Kefir pies. Quick pies on kefir (in a pan)

Recipes for making pies

If you follow our method of making kefir pastry dough, you will achieve an excellent result. You can always put these on the table.

30 minutes

270 kcal

4/5 (4)

Wheat flour appeared in Russia in the 12th century, from this period its inhabitants began to bake pies. Various products were used for the filling. They were busy with such pies then for a short time - they used either sourdough or sour milk. With the advent of yeast, the technology has become a little more complicated. Recently on hastily began to cook with the desired filling.

Kefir pies are a great alternative to yeast dough

"Pies from childhood" - this is what many of us call this dish. I remember the taste of a favorite period in the life of each of us, and the pies cooked with special love by the hands of a mother or grandmother cannot be erased from memory. We remember the taste of the filling without really remembering the taste of the dough. And in vain we do this, because it is it that gives a special aroma to such a simple pie dainty.

Yeast dough has many limitations. People with certain diseases are strictly prohibited from eating such food. There are many such patients, no matter how hard it is to admit, even from school. Therefore, the dough for pies on kefir without yeast is preferable from the point of view of healthy nutrition.

Another important advantage of using on kefir is the speed of their preparation. According to our recipe, even a novice hostess will prepare pies on kefir quickly and without fuss.

Which filling to choose?

You can take any filling for pies that is at hand or suits your mood. It is good if it is not too rare.

  • If this apple pies, then you need a pound of the main ingredient (you can even use an ice cream product). Do not forget to put 2 tablespoons of quality vegetable oil and one and a half - powdered sugar. Chop the apples and simmer in a pan until the juice evaporates, add powder and oil. We leave the filling a little more on low heat and then put it in a container so that it cools down.
  • If potato filling- boil the main component, put butter, make a non-liquid puree.
  • If you decide to put in pies egg and cabbage, then first cut the last into small pieces, then fry in a frying pan in vegetable oil. Put the finished mass on a plate and add the crumbled egg.
  • In the same way, prepare the filling for or with an egg and onion. In the first case, you can take both pickled and ordinary. Don't forget when frying white cabbage add carrots, boiling them in advance. Remember not to overuse table salt.

The filling can be the most primitive - for example, peas... But we always pay due attention to its preparation. It should be delicious. A pleasant help for economical hostess there will be all sorts of thick jams.

What a wise mistress should remember

In order for any dish to come out easily, tasty and the first time, you must adhere to simple rules. Pies are no exception. How to make a dough for kefir pies?

Quick dough for pies on kefir in a frying pan


Do not overdo it with flour, you can add it a little later - when you start forming the pies before starting the frying process.

In what order do we add the ingredients?

  1. Beat the egg first. Add sugar gradually.
  2. Add kefir, salt and soda to the resulting mass.
  3. Flour is added to the mixture like this: add it using a tablespoon. At each stage of adding a portion of flour, we try to mix the resulting mass to a thick consistency. As a result, our dough is very similar to the one required for making pancakes.

Particular attention should be paid to the kneading process. Quick dough loves hands for pies without yeast, so do not hesitate to devote this lesson for ten minutes, no less. The dough with this approach will turn out to be light and fluffy.

Kefir dough secrets

Cooked with kefir reacts very badly to drafts, so we avoid them - we close the windows in the kitchen. It should rest for at least an hour, this is the time during which it will rise slightly.

To remove the dough from the container, where the mixture was kneaded, you need to take a tablespoon and get it in portions for one pie, spreading it on your hand, abundantly sprinkled with flour. We periodically moisten the spoon in ordinary water - this manipulation makes it easier to work with the dough. A portion of flour must be flattened with your hand on the palm of your hand and put just enough fillings so that the future pie has an organic appearance. We carefully wrap it up, pinch the edges and carefully put it on the table, which should also be sprinkled with flour first.

Experienced housewives add very little vegetable oil to the dough - no more than 10 g.

Method for frying pies

Kefir pies in a frying pan. The first step is to heat a frying pan with vegetable oil, it is usually poured to the level middle of the pie... We fry as usual, periodically turning on both sides, until golden brown... Remember that we make small pies: when frying, they tend to increase significantly in size.

