Minced chicken meatballs with sour cream sauce. Cooking recipe with mushrooms

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  • In the oven - a dish that brings back memories of childhood. Indeed, in kindergarten it was one of my favorite foods, eaten without a trace. And a rare adult will refuse a plate of fragrant meatballs prepared with love. it hearty dish not only delicious, but also easy to prepare. Products for him will be found in the refrigerator of every housewife, and the result will always be excellent. Meat, fish, chicken - there can be many options, but the result is always the same: enthusiastic exclamations from home and the demand for supplements. The recipe is cooked, and we will analyze it in more detail in the article.

    Classic recipe: main ingredients

    To prepare hearty delicious meatballs you will need an uncomplicated set of products. What needs to be prepared in order to turn out excellent.

    The classic recipe involves the following ingredients:

    1. Chopped meat. We will touch on its correct preparation in the following sections, for now we will simply say that it is better to do it yourself - such a dish can certainly be given even to very young children, without fear of causing allergic reactions and indigestion of a store product. You will need 700 grams.
    2. Chicken eggs are also a must. They will give the mass of stickiness and will not let fall apart in the process. heat treatment... Two pieces will be enough.
    3. One piece of vegetables: carrots, onions, and many housewives also add bell peppers.
    4. Low fat sour cream for making sauce.
    5. Favorite spices. The classic recipe assumes the presence of salt, black pepper (preferably freshly ground).
    6. Also, during the cooking process, you will need a little flour and vegetable oil.

    Minced meat

    The best minced meat from which you can cook meatballs in sour cream sauce in the oven is made yourself from the pulp of beef and pork. Their approximate ratio is 50 to 50 percent.

    You can take completely beef or pork, but then in the first case the meatballs will turn out to be harsh and dry, and in the second - too fatty. Another good combination is given by chicken and minced pork, also 50 to 50.

    Minced meat must be salted and freshly ground pepper added to it to taste. If there is no mill on the farm, industrial ground black pepper will do. A mixture of 5 peppers, also freshly ground, will add even more flavor. You also need to add an egg to the minced meat.

    Some housewives, having fried vegetables in butter, also add half to the minced meat - this can be done if desired. After that we put the minced meat aside so that the ingredients "connect" with each other.

    Sour cream sauce

    Sauce is the most important ingredient in a dish. Although it is prepared on the basis of sour cream, there may be several options. Let's analyze them.

    Classic meatballs in sour cream sauce are cooked in the oven with this sauce. Add a glass (about 200 g) of sour cream to the fried vegetables (remember that half of them can be put into minced meat if desired), mix well.

    Before frying, chop the vegetables in your favorite way: chop the onion into pieces, the pepper into small strips; to chop the carrots, you can use an ordinary coarse grater or a device for cutting carrots in Korean. The most delicious vegetables will turn out to be fried in butter, but to reduce the calorie content of the dish, you can take vegetable, preferably olive.

    Next, mix sour cream with fried vegetables. Separately, we leave a tablespoon to dissolve in a glass (250 ml) of water, and put a little flour here (also a tablespoon is enough). To avoid clumps, you can use a screw-top jar. After adding sour cream, water, salt and pepper there, you need to shake everything well. Pour the mixture into vegetables, bring to a boil.

    Cooking process

    When the minced meat and sauce are ready, you can start directly cooking the dish. The recipe for meatballs in the oven in sour cream sauce is as follows:

    It is also worth saying that if for some reason the oven is not available, you can use an airfryer or multicooker in baking mode - the effect will be the same.

    Meatballs with rice

    Another option that diversifies meatballs in sour cream sauce in the oven (their photo below) is to add rice to them. Let's analyze the preparation.

    In addition to those listed in classic recipe ingredients, you will also need half a glass of rice, a roll of white bread soaked in milk.

    Rice must be boiled until cooked, at this time you can start cooking minced meat, where you need to add squeezed soggy crumb of white bread, eggs, your favorite seasonings and part of the fried vegetables. As soon as the rice is ready, we also add it to the mass and form the meatballs.

