Making mashed potatoes. How to make mashed potatoes

What is not prepared from such a delicious and nutritious vegetable like potatoes! Salads, cutlets, side dishes and even.
I want to offer one simple recipe that differs from the others in its unusual design idea.

For cooking you need:

- potatoes: 4 pcs.;
- milk: 1/3 cup;
- a piece of butter;
- 1 tbsp. l. vegetable oil;
- champignons: 100 g;
- hard cheese: 50 g;
- processed cheese(in separate flat packs)
- tomato: 1 tsp;
- garlic;
- onion;
- greens (parsley, dill);
- salt;
- black pepper.

How to cook from a photo step by step

Hot meals are the basis of any table. Mashed potatoes are very often chosen as the main course of the festive table. But how beautiful it is to serve mashed potatoes so that all guests are delighted? We offer you a recipe - potato bast shoes.
Boil the potatoes and make mashed potatoes by adding butter and milk.
Next, you need to start preparing the filling. Cut the mushrooms into small pieces and fry with onion and garlic in vegetable oil, at the end of frying add the tomato, salt, pepper and simmer for about 5 minutes.
Now the most creative part of cooking remains: the shape of bast shoes should be molded from mashed potatoes (the hole "for the leg" should be made deep in order to fit as much as possible more filling); then from the melted cheese cut into thin strips it is necessary to make "weaving" and put it on the bast shoe.

The only thing left to do was to put the filling tightly into the hole, sprinkle it with cheese and herbs.

The dish will appeal not only to adults, but also to children, so I advise you to cook it. Bon Appetit!

Anastasia Orlova | 11/12/2015 | 3089

Anastasia Orlova 12.11.2015 3089

It would seem that what is easier - boil potatoes, crush them in mashed potatoes and serve as a side dish or independent dish... However, this can be done in non-standard ways.

1. Kaleidoscope on a plate

Divide the puree into three equal parts. In one add finely chopped parsley or spinach puree, in the other - finely grated beets, in the third - carrot juice or boiled carrots grated on a fine grater.

Arrange the multi-colored mashed potatoes on one plate and serve.

2. Potato roses

On a greased baking sheet with a pastry syringe or a bag with a curly nozzle from mashed potatoes, make beautiful roses... Bake them before golden brown in the oven and serve as a holiday meal.

3. Cobweb

Put a serving of mashed potatoes on a dish, flatten it with a spoon. Ketchup
draw a spider web.

Cut the green onion feathers into six equal pieces, bend each in the middle and along the edges. Lay the bow in the form of spider legs on the drawn cobweb, on them - an olive tree.

Make your eyes out of canned corn(cut the grain across, without cutting to the end, unfold the halves) and small pieces of olive.

4. Cheerful clown

Spread the mashed potatoes on a plate and smooth out - this will be the face of a clown, spread the fresh cabbage salad on top in the form of a head of hair.

Make your eyes from boiled quail eggs and slices of olives. Cheeks and mouth - out boiled carrots; bow - from boiled sausage and corn grains.

Any self-respecting housewife owns many ways of how and with what to serve mashed potatoes. The main side dish goes well with any meat, fish and vegetable dishes... Delicate, tasty and mashed potatoes can also act as an independent product. The main thing is to cook it correctly.

How to make the perfect mashed potatoes

To create delicious and healthy dish is necessary the right approach... First of all, you should pay attention to the basis of mashed potatoes - potatoes. Tubers should be taken as whole and smooth as possible. Firstly, it will make cleaning easier, and secondly, this appearance indicates the health of the vegetable. Attention! Potatoes should not have green areas containing hazardous organic compounds - saponins. Such places need to be cut, and best of all, the affected tubers should be thrown away.

There are two ways to boil potatoes. If you want to get dietary meal it is necessary to rinse the peeled tubers in cold water before cooking. If health issues do not bother you - cut each potato into 4 parts and boil. Salting is more advisable after boiling the dish.

It is not recommended to use a blender or mixer to bring cooked tubers to a puree state. Such mashed potatoes will become viscous and tasteless. It is best to use a regular sieve or crush.

Mashed potatoes are made delicious by all kinds of additives. For nutritious dish preheated milk or cream can be added. A piece of butter will also be useful. Some housewives add raw yolk or grated cheese. Experimenting with wasabi, ketchup, or mustard is recommended to add spice and flavor.

Mashed potatoes in the cuisines of the peoples of the world

The dish is popular in national cuisines different nations the world. In addition to the traditional homeland of potatoes - Belarus, mashed potatoes are highly respected in the countries of Central and Eastern Europe and North and South America. Puree often acts as a separate food. Potatoes seasoned with fried onions or drizzled with sour cream are great options for lunch or dinner. In addition, mashed potatoes can be the basis for all kinds of soups, snacks, pies and even desserts. Gnocchi, potato pancakes, sorcerers and gulbishniks - all these are original delicious dishes preparation is very simple and quick.

Irish champ - perfect mashed potatoes

An excellent side dish for hearty meat goulash. Rinse eight potatoes and boil in a peel. Chop 100 g of green onions and heat in 350 ml of milk. Peel and mash hot tubers, gradually adding warm milk mixture.

When pounding, season the dish with oil, salt and pepper. Arrange the finished mashed potatoes on the plates with a slide, in the center of which make a hole and put on big chunk butter. Champ is ready to use.

Canadian and Hawaiian potato puree

What can you serve mashed potatoes with to make the dish look unusual? Hawaiian chefs took care of this. The traditional Big Island puree is prepared with the addition of coconut and dry champagne. Make a homogeneous substance from 1 kg of boiled potatoes with the addition of 70 g of butter. Continuing to stir, gradually pour in 250 ml of brut champagne and 250 ml coconut milk... Finally add 100 g coconut flakes, salt to taste.

Canadians are equally creative in mashed potatoes. The zealous Canadian housewives even use potato peels. Mashed baked tubers are put into it.

Carefully remove the pulp of oven-baked potatoes without damaging the skins. Combine it with 50 g of cottage cheese, ¼ cup sour cream and 1-2 spinach leaves and 1 cup of chickpeas, uncovered. Season the puree with salt and butter-fried shallots. Sprinkle the rind lightly with olive oil and bake until crisp. Put mashed potatoes in the resulting "bowls", sprinkle with grated cheese and bake again until golden brown.

Puree in Belarusian: an eternal tradition

Gulbishnik is a national dish of Belarusian cuisine. A dish based on mashed potatoes is being prepared. With what to serve food? Yes with anything! It can go on its own and as a side dish for meat and fish dishes.

Boil 1 kg of potatoes, make mashed potatoes with 200 g of cottage cheese, combined with 100 g of sour cream. Add dill, 30 g flour and finely chopped onion to the finished mixture. Season with salt to taste. Put the mixture in a greased dish, pour sour cream on top and bake for 20 minutes at 210 ° C. Gulbishnik is ready.

Italian potato snack - crochet

Ordinary street food can perform well gourmet snack at any banquet. Crochet is originally from Northern Italy, but the ease of preparation and original taste made the dish popular in many European countries. The food is prepared very affordable.

Mashed potatoes are prepared with the addition of corn flour, ground fresh parsley, pepper and salt. For a fresh taste, you can add mint. Small balls are formed from the finished puree and fried in olive oil until golden crust... You can serve it yourself or on a baguette cut along the length.

Mashed potatoes as the basis for original dishes: from tubers

In addition to potatoes, the dish includes rice and soft dough... Mix 1 egg with 3 tbsp. l. vegetable oil, add flour and knead. Finished elastic dough roll into a ball and leave for 15-20 minutes. Mashed potatoes with two glasses of warm milk. Add ¼ cup vegetable oil, 1 cup boiled rice, half a teaspoon of nutmeg and the same amount of dried mint. Salt and pepper to taste.

In a round shape, oiled vegetable oil, lay out the dough, making sure that the edges hang down slightly on the sides. Lay out the potato and rice filling. Wrap the edges of the dough inward. Grease the pie with a beaten egg, bake at 180 ° C for 30-40 minutes.

Beautiful presentation for daily lunch

A dish of potatoes is almost every person's daily food. It is known that the beautiful appearance of the product can increase the appetite. A nice presentation is important not only for a feast. As a result, every housewife is extremely interested in how to serve mashed potatoes festively for a regular dinner.

There are many ideas for the original design of the dish. For example, serving the product in portioned pots will be very interesting. Flavored with butter and sprinkled with herbs, the dish makes you want to start your meal immediately.

Another option for an unusual serving of mashed potatoes is baked roses. For this, crushed tubers with the addition egg yolk, grated cheese and butter squeeze out on a baking sheet in the form of buds. Registration is done using a pastry syringe or envelope. Bake the roses at 200 ° C for 15-20 minutes until golden brown. What can you serve mashed potatoes with? For an original side dish, goulash, sauce, meat or fish dishes are suitable.

You can deposit the mass through the nozzle of a pastry syringe, as shown in the following photo. What to serve mashed potatoes with? In this case, any fish snacks(for example, salted herring).

Ideas for decorating children's dishes

Mashed potatoes are especially useful for children. After all, it is enriched with nutrients, as well as vitamins A, E, C, B1, B2, PP. Due to the high content of starch, protein and fiber, as well as the ingredients included in its composition (milk, butter, eggs, etc.), 100 g of mashed potatoes fit 106 kilocalories. Also the product contains such minerals like potassium, calcium, manganese, phosphorus, iron, sodium. The dish possesses dietary properties and is useful in cardiovascular diseases and liver diseases. Due to its enveloping properties, it is recommended to eat it before taking particularly aggressive medications (antibiotics or pain relievers). Another useful quality meals is to enhance memory.

Of course, such advantages are not a weighty argument for capricious kids. Children are known to love everything colorful and unusual. It is important not only with what to serve the mashed potatoes to the tomboys, but the serving that induces the appetite.

It is recommended to include fantasy. Ordinary crushed tubers turn into a magical dish if they are decorated in the form of a cartoon character Smesharik, whose arms and legs consist of sausage cut into strips. Similarly, you can serve mashed potatoes in the form of a sun or a cat's face. It will be extremely interesting for the kid to eat such a dish, and the hitherto unloved greens of parsley and dill (of which the cat's mustache is laid out) are perceived with delight.

Another one original presentation mashed potatoes - voluminous snowmen. Three balls of crushed tubers are connected with a toothpick. Instead of eyes, you can stick black peppercorns, and instead of a nose - a piece of carrot. Such a dish will also be an interesting decoration for a children's festive table.

For a smooth and airy puree, choose starchy varieties. They are round potatoes with light brown skin and light flesh. Starchy potatoes are very soft during cooking, which provides a delicate consistency of mashed potatoes.

But it is better not to use potatoes with red skin. It does not boil so much, and the mashed potatoes can come out with lumps.

What to put in mashed potatoes, except potatoes

Classic mashed potatoes will not do without or cream. For a delicious flavor, add a few sprigs of thyme, rosemary, or other herbs to the liquid and heat over low heat.

Another product that makes mashed potatoes tasty and fluffy is butter. Do not feel sorry for him and do not skimp when buying: the oil should be high in fat. Alternatively, you can take refined sunflower or olive oil... However, the taste of puree in this case will be slightly different.

Both milk and butter should be room temperature... If they are cold, the potatoes will cool faster and the mashed potatoes will have to be stirred longer. This means that it can turn out to be sticky.

Some put a few tablespoons of sour cream, mayonnaise in mashed potatoes, natural yoghurt or grated cheese. You can also add a raw egg, fried onion, or mushrooms for flavor.

If you want to give the puree an unusual color, boil the potatoes along with the beets, carrots, or pumpkin.

The finished puree will give a special aroma fresh herbs... It can be mixed with the rest of the ingredients, or you can sprinkle it on the dish.

How to make mashed potatoes

Peel the tubers and cut them into equally large cubes. Thus, the potatoes will cook more evenly and.

Place cubes in a saucepan and pour over cold water so that it covers them by about 1 cm. Salt and put on fire.

By the way, they still argue about when to salt the puree. Alone Perfect Mashed Potatoes, Mashed Potatoes with Buttermilk, Black Pepper and Green Onion chefs salt at the beginning, others Emeril Lagasse's Garlic Mashed Potatoes- at the end, third Mashed Potatoes, Kind Of Robuchon-Style- after boiling water. Opinions were also divided among famous professionals about which water to put potatoes in: cold Perfect mashed potatoes or already boiling How to make mashed potatoes.

One thing is for sure: the potatoes must be completely boiled. Checking the degree of doneness is easier with a knife. It should pierce the potato cube easily.

pluckytree /

When the potatoes are ready, drain the saucepan, place the cubes in a colander and dry them slightly. To do this, put them back in a hot pot and leave for a couple of minutes, stirring occasionally. This will evaporate excess liquid from the potatoes, which is not at all needed in mashed potatoes.

Remember, the colder the potatoes, the harder they are to knead.

Puree must not be mixed in a blender: this can cause it to become viscous, sticky and, of course, tasteless. It is best to puree by hand using a perforated pusher. This won't take much of your energy, because the starchy potatoes become very soft after boiling.

To puree more hard varieties you can use a potato press. It will help get rid of the lumps.

LexnGer /

Then add the remaining ingredients to the puree and mix well. Do not spare time and effort for this if you want the puree to turn out to be airy. At the end, you can season the puree with spices to taste and mix again.

Bonus: 4 unusual recipes for mashed potatoes

Stacy Spensley /


  • 400 g potatoes;
  • 400 g cauliflower;
  • 1 tablespoon butter
  • ½ glass of cream;
  • ¼ glasses of grated cheese;
  • salt to taste;
  • a few sprigs of green onions.


Boil the potatoes. 10 minutes after the water boils, add the cauliflower florets and cook until tender.

Put butter, cream, cheese, salt in mashed vegetables and mix well until smooth.

Sprinkle with chopped green onions before serving.

Ernesto Andrade /


  • 1 kg of potatoes;
  • 1 onion;
  • 1 tablespoon vegetable or olive oil
  • 1 teaspoon balsamic vinegar
  • a few teaspoons of salt;
  • ½ teaspoon sugar;
  • 2 cups unsalted coconut milk
  • 1 tablespoon dried garlic


Boil potatoes. Place the chopped onions in a skillet with oil, vinegar, a teaspoon of salt and sugar and cook for a few minutes. The onion should soften and take on a golden brown hue.

Add garlic and fried onions to the crushed potatoes. Stir well until smooth.

3. Baked potato and celery puree - Jamie Oliver's recipe


  • 4 potatoes;
  • sea ​​salt to taste;
  • 300 g celery root;
  • 1 head of garlic;
  • 4 tablespoons olive oil
  • 3 sprigs of fresh thyme;
  • spices to taste.


Rinse potatoes and sprinkle with salt. Pierce the peel with a fork and place the tubers on a baking sheet. Bake in an oven preheated to 190 ° C for 30 minutes.

Cut the celery root into large pieces. Place it and the garlic cloves on baking paper, sprinkle with salt and pepper, sprinkle with two tablespoons of olive oil and stir with your hands. Fold the paper so that you get a bundle.

Half an hour after starting to cook the potatoes, place the roll on a baking sheet and bake for another 20-30 minutes. Potatoes and celery root should be completely baked.

Peel the potatoes, squeeze out the baked garlic pulp, and combine with the celery. Add thyme leaves, olive oil and mix well. Season the puree with spices.


  • 800 g potatoes;
  • 500 g pumpkin;
  • some ghee;
  • 1 clove of garlic;
  • salt to taste;
  • 125 ml of milk;
  • 100 ml cream;
  • 2 tablespoons of butter;
  • ground black pepper - to taste;
  • some nutmeg;


Peeled potatoes and cut into cubes and boil for 25-30 minutes. Heat ghee in a skillet and fry the chopped garlic in it.

Drain the saucepan, dry the vegetables and add milk, cream and butter to them. Stir well, season with salt, pepper, garlic and nutmeg and stir again.

22nd page of the chapter "DECORATION OF DISHES"

The section helps to decorate the most different dishes and beautifully set the table.
For success, it is recommended to read from.

Design specialties-22
Recipes, step by step photos
Original second (main) courses

These deep-fried “roses” can be made from potatoes or turnips (“white roses”) or from beets (“red roses”). Red roses can also be made from potatoes by coloring them with beet juice. It is advisable to take middle-aged potatoes - slices from young potatoes are quite fragile.

It is convenient to cut the "petals" of the future "rose" 1-1.5 mm thick from raw potatoes on a special grater for vegetables.
And if you do not have it, then try to cut with a sharp knife as thin as possible and evenly in thickness.

The "petals" should be thin and translucent.

We cut off one plate thicker (3-4 mm) in order to cut from it long square-section bars for the central “buds”, around which we will wind the “petals”.

Then we soak the “petals”, “buds” and toothpicks for chipping the “roses” in a bowl of cold water, to which you must add salt (1 liter 1 full teaspoon of salt) for 2-3 hours. This will soften the petals by dissolving some of the starch and make them much more pliable when curling the "roses".

You need the smallest toothpicks you can find on the market. If they are not pre-soaked in water also for 2-3 hours together with the "petals", then they will burn when roasting roses in hot oil.

Let's start making roses.

We take the central "bud" and wrap it tightly with one petal. Then we take another petal and twist it in the other direction. After that, we fix the bud with a piece of a toothpick.

Like this:

After that, we wrap the other petals slightly moving them from above, so that the “rose” turns out to be open, “blossomed”.

It is necessary to strictly observe the rule: one petal is clockwise, and the next is counterclockwise.

The larger you want to make the "rose", the more you use the petals and the toothpicks holding them together.

Then lightly shake the "roses" from the water and put them on a napkin to dry for 3-5 minutes. Otherwise, excess water in hot oil will "explode" and splash. (If you dip a wet rose in boiling oil, then you will have to wash the entire kitchen from scattered fat for a long and tedious time.)

While the roses are drying, put a small cauldron with vegetable oil on the fire and heat to the desired temperature.

To check if the oil has warmed up enough, take one petal from the bowl, dry it with a napkin and dip it into the oil. If it sizzles cheerfully and bubbles appear, then the oil is ready for frying, and if it sizzles faintly, then you have to wait a little longer.

So the oil has reached the right temperature.

We lower the rose with its head down and try not to roll on one side for 1-2 minutes. At this time, all the petals will open. Now carefully turn it over and fry on all sides until golden brown.

When the “rose” acquires a crispy color, it is ready.

We take it out of the cauldron on a paper napkin to drain off excess oil. Sprinkle lightly with salt.

When the "roses" have cooled down a little, take out the toothpicks. It is easier to pull them out if you turn them slightly around the longitudinal axis before pulling them out.
Ready-made "roses" no longer want to fall apart on "petals", and they can be carefully put on a plate.

Serve beautifully and serve hot.

For deep fat cooking, see section

Decorating a dish with potato roses:

Mix tomato paste or ketchup with water so that it is not very thick and not very liquid. Ready-made roses, while still hot, immerse for a short time in a saucepan with tomato paste to paint them a soft pink. And immediately serve.
NOTE. If desired, after steaming, coloring and a little drying, you can briefly fry in a preheated well until slightly golden brown. Then briefly put on paper so that the oil glass.
In this case, "roses" can be prepared in advance, and before serving, deep-fried or sprinkled with oil and briefly baked in the oven at a temperature of 210-220 gr. WITH.


Roll up the minced meat with mushrooms, giving it the shape of a sausage.
Put the folded minced meat on a bacon wicker basket.

Gently wrap the minced meat in a bacon wicker.
Bake for 50 minutes in an oven preheated to 200 gr. WITH.
Serve hot.

Cut the cheese and ham into thin slices.
We fold the schnitzel from 5 layers.
On a slice of cheese, put a slice of ham, again cheese, then ham and cheese.
Breaded in flour, then roll liberally in a loose egg (do not save the egg), again in flour and again in an egg.
Put it in the pan immediately.
Fry in a preheated skillet with butter, once on each side, until a nice crispy crust is obtained.
Serve immediately.
NOTE. This dish is very convenient for breakfast or for an urgent hot snack.
Similarly prepares "Roman Schnitzel" from cheese... Roll a 1 cm slice of very cold (straight from the fridge) hard cheese in flour, then abundantly in an egg, generously bread in wheat bread crumbs or thinly sliced ​​strips of fresh white bread(there should be a lot of breading). Fry briefly once on each side in a preheated skillet with butter.

Zrazy can be prepared with different fillings.
In this recipe, we will prepare zrazy stuffed with stuffed eggs.
We will boil the eggs "hard boiled" and, having cut them in half, select the yolks from them.

Combine the halves of the proteins filled with the mixture in pairs - we have stuffed eggs.

Cooking ordinary minced meat cutlet with onions, salt, pepper and bread soaked in water (but not in milk - see the end of the recipe for this).
Knead the minced meat thoroughly until a plastic mass is obtained. Then the minced meat should be knocked out a little, rolling it into a ball and throwing it with force on the table (10-15 times) - cutlets from the knocked-out minced meat are more juicy.
We take a piece of minced meat and knead it into a small cake, enough to wrap an egg in it.

We roll the egg into the minced meat, give the zraza a slightly oblong shape and roll in a loose egg.

We slightly stretch the face of the future "hedgehog" and insert the "eyes" and "nose" either from black pepper, or cut from an olive oil or from a crust of black bread.
Raise the "nose" slightly upward so that the hedgehog does not turn out to be angry, with its nose buried in the ground.
We insert into the "hedgehogs" the "needles" from the vermicelli.
For small children, these noodles should already be pulled out on a plate and put next to them.
Older children like toasted noodles very much, and they crunch them like crackers.

The hedgehogs are ready to go to the oven.

Put ready-made "hedgehogs" on the side dish and immediately serve.
Zrazy are beautiful in cut and very juicy due to the melted filling of cheese and sour cream (mayonnaise).

Tips for making good cutlets:
1) Bread for minced meat it is necessary to soak in cold boiled water (in some cases it is possible in wine or in a mixture of wine and water), but in no case in milk (soaking bread in milk deprives the cutlets of juiciness due to the interaction of milk and meat proteins during frying).
2) Eggs must not be added to minced meat cutlet, otherwise the cutlets will lose their juiciness
(eggs are added to minced meat cutlets as a binder only in public catering, so that more water and bread can be introduced into cutlets - without eggs, minced meat with under-investment of meat will fall apart);
eggs must be introduced for bunching into minced fish cutlet, also when preparing minced cutlets from vegetables or cereals.
3) When sculpting cutlets, it is very useful for juiciness to place a piece of ice and a piece of butter in the middle of each cutlet.
4) The sculpted cutlet must be rolled in flour, then in a loose egg - lezone- when frying, the egg will create an impenetrable shell and preserve all the juices inside the cutlet (if desired, after deboning in the egg, cutlets can be breaded in ground breadcrumbs);
- partial breading: only in an egg or only in flour, or in flour and then in an egg;
- full breading (Viennese breading): flour - egg - crackers;
- sometimes they use double breading: flour - egg - crackers - egg - crackers);
- chicken, fish, cereals and vegetable cutlets after deboning in flour and very abundantly in an egg, you can bread in fresh, not too small bread crumbs or in fresh bread, cut into thin (3-4x6-8 mm) and rather long strips (such breading requires a lot of oil in a pan).
5) Cutlets (or meat) should only be placed on a preheated very well-heated pan (20-30 seconds after the cook has a strong anxiety that the pan is already too overheated) and with a sufficiently thick layer of oil (a small amount of oil makes heat transfer difficult from a frying pan to a cutlet or meat, as a result of which the product loses its juiciness, because due to poor thermal contact, the crust forms slowly, especially on the side surface).
6) First, the cutlets are fried over high heat once on each side until a crispy crust is obtained, and then reduce the heat, cover the pan with a lid and leave on low heat for another 10-15 minutes.
Ready cutlets are immediately served.

Cut the sausages in half lengthwise, make two cuts (legs) on each side.
Cut the resulting sausage halves in half again. Thus, we get four legs.
Let's cut the sausage into three parts: the ends of the sausage are the heads of two turtles (the middle will go to the tails). On each "head" we will make an incision with a knife - this will be the "mouth".
From the remaining middle piece of sausage, make two tails.

Form a cutlet from minced meat.
We stick sausages-paws and a sausage-head into it, we also do not forget about the tail.

Now we are making the shell.
Cut the sandwich or any other cheese into strips and place them on the cutlet with a net.

Cover the patties with foil and put in the oven at 180 gr. From minutes to 30-35.
Shortly before cooking (5 minutes), the foil can be removed to bake the cheese.

Put hot cutlets on greens and serve immediately.
Everyone is delighted!

You can make such a terrible "spider" from dough or minced meat and bake in the oven.
In the body of the "spider" you can make a depression for salad or anything else to your liking.
To prevent this groove from rising in the dough during baking, you need to carefully put oiled foil into it and sprinkle the beans in a heap - its weight will not allow the dough to rise.

Cordon bleu (fr. Cordon bleu - blue ribbon)- breaded veal schnitzel stuffed with cheese and ham, presumably a Swiss recipe.
There are several versions regarding the origin of the name of the dish.
1) The blue ribbon is still the highest culinary distinction in France. According to one of the versions, Louis XV presented the Order of the Blue Ribbon to the cook Madame Dubarry, and since then this title has been awarded to all good chefs and dishes.
2) Perhaps the cordon blue schnitzel was the winner of one of the culinary competitions in France.
3) Perhaps the schnitzel was previously tied with a blue ribbon.
4) This was the name given to chefs or skillful cooks. The name originated in 1578, when King Henry III created the Order of the Saint Esprit Knights, who wore the cross of their order on a blue ribbon. The king provided the owners of the order with the best, therefore their banquets were famous exquisite dishes... At the end of the nineteenth century. in Paris published the weekly "Cuisine of the Cordon Blue", and was also founded cooking school Cordon Bleu, which is still known all over the world ...
5) According to this version, the creation of the cordon blue chefs of a wealthy Basel family were inspired by blue ribbons in the hair of girls playing in the yard.
To prepare cordon bleu between two thin schnitzels or in one thicker schnitzel with a pocket cut into it, put one slice of cheese (Emmental, Gruyere or Raclette) and low-fat boiled or raw smoked ham.
The edges are held together with wooden skewers.
Then the schnitzel is breaded in flour, eggs and breadcrumbs and fried in ghee.
Pork and chicken breasts are also used instead of veal.
In this case, we will cook stuffed chicken breast schnitzel.
Before preparing "Cordon bleu" it is important not to forget to prepare the Blue Ribbon in advance for the solemn rewarding of yourself after the successful completion of cooking.

Cepelinai with cracklings and sour cream.

Cepelinai with fried onions and cracklings.

For 3 good servings:
- 3 kg of potatoes
It is important that the potatoes have a sufficient amount of starch (alas, this depends on the variety - how lucky). But, if there is not enough starch in the potatoes, add 1-2 tbsp. tablespoons of potato starch.
For the filling (quantity to taste):
- minced meat - pork, beef or their mixture
- dried porcini mushrooms
- onion
- salt and ground pepper to taste

CEPELINAI (cepelinai, in cookbooks often - zeppelins, which is not true). Lithuanian the National dish from potatoes with meat or curd filling.
The basis of the zeppelinai is a potato mass, consisting of raw grated potatoes and boiled mashed potatoes in a ratio of 3: 1. Before combining raw mass with mashed potatoes raw potatoes wrung out. Both parts mix well.
A wide pancake (in shape) is made from the combination, into which the filling is laid, and such a “pie” is boiled in cool salted water for 12 minutes.
After boiling, it is poured with sour cream and fried onion gravy with bacon. Meat filling often made from grated liver, fried with onions and lard, curd - from a combination of cottage cheese, raw eggs, onions and lard.
Cepelinai is a quick-cooked dish, but it tastes good only when hot and freshly served. Neither warming up nor leaving for another day does not tolerate.

Thoroughly wash about a third or a quarter of the potatoes and cook them with their skins (in their skins).
Please note that the potatoes must be well cooked - then they will have to be kneaded into a homogeneous puree.