Salty pancake cake. Pancake snack cake: recipes with different fillings

Have long been an integral part of any holiday menu... As a basis for their preparation, they usually use thin pancakes... The layer for such cakes can be various sauces, vegetables, mushrooms, fish, meat or sausages. Today's article will cover the most interesting recipes pancake snack cake.

Option with champignons

The dish prepared according to the technology described below turns out to be unusually tasty and beautiful. Therefore, it is often served on special occasions. It contains simple and readily available products, the main part of which is almost always found in every home. To make a pancake with mushrooms, you will need:

  • About 2 glasses of premium wheat flour.
  • 5 chicken eggs.
  • About 1.5 cups of cow's milk.
  • 4 tablespoons of vegetable oil.
  • 300 grams of any hard cheese.
  • A pound of mushrooms.
  • A couple of tablespoons of soy sauce.
  • 200 grams of mayonnaise.
  • ½ teaspoon rock salt.


The washed and peeled mushrooms are cut into small pieces and fried in heated vegetable oil until the liquid has completely evaporated. Then add to the pan with mushrooms soy sauce and cook them for about five more minutes. The browned mushrooms are transferred to a clean plate and left to cool.

In the meantime, you can do the pancake dough. It is kneaded from milk, sifted flour, eggs, salt and vegetable oil. Ready dough small portions are poured into a preheated frying pan and thin ruddy pancakes are fried. Each of them is greased with mayonnaise. On one of the pancakes, spread on the second - mushrooms. The layers are alternated until the product runs out. Sprinkle the finished snack pancake cake with grated cheese and put it in the refrigerator. Before serving, it is warmed up in the microwave or in the oven.

Chicken liver option

By this recipe you can easily prepare an interesting snack that will become a worthy decoration of any holiday. Before you start working with groceries, see if your kitchen has everything you need. To make a pancake snack cake, you will need:

  • 8 tablespoons of premium wheat flour.
  • 500 milliliters of kefir.
  • A teaspoon of sugar.
  • 3 eggs.
  • A tablespoon of butter and vegetable oil.
  • 200 grams of boiled chicken liver and sausage cheese.
  • ½ teaspoon of baking soda.
  • 3 canned tomatoes.
  • A couple of boiled chicken eggs.
  • 30 milliliters of mayonnaise.
  • Salt.

Process description

First of all, you need to do pancakes. For their preparation, the yolk is separated from the protein and combined with a tablespoon of butter. All this is lightly whisked with a whisk and sugar, kefir, soda, sifted flour are added to the resulting mass. A spoonful of vegetable oil and pre-chilled whipped proteins are poured into the resulting dough. All mix gently and start frying pancakes.

The first one is smeared with mayonnaise combined with chopped liver. On the second place chopped tomatoes, on the third - grated cheese, on the fourth - boiled eggs... The formed snack pancake cake is placed in an ovenproof pan. Sprinkle grated cheese on top of it and send it all to the oven. The dish is baked at a standard temperature for about twenty minutes. It is served both cold and hot.

Option with cottage cheese and chicken

Using the technology below, you can relatively quickly prepare a snack pancake cake (recipes with photos of such dishes can be found in today's article). To do this, you need simple and inexpensive products, the purchase of which will practically not affect the family budget. Before starting the process, be sure to make sure you have on hand:

  • 250 grams of champignons.
  • A tablespoon of sugar.
  • 500 milliliters of fresh cow's milk.
  • Chicken breast.
  • A pair of ripe tomatoes.
  • 5 cloves of garlic.
  • 100 milliliters of mayonnaise.
  • 4 chicken eggs.
  • 200 grams of any hard cheese.
  • A glass of premium wheat flour.
  • A pound of cottage cheese.
  • Salt, spices and herbs.

Cooking algorithm

Eggs, milk, sugar and flour are mixed in one bowl to make the base for a pancake snack cake with chicken and mushrooms. Mix everything well and pour a little into a preheated frying pan, at the bottom of which there is a little vegetable oil.

While the pancakes are fried, you can do the rest of the ingredients. The washed chicken breast is poured with cold salted water and boiled until tender. Mushrooms are cut into small slices and fried with spices.

In a separate bowl, combine mashed cottage cheese, mayonnaise and chopped garlic. The resulting mass is salted, seasoned with spices and mixed. Ready pancakes are greased with cottage cheese. Mushrooms are placed on the lowest of them, on the next - chopped boiled chicken and grated cheese. Slices of tomatoes are laid on top. The layers are alternated until the product runs out. A ready-made snack pancake cake with chicken is sprinkled with hard cheese, decorated with boiled eggs and sent to the refrigerator for a short time.