    Such a recipe is an opportunity to feed those households who do not perceive rice as a side dish. This kind of meatballs is quite independent dish, in principle, does not require a side dish. The people called it “ meat hedgehogs". Children are especially fond of them, and many mothers decorate the dish with eyes-peas of black pepper, then, with protruding rice, they really resemble little hedgehogs.

    We use minced chicken

    For diet food Chicken meatballs in sour cream sauce in the oven are good. Many housewives hesitate to cook them, believing that the dish will turn out to be excessively dry. However, there is little tricks that will help you avoid this trouble.

    Firstly, it is worth using for minced meat not only chicken breast but also fillets from the thighs and drumsticks.

    Another trick is to add an onion and a clove of garlic to the minced meat, in addition to eggs and vegetables. Many chefs advise adding a teaspoon of sugar there. But you need to put more black ground pepper than in meatballs - then the chicken dish will turn out to be more fragrant.

    Otherwise, making chicken meatballs does not differ from ordinary ones. They can also be cooked with boiled rice, use tomato paste or ketchup in sauce. Moreover, the oven is ideal for cooking just such chicken meatballs - they will not overcook or dry out, as it might happen when stewing in a pan, and will also acquire a wonderful, appetizing crust.

    Fish meatballs

    We also recommend cooking fish balls in sour cream sauce in the oven. it perfect option feed those households who do not like fish. Also, the recipe is ideal for children, because the mother will not worry that the baby will get a bone in the fish - this is absolutely impossible in meatballs made from minced meat.

    So, how do you cook fish meatballs in sour cream sauce in the oven?

    First you need to cook minced meat. Any fish fillet is suitable, but it is better to stay on white breeds such as cod, pollock, hake. Pike meatballs will also work well. Chop the fillet, while adding vegetables: onions, carrots. The fact is that the fish is very tender, so vegetables chopped with a knife will stand out against its background. In addition, chopped vegetables will add juiciness.

    Next - cooking by standard recipe: add eggs, a bun soaked in milk to the minced meat. We form meatball balls, fill with classic sour cream sauce and send to the oven. Cooking time is also 20 minutes at 180 degrees.

    What is the right side dish

    Meatballs in sour cream sauce in the oven are classically served with mashed potatoes. But other options are also possible: rice or buckwheat. Some people prefer simply vegetable salad seasoned with vegetable oil.

    Meatballs with rice added can be eaten without any side dish.

    We add spice to the dish

    Sometimes you want meatballs in sour cream sauce in the oven to have a special, different from the usual taste. Variations with sauces will come to the rescue. To diversify them, you can, for example, prepare it from a combination of sour cream and tomato paste. The steps will be the same, only in the process of frying vegetables before adding sour cream to them, you must put a tablespoon of tomato paste.

    Another option is sour cream and garlic sauce. It is easiest to prepare it: it is enough to add a clove of garlic, passed through a press or grated on the finest grater, to the already cooked and boiled mixture. If there is no fresh garlic - dried (granulated) will come to the rescue - one teaspoon will be enough.

    Also, finely chopped mushrooms can be added to the sauce, as well as to the minced meat itself. Best of all are champignons. If they are canned, you do not need to fry them beforehand. Raw mushrooms sauteed along with all the vegetables.

    Juicy minced meat balls of any kind in a fragrant, spicy sauce. How does it sound? It seems so delicious, drooling involuntarily. Right?

    Well, let's talk a little on this topic. What kind of meat can be used? According to the classics of the genre, minced meat from any type of meat is added. That is, it can be pork, beef, veal, chicken, quail, duck, turkey and so on. It is believed that due to the fact that both meat and fat are added to the minced meat, the dish will be juicier and tastier.

    But meatballs are also made from regular meat. This does not mean at all that they will not be juicy. And no, it's not about the sauce. Not the sauce will make them juicy. Here you need to know the secrets of cooking, which we will talk about a little later. Making meatballs juicy inside is not as difficult as you might think.

    Sauces for such a meat dish, as well as meat, can be completely different. It could be cream sauce, tomato, sour cream, mushroom, sweet and sour, berry, honey mustard, yogurt-based sauce and so on.

    Today we will cook meatballs in sour cream sauce in different versions. There will be five recipes, one of which is classic, then with mushrooms, with pickles, with rice and even in a slow cooker. So we have a recipe for every taste. We can’t please unless we are a vegetarian.

    General rules for the selection of products and preparation

    To make meatballs, you need to buy good stuffing, high quality, fresh. It takes a lot of effort to find such a product.

    1. When choosing minced meat, pay attention to the "puddle" under the meat. There shouldn't be a huge pool of scarlet blood, but it shouldn't be dry either. If it is dry, it is a sign that only the tendons have been ground into the minced meat, and here you can certainly not even dream of the juiciness of the meat;
    2. The color of the meat must match the species. That is, if it is chicken or turkey, the meat should be pale pink. If it is beef or duck, the meat should be red, and in the case of pork, it will be bright pink. Not a single type of minced meat can be gray;
    3. The smell of the meat should smell good and in no case give off spices. This is a sign that the “dead” smell has already been tried to be removed by improvised means.

    In any case, the meat should look good and fresh and smell the same. If you take it in a package, then ... We advise you not to take minced meat in a package. It is better to take a product by weight, because it is very easy to re-stick the cost and shelf life on the packaging. On the weighed-out meat, you can see everything at once. Therefore, do not let yourself be fooled.

    Meatballs in sour cream sauce

    Cooking time

    calorie content per 100 grams

    Meat with sour cream is a classic. But it's worth trying it a little deeper. Meatballs and not just sour cream, but sour cream sauce. We promise it will be unbearably tasty!

    How to cook:

    Tip: To make the sauce more spicy and flavorful, you can add ground sweet paprika to it.

    Favorite meatballs in sour cream sauce with mushrooms

    Meat with mushrooms is a classic for all classic genres. Everyone loves meat with mushrooms in any form. And if you cook it with sour cream sauce, then you can go crazy.

    It will take 55 minutes to cook.

    How many calories - 137 calories.

    How to cook:

    1. Break slices of bread or cut into small pieces;
    2. Pour milk or water over them for a few minutes;
    3. When they are filled with liquid, they can be squeezed out and added to the minced meat;
    4. Add an egg, a little salt and black pepper there;
    5. Knead the mass until smooth;
    6. Form balls with wet hands and roll them in flour;
    7. Heat a frying pan with oil and fry the balls on all sides until golden brown;
    8. Remove the meatballs into another container;
    9. Peel the onion and cut off the roots, wash it;
    10. Next, cut it into small cubes and pour the meatballs into the butter in place;
    11. Fry it until transparent;
    12. During this time, to the mushrooms, peel the caps and legs, cut them into slices;
    13. Add them to the transparent onions and fry for five minutes;
    14. Add salt, pepper, sour cream and put the meatballs back;
    15. Close the lid and simmer for twenty minutes.

    Tip: if you are not sure about the readiness of the meatballs, you can bring them in the oven for about half an hour together for twenty minutes on the stove.

    Juicy meatballs in sour cream sauce with rice

    Various cereals are added to the meatballs to make the meat balls more voluminous, larger and juicy. Let's try to play with rice.

    It will take 55 minutes to cook.

    How many calories - 127 calories.

    How to cook:

    1. Rice must be washed at least a dozen times to wash off all the starch;
    2. Then pour it with water - for one part of rice, two parts of water;
    3. Remove the stewpan with cereal grains on the stove and cook until tender, without stirring the rice;
    4. Cut or tear the bread into small pieces, cover them with water or milk;
    5. As soon as the pieces are swollen, squeeze them out and add to the minced meat;
    6. Add ready-made rice there and mix both components into the minced meat;
    7. Add an egg;
    8. Peel the garlic, cut off the dry root and chop the slices in any convenient way;
    9. Add garlic to the minced meat. Mix the mass thoroughly again, because all components must be evenly distributed over the meat;
    10. Add salt, pepper, other desired spices and mix everything well again;
    11. With wet hands from homogeneous mass roll small identical meat balls;
    12. Pour oil into a frying pan and heat it. Fry all the balls in hot oil until golden brown;
    13. Pour one glass of water into a bowl and add flour to it, mix well so that there are no lumps;
    14. Send sour cream and ketchup, dry dill, spices there and mix well;
    15. If the sauce is thick, dilute it with more water and then pour the mass into the pan;
    16. Close the lid and simmer meat dish on a quiet fire for half an hour.

    Tip: The sauce should completely cover the meatballs. If too little, add water.

    Unusual meatballs with pickles

    Very unusual, isn't it? But this is exactly the recipe that you should definitely try. Meatballs with pickles in their composition will surprise you with their unique taste.

    It will take 1 hour and 10 minutes to cook.

    How many calories - 186 calories.

    How to cook:

    1. Grind the bread and pour milk for fifteen minutes;
    2. Then squeeze the bread and add it to the minced meat;
    3. Remove the ends of the cucumber, grate it and squeeze out the liquid;
    4. Add to minced meat and chopped cucumber;
    5. Peel the onion, cut off the roots and wash the head;
    6. Then chop the onion with a grater or chop very shallowly;
    7. Add an egg, onion, a little salt, pepper and spices to the minced meat;
    8. Mix the mass well until smooth;
    9. Remove the mass for half an hour in the refrigerator so that it can rest;
    10. After the expiration of time, form balls from the meat and roll each in flour (for this, pour flour separately into a plate, since according to the recipe the flour goes into the sauce);
    11. Heat water and combine it with flour;
    12. Add sour cream and beat well;
    13. Add salt, pepper and your favorite spices, mix well;
    14. Heat a frying pan with oil and fry the balls until golden brown on all sides;
    15. Pour in the sauce and close the lid of the pan, simmer the meatballs for ten minutes.

    Tip: if you don't have pickles, but gherkins, take about five or six.

    Cooking meatballs in a slow cooker

    V this recipe we did not fry the meatballs, and because of this, the sauce soaked them even more, made them even more fragrant and juicy. Enjoy.

    It will take 1 hour and 25 minutes to cook.

    How many calories - 109 calories.

    How to cook:

    1. Peel the onion, cut the roots with a sharp knife and wash;
    2. Then chop finely;
    3. Heat a drop of oil in a frying pan and fry the onions until golden brown and reduced in size;
    4. Combine minced meat with onions, raw rice, salt, pepper and optionally with other spices;
    5. Bring the mass to homogeneity and form balls with wet hands;
    6. Put in a multicooker bowl;
    7. Combine sour cream with flour and water, add salt, black pepper and other spices;
    8. Pour meatballs and cook in baking mode for at least an hour.

    Tip: sour cream can be replaced with yogurt or cream.

    We will share with you some points that will help you make your meatballs even tastier, more appetizing and flavorful.

    1. It is unlikely that you will have a desire, but the meatballs will become simply unforgettable if you cook the minced meat yourself;
    2. Be sure to pour the sauce over your head. So they will be even juicier;
    3. So that the onion does not interfere with your delicious meat balls, chop it in puree with a blender or chop it with a grater;
    4. Add ketchup instead tomato sauce or blanched tomatoes. It will be much tastier this way;
    5. To have a lot of sauce, dilute the sour cream with water. So, by the way, it is less likely that the sour cream will curl up.

    Delicious meatballs are a guarantee of an unforgettable evening with relatives or friends. Try to cook according to our recipes, and you are assured of success.

    Step 1: prepare rice.

    First, we cover the countertop with a kitchen towel, put rice on it and sort through it, remove any kind of dirt. Then we pour the grains into a colander, rinse them thoroughly under trickles of cold running water and put them in a small non-stick, as if not enameled, saucepan.

    Step 2: cook rice.

    Pour the cereal the right amount purified water and put on medium heat, and after boiling, reduce its level to a minimum. Season the bubbling liquid to taste with salt and mix everything with a wooden tablespoon until smooth.

    Cook the rice under a covered lid until cooked, if it is long grain - 20 minutes, a other varieties from 15 to 20 minutes.

    Step 3: prepare the bread.

    We don't waste a minute, break two slices of white bread into small pieces, send them to a clean dish, fill in with whole pasteurized milk and leave in this form until use to soften.

    Step 4: prepare the onions.

    After that, using a new sharp kitchen knife, peel onion, rinse it, dry it with paper towels, put it on a cutting board and chop it into small cubes ranging in size from 5 to 7 millimeters.

    Step 5: fry the onions.

    Then put a deep frying pan on medium heat and pour a couple of tablespoons of vegetable oil into it. After a few minutes, dip the chopped onion into the heated fat and fry it until soft for 2-3 minutes, stirring constantly with a wooden kitchen spatula. It is not necessary to bring the vegetable to a color change, as soon as it becomes tender, transparent, we transfer it to a small bowl and cool to room temperature near the ajar window.

    Step 6: prepare the boiled rice.

    When the rice is cooked, its grains will become soft, but retain their integrity, put them in a colander and leave in the sink for 2-3 minutes to drain excess liquid.

    Step 7: prepare the minced meat for the meatballs.

    Then we shift the boiled cereal into a deep bowl. We also add there fresh minced meat pork and beef, fried onions, raw egg without shell and pre-squeezed from excess milk White bread... Season everything to taste with salt, black pepper and a mixture of spices for meat. Stir these ingredients with clean hands until smooth and proceed to the next step.

    Step 8: form the meatballs.

    Pour about 100 grams of sifted into a small dry dish wheat flour... Then we wet our hands in running water and put a tablespoon in the palm. minced meat... We form a ball out of it the size of Walnut, roll it in flour and put it on a cutting board or a flat, clean plate. In the same way, we make other meatballs until the rice-meat mixture ends.

    Step 9: fry the meatballs.

    Now we put the same frying pan on medium heat and pour 60 milliliters of vegetable oil into it, this is about 3–3.5 tablespoons, although more is possible, it all depends on how fatty dishes you like. As soon as it warms up, we lower the first batch of meatballs there and fry them on all sides until a light golden crust, periodically turning from side to side with a table fork. Then, using a wooden kitchen spatula, transfer the browned meat balls to a clean dish, send the next portion into the pan and cook them as well until everything is over.

    Step 10: prepare the sour cream sauce.

    After the meatballs are fried, rinse the pan, dry it with paper towels and put it back on medium heat. We put a piece there butter.

    When it melts and also warms up well, pour a tablespoon of sifted wheat flour into it.

    Pass it to a light yellowish-beige shade, constantly loosening it with a whisk. Then pour a glass of purified water into the pan, put sour cream, salt, black pepper to taste and cook the sauce over low heat until thickened, not letting it boil.

    Step 11: we bring the dish to full readiness.

    When the sour cream-butter mass begins to resemble a semi-thick dough, like on pancakes, we shift the fried meatballs into it. Gently mix them with the sauce, cover with a lid and simmer for and 15-20 minutes... Then turn off the stove and let the aromatic dish brew for more 10 minutes, and after that we go to taste!

    Step 12: serve meatballs in sour cream sauce.

    After cooking meatballs in sour cream sauce, insist a little. Then they are laid out in portions on plates and served hot as the second main course for lunch or dinner.

    As an addition to these delicious rice and meat balls, you can offer any light side dishes, for example, boiled rice, mashed potatoes, jacket potatoes, porridge from your favorite cereals, pasta, salads from fresh vegetables, pickles or marinades, although a slice of fresh bread is also a great option. Enjoy!
    Bon Appetit!

    Very often, onions are fried along with carrots and then sent vegetable mix in rice and minced meat, you can also add a couple of garlic cloves squeezed through a press, finely chopped dill, parsley, basil or cilantro;

    Sometimes a couple of tablespoons of tomato paste are added to the sour cream sauce. In this case, the dish acquires a certain pleasant sourness;

    Want to make less fatty meatballs? Dip the meat balls in flour, bake in the oven at 200 degrees Celsius for 50 minutes and then stew in the prepared sauce, in this case the consumption of vegetable oil is minimal;

    An alternative to sour cream is cream, pungent black pepper is allspice, and butter intended for the sauce is vegetable.

