Cookie cake with cottage cheese cream. Cottage cheese-coffee cake without baking

Dessert for festive table does not have to be baked in an oven and consist of expensive and exotic products. Not to lose the image of a hospitable hostess when guests are already on the doorstep, a cake without baking from cookies and cottage cheese with gelatin will help.

This is a great alternative classic baked goods, which will appeal to all lovers of homemade sweets, without exception. Options for preparing such desserts for hastily lots of. However, the most delicate products are those with gelatin.

Benefits curd jelly cake has many.

  1. Firstly, the dough is not kneaded, the oven does not heat up, and a certain temperature is not maintained in it.
  2. Secondly, the sweetness will be prepared in just an hour and from affordable budget products.
  3. Thirdly, you can independently regulate the calorie content and sweetness of the product.

I do not recommend buying expensive cookies like Oreo. It can be eaten in independent form with a cup of coffee. For a simple, no-bake curd cake recipe, use any cheap biscuits: crackers, biscuit, "Jubilee", "Baked milk", etc.

The result will still be delicious. In addition, you can experiment with this confectionery dish. For example, add cocoa powder to cottage cheese, crushed nuts to cookie crumbs, and make the top layer from any other fruits or juices.


  • Any cookie - 300 gr. (can be assorted).
  • Butter - 100 gr.
  • Cottage cheese - 300 gr.
  • Sour cream - 200 ml.
  • Gelatin - 35 gr.
  • Sugar to taste.
  • Cherries - 300 gr.

Step-by-step cooking recipe with photo

Break the cookies into pieces and lower them into the chopper.

Interrupt it to a crumb state. For these purposes, you can also use a meat grinder or place the cookies in a bag and grind it with a rolling pin.

Pieces butter place in a bowl.

Melt it in a water bath or microwave oven, but do not bring it to a boil.

Cheese cake

The article presents three step by step recipes making curd cake without baking. two of them are accompanied by a video.

30 minutes

320 kcal

5/5 (1)

Feeding children with cottage cheese is sometimes just an impossible mission. And they need it for development and growth. To solve this problem, I recommend that you use several simple recipes with cottage cheese, which were loved not only by my children, but also very much by us and our guests.

Cottage cheese cake with cookies without baking

A cake that takes less than 30 minutes to prepare? many are familiar with a cottage-maker since childhood, who will not leave indifferent either you or your children. So let's take a look at the classic no-bake curd cake made in the simplest way.

Mixer, refrigerator.

Ingredients Used:

To make curd cake without baking, use any inexpensive cookies (sugar, crackers, biscuits), depending on your capabilities and taste preferences, since the taste of the dish will not suffer from this.

Cooking cream

Assembling the cake


Video recipe for curd cake without baking

In this video, a chopped banana was additionally placed in the curd layer, and the cake itself was covered with icing:

Cottage cheese cake without baking with gelatin

This recipe is a great alternative to baked cakes. And due to the use of gelatin, the cake is tender and airy.

Cooking time- 2 hours.
Servings – 8.
Used kitchen appliances: mixer, blender or food processor, refrigerator.

Ingredients Used:

  • Cookies (can be assorted) - 300 g.
  • Butter 83% - 150 g.
  • Low-fat cottage cheese - 300 g.
  • Sour cream 20% - 200 ml.
  • Gelatin - 45 g.
  • Sugar - 200 g (to taste).
  • Cherries (fresh or frozen) - 300 g.

Cooking biscuit crust

Cooking the curd layer

While the cookie crust is cooling down, let's turn to the curd crust.

You can experiment with this layer further by adding berries or diced fruits to it. We often add banana, if you added something else, please tell us how you got it.

Preparing the fruit layer

Video recipe for cottage cheese cake without baking with gelatin

The presented video will allow you to more clearly see the cooking process. jelly cake... In the video, two types of cookies were used for the cake:

And for those who are more fond of baked cakes, I recommend trying to bake in the oven — Cheesecake — and.

No-bake cookie cottage cheese cake with bananas and other fruits

The next recipe is especially liked by my youngest daughter, probably because she always helps me decorate it. So, here is a recipe for a curd fruit cake without baking with a beautiful kiwi decor.

