Khachapuri from Armenian lavash with cheese. Cooking recipes and photo recipes

In my opinion, in the 90s, dishes Caucasian cuisine very quickly began to appear on our tables and some of them became very beloved.

One barbecue is worth something!

But today we are not talking about meat dishes, but about pies.

Let's cook together a very satisfying, tasty, flaky khachapuri from lavash.

Puff - not because of puff pastry, but because it consists of several layers.

1. For cooking we need:
... Armenian thin pita from without yeast dough- packaging of 2 sheets;
... 500 g of hard cheese;
... 70 ml. milk;
... 1 egg;
... 50 g of greens (dill);
... salt to taste;
... a piece of butter.
First of all, turn on the oven 180 degrees.

2. Break the egg into a deep plate or bowl, pour milk into it. Salt a little.

3. Beat the mass with a whisk.

4. It is possible not to achieve strong uniformity.

5. Take the cheese, grater and a matching plate (you can just use a cutting board). We rub all the cheese on a coarse grater.

6. The piece of cheese was large, so it turned out to be a very large heap of cheese shavings.

7. Rinse the greens, cut off the coarse petioles.

8. Finely chop the dill.

9. There should not be a lot of greens, otherwise it will "hammer" the taste. That's enough.

10. Put the cheese in a deep salad bowl (we have two liters).

11. We shift the herbs to the cheese.

12. Pour in the egg-milk mass.

13. Gently mix everything with a fork. With a fork - so that the cheese does not stick together, then it will be very useful to us when laying out on pita bread.

14. We take out the baking sheet. We put the sheet parchment paper... You can grease the baking sheet butter... It is more convenient for me on parchment - it does not stick, and it does not bake so oily, and it is easier to wash afterwards.

15. Cut a sheet of pita bread into 3 parts with scissors.

16. Put the flattest part (from the middle) on a baking sheet in the first layer.

17. Spoon about ¼ part of the cheese mass on the pita bread over the entire surface.

18. With a fork, gently distribute the cheese over the entire surface.

19. Put the next layer of lavash on top.

20. Lay out the next ¼ part of the filling. So we are doing 4 parts.

21. The fifth piece is the last one. It is better if you leave the middle of a large lavash on it.

22. Melt some butter.

23. Grease the top layer of the future khachapuri from lavash with a silicone brush. Then the pita leaf will not dry out and will be soft.

24. Well, the production of khachapuri has come to an end, we put this beauty in a preheated oven for about 30 minutes. But do not forget to check in 20 minutes!

25. Here's a khachapuri came out with us. We transfer it to the board and cut it. It is convenient for me to do this with scissors.

26. Lavash khachapuri is ready. Enjoy your tea!

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Khachapuri recipes

Simple recipes khachapuri with cheese (lazy and pita bread with an egg) in a pan with photos and videos. The dish is suitable for both tea drinking and a regular snack.

khachapuri from lavash

6-7 servings

35 minutes

250 kcal

5 /5 (1 )

One of delicious options dough dishes is khachapuri. And you can cook such a delicious treat in a variety of ways. Therefore, we bring to your attention a couple of options for making khachapuri with cheese, which will not leave you and your loved ones indifferent. And most importantly, cooking them is very simple and quick.

Recipe for making lazy khachapuri with cottage cheese and cheese in a pan

Kitchen appliances and utensils: knife, cutting board, grater, teaspoon and tablespoon, rolling pin, frying pan, stirring paddle, serving utensils.


How to choose ingredients

Cheese. Any cheese is suitable for preparing such a dish. hard varieties... If you suddenly bought a soft one, do not worry. Put such cheese in the freezer for 10-15 minutes and then remove and grate immediately. The main thing is that this product is fresh and of high quality. And for this, be sure to pay attention to when buying appearance: the cheese should be loose and free of bloom. The presence of these signs indicates that it is stale. If there are holes in it, they should be even and distributed over the entire surface.
Smell fresh cheese should be milky and bland. Sour and putrid odors indicate the spoilage of the product.
The color must be natural. If the color of the cheese is too intense, then there were some dyes.
Pay attention to the composition: it should contain a minimum amount of various chemical additives.