    Each hostess always tries to surprise her loved ones with a new culinary masterpiece. But sometimes to choose a beautiful, and most importantly, tasty dish is very problematic. Meatballs in sour cream sauce come to the rescue. You can cook them both for an adult table and for a child's, because such a dish is offered even in kindergarten. But the result of the work done will depend not only on the meatballs themselves, but also on the sauce. For cooking, you can use an oven, a slow cooker, or make a dish in a saucepan on the stove.

    Recipes for cooking meatballs in sour cream sauce

    Each housewife has a variety of options for preparing such an appetizing dish that is useful for a child and an adult. Interestingly, Julius Caesar himself was very fond of beef balls with asparagus and melted butter. It doesn't matter which recipe you decide to use, because it will be very difficult to spoil the final result if you follow the cooking technology. For a delicious sauce, you should use sour cream with a low percentage of fat (for example, 15%). Otherwise, you will get meatballs in sour cream sauce that are very high in calories and heavy for the stomach.

    Chicken meatballs with rice in a pan

    The process of making this culinary masterpiece distinguished by its simplicity and amazing taste. Chicken meatballs in sour cream sauce are also called hedgehogs. You can use both boiled and uncooked long grain rice here - consider your tastes and preferences. It is allowed to dilute the dish with grated carrots, zucchini. Be sure to take care of purchasing the basic ingredients. You will need:

    • minced meat - 400 g;
    • salt pepper;
    • onions - 2 pcs.;
    • rice - glasses;
    • tomato paste - 2 large spoons;
    • sour cream - 150 g.

    Cooking process:

    1. Boil the rice, drain the water and rinse it thoroughly from mucus. Cool, add minced meat, a bed of tomato paste.
    2. Stir everything thoroughly. Do this until the mass becomes sticky, then with further formation the hedgehog will not fall apart. Make balls, 5 cm in diameter. Put a spoonful of sour cream in a frying pan and coat it well. Place the formed meatballs tightly together.
    3. To prepare the gravy, mix a large spoonful of sour cream, tomato paste, add salt and pepper. If the consistency of sour cream is liquid, then you should not dilute it with water. Use a spoon to pour over each meat ball cooked sour cream sauce.
    4. How to put out meatballs? Just put them in the oven at 180-200 degrees for 30 minutes.

    Oven baked with mushrooms

    A characteristic feature of this culinary masterpiece is that in addition to meatballs you get amazing delicious sauce with mushrooms. It is recommended to use it as a gravy for a side dish, serve with meatballs, or simply spread on a bun. Absolutely any mushrooms are suitable here. You will also need the following products:

    • minced pork - 150 g;
    • Ground beef- 150 g;
    • minced chicken - 150 g;
    • mushrooms of any kind - 400 g;
    • onions - 2 pcs.;
    • chicken egg - 1 pc.;
    • sour cream - 200 ml;
    • low-fat cream - 200 ml;
    • salt, spices.

    1. Wash the mushrooms thoroughly, chop each into cubes. Peel the onion, chop finely. Pour into a preheated pan vegetable oil, add 1/3 chopped onion and mushrooms.
    2. When the frozen minced meat is thawed, then mix all three types, add mushrooms, egg, salt, spices. Form small balls. Bake meatballs in the oven at 180 degrees.
    3. To prepare the sauce, you need to mix sour cream with mushrooms and onions, send everything to a blender. After diluting the mixture with cream, salt, stir thoroughly. Cover the meatballs with sauce and simmer for another 30 minutes.

    Diet fish meatballs in a slow cooker

    Such a dish is considered very healthy and tasty, because it will have to be cooked in a slow cooker (but this is not important). Using this recipe, you are allowed to use a steamer or a homemade construction of a pot of water, a colander and a lid. You can cook fish meatballs without or with rice. Consider your preferences and tastes here. Be sure to prepare the following foods:

    • Bay leaf;
    • butter - 20 g;
    • onions - 2 pcs.;
    • allspice and ground pepper, salt;
    • carrots - 1 pc.;
    • chicken egg - 1 pc .;
    • hake - 400 g.

    Step by step recipe:

    1. Prepare the fish by removing bones and skin and chop it. Remove the husk from the onion, chop finely. Grate carrots. Combine all prepared ingredients, mix thoroughly. Add pepper and salt.
    2. To make the meatballs hearty, juicy and tender, silicone molds for muffins, grease with butter. Put the minced fish and carrot down, and make a small depression in the middle. Place a slice of butter in it. Put a spoonful of minced meat on top.
    3. Fill the multicooker bowl with 300 ml of water, add bay leaf, allspice. Place a bowl with filled molds there. Switch on the "Steam cooking" mode, duration 20 minutes.

    Like in kindergarten

    This dish is designed not only for a child, because adults also eat meatballs with great pleasure. They are gentle, soft, juicy, and very fast and simple. Any mince is allowed for these purposes, but it is better to give preference to beef, from turkey and chicken. Potatoes and buckwheat are suitable as a children's side dish. Prepare the following foods as well:

    • rice - 0.5 cups;
    • minced meat - 0.3 kg;
    • onion - 1 pc.;
    • egg - 1 pc.;
    • sour cream - 1 tablespoon;
    • flour - 1 tablespoon;
    • tomato paste - 1 tsp;
    • water - 250 ml;
    • salt pepper;

    The process of cooking meatballs in sour cream sauce according to grandmother's recipe:

    1. For a start, prepare a side dish. If you have chosen buckwheat, then it is best to cook it along with carrots and onions. To do this, finely chop the vegetables, put them in a pot, pour buckwheat on top, pour everything over with water, set in the oven for 50 minutes. If potatoes are your option, mashed potatoes are best.
    2. When the frozen minced meat has completely melted, it is necessary to add pre-cooked rice, egg, onion, pepper, salt to it. Mix all ingredients thoroughly. Make balls of minced meat, place them in a preheated pan.
    3. Make a sauce using tomato paste, salt and water. Stir everything and pour into a frying pan to the meatballs. Cover, leave to simmer for 10 minutes. Stir a large spoonful of sour cream and a spoonful of flour into glasses. Mix everything and send to meatballs. Simmer everything until tender.

    Turkey in tomato and sour cream sauce

    If you want to surprise your whole family, then it is best to cook turkey meatballs under cheese sauce... Even a child can eat such a dish, because it turns out to be soft, airy, tender. A big role is played here by gravy, thanks to which the meatballs are so aromatic and tasty. Garlic may still be suitable here, mushroom sauce... Take care of following ingredients:

    • minced turkey - 0.5 kg;
    • carrots - 1 pc.;
    • onions - 2 pcs.;
    • garlic - 2 cloves;
    • loaf;
    • sour cream - a tablespoon;
    • ketchup - a tablespoon;
    • egg - 1 pc.;
    • parsley, salt, spices;
    • tomato juice(0.5 l);
    • soft cheese- 100 g.

    The process of cooking meatballs in sour cream sauce:

    1. In the minced meat, stir in onion, garlic, pieces of loaf, chopped in a meat grinder. Then add sour cream, ketchup, chopped parsley, salt, spices, egg.
    2. Leave the whole mass for 15 minutes, but for now you can start making the sauce. For it, you need to combine tomato juice, cream, mustard, salt. Mix everything thoroughly.
    3. Make balls from minced meat, place them in a preheated pan. When the meatballs are fried, you need to place them in a saucepan, pour over the sauce, cover and leave for 25 minutes over low heat. Add the diced cheese 5 minutes until tender.

    Calorie content of the cooked dish

    Meatballs in sour cream sauce are very tender and tasty. But for those who follow their figure, it is important to know the calorie content of this culinary masterpiece. So, for brass and steam meatballs, this figure is 133 kcal per 100 g. The content of proteins is 4.2 g, fats - 4.9 g, carbohydrates - 11.6 g. Knowing the calorie content, everyone will be able to calculate their rate and not worry about weight gain.


    There are many recipes for cooking the presented dish. Sometimes it is very difficult to make a choice, since meatballs cooked different ways, have their own special taste. Well-known chefs offer original recipes, but they are intricate and require expensive products. If you can't make a choice, use the recipe suggested in this video: