out.


  • 195 grams of buckwheat flour;
  • 2 chicken eggs;
  • 105 grams of white flour;
  • 15 gram olive oil;
  • 205 grams of kefir;
  • frying oil;
  • soda;
  • 40 grams of sugar.

Combine buckwheat and wheat flour. Add baking soda and a couple of tablespoons of white sugar. Mix dry ingredients.

In a second container with high sides, beat two fresh eggs and a little more than a glass of kefir. Any fat content.

Also pour a spoonful of fragrant olive oil into the kefir mixture. While stirring the contents of the bowl, add the dry ingredients.

Knead a viscous, thick dough. Heat oil in a wide, thick-bottomed frying pan.

Transfer the prepared pancakes to paper towels, blot from grease and serve for breakfast. We recommend adding pancakes with milk or fruit drink.

When mixing, be sure to achieve uniformity. Otherwise, the lumps present inside will remain moist and spoil the taste characteristics of the dish. But the undoubted decoration of the dessert will serve tender sour cream or sour berry jam.

Option 2: A quick recipe for buckwheat pancakes with kefir

Hearty pancakes are already prepared quickly. But if you need to do hearty breakfast in a few minutes, reduce the amount of ingredients and use the fast food processor.


  • 105 grams of buckwheat flour;
  • 105 gram wheat flour;
  • 2 eggs;
  • 35 grams of sugar;
  • frying oil;
  • 155 grams of kefir;
  • soda.

Break eggs into the bowl of a food processor. Also pour in kefir and start mixing at low speed.

Gradually introduce wheat and buckwheat flour inside. Don't forget to add baking soda. Moreover, it is not necessary to extinguish it. For the correct reaction, the acid contained in kefir is enough.

Now pour in the sugar. Bring the viscous dough to homogeneity. Turn off the combine.

Heat oil over high heat (1-2 tablespoons) in a wide-bottomed frying pan.

Draw enough dough with a scoop. Pour it gently into the skillet. Form small round blanks.

Fry pancakes for no more than a couple of minutes (for each side). Serve buckwheat pancakes on kefir immediately, blotting unnecessary fat with napkins.

If your kitchen doesn't have a food processor, use a blender. To do this, add all the ingredients to a tall plastic container and beat with whisk until the lumps disappear. You can also do this manually, although in this case the preparation process will take a little longer.

Option 3: Buckwheat and mushroom pancakes on kefir

Who said that pancakes must be filled with sugar? Today we will prove that you can cook the usual pancakes for breakfast with mushrooms. At the same time, add spices, onions and fresh herbs.


  • 55 grams of buckwheat;
  • 170 grams of water;
  • 3 fresh eggs;
  • 105 grams of kefir;
  • 105 grams of champignons;
  • onion;
  • frying oil;
  • 3-4 tablespoons of flour;
  • salt to taste;
  • fresh herbs.

How to cook

Sort out the cereals, remove the debris and pour the buckwheat into the pan. Pour in cold water. Add salt.

Boil the porridge until the liquid evaporates completely. The cereal itself should be crumbly.

Heat the oil in parallel. Fry finely chopped mushrooms and onions for 5-6 minutes. Over time, add chopped herbs and salt.

Combine buckwheat with mushroom frying. Mix.

Beat with a mixer or long fork chicken eggs with kefir. Replace the heterogeneous thick dough for buckwheat pancakes with kefir.

Cook round pancakes in a sufficient amount of oil for frying (2-3 minutes). After removing excess fat with napkins, serve with tea for breakfast.

Unsweetened pancakes are not often found on our menu. And in vain. After all, they definitely deserve attention. Moreover, in such recipes, it is permissible to experiment not only with spices, but also with additional ingredients... So, in mushroom frying, you can add carrots, zucchini or Bell pepper.

Option 4: Buckwheat pancakes on kefir without eggs with a banana

Making veggie pancakes, that is, without using eggs, is very easy. It is enough just to increase the amount of flour and add a viscous fruit to the recipe. For example, it can be a fragrant banana.


