Walnut cake - lick your fingers. Walnut cake: a simple homemade dessert recipe Walnut cake name

If you want to find a recipe for a delicious and easy-to-prepare cake, then you simply have to learn how to bake a cake with walnuts... The success of such a masterpiece home cooking just guaranteed. You don't need to be convinced that walnuts add a special piquancy to almost any dish? Many appetizers, salads, first and second courses include this versatile nut, which goes well with meat, vegetables, and sweets. And baking with him generally turns out to be extraordinary. So, if you want to bake a guaranteed delicious cake, then choose a cake recipe with walnuts. You won't go wrong!

Coffee cake with walnuts

This recipe will delight lovers coffee baked goods... Coffee, walnuts and the most delicate cream from mascarpone cheese ... Let's try such a spicy combination of flavors in the cake?


  • Pancake flour - 200 grams;
  • Butter - 200 grams;
  • Walnut - 100 grams;
  • Sugar (fine) - 200 grams;
  • Eggs - 4 pieces;
  • Instant coffee - 2 tablespoons.

For the cream:

  • Butter - half a pack;
  • Mascarpone cheese - 125 grams;
  • Instant coffee - 1 teaspoon;
  • Powdered sugar - 200 grams;
  • Walnuts.


We turn on the oven in advance and prepare baking dishes (it is more convenient to bake two cakes at once in two identical forms), greasing them with oil and sprinkling with flour. Mix pancake flour with baking powder and sift into a bowl. Then put the softened there butter, raw eggs and sugar and begin to beat the mixture until smooth and soft. Now add to the dough finely chopped with a knife or twisted in a meat grinder, walnuts and boiled water diluted in two tablespoons instant coffee... We knead the dough, divide it into two parts and arrange it according to the shapes. We bake the cakes at a temperature of 180-200 degrees for about half an hour.

Leave the finished cakes to rest for a little (about five minutes) in the molds, and then take them out and put them on the wire rack to cool. While the cakes are cooling, prepare the cream. Put the mascarpone in a bowl, add soft butter and instant coffee diluted with boiling water (but cooled!). We begin to put sifted icing sugar into the cream, stirring it constantly. We introduce the powder gradually, adding one tablespoon at a time and kneading thoroughly before a new portion. Divide the cream in half. Coat the bottom cake with the first half, cover with the second and coat the top and sides of the cake with the remaining cream. Decorate in halves walnuts or sprinkle generously with nut crumbs.

Honey cake with walnuts

The honey cake recipe is in the arsenal of any housewife. What is your option honey cake with walnuts and sour cream?


  • Flour - 1 glass;
  • Sugar - 1 glass;
  • Butter - 100 grams;
  • Honey - 2 tablespoons;
  • Eggs - 3 pieces;
  • Baking soda - 1 teaspoon

For the cream:

  • Sour cream - 300 grams;
  • Sugar - 1 glass;
  • Walnuts - half a glass;
  • Lemon juice - 1 teaspoon


Put honey and butter in a saucepan and dissolve in a water bath. Beat eggs with granulated sugar and add flour to them in small portions. Pour melted honey and butter into this mixture, put soda and knead the dough. Divide the dough into three parts and bake three cakes in a greased form. You can pour the whole dough on a baking sheet at once, bake the cake, and then cut it into three equal parts. Honey cakes bake in an oven preheated to 180 degrees that is dark golden in color.

Whip sour cream with sugar, add lemon juice and chopped walnuts. We collect the cake from the cooled cakes, smearing them with sour cream. We also coat the sides and top of the cake with cream. Decorate with nut crumbs and whole walnut kernels.

Carrot cake with walnuts

This recipe may cause confusion for many. However, carrot dough is used for making desserts in many countries. And here's another recipe for such baking.