Cottage cheese. For such dishes, it is best to take unleavened cottage cheese. It is suitable for various fillings. If you buy it at the bazaar, taste it. Then you can definitely understand what kind of product is offered. If you take cottage cheese in a package, pay attention to the composition and expiration date. The more natural the cottage cheese, the shorter its shelf life and will not contain any chemical additives.

Step by step cooking

Step 1: preliminary preparation

  1. Greens need to be washed well by soaking them in water for 2-3 minutes, and then rinsing with running water.
  2. Sift the flour a couple of times through a sieve, thanks to this, you can remove impurities from it, and also saturate it with oxygen, which makes the baked goods more airy.

Step 2: making the dough

Step 3: preparing the filling

Grate the prepared cheese on a coarse grater, chop the herbs and mix everything with the prepared cottage cheese until smooth, so that all the products are evenly distributed throughout the filling.

Step 4: sculpting khachapuri

Step 5: making khachapuri with cheese and cottage cheese

Video recipe for khachapuri with cheese and cottage cheese

You can see how to easily and quickly prepare delicious and aromatic khachapuri stuffed with cheese and cottage cheese.

Khachapuri with cottage cheese and cheese in a pan. A simple recipe for cooking!

Thank you for cooking with us !!!
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Try with us to cook delicious homemade khachapuri on kefir. My family also loves this yummy, so we often cook homemade khachapuri. Especially children enjoy eating khachapuri with cottage cheese, cheese and herbs. This recipe is the fastest and most convenient, since it takes very little time to prepare khachapuri. Anyone who tries this unusual dish national Georgian cuisine try to repeat home cooking. As for me, the recipe offered to you is the most ideal, and the khachapuri are very similar to the original ones. Be sure to prepare and write your comments, we will be very interested in your opinion.

For the test:
Flour -2 tbsp;
Soda -0.5 tsp;
Cottage cheese - 300 gr;
Cheese - 300 gr;
Kefir - 1 tbsp.
A large bunch of dill;
Butter - 100 gr;
Egg - 1 pc;
Salt to taste;

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2017-04-28T19: 20: 54.000Z

Recipe for making lavash khachapuri with cheese and egg

I also advise you one more recipe fast food khachapuri, which is made without additional preparation of the dough and is suitable for lunch or a snack.

  • Cooking time: 30 minutes.
  • Servings: 5-6 pcs.
  • Kitchen appliances and utensils: scissors, cutting board, grater, tablespoon, frying pan, brush for spreading, spatula, dishes for serving.


Step by step cooking

Step 1: preliminary preparations

Step 2: shaping the khachapuri patties

Step 3: cooking

Using this recipe, you can make lavash khachapuri with cottage cheese and cheese in a frying pan. Just to do this, prepare the filling, which is described in the recipe above, and put it in pita bread instead of an egg. And it takes only 2-3 minutes to fry such khachapuri.

Khachapuri video recipe based on Adjarian motives

You can learn how to easily and quickly prepare khachapuri with cheese and eggs without first kneading the dough and using expensive products.

Lavash pies with cheese and eggs (based on Adjarian khachapuri :)

Very tasty and very easy to prepare pita pies with suluguni cheese and egg based on the Adjarian khachapuri recipe. Wonderful quick breakfast for the whole family.
# AlenaMitrofanova #tartuffolo #Mitrofanova #recipes
Salads and Snacks
Second courses, meat, fish, vegetables
Cakes WITHOUT baking
Sweet pastries, cakes, sweet tarts
Breakfasts, dishes from cottage cheese and eggs, casseroles
Lavash recipes, quick recipes, fast food
Savory pastries, pies, tortillas, strudels

2017-01-04T19: 51: 43.000Z

What are these khachapuri served with?

Warm khachapuri are delicious without any additional dishes. You can also serve for them various sauces... In general, such pastries are suitable for both first courses and for a snack or tea.

