What to make of food for Halloween. Halloween kids food

Having gathered a fun company for a themed dinner, try to give free rein to your imagination and prepare a "disgustingly beautiful" menu befitting the occasion. Halloween recipes are memorable and unusual. There are no complicated dishes here, preference is given to small mouth-watering snacks in the form of severed fingers, spiders, cockroaches.

The five most commonly used ingredients in recipes are:

Egg halves filled with filling and decorated with an olive spider, sausage in dough reminiscent of an ancient mummy, desserts with jelly worms, a caterpillar made of grape berries strung on a skewer, meringue ghosts are what you need for a festive table. Pumpkin has always been the main ingredient on the Halloween menu. From a sweet vegetable that can be eaten baked, raw and boiled, you can come up with dozens of treats that can decorate the feast of "vampires" and "ghosts." Stuffed pumpkin will appeal to both children and adults, this is a must-have attribute of the holiday. Treats, terrifying in appearance and excellent in taste, will make a splash at a fun friendly party.

Halloween is the most "terrible" of the holidays: for one night a year, people from all over the world let the dark forces take over their minds. This terrible celebration is celebrated with eerie metamorphoses, ancient traditions and a "bloody" feast. On an unusual night from October 31 to November 1, the advent of spirits into the human world takes place. And the only way not to fall prey to them is to pretend to be "yours." On Halloween, literally everything around you has to create and fuel a mystical atmosphere: outfit, entertainment and, of course, food. Even simple recipes for Halloween, and more often scary and disgusting, should fully correspond to the theme of the holiday, not only with the ingredients, but also with the appearance. A very scary menu is a prerequisite, and without it, alas, there is no way! The only exceptions are funny and comic dishes for children, cooked with our own hands according to our recipes, photos and videos.

What can you cook for Halloween - simple recipes for kids and adults

What should be the perfect Halloween dinner? Of course, so that at the first glance at the festive table goosebumps ran down the skin. First, you need a lot of blood. Beefsteak (medium rare), raspberry jelly, cranberry and tomato juice... It is important to play with colors: the massive combination of red and black in holiday menu and the decor will create a nightmare atmosphere at the Halloween table. The well-known Bloody Mary by classic recipe... Do not forget about the dark liver pate, beans and olives, which cause the most unpleasant associations.

There's no way to go on a Halloween menu without skulls and bones. At first glance, a well-cut goose will look like a small skeleton. The leftover pumpkin "slaughtered" for Jack's Lamp can be used as table decor elements or an ingredient in a hot dish, snack, dessert recipe. And, of course, it is worth saving some of the keepers of the underworld - worms. You can arrange spaghetti with a red or brown sauce in an unusual way. Or buy gelatin worms to create a children's dessert. Especially impressionable guests will be delighted. A good addition to the Halloween table is gummy worms peeping out of chocolate biscuit... The sight is not for the faint of heart.

Well, is it already scary? So it's time to get down to business! Knowing what and how to cook for Halloween will help you organize the most memorable feast ever.

DIY Scary Halloween Food: 5 Unusual Ideas for Kids and Adults

Scary Halloween food cooked with your own hands should also be beautiful, as paradoxical as it may sound. The dish, and especially its presentation, should have some idea, meaning, plot. We offer you 5 unusual ideas for cooking scary Halloween food with your own hands:

Easy and simple Halloween recipes in 5 minutes on video

Simple Halloween recipes benefit from quick and primitive cooking, but at the same time, their appearance on festive table no less impressive. It is very important to arrange even simple meals correctly. The topic of the presentation can be: spiders, bats, blood, skulls, ghosts, etc. Even ordinary sandwiches, muffins, cutlets and pies can be turned into real gastronomic nightmares with the help of a simple entourage from food products.