  • Flour - 1 glass;
  • Baking powder - 1 sachet;
  • Brown sugar - 200 grams;
  • Butter - 1 pack;
  • Raisins - 100 grams;
  • Carrots - 1-2 pieces;
  • Milk is an incomplete glass;
  • Sour cream - 2 tablespoons;
  • Cinnamon - 1 teaspoon
  • Nutmeg - half a teaspoon
  • Salt - half a teaspoon;
  • Walnut - 100 grams.

For glaze:

  • Dark chocolate bar;
  • 2 tablespoons heavy cream;
  • A tablespoon of butter.


We turn on the oven and heat it up to 180 degrees. We also prepare a baking dish in advance, greasing it with oil and sprinkling with flour. Melt the butter for the cake in a saucepan and pour into a bowl. Peel the carrots and rub them on a fine grater. Put the grated carrots, sugar, cinnamon, nutmeg, salt and sour cream in a bowl of melted butter and stir. Sift flour mixed with baking powder into a separate bowl, put washed and dried raisins and chopped walnuts into it. Stir, and then gradually pour in the milk, continuing to stir. Combine both mixtures and place in a baking dish.

We bake the cake until a hard crust appears. Water the finished cooled cake chocolate icing... To prepare it, heat the cream, dissolve the broken chocolate bar in it, and then grind it with butter. Sprinkle with nut or chocolate chips.

Banana cake with walnuts

This recipe can rather be attributed to muffins. However, banana cake it turns out to be very tender, slightly moist and very tasty. So this recipe can rightfully claim the title of a cake.


  • Flour - 1 glass;
  • Baking powder - 1 sachet;
  • Butter - 150 grams;
  • Yogurt - 3 tablespoons;
  • Sugar - 100 grams;
  • Powdered sugar - 100 grams;
  • Sour cream - 4 tablespoons;
  • Walnuts - 100 grams;
  • Bananas - 3 pieces;
  • A pinch of salt.


Sift flour into a bowl and mix it with baking powder and salt. Let the creamy melt slightly, and when it becomes soft, beat it with sugar until fluffy. Then mash the peeled bananas in mashed potatoes and mix them with oil. Add flour and yogurt in small portions one by one, stirring the dough thoroughly each time. At the very end, put chopped walnuts and pour the dough into a greased and floured form.

We bake the banana crust in a preheated oven at 180 degrees for about half an hour. Ready cake cut horizontally into two parts, cool and divide into two parts. We coat the resulting cakes with sour cream whipped with powdered sugar and coat the sides and top of the cake with the same cream. Sprinkle it with chopped walnuts.

Ginger cake with walnuts

Absolutely unexpected recipe for our traditional cuisine. However, both ginger and figs are familiar to us not so long ago. Meanwhile, these are popular ingredients of many confectionery in American cuisine. And here's a recipe for a cake with ginger, figs and walnuts.


  • Flour - 100 grams;
  • Baking powder - half a teaspoon;
  • Butter - 100 grams;
  • Sour cream is an incomplete glass;
  • Walnuts - 50 grams;
  • Candied Ginger - 100 grams
  • Figs - 100 grams;
  • Powdered sugar - 50 grams.


Preheat the oven to 160-180 degrees and prepare the mold by covering the bottom with baking paper and greasing the sides vegetable oil... Beat butter with sugar using a mixer until fluffy. Finely chop the figs and ginger and chop the walnuts. Mix them with butter, and then add sour cream and sifted flour. Knead the dough, put it in a mold and bake a gingerbread cake for about an hour. Sprinkle the finished cake with icing sugar.

Chocolate cake with walnuts

A very simple recipe for something so amazing delicious cake... Try to cook chocolate cake with walnuts and see for yourself.


  • Flour is an incomplete glass;
  • Granulated sugar - half a glass;
  • Eggs - 3 pieces;
  • Cocoa powder - 2 tablespoons;
  • Baking powder - 1 sachet;
  • Walnuts - 1 cup

For the cream:

  • Condensed milk - half a can;
  • Cream - 1 glass;
  • Bitter chocolate - 1 bar.


We turn on the oven and heat it up to 220 degrees. Prepare the shape in advance by covering the bottom with baking paper and greasing the sides with vegetable oil. Grind the walnuts and start making the dough. Break eggs into a bowl, pour sugar there and beat everything until a thick, fluffy mass is obtained. Put the sifted flour mixed with cocoa powder and baking powder into it and gently mix everything. Then pour out the chopped nuts and mix the dough again. Pour it into a mold and put it in the oven for thirty to forty minutes.

Cool the finished biscuit and cut into three thin cakes. We collect the cake, smearing the cakes, sides and top of the cake with cream. For the cream, mix the condensed milk with cream and chocolate grated into shavings, and then boil it over low heat until the desired thickness. We leave the cake to soak for four hours, and then serve it to the table.

This is how different a cake with walnuts can be. Which recipe did you like best? Choose and cook. By the way, you can add or change any recipe at your discretion. After all, walnuts go well with almost any cream. So you can use classic custard cream for the interlayer or oil cream from boiled condensed milk. And nuts can be put in dough or cream, sprinkled on a cake or combined with any other decoration.

So, dear ladies, take a recipe for a cake with walnuts into your arsenal, surprise your guests and be surprised yourself with an unusually tasty dessert. Cook with pleasure, and bon appetit!

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I still remember all the desserts that my mother prepared for me as a child. For some reason now they are not perceived with such eagerness as it was before. But still, it's time for me to pamper my children delicious treats... One of the most favorite cakes in my family is Nut.

As for me, it combines all the ideal combinations: slightly dryish, thin cakes and a light cream that emphasizes the delicate, nutty taste. If I intrigued you, then let's get down to making a delicious nut cake in my opinion as soon as possible. step by step recipe.

Step-by-step recipe for a cake with nuts with a photo

Kitchen utensils and appliances: coffee grinder, spoon, parchment paper, pencil, mixer, baking sheet, spatula, sieve, oven.


Cooking and baking cakes

  1. Dry in the oven or in a frying pan 150 g of walnuts.
  2. We take about 40 g of sugar, dried nuts and grind them. To do this, put a handful of prepared nuts in a coffee grinder and add 1-2 tsp. Sahara.

    You need to grind carefully so as not to grind them to the state of oil.

  3. Put 1 tsp in the nuts. flour and stir.

  4. In this recipe, we need 4 egg whites from large chicken eggs... We will not use the yolks.

  5. Add a pinch of salt to the proteins and begin to beat with a mixer at minimum speed, gradually increasing to maximum.

  6. Gradually add 100 g of sugar and beat until stable.

  7. Into the resulting mass, we introduce chopped nuts in several stages. After each new addition, thoroughly mix the future cake with a spatula.

  8. WITH parchment paper cut out 6 squares and on each one draw a circle with a pencil, with a diameter of 18 cm.

  9. We put the same amount of dough in the center of each circle and level it along the outlined contour. You need to apply the dough on the side of the paper where there is no pencil print.

  10. To make a sweet crust on the cakes on top, sprinkle them with 25 g of powdered sugar on top.

  11. Put the parchments on a baking sheet and sprinkle with 25 g of icing sugar again.

  12. We bake at 170-180 ° for about 10-15 minutes. We determine their readiness by pressing a finger in the middle of the cake. If, when pressed, the finger does not fall through, then the cake is ready.

  13. Remove the freshly baked cakes from the baking sheet.

  14. Sprinkle the baking sheet with sugar, put the inverted crust on it and carefully remove the paper.

  15. We leave them in this form to cool down to room temperature.

Cooking the icing

Preparing the cream and forming the cake

  1. Chilled 300 ml cream and beat until fluffy.

  2. Add 25 g of powdered sugar and mix again.

  3. Rub 50 g of chocolate on a coarse grater.

  4. Approximately 4-5 tbsp. l. Set aside whipped cream and some grated chocolate to decorate the cake. Combine the remaining cream and grated chocolate and mix thoroughly with a spatula.