  • medium banana;
  • 155 grams of wheat flour;
  • 155 buckwheat flour;
  • refined oil;
  • 210 ml of kefir;
  • 49 grams of sugar;
  • baking powder;
  • vanillin.

Step by step recipe

Combine wheat and buckwheat flour in a suitable dry container. Add baking powder, sugar and aromatic vanillin. Do not overdo it with it, otherwise the pancakes will turn out to be bitter.

Pour warm kefir inside and mix well (until smooth) the thick flowing dough.

Grind the peeled banana in a blender. You can also grind it through a sieve. As a result, we need a viscous mass, which will additionally "bind" the ingredients of buckwheat pancakes on kefir.

Pour oil into a wide frying pan. Warm it up. Then pour a few round pancake blanks onto the bottom. To do this, you can use a small scoop.

Fry buckwheat pancakes for a couple of minutes until tender. In this case, the surface of the pancakes will become beautiful Brown... Serve with sour cream and tea for breakfast.

Since there is no egg in the recipe, the main binding ingredient, it is important not to touch the pieces until the bottom surface is well done. That's when you can flip the pancakes with ease. Moreover, in the process, they will not disintegrate.

Option 5: Buckwheat pancakes with apple on kefir

Where there are pancakes, there are apples, and where they are, there is spicy cinnamon. Do you agree with this statement? Then we suggest combining all of these components and making an amazing breakfast right now.


  • large apple;
  • 135 grams of buckwheat flour;
  • 115 grams of wheat flour;
  • 30 grams of sugar;
  • soda;
  • butter in dough;
  • 2 eggs;
  • 160 grams of kefir;
  • cinnamon.

How to cook

Pour baking soda, cinnamon, sugar, wheat and buckwheat flour into a deep bowl. Mix the ingredients.

In another bowl, beat the eggs so that the protein mixes well with the yolk and a light foam appears.

Add kefir to the mixture and mix thoroughly.

Add dry ingredients to the liquid mass. Knead the dough. It should be sticky.

Grate a large peeled apple. Put the fruit shavings into the dough. Pour in a spoonful of oil.

In a hot frying pan, fry the buckwheat pancakes in butter on kefir until tender. This will take no more than 5 minutes.

If you have other fruits on hand, such as pears, peaches or plums, you can substitute them for apples. By the way, it is quite acceptable to use several types at once. From this, the pancakes will only be more aromatic and tasty.

Option 6: Vegetable buckwheat pancakes with zucchini and carrots on kefir

Another option unsweetened pancakes, which this time we will make with vegetables. We chose carrots and zucchini. And you can safely add other fruits to them. These can be eggplants, onions, bell peppers, or blanched tomatoes.


  • medium carrots;
  • 195 grams of wheat flour;
  • 195 grams of buckwheat flour;
  • frying oil;
  • 150 grams of kefir;
  • medium zucchini;
  • soda;
  • fresh herbs;
  • 2 eggs;
  • salt and spices to taste.

Step by step recipe

On the finest grater, grate the zucchini and carrots. The fruits must be washed and peeled. Transfer the shavings to a dry container. Add salt and set aside. To prevent debris from getting inside, it is advisable to cover the bowl with foil.

Beat fresh eggs with a whisk with kefir. Pour in a thin stream both types of flour, salt, soda and spices. Stir until smooth.

Drain the juice from under the vegetables, squeezing them slightly. Transfer the mass to the dough and toss in the chopped greens.

Once again, with a spatula, mix the base of buckwheat pancakes on kefir. Now heat the oil in a wide flat-bottomed skillet.

Place several round blanks with a ladle. Fry the pancakes until they are brown on all sides. This usually takes 4-5 minutes. After removing the oil with napkins, serve pancakes for breakfast with milk or tea.

It is imperative to squeeze out the grated vegetables, otherwise the resulting juice will make the dough watery. And it will not work to fry pancakes correctly. You can also boil the zucchini and carrots in advance and grind them in a blender. This method will allow you to cook incredibly tender pancakes.

