Pomegranate bracelet salad. Pomegranate bracelet salad Pomegranate bracelet salad classic recipe with pork

Hello dear friends!

Today, a classic holiday salad entitled Garnet bracelet... Very tasty and quite basic. Look how gorgeous he is!

Housewives argue not only about which of the recipes is classic, but also what to do with pomegranate seeds, to use them with seeds, or not? Perhaps everyone will decide for himself on his own. We can only advise you to choose pomegranate fruits with small seeds, such varieties have already appeared on the market.

And also it should be noted that in any version the dish has an amazing taste and amazing appearance... That is why it is the bright "sun" of the puff "Pomegranate Bracelet" that will allow the hostesses to perfectly decorate the New Year's festive table, so that the guests gasped with delight.

❕ Here you will find recipes for the classic, and here your beloved is waiting for you. Do not miss. ❤

Pomegranate bracelet salad - classic chicken recipe

Let's walk through the cooking step by step with illustrations for the best result. You will get this beauty.


  • Boiled chicken fillet - 350 gr.
  • Small boiled potatoes in their uniforms - 3 pcs.
  • Medium-sized beets - 2-3 pcs.
  • Small onions - 2 pcs.
  • Large ripe pomegranate - 1 pc.
  • Walnuts - 150 gr.
  • Homemade mayonnaise.
  • Salt, pepper - add to taste.

The ingredients for the salad must be prepared in advance. Cook potatoes in their skins for 20-25 minutes, with beets you will have to tinker a little longer.

Depending on the size, cooking it takes from 40 minutes to 1 hour or more if the root crop is very large. But it is better not to take such huge ones, boil a few small ones - save time.

Boil the fillet in salted water until tender. Remove the husk from the onion and chop finely. Let's start cooking.

Step 1. Finely chop the onion and send it to the pan with a small drop of oil. Fry it until soft.

Step 2. As soon as the desired softness is reached, the onion has become transparent, add the chopped boiled fillet to it, salt and fry everything together for about a minute. This is necessary so that the fillets are saturated with onion juice and together they form one layer.

Step 3. Coarsely grated potatoes, spread in the first layer on a large dish around a tall glass. We level and apply a mayonnaise mesh.

Step 4. Spread the slightly browned fillet with onions in the second layer. Mayonnaise.

Step 4. Grated beets on a coarse grater. We shape each layer with a spoon and, if desired, apply a fine mayonnaise mesh.

Walnuts can be chopped with a knife or chopped in a blender to a not too small fraction.

Step 5. Sprinkle them on the beetroot layer.

Step 6. Cover the whole salad with mayonnaise. This is necessary so that the pomegranate grains do not roll, but evenly adhere to the surface of our work.

Step 6. Peel the pomegranate seeds. It is desirable that the fruit is ripe, then its grains have a very bright color and they really glow like precious stones.

Step 7. Cover the surface of the workpiece tightly with grains so that there are no gaps. Smooth with a spoon.

Let the lettuce stand in the refrigerator for about 1 hour. During this time, all the layers are soaked, and the form will "grab" well.

Before serving, you need to get it out, remove the glass from the center and decorate this bright masterpiece to your liking. Roses from vegetables or eggs look great. And the salad itself is delicious!

Bon Appetit!

Beef Pomegranate Bracelet Recipe Step by Step

The version with beef shows itself very dignified and noble in taste. Very many people are close to just such a composition!


  • Beef (pitted) - 300 gr.
  • Carrots - 2 pcs.
  • Almond nuts (cashews or walnuts).
  • Pomegranate - 1-2 pcs. (depending on its size).
  • Medium onion - 1 pc.
  • Beets - 2 pcs.
  • Mayonnaise (or low-calorie substitute) - 120-150 gr.
  • Spices and salt - to the taste of the hostess.

As expected, beef is boiled at the first stage. To do this, it is initially cleaned, washed, and then placed in a saucepan with boiling water. After the water boils again, you need to slightly reduce the intensity of heating - the water in the pan should literally boil just barely. And it is in this mode that you need to cook the meat for about 40-50 minutes. At the same time, ten to fifteen minutes before the expected readiness to salt the broth. At the end of the process, the beef must be cooled, and then cut into small pieces.

As expected, vegetables should be pre-cooked to a “soft” level and peeled when cooled down. Then the potatoes, beets and carrots must be grated separately on a coarse or medium grater. After that, they are placed in separate bowls. In turn, the pomegranate must be peeled and freed from the veins.

This version of the "Pomegranate Bracelet" is formed on a large plate (platter), on which it will be served to the table. A glass or glass is placed in the center of the dish, which will help to achieve the desired neat shape of your favorite salad during assembly.

The first step is to lay a layer of potatoes. You need to put sauce (mayonnaise, sour cream or yogurt) on it, and then spread it evenly with a spoon so that a rather thin layer appears.

The second layer is boiled beef, which was disassembled into fibers and sprinkled with fried onions.

The third layer is tender boiled carrots, grated on a coarse grater. Cover this layer with mayonnaise.

And sprinkle with chopped nuts on top. For this recipe, you can take any.

They will need to cover the entire surface.

At the end of the assembly ready salad should be put in the cold for a couple of hours for impregnation. At the end of the period, the salad must be taken out of the refrigerator and the glass removed.

Everything! The classic Pomegranate beef bracelet is ready to be served!

Want to add an interesting touch to traditional recipe then try prunes. It goes well with classic ingredients, and the taste of the salad becomes richer!


  • Chicken (thighs, drumsticks, part of the breast) - 200-250 gr. chicken meat.
  • Cheese (hard or semi-hard varieties) - 100 gr.
  • Prunes (naturally, pitted) - 50 gr.
  • Selected chicken eggs - 3 pcs.
  • Medium potato tubers - 2-3 pcs.
  • Carrots (large, medium) - 1-2 pcs.
  • Beets - 1 pc.
  • Walnut kernels - half a cup.
  • Large pomegranate - 1 pc.
  • Mayonnaise - 4-6 tablespoons.
  • Salt - a few pinches, to the taste of the hostess.
  1. The potatoes boiled in "uniform" are grated (medium size). A little salt is added to it, and the future first layer of salad is thoroughly mixed.
  2. As expected, a cylindrical glass is placed on the plate where the salad will be collected to give a special shape (ring, bracelet) to this thematic salad. After that, potatoes are laid out on the dish, on top of which a thin mayonnaise layer is placed.
  3. Then the pre-boiled beets must be finely grated, and the resulting mass is divided into two equal parts. The first of them must be laid on a layer of potatoes, and on top, carefully sprinkle it with pieces of walnut.
  4. Next, the chicken is laid, pre-boiled, separated from the bones and cut into strips.
  5. The prunes softened in advance with boiling water are cut into strips and carefully laid out on a layer with chicken. A layer of mayonnaise is applied on top.
  6. Then, in turn, there is a layer of boiled grated carrots, greased with mayonnaise on top. And then layers of hard-boiled eggs and grated hard cheese... All of them are again "poured" with mayonnaise sauce.
  7. Next, the second part of the grated beets covered with mayonnaise is laid out. And, as expected, at the finish line should be decorated with pomegranate seeds salad. All this splendor is placed in the refrigerator for a couple of hours (more can be). And at the right time, the festive "Pomegranate Bracelet" is served at the table!

And here's another, look what a beautiful option not only with prunes, but also with kiwi. Looks great:

Also worth a try! On the festive table, such a handsome man will not stand for long.

Step-by-step salad recipe Pomegranate bracelet with smoked chicken

Try the option with smoked meat Chicken. It gives the salad interesting flavors.


  • Smoked chicken (thighs, drumsticks, part of the breast) - 250-300 gr.
  • Hard-boiled chicken eggs - 3 pcs.
  • Potatoes - 200-250 gr.
  • Carrots (large, medium) - 200 gr.
  • Bulb onions - 150 gr.
  • Deodorized sunflower oil- 2-3 tbsp. spoons.
  • Pomegranate - 1 pc. (large size).
  • Mayonnaise and garlic - for coating the layers.
  1. Vegetables are boiled, cooled, peeled. The onion is cut into thin quarters of its rings and fried in vegetable oil until golden brown. Hard-boiled eggs should be coarsely grated. Then with smoked chicken remove the skin, deprive it and cut it into thin cubes.
  2. A small amount of garlic, previously squeezed in a special crusher, is added to mayonnaise to taste.
  3. The salad is laid out in layers in the shape of a bracelet (in the center of the dish is a glass). First, there are potatoes, greased with mayonnaise, then smoked chicken meat (without mayonnaise). Fried onions are laid out on the chicken, on it - a layer garlic mayonnaise... This is followed by carrots + mayonnaise sauce, as well as a layer of eggs.
  4. All this is covered with mayonnaise, and pomegranate is laid out. Completes the process of cooling the salad in the refrigerator for 2-3 hours. Salad ready!

Pomegranate bracelet with meat

A chic salad is also obtained with pork (see above for the recipe with beef).


  • Boiled pork (or tongue) - 400 gr.
  • Chicken eggs - 3 pcs.
  • Boiled potatoes - 3 pcs.
  • Carrots (large) - 1 pc.
  • Beets (relatively large) - 2 pcs.
  • Salad onions (or onions) - 1.5 - 2 pcs.
  • Vinegar (9%) - 1 tablespoon.
  • Sugar - 1 teaspoon.
  • Sunflower oil - 2-3 tbsp. spoons.
  • Pomegranate - 2 pcs.
  • Salt - 1/2 teaspoon
  • Mayonnaise (or sour cream), garlic, mustard - to taste.
  • Freshly ground pepper - a small amount.
  1. After preliminary work with the ingredients (boiling, cleaning, cutting), the assembly of this version of the "Pomegranate Bracelet" begins according to the following scheme.
  2. First, on a large plate (in the center of a cylindrical glass) potatoes, cut into small cubes, are placed. It is topped with mayonnaise or sour cream mixed with garlic and mustard (as an alternative to mayonnaise).
  3. At the second stage, there is a layer of pickled onions, previously chopped into cubes and filled with a mixture of sugar, vinegar and cold water(100 ml.).
  4. Then peppered and salted slices of chopped pork are laid out. Sprinkle it on top with slices of grated garlic.
  5. The next stage is a layer of grated and greased eggs. Then the carrots are laid out, smeared with mayonnaise and garlic. All this is covered with grated beets and, accordingly, pomegranate seeds.
  6. As expected, the salad is sent to the refrigerator for 1.5 hours. And then "Pomegranate bracelet" with pork is served to the festive table!

Delicious salad Pomegranate bracelet with walnuts

This is delicious option with walnuts. It is similar to recipe number 1, but there are significant differences - this salad is prepared with eggs and completely without onions.


  • Fillet chicken breast, legs - 350 gr.
  • Medium potato tubers - 3 pcs.
  • Ripe pomegranate - 2-3 pcs.
  • Kernels walnuts- 100 gr.
  • Beets - 2 pcs.
  • Hard boiled egg - 3 pcs.
  • Freshly ground pepper.
  • Salt.
  • Refined (odorless) sunflower oil for frying ingredients.

By the time the preparation of such an appetizing salad dish begins, the ingredients (vegetables, chicken) that require heat treatment, should be cooked and have time to lower their temperature to an acceptable one. A little secret to make the chicken more tender and flavorful:

The chicken should be placed in boiling water. It should be boiled for about 30 minutes. And in order for the boiled chicken meat to be the most juicy, aromatic and tasty, add two or three peas of allspice, half a spoonful of mustard seeds, a small part of celery root or parsnip, or parsley, and bay leaf to the pan. You need to salt only in the final cooking period. Because this is how the fibers will remain the softest. Take note.

After that cooled down chicken fillet need to be cut into small cubes. Rub the vegetables on a coarse grater.

We take out the grains from the pomegranate. Walnut kernels should also be lightly dried in a pan without oil or in the oven and then chopped into smaller pieces.

And now, when all the available components are finally prepared, the most interesting and "magic" time comes - the final assembly of the salad. We collect the layers and coat with dressing in this order:

  1. Boiled chicken meat.
  2. Grated carrots.
  3. Grated potatoes.
  4. Shredded walnut.
  5. Boiled grated eggs.
  6. Grated beets.
  7. Coating with mayonnaise.
  8. Pomegranate seeds.

After all the procedures for assembling the salad, it is placed in the refrigerator for at least one hour. And the salad is ready. You can safely serve it to the table! Incredibly delicious.

Not everyone loves beets, and it doesn't matter. There are salad options without it, it turns out just as good, very tasty!


  • Large pomegranate - 1 pc.
  • Boiled potatoes - 3 pcs.
  • Onions - 1 pc.
  • Pickled cabbage - 300 g.
  • Chicken breast - 300 g.
  • Walnuts - 50 g.
  • Dill, parsley.
  • Salt and pepper to taste.
  • Sugar - 1 tablespoon

Chop the onion and fry it until golden brown with a little oil. Mix it with the sliced ​​chicken breast.

Grate the boiled potatoes coarsely and lay them out in the first layer. Cover with mayonnaise mesh.

Put the chicken breast mixed with onions on top of the potatoes, it's very aromatic! Also pour thinly with the dressing.

Chop the pickled cabbage into small pieces. Walnut Chop finely with a knife.

Mix the cabbage and nuts and lay out the resulting mixture with the third layer of lettuce. Cover with mayonnaise sauce.

Decorate the top with pomegranate seeds, distributing them tightly across the entire surface.

Ready! Thanks to the cabbage this option has a bright taste that many will appreciate.

Chicken fillet and mushroom salad recipe

It is noteworthy that this version of the salad involves the use of not only fresh, but also pickled mushrooms. Honey mushrooms and mushrooms are suitable.

Of course, the taste of the salad will change somewhat. However, it will also be very interesting and tasty.


  • Ripe and large pomegranate - 1 pc.
  • Small potato tubers - 3-4 pcs.
  • Medium carrots - 2 pcs.
  • Beets (large size, within reason) - 1 pc.
  • Chicken breast (fillet) - 300 gr.
  • Fresh (pickled) mushrooms (champignons).
  • Mayonnaise - 150-200 gr.
  • Fine boiled salt - 3/4 teaspoon.
  • Onions - 1/2 pc.
  • Vegetable oil - for frying ingredients.
  • Several sprigs of parsley - to decorate the salad.

At the first stage, as expected, the vegetables used must be boiled and then cooled. For this, the most optimal option is to boil vegetables the night before. During the night, potatoes, beets, carrots will cool down calmly, and therefore, during the main stage of preparing the salad, the housewives will not have to take a serious break in work.

  1. Before cooking, mushrooms - champignons - should be thoroughly rinsed. If the skin is excessively dirty, then it can be simply removed. Then you need to cut the mushrooms into not very large cubes and fry in heated vegetable oil until golden brown.
  2. You can also add salt (to taste), pepper and garlic to the mushrooms, pre-chopped finely onions. This is a classic combination and is used for many salads.
  3. The resulting fried mushrooms must be cooled.
  4. Boiled and already cooled vegetables are peeled, grated (large).
  5. Next, you need to collect a salad like a bracelet. And in order to get the necessary neat hole in the center of the salad dishes, a cylindrical glass or (mug) without a handle is usually used.
  6. The first layer is potatoes, which you need to squeeze a little, but do not tamp very hard.
  7. Next comes a small layer of carrot and mayonnaise.
  8. Then small pieces are laid boiled chicken, plus mayonnaise, of which there should not be too much - the main thing is that the salad layer does not drip and disintegrate.
  9. The chicken is followed by the mushroom stage. Since mushrooms with onions are already quite fatty, it is not necessary to grease them with mayonnaise.
  10. Beets are placed behind the mushrooms, pre-mixed with mayonnaise and salt.
  11. And at the very finish, as expected, the salad should be decorated with a pomegranate surface. The top layer should be even, fairly dense and, of course, beautiful. New Year's "Pomegranate bracelet" with mushrooms is ready!