  5. Spread the resulting cream between five cakes, on which there is glaze.

  6. We collect the cake, as usual, with a hill, evenly spreading the cream on each of the cakes.

  7. We cover the cake with an empty crust, and on top we put a bag or a kitchen board and lightly press it with our hand. This way we trim and compact it.

  8. Spread the sides and top of the cake with the rest of the whipped cream.

  9. On the sides, you can make undulating curls with a spatula.

  10. And then decorate the top with the remains of chopped chocolate.

  11. We send the cake to the refrigerator for 30-60 minutes so that it is thoroughly soaked and can be served!

How to decorate and what to serve with

The finished dessert looks very nice and appetizing, so you can immediately cut it into portioned pieces and serve. Usually such a dessert is served with tea, coffee or milk drink, some hostesses like to serve it with compote, but this is at the request of your guests.

Video recipe for making a nut cake

See all the subtleties of making this simple and incredible delicious dessert you can in a short video recipe.

Basic common truths

  • It is not necessary to use only walnuts to prepare this dessert. You can make a mixture of walnuts and woodlands, or add more almonds. Basically, you can use whatever you like or have in your home.
  • It is very desirable to dry the nuts in a pan or oven before cooking, then the bitterness leaves them and they are easier to clean.
  • You need to grind nuts into large crumbs... A coffee grinder or meat grinder is ideal for this.
  • If you don't have the desire or ability to cook on parchment, take a regular baking dish and bake the cakes in it. But you will have to bake each cake separately.

Other possible cooking options

Today, not only a dessert is called a cake, but also main dishes. If you want to surprise your guests with an unusual way of serving traditional dishes, then here are some recipes for you.

  • The simplest and popular dish is an . As chicken liver is very easy to prepare, does not require special, preliminary manipulations, then it does not take much time to prepare this dish. But, of course, you can cook liver cake and . It takes a little more time to prepare such a dish, since pork liver, like beef, requires preliminary soaking.
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I wish you a festive mood and inspiration in creating your culinary masterpiece. Tell me in the comments on the site if you liked the prepared delicacy, and if you have any additions to my recipe, then I will gladly read them and take note of them. Bon Appetit!

Delicacies made with nut flour or whole kernels have gained well-deserved popularity due to their characteristic taste... Of course, beautiful cream cakes and cakes are as tasty as they are high in calories, but deny yourself the pleasure of cooking and trying delicate dessert almost impossible.

The five most commonly used ingredients in recipes are:

Recipes for cakes with nuts are very varied. The kernels, whole or crushed, are placed in a creamy layer or directly into the cakes, used for decoration, they are also grinded, mixed with flour or completely replaced. They go well with condensed milk-based pastes, butter custards, and meringue layers. Legendary "Kievsky", adored by many generations "Anthill", loved by children and adults "Grill", inspiring tenderness "Rafaello", marzipan, almond-coconut, "Snickers", "Bear", "Ministerial" - in the formation of taste and presentation of all These cakes are not the last role assigned to nuts.

    First, I'll show you how to prepare walnuts for your cake. First of all, they need to be peeled from the shell (I already had them peeled from the pack). After that, pour the halves of the pulp into a dry frying pan and fry over an above-medium heat. Shake the pan periodically so that nothing burns. When finished, the nuts will start to smell good and turn golden brown. It took me five minutes.

    After that, they need to be cooled to room temperature. Set aside the most beautiful ones to decorate the top, and send the rest to a blender or food processor and quickly grind into crumbs. It is not necessary to chop very finely, be guided by the photo. We will add about half of the crumbs to the biscuit and cream, and the rest will be used to decorate the sides.

    In a separate bowl, sift together a glass of flour (150 grams) and a bag of baking powder (10 grams). Mix them well with a whisk and add to the dough in three passes, kneading well after each and not forgetting to clean the sides. At the end, gently stir in about a quarter of the nut crumbs into the dough.