Option 7: The original recipe for buckwheat pancakes not kefir

Buckwheat rooks are much less common on the table than, for example, from wheat flour. Buckwheat is very healthy, contains little gluten, contains many vitamins and minerals. Pancakes can be made from buckwheat flour, from a mixture of buckwheat and wheat flour, and even from buckwheat groats. And if they are not fried in a pan, but baked in the oven, they are perfect for diet food... We will prepare traditional buckwheat pancakes with kefir.


  • 160 grams of buckwheat flour;
  • 250 grams of kefir;
  • 4 chicken eggs;
  • 50 grams of sugar;
  • 3 grams of salt;
  • 1 sachet of baking powder.

Step-by-step recipe for buckwheat pancakes with kefir

Pour warm kefir into the container.

Crack the eggs, separate the yolks from the whites.

Add the yolks to the kefir and stir.

Now combine the buckwheat flour, salt, sugar and baking powder.

Now pour kefir into the flour mass and mix well. At first glance, it may seem that the consistency is too liquid, but we are not finished yet.

Using a mixer, beat the egg whites until fluffy and add to the dough. You will see how noticeably the dough thickens.

Advice: Introduce proteins a little at a time, in several stages. Mix with a whisk.

Preheat a frying pan, pour in refined vegetable oil and fry the buckwheat pancakes on both sides.

It is better to cook the pancakes over medium heat so that they do not burn. Cover the first few minutes with a lid.

An excellent tea treat is ready! Serve with honey or jam.

Option 8: A quick recipe for buckwheat pancakes with kefir and dried apricots

Such pancakes cook much faster, but it turns out very tasty. Add some rolled oats and raisins with dried apricots - delicious. Only as a basis we will have buckwheat, which we cook, then grind in a blender and knead the dough. These are the unusual pancakes we get. But simple, fast and very tasty.


  • 1 glass of buckwheat;
  • 1 chicken egg;
  • 1 cup flour;
  • 6 tablespoons of sugar;
  • 1 glass of kefir;
  • 4 tablespoons of buckwheat;
  • 1.5 tablespoons of raisins;
  • 1.5 tablespoons of dried apricots.

How to quickly cook buckwheat pancakes on kefir

First we cook buckwheat porridge... It does not need salt or sugar - we will do all this when kneading the dough.

Now the porridge needs to be mashed with a blender.

Pour in kefir, add Hercules and also process with a blender.

Beat in an egg, stir and leave the dough for a quarter of an hour.

After the indicated time, add sugar, raisins, dried apricots and purée again until homogeneous mass... The dough is ready, you can fry the pancakes.

Plain yogurt or fruit jam is perfect for such pancakes.

Option 9: Buckwheat pancakes with kefir with cheese and ham

Many people like pancakes with ham and cheese, and we will cook delicious buckwheat pancakes. We immediately knead the filling into the dough and fry in a pan. Delicate, satisfying and healthy pancakes with ham and cheese will appeal to everyone.


  • 2 cups buckwheat flour;
  • 4 eggs;
  • 500 grams of kefir;
  • 10 grams of baking soda;
  • 100 grams of cheese;
  • 100 grams of ham;
  • 1 pinch of salt;
  • 10 grams of sugar.

How to cook

Pour kefir into a deep bowl. In it, we will also make the dough. Add salt and sugar and stir.

Beat in eggs and add baking soda - stir and leave for a couple of minutes.

Now slowly add flour and knead the dough to the desired consistency.

Ham and cheese can be diced or coarsely grated - do whatever suits you best.

Add the last ingredients to the dough, stir well.

Fry the pancakes in a preheated skillet with vegetable oil.

Sour cream or ketchup is ideal for dressing. Someone can put in mayonnaise.

Option 10: Buckwheat pancakes on kefir with meat

This is a real masculine version of making pancakes. You can use pork, beef, lamb. If you love chicken, try cooking with it. In any case, it will turn out to be very satisfying and tasty. You spend about forty-five minutes, you get about 15 delicious pancakes... By the way, some housewives call them "lazy whites", although the recipe is still different.


