Onion pies with egg recipe. Funky egg and green onion patties

Delicate taste pies with eggs and onions are familiar to everyone from childhood. They were necessarily baked by their beloved grandmother or prepared for the holidays by their mother. Sometimes tasty options this dish could be bought in the dining room. Making pies with egg and onion is not difficult. It is enough to master the minimum of the simplest recipes.

While there are no problems with fresh herbs all year round now, the green onion and egg fillings are most popular with the season of ground vegetables and herbs. You can, without waiting for summer, grow green onions at home. To do this, just put a few onions in water, place them on any windowsill and in a couple of weeks get green onions for filling into pies.

Egg and onion pies - photo recipe

Your mark:

Cooking time: 2 hours 0 minutes

Quantity: 6 servings


  • Flour: 500 g
  • Water: 250 ml
  • Sugar: 20 g
  • Yeast: 9 g
  • Eggs: 1 raw in dough and 5-6 boiled
  • Green onions: 150 g
  • Salt: to taste
  • Vegetable oil:50 g for dough and 150 g for frying

Cooking instructions

    Pour warm water into a large bowl. Its temperature should be about + 30 g. Add sugar, yeast, salt. Stir. Add the egg. Stir again. Pour in 2 cups of flour, start kneading the dough with a spoon. Pour in oil and add more flour. The mass should be neither fluid nor too dense. Adding flour, knead the dough until it freely moves away from the table surface and from your hands. Place the finished dough in a warm place.

    Chop the onion and eggs.

    Transfer the filling to a suitable bowl, add salt to taste, stir. The onion and egg filling for pies will be tastier if you add a sprig of dill or parsley to it.

    When an hour has passed and the dough “grows up” twice, you need to divide it into pieces. Lovers of large patties can separate pieces weighing 80-90 grams. Lovers of miniature or medium-sized patties can separate smaller pieces.

    Make a flat, rounded cake from each piece. Place the filling in the center of the dough.

    Connect and pinch the edges of the onion and egg patties.

    Let the blinded pies "rest" on the table for 10 - 12 minutes.

    Fry yeast pies with onions and eggs on both sides until golden brown.

    Fried yeast dough pies with onions and eggs will appeal to everyone at home and guests.

    Recipe for pies with onions and eggs in the oven

    This version of the pies is usually made from yeast dough. To carry out at least two dozen finished products you will need:

  • 3 chicken eggs;
  • 2 glasses of kefir or yogurt;
  • 50 gr. butter and sunflower oils;
  • 1 kilogram of regular wheat flour;
  • 1 bag of dry yeast;
  • pepper and salt to taste.

For filling have to take:


  1. For dough, all eggs are broken into a deep container and beaten with a mixer, a whisk or just two forks with salt until a thick foam appears.
  2. 50 grams of butter, 50 grams of vegetable oil, kefir or yogurt are carefully added to the resulting mixture.
  3. Flour is mixed with pepper and dry yeast. The resulting mixture is added to the egg mass and kneaded thoroughly.
  4. The dough is allowed to rise twice, with a mandatory increase in volume by about two times. The finished mass should lag well behind the hands. If it remains thin, add a little more flour.
  5. For the filling, all the products listed in the recipe are finely chopped and mixed into a homogeneous mass.
  6. The dough is divided into individual pieces, about the size of a fist. The blank for the pie is rolled out to a thickness of 5-6 millimeters.
  7. Put the filling on it and carefully pinch the edges. After a short proofing, the surface of the pie is greased with vegetable oil or an egg.
  8. Baked in hot oven 25-30 minutes, gradually reducing the strength of the fire.

How to make pies with onions, eggs and rice

Many sweet tooths like original pies with eggs, onions and rice. Such products turn out to be a little sweet and very satisfying. To do this tasty addition for dinner you can from any kind of dough. Experienced housewives use:

  • yeast;
  • puff;
  • unleavened.

The filling of green onions, boiled eggs and boiled rice goes well with any type of dough.

To prepare a filling containing three components, have to take:

  • 8 hard-boiled eggs;
  • 100 grams of green onions;
  • 1 cup cooked rice
  • 50 grams of butter;
  • 0.5 teaspoon.

You can add a small amount of pepper if desired.

In the filling for pies with egg, green onions and rice, butter must be added. Otherwise, such a filling will turn out to be too dry. In the case of using "long" rice, the oil should be taken even more.

To prepare the filling, all components must be finely chopped with a sharp knife and mixed thoroughly. The prepared mixture should be left to stand for 10-15 minutes. The onion will give juice during this time.

Prepared and shaped patties can be oven-baked or pan-fried in vegetable oil. The cooking process takes, depending on the size of the patties, from 20 to 30 minutes.

