With what you can serve pancakes. Pancake filling - the best recipes for savory pancake filling

Stuffed pancakes with minced meat are hearty lunch for the whole family. Thin weightless base allied with juicy filling minced chicken with fried onions and boiled eggs will appeal to lovers of homemade food. Great dish in half an hour from the available products. It is good that you can easily add components to your taste to the basic recipe.

Secrets of the recipe for stuffed pancakes with minced meat

Both children and adults love to enjoy a pancake lunch or breakfast. But not all hostesses can bake pancakes. Only knowing the subtleties and nuances of cooking, you can be sure of success. Why pancakes come out dry, stick and tear during the cooking process, we told in. You can also read about the main tricks there. perfect test and how to bake patterned pancakes.

Today we will reveal the secrets of stuffing

1. Basis of stuffed pancakes with minced meat - photo

Prepare the dough to your liking:

  • in milk;

  • serum;
  • kefir;
  • with yeast;

Whatever the choice of the recipe, the main thing is to be sure of its success. Thicker options are suitable for filling with fillings so that they do not break when wrapped. Although with the thinnest pancake dough it will come out elegantly. The thinnest shells can be baked from starch dough. Virtuosos know how to fry pancakes without adding flour. Then even the frying pan shines through them. But optimal for union with meat - custard pancakes or dairy.

2. Fillings of pancakes stuffed with minced meat

The choice of filler is dictated by family preferences. But there is general principle: we use chilled minced meat, cooked with our own hands. It is faster, of course, to buy a semi-finished product in a store, but how can you be sure of its quality? If you have to take frozen minced meat, it is better to defrost it gradually on the bottom shelf of the refrigerator. No microwave ovens and boiling water in basins.

To make it tender, it is better to take minced chicken and pork meat (1:1).

Chopped meat is pre-fried until cooked with onions or carrots and onions.

For more juiciness into the ready-to-use filling for stuffed pancakes from minced meat add 50 ml of sour cream or meat broth.

In addition to meat, they put this in the fillers:

How to stuff pancakes with minced meat - the main ways

  • envelopes;
  • bags;

  • tubules;
  • triangles.

Before serving, the dish is sprinkled with cheese and baked in the oven until a stretching crust appears. Can be fried or heated in the microwave. A good addition is sour cream, garlic, cheese, tomato sauce.

Recipe for stuffed pancakes with minced meat and rice

What we take:

  • ready-made pancakes - 8 pcs.;
  • minced meat - 300 g;
  • onions - 2 pcs.;
  • rice - 100 g;
  • water - 400 ml;
  • sour cream - 20 ml;
  • vegetable oil - 50 ml;
  • fresh herbs, salt, spices - to taste.

How to make stuffed minced pancakes

Boil the rice until cooked in salted water. Then put in a colander and refrigerate.

Put the minced meat in a frying pan heated with oil, fry over low heat, stirring occasionally.

Peel the onion, cut into small cubes, add to the meat, salt, fry with stirring for 10 minutes.

Add to the finished filling. Finely chopped dill, put as desired, mix everything and add a spoonful of sour cream.

Put the rice in the meat mixture. We interfere with everything. Ready.

Place pancakes with milk on the board, for example. Stuffed with minced meat, they will be especially tasty. Put a tablespoon with a slide of filling in the center of the pancake. Raise the edges and tie them with a sprig of dill, a feather of green onions or a fiber of pigtail cheese.

Alternatively, the pancakes can be rolled up in a tube or envelope and fried in a pan or baked in the oven.

In our family, everyone is very fond of pancakes, but until recently I cooked them only with classic fillings: pancakes with meat, chicken and mushrooms, cheese and mushrooms ... and that's it. Therefore, one day I decided that I would gradually master new pancake fillings.

There are so many filling recipes that you can cook pancakes with a new filling at least every day. I have already prepared most of the pancake fillings presented below, so I can safely say that pancakes with these fillings are 100% delicious.

In this article I will write about savory fillings for pancakes, and there will be a separate article about sweet fillings.

Filling for pancakes with eggs and green onions



Boil the eggs and chop finely. Mix with finely chopped green onions and dill. Season with salt and add a little vegetable oil. Mix well and you can fill the pancakes!

Filling for boiled sausage pancakes


  • 200 grams of "Varenki" sausage,
  • 0.5 tablespoons of mustard
  • 50 gr. sour cream,
  • 100 g cheese.


Pass the boiled sausage through a meat grinder, grate the cheese on a coarse grater, add 0.5 teaspoon of mustard, and 50 gr. sour cream. Mix everything, the filling is ready.

Mushroom pancake filling


  • 500 gr. mushrooms,
  • 2 pcs. onions
  • salt pepper,
  • sour cream.


Chop the mushrooms and fry, when the water from the fried mushrooms evaporates, add the finely chopped onion and fry everything together. At the end of frying, season with salt, pepper and add 2 tablespoons of sour cream. Stuffing pancakes with this is very tasty.

Liver pancake filling


  • 500 gr. liver (chicken or veal),
  • 2 onions,
  • 1 carrot,
  • 3 eggs, salt. pepper.
  • mayonnaise


Cut the liver into plates and fry until tender. Fry the onions and carrots separately. Grate boiled eggs on a coarse grater, salt and black pepper to taste. Cut the liver into strips (or in a meat grinder, as you like), mix with carrots and mayonnaise with onions.

Filling for ham onion pancakes


  • onion
  • ham
  • vegetable oil
  • salt pepper


Cut the ham into strips.

Wash and chop the onion.

Salt, pepper and fry the ham and onion.

Cool the finished filling.

Put 1 tablespoon of filling on each pancake, roll it up with an envelope. Fry the prepared pancakes on both sides in a frying pan greased with ghee.

Pancakes stuffed with carrots


  • carrot
  • onion
  • vegetable oil


Wash carrots, peel, grate on a coarse grater.

Peel the onion, wash, chop.

Fry carrots and onions in vegetable oil.

Hard-boiled eggs, chop finely.

Mix carrots, onions and eggs.

Put the filling on the pancakes, roll up an envelope and fry on both sides in the remaining vegetable oil.

Serve pancakes with sour cream.

Zucchini pancakes filling


  • zucchini
  • bell pepper
  • tomatoes
  • vegetable oil
  • salt and allspice to taste


Wash the zucchini, peel, cut into small cubes and fry in vegetable oil.

