Prague liquid cake. Cake "Prague": master class and cooking secrets

This famous cake was presented to us by Czech cuisine. And the name was given to him by the capital of the Czech Republic - Prague. It is known for certain that the recipe original cake complicated, and the cooking process is laborious. The cake includes several types butter cream with the addition of cognac and liqueurs. And the cakes are soaked in rum for him. Few of our compatriots had to taste the real Czech "Prague". However, almost everyone who spent part of their life in the mighty USSR is familiar with its simplified variant. This cake was incredibly popular. Rarely has any cookery not cooked "Prague", and every self-respecting housewife had a recipe for this cake.

In a simplified version, the recipe for making the Prague cake was invented by Vladimir Guralnik, who worked as the head of the confectionery department in the Moscow restaurant Praga. By the way, Guralnik is known as the author of more than thirty recipes for original pastries and cakes: for example, the cake “ bird's milk". Vladimir Guralnik adopted the secrets of confectionery art from masters from Czechoslovakia who came to Moscow to exchange experience. The predecessor (or prototype) of the Prague cake is the Austrian Sacher cake, which, unlike Prague, is made without any cream at all.

The recipe for this cake is known in many variations. "Prague", "Old Prague", "Chiffon Prague" - cakes, differing mainly in the types of cream and biscuit dough. But their components are unchanged - chocolate biscuit cakes, Prague cream and chocolate fudge. However, many recipes suggest swapping fondant for chocolate icing. We offer you a choice of recipes for making the famous Prague cake. And which one you like best - choose for yourself.

Sour cream biscuit cake Prague


  • Eggs - 2 pcs;
  • Sour cream - 300 g;
  • Sugar - 1 glass;
  • Soda - half a teaspoon;
  • Table vinegar;
  • Flour - 1.5 cups;
  • Almond;
  • Cardamom or black pepper - a pinch;

For the cream:

  • Condensed cocoa - half a can;
  • Butter - 200 g;

For syrup:

  • Sugar - 1 tablespoon;
  • Water - 2 tablespoons;
  • Liquor (any) - 1 tablespoon;

For glaze:

  • Oil - 50 g;
  • Sugar - 4 tablespoons;
  • Milk - 2 tablespoons;
  • Cocoa (powder) - 4 tablespoons;


How to make a Prague cake? In a bowl, grind sour cream, eggs and sugar, add soda quenched with vinegar. Mix condensed cocoa with flour, add chopped almonds, cardamom. If cardamom is not available, use ground black pepper. The resulting dough must be divided into three equal parts, bake three cakes from them, and cool the finished cakes.

Prepare the cream. Whisk the condensed cocoa with butter. Make a syrup with sugar, water, and liquor. Saturate each crust with syrup and coat with cream. Fill the top cake with icing. To make the frosting, dissolve the sugar in the milk, add the cocoa and butter to it, and simmer for about two minutes.

Classic Prague cake recipe


  • 2 cups of flour;
  • 1 cup of sugar;
  • Half a glass of vodka;
  • 200 g sour cream;
  • 100 g of condensed milk;
  • 2 eggs;
  • 1 teaspoon baking powder.

For the cream:

  • 200 g butter;
  • 100 g of condensed milk;
  • 1 tablespoon water
  • 2 teaspoons of cocoa powder
  • 1 yolk;
  • 10 g vanilla sugar.

For glaze:

  • 50 g thick jam(better than apricot);
  • 200 g of chocolate;
  • 50 g butter.


Making a Prague cake starts with baking biscuit cakes... To do this, you need to prepare a split baking dish with a diameter of 23-25 ​​cm, baking paper, and also preheat the oven to 200 ° C. Mix flour with cocoa powder and sift through a sieve into a large bowl. Carefully separate the whites from the yolks. Beat half the sugar with the yolks with a mixer (until the mass turns white and becomes homogeneous). By the way, the better you beat the yolks, the softer the biscuit will be.