Lazy pies with onion and egg

  • 2 chicken eggs;
  • 0.5 cups of kefir;
  • 0.5 cups sour cream;
  • 0.5 teaspoon salt;
  • pepper to taste;
  • 1.5 cups of wheat flour (the exact amount is determined independently until the consistency of a thick dough for pancakes is obtained);
  • 1 bag of baking powder or half a teaspoon of baking soda.

For filling required:

  • 4-5 hard boiled eggs;
  • 100 grams of green onions.


  1. For the test, beat the eggs thoroughly with salt and, if used, pepper. Gradually add sour cream, continuing to beat, pour in kefir. The last step is to knead the flour with baking powder.
  2. Chop the boiled eggs and green onions, mix and add to the prepared dough. Further lazy pies with egg and herbs are prepared as usual pancakes.
  3. Most often used for frying vegetable oil... You can fry in a mixture of butter and vegetable oils. Future lazy patties are fried on each side until appearing golden crust for about 5 minutes. Large lazy pies can be put in a hot oven to make it through.

Dough for pies with onions and eggs - yeast, puff, kefir

The advantage of the universal filling of eggs and green onions is the ability to use the very different test... You can try making pies on such common options as yeast and puff pastry, dough on kefir.

For the simplest yeast dough required:

  • 300 milliliters of milk;
  • 1 bag of any dry yeast;
  • 1 tsp granulated sugar;
  • 0.5 teaspoon salt;
  • 3 cups wheat flour;
  • 1-2 chicken eggs;
  • 50 milliliters of vegetable oil.


  1. Heat the milk to about 40 degrees Celsius. Add sugar, salt and 2-3 tablespoons of flour to it. Add yeast and rise. After 20-30 minutes, the dough will approximately double in volume.
  2. Pour all the remaining flour into the risen dough, add eggs, vegetable oil, mix thoroughly and leave to rise again for about 40 minutes. Cover the container with the dough with a towel or cling film.
  3. Choosing the preparation of puff pastry pies, the easiest way is to use semi-finished products already prepared in industrial conditions.
  4. Cooking is the quickest option. kefir dough... You need to take kefir and sour cream in equal shares, about 0.5 cups each. Some housewives replace sour cream with mayonnaise.
  5. In the resulting mixture, you need to extinguish 0.5 teaspoon of soda or add 1 sachet of baking powder. Beat in 3-4 chicken eggs and add flour until dough, like for pancakes. You will need 1 to 1.5 cups of flour.

To prepare delicious pies with an egg and onion, you need to consider a few mandatory points:

  1. You need to roll out yeast or puff pastry very thinly so that the filling takes up most of the finished product.
  2. Pies can be fried or baked. They turn out to be equally tasty.
  3. Green is used in the preparation of the filling, not onion.
  4. A wide variety of greens can be added to green onions, including dill or parsley.
  5. Instead of onions in season, you can add young beet tops to the filling.

You can eat delicious pies both hot and cold. They complement broth or hearty borscht well. Original products with green onions and eggs will surely please family members and guests of the house as a separate dish served with tea.

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I already have one recipe for pies with onions and eggs, but from yeast dough and for the oven. Still, it is more suitable for winter, and in spring and summer, preference is given quick baking... This is exactly what I suggest - fried pies with green onions and eggs. In a frying pan, they are fried for no longer than ten minutes, the dough is kneaded yeast-free in kefir with the addition of soda. He does not need to part, after kneading it is enough to lie down for half an hour and you can sculpt pies. The dough is universal, very successful, suitable for sweet and savory fillings.

In the preparation of fried pies according to this recipe, there are two basic rules: do not hammer the dough with flour, make it soft, plastic. And put more filling, given that the green onions will lose volume. Then the pies will be delicious!


To prepare fried pies with onions and eggs, you will need:

  • low-fat kefir - 1 glass;
  • egg - 1 pc;
  • sugar - 1 tbsp. l;
  • table salt - 1 tsp without a slide;
  • soda - 1 tsp;
  • sunflower oil - 1 tbsp. l. + 0.5 cups for frying;
  • flour - about 400 g

In the filling:

  • green onions - 4 large bunches;
  • eggs - 5 pcs;
  • vegetable or butter oil - 2 tbsp. l;
  • salt to taste;
  • ground pepper - 0.5 tsp (optional).

How to cook fried pies with green onions and eggs. Recipe

I break an egg into a bowl, add salt and sugar. Shake with a whisk until smooth.

Pour slightly warmed kefir into another container with a larger volume, add sunflower oil... I stir until the oily stains disappear.

I pour in a teaspoon of baking soda. It will be extinguished with kefir, but if you have an increased sensitivity to a specific soda aftertaste, extinguish with vinegar and then mix with kefir.

After adding soda, kefir will begin to foam and bubble. I leave it for a minute for the reaction to end.