Wash the bell pepper, remove the stalks and seeds, cut into strips, fry in vegetable oil.

Wash the tomatoes, cut into small cubes.

Combine zucchini with tomatoes and bell pepper, salt, season with allspice and simmer for 3-5 minutes. Cool the filling.

Put the filling on the pancakes, flatten. Fold the pancakes in four, serve with sour cream if desired.

Pancakes with cabbage and fish filling


  • fresh cabbage
  • canned pink salmon
  • hard boiled eggs
  • parsley
  • vegetable little
  • salt and pepper


Finely chop the cabbage and fry in a little vegetable oil. Boil eggs, peel, chop finely.

Salt and pepper the cabbage, add eggs and chopped canned pink salmon, to stir thoroughly.

Wash the parsley, dry it, chop finely, add to the cabbage and fish filling.

Put the filling on the pancakes. Roll up the pancakes with an envelope. Serve with sour cream.

Pancakes with cheese and carrots


  • 100 g of hard cheese,
  • 1 carrot,
  • 1 tablespoon tomato paste
  • 1 hard boiled egg
  • 100 g green onions
  • 100 g parsley,
  • 30 ml of vegetable oil,
  • 50 g butter, salt to taste.


To prepare the filling, wash the green onions and parsley and chop finely. Wash, peel and grate the carrots. Peel and chop the egg. Grate the cheese on a fine grater. Green onions and salt the carrots, mix with tomato paste and fry in vegetable oil for 3 minutes, then add the chopped egg and cheese.

Put the filling on the pancakes, flatten. Roll the pancakes in four and sprinkle with parsley.

Pancakes with pickled honey mushrooms and potatoes


  • 200 g pickled honey mushrooms,
  • 1 onion
  • 50 g mayonnaise
  • 2 potato tubers,
  • pepper to taste.


To prepare the filling, finely chop the mushrooms.

Peel the onion, wash, chop finely. Mix pickled mushrooms with onions and potatoes, pepper, season with mayonnaise.

Put the filling on the pancakes and roll up in an envelope.

Pancakes with fried mushrooms and sausage


  • 300 g champignons,
  • 100 g sour cream
  • 100 g of boiled sausage,
  • 1 apple,
  • 1 bunch of parsley
  • 1 onion
  • 70 ml of vegetable oil,
  • salt and pepper to taste.


To prepare the filling, peel the onion, cut into thin half rings.

Peel the champignons, wash, finely chop. Cut the sausage into small cubes.

Mix everything, salt, pepper and fry in vegetable oil until tender.

Wash the apple, peel, core and cut into small cubes. Wash parsley, dry, chop finely.

Combine onions, mushrooms and sausage with parsley and apple, pepper, season with sour cream.

Put the filling on the pancakes, flatten, fold into envelopes.

Filling for mushroom and rice pancakes


  • 100 g of boiled rice
  • 200 g butter,
  • 1 onion
  • 50 g butter
  • 1 bunch of green onions
  • 2 eggs,
  • salt and pepper to taste.


To prepare the filling, peel the mushrooms, wash, and finely chop.

Peel the onion, wash, cut into thin half rings.

Combine mushrooms and onions, fry in butter.

Wash green onions, chop finely.

Hard-boiled eggs and cut into small cubes.

Mix rice with eggs, green onions, mushrooms and onions, salt and pepper.

Put the filling on warm pancakes, smooth out. Roll up the pancakes with an envelope. The dish can be served with sour cream.

Filling for pancakes with pickled milk mushrooms


  • 250 g pickled milk mushrooms,
  • 2 cloves of garlic
  • 1 onion
  • 3 potato tubers,
  • 1 bunch of dill greens,
  • 100 g sour cream
  • 50 ml of vegetable oil,
  • 50 g ghee
  • salt and pepper to taste.


To prepare the filling, peel the garlic, wash and chop finely.

Peel the onion, wash, cut into half rings.

Wash the potatoes, boil them in their skins, peel and chop finely.

Wash dill greens, dry, chop finely.

Fry the onions in vegetable oil until golden brown. Combine potatoes with dill, mushrooms, garlic and onions, salt and pepper, season with sour cream.

Put 1 tablespoon of the filling on the fried side of the pancakes, roll the pancakes into an envelope and lightly fry in heated ghee.

Filling for cheese pancakes with tomatoes and parsley


  • 300 g of hard cheese,
  • 100 g tomatoes
  • 100 g parsley,
  • 100 g of green lettuce leaves,
  • pepper to taste.


To prepare the filling, wash the tomatoes, dry and cut into small slices. Wash and dry parsley and lettuce leaves. Grate the cheese.

On each pancake, put a little cheese, a tomato slice and a sprig of parsley, sprinkle the filling with pepper. Roll the pancakes into an envelope and put on a baking sheet greased with vegetable oil. Bake in a preheated oven for 10-15 minutes.

Serve with green salad leaves.

Filling for mascarpone pancakes with salmon


  • mascarpone (any other cream cheese)
  • lemon juice, salt, ground white pepper - to taste
  • mustard dijon
  • cold smoked salmon


Combine the cheese with diced salmon, lemon juice and mustard, and season with salt and ground pepper.

Filling for cabbage and egg pancakes


  • fresh cabbage
  • boiled eggs
  • votes

If you are an experienced hostess who does not need detailed step-by-step recipes for making delicious pancake fillings, with photographs and explanations, but simply “toss up the idea” of the dish in time, I will save you 20 minutes of time and immediately, at the beginning of the article, I will post the most popular and original delicious toppings for pancakes in one list.

