National dishes of Poland recipes. Polish cuisine: recipes

Traditional Polish dishes are very nutritious, but at the same time very tasty. Polish cuisine is dominated by meat dishes cooked in a variety of ways. We especially recommend trying dishes such as bigos, pork chop, perogi (like dumplings) or golombki (cabbage rolls) (see below). Polish cuisine famous for its excellent bread and sausage.

The most popular products in Polish cuisine are: sauerkraut, beets, cucumbers (pickled and gherkins), sour cream, kohlrabi, mushrooms, different varieties sausages. Dishes become delicious thanks to such spices as: marjoram, dill, caraway seeds, parsley, pepper. Poles' favorite dessert is pies and pastries. A typical Polish feast must be accompanied by vodka to help digest food.

Polish cuisine spied on some dishes from its neighbors, and took some recipes from Jewish cuisine... The Polish menu is constantly being enriched with new taste, sometimes even exotic. In addition to restaurants with typical Polish cuisine, there are more and more restaurants in Poland offering Asian, Italian, French and vegetarian cuisine.



Chłodnik litewski - Lithuanian chlodnik: cold white soup with the addition of beets and boiled egg; came to Polish cuisine from Lithuania
Barszcz biały - white borscht: made with sourdough from rye flour, with marjoram, with potatoes, sometimes with the addition of sour cream
Barszcz czerwony - red borscht: based on beets, with vegetables and sour cream or with dumplings
Żurek - urek: on bread leaven, with potatoes, sausage or eggs, sometimes the soup is served in a loaf of bread
Krupnik - krupnik: based on barley, with the addition of vegetables and pieces of smoked meat
Kapuśniak - skits: based on sauerkraut
Zupa ogórkowa - cucumber soup: the main ingredient is sauerkraut
Zupa koperkowa - dill soup: vegetable soup with the addition of dill
Rosół z kurczaka - chicken broth: a broth made from boiled chicken meat, with noodles
Zupa pomidorowa - tomato soup: tomato-based, usually with rice or noodles
Grochówka - pea soup: based on boiled peas
Zupa grzybowa - mushroom soup: the main ingredient is mushrooms, usually with sour cream
Flaki wołowe - beef tripe: beef bone broth with pieces of tripe, meat and vegetables


Smalec - lard: made from lard with the addition of onions, marjoram, sometimes also with an apple or dried cream. Usually served with pickled cucumbers as an appetizer before the main course.
Śledzie w śmietanie - herring in sour cream: salted herring, often with onions
Boczek ze śliwką - lard with plums: fried bacon stuffed with dried plums
Tatar - Tatar: raw minced beef with onions and raw yolk

Main Dishes - Beef and Veal

Eskalopki z cielęciny - veal steak: veal fillet in dough
Polędwiczki wołowe - beef sirloin: often with mushroom sauce
Ozór wołowy - beef tongue: steamed soft beef tongues
Sztuka mięsa w sosie chrzanowym - a piece of meat in horseradish sauce: boiled beef with horseradish sauce
Zrazy zawijane - beef roll: beef roll stuffed with bacon, pickled cucumbers, onions or paprika, poured hot sauce

Main Dishes - Pork

Golonka w piwie - golonka in beer: fatty, but tasty dish; sometimes poured over with beer, always served with horseradish; Bavarian dish, very popular in Poland
Karkówka - carrot: baked pork
Kotlet schabowy - pork chop: breaded pork chop (a Polish specialty that always succeeds)
Kiełbasa - sausage: we especially recommend trying white sausage; most often served with sauerkraut as a snack to beer or vodka in nature
Żeberka w miodzie - brisket in honey: fried brisket with honey

Main Dishes - Poultry

Kaczka z jabłkami - duck with apples: baked duck with apples
Kurczak de volaille - chicken de volail: pieces of chicken, buttered, stuffed with mushrooms and slices of bread; French cuisine dish
Wątróbki drobiowe - chicken liver: usually fried, served with onions

Other meat dishes

Baranina - lamb: pieces of lamb smoked or grilled on a grill; the dish is especially popular in mountainous regions
Klopsiki - meatloaf: often in tomato sauce
Bigos - bigos: a delicious cabbage-based dish with vegetables, mushrooms, pieces of sausage and smoked meat; traditional Polish dish
Dziczyzna - game: especially popular are the hare, wild boar, pheasant
Fasolka po bretońsku - Brittany beans: beans in tomato sauce with the addition of sausage
Gołąbki - cabbage rolls: stuffed cabbage leaves beef and rice; Lithuanian dish
Kaszanka - Kashanka: grilled or baked pieces of sausage made from buckwheat porridge and pork blood
Szaszłyk - barbecue: grilled meat with vegetables; Caucasian dish


Karp po żydowsku - Jewish carp: carp in jelly with raisins; Jewish dish
Łosoś - salmon: usually baked or boiled in dill sauce
Pstrąg - trout: sometimes served in flaming cognac or other alcoholic beverage
Sandacz - pike perch: usually fried or boiled

Vegetarian dishes

Pierogi - dumplings: stuffed with cabbage with mushrooms, cheese with potatoes (Russians), meat, fruits
Naleśniki - pancakes: stuffed with jam, fruit, cottage cheese and so on
Knedle - dumplings: potato dumplings stuffed with vegetables, mostly plums


Frytki - French fries: a popular all over the world side dish for meat and other dishes
Kopytka - hoof-shaped dumplings: served with sour cream
Kluski śląskie - Silesian dumplings: made from boiled potatoes
Kasza gryczana - buckwheat porridge: usually served with a crispy crust
Placki ziemniaczane - potato fritters: pancakes from raw potatoes fried in sunflower oil


Faworki - favorites: thin and fragile cakes sprinkled with powdered sugar
Galaretka - jelly: fruit jelly, served with whipped cream or fruit
Makowiec - makovets: pie stuffed with chopped poppy seeds
Pączki - donuts: stuffed with fruit jam
Sernik - cheesecake: cottage cheese-based pie
Szarlotka - charlotte: Apple pie sometimes served with whipped cream or ice cream

National Polish dishes are very high in calories, but nevertheless very tasty. Most Polish treats are meat dishes that are prepared in a variety of ways. Personally, I recommend trying pork chop, bigos, pie (similar to dumplings), golombki (similar to stuffed cabbage rolls). In Poland, they bake excellent bread and make delicious sausage.

Various pickles made from cucumbers, cabbage and tomatoes are also very popular in Poland, the unique taste of which is given by: parsley, marjoram, dill, caraway seeds, and also pepper. The favorite dessert of Poles is pastries and pies. A typical Polish celebration rarely takes place without vodka.

Polish cuisine has spied some of its recipes in neighboring countries. The Polish menu is often enriched with the latest flavors, sometimes even very exotic ones. In Poland, in addition to restaurants with national Polish dishes, there are also restaurants with Asian, Italian, French, and even vegetarian cuisine.

A list of the main national Polish dishes with a short description

Liquid meals:

Chłodnik litewski - Lithuanian cold chill: Soup with beets and boiled egg, served cold. It appeared in Polish cuisine from Lithuania.

Barszcz biały - white borscht: it is prepared with sourdough from rye flour, marjoram and potatoes are added to the borscht, you can also add sour cream if you wish.

Barszcz czerwony - classic borscht: it is cooked with beets and vegetables, sour cream is added if desired.

Żurek - zurek: cooked with sourdough bread, potatoes, eggs or sausage. The soup can be served in a loaf.

Krupnik - large: made from barley, vegetables and smoked meat slices are added there.

Kapuśniak - skits: cooked with sauerkraut.

Zupa ogórkowa - cucumber soup: this soup is prepared on sauerkraut.

Zupa koperkowa - dill soup: a soup is prepared with the addition of vegetables and dill.

Rosół z kurczaka - chicken broth: the soup is made from boiled meat with the addition of noodles.

Zupa pomidorowa - tomato soup: a soup made from tomatoes, mostly with noodles or rice.

Grochówka - pea soup: the soup is made from boiled peas.

Zupa grzybowa - mushroom soup: the main ingredient of the soup is mushrooms, sour cream is added if desired.

Flaki wołowe - beef tripe: the broth is made from beef bones with pieces of meat, tripe and vegetables.


Smalec - lard: prepared from lard with onions, marjoram is added there, sometimes you can add apples and dried cream. It is usually served with pickles before the main course.

Śledzie w śmietanie - herring with sour cream: herring is marinated in sour cream with onions.

Boczek ze śliwką - lard with plums: lard is fried and stuffed with dried plums.

Tatar - Tatar: beef is minced, onions and raw yolk are added there.

Main courses - Pork:

Golonka w piwie - golonka in beer: although the dish is fatty, it is very tasty, it can be poured with beer, it is served with horseradish.

Karkówka - carrot: baked pork.

Kotlet schabowy - pork chop: a pork chop, boneless in breadcrumbs.

Żeberka w miodzie - brisket in honey: meat is marinated in honey.

Main Dishes - Poultry:

Kaczka z jabłkami - duck with apples: poultry is baked with apples.

Kurczak de volaille - chicken de volail: for cooking you need to take pieces of chicken, spread with butter and stuffed with mushrooms and slices of bread.

Wątróbki drobiowe - chicken liver: the liver is fried and served with onions.

Other meat dishes:

Baranina - mutton: pieces of lamb are smoked or grilled in a grill, popular in the mountainous regions.

Klopsiki - meatloaf: cooked in tomato sauce.

Bigos - bigos: the dish is prepared from cabbage, vegetables, mushrooms, pieces of sausage or meat are also added there.

Fasolka po bretońsku - British-style beans: beans are cooked in a tomato sauce, sausage is also added there.

Gołąbki - cabbage rolls: cabbage leaves are stuffed with beef and rice.

Kaszanka - Kashanka: slices of sausage are fried or smoked in a grill, it is made from buckwheat and pork blood.

Szaszłyk - barbecue: meat and vegetables are fried in a grill.


Karp po żydowsku - Jewish carp: carp cooked in jelly with raisins.

Łosoś - salmon: fish is boiled or baked in dill sauce.

Pstrąg - trout: it is customary to serve in flaming cognac or other flammable alcohol.

Sandacz - Pike perch: Usually it is customary to simply fry or boil pike perch.

Vegetarian dishes:

Pierogi - dumplings: they start with cabbage with mushrooms, potatoes with cheese, you can also stuff them with fruits.

Naleśniki - pancakes: they can be stuffed with fruits, cottage cheese, various jams and so on.

Knedle - dumplings: potato dumplings stuffed with vegetables.


Frytki - French fries: a very popular dish not only in Poland.

Kopytka - hoof-shaped dumplings served with sour cream.

Kluski śląskie - Silesian dumplings: they are made from boiled potatoes.

Kasza gryczana - buckwheat: in Poland, buckwheat is served with a crispy crust.

Placki ziemniaczane - potato pancakes: make pancakes from raw potatoes and fried in sunflower oil.


Faworki - favorites: thin cakes sprinkled with granulated sugar.

Galaretka - Jelly: Jelly is made with fruit and whipped cream.

Makowiec - poppy seed: a pie stuffed with a lot of poppy seeds.

Pączki - donuts: donuts are prepared with different jams.

Sernik - cheesecake: curd pie.

Szarlotka - Charlotte, apple pie, made with whipped cream.

Poland is a country with a rich and glorious history and many interesting traditions, including gastronomic ones.

The national Polish cuisine was formed on the basis of cuisines of different regions of the country, which have their own characteristic features. She was greatly influenced by the culinary customs of several peoples at once: Lithuanians, Magyars, Tatars, Armenians and Jews. A kind of finishing "cutting" of Polish cuisine was made by chefs from and, for centuries, served at the court of Polish kings and aristocrats.

Polish national dishes are delicious and varied - these are traditional fish dishes from the Baltic coast, potatoes and feathers from the eastern regions, soups based on the Mazovian flour sourdough and dishes made from duck meat from Wielkopolska.

Polish chefs constantly use all kinds of gifts from the sea, forests, fields and rivers in their work. They have not yet forgotten how to bake rutabaga pancakes, smoke and prepare hawthorn sauce for game zomber. Everything is used: fish, game, crayfish, wild berries and mushrooms.

Some features of Polish cuisine bring it closer to Russian cuisine. This applies, for example, to the use of a number of typical products that seem too exotic, if not completely inedible for most foreign guests. Take at least sauerkraut, pickled mushrooms and cucumbers, fermented milk drinks and flour soups.

What should you try in Poland from food? What are the first local dishes to get acquainted with?

Zhurek - soup for all occasions (zurek)

A local variation of the "hangover" soup, it perfectly restores the normal activity of the stomach and digestive system the next day after an abundant intake.

Urek is an authentic Polish folk dish. In each region of the country, it is prepared in its own way. Only the soup base remains unchanged - a solution of rye flour, fermented on rye crusts. Further, small differences begin: in cafes and taverns in Mazovia, horseradish, sour cream and garlic are sure to be put in the rye for a pungent taste. In other regions, the soup is saturated with boiled eggs, slices of brisket, smoked and boiled sausage.


And what to try for a tired tourist, fed up with historical panoramas of Polish cities and barely dragging his feet? The answer lies on the surface, of course - bigos, one of the main attractions of local cuisine.

Being in Poland and not getting enough bigos is the same as visiting the Czech Republic and neglecting a baked boar's knee or forgetting about. In a word - “gastronomic crime”.

The classic Old Polish proportion is 1.5 kg of fresh and sauerkraut per 1 kg of all kinds of meat and sausages. A couple of good mugs in a cozy cafe, and hiking will again seem like an interesting and educational activity, and not hard physical work.

Polish zander (sandacz po polsku)

One of the most popular dishes- an excellent gastronomic combination of three natural gifts from the generous Polish land.

The most delicate pike perch meat, fried in a thin puff pastry with spicy sauce from braised chanterelles and crayfish tails - this is how this top Polish dish is prepared in the best Warsaw restaurants.

Duck with apples (kaczka z jabłkami)

Another popular restaurant hit that you should definitely try in Poland. The classic combination of two typical Polish products makes this dish tastier than anywhere else.

Young farm ducks are marinated in mead, after which their meat becomes surprisingly tender and tasty. The second irreplaceable ingredient in the dish is the country's main agricultural pride: Polish apples.

Duck with apples is especially good in the establishments of cities and towns of Greater Poland (Poznan, Kalisz, Gniezno). The best time for tasting is autumn, when the new harvest of apples is ripening.

Polish dumplings (pierogi)

It would seem, what could be unusual in dumplings? Tourists from, Ukraine and Belarus will definitely not surprise them? However, not everything is so simple - in Poland, the preparation of feathers (this is their local name) has been brought to the culinary absolute, so all tourists should definitely try them.

The most common variety is feathers with mushrooms and cabbage, sculpted in the shape of a crescent. A clear historical reference to the centuries-old struggle of the Polish people with the Ottoman Empire. These dumplings can be found in establishments in any Polish city.

Large feathers stuffed with mushroom meat are popular in the eastern regions. In Lesser Poland (the south of the country), so-called "Russian" feathers are prepared, stuffed with potatoes, onions and cottage cheese.

Flasks in Polish (flaczki)

This traditional Polish dish is borrowed from Lithuanian cuisine as a result of the mutual cultural influence of the two countries during the period of union. Favorite food of Queen Jadwiga and the Grand Duke of Lithuania Jagiello, who became the founder of the Jagiellonian dynasty.

It is not customary to cook at home, so even Poles themselves usually eat it in cafes and restaurants. Boiled and then stewed beef tripe in consistency is something like a thick soup. Flasks are usually served with meatballs made of beef or pork liver(pulpets) as well as dumplings and black pudding.

This is exquisite disha good option for a sumptuous Polish breakfast. And, by the way, it is quite possible to buy it in a store (in a bank) and take it with you as a souvenir from Poland when returning home.

Sorcerers (kołduny)

This magic word hides only small beef dumplings. This is another proof of a large-scale cultural exchange between different parts of the once huge state - the Commonwealth.

Sorcerers in different variations are present in the cuisines of neighboring peoples: Poles, Belarusians and Lithuanians. They are usually eaten whole, without losing a drop of the delicious juicy broth.

Goose roll (rolada z gęsi)

Historically, one of the main Polish Christmas dishes, both Catholics and Protestants. But you can try it not only during the New Year holidays.

In and Warsaw it is prepared in a very refined way: in a pickled fillet goose breast minced meat of goose, veal, nuts and dried fruits is placed. Blackberry-cognac sauce and dried plums give the dish a sweet taste.

Cabbage rolls (golabki)

Once upon a time, in the old days, stuffed cabbage rolls in Polish cuisine were usually filled with buckwheat porridge, zhur or borscht.

If you order this dish in some of these days, then there is a high probability of getting standard cabbage rolls from boiled cabbage leaves with boiled rice, fried minced pork and onions with mushroom sauce. However, it turns out quite tasty.

Papal "Kremowka"

A cake that became extremely popular at the very end of the 20th century thanks to Pope John Paul II. It was his public childhood memories of the wonderful taste of the Napoleon cake bought in a simple market confectionery that made a splash among Polish confectioners.

Then, in 1999, during the visit of the Pope to his hometown of Wadowice, all the pastries and cakes were bought up there in one evening, at least somehow appearance reminiscent of "Napoleon".

Since then, Papal Kremowki have been in great demand among tourists and locals alike and are among the must-try.

quite satisfying and high in calories. The basis of the dishes is meat products in the form of a variety of sausages, sausages, balyks and much more. The description of Polish dishes awaits you ahead. Stay with us!

The content of the article:

The cuisine of each country is unique, it carries a piece of information about the people, traditions and culture. During our travels, we definitely strive to trynational cuisineof the country in which we are. Per six hours in Warsaw , we managed to do a lot: walk around the city, see main attractions chat with locals (helped us with this Polish phrasebook ) and also try popular drinks and dishes of Poland. Polish cuisine is very varied. The first thing that made us happy was the portions! They are inspiring.)

After such a lunch (photo 1) in one of the Polish cafes, we hastened to continue our route Kiev-Warsaw-Berlin.

Soups Polish cuisine

Poles are very fond of soups and cook them with pleasure. Which are not present in Polish cuisine... Familiar to us borscht, but with the addition of dumplings, cabbage soup, pea soup, pickle soup, cream soups. It was surprising for me to learn that it is not uncommon for Poles to serve soups on holidays. I always considered them ordinary, not festive, except that after the celebration, the next day, the soup goes pretty well! Soups are served not with bread, as we are accustomed to, but with potatoes sprinkled with pork lard or fat.

The most Polish soup is urek, usually presented in a pot made of bread. It looks very colorful. It is served with an egg, and not a small bite smoked sausage... Very often Poles cook urek for Easter.


Traditional Polish dish. This is a soup made with beef or pork tripe. The beef stomach is thoroughly washed, cleaned, soaked in cold water... Put on fire and bring to a boil. The first water must be drained. In the second, the stomach should be cooked for at least two hours with the addition of bay leaves and marjoram. I made scars at home a couple of times, only after boiling them I also fried them in a pan with onions and garlic, it was very tasty. Flakes with white bread are served.


And in the national Polish cuisine is not without stewed sauerkraut. The taste, of course, differs from Ukrainian or German. There are a variety of Bigos cooking. It is based on a mixture of fresh white cabbage and sauerkraut with the addition of meat (pork, smoked sausage, sub-cabbage). Mushrooms, tomatoes, prunes, and various spices are also added to Bigos. According to some recipes, meat and cabbage should be equally divided. It is not necessary to add fresh cabbage to Bigos, this is done only so that the dish is not too sour. You can also rinse the sauerkraut thoroughly to avoid this. Bigos is served hot. With white or black bread, often with vodka.


Polish cuisine is somewhat similar to Ukrainian, only the dishes are called differently. Pies are a favorite dish of Poles. The first time I saw Polish pies I was at a loss - "These are dumplings !!" Indeed, in Poland, pies are our favorite dumplings. They are prepared with varied filling: boiled potatoes, fried onions in a pan, cottage cheese, spinach, cabbage, mushrooms, meat. Everyone will find pies to their liking!

Desserts Poland

Polish cuisine will not leave your sweet tooth indifferent. For those with a sweet tooth, you should definitely try charlotte (apple pie), it is served with a scoop of ice cream and whipped cream. I really liked! Prepare for Christmas poppy seed cake, and for Easter Mazurek is a round or square cake on top, spread with sweet icing and strewn with dried fruits and nuts.

Poland is considered to be a producer of quality vodka. The well-known herbal vodka "Zubrovka" is made from the herb bison growing in Belovezhskaya Pushcha. In addition to herbal vodka, there is also ordinary vodka. The most famous brands are "Sobieski", "Luxusova", "Vyborova", "Chista de Lux". In addition to strong alcohol, Polish "ladies" like to drink liqueurs, liqueurs, beer heated with spices with the addition of honey. Honey wine and healing balms are very popular, which cannot always be drunk in doses due to their amazing taste.

There are a lot of beers in Poland. The most popular are: "Lech", "Tatra", "Zywiec". Beer in Poland is delicious "savor your health"!

Where to eat in Warsaw Polish national cuisine

To taste the dishes of the national cuisine of Poland, we visited the restaurant "Podwale 25" Kompania Piwna, in the center of Warsaw. Before the trip, we wanted to find an affordable and colorful establishment in the capital of Poland. Our choice fell on this cafe and it did not color us! It is located on Podvalnaya Street 25, not far from the Old Town. After asking the taxi driver, we found him without any problems. On SundayPodwale 25 is open from 11:30. We did not know this and had to walk for another half hour until the cafe opened.

Thank you for reading our blog. See you soon on the pages of our.

The national cuisine of Poland was formed under the influence of Slavic and Western European cuisine. Many connoisseurs will see elements of Ukrainian, Russian, Belarusian, Lithuanian, German, Turkish and even Italian cuisines. Distinctive feature is the variety and satiety of dishes. Chefs use spices and seasonings to a minimum, but they do it with great skill. Business card Poles are hospitable, which once again confirms our common Slavic roots. As they say in Poland - "Please go to the Panov's table."

As a rule, a feast, in the national cuisine of Poland , starts with the first course, most often soups. One of the most unusual is “chernina” (soup made from goose blood, giblets, dried fruits, spices and vegetables). Also try:

  • "Hlodnik" (okroshka on beet kvass, with the addition of cucumbers, eggs, dill and sour cream);
  • Zurek (sour cream soup with smoked meats, eggs, spices and roots);
  • “Chervonyi borscht” (beet soup, to which dumplings or dumplings are added);
  • "White borscht" (prepared for rye sourdough, with potatoes, marjoram and sour cream);
  • "Krupnik" (barley soup, smoked meat and vegetables);
  • "Flaki" (soup made from beef stomach, meat and vegetables);
  • "Grew" (soup from chicken broth, with noodles and herbs);
  • "Zupa ogurkova" (pickled cucumber soup);
  • "Zupa tomato" (tomato soup with rice or noodles);
  • Grohówka (pea soup);
  • "Zupa mushroom" (mushroom soup, sometimes served in a bread pot instead of a plate).

Now let's move on to the second courses. Bigos is considered to be the most national. There are many ways to prepare "bigos", but the main ingredients always remain the same - these are braised cabbage, mushrooms, sausages, pieces of smoked meat, spices and wine. Sometimes rice, prunes, vegetables and other ingredients are added to this dish. Also, try:

  • "Pozhibrod" - smoked brisket with cabbage;
  • "Ges" - baked goose with apples;
  • "Golonku" - pork leg with pea puree;
  • "Shabovi cutlets" - pork cutlet breaded;
  • "Zrazh" - stew in sour cream sauce;
  • "Rocking" - fried duck;
  • « half-wigs to ox»- beef fillet with mushroom sauce;
  • "Karkuvku" - baked pork;
  • "Foal in myojo" - fried brisket with honey;
  • "Klopsiki" - meatloaf in tomato sauce;
  • "Golabki" - stuffed cabbage rolls with rice and meat, in tomato sauce.

Glorified National cuisine Poland , and fish dishes... Traditional and even festive is considered “ Polish carp "... Moreover, the head is served separately. No less tasty " Jewish carp " served in jelly with raisins. Gourmets will appreciate:

  • « baked pike " ,
  • « herring in sour cream sauce ",
  • « fish meatballs with gherkin ",
  • « hunting fish soup " ,
  • « pike perch roll ",
  • « baked fish with horseradish ",
  • « fried tench with sauce ".
    In addition, the Polish menu includes dishes from bream, cod, trout and salmon.

As a side dish, you will be offered: "frits" - French fries, "hooves" - hoof-shaped dumplings, buckwheat porridge, Silesian dumplings with potatoes, fried potato pancakes, baked potatoes, pumpkin pancakes with sausage. Another must-have ingredient in many dishes is mushrooms. They can be stewed, fried, boiled, pickled, salted.

Will delight, the national cuisine of Poland , sweet lovers. Be sure to taste:

  • "Kolachki" - shortbread with jam, rolled up in envelopes;
  • "Mazurek" - a pie made from shortcrust pastry, with fruit jam, sprinkled with icing sugar;
  • "Polish grandma" - a pie from yeast dough watered chocolate icing, stuffed with candied fruits, raisins, dried cherries, nuts;
  • "Favorites" - thin and fragile cakes;
  • "Galaretka" - fruit jelly with whipped cream;
  • "Makovets" - a pie with ground poppy seeds;
  • "Sernik" is a curd pie.