  • 200 grams of minced meat;
  • 4 tablespoons of buckwheat flour;
  • 1 onion
  • 250 grams of kefir;
  • 10 grams of baking powder;
  • 1 pinch of salt;
  • 3 chicken eggs;
  • 3 grams of ground black pepper;
  • oil grows for frying.

Step by step recipe

Pour kefir into a deep container. Beat in eggs immediately and season with salt - stir.

Pour baking powder into flour, mix and add to kefir mass. Stir all ingredients again.

Chop the onion in a blender or finely chop with a knife, combine with minced meat. Sprinkle with black pepper and stir.

Now we combine the meat component with the dough and knead well with a spoon or spatula. In principle, you can use a mixer.

If the dough is thin, add a little more flour. It is important that the pancakes do not spread over the pan, but keep their shape.

Fry first under a closed lid, then turn over and cook until golden brown.

We check the readiness with a knife or fork. It is very important that not only the dough is baked, but also the minced meat.

Serve horseradish, adjika, sour cream or your favorite sauce of your choice with such pancakes.

Option 11: Buckwheat pancakes with kefir with mushrooms and carrots

If follow step by step instructions, you will get beautiful and satisfying pancakes with mushrooms and carrots. Such a treat can be taken with you to work as lunch or on a long walk or even on a hike. Such pancakes are prepared very easily and simply.


  • 200 grams of buckwheat flour;
  • 3 chicken eggs;
  • 1 pinch of salt;
  • 200 grams of kefir;
  • 4 grams of black pepper;
  • 60 grams grows oils;
  • 5 raw mushrooms;
  • 1 small carrot;
  • 2 grams of baking soda;
  • a few drops of lemon juice.

How to cook

Whisk the eggs into the dough bowl and season with salt - whisk for about one minute at medium speed.

Fill the mass with warm kefir, pour in black pepper and mix.

We slowly drive the flour, continuing to work as a mixer. Immediately pour a spoonful of vegetable oil, slaked lemon juice soda - mix well.

Rinse the mushrooms thoroughly, cut into small pieces and add to the dough.

Boil washed carrots, peel and also cut into cubes. We send it to the container with the dough.

Mix all ingredients well. Check the consistency of the dough.

Now you can fry in vegetable oil.

Put the finished pancakes first on thick napkins or paper towels - this way we will eliminate excess oil.

Serve with sour cream.

Note: In principle, you can use and Forest mushrooms... Only they need to be defrosted first. If they are dried, soak in water. Then boil it and add it to the dough. From forest mushrooms any dishes are tastier and more aromatic.

Option 12: Buckwheat pancakes with kefir and potatoes

Another recipe for hearty and delicious buckwheat pancakes cooked in kefir. Let's add parsley and dill to the recipe - it will turn out even more aromatic. And we will make the dough not from flour, but buckwheat porridge.


  • 100 grams of boiled buckwheat porridge;
  • 3 potato tubers;
  • 2 eggs;
  • 3 tablespoons of wheat flour;
  • parsley and dill to taste;
  • 1 onion;
  • breadcrumbs.

Step by step recipe

Boil buckwheat, it should even be slightly overcooked - cool.

Grate washed and peeled potatoes.

Grind the buckwheat with a blender.

Chop the onion and fry in butter or refined vegetable oil.

Combine buckwheat, onion, potatoes in a large bowl.

Add eggs, salt, pepper and flour - toss with a whisk.

Chop the washed greens - send them to a bowl of dough.

Now you can start frying. Shape the pancakes, roll in breadcrumbs and fry on both sides.

This treat is best served with sour cream or mushroom sauce.

Note to the hostess: Mushrooms can also be added to the recipe. They go well with potatoes. They can be fried along with onions, and then cooled and added to the dough.

Buckwheat is an incredibly convenient cereal. Boiled buckwheat a very healthy product, moreover, it can be served as a side dish to any meat and fish dishes... With it, you can cook second courses, hearty and healthy. And wonderful desserts, in which it becomes a nutritious, but non-nutritious basis. By the way, these dishes have a long tradition. In Russia, buckwheat porridge was often combined with other ingredients, and pancakes made from it, lush and tall, were necessarily cooked at Shrovetide week. How to make delicious dietary meals from boiled buckwheat and what can be prepared from ready-made porridge?

