How to fill profiteroles recipes. Custard profiteroles

An alien and rarely used word " profiteroles"- nothing more than the closest relative of the famous and familiar custard cakes that we all love. Oh yes, in their own company - and the name " eclairs", which are now definitely the twin brothers of the so common custards. In fairness, it is worth mentioning and shu- tiny choux pastry cakes, which are usually served empty, but also belong to the same family of "hollow" pastries made from dough, which is made by boiling flour and introducing eggs into it. But these are all different stories about the same, in fact, recipe - about delicious choux pastries.

French pastry chefs joke that the one who cooked successful eclairs the first time passed the initial exam in the difficult art of cooking with excellent marks. And in every joke there is a grain of truth, right?

Although I may have rushed to define profiteroles as a dessert - now they are filled with caviar, red fish, savory salads, and various canned foods ... How to cook eclairs, what are the subtleties and secrets of this art, you can read. But today I want to talk just about fillings for them, but in the traditional interpretation, that is, about sweet options. After all, what could be tastier than a delicate custard cake with cream from ... But the cream requires details, moreover, details that are understandable, accessible and proven. So, sweet filling for profiteroles- which one will we choose?

Option one.

Perhaps it's worth starting with classic recipe- the present. French chef Marie-Antoine Karem, who gave the whole world a wonderful dessert - eclairs, prepared cakes with just such a filling. You don't have to do anything super complicated, you don't need any extraordinary products - the recipe is actually outrageously simple.

Option two.

Although custard cakes are usually topped with cocoa fondant, true chocolates will always crave even more chocolate. It was for them that the chocolate cream was invented, based on the same classic first version. Now true connoisseurs of "black delicacy" have a real treasure - eclairs with chocolate cream.

Option three.

And again we will use basic recipe custard. But only this time we will pamper nut lovers. Pistachios will be very good as an additional component. Their delicate taste will emphasize all the beauty classic cream, giving it new, very interesting touches. Add crushed nuts to the already cooled cream, along with butter. do not expect the cream to radically change its color; rather, it will be barely light green. But the taste ... it's amazing!

Option four.

Fifth option.

Another recipe, and a series of "non-custard" ones that I really like - pumpkin. Yes, yes, it is perfect for eclairs and profiteroles. Do not be afraid of such an experiment - the pumpkin will not dominate, but will only add sweetness and a subtle shade of something warm, velvety, soft, cozy ... The filling will not be defiantly orange, the cream will have a pleasant, darker tone. Another plus of pumpkin as an ingredient: it lightens the cream, removing excess calories - isn't this a reason to cook it?

In fact, filling options are a field for your imagination, an opportunity to experiment and try new, interesting tastes. Think up, dream, dare - and you will get the best custard cake with the most delicious cream in the world!

Good luck in the kitchen!

Which are very similar to eclairs, but are much smaller. They can be served to the table and as delicious dessert(cakes), and how hearty snacks... In the latter case, the custard should not be stuffed sweet filling from fish, crab sticks and other ingredients. Today there will be many options for how to make such a dish for festive table so that none of the invited guests is disappointed.

Delicious profiteroles with filling: a recipe with a photo of the finished dish

Before preparing snacks and desserts, be sure to make a custard base and bake hollow products. To do this, you will need:

  • fatty - 130 ml;
  • large chicken eggs - 3 pcs.;
  • fresh butter - 70 g;
  • sifted wheat flour - 110 g;
  • granulated sugar - ½ dessert spoon;
  • sea ​​salt - a small amount (a couple of pinches).

Dough kneading and baking process

Sweet custard cakes

As mentioned above, such products can be made with different fillers. Sweet filling for profiteroles includes the following ingredients:

  • cream 40% - 200 ml;
  • boiled condensed milk - ½ can.

Cooking process

To make such simple but delicious cakes, whisk heavy cream at high speed, then add condensed milk to them and repeat the mixing procedure. After that, the sweet filling must be placed in a culinary syringe and, without cutting the profiteroles, squeeze the contents directly into the center of the custard, making a small puncture at the bottom of the bun.