  • Put the oven to heat up to 180 degrees. Take two 10-inch tins and line the bottom with baking paper. You do not need to lubricate anything with oil. Distribute the dough evenly between them and place both forms at once in a preheated oven. You cannot consistently bake such a biscuit. If there are no two identical forms, then you have two options: make the dough in two passes or bake in one high split form and increase the cooking time.

  • Baking such a nut biscuit in the two above forms takes from 23 to 28 minutes. For my oven, the ideal time is 25 minutes. As with any other biscuit, I do not recommend opening the oven while cooking. At the end, let it stand for a couple of minutes in the cooling oven and only then take it out. Let it stand for another five minutes in the uniform, then gently run something thin along the sides. Turn the cakes over onto the wire rack, remove the paper and let cool completely to room temperature.

  • How to make cream for cake with nuts and condensed milk?

    Take a small saucepan and pour in about 2/3 of a standard 400 gram can of condensed milk. Add 2 egg yolks, a tablespoon of water, and some flavoring, if desired. Vanilla works well for me. Whisk well until homogeneous mass and put on low heat.

    How to make cream for cake with nuts and condensed milk? Take a small saucepan and pour in about 2/3 of a standard 400 gram can of condensed milk. Add 2 egg yolks, a tablespoon of water, and some flavoring, if desired. Vanilla works well for me. Stir well with a whisk until smooth and place over low heat. ">

    An important point: you cannot bring the workpiece to a boil. It needs to be cooked, stirring constantly with a whisk, for about 5-7 minutes, until it thickens a little. After that, remove from heat and let cool to room temperature. In the process, it will thicken a little more, this is normal.

  • In the meantime, we’ll take care of the butter. It must be removed from the refrigerator in advance so that it softens. We put it in the mixer bowl and beat for five minutes, until a homogeneous creamy consistency. Do not forget to periodically clean the sides of the bowl.

  • After that, take the cooled condensed milk and start adding it to the oil, a tablespoon at a time. There is no need to take long breaks, we add about once every five seconds. After all the condensed milk has been added, the cream needs to be whipped for another two minutes. Set aside about a glass of cream to one side (we will use it later to cover the top and sides), and add the same amount of nut crumbs to the remainder of the dough. This cream will be used for smearing the layers.

  • Well, don't forget about the impregnation syrup. Like any biscuit, our nut cakes will be dry without it. We take a glass warm water and add a quarter cup of sugar to it. Mix thoroughly until all the sugar is dissolved. I used 3 tablespoons of Bacardi Gold rum as a flavoring, but you can of course use something else. Cool to room temperature.

  • How to decorate a cake with nuts and chocolate?

    Now let's move on to the most creative part in the preparation of any cake - decoration. First, cut 3 rectangles out of baking paper and line the edges of the plate with them, as in the photo. Put the first cooled cake on top so that the paper goes under it (as in the photo). I will explain later why this is needed.

    How to decorate a cake with nuts and chocolate? Now let's move on to the most creative part in the preparation of any cake - decoration. First, cut 3 rectangles out of baking paper and line the edges of the plate with them, as in the photo. Put the first cooled cake on top so that the paper goes under it (as in the photo). I will explain later why this is needed. ">

  • Saturate the first cake with about half of the cooled syrup (the word here is no coincidence ... if it seems like a lot, then take less). I usually apply it with a simple spoon, but it is more convenient for someone to do it with a silicone brush. You do not need to pour everything into the center at once, work gradually. Poured a spoon - distributed and so on until you saturate the whole cake. Its color is very easy to navigate.

  • Put on top and evenly distribute the cream with nut crumbs. Try to keep the cream at the same height in different parts cake so that it does not come out skewed. If you are not confident in your abilities, use a piping bag. Place the second cake on top of the cream. It also needs to be soaked in syrup as I described above.

  • Take the white part of the cream and gently coat the rim. You don't have to try too hard, because we will cover it with nuts anyway. The layer should not be very thick, the cakes can show through. We cover the top more tightly and evenly, tk. then we put the ganache on it.

A nut cake is a sure-fire treat for a festive table. The delicate texture of hazelnuts, almonds, peanuts or walnuts combined with sweet butter cream and airy biscuit will bring incredible pleasure to everyone who tries this wonderful dessert.

A simple recipe for a cake with walnuts can save any celebration with its rich and vibrant taste.

The main thing is that it is prepared very quickly and simply, literally from what every housewife has in the kitchen.

It will be needed for the test:

  • 1 tbsp. Sahara;
  • 4 eggs;
  • 240 g walnuts;
  • 12 g lemon zest.

It will be needed for the cream:

  • 1 tbsp. powdered sugar;
  • 3 yolks;
  • vanillin package;
  • 500 ml of milk;
  • 75 g flour.

Step-by-step instruction:

  1. We break four eggs, separate the yolks from the whites.
  2. Beat the first ones until foamy, add lemon zest, crushed nuts and whipped egg whites to them.
  3. Transfer the homogeneous biscuit mass into a mold with parchment, bake at 180 degrees for 40 minutes. We check the readiness of the biscuit with a toothpick.
  4. Now let's move on to the cream. Whisk egg yolks, pour the entire volume of powdered sugar and vanillin into the mass. Bring the sweet mixture until smooth.
  5. We add hot milk and flour to the mass. Beat until the lumps disappear.
  6. Pour the cream into a saucepan and heat it until thickened.
  7. Cut the finished biscuit lengthwise into two cakes and begin to form the dessert.
  8. Lubricate the cake with cream. Cover it with a second cake and grease it generously. Do not forget to smear the sides of the cake around the perimeter.
  9. As a decoration, sprinkle the cake with powdered sugar, grated chocolate and nuts.

When cooking, the cream turns out to be the color of "crème brulee" and goes well with a dark biscuit. But if you want to give your baked goods a uniform tone, you can tint it with cocoa powder or add 3 tablespoons of melted chocolate.

How to make with cottage cheese

The nutty cottage cheese dessert does not have to be served exclusively on holidays. It will be an excellent addition, for example, for breakfast, due to its nutritious and useful composition... Plus, it doesn't need to be baked in the oven, making it a truly versatile dessert.

You will need:

  • 650 g of low-fat crumbly cottage cheese;
  • 130 g w. oils;
  • 140 g granulated sugar;
  • 85 g powdered sugar;
  • 85 g sour cream 30%;
  • 160 g of nuts (for example, peanuts or almonds);
  • 35 g gelatin;
  • 55 g raisins;
  • 120 ml of water;
  • 4 eggs;
  • 55 g of chocolate;
  • vanillin.

Step-by-step instruction:

  1. Pour gelatin with water and leave according to the instructions for 10 minutes to swell.
  2. Break the curd in a blender until smooth. Add sugar, eggs, vanillin, soft butter to it.
  3. TO curd mass add gelatin, beat again.
  4. Add raisins and ground nuts and mix.
  5. We spread the finished mass on a plate using a special form or manually in the form of a slide. We place the cake in the refrigerator for an hour.
  6. Knead sour cream, icing sugar and melted chocolate until smooth and cover the finished dessert with it.
  7. You can decorate the cake with powdered sugar and nut crumbs.

Please note that raw eggs are used in this recipe, therefore, when cooking, they must be washed well with soapy water, then treated with a solution of soda and rinsed with clean running water.

"Castle of Love" with the addition of honey

Most famous nut cake- this is the "Castle of Love". It will become a real decoration of the festive table and will delight the sweet tooth of any age.

It will be needed for a biscuit:

  • 110 g sugar;
  • 130 g w. oils;
  • 110 g flour;
  • 90 g honey;
  • 1 protein;
  • 7 g of baking soda.