  • Pancake filling "Spring"- Diced boiled eggs and green onions.
  • Filling "Nourishing"- The same boiled eggs, but onions - onions, fried in oil.
  • Filling "Meat"- In a preheated frying pan, first fry the onion, then add the minced meat - all equally - and fry.
  • Filling "Student"- Mix boiled rice with minced meat from boiled liver.
  • Pancake filling - "Babushkina"- Cottage cheese with raisins and chopped apples.
  • Sweet filling for pancakes - "Gourmet"- Ground poppy is mixed with sugar, milk, egg and boiled until jam is thick. (this is a wonderful old filling).
  • Another one sweet filling"Sweetheart"Thick jam or jam.
  • Simple filling - "Village"- Chop fresh cabbage very finely, and simmer in oil with onions.
  • Exotic filling for pancakes - "Caucasian style"- Eggplants are cut into small cubes and stewed with tomatoes and garlic. Warm filling is seasoned with grated cheese.
  • Delicious filling for pancakes - "French"... Chopped mushrooms and onions are stewed with sour cream.
  • Filling "Royally"- with red caviar, caviar and sour cream and herbs.
  • Filling "Spicy"- with "Fitaki" cheese. Crush chopped parsley and dill with a crush, add garlic and beat thoroughly with cheese, let it brew and grease the pancakes.
  • Pancake filling "Amateur"- with Korean carrots and grated hard cheese.
  • Filling for sweet pancakes "Nut"- cut three oranges into cubes, mix with walnuts and a couple of tablespoons of honey, let stand for a while, and then fill the pancakes and fry in butter.
  • Pancakes with baking - " Old Russian "- while one side of the pancake is fried - pour any filling into the second in small pieces: mushrooms, fish, meat, vegetables, herbs, onions - and, turning over, fry the other side. The filling is "baked" inside the pancake.

About pancakes and pancakes

Live and learn! Recently I heard from one culinary "body guru" that there is a difference between the concepts of "pancake" and "pancake" (all my life I thought that this is just a variant of the same word!). This means that the maxim is sounded like this: "pancake" is a thick pancake, which is not intended for wrapping the filling in it (precisely because it is thick-walled), it is eaten like independent dish... A "pancake" is a thin pancake that can be eaten either separately or stuffed with a variety of fillings.

In the last article I reviewed different recipes(we read pancakes, we mean pancakes), now it's time to fill them with delicious fillings and see what methods of wrapping fillings in pancakes, as well as serving them to the table, exist.

Pancake dough recipes I will not give here - I just described them in detail in the article, choose not very "perforated", but thin, for example, or.

We will assume that we have already baked the pancakes and are now thinking - what would be delicious to fill them with? In fact, of course, the sequence will be exactly the opposite - first prepare the filling for the pancakes, cool it, and only then do the pancakes themselves.

However, there is another option - when we make pancakes for future use, for example, we do not plan to eat them right away, but we will freeze them - then there is no difference at all what to cook in advance - filling or pancakes ...

Minced meat fillings for delicious pancakes and pancakes.

We all probably did this more than once. simple filling for pancakes - stuffing from minced meat... Well, it would seem, what tricks and secrets can there be? We take the ready-made minced meat, fry it with onions and spices in a frying pan and put it as a filling in our pancakes. It's that simple!

Actually, the whole process can be described in the following photo - we took raw minced meat (any), onion, oil for frying (sunflower) and to add juiciness (butter) - grind everything, fry together - cool a little - add to the finished pancake as a filling.

But it turned out that there are many options! I'll try to list the most popular ones:

1 The filling for pancakes is made from raw minced meat and raw onions fried in a pan. 2 The filling for pancakes is made from boiled meat, which is pre-boiled, cooled, and only then turned through a meat grinder (you can with raw onions, you can - with already fried). Such minced meat can be dryish and too crumbly, then you can use the additives listed below. 3 For juiciness, you can add a couple of tablespoons of sour cream to the minced meat filling and stew the meat with it in a pan. For the same purposes, you can add a piece of butter or a couple of tablespoons of the broth in which our meat was cooked.

To make the boiled meat more juicy, there is one "trick" - after the end of cooking, do not get it out of the broth right away, let it cool right in it. Well, take the meat, respectively, of medium fat content - then the minced meat from it will not be dry.

4 For juiciness and greater "viscosity" of the filling, you can add 1 tablespoon of flour and a piece of butter (50-70 grams), fry everything a little together and add half a glass of milk. Putting out the resulting mixture over medium heat, stirring constantly, we get, in fact, minced meat in white milk sauce... This will make it thicker, more convenient for stuffing pancakes. The filling will not spill out of the pancakes during the meal and will have a juiciness and "richness" of taste. 5 Now let's see what is often added to minced meat (besides onions and spices) for large volumes and a variety of flavors. Often add boiled rice, a little, about 1/4 of the total volume of minced meat (although this is a matter of taste).

By the way, don't be afraid to experiment with cereals in fillings! For example, I often do a mixture of minced meat, buckwheat, carrots and onions- it is very tasty and unusual. You can even take a mix from different kind cereals - your guests will have a very interesting taste and surprise effect, who will try to understand for a long time what you stuffed your pancakes with?

6 Also do mixture of minced meat with onions and boiled egg... For 1 kg. minced meat is boiled about 5-6 eggs. Chop them finely with a knife and mix with the minced meat already fried in a pan.
7 Many people love stuffed pancakes minced meat and carrots with onions... Finely grate the carrots and fry them with finely chopped onions. And only then mix it with the ready-made fried minced meat and stew together for a couple of minutes. I personally really like this filling, I just respect carrots :-), and some believe that carrots will give the filling a sweetish taste with meat, they say, it does not go well. Well, again, it's a matter of your taste. Carrots add juiciness to pancake filling and a special taste.
8 Carrots can be replaced with many other types of vegetables- can be done with cabbage, celery stalk, herbs, broccoli, etc. What will your imagination and taste tell you! But still, do not get carried away - the meat in this filling should play the main role, and vegetables, cereals, herbs, eggs, etc. - nevertheless, they are just additives that only improve the taste and add additional juiciness to the meat filling.

Filling for chicken liver pancakes - a step by step recipe with a photo.

Liver - useful product(contains a lot of valuable iron, as well as many other vitamins and valuable substances in an easily assimilated form). But, unfortunately, not everyone loves it for its specific smell. My daughter, for example, cannot stand a liver at all, and only pancakes with liver are an exception!