Other cooking options

You can cook such a dish different ways and with various fillings... Cook if you want the dough to be softer, and if you like puff pastry then try it, that's enough original version cooking such a dish. Lovers of yeast baked goods can also try, which can also be prepared with cheese. And if you are not a fan of fried foods, then be sure to try those that are cooked in the oven.

I hope you liked our recipes, and you have a desire to try such a dish as khachapuri with cottage cheese and cheese. Be sure to cook, write your impressions and reviews. Share your favorite cooking recipes and be sure to leave comments.

Lavash khachapuri is made simply and quickly from available products. All lavash recipes are distinguished by their unpretentiousness and excellent results. At minimal cost, a guaranteed excellent result is obtained: this is the point of this site - to acquaint the reader with simple and healthy recipes so that there is time for more important things.

  • thin Armenian lavash (standard sheet 180 g)
  • feta cheese (or feta) - 150 g.
  • cottage cheese - 150 g.
  • egg - 1 pc.
  • salt, hot red pepper, herbs, garlic to taste and desire

How to cook khachapuri

  1. Mix cottage cheese and feta cheese. Three feta cheese on a coarse grater. Add spices to taste and desire (salt, red pepper, garlic, herbs). If the cottage cheese is dry, then you can add 2-3 tbsp. sour cream so that the filling for the khachapuri is not crumbly. Mix the filling well.
  2. Cut the lavash into squares. On each piece of pita bread, put the filling (about 1 tbsp. With a slide) and wrap it in an envelope like a pancake.
  3. Beat an egg and dip each envelope of the future khachapuri in it on both sides. Put in a baking dish and bake for about 10 minutes at 200C until a light blush forms.

Delicious crunchy khachapuri is obtained from lavash. It is advisable to eat them warm until they have cooled down, otherwise the lavash becomes wet over time and the charm of the crispy crust disappears.

Lazy recipes are always great! They help to save great amount time and with everything, while not losing quality. You can cook such lazy khachapuri both in the oven and in a slow cooker or in a pan.

Cooking time: 60 minutes

Caloric content: 250 kcal per 100 grams

The recipe is very simple, and such lazy khachapuri are incredibly tasty and easy to make. The recipe does not require the preparation of dough, you just need to have finished sheets lavash and some free time.

  • 2 large sheets Armenian lavash;
  • 250 grams of cottage cheese;
  • 250 grams of kefir;
  • 200 grams of smoked sausage cheese;
  • 2 chicken eggs;
  • Salt to taste;
  • Butter - for greasing the baking sheet.


  1. The recipe for making such pita bread is very easy. We start by breaking eggs into a bowl, and then pouring kefir. Beat everything carefully with a whisk.
  2. Now we take the 1st pita bread and tear or cut it into large pieces, it is not necessary to grind it too much.
  3. Soak pieces of our lavash in an egg-kefir mixture and leave for a while.
  4. Now it's time for the filling. To do this, take the cottage cheese, knead it in a bowl so that there is not a single lump. Salt a little, but you should not be zealous. Everything should be in moderation.
  5. Next, let's tackle the cheese. We take a coarse grater and gently three sausage cheese.
  6. Mix salted cottage cheese and smoked cheese... The taste will be incredible and very interesting.
  7. Now we take the 2nd pita bread and send it to a greased baking sheet. One end of the pita bread should remain free.
  8. We spread the filling with cottage cheese and cheese on the pita bread, carefully level it along the entire length of the pita bread.
  9. On top of the filling, lay out a part of the lavash cut and dipped in an egg and kefir.
  10. A layer of cottage cheese with cheese.
  11. We repeat this procedure 2 more times until the filling and pieces of pita bread are finished.
  12. We cover our dish with the remaining free part of the lavash. And we turn the edges.
  13. Lubricate with the remains of kefir and eggs so that the finished cake has a beautiful golden brown crust.
  14. Now we send our handsome man into an oven preheated to 180 degrees and leave there for 30 minutes.
  15. Cut the finished khachapuri into 6 pieces and serve. Everything is very easy, fast and simple.

Advice: such khachapuri can be heated in a pan. They won't get any worse from this.