Tips for Cooking Pomegranate Bracelet Salad

  1. It is better to prepare the meat and boil the vegetables in advance so that you do not waste time on cooking on the day of preparing the snack.
  2. The pomegranate fruit should be ripe with beautiful dark red seeds and preferably small seeds.
  3. It is not necessary to thickly mayonnaise each layer, it is enough to cover the components with a mesh, which are dry in themselves - for example, chicken meat.
  4. Boil chicken breast or fillet with spices and salt at the end, then it will be softer and more aromatic.
  5. Mayonnaise can be swapped for sour cream or unsweetened yogurt.
  6. Soak the salad for an hour in the refrigerator.
  7. Cook only in a good mood!

These are the recipes, friends! All of them are gorgeous, neither add nor subtract. And which one is the best for you to choose yourself. But whichever option you choose, your festive table will be simply magnificent!

This elegant salad with the charming name "Pomegranate Bracelet" has long gained well-deserved popularity and is included in the top of the most popular salads for festive table... And the name of the salad is directly related to its appearance since the salad is made in the shape of a ring and decorated with pomegranate seeds, which ultimately gives a surprising resemblance to a woman's bracelet.
If you are looking for ideas on what to cook for the New Year's table, then this salad will be a great solution. It will not only become a decoration New Year's table, but also pleasantly surprise with its exquisite taste... The main thing is to choose tasty and high-quality ingredients for the salad. it is they who are responsible for the final taste of the salad. And also it should be borne in mind that chicken salad with beets and nuts, it is better to cook in advance, so that it has time to infuse and soak well in the refrigerator.
In addition to the New Year, this salad is also perfect for Christmas, Easter, it can be prepared for birthday and other
numerous occasions.
Enjoy cooking and get compliments from your guests!
Take a look VIDEO RECIPE to make the cooking process simple and straightforward!

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chicken breast fillet 250 g
potato 2 pcs
beet 2 pcs
carrot 1-2 pcs
eggs 3-4 pcs
onion 1 pcs (or 200 g champignons *)
walnuts 2 tbsp
garlic 1-2 cloves
Garnet 1-2 pcs
vegetable oil for frying
freshly ground pepper
* In the video recipe, instead of a layer of fried onions, I put a layer fried mushrooms(200 g)

I propose to cook the popular Pomegranate Bracelet salad with pork, or rather one of its options. This salad tastes very interesting, and it looks very impressive on the festive table. So I recommend ...

To prepare the Pomegranate Bracelet salad with pork, prepare the ingredients: boil the potatoes and beets separately; onion, prunes and (or quality purchased).

Hold the prunes in hot water, then cut into strips. Peel and grate potatoes. Place a glass on a flat dish in the center, so that later you get a salad in the shape of a ring, i.e. bracelet. Place the prunes in the first layer, and then the potatoes. Add mayonnaise.

Make the next layer with pieces of pork and add finely chopped onions. If desired and if necessary, the onion can be scalded, although it will itself be marinated and softened in taste from the mayonnaise of the next layer.

Grate the beets and stir with mayonnaise to taste. Make a layer of "Garnet Bracelet" from this mass.

Remove the seeds from the pomegranate and place them on top of the beetroot layer. Remove the glass carefully.

After that, let the salad stand in the refrigerator for a while to soak.

Pomegranate bracelet salad with pork is ready for celebration. Serve!

Known as the Pomegranate Bracelet, the salad is not only pleasant original taste, but also looks very dignified on any table. Pomegranate seeds add flavor to the dish and serve as a beautiful decoration.

Caloric content 100 g classic version salad with mayonnaise of standard fat content is 98 kcal.

Classic salad pomegranate bracelet with chicken - step by step photo recipe

The traditional version of the salad is prepared in layers of boiled vegetables (potatoes, carrots, beets), as well as chicken eggs, chicken, fried onions, walnuts and pomegranate seeds.

Your mark:

Cooking time: 1 hour 30 minutes

Quantity: 6 servings


  • Chicken fillet: 1 half
  • Potatoes: 2 pcs.
  • Carrots: 2
  • Small eggs: 4 pcs.
  • Small beets: 3 pcs.
  • Bow: 1 pc.
  • Pomegranate: 1 pc.
  • Walnuts: 60 g
  • Mayonnaise: 180-200 g
  • Vegetable oil: 2 tbsp. l.
  • Pepper, salt: to taste

Cooking instructions

    Do not peel potatoes with carrots, rinse with a sponge and boil for 25 minutes in water with salt. Wash the eggs gently, cook on an average temperature for 8-9 minutes. Boil the fillet in salted water for 25 minutes. We clean all products.

    Rinse the beets thoroughly with a sponge, set to cook at an average temperature for 45 minutes. We check for readiness with a toothpick or knife. Cool and clean.

    Lubricate a not very wide glass vegetable oil and place on a large flat plate in the center.

    Prepared boiled potatoes rub coarsely and spread in an even layer around the glass. Lubricate well with mayonnaise (we do the same with each subsequent row, unless otherwise indicated).

    Cut the boiled fillet into small pieces, finely chop the onion. We send the onion to oil and fry on medium temperature until soft. Add chopped fillet to the onion, mix and cook for a couple of minutes. Cool and spread the mixture around the glass.

    Rub the prepared carrots coarsely, lay them on the meat and onions. Salt and pepper a little.

    Grate boiled eggs coarsely, distribute on carrots, salt and pepper again. We do not add mayonnaise.

    We send the walnuts into a mortar, grind them with a pestle or put them in a regular bag and, tapping them, grind them with a rolling pin.

    Rub the beets coarsely, put them in a bowl. Add a little salt, ground pepper, chopped nuts, mayonnaise (2-3 tablespoons) and mix. Put the bright beetroot mixture in an even layer on the eggs around the glass and press well with a spoon.

    We wash the pomegranate, dry it, cut off the top (a little) and make cuts along the white veins (4 pcs.). We open and easily extract the grains.

    Twisting the glass, carefully remove it. Sprinkle the prepared pomegranate seeds over the top and press them loosely. Bright pomegranate salad with chicken ready. We put delicious snack in the refrigerator for 2-3 hours so that all layers are saturated with mayonnaise, and then serve on the festive table.

    Variation of a dish with beef

    The salad can be assembled very quickly, literally in a matter of minutes, if the meat, vegetables and eggs are boiled in advance. For the "Pomegranate bracelet" with beef you need:

  • boiled beef 250-300 g;
  • pomegranate seeds 200-250 g;
  • medium-sized eggs 3 pcs.;
  • beets 200 g;
  • carrots 150 g;
  • potatoes 300 g;
  • onion 80 g;
  • vinegar 9% 10 ml;
  • sugar 5-6 g;
  • salt;
  • water 40 ml;
  • mayonnaise 200-220 g.

What they do:

  1. The peeled onion is finely chopped, water is mixed with sugar, a pinch of salt, vinegar. Pour the onion with marinade and keep it for about 10-12 minutes, drain the liquid.
  2. Boiled vegetables are cooled, peeled.
  3. Take three bowls and rub in them potatoes and beets separately, large, and in the third bowl - raw peeled carrots.
  4. Eggs are peeled and also coarsely crushed.
  5. The meat is cut into small cubes.
  6. Take a flat plate. A glass is placed in the center.
  7. Prepared products are laid around it in layers, each row, except for the top one, is greased with mayonnaise. Layer order: potatoes, meat, onions, carrots, eggs, beets, pomegranate seeds. It is advisable to leave a small amount of grains just in case.
  8. Without pulling out the glass, carefully cover the dish with foil and put it in the refrigerator for 2-3 hours.
  9. Before serving, remove the film, carefully remove the glass and serve the dish on the table. If the mayonnaise came out on top of the grains or they crumbled a little, then they are poured where it is needed.

With the addition of prunes

Like many salads, the Pomegranate Bracelet comes in several different varieties. One of them involves the addition of prunes. For next recipe required:

  • egg 3 pcs.;
  • raw chicken fillet 350-400 g;
  • salt;
  • ground pepper;
  • laurel leaf;
  • water 700 ml;
  • carrots 140-160 g;
  • prunes, dried or dried, pitted 120-150 g;
  • potatoes 250-300 g;
  • beets 300 g;
  • how much mayonnaise will go;
  • grains from one large or two medium pomegranates.

How they cook:

  1. Boil beets, potatoes and eggs until tender. Beets are cooked the longest.
  2. The washed fillet is placed in a saucepan, water is poured there and brought to a boil. Remove the foam, salt and pepper to taste, throw a leaf of laurel.
  3. After boiling, the chicken is boiled for 25-30 minutes, removed, cooled and cut into small cubes.
  4. Fresh (washed and peeled) carrots are rubbed with a coarse grater.
  5. Boiled potatoes, beets and eggs are peeled and grated, each product is transferred to a separate bowl.
  6. The prunes are washed, poured over with hot water for 5-6 minutes and washed again. Chop finely with a knife.
  7. Chopped prunes are poured into a bowl with beets and mixed.
  8. A narrow culinary ring or glass is placed on a flat dish in the center.
  9. They begin to lay out the layers, each smearing with mayonnaise: potatoes, carrots, chicken, eggs, beets. Sometimes the products are enough to repeat the layers.
  10. The last is the pomegranate.

The salad is kept in the refrigerator for a couple of hours, covered with foil. Before serving, remove the film, take out the ring or glass and put the dish on the table.

With mushrooms

For a salad with mushrooms, you can use not boiled chicken meat, but cold smoked chicken. Required:

  • smoked chicken meat without skin and bones 300 g;
  • pickled mushrooms without liquid 150-200 g;
  • Russian or Dutch cheese 200 g;
  • boiled eggs 4 pcs.;
  • boiled beets 220-250 g;
  • onion 80 - 90 g;
  • mayonnaise;
  • walnuts optional 50-70 g;
  • pomegranate seeds 150-200 g.

Algorithm of actions:

  1. The boiled beets are cooled, peeled and rubbed directly onto a plate, chopped kernels are poured into it.
  2. Eggs are peeled and chopped finely with a knife;
  3. The chicken meat is cut into small pieces.
  4. Cheese is rubbed onto a loose plate.
  5. Chop the onion thinly.
  6. Mushrooms are also cut into small pieces.
  7. They put a glass on a plate and lay the products in layers, smearing every second row with mayonnaise: chicken, onions, mushrooms, beets, eggs, cheese, last of all, pomegranate grains.
  8. The dish is kept in the refrigerator for 3 hours. Then they take out the glass and serve the "Pomegranate Bracelet" on the table.

Beet-free salad option

If you are especially fond of beets, then you can do without this product. But it is worth remembering that the final taste of the "Pomegranate Bracelet" will change somewhat.


  • boiled chicken fillet 300 g;
  • hard boiled eggs 3 pcs.;
  • boiled carrots 150 g;
  • boiled potatoes 300 g;
  • onions 90-100 g;
  • oil 30 ml;
  • mayonnaise;
  • garlic;
  • grains from two pomegranates.

What they do:

  1. Finely chop the onion and fry in oil.
  2. Eggs, potatoes, carrots are grated into separate plates. A clove of garlic, squeezed through a press, is added to the carrots.
  3. The chicken is cut into small cubes.
  4. A culinary ring is placed on a plate and all prepared products are spread around it in even rows, periodically smearing with mayonnaise. Last but not least, pomegranates.
  5. Let the salad stand for a couple of hours in the refrigerator, remove the ring and serve.

Small secrets will help to facilitate the work of preparing a salad:

  • Pomegranate seeds can be easily removed in a simple way... Cut the peel into four sections and turn out. The seeds will come off easily.
  • Vegetables can be baked in the oven in foil (at 180 degrees for 30-50 minutes) or in a baking bag in microwave oven(10 minutes @ 750W).
  • It is better to use not pure chicken fillet, but chicken on the bone (for example, a leg).
  • To beautifully collect the salad and get a round hole in the middle, you can use a culinary ring or a regular glass.
  • For unhindered extraction, the upper surface of the object should be coated with vegetable oil.

As usual in cooking, it is not necessary to cook Pomegranate Bracelet salad strictly according to the recipe. To get a new taste, you can experiment with the ingredients and their methods. preliminary preparation... For example, so that the salad appears creamy taste, fry the onions on butter or add a layer of grated hard cheese (Creamy, Gouda or Tilsiter).

We are waiting for your comments and ratings - this is very important for us!

Pork is generally quite non-trivial. savory snacks, take at least an original diner. What can we say about the famous salad, which is distinguished not only by its rich mind-blowing taste, but also by its spectacular appearance! Take note of the recipe for the Pomegranate bracelet salad with a photo step by step.


Pork - 300 grams;
Carrots - 1 large or 2 small roots;
Potatoes - 3 medium tubers;
Walnuts - 100 grams;
Chicken eggs - 2 pieces;
Beets - 1 small;
Garlic - 1 medium clove;
Pomegranate - 0.5-1 fruit;
Mayonnaise, salt, pepper to taste.

Before you start preparing the salad:
- boil and peel carrots, potatoes, eggs, beets in advance;
- cook pork meat;
- sort out the nuts, if necessary, fry, chop;
- peel the garlic and pass through a press;
- Free the pomegranate seeds from the peel and films.

Layers of Garnet Bracelet:
1) Pork + mayonnaise;
2) Carrots + mayonnaise + pepper;
3) Potatoes + mayonnaise;
4) Walnuts;
5) Eggs + mayonnaise;
6) Beets + garlic + nuts + mayonnaise;
7) Garnet

Photo recipe for salad Pomegranate bracelet

1. Boil pork for 3-4 hours. The meat should be soft, easily detached from the bones and crumble. The broth can be used in the preparation of soup, and the meat must be chopped and seasoned with mayonnaise. Let's try the resulting mixture and add salt to taste, if necessary.
2. Prepare a plate for the salad. Place a smooth-walled glass in the center.
3. Put the pork in a circle around the glass on a plate. Press with a spoon so that the meat ring holds its shape.
4. Boil the carrots, peel them and rub them with a grater. Season with mayonnaise and pepper.
5. Put the carrot layer on top of the meat layer, flatten with a spoon, shaping the salad.
6. Boil the potatoes, peel them and rub them with a coarse grater. Mix with mayonnaise.
Just carry with you ...
7. Transfer the potato mass around the glass.
8. Put the nuts in a bag and crush them with a rolling pin. Put half on top of the potato mass. Actually, you can not put the nuts in a separate layer, but simply add to the final beet mass so as not to bother. However, if you definitely want to get a multi-colored multi-layered salad, we do it according to the rules.
9. Boil the eggs for 10 minutes in boiling water, peel and rub on a coarse grater. Season with mayonnaise.
10. Egg mixture put on the previous nut layer. Straighten with a spoon.
11. Peel the beets, rub them with a coarse grater, add the rest of the nuts, chopped garlic and mayonnaise. Mix well.
12. Transfer the final layer to the resulting flaky salad ring.
13. Carefully remove the glass from the center of the Garnet bracelet. To do this, do not jerk it up sharply - this can damage the layered structure of the salad. We scroll it around its own axis, carefully pulling it out of the structure. As soon as we remove the glass, coat the salad with mayonnaise on all sides.

Ready! It remains to decorate the salad with pomegranate seeds. To do this, cut off the top of the peel of the fruit, cut the sides, and then turn out the pomegranate over a deep bowl, pouring the grains into it. To separate the grains from the peel and films, pour water into a bowl, where all the waste we do not need will float. We catch the particles of the peel and films, and pour the water with the pomegranate into a colander. We decorate the salad Pomegranate bracelet with grains.