Connecting egg mixture with kefir. Stir quickly.

I add flour in portions. In the first dose, you can add two-thirds of the specified amount. Then add a little, so it is easier to achieve the desired consistency of the dough.

I mix flour with liquid ingredients. At this point, the dough will be loose, lumpy and slightly sticky when kneaded.

I add a little more flour, start kneading with my hands. At first, the dough is sticky, but the flour should be added in metered doses so as not to "clog" it, and grease your hands with oil.

A well-mixed dough will be as soft and smooth as an earlobe. Feels like homogeneous, elastic, plastic. I cover it with a film, let it stand for half an hour.

I untie the bunches of green onions, rinse them under cold water. I sprinkle it on a towel, twist it into a roll and squeeze it lightly. Again I collect in bunches, I cut onion feathers into rings.

I boil hard boiled eggs. Let it cool down in a very cold water... I cut into cubes of medium size.

I pour onions, eggs into a bowl, season with salt and black pepper to taste. Be sure to try the filling, it should be slightly salty.

To prevent the onion from scattering, pour in a couple of tablespoons of oil. I added sunflower seeds, you can melt the creamy one.

I mix everything well. After adding oil, the filling becomes viscous, it will not spill out when forming pies.

I dust the board with flour. I grease my palms with oil. I divide the dough into 10-12 pieces of the same size.

I roll up rounded blanks. I will fill a few pieces, cover the rest so that the top does not wind up.

I knead it into a cake, make the edges thinner, thicker in the middle. I put a couple of tablespoons of the filling in the middle. The edges remain free.

I connect the edges of the tortilla over the filling, starting from the center. First, I walk in one direction, make a comb.

Then the same way to another. You will get an even seam, tightly pinched without open areas. I tuck the comb inside.

I turn it over with the seam down, give the pies a neat shape. I also form the rest of the blanks.

Fry immediately after shaping. I pour 1.5-2 cm of oil into a frying pan. I heat it over medium heat. I spread a few pies, leaving free space between them. Fry on one side for 4-5 minutes, until a uniform thin crust.

The second side is fried the same amount or a little faster. You can put the pies on a barrel so that all sides are golden brown.

As soon as it turns brown, I pry the pies with a spatula, remove them on a plate covered with napkins.

Well, fried pies stuffed with green onions and eggs are ready! It remains to use it with tea, broth or under a plate of hot soup. If you don't eat everything, they are no less tasty the next day. Only reheat in a skillet over the lowest heat, turning constantly. The pies will feel like fresh, soft and crisp. For lovers of fast inexpensive baking I can also offer, with tea to "hurray!" are coming. Bon appetit, everyone! Your Plyushkin.

One of the recipe options can be viewed in video format

What dough can be used to make pies?

Baked pies are best cooked with yeast dough, then they will be very soft, fluffy and will not become stale for a long time. Butter dough kneaded in milk or kefir, with the addition of eggs and butter, and fresh - in water and vegetable oil.

The dough for fried pies can be either yeast or yeast-free, they work well with soda and kefir (sour cream), with custard or pancake dough. Cognac or vodka can be added to the batch for better blistering and crunching.

Pies with onions and eggs in the oven

One of the most delicious and uncomplicated yeast dough recipes. Preparing safe method, with milk and dry yeast, with the addition of eggs and butter. If there is no milk in the refrigerator, you can use warm water, and replace the butter with vegetable oil. In any case, the pies will be soft and tasty. They bake well inside, stay fresh for a long time. I use green onions and hard-boiled eggs as the filling. Some housewives add boiled rice for satiety, and for the flavor of dill - you can try this option for a change.

Total cooking time: 2 hours 30 minutes
Cooking time: 20 minutes
Output: 18 pieces (1 standard baking sheet)


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    First of all, you need to dissolve the yeast in warm milk. I warm up the milk in microwave oven 30-60 seconds, although you can heat it on the stove in a saucepan if that's more convenient for you. The temperature of the liquid should be comfortable, within 36-38 degrees, no more, otherwise the yeast will die. I add yeast, salt and sugar to the warmed milk, mix well so that they dissolve.

    Instead of dry yeast, you can take fresh in the amount of 25 grams.

    Next, I add melted butter and an egg - they should also be room temperature... Refined vegetable oil can be used instead of butter. I stir with a fork or whisk, but without whipping, here the task is to completely separate the egg and fat.

    I sift the flour through a sieve - sifting will saturate it with oxygen, due to which the dough will "breathe" better and rise well. First I add half the flour, that is, about 300 grams, stirring with a whisk.

    When it becomes difficult to stir with a whisk, I add the remaining flour. I sprinkle it in small portions, knead the dough with my hands (you can use a mixer with hook attachments).