Sweet filling for profiteroles (mango)

For such products, you need to purchase:

  • ripe mango pulp - from 1 fruit;
  • soft (sweet) - 2 large spoons;
  • lemon zest - dessert spoon;
  • thick flower honey - a large spoon.

Cooking process

To create such cakes, you need to grind all the ingredients into a gruel, mix them thoroughly, and then cut off the top from the custards and stuff them with a sweet filling.

How to serve correctly?

Sweet and salty profiteroles with various fillings should be served as a snack or dessert. It is recommended to place them on a flat plate, which it is advisable to decorate in advance with fruits, berries or fresh herbs, respectively.

Eclairs and profiteroles are small pastry shops choux pastry products that appeared in French cuisine... This is the only thing that unites them.

The differences between eclairs and profiteroles are much more than similarities.

Profiteroles appeared earlier, and we'll start with them. The French word profitrole denotes benefit, value, and successful acquisition. Perhaps due to the fact that a small amount of products can be used to bake a whole mountain of beautiful round cakes, or maybe because it is always nice to receive such a cute delicious treat... Profiteroles can be completely different. With meat, mushroom, cheese or salad filling, they are served with broth or as a snack before dinner. In Burgundy they are called Gougeres. Profiteroles with sweet cream, ice cream or cream act as delicious dessert... Prefabricated desserts are made from sweet profiteroles, fastening the balls with caramel, chocolate sauce and cream. This is how a wedding cake is prepared in France - croquembush. Profiteroles can be empty and served with soups, like donuts for borscht.

Dough for profiteroles can be either sweet or neutral, and in combination with a sweet filling, a neutral or slightly salty dough creates a surprisingly balanced taste.

Profiteroles and other choux pastry products are surprising at first: why are they empty inside? In fact, making profiteroles and eclairs is no more difficult than making pies. The secret of their emptiness lies in the fact that a dense crust traps steam inside, and it presses on the walls, increasing the volume of the cakes. The main thing - prepare the dough correctly.

Choux pastry for eclairs and profiteroles

1 cup flour, 100 g butter, 1 cup water (milk), 4 eggs, ¼ tsp. salt.

Boil water with salt and oil, add flour, stir thoroughly and continue heating for 5-7 minutes. You should get a homogeneous smooth mass. Remove the dough from heat and, when it cools a little, add eggs one at a time ( eggs should only be room temperature- otherwise you will not get a light homogeneous dough) while beating the dough with a mixer. Should be moderate batter flowing down from the scapula. Too thin dough will settle quickly during baking, and dry dough will not rise and crack.
Lightly grease a baking sheet and use a pastry bag to put the balls of profiteroles dough, taking into account that they will increase 3 times. You can shape the balls with two teaspoons, but then they will not be as smooth and even. And if you use the toothed nozzle of the pastry bag, the profiteroles will turn out to be very beautiful and without cracks. You can also bake profiteroles in paper muffin baskets - they will not stick together and the baking sheet will stay clean.
Bake profiteroles for 12-15 minutes at 220 ° C, then 20 minutes at 190 ° C. Finished profiteroles have a dark yellow color and a large volume. Take them out of the oven, chill them - and you can serve them with soup.

Empty profiteroles can be kept in the refrigerator for several days. Before the holiday, you can prepare several baking sheets, and before serving, fill them with something tasty. The easiest option is whipped cream. For chilled profiteroles, cut off the top, fill with whipped cream from a pastry bag, cover with a cut lid, sprinkle with powdered sugar. Top sweet profiteroles can be glazed.
You can fill the profiteroles with ice cream, but in this case you will have to cut them in half and wield a spoon, which is not very convenient with small forms. Therefore, if you plan to fill with ice cream, salad or pieces of fruit, prepare larger profiteroles.

If profiteroles are intended for a snack table, the choice of filling is not limited by anything. Experiment with your favorite foods, you can use proven recipes for salads and pates.

