Almond flour sweetness. How to make almond cookies: recipes, photos

Almond cookies have been one of the most popular in the world for a long time. In many countries, their own names were even invented for him. So, in France, almond flour cookies are called "macaroni", and in Italy - "amaretti". Today we decided to offer you several options for making this wonderful dessert.

Simple macaroons: photo, recipe

If you want to please yourself and your loved ones delicious pastries with the original almond flavor, then prepare the following products: 120 grams of chopped almonds or almond flour, 230 grams of sugar, three eggs (we will only use proteins) and 30 grams wheat flour... As you can see, we only need four ingredients for cooking.


Mix sugar with almond flour or chopped almonds. Separate the egg whites from the yolks and add to the flour. Whisk. We put the dough on water bath and heated to a temperature of 40-50 degrees. It should thicken slightly. When the dough heats up, add flour to it and mix well. Cover the baking sheet on which you plan to bake your almond cookies parchment paper and put the dough on it from a pastry bag. Be sure to leave a few centimeters between the cookies. We bake our dessert at 180 degrees for a quarter of an hour. Cooked Cookies cool and serve. Bon Appetit!

Almond cookies: recipe by Julia Vysotskaya

Many residents of our country are well aware of the TV presenter Yulia Vysotskaya, who in her TV show, as well as on her website, tirelessly introduces all those interested in the intricacies of cooking the most different dishes... Almond biscuits were no exception. How Yulia Vysotskaya proposes to cook it, we will find out further.


So, we propose to find out from what we will make almond cookies (recipe by Julia Vysotskaya). Ingredients: chopped almonds - 250 grams, sugar - 120 grams, powdered sugar - 140 grams, corn flour - 100 grams, three eggs (we take only proteins), the zest of one orange (it must be finely grated), wheat flour - three tablespoons spoons, baking powder - one and a half teaspoons.

Cooking process

Let's start with the test. Pour sugar into a small saucepan, pour 40 milliliters of water into it and cook caramel syrup. In a deep bowl, combine the almonds with zest and wheat flour. Pour in the caramel syrup and stir until it becomes coarse. We put the bowl in the refrigerator for two hours. After that, turn on the oven at 110 degrees and continue to cook the dough. Whisk the whites with 120 grams of powdered sugar and add them to the cooled almond-sugar mass. Pour in baking powder and mix. We connect corn flour with the remains of powdered sugar, shape with a spoonful of cookies and roll them in this mass. Grease a baking tray with oil or cover with parchment paper. We put cookies on it and send to the oven. It should be baked for about 40-45 minutes. Cool the finished almond cookies a little and remove from the baking sheet. It turns out to be crumbly, tasty and has a pronounced citrus aroma.

Traditional French macaroons

This dessert is known not only in its homeland, but all over the world under the name "macaroni". It successfully competes with croissants for the title of the symbol of France. This bright cookie is reminiscent of a meringue in its structure. It consists of two halves that are glued together with cream or jam. There are many ways to make traditional French macaroons. We invite you to get acquainted with one of them.


French macaroons, the recipe for which we offer you, involves the use of ingredients from the following list: powdered sugar or fine crystalline sugar - 275 grams, almond flour - 125 grams, boiled water - 50 milliliters, 100 grams of egg whites (3-4 eggs), dry protein - three grams and food coloring of your choice. Please note that it is necessary to strictly adhere to the proportions indicated in the recipe. Therefore, for accurate measurements, it is best to use an electronic kitchen scale.

Cooking instructions

Please note that these almond flour cookies are made in several steps. So, egg whites are recommended to be kept for a couple of days beforehand at room temperature... Also, if you don't have almond flour, you should prepare it beforehand. This can be done by crushing the almonds into powder, sifting and leaving to dry for 6-7 days. So when you have everything at hand necessary ingredients, you can start making cookies.

Pour 150 grams of sugar with water, put on fire and boil the syrup. At the same time, combine the egg whites with the dry protein and beat with a mixer at low speed, gradually pouring in the remaining sugar until peaks form. When the syrup heats up to a temperature of 115 degrees, remove it from the heat and pour it into the proteins. Stir until smooth. Add almond flour to the dough in two parts, stirring thoroughly. Then, if necessary, we tint the mass with food coloring. We cover the baking sheet with a double layer of parchment paper, foil or a special silicone mat. Transfer the resulting dough into a pastry bag and place circles about 2 centimeters in diameter on a baking sheet. In this case, it is necessary to leave a sufficient distance between the future cookies, since they will increase in size during baking. Leave the baking sheet at room temperature for an hour. If at this time bubbles appear on the future pasta, then slightly pierce the dough with a toothpick. Our almond cookies should be sent to the oven when they are covered with a thin crust and will not stick to your finger when touched. We bake our dessert at 150 degrees for about 12-15 minutes. Cool the finished pasta and fasten it together with your favorite cream, jam or preserves.