Beat the whites with a mixer for about two minutes, then add condensed milk, the second half of sugar and sour cream to them, and then beat for another three minutes. Add the protein mass to the whipped yolks. Stir the resulting mass with light movements from bottom to top. Note that it is very important to stir slowly and in one direction.

Add flour and cocoa powder mixture. To do this, it is best to use a sieve: sift the cocoa flour over the yolk-protein mass and mix gently from bottom to top. Line the bottom of the dish with baking paper, grease the entire dish with butter. Pour the dough into it and place in the preheated oven for one hour.

Bake a biscuit, remove the form from oven and let stand for about five minutes on a damp towel. Then carefully remove the side edges of the form, separate the sponge cake from the paper. It is recommended to put "Prague" on the wire rack and leave for 8 hours. In this case, one layer will be easily cut into several cakes.

To prepare the cream, it is necessary to prepare cling film, and remove the butter from the refrigerator in advance so that it is soft. Separate the yolk from the protein. Mix the yolk with water, gradually add the condensed milk. Put the mass on medium heat or water bath and, stirring constantly, bring to a boil. Then the heat must be reduced and the mass must be held for another 2-3 minutes until thickened.

Remove the cream from heat and continue stirring to evenly cool the mass. After that, cover the cream with cling film and leave to cool. Beat the softened butter with vanilla sugar. Add the cooled cream to the butter in portions, whisking. Add cocoa powder and beat again.

Cut the biscuit into three cakes of equal thickness. Saturate them with vodka. Collect the cake, smearing the cakes with Prague cream. It is not necessary to coat the top cake on top. Apply a thin layer of jam on it. Melt the chocolate in a water bath, add butter, mix well. Grease the top and sides of the cake with the resulting chocolate icing. Leave the finished cake in the refrigerator for twelve hours.

Old Prague Chocolate Cake Recipe

Can't imagine life without chocolate? Then the chocolate cake will suit your taste! Its difference from the classic recipe for the Prague cake is that two types of cream are used in its production. Home-style cake "Prague" can be prepared using classic recipe.

However, instead of the complex Prague cream, you need to make two light creams: simple sour cream and dark (with the addition of cocoa powder). You can also make the Old Prague cake, and the taste of this cake will surprise you with its tenderness and richness.


  • 1 cup of sugar;
  • 2 eggs;
  • 1 cup flour
  • 1 can of condensed milk;
  • 100 g butter;
  • Half a glass of sour cream (20% fat);
  • 1 tablespoon vanilla sugar
  • 4 tablespoons of cocoa powder;
  • 1 teaspoon baking powder.

For sour cream:

  • Half a glass of sour cream (20% fat);
  • Half a glass of sugar.

For dark cream:

  • 150 g butter;
  • Half a can of condensed milk;
  • 2 tablespoons of cocoa powder.

To decorate:

  • 100 g of chocolate.


To prepare the cakes, beat the sour cream with sugar, add eggs, baking powder, cocoa powder, vanilla sugar and condensed milk. Mix everything thoroughly. Then add flour to the resulting mass, sifting it through a sieve. Mix everything again, add butter. Knead the dough, divide it into two equal parts and roll it out. Before baking, grease the dish with butter, cover the bottom baking paper... Gently place the rolled dough into a mold, bake in the oven for 30 minutes. After that, cool the cakes, cut each cake into two parts and grease them with sour cream.

The sour cream recipe is very simple: beat the sour cream with sugar (and that's it). For chocolate cream, add condensed milk and cocoa powder to the softened butter and beat with a mixer until homogeneous mass... When assembling the cake, grease all the cakes with dark cream, also coat the top and sides of the cake with it. Leave in the refrigerator for 1 hour to soak the cakes. Decorate with chocolate.

Cake "Chiffon Prague"

If you want to surprise your guests exquisite taste and unusually tender, homemade cake "Prague", then the recipe for making cake "Chiffon Prague" is just what you need! Guests will be delighted with the chocolate-chiffon biscuit and delicate creamy-chocolate cream! Cake "Chiffon Prague" differs from the cake "Old Prague" with an unforgettable chocolate-chiffon biscuit, and from chocolate cake"Prague" it is distinguished by a gentle custard.


