Crab stick roll recipe. Crab stick rolls

It is believed that crab sticks are created exclusively for salads or sandwich fillings. However, after reading our article, you will be convinced that this opinion is fundamentally wrong. We will tell you how to make a wonderful appetizer - rolls from crab sticks... it original dish will help you out while preparing for a holiday or meeting guests.

How to make a delicious and quick snack from the most simple products? To make the basis for the roll, you need:

  • Remove crab sticks from packaging and thaw.
  • Find a fold on the outside, carefully separate it and unfold the plate completely.
  • Lay out the prepared filling in an even layer and wrap the base in the opposite direction.

Before serving, cut the sticks into small pieces, arrange them beautifully on a platter, garnish with vegetables and fresh herbs.

To do savory appetizer from the minimum amount of ingredients, you need:

  • Take a package of crab sticks, release them from the package and cook in boiling water for several minutes.
  • While the roll base is cooling, grate or chop with a knife two processed cheese... Squeeze the garlic (each individual determines its amount) through a press, and then mix with cheese and mayonnaise.
  • if you love boiled carrots then you can grate it and mix with the filling. If desired, you can add any chopped greens.
  • The cooled sticks need to be rolled out and spread with cheese mass. After that, they should be folded again, cut diagonally and beautifully laid out on a platter.

Ham snack

Making crab stick rolls will take you very little time. For this:

  • Grind three slices of ham, one boiled egg, one hundred grams of cheese, herbs and one clove of garlic.
  • Mix foods with mayonnaise.
  • Unwrap the crab sticks, spread the filling and wrap back.

The appetizer can be laid out on a plate in the form of rolls, or can be cut into small pieces.

Stuffed crab sticks in batter

As you already understood, crab rolls (recipes) can be combined with any food. However, if you really want to surprise your guests original snacks, then try using the following instruction:

  • Grate 200 grams of hard cheese, mix with two cloves of mashed garlic and a spoonful of homemade mayonnaise.
  • Place the filling in an even layer on the base, and then wrap in a roll.
  • For batter, grind two egg yolk with salt, add a glass of milk to them and stir again. After that, start adding flour in small portions until you get a dough of the desired consistency. Whisk the cooled egg whites into a foam, pour into the batter and mix again.
  • Gently dip the crab rolls into the dough and fry in vegetable oil on both sides until golden brown.
  • For the sauce, combine sour cream with garlic, herbs, salt, lemon juice and pepper.

Place the treat on a platter and place the prepared sauce next to it.

Sausage cheese roll

If you are planning to go on a picnic, then prepare a special treat for it. To bake this roll, you will have to spend a little more time, but the result will definitely not disappoint you:

Vietnamese rolls

You can also prepare this savory appetizer for festive table, and for a trip to nature. The filling for these rolls can be very different, but we suggest that you dwell on the proposed combination of products:

  • Take two fresh cucumber, peel them and cut into long cubes. To keep them crispy, place them in water with ice cubes.
  • Also cut the half of the avocado into cubes.
  • Submerge one sheet of rice paper in the water and place it on a napkin as soon as it gets wet. Place one stick, cucumber slice and avocado slice in the middle. Wrap the blank with an envelope and place on a plate.

Vietnamese crab rolls can be served with fish sauce. If you cannot find it in the store, then prepare it yourself. To do this, mix in a blender two cloves of garlic, one coarsely chopped chili pepper, one lime (juice and zest), 30 grams of sugar, 60 ml fish sauce and 30 ml of water. The finished sauce can be stored in the refrigerator for two days, but it is best served fresh.

Making crab rolls can be a fun activity for you. As you experiment with new toppings, you will soon learn how to make snacks with a wide variety of flavors.

Crab roll and crab stick dishes

Bought on the road in "Bill" crab roll For my taste, salty, but very tasty. But I did not understand how it was made. I went online, I haven't found that recipe yet, here are a few cute ones that I will share:

It turns out that crab sticks can be used not only in salads, but they can also be used to make excellent snack roll... The appetizer turns out to be tasty and bright. You can cook it in advance, and cut it just before serving. Check out the recipe for crab roll, and it will help you out more than once.


  • Crab sticks- 200 g
  • Egg - 5 pcs.
  • Milk - 3 tablespoons
  • Wheat flour - 5 tablespoons
  • Vegetable oil- 2 tbsp.
  • Cheese - 150 g
  • Boiled egg - 3 pcs.
  • Garlic - 4 cloves
  • Mayonnaise - 100 g
  • Dill greens - 1 bunch
  • Salt to taste


Servings - 10-12.
Cooking time - 45 minutes.

Crab stick roll: a recipe for how to cook

Break the eggs into a saucepan. Add flour, vegetable oil, milk, salt to taste to them and beat everything with a mixer.

Free the crab sticks from the packaging film and grind, you can grate on a fine grater.

Add them to egg mixture, mix well. Add chopped dill greens here, about 2 tablespoons. Put baking paper on a baking sheet, grease it with vegetable oil and pour the prepared mixture. Spread it evenly and place the baking sheet in the oven. Bake for about 15 minutes at 180 degrees.

While the omelet is being prepared, prepare the filling. To do this, grate cheese and eggs on a fine grater. Chop the garlic with a press. Chop the dill greens, combine everything, season with mayonnaise and mix thoroughly. The filling is ready. You can add additional chopped crab sticks to it, bell pepper and whatever you wish is a matter of taste.

We take the finished omelet out of the oven, let it cool slightly and carefully remove it from the paper. Then we distribute the filling over the entire surface and roll it into a roll.

Wrap the roll in plastic wrap and keep in the refrigerator for 5-6 hours.

Chop when serving. The appetizer is ready.


For two servings: 4 crab sticks, 2 eggs, 2 tbsp. l. cream, 1 small
carrots, a quarter of a small celery root, a small Bulgarian
pepper, 1 p. lettuce, 1 p. green onions, 2 tbsp. l. sunflower oil,
mayonnaise, salt, black pepper.
Wash the salad, dry it, beat 1 egg with cream, salt and
Spice up. Make an omelet. Carrots, celery and bell peppers
cut into thin strips, simmer in boiling water for 2-3 minutes, strain and
dry. Cut the omelet and crab sticks into large noodles.
Put chopped vegetables, crab sticks and
omelette. Roll up into a bouquet. Fix with feathers of green onions. To lay out
on a plate. Serve mayonnaise separately.

250 g crab rolls, 200 g mayonnaise, 1 each red and 1 yellow
bell pepper.

For the dough: 3 eggs, 1 tbsp. flour, 1 tbsp. beer, 1 tbsp. milk, 0.5 tbsp.
sunflower oil, salt, sugar, spinach leaves.

Knead the dough, add the scalded spinach puree and fry thin
pancakes. Put each pancake on an unfolded crab roll, grease
mayonnaise, sprinkle with chopped pepper. So repeat with all layers.

240 g crab sticks, 400 g sour cream, 2 p. Spinach, 15 g gelatin, 2-3
a clove of garlic, 1 p. dill, salt, pepper.

For the sauce: soy sauce and sour cream.

Soak gelatin in 2 tablespoons of water, melt in a water bath.
Beat sour cream with salt and pepper. Scald the spinach with boiling water, add
chopped dill, garlic and chop in a blender. Mix gently
sour cream, finely chopped sticks, spinach and gelatin. Put in molds
and refrigerate. Serve with the sauce, turning the dish over.

240 g crab sticks, 2 processed cheese, 200 g mayonnaise, dill, leaves
lettuce, 8 medium tomatoes.

Cut off the tops from the tomatoes and remove the core. Grate cheese
chop the sticks, chop the dill. Mix everything, stuff
tomatoes and put on lettuce leaves.

240 g crab sticks, 200 g cheese, 1 tbsp. boiled rice, 2 eggs, 8 pcs.
young beet with leaves.

For the sauce: 200 g sour cream, 1 tbsp. flour, 2 tbsp. butter, 400 ml of broth from

Mix chopped crab sticks with grated cheese, rice, eggs.
Season with salt and pepper. Stuff the beets with this mass, fold into
saucepan and stew in sour cream sauce.


200 g fresh mushrooms, 300 g crab sticks, one sweet each
bell pepper (red, yellow and green), 100 g ham, 3-5 tbsp.
vegetable oil, 4 tbsp. lemon juice, salt, olives, pepper,

Rinse the mushrooms, peel and boil in salted water with spices or
fry, chop. Bell pepper, chop ham and crab sticks
straws. Mix everything, add salt, pepper, lemon juice, refuel
vegetable oil. Ready salad decorate with herbs and olives.


3 points of crab sticks, 1b. canned mixture of red beans,
green beans, corn and peas, 4-5 Peking leaves
cabbage, 2 cloves of garlic, 1 bunch of parsley.

For refueling: 4 tbsp. mayonnaise, 2 tbsp. ketchup, 1 tbsp. cognac.

Put the canned beans mixture in a bowl, add the chopped
crab sticks, cabbage, parsley and garlic. Sprinkle with salad dressing when serving

200 g crab sticks, 100 g seaweed, 1 can canned
corn, 2 pears, 2 pickled cucumbers, 1 blue onion, 300 g of cheese,
4-5 cloves of garlic, mayonnaise.

Finely chop crab sticks, onions, cucumbers and cheese. Stir, add
cabbage, corn, passed through a garlic cloves of garlic,
salt, season with mayonnaise. Serve in fanned pears.


200 g crab sticks, 2 bunches of spinach, 3 pcs. onions, turnips, 2 processed
cheese, 3 tbsp. l. butter, 2 eggs, 2 tbsp. l. sour cream.
For the test: 2 tbsp. flour, 150 g margarine, 1 tbsp. l. sour cream.

Peel the onion, cut into half rings and fry in oil, add the leaves
and fry for a couple of minutes. Remove from stove and cool. At that time
Knead the dough, roll it out, put in a mold with a side and bake for 15 minutes. v
well preheated oven. Add grated curds to the onion, chopped
crab sticks, eggs and sour cream. Season with salt and pepper. This mass
put on a cake layer, tighten with a layer of dough, decorate with dough figurines and
bake for 20 minutes.


400 g crab sticks, 6 eggs, 0.5 tbsp. milk, 1 bunch of parsley, salt,
pepper, 1 b. pickled mushrooms, oil for frying.

Beat the omelet well from eggs, milk, chopped parsley, salt and pepper
mass. Cut the crab sticks into thin strips. On red-hot
oiled baking sheet, pour omelette, top with rows of crab
straws and bake in a preheated oven for 8-10 minutes. Another warm omelet
roll up and cut into stumps. Decorate with mushrooms and trickles
ketchup and mayonnaise.



500 g crab rolls, 200 g mayonnaise, 100 g Korean carrots, 1 bundle
For decoration: olives, herbs.

For the test: 4 tbsp. flour, 4 tbsp. milk, 50 g butter, 3 eggs, 20 g
yeast, 1 tsp. sugar, salt, oil for frying.

Dissolve yeast and sugar in warm milk. Add flour, salt, eggs and
melted butter. Stir well and leave in a warm place for 30
min. After the dough is suitable, bake pancakes up to 1 cm thick.
Assembling the cake: grease the pancake with mayonnaise and spread the unrolled crab
roll, grease again and lay out a layer of carrots with chopped herbs. So
continue with all layers. Decorate the cake, chill well and serve.

100 g crab sticks, 200 g cooked sushi rice, 1 mango, a few
sheets of dried seaweed nori, parsley, spices.

Cut the crab sticks and mango into cubes. Spread out on the table
bamboo mat, cover with cling film. Lay out evenly
rice, cover with a sheet of nori. Place mangoes, crab sticks and
chopped parsley. Use a mat to roll up into a tight roll. Get hold of
the resulting film roll, roll it in spices and cut into rolls
about 3 cm thick.


1 avocado, 2 tsp olive oil, 1 lime, 50 g crab sticks, ½
grapefruit, salt, pepper, parsley.

Peel the avocado, separate the pit, grate the pulp on a fine grater.
Squeeze lime juice, mix with olive oil and add to avocado.
Pour the resulting sauce into a glass. 1/2 grapefruit, peeled and chopped
slices. Chop crab sticks and parsley. Mix the grapefruit
crab sticks and parsley, salt and pepper. Add the mixture to


100 g crab sticks, 4 buns, 100 g chicken fillet, 1 tomato,
stalked celery, lettuce, parsley, mayonnaise, 1 clove
garlic, salt, pepper.

Chop crab sticks, celery stalks, tomato and boiled
chicken fillet... Mix everything, salt, pepper and season with sauce from
mayonnaise, chopped parsley and minced garlic. Cut buns
along and take out a little crumb. Put lettuce and crab leaves inside

240 g crab sticks, 300 g watermelon pulp, 100 g feta cheese, 1 b.
black olives b / c, 1 p. lettuce leaves.

For refueling: 2 tbsp. tomato juice, 2 tbsp. vegetable oil, salt,
Cut crab sticks, watermelon and feta into cubes. Tear lettuce leaves.
Cut the olives into slices. Mix and fill everything.

"Crab salad with broccoli"

broccoli - 400 gr.
crab sticks - 200 gr.

First, we boil broccoli ... I take already frozen cabbage, so
I throw broccoli into boiling salted water ... as soon as the water is again
boil, you can remove the broccoli from the heat ...
glass water ... Chill and divide into inflorescences ...
Chop crab sticks ... and add to broccoli .. Salt and season

200 g crab sticks, 3 boiled eggs, 2 onions, 3 tbsp. l. creamy
butter, 100 g of hard cheese, salt, pepper, a pinch of marjoram.

For the test: 2 tbsp. flour, 3 eggs, 2 tbsp. beer, 2 tbsp. warm water, pinch
salt, sugar, 0.5 tbsp. sunflower oil.

Finely chop the onion and fry in oil. Add chopped sticks,
grated cheese and eggs. Season to taste.
Knead the dough from the specified products and put on a warm for 15-20 minutes.
a place. Fry thin pancakes, wrap each filling and lightly
fry until golden brown. Serve with sour cream.

Bagels with crab sticks

Puff pastry(yeast or yeast-free), half of the package,
a pack of crab sticks 200gr,
bunch of green onions
1 teaspoon mustard

Roll out the dough, cut into strips, and then into triangles (width by
the size of a crab stick). Put the filling on the wide part of
chopsticks, onions (I did without onions) and mustard, wrap to make
small bagel
Bake for 15 minutes at 180g.
Highly delicious snack both hot and cold.

Crab sticks and herring salad

We will need:
2 packs of crab sticks
3-4 black olives or olives
2 hard boiled eggs
150 g boiled rice
3 tbsp canned corn
100 g salted herring
1 cucumber

Just chop everything finely, mix, pour abundantly with mayonnaise,
garnish with finely chopped cucumber on top.