Chicken liver is a very popular product, it is more delicate in taste and composition than beef or pork, but you can use any kind of liver for this filling - the essence does not change. There is nothing complicated, first we will make the filling from the liver, while it cools down - we will bake our pancakes. The oven will be the most common - with milk, but certainly - thin. It is easier to wrap a large amount of filling in a thin pancake. With what more filling- the tastier, everyone knows this 🙂

For pancakes, we'll take:

  • 2 eggs
  • 2.5 cups milk
  • 1.5 cups sifted flour
  • 2 tbsp Sahara
  • 3 tbsp sunflower oil
  • salt 1 tsp

For filling pancakes:

  • about 0.5 kg. chicken liver
  • 1 large onion
  • vegetable oil for frying
1 Let's start with the filling - prepare the liver (so that it has time to cool down while we cook the pancakes). Remove the film from the liver, cut out solid inclusions, veins, leaving only the pulp.
2 Chop the onion and liver into medium pieces and place the onion in a skillet with butter.
3 When the onion is lightly fried, add the pieces of liver to it.
4 When the liver is ready (no red juice will be released during the cut), it will take about 10 minutes, let it cool down a little. And then - crank it through a meat grinder. If the filling is dry to your taste, add butter or sour cream to it.
5 Now let's make the pancakes in a quick way. Add salt, sugar and eggs to warm milk. Whisk the mixture with a whisk or blender.
6 Add the flour sifted through a fine sieve in small portions to the dough, continuing to stir it with a whisk.
7 Place the pan to heat. When there are no lumps in the dough, add a little more sunflower oil to it and mix well.
8 The dough is ready. We begin to bake pancakes in a well-heated, lightly oiled frying pan, frying them on both sides until golden brown. Here's a stack of pancakes we got. Minced liver is also ready for further exploits.

9 It remains to wrap the minced meat in ready-made pancakes in any way convenient for you.

10 Ready-made stuffed pancakes must be additionally fried in butter, on both sides, in a hot frying pan under the lid. Serve hot, with sour cream and herbs.

Sweet curd filling for delicious pancakes.

I really love this filling for pancakes, pancakes with curd filling, probably the most frequent dish with pancakes on my table! More often, of course, this is a sweet filling (that's why it is so popular!), But you can mix cottage cheese with herbs and season with salt - this is also very tasty!

Let's take a better look interesting options sweet fillings with cottage cheese!

For example, like this -

For a sweet and aromatic curd filling, we need:

  • Fresh cottage cheese - 1 pack
  • Sugar - 2 tbsp. spoons
  • Lemon juice and zest (1-2 tablespoons)
  • Vanillin - 1 sachet
  • Butter - 50 gr.
  • Any berries at will

Pound cottage cheese in a bowl until pasty. Add sugar or powdered sugar, vanillin, a spoonful of lemon juice and the zest of half a lemon for flavor. You can add a little heavy cream, sour cream or even ghee for juiciness, but this is not necessary.

Wrap the filling in a pancake in any way convenient for you. If you like hot toasted pancakes - wrap so that the filling does not leak and fry in butter.

But you can wrap the pancake with an ordinary open tube so that the curd filling is visible and decorate on top with any fresh berries and, if desired, sprinkle with powdered sugar or sour cream. Very nice and elegant!

Even more tasty option curd filling!

You can take heavy cream and beat them to a stable foam state, then gradually drive in powdered sugar and cottage cheese there - you get an airy tasty filling, similar to the most delicate cream for the cake!

Pancakes with curd filling "Hungarian".

If thin pancakes are divided into two portions, smear one with apricot (or any other sweet) jam, and the second with cottage cheese (in addition to the above ingredients, you need to grind one yolk into cottage cheese), twist them in open tubes, put them on a plate, cutting off the uneven edges, and sprinkle with a little powdered sugar - you can get such an exquisite dessert - delicious and beautiful.

Cottage cheese and raisins filling.

You can add a handful of previously soaked in cold water raisins (to speed up the process - soak the raisins in boiling water).

Someone likes to add walnuts, someone - mixes cottage cheese with ready-made jam or berries - nothing will restrain your imagination here, except that the absence the right products in the refrigerator ... 🙂

I write about the mass for the ingredients - it's entirely a matter of your taste and the amount of pancakes you plan to make. Someone loves very sweet, someone does not, someone will get a sour apple, someone - sweet, and cottage cheese can be different in taste - from delicate, sweetish, to - sour taste. Therefore, add sugar as you wish and taste.

Let's take:

  • Fresh cottage cheese - 1 pack
  • Apple - 2-3 pcs.
  • Sugar - 2 tbsp. spoons
  • Cinnamon - 1-2 tsp
  • Vanillin - 1 sachet
  • Butter - 50 gr.
  • Lemon optional

First, let's make a general curd base For filling. We will crush the cottage cheese so that there are no pieces, until smooth. Add 1-2 tablespoons of sugar (powdered sugar can be used), vanillin, or a couple of tablespoons of cream or ghee. But I'll tell you a secret - and without them everything works out great! The apple will give us the juiciness we need.

Now we can go in two ways - add apples inside the pancakes along with the curd filling, or place them on top when serving.

1 OPTION- rub the apples on a coarse grater (peel the peel!), Add a spoonful of sugar and simmer a little in a pan with a piece of butter and a spoonful of cinnamon - 10 minutes over medium heat. Cool it down. Wrap 1 tablespoon of cottage cheese filling plus 1 tablespoon of apple-cinnamon mixture in a pancake. We wrap the pancake with an envelope (as in the photo). Fry on both sides, like pies in butter. When serving, you can sprinkle with icing sugar.
2 OPTION- apples (you can take a peach, pear) cut into small cubes. In a hot frying pan, heat a stick of butter with 1-2 tablespoons of sugar and cinnamon. Add chopped apples to this mixture and simmer until soft. Fill pancakes with curd mixture, fry, decorate with apple mixture when serving on top.

In apples, when they are simmering in a pan, it is very good to add a spoonful of lemon juice for taste and a little grated lemon peel- the aroma will be simply unique!

Curd filling for pancakes can be savory. And why be surprised, because cottage cheese is, in fact, the same young tender white cheese... In combination with herbs and other spicy additives (as in our recipe - with garlic) - cottage cheese will give a wonderful spicy taste our pancake. Where does the filling come from such an unusual reddish color? And this is already - secret ingredient, see it in the list of filling products.

But first, a few words about the pancakes themselves. Since they will not be sweet for us, sugar can not be added to the dough at all. But finely chopped greens must be added by all means, mixing it in pancake dough just before preparing the pancakes. For the rest - ordinary thin pancakes, which we have discussed more than once with you, for example, here

But back to the stuffing. What needs to be prepared:

  • 100 g of cottage cheese
  • 6 sun-dried tomatoes, cut in small pieces
  • 4 tablespoons olive oil
  • 1-2 teaspoons of cumin
  • 1-2 cloves of garlic
  • 1-2 carrots, boil or bake, then chop
  • salt and pepper

There is nothing difficult in preparing the filling - we collect all the ingredients from the recipe and mix them in a blender to a paste. Pre-crush the garlic with a crush. Put the resulting filling on a pancake, twist it with a tight tube, press it slightly to keep its shape. Put on a plate and serve.