  • 180 g and 45 g of sugar;
  • 200 g flour;
  • 2 teaspoons baking powder
  • 175 ml of water;
  • 125 ml of vegetable oil;
  • 60 g cocoa powder;
  • 1/3 tablespoon of instant coffee;
  • 8 egg whites;
  • 5 egg yolks;
  • 1/4 teaspoon salt
  • 1/4 teaspoon baking soda.

For the cream:

  • 200 g butter;
  • 3 egg yolks;
  • 5 tablespoons of condensed milk;
  • 1/4 cup water
  • 50 g of chocolate;
  • 1 tablespoon of brandy.

For glaze:

  • 3 tablespoons of sugar;
  • 2 tablespoons of cocoa powder;
  • about 2 teaspoons of butter;
  • 50 g thick jam;
  • 6 tablespoons of water.


To prepare a cake "Chiffon Prague" you will need a 26 cm split mold. If you have a mold measuring 20-24 cm, then the indicated norm of products can be halved. The oven must be warmed up to 160 ° C.

To make a biscuit, mix cocoa powder with instant coffee, add required amount warm water and stir until smooth. Eggs room temperature divided into whites and yolks. Beat sugar (180 g) with yolks with a mixer until a fluffy homogeneous mass is formed. Then gently introduce in small portions vegetable oil stirring continuously. Also gradually add the cocoa and coffee solution. Combine flour, baking powder and baking soda. Add the mixture to the previously prepared mass (evenly in several steps). Stir the dough well until a homogeneous consistency is obtained.

Add salt to the egg whites and, starting at low speed and gradually increasing the speed, beat them with a mixer. Add sugar (45 g) and continue beating the protein mass until the peak formed on the surface of the beaten proteins does not break and keeps its shape steadily. Add the protein mixture to the dough. It is best to stir in the proteins with light movements from the bottom up.

Line the bottom of the dish with baking paper, grease the entire dish with butter. Pour the dough into a mold and bake in a preheated oven for about 50 minutes. During the baking process, do not open the oven door for the first 30 minutes so that the biscuit does not settle. At the end of baking, remove the baking dish from the oven.

Chocolate chiffon sponge cake is recommended to be cooled upside down. Therefore, use four supports - for example, cups - turn the biscuit pan over and set on the supports until it cools completely. Then turn the biscuit over and remove the mold, leave for 5-6 hours.

Cream preparation:

First of all, you need to get the butter out of the refrigerator so that it becomes soft. Egg yolks separate from proteins. Beat the yolks with water, add condensed milk to them. Put the resulting mass in a water bath and stir constantly until it thickens to the consistency of condensed milk. Remove the pot from the stove. Break the chocolate into pieces, put in the custard, wait 3-4 minutes for the chocolate to melt, and mix thoroughly. Cool the custard to room temperature. Beat the softened butter and add it to the custard in small portions. Pour in brandy.

Divide the cooked cream into thirds in about a 4/4/2 ratio. Grease the first and second cake layers with equal parts of the cream, cover with the third cake layer, grease the sides of the cake (do not grease the top with cream!). Brush the top of the cake evenly with jam. It is best to use apricot or apple jam. Put the cake in the refrigerator for 15-20 minutes to set the cream and thicken the jam.

Glaze recipe:

To prepare it, you need to mix cocoa powder, sugar and water in a saucepan. Cook over low heat, stirring constantly, until the mass thickens. Usually it is enough to bring the mixture to a boil, cook for 1-2 minutes. Add butter, stir. Cover the sides and top of the cake with hot icing. Put ready cake in the refrigerator for at least 30 minutes so that the icing hardens. By the way, there is no need to wait until the glaze hardens to a solid state: it will always be soft.