    Depending on the quality and moisture content of the flour used, a different amount of it may leave. The dough needs to be felt. It should turn out to be soft, pliable, not sticking to your hands. Yeast dough loves contact with warm hands and long kneading, so it is advisable to knead it for at least 10 minutes. Then you need to cover with a towel and send to a warm place, for example, near a radiator, where there is no draft. Let the dough rest for 1 to 2 hours.

    And we just have time to prepare the filling. Hard-boiled eggs, I cut into cubes. I wash a couple of bunches of green onions, dry them and chop finely with a knife. To remove the pungent smell and characteristic bitterness that onions can give, I sauté them in butter. So, I dissolve the butter cube.

    And I send the white part of the onion into the pan first, it is tougher than green feathers, so it needs to be fried for 1-2 minutes longer.

    As soon as the onion becomes softer, I send the chopped green feathers into the pan, fry for literally 20-30 seconds, until soft, and remove the pan from the heat.

    Combine eggs and stewed onions, salt and pepper, mix. The filling is ready.

    The dough should grow in size by about 2 times. Since we kneaded it with dry yeast, it is already possible to form pies. If you cooked with pressed wet yeast, wrinkle and leave warm for another 30-40 minutes for the second set.

    I divide the dough into small portions - 50 g each, the size of a chicken egg.

    I roll the koloboks with my hands, then flatten them into flat cakes. I spread 1 spoonful of the filling in the center and pinch the edges tightly. The result is oblong patties, however, you can give them any shape you like.

    I put the pies seam down on a baking sheet lined with parchment paper(it is possible without parchment, then grease with oil). There should be a distance between them, because they will grow in volume. I leave it on the door of a preheated oven for proofing (or in another warm place where there is no draft, covering it with a towel on top).

    After 20-30 minutes, the products will noticeably grow and "swell", which means that it is time to send them to the oven. But first, I grease the top with a loose egg so that the crust turns out to be shiny and reddened. Additionally, you can sprinkle with sesame seeds.

    I bake for 15-20 minutes, always in a preheated oven, at 180 degrees.

    As soon as they are ready, I immediately remove them from the baking sheet, transfer them to a bowl or on a wooden board, cover them with a towel on top to "breathe" and cool slowly. These are the beauties turned out, soft and very tasty, help yourself!

More recipes

Pan-fried onion and egg patties

If you are not in the mood to bake pies in the oven, then you can cook them in a frying pan, deep-fried. The crispy crust and appetizing ruddy barrel beckon, and the hand reaches out for the next portion. Add a couple of tablespoons of sour cream or garlic Sause for serving - and in general it is impossible to tear yourself away!


for the test:

  • milk - 1 tbsp.
  • dry yeast - 11 g
  • flour - 3.5-4 tbsp.
  • sugar - 2 tbsp. l.
  • salt - 0.5 tsp.
  • vegetable oil - 4 tbsp. l. + for frying

For filling:

  • green onions - 200 g
  • eggs - 4 pcs.
  • salt and pepper - 2-3 chips.

At unpaired way, unlike sponge, the dough is kneaded in one step. That is, yeast, liquid and other ingredients are mixed immediately and left warm. This method is especially good for fast acting dry yeast.
How to cook:

  1. Dissolve a package of yeast in warmed milk, immediately pour in the butter, add sugar and salt. Add flour in portions (sifted, top grade), knead a pliable dough.
  2. Put it in a warm place for 1.5-2 hours.
  3. For the filling, finely chop the onion, sprinkle with salt and mash it with your hands to give juice. Combine with hard-boiled eggs and chopped on a coarse grater, season with pepper.
  4. Carefully wrap the dough that has come up with your hands, and then immediately start sculpting the pies.
  5. Spread dough products seam side down in hot oil, fry over medium heat, until golden brown. Ready pies blot with paper towels to remove any excess grease.

Lazy pies with onion and egg

A quick recipe, kneading the dough takes less than 10 minutes! Patties are called "lazy" because the filling immediately interferes with the dough. It turns out a kind of baked pancakes. An excellent option if you need to quickly and satisfyingly feed your family.


  • eggs - 2 pcs.
  • soda - 1 tsp.
  • kefir - 200 ml
  • flour - 6-8 tbsp. l.
  • sour cream - 30 ml
  • salt - 2-3 chips.
  • sunflower oil - 2-3 tbsp. l.
  • boiled eggs - 2 pcs.
  • green onions - 1 bunch.

The dough on kefir can be kneaded with yeast or quick - on a fermented milk product and soda. Warm kefir, eggs, salt and soda are combined, and then flour is added to the mixture to make a cool dough. After that, you can immediately start shaping and deep-fry them. As a result of the reaction of soda with an acidic medium, the pie dough grows and bubbles well in boiling oil.

How to cook:

  1. In a large bowl or saucepan, combine all liquid ingredients, that is, eggs, kefir and sour cream, whisk lightly. All food should be warm.
  2. Add baking soda and a little salt, stir vigorously and set aside for 2-3 minutes to extinguish the baking soda in the acid on its own.
  3. Add flour in parts to get a thick dough, like for pancakes, it should be dense, not drip, but fall off the spoon.
  4. Add finely chopped onions and eggs to the pancake dough. Stir.
  5. Scoop with a tablespoon and place in hot oil in portions. Fry until golden, over medium heat, so that the pies are baked inside. Always serve warm with sour cream.

Pies with onions on kefir

Another recipe delicious pies- from yeast dough on kefir (without soda, sponge method). For the filling, onions are used, which are available all year round... It gives baked goods a special aroma and pleasant sweetness. You can bake in the oven, but fried in a pan will turn out to be especially tasty, ruddy and airy.


for the test:

  • flour - 480-500 g
  • egg - 1 pc.
  • vegetable oil - 2 tbsp. l.
  • kefir - 200 ml
  • salt - 0.5 tsp.
  • sugar - 2 tsp
  • fresh yeast - 25 g
  • water - 50 ml

For filling:

  • onions - 4 pcs.
  • boiled eggs - 4 pcs.
  • butter - 50 g

The sponge method is used for "heavy" products with a high baking content. Includes two stages. First, a dough is prepared: yeast is dissolved in warm milk, salt, sugar and a couple of tablespoons of flour "for feeding" the yeast are added. After 15-20 minutes, when the "cap" rises, you need to add butter, an egg and all the remaining flour. After two approaches of the dough, you can form pies, they will turn out to be very soft, of high quality.

How to cook:

  1. Dissolve the yeast in warm water (milk of any fat content can be used instead of water), add sugar and 1 spoonful of flour. Leave for 5-10 minutes somewhere in a warm place until a "cap" is formed.
  2. Pour slightly warmed kefir into the resulting dough, add a large egg, refined oil and salt. Add flour in parts, knead the dough until it stops sticking to the board and hands. If necessary, you can soak your hands in oil. Heat bowl for 1 hour to rise.
  3. Prepare the filling: chop the onions into cubes and sauté in butter, then combine with chopped boiled eggs, season to taste.
  4. Pound the grown dough with your hands slightly dipped in vegetable oil.
  5. Divide into 40-50 gram portions. Spread into flat cakes the size of your palm, put the filling inside and form pies. Do not sprinkle the work surface with flour, but grease it with oil, so you get rid of smoke when frying, the flour will not burn.
  6. Fry in hot oil over medium heat, about 3-4 minutes each.

Very tasty fried pies are obtained on, which is kneaded in just 15 minutes. First you need to combine part of the flour, salt, sugar and butter, steam everything with boiling water, and then add it to the warm mixture fast acting yeast... Knead soft dough, leave for only 5-7 minutes to rise, after which you can immediately start molding.

Puff pastries with leek and egg

The recipe involves the use of purchased, ready-made puff pastry, although if you wish, you can, of course, knead it yourself. Leeks and eggs are great for filling. Ham cubes or fried mushrooms can help enrich the flavor.


  • yeast-free or yeast puff pastry - 500 g
  • leeks - 250 g
  • boiled eggs - 3 pcs.
  • ham or mushrooms - 200 g
  • butter - 30 g
  • black pepper and salt to taste
  • raw egg - 1 pc. for lubrication

For puff pastries, the dough can either be used ready-made, rolled out and frozen, from a pack. Defrost it, cut into squares, put the filling in the center and pinch the edges, bake in the oven until golden brown at 200 degrees for 15-20 minutes.
How to cook:

  1. Defrost the dough. Roll it lightly into a rectangular layer and divide it into 10x10 cm squares.
  2. Rinse the leeks thoroughly, chop into small segments. Simmer it in butter for 5-6 minutes, until soft, then add the diced ham, fry for another 1-2 minutes. Chop the eggs and combine with a roast, season with salt and pepper. If you use mushrooms (champignons or oyster mushrooms are suitable) instead of ham, then fry them separately until fully cooked.
  3. Place the filling in the center of each dough square. Lubricate the edges with a loose egg, form pies, walk along the edge with a fork, pressing for better fixation.
  4. Place the blanks on a dry or parchment-lined baking sheet. If the dough is yeast, then let it rise for 30 minutes. If it is yeast-free, then immediately send it to bake.
  5. On top, grease the products with the remaining egg to make golden brown... Bake for 20-25 minutes, until firm crust and full readiness of the dough, at 200 degrees.

Whatever recipe and technology for making pies with onions and eggs you choose, the result will definitely delight your loved ones. Cook with love!