Often, glaze of different colors, sugar figurines and gummy insects are used as decoration, melted chocolate, pastry powders, scarlet sauces, ice figures, bar umbrellas, straws, etc. Since the pumpkin is considered a traditional Halloween attribute, there is nothing strange about its presence on the table either. A vegetable can be a decoration, an unusual container for a regular cream soup, an important ingredient in a recipe, or just an idea for a cookie or gingerbread shape.

We offer you some simple recipes for Halloween dishes with a very unexpected design:

  • Halloween Stuffed Ghost Pepper Recipe
  • Halloween recipe pumpkin pie
  • Just Scary Cupcakes Recipe
  • Alcoholic punch with dead man's hand, recipe

Scary Halloween recipes with photos for kids and adults

A successful Halloween feast begins with a themed table setting. Black dishes, bloody napkins and tablecloths, brutal candlesticks and figures of creepy animals set the tone for the holiday. But the competent organization is being pumped, of course, with terrible recipes of dishes. If your guests have a hearty meal, look out for the terrifying main courses. If the holiday is planned exclusively for young people and adolescents, you can do without light snacks and wild desserts. Scary Halloween recipes, see further on the photo and video.

Hearts of the Pharaohs

You can make such a disgusting composition with the help of red pancakes stuffed with vegetable mixture... If they are carefully tied, creating the desired shape, and poured with beetroot sauce, you cannot distinguish them from real hearts.

Spider eggs

To prepare such a delicacy, it is enough to boil chicken eggs and stuff them with your favorite filling (vegetable, fish, meat). Olive slices are used as decoration and they are laid out in the form of spiders.

Escaped ghosts

Terrifying White Ghosts - Shaped Protein Meringue Po traditional recipe with eyes made of chocolate drops. For their preparation, it is enough to allocate 2-3 eggs and 1 hour of time.


The equally complex and creepy "Eyeball" dessert will win over all the guests at the table. Multilevel jelly (creamy and menthol) with the addition of "bleeding" berries will turn your feast into a real horror room.

Unusual Halloween Recipes

Halloween is not celebrated by many, but for almost everyone in this celebration there is something funny, mysterious, mysterious and frightening. The holiday on the eve of All Saints' Day is unusual in itself, and the menu at the feast should be the same. Unusual recipes on Halloween, you should definitely make it scary and terribly tasty. This is the only way the guests will remember the feast for a long time. We bring you an idea of ​​cooking strange Halloween dishes in the form of human body parts. A table with such dishes will be truly magnificent ...

Funny Halloween Recipes for Kids

Funny Halloween recipes for kids are more discreet and aesthetic. Dishes for babies exclude any "trash" and only allow bright colors, funny stories, positive figures, etc. But do not forget that Halloween recipes for kids should not only be funny and fun, but also healthy and tasty. If the guys come to the holiday in costumes of all kinds of characters, the celebration will be a success. After all, gnomes and fairies eating bugs and bats are an unforgettable sight!

Stuffed peppers- satisfying and at the same time healthy food for kids. If the shell is cut out in the form of a funny face, the food will become more attractive for little capricious guests.

Oatmeal cookies is not a very popular dish among children, but the trend can be radically changed. It is enough to place on gingerbread from oat flour longitudinal stripes of colored mastic - and ordinary cookies will turn into cheerful mummies.

Carrot cake, so hated by every child, will become the most desirable moment if you decorate it in the style of Halloween. For decoration, use natural carrot dyes, as well as cobwebs, spiders and mastic bats.

Even an ordinary coffee sponge cake simple recipe will impress young gourmets if it is prepared and served in such a strange way. Children love to laugh at such things. Now they will have the opportunity to try them "for a tooth".

Cranberry juice is a healthy vitamin drink for Halloween. It is enough to decorate the jar with the "bloody" slurry with figures of ghosts, so that the children forget about the recipe and enjoy only the taste and appearance.

Recipes for a really scary Halloween menu

Recipes for a very scary Halloween menu can be very different: unusual, original, scary, nasty. But even those dishes that perfectly complement the thematic feast do not always go well with each other. For example, fish and liver in the same menu are not the best way for dear guests. We offer you an approximate "plan" of the feast, a kind of cheat sheet.