Choose a recipe and try to cook delicious and very famous cake Prague. Cook with pleasure and bon appetit!

Discussion 49

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The Prague cake is a classic Soviet cookery recipe that was prepared both in stores and at home. Biscuit chocolate cakes with sweet chocolate cream what could be tastier? I decided to pamper my nephew with such a yummy for his birthday - and pampered him! I suggest you evaluate my version of the dessert - Prague without embellishment.

Prague (or Prague) is distinguished from similar cakes by the obligatory presence of condensed milk in dough, cream or everywhere at once. Let's decide that traditionally there are two common options for making dessert: according to GOST and with sour cream cakes... I chose the second option, as it is rather dry in itself.

Prague cake - recipe with photo step by step

We will prepare and measure all the components.

  • Flour - 2 cups.
  • Egg - 3 pcs.
  • Sugar - 1 glass.
  • Sour cream - 1 glass.
  • Condensed milk - 150 gr.
  • Cocoa - 2 tbsp. spoons.
  • Baking powder - 1.5 tsp.


  • Sugar - 1 glass.
  • Cognac - 1 glass.
  • Oil - 250 gr.
  • Condensed milk - 150 gr.
  • Cocoa - 1.5 tbsp spoons.
  • Vanilla - 1 tsp.
  • Milk - 300 ml.
  • Cocoa - 2 tbsp. spoons.
  • Sugar - 100 gr.
  • Oil - 1 tbsp. a spoon.

Impressed by the number of components? Do not be afraid, in reality everything is not so scary. Let's start baking and analyze in detail how to cook every moment of our recipe.

Bake cakes

We will soften our chocolate biscuit with sour cream. This component gives the dough additional looseness and airiness. Otherwise, it is baked in the usual way.

Leave the biscuit to cool completely. It is best if the cake lasts 8-12 hours. Homemade biscuit often baked with a hat. To reduce its height, leave the biscuit to cool with the “hat” down on the wire rack, as in my photo.

Cooking impregnation

This component of the cake is optional, especially if a sour cream version is being prepared. When classic biscuit, it is better to use impregnation. We are preparing alcohol impregnation on cognac. Do not be alarmed, during the cooking process all the alcohol will be released, only the aroma will remain. But if the cake is intended only for children, then the impregnation can be done as usual - sugar.

  1. Pour brandy into a saucepan and add sugar.
  2. Boil the mass until thickened. The correct syrup should drip off the spoon, not drip, so it only takes a few minutes to cook.

Cooking cream

Cream is a very important part of Prague. Of course you can do it, but traditionally it is an oil cream with condensed milk.

  1. Oil for the cream is taken well heated, not heated over a fire, but thawed at room temperature for 3-5 hours. Beat it with a mixer.
  2. Add vanilla flavor to the cream. I use vanilla syrup for this. Because it conveys flavor much better than regular vanilla sugar.
  3. According to the classics of the genre, let's sweeten the cream with condensed milk. Gently mix everything at low or medium mixer speed.
  4. Add cocoa powder to the cream. Rub it through a sieve so that there are no lumps.

Thoroughly mixed, Prague Cake Cream is obtained with a smooth structure, pleasant color and magical aroma.

Making the glaze

The filling of the final product has always been chocolate. In GOST it was glaze, but often at home it was replaced with melted chocolate. Let's make a delicate frosting with milk.

  1. In a bowl, mix the sugar and cocoa powder. Allow the ingredients to warm up slightly over the fire. Remember to stir, otherwise the sugar will burn.
  2. Pour milk to the heated dry ingredients, stirring the mass thoroughly. Allow the glaze to simmer for 2-3 minutes.
  3. The final touch is a piece of butter. It is easy enough to melt it in hot glaze with gentle stirring.

We shape the cake

When the cakes have rest for the right time, and the cream and frosting are ready, you can start forming the cake.

Leave the cake until the frosting stops dripping. Now it's clear why we needed a tray under the grill? Yes, with such a decoration, a large consumption of glaze comes out, but you can always collect it from a tray with a spoon and eat it. Yummy!

There are two stories of the origin of the Prague cake, they are quite interesting and noteworthy. True, one of them is reliable, while the other is only partially. But in order to better understand the Prague cake, you need to look at the history of its appearance from different points of view. Different opinions about the history of its origin create a unique image of this magnificent dessert, which Russians fell in love with back in the days of the USSR.

One of the stories of the appearance of the Prague cake says that the recipe for this dessert appeared in the capital of the Czech Republic and was later brought by Czech chefs to Russia. It was very difficult and expensive to prepare. It is believed that the Prague cake in the Czech Republic was prepared from 4 types of butter cream using Benedictine and Chartreuse liqueurs, as well as cognac. The cake cakes were soaked in rum. Due to expensive ingredients and complex process cooking this cake was available only to wealthy people.

But in fact, all these are fictions, since in the recipes of Czech cuisine there is no such version of the cake and the Czechs themselves did not bring this delicacy to Russia. From this story, we can only conclude that if such versions exist, then people consider Prague a dessert with European roots, a delicacy of aristocrats. This is not surprising, because Prague has a classic look and amazing taste - qualities inherent in a dessert for gentlemen. In fact, the Prague cake was made in the USSR and was designed with ordinary people in mind.

The true story of the origin of this cake begins in the eponymous Moscow restaurant founded in 1872. It was there that the legendary pastry chef Vladimir Mikhailovich Guralnik worked, who invented the Prague cake. Having got a job in a Moscow restaurant in 1955, Vladimir Guralnik became the head of the workshop for 14 years. And during his work, he made many confectionery masterpieces, including, for example, Bird's milk.

During his work at the restaurant, Vladimir Guralnik went on business trips to Europe, including Czechoslovakia, to exchange experiences. It was there that he tasted a cake very similar to the Austrian Sachertorte. The only difficulty was its complex and expensive preparation, which did not meet the requirements for confectionery in USSR.

Vladimir Mikhailovich did everything possible to make the cake he liked to become popular and affordable in the USSR - he finalized its recipe and simplified the process of its production. From the source cooking masterpiece borrowed only the method of making chocolate biscuit and icing, and everything else was completely reworked. The magnificent dessert was named Prague, in honor of the capital's restaurant, in which it was made.

Thanks to simple process cooking and affordable ingredients, the Prague cake has become popular far beyond Moscow. Prague is one of the main desserts of the USSR, which the Soviet people indulged themselves with. And even now, in Russia, the Prague cake, made in accordance with GOST, remains a popular and surprisingly tasty delicacy that you want to enjoy as often as possible.


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For TWO biscuits!
  • Eggs - 12 pcs.
  • Sugar - 300 g
  • Flour - 230 g
  • Cocoa powder - 50 g
  • Butter - 80 g
For cream
  • Yolk - 2 pcs.
  • Water - 40 g
  • Condensed milk - 240 g
  • Butter - 400 g
  • Vanilla sugar - 20 g
  • Cocoa powder - 20 g
For impregnation
  • Water - 150 g
  • Sugar - 100 g
  • Cognac - 1 tbsp. l.
Optional but required
  • Apricot jam / confiture - 300 g
For alignment
  • Dark chocolate - 300 g
  • Cream 33% - 300 g
  • Black food coloring(optional)
For decor
  • White chocolate - 200 g
  • Dark chocolate - 30 g
  • Food colorings
  • Vodka
  • Merengi
  • Confectionery sprinkles

Close Ingredient stamp

- legendary soviet cake! Detailed step by step recipe with photo! Modern version decor, secrets and useful tips chefs! Everything will work out!

Today I will tell and show you how to cook cake Prague- the legendary Soviet cake, still very much loved by many. I have a special relationship with him. For a long time I doubted how exactly to perform it. Wagon and small cart options - to invent your own or not to reinvent the wheel and cook according to the old GOST recipe? Having lost my mind and a lot of experimenting, I decided to add only a couple of my own, very small, strokes to the original. After all, I am a great conservative and do not support the opinion that any chocolate cakes with chocolate cream can be called Prague cake.