The subtleties of cooking

Cereal dishes are as unpretentious as buckwheat itself. However, understanding how to cook it correctly is important for eating delicious, useful product with a crumbly consistency. For a perfect base for new dishes, follow these guidelines.

  • Choose light-colored cereals... She passed the minimum heat treatment and saved more nutrients... Transparent plastic packaging, which ideally meets the requirements of long-term storage of the product, will allow us to consider the quality of the grains.
  • Do not fry extra... This is how you cut useful qualities buckwheat, make it more high-calorie.
  • Flush properly... This should be done not in a bowl, but in a sieve. Dust and dirt will go through the fine grate, plus there will be no excess water that can spoil the consistency of the dish.
  • Proportions are important! All recipes for buckwheat porridge dishes are based on cooking from crumbly side dish... For him, rigid proportions of 2: 1 are suitable. The groats will be perfect if you mix one part of it with two parts of water.
  • Boil quickly... Contrary to popular belief, you should not boil porridge for a long time. It sprawls, loses its shape. The cooking time should be 15 minutes after boiling. Then cover the porridge tightly enough with a lid, throw a towel over the pan. It is worth standing in such a "steamed" cereal for at least half an hour.
  • Do not add salt to the dish. During the cooking period, we always add some salt to buckwheat. This is enough for the dish you are planning to make from porridge.

Second course recipes with photos

More nourishing and rich cereals are obtained with meat, fish, mushrooms. Looks original in the form of meatballs, cutlets. We are offering to you original recipes casseroles and buckwheat cutlets as a second course.

Casserole with meat without oil

A very hearty buckwheat casserole. It includes meat, aromatic garlic, onion, but it is simple to prepare. It can be considered a find-dish: what was found in the fridge was cooked. And no one will mind, believe me!

You will need:

  • boiled buckwheat - 500 g;
  • cheese - 100 g;
  • boiled meat - 500 g;
  • mayonnaise - 100 g;
  • garlic - 2 cloves;
  • onion - 1 head;
  • sour cream - 80 g;
  • baking powder for dough - ½ tsp.


  1. Chop the onion finely, fry until light golden hue.
  2. Chop the boiled meat, add to the onion. Fry for 3 minutes.
  3. Remove from heat, stir in sour cream into the cooled mass.
  4. Grind buckwheat in mashed potatoes, add crushed garlic.
  5. Stir mayonnaise into the buckwheat mass, add grated cheese, baking powder.
  6. Lubricate the mold, lay out some of the buckwheat mass, smooth out.
  7. Lay out the filling, cover with the rest of the buckwheat porridge.
  8. Brush with sour cream, bake for 20 minutes at 200 °.

You can serve the dish with sour cream sauce, which is easy to make with sour cream, garlic and herbs. Such a dinner with fresh vegetables will be tasty and healthy.

To grind buckwheat, you can use a blender, meat grinder or regular crush. The quickest way to do the job is a blender, you can use a bowl or an immersion nozzle. Grind with kitchen appliances followed by cold cereals. If the mass is hot, you can crush it by hand.

Cutlets with potatoes

This recipe can be called vegetarian, as it uses exclusively plant-based products. At the same time, the dish is tasty and satisfying. You can serve it to the usual table with sour cream, and during the fast - with fried onions.

You will need:

  • boiled buckwheat - 2 glasses;
  • potatoes - 2 large root crops;
  • spices - black pepper, dried dill;
  • vegetable oil.


  1. Peel and rub raw potatoes... Use a medium grater.
  2. Squeeze the juice out of the potato mass.
  3. Heat buckwheat, mix with potatoes.
  4. Add pepper, dried dill, knead the mixture with your hands or a crush. It should get sticky.
  5. Shape the patties, fry in oil for 3 minutes on each side.

Finely grated potatoes will have time to cook in such a short time. If you used a coarse grater, you should steam the patties covered for 3 minutes.

Dessert recipes

Buckwheat porridge turns out to be very tasty, flavored with sugar and honey. Therefore, you can confidently prepare sweet desserts from it. Of course, you should not use an evening salty side dish for them. But, for example, in pancakes, a salty note will not be superfluous.

Delicate pancakes

We will prepare buckwheat pancakes with an original composition. Condensed milk will give viscosity to the mass. You can replace it with honey, but it is important to remember that when heated, honey loses its healing properties.

You will need:

  • boiled buckwheat - 2 glasses;
  • egg - 2 pcs.;
  • condensed milk - 2 tbsp. spoons;
  • vegetable oil - 1 tbsp. a spoon.


  1. Beat the eggs into cold buckwheat porridge.
  2. Stir in the condensed milk.
  3. Preheat the pan, pour in the vegetable oil, heat it up again.
  4. Spoon the mixture, fry, turn the pancakes.
  5. Serve hot.

Sour cream is ideal for serving, you can also use homemade jam or honey. It will take only a few minutes to cook, since you do not need to grind the buckwheat beforehand. In pancakes, it will come in the form of grains, forming the original texture of the dish.

Hearty pancakes

Externally, buckwheat pancakes are distinguished by a darker color. And they are original in taste. Buckwheat creates a rich, full-bodied taste, diluted with sweet notes. And in preparation, pancakes are as simple as ordinary ones.

You will need:

  • boiled buckwheat - 2 glasses;
  • sugar - 2 tbsp. spoons;
  • milk - 300 ml;
  • egg - 2 pcs.;
  • flour - 80 g;
  • butter - 30 g.


  1. Add sugar to buckwheat.
  2. Puree the porridge with a blender.
  3. Beat in eggs, add milk, stir.
  4. Mix flour and baking powder, add to the mixture, mix.
  5. Ignite the pan, pour a little dough with a ladle, spread over the surface. Cook for 2 minutes, turn over.
  6. Brush each pancake with butter.

In Russia, for the preparation of buckwheat pancakes, the groats were not crushed, so the pancakes turned out to be lush, high. You can cook them according to old Russian recipe or modern, which will provide a more familiar structure to the dish.

These are not all options for what to cook from buckwheat porridge. The most simple base dishes can be combined with cottage cheese, dried fruits, eggs, even berries, fresh fruit... Try to create own recipe original buckwheat casserole, pancakes or cutlets!

Buckwheat pancakes are great recipe for buckwheat lovers. It is very convenient to cook such pancakes from the remains of porridge cooked the day before. Buckwheat pancakes Is delicious and healthy delicacy... The finished dish has a bright buckwheat taste.


  • Buckwheat - 1 glass
  • Eggs - 3 pieces
  • Milk - ½ cup
  • Granulated sugar - 3 tbsp. spoons
  • Vanilla sugar - 1 tsp
  • Soda - ½ teaspoon
  • Salt - 1/3 tsp


If you do not have pre-cooked buckwheat porridge, then cook it. Rinse buckwheat under running water and sort. Pour cold water over the cereal and bring the water to a boil over high heat. Then reduce heat to minimum and cook porridge for 15 minutes. You do not need to stir the cereal during cooking. 5 minutes before cooking, salt the porridge. Ready porridge throw in a colander to drain the water, the porridge is ready. You can also use cereals in bags, it does not require pre-processing before cooking.

If the porridge has just been boiled, then cool it before kneading the pancake dough. Add milk, eggs, sugar to the porridge, vanilla sugar and soda.

Grind all ingredients thoroughly with a blender. The better you grind the buckwheat, the tastier the pancakes will turn out, their structure will be more uniform. The consistency should be like a very thick sour cream, so do not overdo it with milk, it is better to add 1/3 cup first, chop everything thoroughly and add the remaining milk if necessary.

Heat some oil in a skillet and spoon over the pancakes.

Fry the buckwheat pancakes first on one side until golden crust, then turn over and fry on the other. Fry the pancakes over medium heat so that they have time to bake inside.