Option with crab sticks

This dish differs enough delicate taste and a pleasant cheesy aroma. It is prepared using a relatively simple technology and consists of readily available ingredients. To make such a snack, go to the store in advance and purchase all the required products. In this case, you will need:

  • 1.5 cups premium wheat flour.
  • A pair of chicken eggs.
  • ½ cup sugar and vegetable oil each.
  • A pinch of salt.
  • A couple of glasses of whole cow's milk.

All this is required for kneading pancake dough... To make the filling, you need to additionally prepare:

  • 200 grams of crab sticks.
  • A large onion.
  • 60 grams of hard cheese.
  • 70 milliliters of 20% cream.

The process should begin with the preparation of the dough. To do this, combine raw chicken eggs and sugar. Beat everything intensively with a mixer until a white foam appears. Milk and vegetable oil are gradually poured there, not forgetting to work with a whisk. Sifted flour is poured into the resulting liquid. The finished dough is poured in small portions into a hot frying pan and thin pancakes are fried.

To prepare the filling, chopped onions are sautéed in a small amount of butter and chopped crab sticks... All this is fried for a couple of minutes, poured with cream and evaporated to the desired thickness. Grated cheese is poured into the almost finished and slightly cooled filling. The resulting mass is smeared with all available pancakes and stacked on top of each other. The almost finished product is covered with some kind of flat and not too heavy object and left for half an hour. Thirty minutes later, the soaked pancake snack cake is greased with natural sour cream and garnished with chopped herbs.

I share step by step recipe with a photo of the diner pancake cake with cheese, canned fish and boiled vegetables... The familiar taste of mayonnaise salad with fish goes well with pancakes. The snack disappears from the table instantly.

We need thin pancakes for this cake; you can buy them in the supermarket or bake them yourself.


For thin pancakes:
Chicken egg - 2 pieces;
Water - 2 glasses;
Flour - 1.5 cups;
Salt - 0.5 teaspoon;
Sugar - 2 teaspoons;
Vegetable oil - 2 tablespoons.

For filling:
Chicken egg - 2 pieces;
Canned fish - 1 can;
Onion-turnip - half of the head;
Potatoes - 1-2 pieces;
Carrots - 1 piece;
Cheese - 50-100 grams;

Recipe for making a snack pancake cake with photos

1. Let's start with the cakes for our pancake cake. Don't be scared, you don't have to stand at the stove for half a day. From the above products, only 8 pancakes are obtained. We will need 5 for the cake, and three as a reserve, in case the pancake suddenly breaks when turning over.

So, break the eggs into a bowl and shake them well.
2. Continuing to stir, pour in water. Pour in flour, salt, sugar. Add oil last. The dough should be smooth and fluid. However, if during frying you realize that you cannot turn over so much thin pancake, just add some more flour to the dough.
3. Grease the pancake maker only once - first, then the pancakes should not stick to the pan due to the oil in the dough.

We fry thin pancakes: pour a ladle of dough into the pan, distribute it over the entire surface, wait until the top of the pancake is baked and the sides are slightly browned - it's time to turn it over.
4. Once the pancakes are ready, you can start preparing the filling and assembling our snack cake. We boil potatoes and carrots "in their uniforms", eggs.

We peel the eggs, use three coarse graters and season with mayonnaise.
5. Put one pancake on a flat plate and grease it egg filling... Cover with the next pancake.
6. We clean the onion. Finely chopped. If desired, the onion can be soaked in water acidified with vinegar for 10-15 minutes or boiled over to remove the characteristic bitterness.
7. Any canned fish mnem in a plate with a fork.
8. Season with mayonnaise and onions.
9. We coat the second pancake with the fish filling, cover with the next one.
10. Peel the boiled potatoes, use three coarse graters and mix with mayonnaise.
11. Lubricate the third pancake with potato mass.
12. We do the same with carrots: peel, rub, season.
13. We spread the bright carrot filling on the fourth pancake.
14. Coarsely three cheese and mix with mayonnaise.
15. Grease the last fifth pancake.
16. Finely rubbing the cheese, sprinkle the snack cake and send it to the cold to brew a little.

The dish is ready! If desired, you can decorate it fresh vegetables or greens.

The master class of the recipe for a snack pancake cake turned out to be quite voluminous with photos, but making the dish is not at all difficult. In addition, it is really worth the effort, since the appetizer turns out to be much tastier and more tender than any. classic salad... And no doubt worthy of the highest praise along with everyone you love. Try it!

From which, in fact, I began to regularly prepare such dishes.