Cookies "Tuile"

The recipe for this interesting pastry was also presented by the famous TV presenter Yulia Vysotskaya. To prepare this macaroons we need: fine sugar - 150 grams, chopped almonds - 120 grams, wheat flour - 50 grams, three egg whites (and they should be placed in the refrigerator in advance), one yolk, one tablespoon each of powdered sugar and butter, and sea ​​salt- a pinch.

We begin to prepare almond cookies, the recipe for which we offer you, by beating cold proteins with a pinch of salt. You should have a dense foam. Whisk in a separate bowl egg yolk with sugar. Add flour and add whipped egg whites. Continue whisking and gradually add the almond flakes. Cover the baking sheet with baking paper or grease with oil and spread the dough with a spoon, forming thin cakes. Cookies should be baked for six to eight minutes in an oven preheated to 200 degrees. We put still hot ready-made cakes on a rolling pin. Thanks to this, after solidification, they will acquire an interesting curved shape. Sprinkle the finished dish with icing sugar and enjoy its taste.

Almond Orange Cookies

This delicious dessert will not leave anyone indifferent. So even ladies on a strict diet will not resist the temptation to try these baked goods. Here's how to make these delicious tiny macaroons. The calorie content of such a dessert will be about 400-420 kilocalories per 100 grams of product. Moreover, the weight of one product is about 30-35 grams.

So, if you decide to cook such a dessert, then take care of the availability in the kitchen following ingredients: almond flour - 180-200 grams, 100 grams of granulated sugar, one egg, zest from one orange, five drops of vanilla essence and a little powdered sugar for sprinkling. If you do not have almond flour, then it is very easy to make it yourself. So, for this you need to scald, peel, and then grind the almonds in a blender.

So, let's move on to making cookies. First, grind the zest on a grater. Then beat the egg with zest and sugar. Add some of the almond flour and add the essence. We mix. Fill in the remaining flour and knead the dough. It should resemble thick porridge in consistency. With our hands we form small balls from the dough. Pour icing sugar into a shallow bowl and roll future cookies in it. Cover the baking sheet with parchment paper and lay out the balls, leaving a distance of several centimeters between them. We bake our dessert for about a quarter of an hour at 170 degrees. Cool the finished almond-orange cookies, serve and enjoy the great taste and aroma. Bon Appetit!

Today I will tell and show you how to make almond flour at home. Essentially, this valuable and expensive product provides powdered sweet almonds. The use of almond flour in cooking is not limited to the preparation of the famous macaroons - it makes amazing biscuits, marzipan, desserts, as well as delicious filling for various homemade cakes.

I must say that the cost of fine almond flour for many (and for me personally) is prohibitively high, and it is difficult to buy it. This product comes out much more expensive than the nuts themselves, even peeled! But if you wish, you can easily make almond flour yourself. In this case, it is not even necessary to peel the nuts - then you get brown almond flour. It can be used in muffins, biscuits and chocolate macaroons.

But in this recipe I'll show you how to peel almonds and get flour. I make it for baking muffins and biscuits, so I dry the nuts until a little ruddy - then the flour has a richer almond flavor. If you need snow-white (with a subtle creamy shade) almond flour, peeled nuts need to be dried at room temperature for a rather long time - about a week.


Cooking a dish step by step with a photo:

To make almond flour at home, in addition to the nuts themselves (use the amount as needed), we need some plain water. Almonds are naturally used raw sweet. In addition, you cannot do without a coffee grinder, in which we will grind dried nuts into flour.

Pour the nuts into a suitable bowl and pour boiling water over them so that the liquid completely covers the almonds. We leave for 10-15 minutes so that the water cools down a little.

Then we drain the water. Thanks to the warm "bath", the nut skin swelled and moved away from the nucleoli.

Now you can peel the almonds. This is done very simply and rather quickly - we hold the nut between the fingers of one hand, pick out a piece of the skin with the other and simply press on the nut. Just look carefully: almond kernels are slippery, they literally pop out of the skin and can fly far away.