  • Ham -200 -300 gr.
  • Hard cheese - 200 gr.
  • Green onions - bunch
  • Dill - bunch
  • Salt, black pepper to taste

Cut the ham very finely. Rub the cheese on a coarse grater. Finely chop the greens. Mix everything, salt and pepper to taste. For the bunch, you can not add anything, because, although the filling will crumble during the cooking process, but with further heating and frying of the pancakes, the cheese will melt and bind the filling, making it juicy, aromatic and very tasty.

Wrap the pancakes, best of all in a closed way - in an envelope or a closed roll, and fry in a skillet with a little butter - until golden brown.

These pancakes can be stored in the refrigerator for a couple of days in a cold, not fried form, they can be placed in the freezer for any shelf life, practically. Serve them hot and well "toasted", then the filling with cheese will show itself in all its taste!

And here is another one similar option such a filling -

Filling for breaded pancakes - egg, cheese and ham.

It seems to be almost the same ingredients - but it looks completely different!

How to make such pancakes and such filling:

We take all the same ingredients as in the previous recipe, but we add greens to the pancake dough (only half a bunch of dill or green onions, finely chopped) - and in the filling - boiled eggs- 5 items.

  • Ham - 300 gr.
  • Hard cheese - 200 gr.
  • 5 eggs (4 boiled and 1 raw)
  • Dill - 0.5 bunch
  • Salt, black pepper to taste
  • Breading (rusks or ready-made bread mixture)

Cooking process:

1 Boil and cool 4 eggs in cold water (leave one egg raw for breading). Cut the ham and eggs into thin slices, grate the cheese on a coarse grater. 2 Prepare pancakes according to any recipe for thin pancakes, but add finely chopped dill (or other herbs) right into the dough at the last stage of cooking. Bake the pancakes, before each new pancake - stir the dough from the bottom so that the flour and herbs do not settle to the bottom of the bowl. 3 Place the filling on the finished pancake as shown in photo 3: first a round slice of ham, then 2 round slices of eggs, sprinkle with cheese on top. 4 Roll the pancakes into an envelope as usual and start breading. Pour dry breading into a separate plate. In the other - a mixture of eggs and salt. 5 Brush each pancake with a beaten egg and salt, can be dipped in egg mixture, can be smeared with a brush. 6 Dip in breading and fry in a skillet with butter. Serve these pancakes hot.

These pancakes with delicious filling and crispy crust turn out to be very unusual.

Filling for pancakes with mushrooms - "Pancake bags"

For the mushroom filling we need:

  • champignon mushrooms 500 g
  • onion 2 pcs.
  • processed cheese "creamy" 100 g
  • pepper
  • greens
  • onion feathers

Cooking like this:

1 Wash green onions and mushrooms thoroughly and dry slightly. Mushrooms, if they are champignons, it is better not to wash, but simply peel off the skin - this way they will not take excess water. 2 Cut the mushrooms into cubes of medium size and fry in a pan with oil for about 10 minutes. When the water evaporates from them, add the chopped onions. Fry until tender. We set to cool. 3 Mix the melted cheese with finely chopped green onions (or other herbs). Mix the cooled mushrooms with this mass. Salt and pepper to taste. 4 Put the filling on the pancake and wrap it in a bag, tying the top of the “bag” with a green onion feather or any long sprig of greens. You can use cheese strips (made from smoked pigtail cheese) for these purposes. It is best to form such pancake bags from still warm, not cooled pancakes.

By the way, absolutely any filling can be placed in such bags. On the festive dish pancakes bags look very original and intriguing!

In general, this filling recipe is similar to the very first recipe - pancakes with meat, only we will replace the meat with chicken fillet.

We need:

  • Chicken fillet - 0.7 -1 kg.
  • Onions 5-7 pcs.
  • Butter 1 tablespoon
  • Olive oil -3-4 tbsp
  • for broth Celery roots, parsley, carrot, onion
  • Spices - Salt, bay leaf, black pepper, curry, hot pepper pod

Cook this delicious filling very simple, but a little time consuming. For 30 minutes, boil the chicken fillet in the broth, with the obligatory addition of spices, celery root, parsley and carrots with onions. Cool and turn through a meat grinder.

To prevent the filling from being dry, you need to add more onions. Peel and brown 5-6 onions, or rather, even fry in oil until golden brown. For tasty chicken filling it is a well-toasted onion that suits the most! It is good to add a little curry here - it goes well with the chicken and will give a beautiful yellow tint to the entire filling. Add salt and pepper to taste. Dry chili peppers can be added for flavor.

Mix the finished onion with minced chicken, salt and pepper if not enough. We fill the pancakes with filling and fry them on both sides, if we plan to serve them immediately. But these pancakes can be frozen in the freezer, they keep their shape well and their taste does not spoil after defrosting.

Buckwheat pancakes with cottage cheese and salmon - a variant of fish filling.

Still, I decided to insert another recipe for pancakes, which I have not yet described anywhere - a recipe for buckwheat pancakes. And we will make the filling for it from delicious fish- lightly salted salmon with cottage cheese. Mmm .. this is delicious!

To get so beautiful and delicious buckwheat pancakes we will have to tinker with the dough (yeast dough). But do not be afraid of difficulties, everything is not at all difficult for such experienced chefs like you and me 🙂 But it will take a lot longer than if we were making ordinary quick pancakes without yeast.

Let's take:

  • 2 tbsp. buckwheat flour
  • 3.5-4 tbsp. milk
  • 3 eggs
  • 12.5 g fresh yeast
  • 0.5 tsp salt
  • 2 tsp Sahara
  • 2 tsp butter, melt
  • 3 tbsp vegetable oil
1 Sift the salt and flour through a sieve into a deep bowl, where the dough will be kneaded. Keep in mind that it will increase in volume by 2-3 times, when it rises - take a high capacity immediately. Heat 2 2 cups of milk to warm temperature. Add yeast, sugar there, mix everything and add the resulting mixture to the sifted flour. Add yolks and melted butter, mix everything and place in a warm place, covered with a towel so that the dough does not dry out. 3 When the dough has risen 1-2 times, stir it and add the whipped egg whites and vegetable oil to it. Stir until the dough is smooth. Leave in a warm place for another hour. 4 Bake, an hour later, in a hot pan, pouring out the dough in a thin layer and quickly distributing it over the hot surface of the pan - then the very "cherished holes" that many housewives want to achieve in the process of making pancakes will appear. 5 Put the pancakes in a pile and start making the filling.