Recipes for making pies with onions and eggs in the oven.

After a long winter that does not end for a long time, you want lightness, strength, and also freshness. In this case, the diet can significantly change towards the use of fortified foods. In this article, we'll show you how to make egg and onion patties.

Pies with green onions and eggs in the oven: a simple recipe

In springtime our tables are really fill up fresh herbs, which are rich in vitamins and minerals. Many housewives, rejoicing in the spring greenery, try to include it in the menu to the maximum. Therefore, pies and pies with arugula, sorrel, spinach, parsley, dill, and green onions are often prepared. Young onion feathers are very rich in vitamin C, which is deficient after winter.

Therefore, pies with green onions and eggs in the oven, make a great snack or supplement to your main meals. The main problem with this dish is that the filling can be very dry. This is due to the fact that the eggs themselves are rather dry, and fresh onion feathers do not always contain sufficient juice. That is why they often resort to some tricks, and additional components are introduced into the filler.


  • The main task is to make the pies fluffy, fluffy, and the filling juicy. In order for the dough to turn out soft, while not drying out, try to add some kind of fat. It can be both animal and vegetable.
  • If you don't have butter, you can save money by adding there interior fat, or melted lard. These fats are hardly noticeable in baked goods, but give them fluffiness and softness. You can take pressed yeast rather than dry yeast. Of course, it is best to pre-mix them into a dough. Some of the activated yeast is added directly to the flour, and only then the warm liquid is poured.
  • Read the instructions on the packaging, which depends on the type of yeast. If you like small filling, you can not chop the eggs, but grate them on a coarse grater. The optimal time for boiling eggs is 10 minutes. Try not to overcook them, so the yolk turns blue, it becomes more rigid.
  • In this case, the white and yolk after baking become hard, pour out of the pie. You can supplement the onion with parsley and dill. They go well together. In addition, it will become a real cocktail of vitamins. If you do not have yolk to lubricate the surface of your products, you can use sweet tea or butter mixed with water. It also contributes to browning. Some housewives even use mayonnaise.

Here is the simplest recipe for making pies with green onions and an egg in the oven.

You will need the following ingredients for the dough:

  • 0.5 kg flour
  • 700 ml warm sour milk
  • 20 g dry yeast
  • 25 g sugar
  • 50 ml sunflower oil
  • Salt to taste
  • 300 g green onions
  • 6 eggs
  • Salt pepper
  • 50 grams of high fat mayonnaise

Pies recipe:

  • To knead the dough, you must first prepare the dough. In most cases, it is best to initially make a so-called dough, which becomes a real container for yeast to multiply.
  • Yeast and sugar are poured into warm milk. It is necessary to leave this mixture for 20-30 minutes. A dense foam will appear on top, which must be stirred.
  • Next, salt is poured in, sunflower oil is added, and the liquid is poured into the flour in a thin stream, with constant stirring. It is necessary to make an elastic lump.
  • Next, eggs are boiled, the onion is crumbled into rings, mayonnaise is added to the filler. If desired, you can add salt and pepper.
  • Mayonnaise in this case is a moisturizing ingredient that prevents dry filling. Next, you need to leave the dough to rise for about an hour and a half.
  • It is best if it is a warm place. You can also cook according to a different recipe and leave the dough overnight on the bottom shelf of the refrigerator.
  • After removing the dough from the refrigerator, you can immediately resort to cooking. After that, mugs are made, which are filled with minced meat and laid out on a greased sheet.
  • It is necessary to let the products rise for about 40 or 60 minutes. The surface is greased with an egg and baked in a cabinet at a temperature of 200 degrees, about 30-40 minutes. These pies go well with soups, and will be an excellent addition to meat dishes.

Puff pastries with green onions and egg in the oven

Many housewives want to save time, so they strive to quickly prepare the ingredients, but so that the finished products are tasty. This will help semi-finished products, or rather puff yeast orwithout yeast dough ... We recommend using yeast.

Minced meat products:

  • 4 eggs
  • Large bunch of onion feathers (approx. 300 g)
  • Salt pepper
  • 50 ml fat sour cream
  • 450-500 g yeast puff pastry
  • Boil the eggs, chop them finely, along with the onion. Mix, add salt, pepper, and sour cream, stir.
  • Place the floured dough on the table and roll it out to about 0.5 cm thick
  • Using a pizza knife, cut into 7 cm squares. Place about a tablespoon of minced meat in the center of each square, connect the corners diagonally to form a triangle.
  • Glue the seams, lay on a sheet. It is not necessary to lubricate it with oil, as in puff pastry contains a large amount of fat that flows out during cooking. Accordingly, they do not stick to the sheet.
  • Now you need to take a raw yolk, grease it with a silicone brush and apply to the products. Leave them to proof for about 30 minutes.
  • When the finished products "grow up" a little, they can be placed in the oven. The baking temperature should be 180 degrees.
  • Bake until browned. This is approximately 20-30 minutes. Thanks to the use of ready-made dough, the dish is prepared very quickly. This is a great option if you are expecting guests and there is nothing to the table.