The Prague cake in my performance is almost classic, the difference is in the assembly: on each cake I put a thin layer of homemade apricot jam and only then - the cream. There are also a lot of cakes: I like tall cakes, but this, of course, is not for everybody. And most importantly - I soak the cakes sugar syrup with cognac, whereas in original recipe There is no impregnation, which makes this cake seem dry to many. Honestly, I like it even without impregnation: it has its own charm, it is no coincidence that one of the best Soviet pastry chefs made Prague just like that. However, our people, according to my observations, still love more wet cakes, therefore, deliberate dryness can simply be attributed to the ineptitude of the pastry chef or hostess. But who wants such a reaction to their work? In general, I impregnate Prague. And this seemingly insignificant detail greatly affects the perception of the cake. As if he is already different. But very, very tasty! All my tasters are delighted with this slightly wet, rainy Prague with thin, aromatic apricot layers.

In addition, I will share how to make amazing strokes on a cream cake. I, frankly, did not expect that they would arouse such interest among my instad friends, so I did not shoot the process, but, believe me, everything is so simple that there is nothing to illustrate, you will see for yourself. And be surprised :)

Let's prepare the form!

As I have said many times, I use a transforming ring. Whatever it may seem from the outside, it is very convenient! The cakes are high and even, better than other types of baking dishes. Miracles, and more! In addition, the diameter can be adjusted, which saves money and space. I will be making a tall cake weighing at least 2.5kg, so I will need two biscuits. But I have one form, and the oven is weak, which means I will bake in turn and knead the dough too. If you need a small cake, you can easily get by with one biscuit. We adjust the diameter (18 cm), line the bottom of an even baking sheet with foil, put a sheet of baking paper on it, and put a ring on it. Raise the edges of the paper and foil, as if "hugging" the ring, press firmly at the base. Ready. Don't be afraid - the dough won't run out! The main thing is that the surface of the baking sheet is flat.

Making biscuit dough!

For each biscuit we need 6 fresh eggs 1st category. Separate the yolks from the whites. We make sure that the yolk or water does not get into the whites. Place 6 yolks in a beating bowl.

Add 75 g of sugar to them.

Beat with a mixer at high speed ...

... until the mass is fluffy, light and creamy.

Now we take 6 proteins. We place them in another bowl - clean and dry. And beat with a mixer at high speed until fluffy. Don't overdo it: about a minute, maybe a little more, is usually enough.

Add 75 g of sugar to the proteins. And whisk again ...

... exactly until the proteins become glossy and dense. They should sit firmly in the bowl and, when turned over, should not fall out of it. But here it is important not to interrupt, otherwise the biscuit will not rise, it will be dense and simply spoiled. That is, whisking, periodically check readiness: tilt the bowl, and as soon as you see that the proteins have stopped flowing and are firmly seated in the bowl, turn it off!

Gently, with folding movements, from bottom to top, preferably with a silicone spatula, mix the whites to the yolks.

Melt 40 g of good butter in a separate container. In the microwave or on the stove, whichever is more convenient for you.

Gently, in parts, add the flour with cocoa to the egg-sugar mixture.

We do this in the same folding movements as when the whites were mixed with the yolks. From the bottom up, rather quickly, carefully, but at the same time carefully: it is important not to crush the proteins, then the dough rises better, and the biscuit will be fluffy, airy and very tasty!

With such a tape, an almost finished dough falls from a shoulder blade.

Now carefully, along the edge, pour in the butter. And again, with movements from bottom to top, mix. Without fanaticism!