Kefir pies - fast, flavorful and delicious treat for the whole family, which can be easily cooked in a conventional oven. Thanks to kefir, you do not have to fiddle with the dough for a long time to make it fluffy and light. Kefir pies can be made with any filling: cabbage, with onions and eggs, potato, berry, fruit, mushroom, meat, etc.

Kefir pies without yeast in the oven: a recipe with a photo


  • Flour - 700 g
  • Eggs - 3 pcs.
  • Ground beef - 800 g
  • Kefir - 1 l
  • Onions - 3 pcs.
  • Soda - 2 tsp
  • Vegetable oil - 4 tablespoons
  • Ghee - for frying
  • Salt and spices to taste


Pies without yeast with meat filling, cooked in the oven, turn out to be very satisfying, so they can quickly satisfy your hunger.

Cooking pies begins with kneading not too tough dough: pour butter and kefir into a deep container, break the eggs, pour in baking soda and salt to taste.

Mix the ingredients thoroughly with each other, carefully pour the sifted flour. Knead the dough, it should be smooth and elastic.

Cooked kefir dough cover with a rag or napkin and keep warm for a while. As soon as it rises, you can continue cooking kefir pies.

While the kefir dough is suitable, do not waste time, prepare the meat filling.

Peel and chop the onion, fry until caramel color on ghee.

Put the minced meat on the fried onion and season with spices, fry the filling until tender. When all the ingredients for the pies are ready, you can start forming them.

Line a baking sheet baking paper, brush it with butter and spread the pies.

Culinary products are baked at 220 degrees. 15 minutes after baking, grease the pies with shaken egg yolk- this will make the surface of the baked goods glossy and smooth. Put the greased kefir pies back in the oven and bake for another half hour.

Kefir pies made from airy dough: recipe


  • Kefir - 700 ml
  • Flour - 4 tbsp.
  • Sugar - 3 tablespoons
  • Egg yolk - 2 pcs.
  • Yeast - 1 sachet
  • Water - 3 tablespoons
  • Vegetable oil - ½ tbsp.
  • Salt - 1 tsp
  • Fruit jam - for filling


  1. For lovers of sweet pastries, kefir pies with jam filling are ideal.
  2. In a small bowl, dissolve the yeast in a little warm water, add a spoonful of sugar and mix everything well.
  3. Pour vegetable oil into a saucepan, add kefir to it.
  4. Heat the prepared liquid mass slightly over a fire. Make sure it doesn't boil or get too hot.
  5. Pour the remaining sugar into the kefir-oil mixture and salt to taste, after which you can add the diluted yeast.
  6. Before adding to the dough, it is imperative to sift the flour, then knead the medium-cool airy dough and cover it with something.
  7. Remove the dough for 30-40 minutes in a warm place so that it comes up.
  8. Cut the dough into small pieces, from which to make tortillas. Place the jam filling in the center of each of the tortillas and form puffed dough patties.
  9. Distribute the products on the baking sheet so that they do not come into contact with each other.
  10. Grease the pies with a beaten egg and place in an oven preheated to 220 degrees. Baking time - 30 minutes.


  1. You need to start cooking this dish by kneading the dough: pour kefir into a wide container. Add baking soda and wait a few minutes until a reaction occurs, the liquid mass foams.
  2. Then pour out the sunflower oil, salt as much as you need and gradually pour in the flour (you must first sift it).
  3. When kneading the dough, watch out for its consistency - it should not stick to your hands and should turn out to be quite elastic.
  4. Cover the dough on kefir with a towel and put it on the floor for an hour in the heat so that it rises well. At this time, get busy with the stuffing.
  5. Chop the cabbage thinly, put it in a saucepan with water (there should be enough of it so that the cabbage is stewed, not boiled). Add salt and keep the vegetable on low heat for 15 minutes under a closed lid.
  6. Peel the onions first, chop finely, fry them in vegetable oil until transparent.
  7. Add to the bow tomato paste, salt and pepper. Combine onion and cabbage in one bowl.
  8. Divide the risen dough into equal small pieces, roll each into a cake. Placing neatly in the center cabbage filling, shape patties.
  9. Grease a baking sheet with oil, place the cabbage pies and place in the oven. Bake at 200 degrees for 25 minutes.