Crab sticks in batter

1 pack of crab sticks,

50 g cheese, 2 eggs, 2 tablespoons. mayonnaise, garlic

1. Defrost the crab sticks.
2. Make a batter: grate the cheese on a fine grater, add 2 eggs, mayonnaise,
a few cloves of garlic.
3. Dip crab sticks in batter and fry on all sides on
sunflower oil.
4. Serve chilled.

Crab balls

crab sticks - 7 pcs.
red bell pepper -1/2 pcs.
White bread- 1 slice
green onions- 2 feathers
chopped parsley - 2 tbsp.
mayonnaise - 2 tbsp.
mustard - 1/2 tsp
egg - 1 pc.

cheese - 50-70 gr.
salt pepper
Finely chop the crab sticks and pepper, rub the cheese on a fine grater,
add crumbled bread, chopped onions, parsley. Also add
raw egg, mustard and mayonnaise, salt, pepper and mix. We will form
balls slightly larger than Walnut, put on a baking sheet and
put to bake for 20 minutes at medium temperature.

Tip: If the mass turned out to be liquid and does not stick well, add more
some bread crumb and leave to stand for a while.

300g smoked sausage cheese or regular solid
15-20pcs. olives
2 cloves of garlic
1-2 tbsp. tablespoons of mayonnaise
50g crab sticks

Put the sausage cheese in the freezer for a while. Frozen cheese
rub on a fine or medium grater.
Add cloves of garlic to the cheese, finely chopped with a knife (this is much
tastier than passing garlic through a crusher), and mayonnaise. Mayonnaise you need
put so much to get a plastic mass. There is also shallow
chop the dill.
Grate crab sticks or crab meat on a separate plate.
A small amount of cheese mass (about 1 tsp), knead in
cake, put an olive (or olive) on it and roll into a ball.
The cheese mass turns out to be quite sticky, so I recommend pouring it into
a bowl of water and rinse your hands after each ball. With wet hands
it is much easier to sculpt balls, and they turn out to be slightly damp and on them
more crab chips stick.
Roll the resulting balls in crab shavings.
Put the dish with corals in the refrigerator to solidify.

Stuffed crab sticks.

crab sticks - 12 pcs., hard cheese - 50 g, garlic - 3 cloves, egg,
mayonnaise - 2 tbsp. spoons, canned green peas - 1 can,
parsley - 3 sprigs

Hard boil the egg, cool under cold water, clear. Separate
egg yolk. Finely chop the protein, grate the yolk on a fine grater.
Grate the cheese on a coarse grater. Chop the garlic. Stir the egg
protein, cheese, garlic, season with 2 tablespoons of mayonnaise.
Carefully unfold the crab sticks, add the minced meat and roll up again.
Dip each stick from both ends in the remaining mayonnaise, then in
Put on a dish, garnish green peas, arrange with leaves

Salmon appetizer
We need:

lightly salted salmon (sliced)
crab sticks
soft cheese"Philadelphia" with the addition of greens
fresh dill
cling film

Boil the eggs and cut into slices in an egg cutter
Chop the dill, add to Philadelphia, stir to make
homogeneous mass.
you need several molds, or espresso cups, you can use
glasses, cupcake molds.
Line the cups tightly with cling film, leaving the
so much film on the edges so that you can then close the cups from above
Lay out the salmon slices and shape into shape.
Fill the form halfway with the filling, put the pieces of crab sticks and
fill again with the filling.
Close up with a slice of salmon
Wrap the edges of the foil, press firmly and tamp lightly.
Refrigerate for a couple of hours.
Cut the lemon into slices.
After a couple of hours, take it out of the refrigerator, open the film and turn it over
a cup on a slice of lemon, on a plate.
Decorate as desired

100 g crab sticks, 1 cup boiled long and wild
rice, 100 g boiled shrimp, 1 avocado, head salad, salt, pepper,
1 tsp cognac, 3 tbsp. olive oil, juice of ½ lime.
Chop crab sticks. Peel and dice the avocado. Finely
chop the salad. Mix everything, put shrimps, salt and pepper.
Make a dressing with olive oil, cognac, and lime juice. Pour it into
salad, stir and let it brew for 20 minutes.

Crab sticks with meat on skewers

Crab sticks (long), pork meat, green onion, egg for
string onion, crab stick and meat alternately on wooden skewers
then roll in flour, dip in egg batter and fry on
vegetable oil (the fire must be weak, otherwise the batter will burn, and the meat
may not be fried) cut the finished dish into several pieces and

Crab stick salad

Required Ingredients
Peking cabbage - you can ordinary
Green onion
Crab sticks

Cooking method
Boil eggs, peel, cut into cubes. Crab sticks also
chop, chop the cabbage, chop the greens. Mix all ingredients and
corn, season with thick mayonnaise and garnish with a sprig of greens! Such
it is advisable to season salad before serving, because Chinese cabbage
will become soft and in a few hours the salad will lose its appearance, taste
qualities change. So by no means keep it until the next