Not very frequent, but periodic. When, for example, ordinary pancakes are already fed up, or I bake them twice as much as necessary (this is most often the case, well, I cannot save on food), this is where the next recipe for a pancake cake appears on the stage. More often sweet.
Why is the recipe yet another? This is how I cook them from whatever comes to hand, in fact. These dishes are utilitarian, as they say. Therefore, I do not buy any products specifically for them, nor do I make any special preparations.

Here is the snack pancake cake. With mushroom filling. Prepared exactly from what was found in the refrigerator. IN best case, from what you can buy in a nearby store.
Why did such a recipe appear? Everything from mother laziness. I was too lazy to cook a liver cake (to be honest, I just forgot to buy a liver), and such an appetizer for the festive table had already been planned.
What to do? - Make pancake cake!

In fact, everything is the same, only from the most ordinary pancakes. But with mushroom filling, like in liver.
I must say, the guests decided that this was the plan, and the dish received universal approval and a start in life. Since then I have been doing it.
His, and a few more options - with canned fish, with tomatoes and pâté, with ... anything, really.
But today, for a small family celebration, I have two cakes behind me - this one with mushrooms, and also a sweet pancake cake with condensed milk.
I will do them at the same time, practically. By at least, I'll bake pancakes for both. Fortunately, the matter is simple and quick.
And the result is delicious and quite presentable.
So let's start.

From the amount of ingredients listed below, two options are obtained at once: sweet and snack. If you decide to stick with one of them, I recommend halving all the components.
I'll start by making a pancake cake with mushrooms. IN snack option you can not be limited to only one type of filling, but add variety in the form of a meat component, for example, or a vegetable one. Taste. Technology doesn't change.
And if you get into a culinary rage, then you can yeast dough start, and boil rice, well, make Kurnik, what is left here.
Joke. It would be easier for us, but faster.


For a snack pancake cake, we need:

for pancakes:

- chicken egg - 6 pcs.;
- wheat flour - 8 tbsp. l. with a slide;
- granulated sugar - 2 tbsp. l .;
- cow's milk - 1500 ml.;
- salt - 1 tsp;
- vegetable oil - for frying.

For filling:

- champignon mushrooms - 600 g;
- onions - 2 pcs.;
- processed cheese - 100 g;
- sour cream 20% - 250 g;
- salt, pepper, herbs, oil for frying - to taste and needs.

Starter products for snack cake pancakes.

Ingredients for the filling of our savory pancake cake.


To begin with, we will deal with the basis of the cake - pancakes. My pancakes are ordinary, with milk, I have already demonstrated them earlier, I have not changed the recipe. Only increased the salt, I do not like sweet mushrooms.
I prefer when everything is in one place and on one sheet, so as not to follow the links and read "there" how to make pancakes, so I duplicate the option of making pancakes in milk for a pancake cake.

First you need to decide on the container for the pancake dough. For many years, my unchanged taper server has served faithfully for these purposes. Heat milk for pancakes until warm, I do this in a microwave oven.

Chicken eggs are best taken from the selected category or increased to seven pieces. Drive eggs into a separate beating container.

Add salt to them,

And granulated sugar.

Beat everything well with a mixer. The pancake dough is ready.

Bake pancakes the traditional way, it is better to do this in a special pancake pan with a thick bottom and low sides,

In a lightly greased skillet vegetable oil on both sides.

Here's a stack openwork pancakes on milk

Used as cakes for a pancake snack cake.

Let's start preparing the mushroom filling for the snack pancake cake.

Rinse and peel the mushrooms, if necessary. Cut them as small as possible, so the cake will only turn out tastier.

Chop the greens, in my case it is a bunch of parsley.

Fry until golden brown as usual.

Now you need to add prepared mushrooms to the onion.

Do not cover the mushrooms with a lid, as soon as the water from the mushrooms evaporates by half, add sour cream.

It's time to add spices. The main thing is not to overdo it with salt, because cheese will also be added, in which there is also enough of it.

And then add the processed cheese.

Add greens to the filling last.

It is necessary to extinguish everything for another 10 minutes ...

The mushrooms can be allowed to cool, or you can not. This cake can also be eaten hot.

When you start assembling the cake, choose a flat dish as the dish. Two tablespoons of mushroom filling is enough for each pancake.

There can be any number of pancake floors, but one must remember that eating a cake should be convenient. You don't have to build a tower out of food like in cartoons. Slap on.

You can decorate the snack pancake cake with hard cheese grated on a coarse grater.

My homemates did not give him even 10 minutes to stand, and even more so to cool the pancakes and mushrooms, the photo even shows that there is still steam coming from the cake.