Here are some ideas savory fillings for snack bars:

Filling for red fish profiteroles

Salted or smoked fish chop finely hard cheese grate on a medium grater, chop the herbs finely, add a little softened butter.

Cheese-nut filling for profiteroles

Grate hard cheese on a medium grater, fried walnuts Grind thinly, crush a few cloves of garlic, add sour cream to the required thickness.

Filling for profiteroles with avocado

Mash the avocado with a fork, add finely chopped chili and tomato. Season with lemon juice and olive oil.

Filling for profiteroles with shrimps

Boiled shrimp, soft cream cheese, chop the cucumber without the peel in a blender, add lemon juice and cream.

Filling for profiteroles with ham

Cut the ham into small cubes, rub the fat cottage cheese through a sieve, add a little mustard.
From sweet choux pastry, you can make profiteroles in the form of rings. They do not need a filling - profiteroles rings are wonderful in themselves.

Air rings

1 cup flour (250 ml), 230 ml water, 0.5 tablespoons flour, 120 g butter or margarine, 4 eggs, ¼ tsp. salt, 1 tbsp. icing sugar.

Boil water with salt, sugar and butter, add flour, stir thoroughly and continue heating for 5-7 minutes. Remove the dough from heat, cool slightly and beat the dough with a mixer, adding eggs one at a time. Lightly grease a baking sheet and use a piping bag with a smooth tube to line out the round or oval rings, leaving enough space between them. Bake the rings for 12-15 minutes at 220 ° C, then 20 minutes at 190 ° C. Sprinkle the finished products with icing sugar while hot.


Eclairs are exquisite descendants of profiteroles. In Russia, eclairs are better known as choux pastries. The authorship of this dessert is attributed to the famous French chef of the early 19th century - Antonina Karem... The name eclair comes from the French word éclair (lightning). Perhaps because of the elongated shape of these cakes, or maybe because they were eaten with lightning speed.

The airy dessert seems to have been created specifically for temptation; at the sight of it, an appetite involuntarily arises. It is not difficult to bake a cake at home, it is important to know a few culinary secrets.

Unlike profiteroles eclairs are always prepared with sweet filling .

To cook eclairs, choux pastry from a pastry bag with a toothed or smooth nozzle should be placed on lightly greased baking sheets. The length of the cakes is about 12 cm, and the distance between them should be at least 5 cm. Bake eclairs in the same way as profiteroles: 12-15 minutes at a temperature of 220 ° C, then 20 minutes at a temperature of 190 ° C. We will not repeat eclairs dough recipe- it is absolutely the same as for profiteroles. Let's talk better about filling and decoration. Usually eclairs (choux pastries) are prepared with creamy, custard or with Charlotte cream, and the surface is glazed with white or chocolate glaze.

To fill the eclair with the filling, use a pastry bag with a narrow tube. If you cannot fill the cake evenly on one side, you can make punctures on both sides.

Butter cream

100 g heavy cream(35%), 10 g icing sugar, a pinch of vanillin, (gelatin optional).

Whip the cooled cream with a mixer until fluffy, stable. Beat slowly for 2-3 minutes at first, then increase the speed. Add the icing sugar and vanillin gradually. Beating duration - at least 15 minutes. The resulting cream is unstable and cannot be prepared in advance. For the stability of the cream, you can add soaked gelatin in a ratio of 1:10 to the cream before whipping.


300 g sugar, 100 g water, 150 g egg whites, 10 g vanilla powder.

Bring the water and sugar to a boil and boil the syrup until medium thick. Beat the whites until stable and until they increase in volume by 5-6 times. Gradually pour the hot syrup into the whites without stopping whisking. Add the vanilla powder and beat for another 10-15 minutes to set the cream. A properly prepared custard is snow-white, fluffy, glossy, slightly stringy. Lumps in the cream indicate a rapid infusion of syrup or insufficient stirring.

Charlotte cream

200 g butter, 150 g sugar, 100 ml milk, 1 egg, vanillin, cognac - to taste.

Boil the sugar and milk. Beat the egg thoroughly, pour milk into it in a thin stream (if you pour milk immediately, the eggs will curl). Put the resulting mass on water bath and cook until thick. Refrigerate for about 10 minutes. At this time, softened butter beat with a mixer, add vanillin, cognac and gradually pour in the egg-milk mixture. Beat the cream for another 10 minutes. You should get a homogeneous fluffy mass of a pale yellow color that retains its shape well.
If you add a tablespoon of cocoa powder at the end of whipping the cream, you get a chocolate "Charlotte"; a teaspoon of fresh strong coffee or coffee syrup will give a coffee "Charlotte"; 50 g of chopped roasted nuts will give a nutty "Charlotte"; and 100 g of fruit jam will turn the cream into a fruity Charlotte.

Eclairs with curd cream

This recipe isn't quite as familiar to us as custard and frosting eclairs, but it's worth making! Unrealistically delicious curd cream, fresh fruits and weightless dough. Believe me, this cake will become your favorite.

The dough is used unleavened custard - see the recipe above. For the cream we need: 150 grams of butter, 300 grams of cottage cheese, 150 grams of powdered sugar, a handful of raisins. And fruits - kiwi, strawberries and grapes - for decoration.

Thoroughly grind the cottage cheese through a sieve. Beat butter and powder separately and add cottage cheese there, vanilla sugar and steamed raisins. The cream is ready. Now we form the boats. We cut the eclair lengthwise, fill the lower part with cream, turn the upper part of the dough up and put the pieces of fruit in it.

White glaze for eclairs

2 squirrels, 100 g of icing sugar, a few drops of lemon juice.

Pour the whites into a perfectly clean dish without traces of yolk, beat them with a mixer on a quiet run. Add the icing sugar gradually. When the desired consistency is reached, add the lemon juice. Decorate the cakes with icing, dropping it out of the pastry bag.

Chocolate icing for eclairs

100 g icing sugar, 2 tsp. cocoa powder, 4 tsp. water or milk.

Pour cocoa with boiling water or milk. Add the icing sugar and stir immediately. The icing prepared according to this recipe hardens very quickly and becomes covered with a sugar crust, so apply it to the cakes immediately. You can add a little vegetable oil or melted butter to slow the setting and give the glaze a glossy sheen.

Eclairs and profiteroles are not at all difficult if you have patience, the freshest products and the necessary tools. Feel free to experiment and you will succeed. The ability to cook eclairs and profiteroles will immediately take you up several stages of culinary mastery. The admiration of others is guaranteed!

Secrets of making successful eclairs and profiteroles

The ease with which eclairs are prepared seems to be false. In fact, a recipe requires many rules to be followed.

1. Do not exceed the amount or weight of the specified ingredients, which may result in the dough being runny or tough. And also - leave the pan with the dough on the stove unattended.

2. The butter should melt as the water boils.

3. All ingredients must be thoroughly mixed.

4. If desired, the water can be replaced with milk, and instead of, for example, 4 eggs - use 2 eggs and 2 whites.

5. The process of cooking eclairs and profiteroles should not be interrupted, as this can lead to the fact that the dough will fall off. By the way, this dough does not contain baking powder. The dough is to be baked while it is warm.

6. It is worth strictly observing the temperature and baking time.

As well as:

It is important! EGGS need to be taken ONLY 1 category, they weigh 50 grams. If you take the 2nd, then instead of, say, 4 eggs according to the recipe, you need to take 5. (see the recipe below from Alexander Seleznev - there are valuable tips)

The cakes should be baked, dry and golden brown. It is advisable that they cool slowly while in the oven for about 1 hour.

In order to prepare dessert sweet eclairs cakes, you must first bake choux pastry blanks. The taste will depend on its tenderness and airiness. confectionery... Choux pastry does not require many ingredients, it needs diligence and thoroughness.