Chives with egg: filling for pies in the oven

Many people wonder how to make the filling more moist, not so dry. There is a certain secret that will make the minced meat really juicy and rich.

Ingredients for minced meat:

  • 4 eggs
  • Salt pepper
  • 60 ml sunflower oil, preferably unrefined

Recipe for making pies with green onions and eggs:

  • Chicken eggs are boiled until tender and finely diced.
  • Feathers are crumbled into small rings with a sharp knife. It is necessary to heat all the oil in a frying pan until very hot. It needs to start smoke.
  • Pour the whole onion into the prepared oil and stir quickly with a wooden spatula. It is necessary that the vegetable is completely covered with hot oil, but does not change its color.
  • Turn off heat immediately and remove from stove. Now salt the eggs, add the pepper and the prepared onion. Under the influence of hot oil, the onion releases all its juice and aroma into the filler.
  • At the same time, its bitterness is eliminated, and a piquant aftertaste remains. Thanks to this technique, the minced meat is moist and juicy.

Pies with rice, egg and green onions in the oven

Some housewives add rice to baked goods with onions and eggs. This helps to make the filler more moist and juicy.

To knead the dough, you will need the following components:

  • 220 ml of kefir
  • 15 g dry yeast
  • 50 ml sunflower oil
  • 20 g sugar
  • Salt to taste
  • 4 eggs
  • 100 g of rice cereal
  • Beam beam
  • 60 g butter
  • Salt pepper

Recipe for making pies with green onions and eggs:

  • Prepare the dough. It is necessary to add yeast, sugar to warm kefir, let stand until a fluffy foam is obtained in the container.
  • Further, salt is poured in, ghee and flour are introduced. The dough needs to be very soft and stick to your hands. Knead it, leave it to rise for about an hour and a half.
  • Next, stir the dough again to remove any bubbles from the yeast propagation. Divide the lump in two. Roll each of them into a layer 5 mm thick.
  • Using a glass, cut out circles with a diameter of about 8 cm. For minced meat, boil the rice in salted water until tender, add oil, salt, pepper, add chopped eggs and onions.
  • Place filler in the center of each mug and pinch the edges. With the seam down, place the items on a greased sheet, then apply the yolk on top with a silicone brush. Leave on proofing for about 30-40 minutes. Bake at 220 degrees until tender.

Pies with cottage cheese, green onions and egg in the oven

Many housewives are used to cooking from cottage cheese sweet filling... However, despite this, the curd- This great product for salty pies. It goes well with hard cheese, herbs, and eggs. For baking, it is better to use ready-made puff pastry, pGet half a kilogram of ready-made semi-finished product.

For minced meat, you will need the following components:

  • 300 g soft cottage cheese, preferably sour and fatty
  • 300 g onion feathers
  • 4 eggs
  • 50 g butter
  • Salt, pepper to taste


  • It is necessary to grind the curd with a spoon until you receive homogeneous mass... If it's crumbly, you can add sour cream or melted butter. It is necessary that the curd be a pasty consistency.
  • Next, boil hard-boiled eggs, chop them into small cubes and add chopped onions. Add salt and pepper. Defrost ready dough, roll it into a layer, 0.5 cm thick.
  • Cut into circles or squares. Lay out the filler, join the edges together and lay on a sheet. You don't need to grease it, just sprinkle it with flour.
  • Grease the tops of the pies with yolk and bake in the oven at 180-200 degrees, until golden brown.

Lazy pies with green onions and egg in the oven

There is another unusual one, interesting way cooking baked goods with egg and onion. The main advantage is that you do not need prepare the dough.


  • 200 g thin Armenian lavash
  • 6 eggs
  • Large bunch of onions, weighing 300 g
  • Salt pepper
  • 50 ml sour cream
  • 30 ml butter, ghee

Recipe for Lazy Pies with Green Onions and Egg in the Oven:

  • For cooking, you need to use a sharp knife or a pizza roller to cut the pita bread into squares measuring 10 by 115 cm. Lubricate the center of each pita bread with sour cream.
  • Boil eggs, chop them, mix with onions, add salt and pepper. Place minced meat in the center of each pita bread and join the edges. Lubricate the surface with butter and egg yolk.
  • These large envelopes are necessary to properly wrap the pies. You need to immediately put the filling on one side, put the other on top, and wrap it in the form of an envelope.
  • You can see how to do this in the diagram below. Products are baked for 10-15 minutes in the oven at a temperature of 200 degrees. Try not to overdry the pita bread so that the minced meat is juicy and the pies are delicious.
  • This is one of the laziest options and will allow you to make pies in just a few minutes.