For the filling, take:

  • 200 g homemade cottage cheese
  • 2-3 st. l. sour cream
  • half a bunch of dill
  • 250-300 g lightly salted salmon
6 Rub the cottage cheese through a sieve, add sour cream, a small pinch of salt, finely chopped dill and mix well until pasty. 7 Grease the pancake with the curd mass, put the salmon slices on it and roll it up. It will be even tastier if you serve pancakes with sour cream, garnished with herbs.

How beautifully and quickly you can wrap spring rolls - Video Tip.

Probably, it's time to stop .. Although there are a lot of recipes for pancake fillings! Enjoy your tea with pancakes and enjoy your time at the stove. Do everything with the mood and your pancakes stuffed with the most various fillings, will certainly work out!

There you are ready-made recipe carefree life: go to the kitchen, open the freezer, take out a bag of stuffed pancakes, quickly defrost them, then fry them in butter to make it more convincing and serve. Oh, yes, while taking a comfortable position in your favorite chair and getting ready to receive a bunch of thanks and enthusiasm - no joke, literally in a couple of minutes you drew a delicious dinner out of nowhere. Or a treat for unexpected guests? Or maybe a convenient "brake" for a child on an excursion to another city? Be that as it may, but stuffed pancakes are that semi-finished product that will help out in a variety of situations (although what kind of "semi" is it? Completely ready-made food, only frozen in this context).

In general, the recipe is simple: fry thin pancakes - a lot, wrap the filling in them - different, leave some "for now" - not a little and not modestly, because they will eat like for the first time, pack the rest in different container-bag-containers and hide it in the freezer. And then - put on the crown and get ready for the fact that from now on you will be at your best in any situation.

5 easy recipes for thin pancakes

You probably have your own recipe for thin pancakes, which you use from year to year. And this is great, constancy is a sign of mastery: it means that this option suits you completely. However, try giving other ideas a chance - what if there is a recipe for perfect thin pancakes somewhere that you don't know yet? Can you afford to miss it?

Classic pancakes with milk and eggs

The recipe is rich. At first glance, it may seem that the amount of eggs offered in the recipe is sheer waste, but believe me, it is quite justified: the pancakes come out thin, elastic and curl well with the filling.


1 glass of milk;

1 tbsp. l. Sahara;

1/2 tsp salt;

about 2 tbsp. l. flour;

vegetable oil for frying pancakes.

We mix the eggs with milk properly - do not beat, foam is not needed, but mix the millet until completely homogeneous. Add salt, sugar, butter, add flour, knead until smooth - the dough will be pouring, stringy, but not thick.

Heat the pan well, grease it with a thin layer of oil before frying the first pancake, pour a few spoons of dough, distribute it over the entire surface of the pan. As soon as the edges of the pancake are golden and the center is dry, turn over to the other side and fry until golden.

Custard pancakes with kefir

These pancakes are usually slightly thicker than pancakes with milk, however, they are softer, tender and delicate. The choice is yours.


1.5 cups flour;

1.5 cups of kefir;

1.5 cups of boiling water;

1.5 tbsp. l. Sahara;

1/2 tsp soda;

2/3 tsp salt;

vegetable oil for frying.

We mix kefir, eggs, salt, sugar, soda and butter until a homogeneous viscous mass - it should be smooth and even slightly shiny. After that, pour in boiling water in a thin stream, without stopping to stir the dough.

We fry the pancakes in the usual way - heat the pan well, grease it before the first pancake, pour in a small amount of dough, fry until golden brown and dry in the middle, then turn over to the other side and fry a little more so that the pancake is browned on the second side as well.

Put the finished pancakes in a stack.

Thin Yeast Pancakes for Vegetarians

The recipe is ideal if you are visiting with vegan friends or fasting. Pancakes come out, of course, more modest in taste than ordinary ones, but this is easily corrected with the help of the filling.


2 glasses of warm water;

1 tsp dry yeast;

1.5 tbsp. l. Sahara;

1 tsp salt;

1.5 cups flour;

vegetable oil for frying.

Mix water with yeast and sugar, leave for 10 minutes to activate the yeast. After that, add salt, oil to a bowl (a few tablespoons - the amount depends on the quality of your pan), flour and knead a smooth, pleasant dough. We leave it for about an hour in a warm place, then slightly stir the mass that has increased in volume. Fry the pancakes as usual - pour a small amount of dough into the center of the preheated pan, shaking the pan, let it spread over the entire surface, fry until the pancake is dry on top, turn it over, bring it to golden color and on the other side.

If desired, water can be replaced with any plant milk (poppy, soy, almond, pumpkin), non-acidic juice or tea.

Photo from webpudding.ru

Thin potato pancakes

The recipe, of course, is not the most classic, however, very interesting. Pancakes come out tender and rich in taste, with a characteristic potato flavor. Wonderful option for stuffing with savory fillings.


250 g mashed potatoes;

250 ml of milk;

2/3 tsp salt;

100 g flour;

a handful of finely chopped greens;

2-3 cloves of garlic;

vegetable oil for frying.

Grind the mashed potatoes in homogeneous mass with eggs and salt, add butter, pour in milk. Mix, add flour, bring to homogeneity. At the end, add finely chopped greens, squeeze out the garlic.

Fry pancakes on both sides over medium heat until firm golden brown. Turn over carefully - the pancakes are quite tender.

Photo from webpudding.ru

Pancakes with spinach

Very nice pancakes! Thanks to their rich green color, they look original and unusual: when choosing a filling, give preference to contrasting products, and the pancakes will be not only tasty, but also incredibly beautiful.


400 ml of milk;

200 g flour;

1 tbsp. l. Sahara;

1/2 tsp salt;

1/3 tsp soda;

a large bunch of spinach;

a handful of finely chopped parsley;

vegetable oil for frying.

Wash the spinach, dry it, cut into strips and place in a blender bowl. Grind into gruel. We rub the resulting mass through a sieve - we only need juice.

Mix the juice with milk, add eggs, salt, sugar, soda, butter, mix until smooth, add flour and mix again. Add finely chopped greens and leave the dough alone for 15-30 minutes to develop gluten.