It will be needed for the cream:

  • 720 g sugar;
  • 320 g w. oils;
  • 85 g chocolate (white and dark);
  • 85 g of peanuts;
  • 110 g almonds;
  • 80 ml of milk;
  • 6 medium eggs;
  • 3 g of salt.

Step-by-step instruction:

  1. Form steep peaks by whipping the whites with sugar. Slowly add sifted flour with soda, butter and liquid honey to the egg mass.
  2. We transfer the dough to the prepared baking dish and bring the biscuit to readiness.
  3. Beat salt and sugar (600 g) with whites until a thick foam forms.
  4. Using a pastry syringe, spread small balls on a form covered with parchment. We bake the meringue for 90 minutes at 100 degrees and take out the blanks to cool.
  5. Drive in the yolks with sugar, pour milk into the mass and boil the cream on slow heating until thickened.
  6. Add soft butter and beat the cream until smooth.
  7. Let's move on to the formation of the cake. Put the cake on a large plate, saturate it with cream and leave in the refrigerator for 20 minutes.
  8. We take out the soaked crust, sprinkle it with a ground mixture of nuts. Then we spread the protein blanks on the cake, after dipping each in the cream.
  9. Sprinkle each row of meringues with ground nuts and spread the next one on it.

Thus, you should get a design that looks like a castle made of sweets. You can decorate the cake with the rest of the cream, pieces of chocolate and the remaining mixture of nuts.

Italian nut cake

Italian nut cake is perfect for those who do not like to spend a lot of time making cream and filling for the cake. The Italians have proven that the main taste of any dessert is set by the biscuit, so in their recipe more attention is paid to the cakes than to the filling.

You will need:

  • 420 ml heavy cream;
  • 320 g granulated sugar;
  • 320 g of a mixture of nuts;
  • 220 g milk chocolate;
  • 35 g flour;
  • 7 egg whites.

Step-by-step instruction:

  1. Beat the whites with sugar until steep peaks, add ground nuts, flour to the mass and beat again.
  2. Divide the resulting dough into six parts and bake each part separately for 5 minutes at a temperature of 220 degrees in a form with parchment. Thus, you should get six small cakes.
  3. We heat 100 g of chocolate in a water bath and soak all the cakes with it.
  4. Rub the remaining chocolate on a grater and mix it with the whipped cream.
  5. Now we are forming the cake. Place the cakes on a large plate, saturating each one with whipped cream. Sprinkle the top of the cake with large nuts and chocolate chips.

It is better to soak the sponge cake with a glaze made from several types of chocolate. The perfect combination is 3 parts milk chocolate, 1 part white and dark chocolate.

But if you only want to use one kind, go for a milk chocolate bar.


Speaking of nut desserts, one cannot ignore the delicacy with chocolate flavor... This recipe uses cocoa powder, although you can substitute melted chocolate for it if you like.

It will be needed for a biscuit:

  • 5 medium eggs;
  • 140 g granulated sugar;
  • 55 g cocoa;
  • 0.5 tbsp. flour.

It will be needed for the cream:

  • 130 g sugar;
  • 320 ml fruit juice;
  • 40 g cocoa;
  • 400 g of condensed milk;
  • 190 g sl. oils;
  • 210 g of nut mixture.

Step-by-step instruction:

  1. Combine eggs beaten with sugar with cocoa, flour and bring the mass until smooth.
  2. Pour the dough into a greased mold and bake the biscuit until cooked at a temperature of 190 degrees.
  3. Now we are preparing the impregnation. To do this, dissolve in fruit juice sugar and slowly heat it until a thick texture is formed. We should have a viscous and fragrant syrup.
  4. To prepare the cream, beat the butter, condensed milk and cocoa until a homogeneous texture is formed.
  5. Let's move on to assembling the cake. We cut the cooled biscuit into three cakes, put the first cake on a plate, soak it with syrup and grease it liberally with cream. Sprinkle with ground nut mixture on top.
  6. We repeat the steps with the other two cakes.
  7. Decorate the top of the cake with nuts and chocolate pieces.
  8. Leave the cake for 4 hours to soak

Chocolate nut cake can also be garnished with melted white and dark chocolate... To do this, apply a chaotic pattern first with dark icing, then white, and sprinkle the cake with icing sugar.

Cooking with walnuts

Walnuts are used in desserts much more often than other types. They have an oily and dense texture, due to which they are ideally combined with rich creamy creams... An illustrative example of such a combination is the royal nut cake.

It will be needed for a biscuit:

  • 230 g flour;
  • 75 g cocoa;
  • 95 g sugar;
  • 3 medium eggs;
  • 15 g of baking soda;
  • 140 g walnuts;
  • 110 g dried apricots.

It will be needed for the cream:

  • 200 ml low-fat cream;
  • 200 g of condensed milk;
  • 130 g of chocolate;
  • 100 g almond petals.

Step-by-step instruction:

  1. Combine eggs beaten with sugar with flour, soda and cocoa.
  2. Pour chopped nuts, chopped dried apricots into the dough and mix thoroughly.
  3. Pour into a parchment-covered form batter, bake it until tender at 180 degrees. It is better to cover the sponge cake with foil.
  4. Now let's prepare the cream. Combine melted chocolate with condensed milk and cream and beat until smooth.
  5. We put the finished mixture on the stove and cook until thickened.
  6. Let's start collecting the cake. Grease the first cake with cream and sprinkle with half the volume of almond petals. We do the same with the second cake.
  7. Liberally coat the sides of the cake with cream and sprinkle it on all sides with almond petals.
  8. Decorate the cake with chocolate chips and leave it to soak in the refrigerator for 3 hours.

Flourless nut cake

Is it possible to make a biscuit dessert in 10 minutes? Sure! It is enough to use the recipe for a nutty dessert, which is easy to prepare in the microwave oven.

You will need:

  • 85 g sugar;
  • 35 g of liquid honey;
  • 210 g of nut mixture;
  • 4 eggs;
  • 7-10 g baking powder;
  • 15 ml of vegetable oil.

Step-by-step instruction:

  1. Beat eggs with ground nuts, sugar, honey and baking powder until smooth.
  2. Pour the dough into a mold greased with vegetable oil.
  3. We place in the microwave for 7 minutes and bake the dessert on the appropriate setting.

The finished biscuit can be garnished with chocolate chips and almond petals.

Pistachio biscuit with cream

This dessert will take a little work, but the result is worth it.

It will be needed for a biscuit:

  • 220 g sl. oils;
  • 320 g sugar;
  • 3 eggs;
  • 210 g chopped pistachios;
  • 35 g lemon zest;
  • 430 ml of milk;
  • 320 g flour;
  • 7 g of soda;
  • salt to taste.

It will be needed for the filling:

  • 55 g sl. oils;
  • 210 g granulated sugar;
  • 110 g lemon marmalade or candied fruits;
  • 5 proteins;
  • a bag of vanillin.

Step-by-step instruction:

  1. Add eggs to the butter, beaten with sugar. Then add lemon zest, chopped pistachios, pour milk and stir.
  2. Add dry ingredients: salt, soda, flour. Bring the mass to a homogeneous texture.
  3. We transfer the dough into a mold and bake at 175 degrees until tender.
  4. Let's move on to the cream. To do this, beat the whites, sugar and vanillin, add butter and bring the cream to a lush texture.
  5. Let's move on to collecting the cake. Lubricate the biscuit with cream, cover with nuts and cut pieces of marmalade.

Since we associate pistachio flavor with a pastel green hue, you can add the appropriate coloring to the cream to make the dessert look even brighter.

A variety of nut cake recipes will allow you to create a real masterpiece both for a festive table and for everyday tea drinking.

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