Next, the peeled almonds need to be dried. As I said above, drying methods can be different. If you need white flour, dry the almonds at room temperature for about a week - the time depends on the humidity in the room. To do this, you need to lay out the nuts on a tray, which is previously covered with paper towels or napkins. Cover with napkins on top in one layer and remove. The next day, transfer the nuts to new napkins, and so on. In addition, you can quickly dry the almonds in a pan, in the oven (this is what I do) or microwave oven if you're fine with the creamy shade of almond flour. Preheat the oven to 100-150 degrees and put the peeled nuts on a baking sheet. Turn the almonds over from time to time so that they do not burn, then let them cool. In a hot frying pan or in the microwave, the nuts dry for only a couple of minutes, but at the same time they need to be constantly stirred so that the almonds do not burn.

It also has its own subtleties and nuances, which should not be neglected. First of all, you need to grind almonds in small portions and not for long. Best of all in pulsating mode, which is intermittent, shaking the grinder. The fact is that when the nuts are heated (the knives of the coffee grinder become very hot during the grinding process) oil will begin to stand out, which can cause the flour to stick together in lumps. In addition, some culinary experts recommend chopping almonds along with powdered sugar (if the addition of this product is provided in the recipe with almond flour) - then the likelihood of clumping is minimized.

Sometimes you want to surprise everyone at home and cook something extraordinarily tasty. An incentive for this can be a dish that you first tried in a cafe, restaurant or at a party. Sometimes exotic, unfamiliar or almost uncommon ingredients can become an obstacle to achieving the goal. Almond flour- just such a product, without which it is impossible to cook some dishes and desserts. But if almond flour is not found at the moment in the store, it can be prepared at home.

What is this product?

A powdery mass of white color - this is what almond flour or powder looks like. These are nothing more than finely ground grains of sweet almonds. Flour of exactly white color will turn out only if the almonds are peeled. Otherwise, the powder will have a beige tint.

Where are ground almonds used?

The main area of ​​application for such a product as ground almonds is, of course, cooking and confectionery. It is used to prepare:

In addition, almond flour is used as an additive for the preparation of many types of dough, and it is also found as independent dish... Powdered almonds are also used in the preparation of sauces and soups of Mediterranean cuisine. Thanks to the nut addition, the dishes are thicker, with a delicate aroma and delicate taste.

Varieties of almond flour

Almond flour is of two types:

  1. Plain almond flour. It consists of finely chopped blanched almonds.
  2. Partially fat free. This product is made from almond kernels after cold pressing from them oil. This is a rarer almond flour, the price, respectively, is higher for it. You can buy it for 500-700 rubles per pound. Low fat has some advantages over simple, here are the main ones:

This allows the skimmed almond flour to be used to make a more uniform dough with a neutral taste. It is also good for noodle dough, cheese cakes, biscuits and even pancakes. Plain almond flour, which is more expensive than wheat flour, is ideal for crumbly baked goods with more pronounced nutty notes on the palate. Both varieties have a whole range of useful vitamins and minerals, because the powder contains the same substances as whole almonds.

Preparation process for making almond flour

As this product it is not always possible to find it in stores and retail outlets, some housewives have adapted to cook it on their own. Therefore, almond flour at home is made quite often. In addition, this process ensures the freshness of the product and gives housewives a new culinary experience. It is not as easy as many say, but also not as difficult. With accuracy and patience, even a novice culinary specialist can cope with this task.

Before making almond flour, you need to decide what kind of flour you need:

In the first case, snow-white powder is used to prepare delicate desserts, biscuits, some types of pastries. Making white almond flour takes much longer as you first need to peel the almond kernels. To do this, put the nuts in an enamel bowl and pour hot water over them. After the almonds have been in the water for about 5 minutes, drain the water. The grains are washed with cool water. Then again pour boiling water over and leave for 10 minutes. After these procedures, the skin is easily removed from the almonds. Unrefined almond flour is used to prepare many dishes. The recipe for these dishes is such that the color of the nut powder does not matter. These include chocolate biscuit, salads, etc. Preparing almonds for such flour is quite simple: you just need to sort it out and rinse it in cool water.

Drying almond seeds

After the almonds have been washed, peeled and sorted, they must be dried. After all, wet nuts do not make almond flour at all, but a soft gruel. Perfect option drying the grains is as follows: the kernels must be spread in one layer on a dry and bright place for two days. It is desirable that this place is well ventilated. But there are more quick way drying. It is necessary to preheat the oven to 85 degrees. Cover a baking sheet with parchment and pour almonds into one layer, after cutting each into 2-3 parts. It is not recommended to keep almonds in the oven for more than 20 minutes, otherwise they may burn and White color flour will be threatened. The kernels must be thoroughly mixed during drying. Only cooled almonds are the basis for preparing a product such as flour.

How to make almond flour at home?

All processes for preparing almond seeds for grinding are fully completed. Now you can get down to the most important thing. So how to make almond flour and what is needed for this? It can be obtained in several ways:

  1. In a blender.
  2. In the coffee grinder.
  3. In a food processor.

It is advisable to scroll the almonds several times on any equipment to obtain homogeneous mass without large pieces. Flour is best used immediately after it has been cooked to avoid loss of flavor. You can store the product in a hermetically sealed container or in the freezer.

Incredible, delicate, delicious, macaroons - a delicious treat! We have selected cooking recipes that will definitely please.

  • Almonds (do not peel) - 120 g
  • Wheat flour - 30 g
  • Egg white (100 g) - 3 pcs
  • Sugar - 230 g

Do not peel or fry the almonds, grind them into flour.

I had ground almonds, so you can safely take ready-made almonds.

Mix with sugar.

Here I will make a reservation that the cookies are very sweet. If you don't like cloying, try reducing the amount of sugar.

Add egg whites (NOT whipped), stir. This is best done in a saucepan.

Stir well, you can use a mixer.

Put the pan on a low heat and bring the mass to body temperature (about 36 degrees), this is easy to determine: if the dough does not burn your finger, but is warm, then you can remove it. Remember to mix thoroughly.

Add flour, stir.

It turns out a liquid dough.

Heat the oven to 190 degrees.

Cover the baking sheet with baking paper, grease the paper with oil and sprinkle with flour - to be sure. Lay out large enough circles (diameter - about 4-5 cm) with a cornetic or spoon. Leave some space between the cookies as they will creep slightly when baking.

Bake for about 15-17 minutes, do not overdo it! The cookies should be lightly browned.

Remove the cookies from the baking sheet only after they have cooled FULLY!

Recipe 2: almond flour cookies (step by step photos)

We offer you a recipe with a photo of making macaroons step by step.

  • Sugar - 180 grams;
  • Egg whites - 3 pieces;
  • Powdered sugar - 130 grams;
  • Almonds - 150 grams;
  • Butter - 30 grams;
  • Flour - 40 grams.

We take 150 grams of nuts. Grind them to a very fine state. It is better to grind with a blender or coffee grinder, so that the consistency of the product looks more like flour. Then, during cooking, it will be evenly distributed and give that great taste that we all want to get. It is very important that the blender is dry, otherwise all the nuts will stick to the wall.

Pour sugar into the ground nuts (some people prefer to use Brown sugar, it is considered much more useful).

We take three eggs, separate from the yolk in a separate cup.

Add the egg white to the mixture and beat with a mixer for about 2 - 3 minutes. It is important to obtain a homogeneous foamy mass. Transfer the resulting mixture to a saucepan or any deep container that is not afraid of fire. We put on the stove, mix from time to time. We are waiting for the product to start bubbling and foaming, but you need to be careful enough.

Make sure that the sugar does not start to burn. Otherwise, the cookies will turn out tough, with lumps.

Gently add the sifted wheat flour while stirring. Reduce the heat for best results. It is very important to get a not too thick and not too liquid mass. In consistency, the dough should resemble pancake dough.

Preheat the oven to 180 degrees. While our oven is preheating, take out the baking sheet and put the permanent baking paper on it. We put the butter in the microwave for 15 - 20 seconds to melt. Lubricate the paper with oil. Using a spoon or pastry bag, lay out ready dough... The shape of the cookies can be very different (it all depends on the imagination of the pastry chef), but the easiest is the shape in the form of a circle.

It's important to leave space between the cookies so they don't stick together. The approximate diameter is 3-6 centimeters (some people prefer to make cookies with a size of five rubles, so they look much more interesting and children love them very much).

We send the baking sheet with almonds to the oven for 15 - 20 minutes. It is important that our pastries take on a delicate golden hue and can be taken out. Sprinkle with powdered sugar, let cool for 30 - 40 minutes. Now our cookies can be served.

Depending on your taste, you can add some ingredients. Many people like to pour melted chocolate on the finished dessert, add coconut flakes, for a more exotic taste.

Recipe 3: how to make macaroons

Classic macaroons are perfect for your evening tea. The texture of the dough is appetizing, tender and crunchy. This pastry is very flavorful due to the freshly ground almonds. Even a novice hostess can make such cookies.

  • Flour - 400 g
  • Sugar - 150 g
  • Butter - 200 g
  • Eggs - 3 pieces
  • Almonds - 170 g

We put aside 30 pcs. almonds for decoration. Grind the rest of the almonds with a blender.

Pour the set nuts with boiling water for 2-3 minutes. Then we peel them.

Grind butter, sugar and eggs in a container.

Add chopped almonds, mix.

Gradually add flour to the mixture, kneading the dough.

Let the resulting dough stand for 10 minutes.

Grease the baking sheet with a thin layer of vegetable oil.

We form a ball from the dough, press the peeled into it almonds and put on a baking sheet.

When all the cookies are formed, you need to let it stand on a baking sheet for 5-7 minutes. At this time, turn on the oven to heat up to 180 ° C.

Bake the cookies in the oven for 20 minutes.

Let the finished baked goods cool and serve.

Recipe 4: homemade almond cookies

Here is one of the options - delicious, crumbly and aromatic. Such fragrant and tasty cookies will please everyone and everyone, both for a holiday and for the simplest tea party.

  • Flour 150 grams
  • A pinch of salt
  • Butter 125 grams
  • Sugar 50 grams
  • Almonds 30 grams (chopped)
  • Egg 1 piece

Cut the butter into small pieces.

The last step in preparing the dough is to mix all the ingredients.

We bake for 8-10 minutes in the oven at 180 degrees. All is ready!

Recipe 5: macaroons in flakes (with photo)

Nothing complicated, it takes very little time to cook, and you will get pleasure guaranteed. The biscuits are soft immediately after baking, but crunchy and crumbly very quickly. This is if you bake on a baking sheet. If you use tins, the edges are crispy and the middle remains soft (this will increase the baking time).

  • 170 grams of almonds
  • 3 eggs
  • 4 tbsp. tablespoons of sugar
  • 40 grams of flour
  • almond flakes for sprinkling

If you, like me, have unpeeled almonds, then pour boiling water over it for 3-4 minutes.

Then drain the water, now press on the nut - it is very easy to peel off the skin. Almonds need to be dried, it is easier in the oven for 6-8 minutes at a temperature of 60 degrees.

Grind the almonds with a blender. Be sure to add a little sugar to prevent the greasy crumbs from clumping together.

The finer you are, the more uniform the cookie structure will be.

We take the eggs, separate the whites from the yolks. Beat the yolks well with sugar.

Combine the yolk mass with almond flour, mix thoroughly.

Add flour and mix well again.

Beat the whites and carefully combine with the almond-yolk mass.

The consistency of the dough is fluid, but not liquid. Using a pastry bag or just with a spoon, put small balls of dough on a baking sheet (preferably on oiled parchment). Leave more distance between the cookies - the dough will spread.

I put part of the dough into molds. Sprinkle with almond flakes on top.

Preheat the oven to 180 degrees and bake for 30-40 minutes. The longer you bake, the drier the cookies will be.

These are my macaroons.

Recipe 6: nut cookies with almonds (step by step)

  • Wheat flour top grade 200 g
  • Butter 120 g
  • Sugar 80 g
  • Ground almonds 50 g
  • Chicken egg 1 pc
  • Baking dough 1 tsp

Combine butter and sugar.

Add the egg.

Beat in a blender.

Add ground almonds.


Pour in flour and baking powder.

Knead the dough.

Wrap in plastic and refrigerate for 1 hour.

Roll out the dough into a 0.5 cm thick circle.

Cut out the cookies.

Place the cookies on a baking sheet and place in the freezer for 15 minutes.

Apply a drawing with a wooden skewer. Bake at 180 degrees for 15 minutes.

Recipe 7, step by step: macaroon according to GOST

  • Roasted almonds 120 g
  • Egg white (or 3 cat. C1 proteins) 100 g
  • Sugar 230 g
  • Butter for greasing parchment
  • Flour 30 g

We need unpeeled and roasted almonds. Therefore, if you bought dried almonds, fry the almonds in a pan or oven. Add to a coffee grinder or blender grinder.

Grind nuts well.

Add granulated sugar.

And ¾ part of the egg whites.


Whisk the mixture with a blender. Then add the remaining quarter of the egg whites.

The resulting almond mixture must be heated to a temperature of 40 degrees to dissolve all the sugar. I heated in a water bath, stirring constantly.

Add 30 g of sifted flour (this is about 2 tablespoons with the top, but it is better to measure it more precisely).


If you want cookies of the same size as purchased, then divide the dough into 10 parts and put on parchment from a pastry bag, then the cookies will be more or less regular in shape. I decided to make the cookies a little smaller and didn't bother with the bag. Therefore, I spread it with a tablespoon, from which the dough dripped. I got 14 pieces.

Grease the parchment well butter and sprinkle with flour. Honestly, with flour and butter, or just with butter, the cookies in both cases were not easily removed from the parchment.


All recipes are carefully selected by the site's culinary club

25/02/2015 30/03/2015

Uses of Almond Flour in Gluten Free Baking

Almond flour is the most common and widely used nut flour, both in specifically gluten-free baked goods and for making delicious and particularly delicate cookies, cakes and others. confectionery... In recent years, almond flour, as well as flour from other nuts, seeds and coconut, has gained particular popularity as one of the main ingredients of baked goods in the paleo diet, which excludes cereals, not only containing gluten, but also all other grain cultivated products. ...

If you look at chemical composition almonds, then you can understand why replacing ordinary flour from any, not just wheat grain, improves both the taste and texture of the product. Almonds contain approximately 20% protein and 53-55% fat. The use of almond flour thereby proportionally increases the protein and fat content of the finished product. As a result, biscuits and muffins baked with almond flour will never dry out and will not be celebrated quickly. In a simple approximation, a sponge cake on almonds, in taste and softness, will resemble baked goods on eggs with the addition of butter. Therefore, when baking using only almond flour, and without adding grain flour, I never add extra fat to the dough. Even in traditional recipe frajipana, I prefer to add cottage cheese or fruit purees instead of oil. In my opinion, such a technique leads to the enrichment of baked goods with a well-digestible complete protein in the case of cottage cheese, and an increase in nutritional value product. Adding puree from various fruits, among them apples, plums and pears, enhances the flavor of the frangipan filling and makes the filling consistency lush and tender.

However, it should be borne in mind that the name "almond flour" may cause a false idea about the possible replacement of wheat flour with nut flour, in a weight or volume ratio of 1: 1. Unfortunately, this is not the case. No matter how finely the almonds are ground, its particles are much larger than in conventional grinding flour. This leads to the fact that almond flour does not absorb the same amount of liquid constituents of the recipe, and the ratio that we are used to when using wheat flour changes significantly. The amount of liquid, and therefore the density of the dough before baking, also depends on how the almonds are ground. The larger the particles, the less they are able to absorb moisture. Using the same amount of almonds by weight, coarse and fine, can lead to different baking results.

In order to obtain consistent and reproducible results when baking with almond flour of different origins, you should always sift the flour through a sieve with the same mesh size. Almond flour is very popular in Australia, it is available in any supermarket and is not much more expensive than other types of gluten-free foods, especially quinwa flour, tapioca, chia seeds.

Approximately one third of the contents of a commercial package of almond flour does not pass through the sieve when sifted, and the flour has to be ground and sieved after grinding. Sometimes I grind whole nuts with their skins. And always the process turns out to be 2-step. Crushing, sieving, and additional crushing of the residue.

If, for one reason or another, almond flour is not available and it is necessary to make flour from unpeeled almonds, I highly recommend a wonderful article with all the details of the process in photos, and a detailed description of all stages in Victoria's blog .

Very often, almond flour is used in a mixture with other grain flours. Usually this rice flour, but almonds will give great results with both buckwheat and millet flour. Recently, recipes for plain, or sweet bread, with a mixture of almond and coconut flour have become very popular in the blogosphere. Coconut flour should not be confused with coconut flakes finely ground. They differ in taste, protein, fat and carbohydrate content, and behave very differently when baked.

Almonds are also widely used for decorating products, most often for sprinkling the surface of cakes and muffins before baking. Almonds are used, cut in the form of petals or columns. After cooling, the product is usually sprinkled with powdered sugar.

In my opinion, one of the most interesting, extraordinary in terms of intensity of taste and tenderness of a biscuit, are muffins and cakes baked on the basis of mashed oranges and almond flour. I have been baking such cakes for a long time, and with different variations of the recipe. All of them are unusually tasty, easy to prepare, where the longest procedure is to make mashed potatoes from boiled oranges together with the peel. These cakes or muffins don't need any cream. They are so juicy and soft that the cream will only spoil them.

Almond flour has a special place in grain-free baked goods, where almonds are often the only dry ingredient in a recipe. Even in such conditions, you can bake amazingly delicious cupcake... The photo below shows an apple-almond cake with raisins and cinnamon baked without sugar, using honey and boiled applesauce.