List of Suitable Recipes for a Very Scary Halloween Menu

  • "Witch's broom" snack made from salted straws, hard cheese and herbs;
  • Spider web pumpkin puree soup;
  • Meat sausages in a spaghetti shroud "Mummy";
  • Puff salad"Gorgon's head" from chicken, pineapple, nuts, bell pepper and eggs;
  • Orange-black "Bat" roll with butter cream;
  • Blood red non-alcoholic / alcoholic punch;

All the recipes on the Halloween sample menu are easily replaceable. Lots of options successful recipes are already located in our public and in thousands of articles on the Internet. And with enough imagination, you can do it without cheat sheets at all.

See how many delicious and unusual things you can cook on Halloween? Simple, scary, funny and even funny dishes for kids and adults! Try and you use best recipes for Halloween from a very scary menu. All guests will surely appreciate this food.

I wish you happy Halloween!

I wish you crazy night!

Let’s put ours costumes: monster, queen ...

Let’s go and joy tonight!

Good day, readers of the Rum Diary magazine! Costume parties and theme parties require special preparation, and this also applies to our theme: drinks and snacks. The time of Halloween is approaching - a holiday that for some reason has become very popular in our latitudes. The question arises: what cocktails and snacks for Halloween to prepare, how to decorate them, how to create a "spooky" atmosphere with their help?

In this article, we will try to collect as many Halloween snacks as possible with pumpkins, spiders, bones and other "nightmares". It has been written about cocktails for the "bourgeois" holiday. Since we are talking specifically about snacks, there will be a minimum of cookies and muffins here.

Halloween Snack Recipes


If you are going to have a party in the style of "beer and hot dogs", it will perfectly fit into the concept of a hoddog in the form of a snake. Of course, finding a curved bun is problematic, so the easiest way is to bake it yourself (you can buy the dough or make it yourself). The filling as usual to your liking, top you can decorate with multi-colored bell pepper, cut into strips. We make the eyes from green olives, drop a drop of ketchup inside the olives, fix with toothpicks. In front, we make a mouth for the snake and stick in a long forked tongue made of bell pepper. By the way, you can make blanks for such sandwiches in advance, and just preheat them in the oven before the party and then immediately decorate.

Broom for the witch

A simple broom-shaped Halloween snack:

  • Salty sticks (can be bought at almost any kiosk);
  • Hard cheese or cheese for sandwiches (square);
  • Green onions

If we take an ordinary hard cheese (you need a plastic one that will not crumble), then first you need to cut it into thin squares, and then make cuts on one side, without cutting to the end. We wind it on a stick, we tie it green onions!

By the way, you can make a simplified version - break the dark salted sticks into small pieces and tie them with green onions to sticks of a lighter tone. Done 😉


Egg cold appetizers are a classic, and decorate them in a specific way makes a great Halloween snack! Boil the eggs, cut them into two, and remove the yolk. After that, mix the yolk with any other ingredients you want: mayonnaise, cheese, garlic, sauce, fish, meat, etc. Fill the halves of the eggs with the resulting mass and decorate with olive spiders on top.

Pizza "Mummy" on buns "

Many who have cooked Halloween dishes are aware that the main thing is to decorate correctly. It is practically unimportant from which ingredients the appetizer will be prepared, more important is to give it a “festive” look. So, for example, a properly decorated pizza can make a great beer snack and can help create the ambiance.

You can decorate as a large pizza (ingredients at your discretion) or small buns that are pre-cut in half. From below tomato paste, at the level of the "eyes" - circles of black olives with a "pupil" of bell pepper, green beans or green olives, on top - cheese, laid out in stripes on the entire surface, except for the "eyes". You can prepare in advance, put in the oven or microwave before serving.

You can also make mummy toasts, mummy sausages, etc. A few ideas in photos:

Ripe "pumpkin" from cheese

Great beer snack and different cocktails for Halloween. You can serve cheese "pumpkin" with bread, chips, nachos, toasts, and salty cookies which I will write about below. Additionally - delicate white sauces if desired.

So, we take 100 grams of soft goat cheese, packaging cream cheese(Philadelphia or a more inexpensive analogue), 250 grams of cheddar (or other hot cheese), a little chopped green onions, garlic powder, oregano and grind all this in a blender until smooth.

We give the resulting mass the shape of a ball and make hollows, to resemble a pumpkin. The tail can be made from straw, a piece of pretzel, or whatever is close at hand, and the leaf can be made from a sprig of parsley.

Cheese balls-pumpkins

Another delicious cheese appetizer with a pumpkin theme is little pumpkins with paprika. They will need a glass of grated cheddar, a package of cream cheese, garlic powder, black pepper, roasted red pepper (a few tablespoons). We mix these ingredients and cool for 2 hours, after which we roll balls from the resulting mass, roll them in paprika, make cuts to resemble a pumpkin. The appetizer is laid out on crackers, we use a sprig of green onions as a tail.

Witch's Fingers Cookies

Interestingly, almost the main thing in Halloween snacks is their form, but you can do as you please with the content. Cookies can be sweet or savory, spiced (and served with sauces), or spiced (and served with jam, preferably red 😉).

Sweet Cookie Recipe:

Beat 150 grams of butter with 200 grams of sugar and vanilla. Beat for about five minutes, then add the egg. Add salt, baking powder (1 tsp) and flour (about 350 grams). Knead the dough, which should be firm enough and not too sticky. We put the dough in the refrigerator for half an hour.

Then we form long finger-shaped blanks from small pieces of dough, make “folds” on the “phalanges” with a knife or other convenient object, grease with melted chocolate and press the “nail” - almonds, peanuts or another nut-like nut. Bake for 20-25 minutes at 180 degrees.

Cookies "Bones"

If you don't want to bother with the dough, then you can buy ready-made in the store yeast dough and make cookies of different thematic shapes out of it. Divide the dough into small pieces, form bones from them, sprinkle with rosemary and large sea ​​salt... If you want to make sweets, then powdered sugar comes in handy, which you can sprinkle on the "bones" after baking (by the way, you need to bake before golden crust, minutes 10-15). The seeds can be lightly sprinkled with cheese.

Salad "Stump with pineapple"


For pancakes: 3 eggs, 0.5 cups of flour, 1 cup milk, onions, herbs, 2 tablespoons of paprika (for color), salt.

For the salad: eggs - 3 pcs, boiled potatoes and carrots - 2 pcs each, ham - 300 g, mayonnaise sauce, pickled mushrooms, herbs.

Registration: processed cheese (soft), eggs - 2 pcs, pickled mushrooms, greens.

1. First we need to bake brown pancakes. Flour, eggs and milk will be the basis of the dough. For color, add paprika, chopped onions and herbs. This amount of food should be enough for about 6 pancakes. We grease them with oil.

2. Peel the potatoes, three coarsely on a grater. Mix into a single mass with mayonnaise and dill. Mayonnaise changes perfectly to sour cream. We do the same with carrots - peel, three and mix with the sauce. Eggs or finely chop or use a grater. Add mayonnaise to them. Mushrooms, pickled or salted, chop, mix with dill and sauce. Chop the ham into cubes and add the sauce too.

3. Let's form the hemp. We spread food plastic wrap on the table. Halve the flakes, cutting to the diameter. Lubricate one side with melted cheese. Next, the halves greased with cheese are overlapped on the film. The cut edge of the pancakes will be the base of the stump. If there are larger halves, they must be placed in the place of the foundation of the future "stump". Along the stacked pancakes, put the filling in strips at random.
Raise the near side of the film and carefully roll everything into a roll, on one side of which you should get a flat plane. We put the resulting "stump" on this side. If the pancake tips stick out, we cut them off, they will still come in handy.

4. We decorate the salad, bringing it to naturalness with details. We create the roots from the remains of pancakes. If there are gaps somewhere, smear these joints with soft cheese. Decorate with greens and mushrooms, as in the photo. This is where fantasy makes sense! You can decorate the salad by setting the "fly agarics" of tomato halves, studded with dots of egg whites.

Halloween is coming! Eerie and at the same time a fun holiday that children are looking forward to. A revived tale of a black hand in a black room, which is located in the farthest corner of a black house ... If it is your apartment this time will be a haven for witches, ghouls and ghouls, it's time to provide the appropriate entourage and quietly retire to a quieter (or, conversely, more creepy?) place. And don't forget to cook more food for petty evil spirits!

There is no need to invent any special children's dishes for Halloween - it is important here appearance... What room for imagination - here you can find cut-off sausage fingers, spaghetti worms, creepy eyes made of eggs, and coffin-shaped cakes ... Do not spare tomato blood, paint familiar dishes in creepy colors, just do not overdo it - especially impressionable children can then refuse pasta or sausage dishes for a long time.

Pinched Fingers Sandwiches

6 sandwich buns,
6 sausages,
bright red ketchup, mayonnaise.

Cut the sausages in half and cut each half lengthwise. Fry in vegetable oil. Cut the buns in half lengthwise, put 4 fingers in each, pour with ketchup and cover with the top half of the bun. Draw "nails" with mayonnaise. Place the buns on a baking sheet and heat in hot oven.

To prepare this delicacy, you will need not only food, but also the ability to cut. Use scissors to cut from the sheets thin lavash bat wings. In principle, special accuracy is not required from you, but the wings should be recognizable. V olive oil dilute salt and your favorite spices to taste, brush the wings with a fragrant mixture and place them on a baking sheet. Put it in a hot oven for 3-5 minutes, making sure that the wings do not burn out, but remain ruddy and crispy.

Pita salad "Monster's face". Cut the pita buns in half across. Put a leaf of lettuce in each bun, turning it outward - this will be the tongue of the future monster. Fill the pita with any salad in a slightly heaped way. Sprinkle with grated hard cheese, place two halves of olives (eyes) and a triangle of sweet red or orange pepper(nose).

12 sausages,
1 layer of finished puff pastry,
ketchup, mustard, mayonnaise.

Thawed puff pastry roll into a thin layer and cut into strips. Swaddle each sausage like a mummy, thickening where the mummy's arms are hidden, and leaving the "head" uncovered. Place in a hot oven for 12-15 minutes, baking until golden brown. On the free part of the sausage, draw the eyes, nose and mouth with ketchup, mayonnaise and mustard.

one more tasty option how to cook baby food for halloween. Brush lightly dried toast with butter, put the plastic of the ham. From the rings of olives or olives, make eyes, from thin semicircular strips of sweet pepper - an open mouth in a terrible scream. Thin plates processed cheese cut into strips of light color and lay them, imitating bandages and partially covering the eyes and mouth.

Cutlets "Eyes of Dracula"

400 g minced meat,
1 onion
50 ml of milk
1 slice of stale wheat bread
1 raw egg
3 boiled eggs
3 pitted olives,
6 slices of light-colored processed cheese,

Mix the minced meat with chopped onions, bread soaked in milk and raw egg... Season with salt and pepper. Roll 6 cutlets and place in greased vegetable oil shape. Bake for 30-35 minutes. In the meantime, cut boiled eggs across in half, also cut the olives across. Make a depression on the top of the eggs and place the olive with the cut up. Place a drop of ketchup or a slice of red bell pepper into the cut. Remove the patties from the oven, cover each with a slice of cheese, and place the egg, cut down, on top of it. Return the dish to the oven and bake until the cheese is melted. Pour ketchup over the cheese, imitating bloody veins.

1 pack of ready-made puff pastry,
2 boiled chicken breasts,
1 stack. grated hard cheese,
½ stack. tomato sauce or ketchup,
1 stack. boiled small horns,
olives, red bell peppers.

From the puff pastry, cut out circles the size of a tea saucer. Drizzle with sauce or ketchup, add finely chopped chicken breast, sprinkle with cheese. Make "hair" from pasta, from halves of olives - eyes, from strips of red pepper - open mouth. Pour with ketchup, simulating bloody streaks, put in a hot oven for a few minutes to melt the cheese.

"Tarantula spider"

1 kg ready-made pizza dough,
1 egg,
1 olive
1 stack. bright red ketchup,
½ stack. grated hard cheese,
poppy - for rolling.


Divide the dough into 2 pieces. Roll a ball from one part - the body of the spider. Divide the second part into 2 more parts and roll another ball out of one - the spider's head. Roll out 8 sausages from the remaining dough - these will be the legs of the spider. Roll the sausages in the poppy seeds. Fold the spider by attaching the head and legs to the body, sprinkle with cheese. Cut the olive and make the eyes. Bake at 190 ° C for 25-30 minutes. Put the finished spider on a flat dish, cut off the upper part of the body and remove the pulp. Pour ketchup into the resulting hole. Tear off the spider's legs and dip in the sauce.
The main dishes for kids on Halloween are, of course, sweets. Make your usual cookies and cakes in a different way.

3 stacks flour,
1 egg,
150 g butter
5 tbsp Sahara,
4 tablespoons milk,
almonds - for decoration.

Melt butter, add sugar, milk and egg, beat with a mixer. Add flour in small portions while kneading the dough. Cut it into small pieces, roll it out like fingers and place on a baking sheet. On the tips of the "fingers" strengthen the almonds, unpeeled for added horror, brush with yolk, sprinkle with powdered sugar and bake for 25 minutes at 180 ° C.

150 g butter
75 g icing sugar
1 yolk,
225 g flour
1 tbsp cocoa,
a pinch of salt,
protein glaze - for decoration.

Combine all ingredients for dough and knead smooth elastic dough... Do not add water or milk, even if the dough will crumble at first. Ready dough put in a plastic bag and refrigerate for 1 hour. Then roll out the dough into a layer 0.5 cm thick and cut out the cookies in the form of figures of people and animals. Place the cookies on a baking sheet lined with baking paper and place in an oven preheated to 200 ° C for 10 minutes. On the cooled biscuits, use a cornet with icing to draw thin lines in the form of skeletal bones (rather conditionally, of course!).

Creepy bloody eyes on a plate. For sweet horror, you need small white marshmallows, pomegranate seeds and thick bright red syrup (or better not frozen jelly, which can still be poured in a thin stream). Press pomegranate seeds into the center of each marshmallow and paint bloody streaks with syrup or jelly. Let dry before serving.

2 stacks flour,
1 stack. pumpkin puree,
2 tbsp Sahara,
4 tsp baking powder,
1 tsp salt,
1 tsp cinnamon,
1 ½ stack milk,
4 eggs,
¼ stack. melted butter
raisins, pieces of chocolate or dark berries - for decoration.

Combine dry ingredients. Mix milk, yolks and butter with pumpkin puree... Pour the mixture into flour and stir until smooth. Beat the whites until firm foam and add to the dough, stirring gently so that they do not settle. In a wide skillet, bake the haunted pancakes, pouring the dough into shapeless clouds. While the pancakes are toasting from the bottom, place 2 berries, raisins, or a smaller and 1 larger piece of chocolate each, forming the eyes and mouth of the ghosts. Flip and brown the pancakes as usual. Children will love it!

You need a large round chocolate chip cookies, chocolate waffle cones and chocolate ice cream to fill. For decoration, you will need colored dragees and green glaze. Fill the waffle cones with slides of ice cream, attach to the cookies to create pointed hats, and place on the tray. Place in the freezer. Before serving, make a ribbon of icing by running a cornetic over the junction of the waffle cone and the cookie, and reinforce one dragee.

Ice cream "Mold bricks". To prepare this dish, you will need an ice cream briquette on waffles or cookies, blue and green confectionery sprinkles, or coconut flakes, protein or protein-butter cream and blue and green food coloring. Prepare a cream and color it with food colors. The more sickening the color is, the better. Cut the ice cream in half, if the briquettes are very large, quickly coat with cream and dip in the topping (shavings). Place on a platter and place in the freezer.

Melt white (not porous!) Chocolate with a little heavy cream... When all the chocolate has melted, dip each strawberry by the tail in the chocolate and quickly transfer it to a tray lined with baking paper. As you lay the berries on a leaf, stretch them slightly so that the excess chocolate forms "ghost tails." While the chocolate is still hot, stick in a couple of small brown balls of confectionery sprinkles - these will be the eyes of a ghost. Refrigerate. When the chocolate has solidified, dip a toothpick into the melted dark chocolate and draw an open mouth.

In order for you to get a great meringue, pay attention to the advice of our website. Having grounded in theory, start preparing a wonderful and not even scary dessert for kids. Take 50 g of powdered sugar for each protein. Add a little lemon juice or crystalline juice to the proteins. citric acid, stir and start whisking, adding powder. Beat until "hard peaks" when the whites are firmly attached to the whisk and do not fall off. Using a pastry bag, place the meringues on a baking sheet lined with baking paper, deliberately pulling them up to form ghost heads (like in Disney cartoons). Stick raisin eyes in the meringue and bake in a not very hot oven for an hour and a half. Let cool in the oven and gently peel off the sheet. Melted chocolate can be used to paint a mouth.

2 bags of semi-finished jelly made from strawberries, raspberries or other bright red berries,
1 packet of worm-shaped gummies
blue or green food coloring
deep plate with painted eyes and mouth.

Dilute the jelly following the instructions on the package, reducing the amount of water by about a third. Pour off some of the jelly and paint it with dye (the color will turn out to be just disgusting). Pour the red jelly into a bowl and set in the refrigerator to freeze. Stir the jelly several times so that its surface even remotely resembles the cerebral cortex. Stick the gummy worms into the frozen jelly, melt the dye-colored jelly and pour all this abomination with disgusting streaks. Brrr ...

And, of course, you can't do without the queen of the creepy ball - the pumpkin. For children, the best treat will be a real pumpkin pie. And if you decorate it with an ominous web, then it will also be a terribly delicious cake.

300 g pumpkin
100 g butter
150 g sugar
3 eggs,
1 lemon
1 stack. flour,
1 tsp soda.
For decoration:
white and brown glaze.

Grate raw peeled pumpkin on a medium grater. Remove the zest from the lemon with a fine grater and squeeze out the juice. Mash the butter and sugar until white, add the eggs and stir thoroughly. Add zest, pumpkin and lemon juice, mix and add flour and baking soda. Stir until smooth and place in a greased pan. Place the dish in an oven preheated to 180 ° C for 30-40 minutes. Pour the cooled cake with brown glaze, let it dry. Using a cornet, apply circles of white glaze on the surface of the cake at a distance of 1.5-2 cm from each other. Then, using a thin wooden stick, draw radial stripes from the center to the edges, while the circles will deform. The web is ready! Obtain a toy or edible spider and place it on a pie.

Blue-green lemonade. You will need bright yellow lemonade, green and blue food coloring, and ice cubes. Pour lemonade into glasses, put ice and drop a drop of blue and green dye. With a thin stick Slightly stir the ice in the glasses, but do not stir so that the bright streaks of dye will creep inside.

Making kids' Halloween meals is easy and kids will love it! Bon Appetit!

Larisa Shuftaykina