Lazy khachapuri with cottage cheese and lavash cheese are prepared in just 1 hour and turn out to be incredibly tender, so they can be eaten not only by adults, but also by children. Great dish for all occasions.

Lazy khachapuri with herbs in a slow cooker

Cooking time: 50 minutes

Caloric value: 245 kcal per 100 grams

It is always easier to cook in a multicooker, especially when it comes to lazy recipes... There is practically no need to do anything at all, all the ingredients are almost ready, the main thing is to collect and bake everything correctly (you can even in a pan).

A set of products for cooking

1 sheet of Armenian lavash;

200 grams hard cheese;

2 tablespoons sour cream;

Onions, dill and parsley to taste.


  1. The recipe for khachapuri in a slow cooker is quite easy to perform. We take pita bread and spread it on the table.
  2. Now we take fat country sour cream and grease the entire layer of lavash with it. We lubricate generously and do not leave empty spaces. By the way, sour cream can be replaced with mayonnaise. This is also very tasty.
  3. Finely chop the greens and sprinkle with it pita bread, smeared with sour cream. Khachapuri is almost ready to be cooked in a slow cooker.
  4. Now we rub a little of any hard cheese on a coarse grater and evenly distribute it over the pita bread.
  5. Now we roll the pita bread into a roll, do it carefully and try to roll the pita bread as tightly as possible without free space.
  6. Now the khachapuri are ready, they can be fried in a pan or in a slow cooker. In the latter, it will be necessary to select the "oven" mode, select a suitable temperature of at least 150 and select a time of 30 minutes. Each multicooker may have its own program, so you will have to adjust to it.
  7. We take out the khachapuri and cut it into several portions, and serve with fresh herbs and vegetables, the recipe is over.

Khachapuri with cheese and herbs in a slow cooker is great recipe to cook tasty dish hastily.

It doesn't matter where and how to cook khachapuri from pita bread: in a pan, in a slow cooker or in an oven, the main thing is that the hostess devotes all her attention to cooking this delicious and quick meals and picked up the best recipe.

Bon Appetit!

Calorie content: Not specified
Cooking time: Not indicated

Lavash is thin bread cake loved by the peoples of the Caucasus and the Middle East, it is prepared from flour, water and salt. But recently, flat cakes with the addition of spinach, beets and other natural products have begun to appear on store shelves. They give the lavash a beautiful, bright color and interesting flavor. Lavash can be eaten instead of bread, but it turns out to be most delicious if it is in it. The filling can be mushrooms, cheese, ham, meat, vegetables. Thanks to them, you can always get a new, interesting and tasty dish. Which, moreover, is quick and easy to prepare. It turns out very tasty pita bread stuffed with salted cottage cheese. This dish tastes very much like Georgian khachapuri, but it is prepared much faster and easier.
Lazy lavash khachapuri is the recipe of the day.

To prepare it you need to take:
- packaging of pita bread (two leaves),
- 200 g of kefir,
- 200 g of hard cheese,
- 200 g of cottage cheese,
- 2 eggs,
- greens,
- salt.

How to cook from a photo step by step

Whisk the mixture well, add lightly salt.

Pour the cottage cheese into a separate container, salt to taste.

Rinse the dill, chop it finely and combine with the curd.

Grease a baking sheet with oil and place one sheet of pita bread on it so that there is a free end. It will be needed in order to cover the filling of our lazy khachapuri.

Tear the second sheet of pita bread into three parts. Take one piece, tear it apart large pieces, dip each piece in kefir and put on a dry sheet of pita bread.

Top with cheese and cottage cheese filling.

Put the second layer of lavash pieces in kefir.

Cover with cheese again. So, alternating, lay out three layers of pita bread and three layers of cheese. Tuck the edges of the tortilla over and cover.
Grease the cake on top with the remains of kefir and eggs.

Put in the oven, bake lazy pita khachapuri for 30 minutes at 180-160 degrees. When the cake is cooked and golden brown, remove it from the oven, cut and serve.

It turned out to be such a variant of lazy khachapuri from lavash - fast, tasty and simple!
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