Fry in a well-heated frying pan like ordinary pancakes - on both sides, until golden brown.

Photo from webpudding.ru

15 unsweetened fillings for stuffed pancakes:

  1. Twisted boiled meat with fried onions.
  2. Rice, boiled eggs, green onions.
  3. Cottage cheese, dill, garlic.
  4. Boiled eggs, cheese, garlic, mayonnaise.
  5. Ham and grated cheese.
  6. Fried mushrooms with onions.
  7. Crab sticks, cream cheese.
  8. Fish caviar.
  9. Lightly salted red fish, cream cheese.
  10. Mashed potatoes, smoked chicken (turkey) meat.
  11. Liver stuffing.
  12. Braised cabbage, ham or sausages.
  13. Asparagus and feta.
  14. Fried or pickled eggplants, onions.
  15. Mashed potatoes with fried onions, carrots, celery.

10 sweet fillings for stuffed pancakes:

  1. Cottage cheese, a raw egg, sugar.
  2. Poppy, grated with sugar and nuts.
  3. Prunes, dried apricots, raisins, twisted through a meat grinder.
  4. Fruit and berry jams and jam, homemade jams.
  5. Fresh berries and fruits with whipped cream.
  6. Bananas and liquid chocolate.
  7. Apples slightly stewed in a pan with cinnamon and honey.
  8. Coconut flakes mixed with condensed milk or heavy whipped cream.
  9. Nutella-type chocolate spreads.
  10. Lemon or lemon curd twisted with sugar.

Five ways to wrap the filling in pancakes

How do you wrap the filling in pancakes? Most often we are talking about banal rolls - simple and tasty, what else is needed? However, it happens that you still need something! Guests, for example. Or a family holiday. Or simply good mood- why not experiment a bit?

Classic "rolls"

Simple science: a couple of spoons of filling are placed on one edge of an unfolded pancake, the side edges are wrapped inward, after which the rest of the pancake is rolled up into a roll. And try somehow not to put the filling on the edge, but spread it on the surface of the whole pancake and only then roll up the roll. A trifle, but very significant for taste ready-made dish: thanks to this trick, the filling will be evenly distributed throughout the pancake, and not lie in a piece somewhere on the side.


You have to tinker, but it's worth it! The first thing to do is cut the pancakes in half. Then we put half of the pancake on the board with the round part towards us. On the left, about 1/3 of the entire area, lay out the filling, forming a triangle (base at the top, acute angle at the bottom). We make the first fold - from left to right we fold the third part of the pancake, the upper cut is even, docked with the folded part. We make another turn - now the part of the pancake, which already has the filling, folds down: we get a triangle with "rags" sticking out at the top. So we hide them inside - in the formed envelope.

It may sound a little complicated, but believe me, having tried and understood the principle, you will make such triangles automatically.

Mini rolls

The perfect snack for one bite! Neat mini-stuffed pancakes just go to your mouth! If there is a dish with such "babies" on the table, it will be empty first. In general, remember and do not tell anyone, there will be your corporate secret: we put a stack of pancakes in front of us, cut them all into 4 parts (in half, then in half again). Then we take the first quarter, put it at an acute angle away from us, place a spoonful of the filling on a wide base, wrap it in the usual way. Fry tiny pancakes before serving in butter or bake in the oven.


Perhaps this is the simplest and quick way stuff the pancakes. Put the filling in the middle of the pancake, raise the edges up and collect in the center, tie with a feather of green onions or a sprig of dill parsley. Done, you can serve. It is beautiful, however, it is completely inconvenient to eat without appliances. But this is fixable if you have a fork with a knife at hand.


Nothing fancy, but quick and convenient for some types of toppings - for example, mushroom stuffing with cream. We unfold the pancake, put the goodies in the middle, wrap the edges in four movements - like an envelope. Simple and affordable. Do not forget to fry before serving!

Five fun ideas for serving stuffed pancakes

Of course, stuffed pancakes are tasty and appetizing in themselves, but sometimes, for one reason or another, you need to diversify the serving of a familiar dish. Let's think about how you can serve what is usually served without much frills, by simply warming up (in best case frying) and placing on a plate.

Pancakes in batter

Simple idea, but very worthy! Dip the pancakes in batter or just bread them and fry them - and you have it ready holiday option dishes. Treating guests with minced pancakes does not seem to be comme il faut, but dip them a couple of times alternately in an egg and crackers and deep-fry them - a completely different calico!

Pancakes baked with sauce

Sour cream mixed with any tomato sauce... Mustard, a couple of eggs, some cream. Orange juice, honey, chili, olive oil... Mix foods that seem suitable for you, put the pancakes in a pan, pour the resulting sauce and bake. This is delicious!

Portion "stumps"

Stuffed pancakes can be cut into small cubes (up to 2-3 cm high) and put on a dish "standing". The resulting "stumps" look beautiful with herbs, lemon wedges, whipped cream. By the way, this method of serving pancakes with caviar is very successful: grease each pancake with cream cheese, roll it up, cut portioned pieces, "Put" on a plate, and on top of each "hemp" put a spoonful of caviar. Very impressive!

Pancake grid

For those who are not indifferent to beautiful food, we can recommend making mesh "bags" for stuffed pancakes. To do this, part of the pancake dough must be poured into a plastic bottle, make a small hole in the cork, through which pour the dough into the pan with a thin line, "drawing" a grid. After you have baked this pancake on both sides, use it to wrap the finished stuffed pancake.

It is in such an openwork "mesh" that the filling is wrapped. Usually in a lettuce leaf.

Three in one

When the habitual presentation gets boring stuffed pancakes(and this can be, believe me!), there is another simple solution: fry thin pancakes, cooking three different fillings(preferably contrasting in color - for example, cottage cheese, poppy, cherry), take three pancakes, wrap three tubes with three fillings, and then put all three together in one pile and wrap them in the fourth. Cut in half - there will be a mosaic of stunning beauty on the cut.

Separately, I would like to remind you about pancake cakes - in fact, these are the same stuffed pancakes, only in a slightly different presentation. You can't talk about which is better and which is worse: sometimes it is more appropriate to put a very catchy on the table snack cake, and there are situations when portioned pancakes are more convenient. The choice is always yours, the main thing is to remember that it always exists.