Ready dough pour into our mold. As far as possible, level the surface. We put in an oven preheated to 180 degrees for 40 minutes. Times may vary, it depends on your particular oven! The first 10 minutes, or better longer, do not open the oven, otherwise the biscuit may fall off. If your biscuits burn from the bottom, I recommend placing a heat-resistant container of water on a lower level. If they burn on top, but inside are damp, place the tin with the foil biscuit with the shiny side up. If the built-in temperature regulator is lying, buy a thermometer for the oven, they are inexpensive, but very helpful!

We check the readiness of the biscuit with a dry torch or just lightly press in the middle: if it springs and returns to its place, it's done. It is better not to take it out of the oven right away. Turn it off, open the door, let it stand. So it will fall less. But if time is running out, get it right away.

We open the form ...

... and get the biscuit!

Turn it over on the lattice, if any. If not, just put on baking paper. Let it cool. Then we remove the paper on which it was baked….

... and wrap it in plastic wrap. In this form, we remove the biscuit in the refrigerator or leave it on the kitchen table for 8 hours: it needs to lie down, so it will crumble less, it will be easier to cut into cakes and in general, together with the cream and impregnation, it will not turn into porridge! I strongly recommend to stand the biscuit! Well, I also remind you that for my cake, by the example of which I describe this recipe, I baked two such biscuits. Now let's cook ...

... cream for the Prague cake!

To do this, put 2 yolks and 40 g of water in a saucepan. We mix everything.

Add 240 g of delicious condensed milk. The present should consist only of milk and sugar!

There - 20 g of vanilla sugar (not vanillin!). Usually it is 2 sachets.

Put the saucepan over low heat and cook with constant stirring until thickened.

If suddenly you overheat the mixture, which is why the yolks curl, or it goes in lumps, a sieve will save you! Rub the cream through it into a dry, clean bowl. Cover with cling film and cool to room temperature.

Then we need butter - also at room temperature. Again, I recommend using the most natural oil you can find. Now this is difficult, unfortunately. Especially in big cities. All the packs have “butter” written on them, the composition contains pure cream, but ordinary customers cannot find out what actually is. Choose the hardest butter, at least 82.5%, and the tastiest.

Beat 400 g butter on high speed until fluffy.

Add the custard in parts, continuing to beat.

And at the end, add 20 g of sifted cocoa powder.

And beat thoroughly again.

This is how we get the cream for the Prague cake! Delicious in itself!


From each biscuit, carefully cut off the top with a long knife-saw for bread. You don't need to do this, at the right temperature in the oven, the biscuits turn out to be quite even, but I still prefer to align even more. The turntable will help us a lot here, it's good if you have one. If not, however, you can also get used to it.

Cut the biscuits into cakes. I got three cakes out of each.

And only six. Handsome men! I really like to work with biscuit dough, it's magical!

Putting the cake together!

Here again we need a baking ring, as well as acetate film (or any thick film, thin plastic cutting boards, and even stationery folders). I showed in detail about assembling a cake in a ring in the recipe. Here - briefly. An even baking sheet or tray, on it - a sheet of baking paper, on it - a ring, and insert our acetate film into it, increasing the height of the ring. I know that now masters make rings 25 cm high, but this is still a rarity.

We cover the cake with cling film so that it does not absorb extraneous odors, and put it in the refrigerator. It is possible for the night. Cakes and cream need to make friends. This is a good time to make a topcoat cream. I have this whipped ganache on dark chocolate in a 1: 1 ratio, that is, 300 g of chocolate and 300 g of 33% cream. I wrote about ganache in detail. I added a little black dye to the cream, so do not be surprised that I have it so dark, but this is completely optional. We take out the cake, remove the ring and the film. We place our cake on a plate or plate on which we are going to serve it, but first we put a little cream on the plate so that the cake does not go anywhere, especially during transportation.