Literally from the heat of the heat snack cake with mushrooms turned out.

And then it ended - they ate it. Well at least I managed to take photos.

Bon Appetit!

  • Prepare pancake dough. Beat eggs and milk, add sugar, flour, salt. Stir the dough with a mixer. Rinse the dill, dry it, chop it. You can also use green onions and parsley if desired. Put the herbs in the dough. Mix.
  • Preheat a pan, intended for baking pancakes, grease it with oil. Fry the pancakes on both sides. There should be six pieces. Wash hard tomatoes, wipe, cut into slices. Grate the cheese coarsely, peel the mushrooms and cut into slices.
  • Fry mushrooms in a pan, lightly salt. Combine peeled pressed garlic with cheese. Lay out the pancake cake in layers. First, put a pancake, tomatoes on top, sprinkle with pepper and salt. Then put the mushrooms and cheese with garlic. Cover with pancake.
  • Repeat layers until you run out of pancakes. Sprinkle the last pancake with cheese. Preheat oven to 180 degrees. Put a diner puff cake from pancakes for 15 minutes. Remove, cool slightly before serving. Cut the cake into pieces and serve as a snack.

I bring to your attention enough original dish from ordinary beets. It will be a chicken and cheese snack cake. The cake looks very bright and beautiful, so you can safely offer it to guests for festive table... A cake is made from beetroot pancakes, which in themselves are quite tasty and are considered a completely finished dish. If there is no time to prepare the filling, you can simply grease the pancakes with mayonnaise and sprinkle with herbs and spices in the form of green or dried basil. It will be delicious to add hard-boiled and grated boiled eggs... I really like to use a combination of boiled chicken breast, pickles and cheese. And you can cook and sweet cake with sour cream, dried apricots, prunes and nuts. This filling also goes well with beetroot pancakes. I'll tell you my favorite recipe with a photo of a pancake snack cake.

Preparation time: 30 minutes.

Cooking time: 30 minutes.

Impregnation time: 1-2 hours.

Ingredients for 5 servings:

  • baked or boiled beets 2 root vegetables (medium)
  • raw egg 1 pc.
  • milk 100 ml
  • water as needed for the test
  • wheat flour 2 tbsp. l. (with a slide)
  • a pinch of salt
  • sugar or honey to taste
  • vegetable oil 30 ml
  • boiled chicken fillet or chicken leg 170 g
  • pickled cucumbers 2 pcs.
  • processed cheese 1 pack
  • mayonnaise to taste
  • 1 clove garlic
  • dill and green onions taste.

Pancake snack cake recipe.

1.To prepare this snack cake, you must first boil or (better) bake a few medium beets. Baked beets are much more aromatic than boiled ones, their color has a rich and bright shade. Peel the beets.

2.Previously, you will also need to boil the chicken fillet or leg. Alternatively, you can wrap the fillet in foil and bake it simultaneously with the beets (but watch the time here) for 15-10 minutes.

2. On a fine grater, grind the beets into a deep container.

3.Pour milk over the beets, beat in an egg, add a pinch of salt and sugar.

4.Now add to the container where you will make the dough wheat flour(2 tbsp. L).

5. Using a blender, grind all the ingredients into a homogeneous dough. Pay attention to the thickness of the dough, you may need to add a little water. This beet dough is slightly thicker in consistency than regular pancake dough... Before you start baking pancakes, let the dough rest for 15 minutes, let it stand on the sidelines.

6. In order not to waste time, get involved in the filling for the cake. Disassemble or cut the chicken with a knife, chop the pickled cucumbers on a coarse grater.

7. Transfer the chicken and cucumbers to a deep bowl, add the grated cream cheese there. To make the cheese rub well and not stick to the grater, hold it in the freezer for 10 minutes before that.

8. Season the filling with mayonnaise, add garlic, dill, and spices to taste.

9.Cook the beetroot pancakes in a hot, non-stick skillet. I usually use a pancake pan for this recipe. You will have about 10-15 pancakes.

10.To form a pancake cake, choose a beautiful plate, put the first pancake on it, distribute part of the filling on top.

11. The beetroot snack cake is ready, but it needs 1-2 hours to soak in a cool room.

12.To serve a birthday pancake cake, pay attention to its decoration. For example, cover the cake with mayonnaise strips, it is convenient to make a mayonnaise bag from a small hole. You can decorate the top of the cake with fresh herbs.

13.Serve as cold appetizer cutting into portions to guests right at the table. The festive beetroot pancake snack cake is ready. Bon Appetit!