In general, delicious stuffed pancakes for you! Smooth and beautiful, and so that inside, in addition to the filling, love and happiness must be hidden.

A favorite delicacy that is served not only on Shrovetide is stuffed pancakes. It's a versatile treat that can be either sweet or snack. The dish is able to decorate buffet table, and on the road it is convenient to take a couple of edible parcels with delicious filling with you.

What can you stuff pancakes with?

If you don't know how to stuff pancakes, then everything is as simple as possible. Everyone can please with such a delicacy: a meat-eater and a vegetarian, and an inveterate sweet tooth. Almost any filling is combined with a sweetish pancake:

  1. Sweet fillers - cottage cheese, fruits.
  2. Hearty - meat, mushrooms, liver, salted fish or caviar.
  3. Pasty fillings - jam, jam, peanut butter, chocolate paste, various pates.

How to wrap stuffed pancakes?

Learning how to bake pancakes is half the battle, it is important to serve them appetizing and beautiful. So you get rid of the problem of decorating a buffet table. Before stuffing pancakes properly, make sure that the filling is tasty, that is, not oversalted or vice versa, and completely cooked. Start wrapping, the "triangle" option will be the ideal solution for dense filling:

The "envelope" option is suitable for any dense filling: meat, mushroom, fruit. This method is good for preparing a quick snack, the filling will definitely not fall out of the package.

It is not difficult to figure out how to make stuffed pancakes with a pasty filling. This is the easiest way to create a beautiful treat.

How to stuff pancakes with cottage cheese?

Pancakes, stuffed with cottage cheese, very fond of kids. Products can be rolled up in an envelope so that the filling does not fall apart. Raisins, dried apricots are often added to the curd filling, and they are sweetened not only with sugar, but also with honey. Prepare small pancakes in advance, the diameter of the pan is no more than 25 cm.


  • cottage cheese - 500 g;
  • candied fruits - 1 handful;
  • honey - 1 tbsp. l .;
  • sour cream - 1 tbsp. l .;
  • pancakes - 10 pcs.


  1. Punch cottage cheese with sour cream with a blender until fine-grained mass.
  2. Add honey, stir.
  3. Throw in the candied fruit.
  4. Put the filling on the pancake on a spoon and fold it into an envelope.

Pancakes stuffed with meat - recipe

Pancakes, stuffed with meat always an appropriate treat during a feast. Minced meat can be used any: pork, beef, chicken or a mixture of several types. It is also customary to add vegetables such as onions, carrots, and Bulgarian pepper if desired. Fold the stuffed pancakes with an envelope or triangle.


  • minced meat - 500 g;
  • onion - 1 pc.;
  • carrots - 1 pc.;
  • thyme - a pinch;
  • salt pepper;
  • pancakes - 10 pcs.


  1. Save finely chopped onions in butter, throw in the grated carrots, fry.
  2. Add minced meat to sautéing, fry everything well until the meat is fully cooked.
  3. Season with salt and pepper, season with your favorite spices and thyme.
  4. When the filling is warm, start stuffing, decorating the appetizer with a triangle or envelope.

Pancakes stuffed with liver

You can do anything using your favorite and proven recipe. The main thing is that the blanks come out thin, plastic, without holes, and do not break when screwing. Liver, rice and sour cream filling will definitely appeal to all lovers of unusual food combinations.


  • chicken liver - 500 g;
  • onion - 1 pc.;
  • carrots - 1 pc.;
  • round boiled rice - 150 g;
  • salt;
  • sour cream - 3 tbsp. l .;
  • pancakes - 10 pcs.


  1. Bake the liver, onion and carrots in foil until cooked through.
  2. Scroll the finished liver with vegetables through a meat grinder, add rice, salt.
  3. Add sour cream to the cooled filling, mix.
  4. Wrap the stuffed and rice in an envelope.

Pancakes stuffed with mushrooms

They will definitely not leave anyone indifferent. For the filling, you can use available champignons or oyster mushrooms, but the filling from forest mushrooms will come out much more aromatic (it is better to boil them for about 15 minutes before frying). To prevent the filling from disintegrating when bitten, add a little cheese during cooking.


  • fillet - 300 g;
  • mushrooms - 300 g;
  • onion - 1 pc.;
  • sour cream - 2 tbsp. l .;
  • hard cheese - 100 g;
  • pancakes - 10 pcs.


  1. Salt the finely chopped onion in butter, toss in the chopped mushrooms and fry until the liquid evaporates.
  2. Add the fillet, cut into small cubes, fry everything together until the meat is fully cooked.
  3. Pour in sour cream, stir.
  4. Season with salt, pepper, toss in the grated cheese, stir, turn off the heat.
  5. Spoon the barely warm filling into the pancake and roll it up in a convenient way.

Pancakes stuffed with ham and cheese

If you don't know how to make stuffed pancakes quickly and as simply as possible, you will definitely like this option. Such edible packages are convenient to take with you for a snack, as the dish does not have a bright smell that can annoy colleagues. Stuffed with ham pancakes can be folded into a triangle.


  • ham - 250-300 g;
  • cheese - 150 g;
  • pancakes.


  1. Cut the ham into strips, grate the cheese.
  2. Put a handful of ham on the surface of the pancake, throw a handful of cheese on top, arrange a roll.
  3. Heat slightly stuffed pancakes in a skillet without oil.

Pancakes stuffed with apples

This recipe for stuffed pancakes cannot be called childish, because it contains a lot of spices and alcohol. But for a party, the dish is perfect! It is better to take sour apples, and the dough should be a little sweet. You can serve such treats with ice cream or original fruit topping.


  • Antonovka - 6 pcs.;
  • honey - 2 tbsp. l .;
  • brandy - 20 ml;
  • cinnamon, cloves, star anise - a small pinch;
  • sweet pancakes - 10-15 pcs.


  1. Cut the apples into cubes, send them to the pan to simmer.
  2. When the slices become transparent, season with spices and pour in the brandy, simmer until the liquid evaporates a little.
  3. While the filling is cooling and thickening, pour liquid honey into it, stir.
  4. Wrap up nicely stuffed with apples pancakes.

Pancakes stuffed with red fish

The ideal solution for filling the buffet menu will be. You can supplement the composition of the filling with herbs and cream cheese. If the latter could not be purchased, make salted curd mass breaking through cottage cheese with herbs and spices in a blender. Such an appetizer will definitely not be left without attention and will be the first to disappear from the plates.