Unleavened pies with green onions and eggs in the oven

One of the most simple options cooking such a dish is to use unleavened dough... The fact is that it is prepared without the addition of yeast, so there is no need to leave it to rise. That is, the food can be prepared immediately after kneading the dough.

  • 6 eggs
  • 200 g green onions
  • 50 g sunflower oil
  • Salt pepper

For the test:

  • 400 g flour
  • A glass of kefir
  • 1 egg
  • Baking powder
  • Pepper
  • A little sugar
  • 20 ml sunflower oil


  • For unleavened pies with green onions and eggs in the oven, knead the dough. Combine all the components until an elastic mass is obtained. You can also use baking soda as a baking powder, you do not need to extinguish it with anything, due to the use of kefir. After that, roll the lump into a layer, about 4 mm thick.
  • Prepare the filling. Boil eggs, chop the herbs. Heat oil in a hot skillet and add onion. Simmer for one minute under the lid and add eggs, salt and pepper.
  • Place the filling in the center of each dough mug, pinch the edges and lay on a sheet. Brush with butter or egg. Bake at 220 degrees for 25 minutes. They turn out to be less fluffy than yeast ones, but quite tasty and fast. The main thing is not to overdo it with baking soda and baking powder, so as not to get an unpleasant aftertaste.

This is one of the simpler options. homemade baked goods... Be sure to prepare such a dish for your loved ones.

VIDEO: Pies with onions and eggs in the oven

What a blessing that the days when egg and green onion patties were seasonal baked goods are gone. Today, green onions can be bought in any season, so make delicious treat from childhood can be at any time of the year.
In our family, both fried in a pan and baked in the oven are equally loved. Today we will fry in a pan =)

Pies with onions and eggs in a pan - a recipe with a photo


For the test:

  • 20 gr. dry yeast (or 40 g fresh);
  • 250 ml. water;
  • 250 ml. milk;
  • 1 egg;
  • 1 tea a spoonful of salt;
  • 2.5 cups flour (you may need more or less depending on the density of the flour and the moisture in the kitchen);

For filling:

  • 3 eggs;
  • 80 gr. green onions (small bunch);
  • 50 gr. butter;
  • Salt;
  • Pepper;

How to make the dough

In this recipe, I use mine favorite dough for fried pies. It turns out to be airy, light, with a crispy crust.
To prepare the dough, measure out 250 ml. warm milk.
Add the same amount (250 ml.) warm water... We mix.

Check the yeast for freshness in a separate bowl.

When working with yeast dough, we just need the yeast to be of high quality, fresh, work well and be able to "lift" almost any dough.

To check, pour the yeast into a small bowl, add 0.5 cups of warm water, 1 tsp. a spoonful of sugar. We leave for 5-7 minutes.

If the yeast is working, a frothy head will appear in the bowl.

Now we take a large bowl in which the dough will fit. We break one egg, add 1 tsp. a spoonful of salt, mix.
Pour out yeast, milk.

Add sifted flour, knead the dough.

The dough should be cool and not stick to your hands. Cover the dough with a damp towel soaked in hot water and place in a draft-free place.

It will take 1-1.5 hours to rise the yeast dough.
While the dough for pies with onions and eggs is coming up, let's start filling.


Finely chop the green onion feathers.

Yeast based butter dough can be prepared delicious for tea. Take note of this recipe!

Cool, clean, cut eggs into small cubes.

Mix onions and eggs.
Salt and pepper.

Add melted butter.
The butter in the filling will hold the individual ingredients together and add flavor.
The filling for pies with onions and eggs is ready.
In the meantime, the yeast dough has come and you can start doing the most pleasant thing - creating delicious pies.

After removing from the bowl, the yeast dough should be kneaded and held on the surface for 20 minutes.

We collect vegetable oil in the palm and separate small balls from the dough. Put the balls on a surface greased with vegetable oil (or you can sprinkle it with flour).
We leave the balls for 20 minutes.
Pies with onions and eggs can easily replace a hearty dinner, just like or.

Flatten the dough balls that have come up with our fingers and put the onion and egg filling in each piece.

In the meantime, put the cooking oil on the fire; use a deep skillet in which the pies will float during frying, evenly frying on all sides.

We close the pies, they turn out to be oblong. Always make patties no larger than the amount that fits in the pan when frying. This will allow not to sour those pies that are waiting for their turn.

Gently lower the pies into well-heated oil.
Put the ruddy pies on a paper towel and then cover in a separate bowl.
The onion and egg pies are ready!
I would be very grateful for your comments and feedback on the recipe!

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