For the dough, you need to take a glass of sifted flour and water, one hundred grams of butter and 4-5 eggs. Pour a glass of water into a saucepan and bring it to a boil, add oil and pour flour, a pinch of salt in a trickle and mix thoroughly. Reduce the heat to a minimum and boil the dough slightly. Let it cool and add the beaten eggs one at a time, stirring constantly.

Transfer the dough into a pastry bag or syringe and put on oiled parchment thin strips no more than one centimeter wide and 5-6 cm long at a short distance from each other. Place the baking sheet in hot oven and on maximum heat, let the cakes rise and brown, then reduce the heat and bake over low heat. When baking, do not open the oven, otherwise the eclairs will inevitably fall off, lose their shape.

Remove the finished pastry from the sheet immediately and let it cool, then carefully cut it lengthwise on one side with a sharp knife and fill with the prepared cream. The filling for such cakes can be protein, custard or butter cream.

The custard is prepared as follows: dissolve 0.5 tablespoon of starch in two tablespoons of cold milk, add 0.5 tablespoon of flour, one yolk and half a glass of sugar. Stir the mixture and put on fire, bring to a boil and add 0.5 cups of milk in a thin stream. Stir the cream constantly, otherwise you will not get a homogeneous, even mass. After the mixture has cooled, add one hundred grams of butter and beat well. Fill custard cakes with this cream. Top with eclairs to cover chocolate icing, sprinkle with icing sugar or garnish with fruit, jelly, meringue.

It is interesting

The calorie content of one eclair cake weighing one hundred grams with butter custard is 330 kcal. It is worth eating five of these cakes a day to fully cover the daily ration. For those who are not used to counting calories, this hedonistic dessert will satisfy the sweet tooth from the very first bite.

The word "eclair" has another meaning - this is the name for a special method of shooting animation, cartoons, rotoscoping. In this case, the cartoon is created with the help of a computer by drawing frame by frame of a real film with actors and scenery. First, a film is shot, then each figure is transferred to tracing paper and a cartoon-like film is created.

Confectioners joke that if you managed to cook real airy eclairs the first time, you can assume that you have passed the first academic stage in cooking.

The Russians, as you know, know how to “make porridge”, and the French know how to make dough. Eclairs are baked from choux pastry and have an oblong shape, “dough brothers” - profiteroles - have a round shape.

The author of the eclair is considered the famous pastry chef Marie-Antoine Karem (1784-1833), who, according to all the legends, served with many powerful people, including the Russian Emperor Alexander 1. Moreover, this pastry chef is considered the founder of St. culinary school... Interestingly, Karem had a pastry chef Jean Avis. And he created a bun "shu" - choux, that is, "nut". And again there was a flight of fantasy, there was an interpretation of the bun “pate a choux”, which was a potato. Experts say that the pastry chef replaced mashed potatoes flour, which was brewed in a special way, and left eggs in the recipe. His student worked out the recipe and perfected it. We still use this recipe today.

But what about the fact that the choux pastry, called by the French "shu" (choux), was invented quite a long time ago - in 1540 - by the chef of Catherine de 'Medici, who in 1533 married the Duke of Orleans. By the way, the Queen of France and the mother of three kings is also famous for the innovations introduced into French cuisine. Arriving in France, she brought her cooks with her. One of them, a pastry chef and chef, was called Panterelli, and he was Florentine. Cooking masterpiece which, without a doubt, is the recipe for the dough, came to be called pâte à Panterelli. In the future, the name changed slightly and sounded like pâte à Popelin, and the popelins themselves were shaped like a flat cake. But with a nuance and not the simplest: they were shaped like women's breasts.

By the way, Italians, or rather, Neapolitans, also claim authorship of choux pastry and the very fact of its appearance in very ancient times. The Florentines argue with them, who, as we understand, have every right.