I didn’t shoot how I did them, there was no opportunity, I’ll try to fill it up on occasion, but now I’ll describe it. It's very simple, really! Very! The main thing is to properly temper the chocolate! And then we apply chocolate not very thinly, about 3 mm thick, with a palette knife (you can use a small spatula and even, it seems to me, try with a spoon) on a guitar film (a film for wrapping flowers, for greenhouses, a stationery file, in the end, just paper for baking!) in the form of almost chaotic strokes. That is, in the form that we want to see later. And then let it harden. And carefully remove from the film. Everything! To insert them into the cake, you need to make slits in it with a knife. Barbaric! It's a little scary, but you need to keep everything tight. But before inserting the feathers, I colored the cake. Here, too, everything is brilliant, comrades, that is, simple. We dilute the dye (ANY!) In a few drops of vodka, dip a wide brush with synthetic bristles (easier to wash, which means it is more hygienic, and does not leave hairs!) Into this solution and grease! As your heart desires! White color- titanium dioxide in vodka. Others - Squires Kitchen (but there may be other firms) - also in C2H5OH. The casket just opened :) Recipe and MK for colored chocolate smudges you too. Here's our cake!

Well, now you know how to cook cake Prague, more precisely, how I prepare it. I would be very glad if my notes are useful to you.

Have fun in the kitchen and delicious results!

PS Thanks for the science Irina Chadeeva and her book "Baking in accordance with GOST". I advise you from the bottom of my heart!

Back to the Land of the Soviets? The mega chocolate cake Prague, the recipe for which can be brought to life at home, will take lovers of nostalgia to Soviet Union... Dessert was very popular in the last century, when the trees were large and the lines to the shops were endless. An accessible composition, devoid of sophistication, and a harmonious taste made the invention of one Moscow culinary specialist the property of an entire people.

Three chocolate cakes are greased delicate cream from condensed milk, butter and yolks with cocoa. The whole cake (top and sides) is generously covered with apricot jam, then watered with a thick layer chocolate glaze... In the original - fudge, but it's easy to cook at home. And replacing it with ganache does not spoil the taste. Therefore, in 80 percent of cases, such a change is still carried out.

The history of the classic Prague cake recipe at home

Before the hostesses could master the recipe delicious treats, time has passed. Everything in order. There are several theories about the origin of the treat.

The first version is wrong

The name of the cake came from the main city of Czechoslovakia. To exchange experience, Czech confectioners came to the capital's restaurant "Prague" and brought the recipe with them. delicious dessert... It consisted of chrome-impregnated chocolate sponge cakes. They were lubricated with four types of cream, to which cognac, Chartreuse and Benedictine liqueurs were added. Soviet chefs simplified the recipe and the Prague cake appeared.

In Czech cuisine, however, there is no such dessert.

Version two is correct

Most likely in this very restaurant V.M. Guralnik was the head of the confectionery department. Today he is known as a talented inventor who invented "Bird's milk," Wenceslas cake and about three dozen more non-trivial recipes.

It was Vladimir Mikhailovich who came up with the idea to combine three chocolate biscuits having missed them butter cream on yolks with cocoa, coat the masterpiece with apricot jam and pour over with chocolate ganache. On top, as a rule, patterns of cream or fondant were applied. The delicacy was to the taste of Soviet citizens. And over time it became business card countries. The recipe for the Prague cake was drawn up in accordance with GOST and began to be sold in cookery throughout the USSR.

The hostesses brought forth many variations on how to make sweet dreams at home.

Prague cake at home - a delicious recipe with a photo

We offer you to make a famous dessert in your kitchen. It will take a little time, and the result will surprise you with chocolate, tenderness and airiness. The cake is really tasty, beautiful and unusual. Its only minus or plus is that you can't eat a lot of such a treat: it's too satisfying and sweet. Maybe that's good. One cake can serve 12-16 people.

Appearance it differs from the classical one, as I wanted pomp and solemnity. In the original, the surface of the Prague cake is decorated with cream patterns or inscriptions. Simple recipes at home, the good thing is that you can deviate from the canons and give free rein to imagination. We were preparing our masterpiece for the birthday of one little sweet-tooth princess who wished to receive a lot of sweets as a gift. Therefore, the decor contains sweets and candies of all calibers and stripes. If you wish, you can do it.

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