Kefir pies in the oven are an appetizing and easy-to-prepare dish that any housewife can bake. Thanks to kefir, the dough acquires an interesting taste, and the pies themselves turn out to be fluffy, tender and airy. Kefir pies can be prepared with any favorite filling, making every family member happy.

The most lush and delicious pies are made with fatty kefir. Ideally, use a homemade homemade milk product, but the store option is quite suitable for this purpose. Kefir dough for pies goes well with absolutely any fillings - sweet, unleavened, salty.

Hardly anyone will refuse a hot pie. Therefore, it is worth to please loved ones with delicious pastries. kefir yeast dough... It is prepared from: 1 tbsp. fatty kefir, 1 tsp. salt, 3 tbsp. flour, half a glass of vegetable oil, 10 g dry fast acting yeast, 1 tbsp. Sahara.

  1. You will have to spend at least half an hour to knead the dough, but the result is worth it. To begin with, in an enamel bowl, kefir is slightly warmed up. It shouldn't burn your fingers.
  2. Salt, vegetable oil, granulated sugar are added to the heated dairy product. All products are thoroughly mixed. The spice grains should be completely dissolved.
  3. Flour is sifted into a separate cup. Yeast spills out to it.
  4. A liquid kefir-oil base is poured into the resulting dry mass.
  5. During the kneading process, the dough should stop sticking to your fingers. Only then is it left under cellophane near the heat source for lifting.

It must be remembered that in a too hot place, the mass can simply be cooked. Therefore, you do not need to leave it, for example, in the oven (even minimally heated).

Egg-free recipe

This is the simplest budget recipe for those situations when there are practically no products left in the house, and guests have appeared on the doorstep. In addition to 450 ml of kefir (whey), the hostess needs to use: a pinch of salt, 500-550 g of white flour, 1 tsp. soda.

  1. Milk product room temperature sprinkled with soda. After mixing, the mass is left for some time (5-6 minutes) to quench. No vinegar is used.
  2. The liquid mixture is sprinkled with flour sifted with fine salt in portions.
  3. The finished mass should not be too steep.

You can sculpt pies from the described test immediately. This is another important advantage.

Yeast free

Even without fast or raw yeast you can cook delicious pies... This will help the cooks this recipe test. It includes: 480 ml of medium fat kefir, a large pinch of salt, soda and granulated sugar, 650-750 g of white high-quality flour, an egg, 4 tbsp. oils.

  1. Flour is sifted into a deep bowl with salt and soda.
  2. A small depression is made in the resulting slide. You need to carefully drive the egg right into it.
  3. Further, kefir and any vegetable oil are poured into the future dough.
  4. After adding granulated sugar, kneading of kefir dough for pies without yeast begins.
  5. After 12-15 minutes of thoroughly kneading with your fingers, it will cease to be sticky.
  6. Then you can start sculpting baked goods.

Pies from such a dough are prepared both in a pan and in the oven (on additionally oiled parchment).

Universal recipe with the addition of sour cream

Fat sour cream will add tenderness to kefir dough. You can use a store or home. In addition to sour cream (60 g 20% ​​of the product), you will need to take: 2 fresh eggs, a pinch of quicklime baking soda, 45 ml of refined oil, 550 ml of kefir, 750-850 g of white flour. Features of cooking sour cream kefir dough are described below.

  1. Soda is mixed with kefir and infused until foam appears on the surface of the mass. This means that the product is extinguished.
  2. Sour cream and eggs, slightly whipped with a whisk, are poured into the same bowl. It remains to salt and sweeten the base.
  3. Further, oil is added to the mass and flour is slowly poured in small portions.
  4. First, knead the dough with a spoon in a bowl, and then with your fingers on the countertop.
  5. A properly prepared mass will be soft and pliable.

You can sculpt pies right away, without insisting the dough in warm or cold.

Quick dough for kefir pies

It's simple and fast yeast dough on kefir. His recipe will be understandable even for novice housewives. For kneading will be used: ½ kg of white flour, a pinch of salt and sugar, a standard bag of baking powder, 3.5 tbsp. medium-calorie kefir, 2 chicken eggs, 11 g of quick dry yeast.

  1. 1/3 of all kefir is slightly warmed up, mixed with fast yeast and sugar.
  2. In a separate bowl, whisk the dairy product at room temperature with eggs. Flour is gradually introduced into this mass. As a result, it should be as homogeneous as possible.
  3. Next, a kefir-yeast mixture is poured into the dough, baking powder is poured in, and the products are thoroughly kneaded again.
  4. If you overdo it with flour, the baked goods will not turn out fluffy. Therefore, you need to carefully monitor the consistency of the dough.
  5. The finished mass will come up in the heat for about half an hour.

While the dough is "warming up", you can start preparing the filling. Their options are discussed below.

Airy pastry

it perfect dough for sweet rolls, pretzels and pies. It includes: 1 tbsp. low fat kefir, 10 g of salt, 3 tbsp. with a slide wheat flour, 25 g sugar, half a cup of unscented butter, standard instant yeast package.

  1. In a deep dish, twice sifted white flour and mixes with all bulk ingredients from the recipe.
  2. Vegetable oil is poured into kefir in a separate container.
  3. The liquid mixture is slightly warmed up in microwave oven and poured into dry foods.
  4. First, the mass is kneaded with a spoon, then with your fingers.
  5. After thorough kneading, the dough is put into heat for half an hour under a clean towel.

The ready-made mass is suitable even for making thick pizza.

The most delicious fillings for pies

Sometimes it is possible to prepare delicious filling from the most unexpected products. For example, pumpkin, rhubarb, sorrel and carrots. But the most popular are still meat options, which are especially popular with the stronger sex.

You can stuff the pies with slices of ham or sausage mixed with grated cheese, any minced meat with finely chopped onions, or even pieces of meat stewed with mushrooms in sour cream. Meat fillings go well with vegetables and eggs. A very popular recipe for such an additive from minced pork with hard boiled chicken eggs and green onions... Perfectly complements kefir dough fried cabbage with hunting sausages.

Among sweet fillings, any preserves and jams are in the lead, as well as fresh fruits and berries. Pies with finely chopped apples, stewed with sugar and ground cinnamon... This filling gives the treat an amazing mouth-watering flavor.

You should definitely try stuffing the pies with grated cheese with garlic, boiled red fish, ground with onions or mushrooms fried with carrots.

In general, you can make baking fillings from almost any food that is in the refrigerator. From the leftovers chicken fillet and any assorted vegetables(sautéed) you get a juicy and satisfying filling for pies. In this matter, you can turn on your imagination and feel free to experiment.

Sometimes you really want to pamper yourself and your family with delicious homemade cakes... In the arsenal of every good housewife there should be several recipes for making dough for pies and pies. Very delicate and aromatic pastries are obtained, for the preparation of which pie dough on kefir.

Even an inexperienced housewife can not only easily, but also quickly prepare yeast dough on kefir. In addition, it can be used both for baking pies or pies, and for pizza, which turns out to be incredibly tasty from such a dough. The pastries will look very beautiful and appetizing, spreading around the apartment simply divine scent.

Pies, for the preparation of which any recipe for kefir dough will be used, are very tender, fluffy, beautiful and ruddy. They can not only be baked in the oven, but also fried in a pan. This recipe will be a real find for those housewives who know how to work with yeast dough, but it is also suitable for novice cooks who want to master the intricacies of cooking. yeast dough... The cold cakes can be easily reheated in the microwave and the baked goods will soften again without losing their delicate taste.

Yeast kefir dough always rises perfectly, while it will be enough to wait until it rises once, and you can already cook a variety of yummy. Pies and pies will always be fluffy, one might say, airy, and you will not have to spend too much time or energy on their preparation. You can cook not only yeast, but also yeast-free dough... Each housewife will be able to choose for herself a more suitable option for making kefir dough.

Yeast dough with kefir

2 tsp Sahara,
½ l of kefir (can be replaced with sour milk),
2 tbsp. l. sunflower oil,
1 kg. flour,
1 raw egg
1 pack or 11 g of yeast (dry),
½ tsp salt.

First, we make a dough. To do this, we dilute yeast in a small amount of warm water. The container with the yeast is covered with a clean plastic bag and left for 10 minutes (the yeast should double in volume).

We take kefir (room temperature) and dissolve sugar and salt in it, add an egg. As soon as the yeast rises, we add them to the kefir, stir well and pour in the oil.

Now we knead the dough, gradually adding flour in small portions. At this stage of cooking, it is very important to ensure that the flour does not form lumps, otherwise ready-made pies will be tasteless. Do not add too much flour, as this will make the dough too tough.

Grease the bowl with a small amount of sunflower oil and put the dough in it, and cover it with a clean bag on top. To prevent the dough from sticking to the polyethylene, the inside of the bag will also need to be greased with oil, and the risen dough will easily separate. And put a terry towel on top of the bag and leave the container with the dough in a warm place, it should fit well.

After about half an hour, the dough will increase several times in volume and will literally surprise you with its airy appearance, resembling a lush cloud.

Now we begin to crush the dough, and you can start sculpting the pies. If this recipe is used, then it is worth making small pies, since the dough will still rise during the frying or baking process.

Kefir pie dough

Kefir dough has one main advantage - now you don't have to guess whether it will rise or not, since the dough will surely rise, because kefir contains unique lactic acid bacteria that will emit carbon dioxide during the fermentation process. In addition, pies made from this dough always turn out to be porous, tender and incredibly tasty.

1 tbsp. kefir (fat content 2.5%),
1 tsp salt,
11 g dry yeast
1 tbsp. l. granulated sugar
½ tbsp. sunflower oil,
3 tbsp. flour.

First, we take the butter and dilute it with kefir, and then put the mixture on the stove and heat it slightly (preferably in a water bath), gradually add salt and then sugar.

We take a little warm water, in which we dilute literally a few pinches of sugar, and then pour the yeast into the water. Now you need to wait as long as indicated on the package with the yeast (most often you need to let the yeast brew from 5 to 15 minutes).

The prepared yeast mixture is added to warmed kefir with butter. And now we begin to knead the dough. To make the dough softer and more airy, you need to sift the flour in advance, and then add in small portions to the dough, while kneading it well. It is necessary to ensure that no lumps form in the dough.

After the dough is completely ready, we form a ball out of it, transfer it to a bowl, cover it with cling film on top and place it in a warm place for half an hour so that it can fit well.

This dough can be used for making pies in a pan, pizza, baking pies in a slow cooker or oven.

Non-yeast pie dough

If you do not want to mess with yeast, then you should familiarize yourself with the recipe for kefir dough, in which you do not need to add them. By taste such a dough will in no way be inferior to yeast dough.

1 tsp salt,
1 tbsp. kefir,
1 tsp soda,
40 ml. sunflower oil,
1 tsp Sahara,
400 g flour.

First, in a water bath, slightly heat the kefir and mix it with soda, add salt, then sugar, at the end add oil (about 1 tbsp. L.). We mix all the components well, and you can proceed to the dough kneading procedure.
While kneading the dough, add flour in small portions (it is advisable to sift the flour in advance so that the dough turns out to be airy and tender). At first, the dough can be kneaded with a kitchen whisk or spoon, but as soon as it becomes difficult to interfere, we begin to knead with our hands. However, it is very important to remember that you should not knead the dough too hard so that it does not become very tight.

After the dough has become elastic and has ceased to stick to the table surface and hands, we form a ball from it, transfer it to a deep bowl, and cover it with polyethylene on top. We leave the dough alone for half an hour, after which you can start sculpting the pies.

Liquid pie dough with kefir
Such a dough is prepared very quickly, one might say, instantly. Since very little flour is added in this case, the dough will do much faster. The pies for the preparation of which this dough will be used must be baked in muffin tins or deep-fried.


½ tsp soda,
2 tbsp. flour,
2 eggs,
½ tsp salt,
250 ml. kefir.

First, take a deep bowl and beat eggs and salt in it. At this time, slightly heat the kefir in a water bath, then add it to the beaten eggs and mix everything well.

Now we gradually introduce pre-sifted flour into the mixture (sift flour together with soda) and knead batter... You can use a spoon to knead if convenient, but it is best to grease your hands with a little oil and knead the dough with your hands. Just as in the previous recipes, the dough must be placed in a warm place for half an hour and covered with foil.

Of course with batter it will not be so easy to work, therefore, before we start shaping pies for deep-frying, grease the pens with oil, sculpt a pie, then wash your hands with water, and again you need to grease them with oil to sculpt the next pie.

The result is delicious cakes, so it's worth a little effort.

Quick dough on kefir for pies

This dough is prepared very easily and simply, besides, in this case, you can use absolutely any filling.

1 bag of baking powder,
11 g dry yeast
3 tbsp. kefir,
½ kg flour,
2 eggs,
Salt and sugar - a little to taste.

Pour kefir into a mug (one glass), then add sugar and pour out yeast - mix everything well. In order for the yeast to start immediately "working", you need to use kefir at room temperature, it can be slightly warmed up.

Pour two glasses of kefir into a deep bowl, which should also be at room temperature, and then drive in two raw eggs... We introduce flour and mix everything well - you should get a mass of a homogeneous consistency. Then pour the kefir with yeast to the bulk and add the baking powder for the dough (you can replace it with soda) and knead the dough again.

The dough will turn out to be a little thin, so we continue to gradually add flour and knead the dough. Care must be taken that the dough does not become too elastic, since in this case the pies will not be fluffy and soft.

Tender dough put in a bowl and leave in a warm place for half an hour so that it can fit well. While the dough is rising, you can start cooking delicious filling.

Liver filling

1 bay leaf,
300 g fresh bacon,
3 onions,
1 kg of pork liver,
Salt - a little to taste.

First, we will prepare the liver - rinse the liver thoroughly and cut into small pieces, and then boil it. During cooking, add bay leaf, a couple of allspice peas and salt to the water.

As soon as the liver is cooked, we pass it through a meat grinder. We do the same procedure with bacon. If you wish, you can add some mushrooms to the filling, so that the pies will be more aromatic and tasty.

By this time, the dough should come up, so you can start forming the pies. Divide the dough into small pieces, each of which is rolled into a cake. Put the filling in the center of the cake and gently pinch the edges of the cake so that the filling does not fall out during cooking. Fry the formed pies on both sides in a pan with hot sunflower oil until an appetizing golden brown crust appears.

Filling with egg and rice

2 tsp ground black pepper
2 green onion feathers,
1 onion
100 g of rice
4 eggs.

First, peel the onion and cut into small cubes, and then lightly fry in a pan on sunflower oil... Boil rice (until half cooked) and eggs in advance. Grind the green onion feathers and mix all the ingredients, add some spices and salt. Wrap the filling in dough and bake the formed pies in a pan in sunflower oil.

Useful tips from professional chefs

If you adhere to the recipes exactly, then there should be no problems with the preparation of kefir dough for pies, but nevertheless, it is worth considering the advice of professional chefs:

In the case when the pies are baked in the oven, put them on a baking sheet with the seam up, and on the frying pan with the seam down;

In order for the pies baked in the oven to turn out beautiful and even, it is necessary to gradually increase the temperature. It is also worth remembering that a baking sheet with pies must be placed in an already preheated oven;

If flour of the 1st or 2nd grade will be used for the pies, then a little starch must be added to it, before the pies are made. It is best to use premium flour;

It is best for inexperienced cooks to use dry yeast, as it is very difficult to “work” with fresh ones. But if you still use fresh yeast, it is important to ensure that they do not brew, so they need to be gradually stirred in warm water(kefir or milk);

Before starting the preparation of the pies, the flour will need to be sifted through a sieve; it is advisable to carry out this procedure twice. Thereby simple trick the pies will turn out to be more tender and fluffy;

Kefir can be replaced with yogurt; homemade sour milk is also suitable;

You need to use kefir only at room temperature. If the kefir is very cold, then it can be slightly warmed up in a water bath.

Homemade cakes are a dish that can instantly make your home feel warm and cozy. The scent alone is worth something. Hot tea, a glass of milk is a great addition to a simple and favorite dish.

However, not all housewives without exception try to make this dish. First of all, the reason is the preparation of yeast dough. In this case, the optimal solution would be quick option- dough with kefir.

Dough for pies on kefir without yeast

If you decide to pamper your family with pies, it is recommended to resort to simple solution creating a test.

We take kefir that is in the refrigerator, no matter what the fat percentage is.

We take a deep bowl or bowl, pour kefir into it, add eggs, granulated sugar, 30-40 ml of vegetable oil, salt and soda.

Using a mixer, you need to beat the ingredients, after which you can gradually add flour.

Flour is a pretty important point in this recipe. The main secret is that you can't overdo it. Otherwise, the dough may fail you.

Focus on whether the dough sticks to your hands. If it is ready, nothing will stick to your hands. For the baked goods to be fluffy, the dough must be elastic.

Dough for fried pies on kefir without eggs

This option is incredibly simple. And, as practice shows, ready-made pies, even on dough without eggs, are incredibly lush and tasty the next day.

The basic components are:

  • Liter of kefir;
  • Two teaspoons (teaspoons) of baking soda;
  • About a kilogram of flour;
  • Salt;
  • Sugar (if sweet filling is planned).

Calorie content - 212 kcal.

An important point: at the time of creating the dough, kefir should be at room temperature. To do this, either we take it out of the refrigerator in advance, or heat it up a little in the microwave.

Add soda to cold kefir and wait for about 2-3 minutes for it to go out completely.

Yeast dough in sour milk for pies in a pan

This recipe is optimal for those who are not afraid to work with yeast dough. In order to cook it up, you need to prepare:

  • Dry yeast - 10 g;
  • Flour - 3 cups;
  • Kefir - 200-250 ml;
  • Half a glass of vegetable oil;
  • A couple of teaspoons of sugar;
  • A teaspoon of salt.

Time spent on cooking - 35 minutes.

Caloric content - 271 kcal.

This option is famous for the fact that it is cooked very quickly.

Mix the sifted flour with yeast.

Separately prepare the kefir mixture: mix the butter, salt, sugar and kefir.

Combine the flour with the kefir mixture, knead the dough and set it aside for half an hour for it to rise.

When it rises, you need to start rolling. In this case, you do not need to add flour, since the dough should not be sticky.

Batter on curdled milk for pies in the oven

It should be noted that this option breaks all records for cooking time and simplicity. Its peculiarity is that not much flour is used, so it is a little thinner.

In order to create a batter, you need to take:

  • A couple of glasses of flour;
  • Half a teaspoon of baking soda;
  • A couple of eggs;
  • Half a spoonful of (teaspoon) salt;
  • A glass of kefir.

Time spent on cooking - 40 minutes.

Caloric content - 164 kcal.

First of all, beat eggs and salt in a bowl.

At the same time, without wasting any extra time, we warm up the kefir a little.

You can take either water bath or put it in the microwave.

After the eggs are beaten and the kefir is heated, mix both components.

After that, leave the dough in a warm place for half an hour.

Delicious fillings for pies

The filling is a full flight of the housewife's imagination. By and large, everything that comes to hand can be wrapped in the dough: meat, rice, fish, vegetables, fruits, cottage cheese, and so on.

Savory fillings options

The most solid option is meat. For her we take:

  • A third of a glass of rice;
  • ¼ kg of minced meat (of your choice);
  • Medium carrots;
  • One small head onions(or can be replaced with a couple of leek stalks);
  • Oil for frying the filling;
  • Spices, salt according to preference.

The time spent on cooking is 30-40 minutes.

Caloric content - 167 kcal.

First of all, boil the rice. The water needs to be slightly salted. After it has reached readiness, rinse and set aside to cool.

Cut the pre-processed vegetables and fry until golden brown. Next, we put minced meat on them and try to divide it into small fractions. When it's ready, add salt and spices.

The last component to be added is rice. Put it in a frying pan and fry it over medium heat for about 5-6 minutes.

For liver lovers:

  • 1 bay leaf;
  • Pork liver - 0.6-0.7 kg;
  • Fresh lard - 0.2 kg;
  • 2-3 large onions;
  • Salt.

Time spent on cooking - 30 minutes.

Caloric content - 189 kcal.

The liver must undergo initial processing, after which we put it in a saucepan and boil it. It is recommended to pre-cut it into small portioned pieces, and add bay leaf and salt to the water.

Grind the finished liver with a blender or meat grinder. We do the same with bacon.

Onions need to be peeled, chopped and fried. Next, mix the liver, bacon, onion. We form pies.

Potato option is one of the most beloved.

No supernatural ingredients need to be looked for. For the filling you will need:

  • A pound of potatoes;
  • One not large onion;
  • A couple of tablespoons of butter and vegetable oil;
  • Salt, pepper and herbs.

The time spent on cooking is 25-30 minutes.

Calorie content - 83 kcal.

The tubers must undergo primary processing, after which they are poured with boiling water and boiled for about a quarter of an hour or a little more (largely depends on the variety). Add salt to the water.

Lek also undergoes primary processing, after which it is cut into small pieces and fried in vegetable oil.

Ready potato tubers need to be crushed along with part of the water remaining after cooking. Next, we mix it with a bow and butter... Salt, pepper, add finely chopped greens.

Modern tandem: ham + cheese

For such a filling, you need to purchase:

  • Ham - 0.5 kg;
  • Cheese (variety Dutch or Russian) - 0.25 kg;
  • A couple of onions;
  • 10-20 g of dill;
  • Oil for frying.

The time spent on cooking is 15-20 minutes.

Calorie content - 150 kcal.

Onions are subjected to primary processing, then chop and fry.

At this time, cut the ham into small cubes or cubes and add to the onion.

While the ham is roasting, three cheese.

The ham is enough for 4-5 minutes, after which we cool the filling a little and mix with the cheese. Add chopped dill and you can start forming pies.

Sweet dessert pies

The most simple option is an apple filling ... We take:

  • 0.3 kg of apples;
  • A quarter of a kilo of sugar.

Time spent on cooking –15 minutes.

Caloric content - 57 kcal.

We pre-process the apples: wash, peel, core, pits and tails.

We cut the fruit into small pieces or cubes. Add sugar and mix. Voila, the filling is ready, you can proceed to the next stage - shaping and baking.

For curd filling you will need:

  • 0.3 kg of cottage cheese;
  • 60-70 g of raisins;
  • Egg;
  • Vanilla sugar - half a bag;
  • Salt;
  • Sugar.

The time spent on cooking is 15-20 minutes.

Caloric content - 96 kcal.

The raisins need to be poured with water and held a little. Then we rinse.

Cottage cheese needs to be chopped so that it is not grainy, but homogeneous. It is recommended to use a meat grinder, sieve or blender. Next, add sugar, egg, salt to the mass and mix.

Then add the washed raisins and half the bag vanilla sugar... The components must be mixed and you can immediately start forming the pies.

Useful tips

Even if you've made a pan-frying dough, you can make them in the oven as well. In this case, you just need to grease them with an egg on top, so that they end up ruddy.

If you want to make pies with meat filling, choose minced meat, which contains at least a quarter of the bacon. This is done so that the dish does not become dry afterwards.

If suddenly pies, or rather them meat filling became dry, along with them you can serve broth (chicken, meat or vegetable) in small bowls.

If you are cooking in the oven, place the patties with the seams facing up. And if in a frying pan - seams down.

Another secret of beautiful and delicious pies in the oven concerns the cooking temperature. After all, in order for them to be even, the temperature must be gradually increased. At the same time, a baking sheet with formed pies must be placed in a preheated baking cabinet.