M.A. Karem presented only a wonderful interpretation of the test and suggested trying the eclairs. But everything is correct: the shape and filling of choux pastry products change their official names. For example, profiteroles, small round choux pastry cakes. Their name was very pleasant - it was translated from French as “a small monetary reward”. If the filling is made from whipped cream, and a light icing sugar falls on top, like snow, then this is Chantilly cake. If one nut-shaped cake covers the other, the smaller ones are covered with pink sugar glaze, then this is Pomme d'Amour - "Apple of love". What if the recipe and decor change? Then this is not the "Apple of Love", but a cake with a completely opposite name - La Religiuse, that is, "The Nun". Parisian pastry shops surprise with precisely these cakes and how wonderful the nuances of taste and decoration are: anise, violet, mango, orange blossom, caramel. The open cake with custard and candied almonds is Zeppola di San Giuseppe.

If the profiteroles stuffed with custard are collected in a pyramid and covered with caramel, then we have a Croquembouche cake. You can bake a ring from choux pastry, cut it in half and fill with curd cream, the eclair will not work, and the custard ring with cottage cheese will be delicious. I remember that in Soviet times, custard cakes in the shape of swans were fashionable, especially on anniversaries, the number of sweet birds symbolized the number of years lived. To do this, they had to bake their long necks separately and form the wings and tail from the oval-shaped eclair.

Best recipe eclairs from Julia Vysotskaya


150 g flour
100 g butter
50 g icing sugar
3-4 eggs
2 yolks
25 g corn flour
250 ml milk
1 vanilla pod
1 tbsp. spoonful of sugar
1 teaspoon sea salt

Cooking process:

1 Preheat the oven to 180 ° C.
2 Sift the flour.
3 Combine butter, salt, sugar and a glass of water in a small saucepan and bring to a boil over low heat. As soon as the liquid boils, remove from heat.
4 Add flour, stirring vigorously, and then leave to cool for 2-3 minutes.
5 Introduce three eggs one at a time. If the consistency is too steep, add another one. The dough should be smooth and shiny.
6 Spoon the dough in the form of balls on a baking sheet at a distance of 2-3 cm from each other (you can use a pastry syringe and squeeze out the "correct" long eclairs).
7 Bake for 20-25 minutes without opening the oven, then reduce the temperature to 160 ° C and leave in the oven for another 15 minutes.
8 Prepare the cream: whisk the powdered sugar, yolks and corn flour... Cut the vanilla pod lengthwise, remove the grains from it; add the grains and the pod itself to the milk and bring to a boil. Then pour milk into the yolk mass and very quickly return everything to the fire. Stir constantly, bring to a boil and then rub through a sieve. Cool the resulting mass.
9 Remove the eclairs from the oven. Let cool and fill with cream.

Important: Never open the oven while baking!

A tower of profiteroles by Alexander Seleznev

), tartlets

You can buy ready-made baskets and profiteroles, you can cook them yourself)) Fill with almost any salad, preferably - finely chop everything

It is advisable to fill it shortly before serving, so that the profiteroles and baskets do not get wet. But you can prepare the filling in advance.

On each profiterole, make a cut in the upper third, as if cutting off the lid. The lid was opened ajar, the filling was put in with a spoon, and the lid was closed. If the filling is pasty, then you can uncut the profiteroles, and stuff with a culinary syringe through a small hole (at the bottom, near the very bottom, or right in the bottom, make a hole. There will be surprise profiteroles - since the filling is not visible.

Fillings for profiteroles, they are also suitable for baskets and tartlets:

* Almost all minced meat is suitable for " stuffed eggs»;

* Jar of krill (or shallow cocktail shrimps), fresh cucumber, apple, small onion, finely chopped, season with mayonnaise and black pepper. Decorate with a sprig of parsley.

* Favorite Pineapple Chicken Salad. Chicken fillet and pineapple slices, cheese - cut into small cubes, add chopped parsley, salt and pepper, season with mayonnaise.

* Potato salad. Crush boiled potatoes, season with cream or sour cream, spices to taste, salt, pepper, sprinkle with thin green onion rings.

* Option potato salad- add small pieces of lightly fried brisket.

* Salmon (chum or salmon), lightly salted or lightly smoked, cream cheese like "Almette", "Philadelphia", lemon, parsley. Combine the cheese and 2/3 of the fish in a blender, cut the rest of the fish into thin slices and garnish the profiteroles filled with salmon, a sprig of parsley and a thin slice of lemon.

* Option of the previous filling - cottage cheese replace with processed cheese, add a little butter to obtain a delicate consistency.

* A jar of tuna in own juice, a jar of beans in its own juice - drain the juice. Chop the beans with a fork, combine with the tuna, add a lot of chopped parsley and lemon juice and season with olive oil.

* Red caviar - spectacular and tasty The bottom of the profiteroles can be greased with oil, put a spoonful of caviar, garnished with a lemon and a sprig of parsley.

* Jar of finished meat pate, pickled cucumbers, greens.

* Salad "Ryzhik" - grated cheese curds, grated cheese, grated onion, eggs - yeah, grate too. Season with mayonnaise, salt and pepper to taste.

* Beet salad from grated (or better, finely chopped!) beets - with garlic or prunes, lingonberries, apple. Before filling, be sure to drain the juice that has emerged from the salad, and the bottom will smear.

* Cheese, apple, egg - all in small cubes, half of a grated onion, mayonnaise, salt to taste.

* Cheese Roquefort (or "dor blue") mash a little, add a little cream, walnuts, finely chopped celery stalk, and / or lightly fried mushrooms;

* Option: whip cheese like "dor blue" in a blender with cream until creamy. Decorate the stuffed profiteroles with cedar nuts and / or halves of large red grapes.

* Curd filling. Cottage cheese (can be grained) combine with grated fresh cucumber or / and grated radishes, add a lot of chopped herbs, salt, season with cream or sour cream.

* Option curd filling: Add finely grated carrots and garlic to the curd. Season with sour cream.

* Finely chop the fried mushrooms, add lightly fried onion, chopped egg, you can also put grated cheese, mayonnaise, pine nuts.

* Beef (on New Year's table attacks are not recommended this year - yummy!). Pass the boiled meat through a meat grinder, add finely chopped pickled cucumbers, fried onions, boiled carrots, season with mayonnaise.

* Processed cheese pounded with butter.

* Cheese cheese with red bell pepper and chopped olives, greens.

* A jar of "Almette with horseradish" - mash with a small amount of cream - to soften the taste and a more delicate consistency, fill with profiteroles, put a thin slice of ham and herbs on top.

* A jar of "Almette with horseradish", stir with cream, fill profiteroles, put a piece of boiled fish on top - any, preferably white, pollock and hake will do.

* Cod liver, Viola cheese, grated eggs. Top with a thin slice of pickled cucumber and a sprig of dill.

Stuffing eggs

Cooking technology is simple, success is guaranteed!

I am sure that everyone knows how to do it, so we will not go into details, but I will write the filling options

· The most important thing is to peel the eggs so that there is no "one leg there ..." - that is, there is no half of the protein left in the shell. To do this, after cooking, drain the boiling water and pour cold water over the eggs until they cool. By the way, very fresh eggs poorly cleansed even after this ...

· Cut beautiful peeled eggs in half lengthwise, take out the yolk (go into minced meat). We will stuff the halves of the protein with minced meat.

Minced meat preparation: Grind the yolk and additives with a blender or mash with a fork, season and season with salt and pepper to taste. Add green onions, dill, parsley, as well as olives-olives cut into rings, walnuts and red pepper cubes to taste and as desired.

Ground meat:

* Mushroom (yolk, mushrooms fried with onions, sour cream or mayonnaise, or a little vegetable oil);

* Fish (yolk, fried onion + salmon, tuna, sardine, etc. in oil);

* Smoked fish (yolk, hot smoked fish (remove bones), vegetable oil or mayonnaise, green onions);

* Cheese No. 1 (yolk, grated cheese, garlic, mayonnaise);

* Cheese No. 2 (yolk, grated cheese, grated boiled carrots, mayonnaise);

* Liver No. 1 (yolk, cod liver, green onion);

* Liver No. 2 (yolk, a couple of slices of fried or boiled liver (you can chicken), mayonnaise, or butter);

* Paste (yolk, ready-made pate from a jar, finely chopped prunes);

* Budget (yolk, fried onions, butter or mayonnaise);

* Off-budget (red or black caviar);

* Sausage / ham (yolk, finely chopped ham, finely chopped pickled cucumbers, mayonnaise);

* Squid (yolk, boiled squid, onion, half sour cream with mayonnaise);

* Shrimp (yolk, finely chopped shrimp, mayonnaise);

We lay out the finished stuffed halves beautifully on a dish and decorate with a net of mayonnaise, herbs, olives, vegetable slices.

Wrap - in thin pita bread, in pancakes

Quick to cook, looks good, you can take with you to a party, outdoors, suitable for a "canapé party".

The technology is simple

one). Unfold and lay out the pancake / pita bread in a single layer. 2). Spread or lay out the filling. 3). Roll up tightly. 4). Put in the refrigerator, pressing down with a cutting board - for compaction and 5). Remove and cut into slices.

Spreads and fillings

· Many fillings are suitable from those for baskets and profiteroles, and for stuffed eggs - see above.

· This option is more suitable for pita bread. Grease with any melted cheese (protection against soaking), put lettuce leaves on the cheese, spread the slices of lightly salted or smoked voles, sprinkle with dill. Cool, cut into slices - rolls, each put a ring of olive oil and a slice of lemon.

· Herring pate. Cut the herring into fillets, peel off small seeds, grind in a blender (or through a meat grinder) until a cream-pâté with chilled butter and processed cheese(or grated cheese). You can add a bunch of crop.

Cod liver pate: drain the oil, grind the liver into homogeneous mass in a blender with eggs (4 pcs.). You can add a spoonful of mayonnaise. On each slice of the roll, put a piece of pickled cucumber and parsley. Can be garnished with olives or capers. Option - put cucumber cubes in the center of a pancake (lavash) and roll a roll with a filling.

· Very tasty - cheese spread with horseradish. You can smear "Almette with horseradish", or you can do it yourself - beat the fatty fresh cottage cheese with cream or sour cream, add horseradish to taste (from a jar), salt.

· Three grated eggs and cheese, add finely chopped walnuts (a lot!) And garlic, season with mayonnaise (or mayonnaise with sour cream).

We lay out on: chips, toast, crispbread, crackers, pancakes

Well, here everything is completely clear (see salads and spreads above). I can only say that different "substrates" change the taste of the filling, and quite a lot. So if you put the same pate on chips, for example, crackers, you get two different snacks.

I love cheese salad with garlic round rye bread "Finn crisp": on the bread I smear lettuce, overcircle tomato, greens and a drop of mayonnaise. The salad will soften the loaf a little, but will not get wet. Delicious! In general, these crispbreads can be cut or broken into small pieces "for one bite."

On the crackers under the salads, you can put a circle of eggs or a fresh cucumber.

Chips are best taken large. In principle, any will do, better with the taste of sour cream, cheese, green onion. I tried Pringles "Light aromas" - they are less greasy, taste less salty and rather tender.

Bake pancakes small and savory - they look like cottage cheese and cheese snacks with additives radishes, fresh cucumbers, with bell peppers or smoked salmon.

Toast bread must be dried in the oven or fried in a pan, after cutting off the crusts - they will become tough. It is not necessary to take "toaster" bread, by the way. Lightly rub the black bread with garlic. You can dip a slice of bread in a beaten egg before frying - such toasts with fish filling are especially good.

We lay out on slices of vegetables

Cheese and apple salad (cheese, apple, finely chopped almonds with sour cream and mayonnaise dressing) on ​​an apple slice will look very advantageous. It is fresh and light. Lightly sprinkle the sliced ​​apple with lemon juice - it will not darken and will have a pleasant taste nuance.

You can put curd cream or ham salad on top of cucumber and pepper slices, for example ...

In my opinion, herring goes well with beets. My favorite option is cottage cheese with horseradish and a piece of red fish (pink salmon is just as good here as trout).