Cooking time- 8 ocloc'k.
Servings – 6.
Kitchen appliances used: mixer, oven, refrigerator.


  • Yogurt - 500 ml.
  • Sugar - 70 g.
  • Shortbread cookies - 200 g.
  • Butter - 70 g.
  • Bananas - 2 pieces.
  • Kiwi - 4 pieces.
  • Gelatin - 4 teaspoons.
  • Lemon juice - 1 tablespoon.
  • Boiled water - 0.5 cups.


  • Kiwi - 2 pieces.
  • Almonds - 40 g.

Cookie layer

Yoghurt-fruit layer


Remove the frozen cake from the mold and decorate with thinly sliced slices kiwi and slightly fried petals almonds.

Recipes for making cakes at home with a photo


40 minutes

310 kcal

5/5 (1)

I just love the desserts that can be made without baking - not only are they amazingly delicious, but they also don't take too long to make. This is very important if you are constantly busy and cannot spend too much time in the kitchen.

My mother is a great connoisseur quick pies, cakes and pastries. I learned from her myself easy way making a curd cake without baking, which has earned recognition not only from our family members, but also from friends. This delicacy is not only amazingly appetizing, but also very useful, especially for the child's body. A real cottage cheese cake without baking is made from cookies with gelatin and fruits (banana, kiwi, oranges), and today I will present you with our family version, the fastest and easiest.

Kitchen tools: a cake mold or a large dish (cake bowl), a few teaspoons and tablespoons, a couple of towels, deep kitchen bowls, baking paper, a long knife, a cutting board and measuring utensils (it is best to take a kitchen scale). You may also need a mixer or food processor with special attachments.


How to choose the right ingredients

If you want to cook a truly delicious and nutritious curd cheese, fruit cake without baking, you should heed some recommendations regarding the choice of components from which it will be made - they are especially relevant for those who are new to cooking.

  • Choose only fatty sour cream for treats, such as can be found on the market... If the market is not available to you, put the store sour cream in a piece of gauze and place in a colander. Soak the component in this form for about a day in the refrigerator to make the sour cream thicker and more suitable for the cake.
  • Instead of vanillin, some housewives recommend choosing vanilla sugar or vanilla flavor.
  • It is better to take fine-grained cottage cheese, with an increased indicator for fat content.- such cottage cheese will not allow the delicacy to crumble, leaving it tender and airy.
  • Chocolate can be milky or bitter, depending on your taste. However, try to choose an ingredient without fillers (nuts, raisins, etc.), they will only spoil the taste of the finished product.

Cooking sequence

First stage

Second stage

  1. Melt the finished gelatin in a water bath, making sure that it does not boil. We send it to the curd-sour cream mass, turn on the blender at high speed.

  2. Beat for a minute, then turn off the device and let the workpiece brew.

  3. In the meantime, cut the banana and kiwi into long slices with a knife, you can add the orange.

  4. We line the form with parchment, carefully tuck its edges - we still need them.

  5. Pour about a quarter of the curd mass onto the bottom of the mold and level it.

  6. Then spread about half of the banana, kiwi and orange slices on top.

  7. Pour the second part of the curd blank on top of the fruit and gently level it.

  8. Put cookies in the next layer, press them tightly against the curd mass.

  9. After that, place the curd layer again, then the cookie layer.

  10. Cover the last layer of cookies with the rest of the curd blank.

  11. Put the remaining fruits on top of the cake and cover them with the hanging edges of the parchment.

  12. We send the cake to the refrigerator for about fifteen minutes to solidify.

  13. Meanwhile, break the chocolate into pieces and mix with the cream.

  14. Then we heat the mass until the chocolate melts completely.

  15. We take the cake out of the refrigerator and release it from the mold, transfer it to a dish.

  16. We cover the product with the obtained chocolate cream using a spoon.

  17. Let the cake brew a little more so that the cream hardens well.

How to decorate a cake

To make the product even more beautiful and attract the admiring glances of guests and loved ones at the table, it must be decorated. This can be done quickly and easily:

  • with the help of condensed milk, apply stains and patterns on the chocolate surface of the product;
  • squeeze roses or other shapes from a thick cream from a pastry syringe;
  • sprinkle not yet frozen chocolate cream multi-colored confectionery crumbs;
  • place chopped nuts, fruit slices or marmalade on top of the cream.

How to Serve the Cake Correctly

It would be wrong to pre-cut such beauty, so be sure to serve the whole cake, in a nice and wide dish, and cut right on the table. For the ultimate cake enjoyment, don't forget to drink. Ideal for treats:

  • kvass;
  • fruit drink;
  • compotes;
  • juices;
  • soda.

It is also good to eat a cake with a glass of milk, especially for children and adolescents.

Video recipe for making cottage cheese cake with cookies without baking

How to quickly and easily prepare the perfect treat for the whole family? See the recipe just described in the attached video.

How you can diversify the standard recipe

  • You can take absolutely any fruit for the cake: apples, pears, plums or apricots. Citrus fruits are also great for treats: grapefruit and lemon.
  • Instead of granulated sugar, you can choose powder or liquid honey, this will give the product a specific, incomparable taste.
  • Biscuits instead of cookies will give original taste product, and also quickly soak in the curd filler. You can also use a sweet cracker, it will make the cake more fragile, but delicious.
  • Cake pouring cream can be made from white chocolate , however, it is better to melt it in a water bath so that it does not burn.
  • To make the cake more tender, rub the curd through a colander or sieve. then mash with a fork or spatula. You can also grind it in a blender or food processor before adding the granulated sugar.
  • After adding sour cream to the curd mixture, it is recommended to taste the mass - if it seemed not too sweet to you, add a little more granulated sugar or powder.
  • If you have no stock parchment paper, place the cake on plastic wrap- it does not stick to ingredients and will keep the shape of the product.
  • It is more convenient and faster to heat gelatin or creamy chocolate mass in the microwave than on the stove. Turn on the device at full power for just a few seconds, and the components are completely ready to use!
  • The cake is best prepared in the evening so that it can sit in the refrigerator overnight.- so it will turn out to be even more delicate and airy, and the ingredients will perfectly "bind" together.

If you are a real lover of these lungs and tender desserts, you will certainly be interested in a simple recipe for the delicious. In some ways it resembles both curd and pleases with a pleasant combination. creamy taste and fruity notes. Many people also love the classic one. And if you need to quickly prepare something tasty for tea, and there is no time to bake luxurious desserts, you can cook a simple, but still very tasty one. well, and of course, do not pass by the simple one, which can be successfully cooked even with small children.

No-bake cottage cheese cake with cookies is a perfectly balanced, tasty and appetizing looking product that will give you and your family a lot of pleasant moments. What do you know about such a cake? Maybe someone from the readers knows how to cook it even faster and easier? Or are you adding other ingredients to the recipe? Please share your experience and knowledge in the comments, let's discuss this delicacy from all sides. Bon appetit and always successful experiments in the kitchen!

Very easy and quick to prepare delicious curd cake, the set of products is the simplest. This recipe is from the category of "guests on the doorstep". The preparation of such a cake will take no more than 10-15 minutes.
There are many varieties of making curd cake without baking, we will cook with chocolate icing and very simple cream... You can add to curd sour cream finely or not very finely chopped fruits: banana, strawberries. You can also add chopped dried apricots, peanuts to the cream. We will get a small cake for two, you can double all the proportions and get a bigger curd cake.
Even a child can cope with this recipe if mom helps to prepare the chocolate icing. For the cake, it is better to use square cookies, sour cream 20% fat, you can take any cottage cheese.

TIME: 40 min.


Servings: 4

Ingredients for the cookie and cottage cheese cake

  • 200 g of cottage cheese
  • sugar or shortbread square biscuits 16 pcs.
  • 200 g sour cream
  • 3 tbsp granulated sugar
  • sugar decorations
  • For chocolate glaze:
  • 30 g butter
  • 2 tbsp milk
  • 2 tbsp cocoa powder
  • 2 tbsp. l. granulated sugar


1. Put cottage cheese, sugar and sour cream in a bowl. Instead of ordinary cottage cheese, you can use soft, then you just need to add sugar and stir in it, you do not need to put sour cream.

2. Beat everything with a blender until it becomes a thick cream, so that no curd grains come across, or rub the curd through a fine sieve.

3. Place four cookies on a plate so that they touch each other (if you wish, you can make the cake larger, for example, with six cookies in each layer).

4. Put some of the prepared curd cream, spread evenly over the surface of the cookies.

5. Then put the 4 cookies back in. And so repeat the layers until all the cookies are over (do not press the cookies hard so that the layers of cream are large enough). Happened
4 layers of cookies and 3 layers of curd cream. Be sure to leave a little cream to lubricate the sidewalls.

6. Put in an iron bowl or saucepan everything you need to make the chocolate glaze. Alternative, more quick option making chocolate is just melting a bar of chocolate in the microwave.

7. Bring the chocolate to a boil (stir constantly), boil until large bubbles appear on its surface, and then cover the top of the cake. Try to keep the chocolate from dripping on the sides.

8. Let's decorate our baking cake sugar decorations, you can replace such decorations with almond petals, walnuts... Gently grease the sides of the cake with a knife blade. curd cream.
We made a cake of cookies and cottage cheese without baking, it must be left to soak for 2-3 hours at room temperature or in the refrigerator overnight. If time is running out, then before spreading the cookies, you need to soak it a little in milk (then the cake can be eaten almost immediately).

it basic recipe curd-sour cream cake. You can use any other cookie. Shortbread, Maria's scroll, cracker and even puff ears... If you have bananas or kiwi, then you can put thin circles of these fruits in one of the layers on top of the cream. In any case, the dessert is tasty and quick.

Cottage cheese cake without baking is a wonderful way to please yourself and your loved ones with a delicious, but at the same time light delicacy. One of the suggested recipes will help you quickly prepare a dish.

The easiest way involves minimal set ingredients. You can cook with any berries.

Required products:

100 grams of butter;
2 large spoons of gelatin;
half a kilogram of cottage cheese;
200 grams of cookies;
0.2 kg of sugar;
200 grams of berries;
0.2 liters of heavy cream.

Cooking process:

1. Cookies turn into crumbs, mix with butter. We put what happened in the form, press it and put it in the refrigerator.
2. Mash the selected berries until puree, divide the curd into two parts, one slightly larger than the other. And the one where we combine less with the berry mass.
3. Pour gelatin with water, and when it swells, pour slightly warmed cream into it.
4. Part of this mass is added to the curd, and the other to the berries.
5. We take out the base from the refrigerator and lay out both fillings one by one, refrigerate for a couple of hours and you can eat.

Cooking recipe with gelatin

The cottage cheese cake without baking with gelatin is somewhat reminiscent of a soufflé, and the cottage cheese is practically not felt.

Required products:

400 grams of sour cream;
30 grams of gelatin;
a glass of sugar;
jar of pineapple slices;
0.2 kg of butter;
500 grams of cottage cheese;
a bag of vanillin;
0.25 kg of cookies.

Cooking process:

1. Place the gelatin in a glass, pour cold water, waiting for it to swell.
2. Break the cookies into small pieces, combine with grated butter, half the specified amount of sugar and vanilla.
3. Knead the mass well and place it on the bottom of the mold in a dense layer.
4. Put sour cream in the curd, the remaining sugar and interrupt everything with a blender. Then we put half of the pineapples here.
5. Mix the remaining pineapples with syrup with gelatin, heat in a water bath until it dissolves.
6. Pour a little more than half of this mixture to the curd, and then cover the biscuit crust. Put in the refrigerator for 60 minutes.
7. With what is left, fill in the already slightly frozen cake and put it back in the cold for another 6 hours.

With added fruit

Curd and fruit cake is a real delicacy that children will certainly like.

Required products:

200 grams of cottage cheese;
500 grams of grapes;
0.5 kg sour cream;
30 grams of gelatin;
a glass of sugar;
0.4 kg of cookies;
180 grams of butter.

Cooking process:

1. Melt the butter, mix with pre-chopped cookies.
2. Put the resulting mass into a container, press it, put it in the refrigerator for an hour.
3. Pour gelatin with water, let stand to swell.
4. Sugar, sour cream and cottage cheese, combine, interrupt with a blender.
5. Pour gelatin into the curd, stir.
6. Put the grapes on the biscuit crust and fill it with the curd mixture and put it back in the refrigerator.
7. After about an hour, the dish can be served.

Healthy curd and yoghurt cake

Required products:

0.4 liters of yogurt;
two bananas;
100 milliliters of milk;
200 grams of cherries;
20 grams of gelatin;
0.4 kg of cottage cheese;
100 grams of sugar;
0.2 kg of cookies.

Cooking process:

1. Combine yogurt, cottage cheese and sugar, interrupt with a blender.
2. Pour gelatin with milk, after 10 minutes slightly warm up, add to the mixture of cottage cheese.
3. Move it to the dish, top with chopped cookies, banana slices and again curd mass.
4. Layer of cherries and some more mixture. Put in the cold for a couple of hours and serve.

With sour cream in a hurry

Curd sour cream cake considered almost a classic. Optionally add to recipe various berries, cocoa and even chocolate.

Required products:

Two spoons of cocoa;
a bag of gelatin;
0.4 kg of cottage cheese;
100 milliliters of milk;
six spoons of sugar;
any berries;
400 grams of sour cream.

Cooking process:

1. Pour gelatin with milk, put on fire and dissolve, not boiling.
2. Mix sugar, sour cream, cottage cheese, beat with a blender.
3. Divide the resulting mass into two parts, mix one with berries, and the other with cocoa.
4. Put everything in a mold, alternating layers and put in the refrigerator for solidification.

Cooking with citrus flavor

Required products:

600 grams of cottage cheese;
150 grams of cookies;
one orange;
40 grams of gelatin;
0.2 kg sour cream;
120 milliliters of water;
150 grams of sugar;
vanillin to taste.

Cooking process:

1. Pour gelatin with hot water and leave to swell.
2. Put sour cream, sugar, vanillin in cottage cheese and beat until smooth.
3. Pour gelatin here, mix.
4. Part of this mass is placed in a mold, and on top we spread slices of oranges, then cottage cheese again, chopped cookies and finish everything with a curd mixture.
5. Put the cake in the refrigerator overnight, turn it over in the morning and serve.

Chocolate-lemon cake with cottage cheese

Chocolate - lemon cake turns out to be insanely tasty. If you don't want to mess around and stand at the stove for a long time, then this recipe is for you.

Required products:

20 grams of gelatin;
half a glass of water;
0.2 kg of cookies;
200 grams of sugar;
three spoons of cocoa;
a spoonful of starch;
100 milliliters of milk;
four lemons;
0.3 kg of yogurt;
0.7 kg of cottage cheese.

Cooking process:

1. Pour gelatin with water, leave for a while to swell.
2. Mix the butter and crushed cookies, put the mass in a mold and refrigerate for an hour.
3. Squeeze the juice from the lemons, grind the zest from one.
4. Put the starch into a bowl and start pouring in portions lemon juice, constantly interfering, so that there are no lumps. Pour 120 grams of sugar here and put the zest.
5. Mix the remaining sugar, cocoa and milk separately.
6. Put both mixtures on fire, add gelatin.
7. Combine curd mass with chocolate and lemon cream, beat well.
8. Put the cream on top of the biscuits one by one until it runs out, then refrigerate for at least 4 hours.

No-Bake Cookie Treat

Cottage cheese cake with cookies without baking - very tasty combination... For dessert, use square biscuits.

Required products:

250 grams of cottage cheese;
a spoonful of gelatin;
0.25 kg sour cream;
300 grams of cookies;
100 grams of sugar.

Cooking process:

1. Fill the gelatin with water, put on fire and dissolve completely.
2. With a blender, mix well the cottage cheese, sugar and sour cream, then combine with gelatin.
3. Put the cookies tightly into the mold, pour the resulting mass on top and repeat the sequence several times.
4. Put the cake in the refrigerator overnight to set.