Cheese roll with avocado and crab sticks

What you need:
Gouda cheese 300 g
mayonnaise 1/2 pack
garlic 1-2 cloves
boiled beets 2 pcs.
vegetable oil
salted herring 1/2 fillet
avocado 1/2 pc.
crab sticks 3 pcs.
greens 1 bunch

How to cook: Finely grate the cheese and garlic. Add mayonnaise to the cheese mass, mix. Spread cling film on the work surface. Lightly grease with vegetable oil. Put the cheese mass in the form
quadrangle. Grate the beets and squeeze well, distribute on the cheese base. On one side of the roll, lay out herring fillets, avocado and crab sticks as shown in the photo. Roll up gently
all contents in a roll. Chop the herbs finely. Remove the film from the roll, roll in greens (you can in sesame seeds) and put in the refrigerator for about an hour. Can be served immediately. but we recommend letting the roll soak.
Cut the roll into portions and serve. We recommend serving chopped fresh black bread with this dish.

Hot beer snack

- 400 g crab sticks
- 250 g of cheese (from soft varieties)
- 200 g mayonnaise
- 15 g seafood spices

- cut crab sticks
- grate cheese
- put in a container: crab sticks, part of cheese, part of mayonnaise,
- mix everything thoroughly, pour the remaining mayonnaise on top, sprinkle
leftover cheese

Close the lid and put in the microwave: 4 minutes power 100% +
another 4 minutes power 80%.

Cooking process:
We cut the crab sticks.
Three cheese on a coarse grater.
We spread the crab sticks, add some of the grated cheese there.
Add mayonnaise and spices.
Mix everything well.
Fill with the remaining mayonnaise.
Sprinkle the remaining cheese on top, close the lid and send to
microwave for 8 minutes


7-8 boiled eggs
250g crab sticks
200g of any hard cheese
300g of fried mushrooms (if any, but you can do without them)
drain. butter

Coarsely chop eggs, crab sticks, dill, grate cheese
grater. Mix all this by adding fried mushrooms, mayonnaise, melted
butter... Mix.
Spread out one on the table thin pita, grease it with mayonnaise, on top
the second pita bread, grease with mayonnaise. Lay out the filling, smooth it all over
pita bread, roll up. Cut in portions, put in a mold for
baking, pour over the mixture: beat two eggs with mayonnaise and sour cream
pepper, and bake in the oven until golden brown. Delicious like
hot and cold.

Bouquet salad

. Shrimps (boiled) - 150 g
.Crab sticks - 100 g
.Boiled carrots - 2 pieces
. Boiled egg - 2 pcs.
Canned pineapple (washers) - 4 pieces
Pickled mushrooms - 80-100 g
.Garlic - 2 tooth.
.Greens (for registration)
. Sweet pepper (red, for decoration)
.Cheese (for toast, in plates) - 3 pieces

How to cook:
1. Peel the boiled shrimp from the shell.
2. Chop finely.
3. Cut the crab sticks into cubes.
4. Peel and chop the eggs.
5. Dice the pineapple as well.
6. Chop the mushrooms.
7. Combine all ingredients, salt, add passed through a press
garlic, season with mayonnaise.
8. Place the salad on a flat dish.
9. Boiled carrots peel, grate. Distribute on top of the salad evenly
10. Cut each slice of cheese into 4 pieces.
11. The resulting squares are folded into a small bag - these are flowers.
12. Making a salad in the shape of buds. Decorate with herbs.

Snack salad "Crab cake"

Cut 200 gr of crab sticks, 100 gr. grated cheese, 2 eggs
hard boiled, 350 gr. mayonnaise, a pack of salty little crackers. Everything
mix, lay out in the form of a cake, decorate, let it infuse.

Sticks in sour cream
Necessary products:

»Crab sticks, 250 g.
»Sour cream, 200 gr.
»Milk, 1 stack.

»Cut crab sticks into rings;
»Simmer chopped sticks in a frying pan in a small amount
vegetable oil;
"As soon as the sticks are" opened ", add milk and sour cream;
»Salt a little;
»Simmer the sticks for 5 minutes;
"Tubules" or rice are perfect as a side dish.

step 2

Wash the cucumbers and cut into very thin longitudinal plates. This can be done with a vegetable peeler. Cut the crab sticks into small pieces.

step 3

On one end of each cucumber plate, place a little cooked curd mass, place pieces of crab sticks on top. Roll the cucumbers starting at the end where the filling lies.

Original, holiday snack very easy to make with regular crab sticks. If you have little time left before the arrival of guests, then you can quickly and easily make rolls from crab sticks, for which you can choose the fillings from the products available in the refrigerator. This time I accidentally had a jar of cod liver, so the first step by step recipe- rolls of crab sticks stuffed with cod liver, eggs and walnuts.


In order to cook stuffed crab sticks you will need products:

  • regular packaging of crab sticks
  • 2 eggs
  • 0.5 jars of cod liver
  • one third cup of walnuts
  • mayonnaise for dressing
  • any greens - optional
  • salt and pepper to taste

The process of making stuffed crab sticks stuffed with cod liver:

  1. Crab sticks need to be removed from the freezer and freed from the wrapper.

    In order not to wait until they defrost, as well as in order for them to easily unfold later, they need to be placed in the microwave for 2-3 minutes in the “defrosting” mode.

  2. We will need boiled eggs: put them, pouring water, cook hard boiled for 10-15 minutes.
  3. Chop the walnuts.
  4. 3. Mash the eggs with a fork along with the cod liver.
  5. Add chopped walnuts.
  6. Season the filling with mayonnaise, mix everything.

    You can also add to it, if desired, juice from half a lemon, as well as any chopped greens.

    Taste the filling, add salt and pepper if necessary. The cod liver filling for crab sticks is ready.

  7. We will spread the filling on unfolded strips of crab sticks and carefully roll them up with a tube.

    If you have purchased long crab sticks, then the rolls can be cut in half.

  8. Now we beautifully lay out the rolls of crab sticks stuffed with cod liver on a dish that can be decorated with slices of cherry tomatoes, lemon and dill.

Bon Appetit!

A crab stick snack stuffed with cod liver can be eaten as independent dish, it can be served with beer - for fans of a foamy drink.

Fillings for crab stick rolls - chicken, cheese and eggs

Crab sticks are nourishing and tasty. stuffed with filling from chicken, eggs and grated cheese. It's easy to prepare - the ingredients are crushed and seasoned with mayonnaise, and you can add a crushed garlic clove to add a savory flavor to the snack.


For rolls of crab sticks stuffed with chicken, cheese and eggs, you will need the following products:

  • 150 g boiled chicken meat
  • 150 g cheese hard varieties
  • mayonnaise for dressing
  • 2 eggs
  • salt and a clove of garlic - optional

The process of making chicken, cheese and egg filling:

Bon Appetit!

Fillings for crab stick rolls - mushrooms, cheese, eggs and shrimp

As you already understood, you can carry out various experiments with filling for crab sticks - combine different products in them. Tasty and original filling is obtained from mushrooms fried with onions, with the addition of grated cheese and tender meat shrimp. We will fill the filling with mayonnaise, it is not forbidden to crumble dill or parsley into it.


To make stuffed crab sticks with original filling from mushrooms, cheese, shrimp and eggs you will need products:

  • standard packaging of crab sticks
  • champignon mushrooms - 150 g
  • onion head
  • hard cheese - 150 g
  • 2 eggs
  • shrimp - 100 g
  • some dill or parsley
  • mayonnaise for dressing, salt and pepper to taste

The process of making a filling of mushrooms, cheese, eggs and shrimp

  1. Cook the eggs hard-boiled, then cool, free them from the shell and chop them with a knife, knead them with a fork or grate them.
  2. Wash the mushrooms, clean them of earth particles, cut them into small plates.
  3. Fry in a pan, after pouring a little oil, until all the liquid has evaporated.
  4. Peel the onions, cut into small cubes.
  5. Saute the onion in a little vegetable oil until golden brown.
  6. Grate the cheese on a coarse grater.
  7. Cut the shrimps into small pieces.

    If you have shrimp in a shell, then you need to defrost them slightly, throw them into boiling water. As the water boils, immediately turn it off, drain and, as the shrimp cool, free them from the shell.

  8. Wash the parsley and chop finely.
  9. Mix all the ingredients, season with mayonnaise, salt and pepper to taste.
  10. Carefully turn the crab stick into a layer to break it.
  11. Let's start stuffing the crab sticks - wrap a little mushroom, cheese, eggs and shrimp filling in delicious rolls. We will beautifully arrange and decorate on a dish.

Bon Appetit!

You can make several types of crab rolls at once with different fillings to the table, thereby surprise and delight your guests with a festive, original, cold snack.

An appetizer in the form of crab stick rolls looks beautiful on the table, causing a remarkable appetite.

All types of fillings for crab sticks are not only tasty, but also very satisfying, so they are swept away by guests first.

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Crab sticks often help out when you need to hastily prepare an easy, tasty and hearty dish: salad, rolls, rolls, etc. Stuffed crab sticks Is an easy-to-prepare appetizer that is perfect both for every day and for a festive table.

How to stuff crab sticks?

Filling for crab sticks it can be different, everything depends on your imagination and the products in the refrigerator, you can cook original stuffed crab sticks with:

  • cheese;
  • mushrooms;
  • cod liver;
  • cottage cheese;
  • an egg;
  • sprats.

For cooking stuffed crab sticks you need to adhere to only one rule, before stuffing the sticks must be defrosted (if you do not use chilled crab sticks).

Stuffed crab sticks with cheese and egg


  • 10 crab sticks;
  • 2 boiled eggs;
  • 2 packs of processed cheese;
  • 10 olives or olives;
  • a few cloves of garlic;
  • mayonnaise;
  • dill greens.


Pre-boiled eggs must be grated on a fine grater, and cheese must also be grated. Pour all the grated ingredients into a container, add chopped garlic, mayonnaise and mix well, you should get a homogeneous mass.

Crab sticks must be defrosted in advance so that they unfold well. Spread the cheese and egg filling on the unfolded crab stick with a spoon. The filling should cover the crab meat evenly. Gently roll up into a small roll. Ready crab rolls cut into portions.

Stuffed crab sticks with hard cheese


  • crab sticks packing - 200 gr.;
  • hard cheese - 100 gr.;
  • hard boiled egg - 1 pc .;
  • 1 clove of garlic;
  • mayonnaise.


For the filling, grate on a small grater hard cheese and an egg, mix them with mayonnaise and squeezed garlic and stir until smooth. Spread the cheese mixture evenly on a crab stick and roll it up into a tube. Before serving crab stick rolls can be cut into halves and garnished with lettuce leaves.

Crab sticks stuffed with cod liver


  • Crab sticks - pack 200 gr.;
  • Cod liver - 1 can;
  • Egg - 2 pcs.;
  • Lemon - half;
  • Walnut is a large handful.


Boil the eggs hard-boiled and divide them into yolks and whites. Cut the nuts into small pieces with a knife. In a plate, mix the cod liver, yolks and nuts until smooth. We spread the unfolded crab stick with the prepared mass and roll it into tubes (rolls). Grate the egg whites on a fine grater before serving. Crab sticks stuffed with cod liver put on a dish, sprinkle with grated egg white on top.

Crab sticks stuffed with tuna


  • packing of crab sticks - 300 grams;
  • Jar canned tuna- 200 grams;
  • Hard boiled eggs - 3 pieces;
  • Dill, parsley - 5 branches;
  • Mayonnaise - 2 tablespoons.


Boiled eggs must be grated or finely chopped with a knife. We take out the tuna fillet from the jar, put it on a plate, knead it with a fork, add the grated eggs and a few tablespoons of mayonnaise. Stir until smooth. Unfolded crab sticks must be greased with the resulting minced meat and rolled into tubes. When serving, crab sticks with filling can be cut in half obliquely, put on a plate and garnish with herbs.

Crab sticks stuffed with tomatoes and cheese


  • Crab sticks - 300 grams;
  • Tomatoes;
  • Skim cheese;
  • Dill, parsley - 5 branches;
  • Lettuce leaves;
  • Salt pepper to taste.


Finely chop the tomatoes and mix with soft low-fat cottage cheese, salt, pepper. We unfold the crab sticks, put a leaf of lettuce, put the filling on top and roll it into a roll. Crab sticks stuffed with tomato and cottage cheese are ready.

Crab sticks stuffed with saury and egg


  • Crab sticks - 300 grams;
  • 1 can of saury;
  • 3 pcs. boiled eggs;
  • 2 tbsp. tablespoons of mayonnaise;
  • 1-2 tbsp. spoons of boiled rice;
  • a bunch of dill;
  • Salt pepper to taste.


For the filling, knead the saury with a fork, add 3 boiled eggs (grated), 2 tablespoons of mayonnaise, 2 tablespoons of boiled rice and finely chopped dill, salt to taste. Grease the prepared crab sticks with the filling and twist with a tube, before serving, the stuffed crab sticks can be cut into portioned pieces.

Crab sticks stuffed in batter


  • Crab sticks - 200 gr.;
  • Processed cheese (or hard) - 200 gr.;
  • Garlic - 2 cloves;
  • Mayonnaise - 2 tbsp. l .;
  • Dill greens;

For beer batter:

  • Beer (chilled) - 100 gr;
  • Water (cold) - 100 gr;
  • Wheat flour - 1 tbsp.;
  • Chicken egg - 2 pcs.;
  • Salt - a pinch;
  • Vegetable oil for frying crab sticks in batter.


Grate the processed cheese on a fine grater, add chopped garlic and herbs, mix well with mayonnaise.

If the crab sticks are frozen, then they must first be thawed and carefully unfold, put about 1 teaspoon of the filling, flatten it, and roll into its original shape.

Separate the egg whites from the yolks into separate containers. Add salt to a bowl of yolks and stir with a fork, add water and beer, beat with a fork or whisk. Now gradually add the sifted flour (you can immediately through a small strainer), stir well so that there are no lumps. Now you need to beat the whites and add to the batter (yolks), gently stirring the mass with a spoon or spatula.

Put a small saucepan on the fire, pour in vegetable oil and heat well (there should be enough oil to completely immerse the crab stick). Soak the stuffed crab sticks in the batter and gently lower them into the preheated batter and fry the golden brown batter. Put the fried crab sticks on paper napkins to get rid of excess fat. Cut the stuffed crab sticks into pieces and serve with garlic sauce... Bon Appetit!

Crab sticks stuffed with cottage cheese


  • 1 pack of crab sticks;
  • 250 gr - cottage cheese;
  • One fresh cucumber;
  • Parsley greens;
  • 2 teaspoons of soy sauce;
  • 2 cloves of garlic.


To prepare the filling for crab sticks, you need to mix cottage cheese, finely chopped parsley, chopped garlic and soy sauce. Spread the filling evenly on an unfolded crab stick with a knife or spoon and wrap it in a roll. Crab sticks, stuffed with cottage cheese ready to put them on a plate, cut the cucumber into thin slices and decorate the dish.

Crab sticks stuffed with feta cheese


  • Packing of crab sticks 200 gr;
  • feta cheese - 100 gr;
  • garlic - 2 cloves;
  • mayonnaise - 2 tbsp. spoons;
  • boiled chicken eggs- 2 pcs.


Put the cheese in a plate, add mayonnaise, garlic squeezed through a press, eggs grated on a fine grater and mix until smooth. Carefully unfold the crab sticks and grease with the resulting filling, then twist them back into a tube. Cut the stuffed crab sticks in half, lay them beautifully on a plate and decorate with parsley.

Crab sticks stuffed with mushrooms and eggs


  • processed cheese - 100 gr;
  • pickled champignons - 6 pcs;
  • hard boiled chicken egg - 2 pcs;
  • packaging of crab sticks;
  • onion 1 pc;
  • sour cream;
  • greens.


To prepare the filling, finely chop the mushrooms, grate two eggs on a fine grater. Mix the prepared products with sour cream, add salt to your taste. Put the filling on an unfolded crab stick and roll it up. For a beautiful presentation, crab sticks can be laid out on lettuce leaves.

Crab sticks stuffed with shrimps


  • 300 gr - crab sticks;
  • 200 gr - frozen shrimp;
  • 3 pcs - hard boiled eggs;
  • 150 gr - hard cheese;
  • 2 cloves of garlic;
  • 3 tbsp. tablespoons of mayonnaise;
  • dill greens;
  • black pepper.


First, boil the shrimp - pour water into a small saucepan, bring to a boil, add frozen shrimp, boil for one minute. Remove the pan from heat, cover with a lid and leave for 5 minutes.

Rub the cheese on a fine grater, crush the garlic. Finely chop eggs, shrimps and herbs. In a separate deep bowl, fill all the ingredients with mayonnaise and mix.

Put the filling on the crab stick and carefully wrap it in its original position. Cover the finished sticks with cling film and send them to the refrigerator for 1-2 hours.

Crab sticks stuffed with corn and cheese


  • 8 pcs - crab sticks;
  • 50 g - canned corn;
  • 2 pcs - hard boiled eggs;
  • 50 gr - hard cheese;
  • salt pepper to taste;
  • 2-3 tablespoons of mayonnaise


For the filling, you need to grate cheese and eggs, mix with corn and mayonnaise, you should get a homogeneous mass of filling. The crab stick must be unfolded, filled with filling and rolled into a tube. We do the same with the rest of the sticks.

Ready-made stuffed crab sticks on a plate can be garnished with dill or parsley.

Crab sticks stuffed with sprats


  • 100 g - canned sprat;
  • 100 g - crab sticks;
  • 100 gr - hard cheese;
  • 2 cloves of garlic;
  • 2 tablespoons of mayonnaise;
  • salt pepper to taste.


Prepare the filling, for this we take out the sprats from the jar, put them on a plate and knead them with a fork. Add grated cheese, mayonnaise and chopped garlic to the sprats, add salt and pepper to your taste.

Spread the filling on each unfolded crab stick and roll it into a roll. Serving the stuffed crab sticks on the table, put them on the lettuce leaves.

Cold appetizer from crab sticks with filling

Crab stick roll got the name "Marble" due to its bright appearance... Crab sticks are the ideal product for different kind snacks. Delicate structure and amazing taste, which is not to be confused with anything, make crab sticks a favorite product even for those who are not enthusiastic about fish dishes... became a strong competitor. Once abroad, I was surprised to find that few people are familiar with crab sticks, and even less often you can meet someone who knows what can be made from them.

A crab stick snack is the star of every meal. It has never happened before that I have not been asked for a recipe. Roll of crab sticks "Marble" one of my favorites as it is easy to prepare and does not require any special ingredients. Crab sticks are usually always present in my freezer, which is why this recipe is in the "magic stick" section.

You can use vegetables as a filling, for example. It is better to cut the roll just before serving, then it will be as juicy and tender as possible.


For the basics:
crab sticks - 200 g
egg - 2 pcs.
mayonnaise - 3 tbsp. l.
flour - 3 tbsp. l.
parsley greens - 1 bunch
salt / spices to taste

For filling:
boiled egg - 2 pcs.
cheese - 150 g
garlic - 2 cloves
mayonnaise - 3 tbsp. l.


Boil hard-boiled eggs for the filling. At this time, finely chop crab sticks and herbs. We mix crab sticks, herbs, flour, mayonnaise, raw eggs, salt and spices:

We line a baking sheet baking paper and on it we distribute a mixture of uniform thickness (0.5-1 cm), forming a rectangle or square:

Place in a preheated oven at 350 A (180 C) for 15-20 minutes. Readiness can be determined easily by touching the surface. If not sticky / wet, you can get it out. While the base for the roll is cooling, chop the boiled eggs finely or three on a grater. Three cheese on a grater. Mix eggs, cheese, garlic and mayonnaise. When the base for the roll has cooled down, evenly distribute the filling over the entire surface: