How to roast homemade chicken in the oven. Chicken, duck, turkey recipes

But with the right approach a lot of hearty and tasty dishes are made from rural natural products: broth with noodles, jellied meat, chakhokhbili, and so on. Delicious homemade chicken stew. If you marinate it beforehand, then the meat turns out amazing, very tender, compares favorably in its taste from a store broiler. Today we will talk about how to cook homemade chicken soft and juicy.

Total cooking time: 3 hours + 2 hours for marinating / Yield: 8 servings


  • homemade chicken - 1.5 kg
  • salt - 1.5-2 tsp.
  • a mixture of ground peppers - 2-3 chips.
  • lemon - 0.5 pcs.
  • large onion - 1 pc.
  • parsley - 0.5 bunch.
  • bay leaf - 1 pc.
  • hot water - 2-2.5 l


    To begin with, I held the chicken over the fire, removed the remnants of the feathers, washed and dried. Then she cut the carcass into portions, cutting at the joints. This time I decided to leave the legs intact. If the bird is "at a serious age", then you can slightly beat off the pieces or make deep punctures in them with a knife.

    I put the meat in a deep bowl, sprinkling the pieces with salt and ground pepper. She squeezed half a lemon there. Peeled the onions and cut them into thin half rings, squeezed them with force into a bowl of chicken to extract as much juice as possible. I left the bird in this form to marinate for 2 hours in the refrigerator (you can overnight). The acids contained in lemon and onion will soften the meat fibers a little, and the chicken will become more tender.

    After the indicated time, I fried the chicken to seal the meat juices inside each piece. The meat was fried in portions, in a very preheated, always dry frying pan for about 3-4 minutes on each side, without a lid, over maximum heat.

    Then, in the same frying pan in melted fat, sautéed the onions that were used for pickling.

    The browned chicken and onions (without fat, you can drain it) were transferred to a saucepan with a thick bottom. I added bay leaves and parsley tied with thread to make them easier to extract from the finished broth. Poured boiling water in such a way that the liquid covered the contents of the pan by 2-3 centimeters.

    Brought to a boil, skimmed off and simmer for 2 hours. The fire should be medium all the time, otherwise the meat will simply not cook properly. If, after the specified time, the meat is still tough, then you come across a very old chicken, it will have to be stewed for an additional 1 hour - usually this time is more than enough for it to become soft and tender. If necessary, you can add hot water. In the last hour of cooking, you can add peeled and coarsely chopped potatoes to the pan, then you will immediately have a side dish. It is most convenient to check the readiness with a fork, if the meat easily leaves the bone and is divided into fibers, then you can remove the pan from the heat.

Chicken stewed in own juice in a saucepan, it turns out fragrant, soft and juicy. During the cooking process, a lot of fat will be melted, which will float to the surface of the broth; it can be carefully removed with a spoon, scooping up only the top layer. In the remaining broth, you can cook very tasty soup with noodles or simply serve it with a boiled egg, herbs and croutons. Bon Appetit!

Counts style poultry pie ( old recipe) Lightly knead the butter with 1-2 tablespoons of flour, but do not grind. Roll out the dough into a square layer and put butter in the center of the layer. Connect the corners of the dough over the butter and pinch so that no flour gets into the seam. Roll out the dough into a rectangular layer. The opposite ...Required: wheat flour - 500 g, butter - 360 g, egg - 1 pc., Kefir - 1 glass, salt - 1/3 teaspoon, boiled chicken pulp - 600 g, dried porcini mushrooms - 50 g, chicken broth - 2 cups, butter - 1 tbsp. spoon, wheat flour - 1 tbsp. a spoon...

Soup puree from poultry Boil chicken or turkey with aromatic roots. Separate meat from bones in cooked poultry. Meat, except fillet, mince or grind in a mortar to a mushy consistency, gradually adding cold broth. ...You will need: chicken, chickens, turkey or duck - 75 g, carrots - 10 g, parsley - 10 g, onions - 10 g, flour - 20 g, butter- 20 g, milk - 75 g, egg yolks - 1/8 pcs.

Homemade noodle soup with chicken Cut the roots and onions into strips and sauté with the fat removed from the broth or butter. To cook homemade noodles: mix water, eggs and salt, pour flour in a hill, make a depression in the center and gradually pouring the mixture into ...You will need: chicken - 70 g, carrots - 20 g, parsley - 5 g, onions - 10 g, leeks - 10 g, fat - 5 g, herbs, flour - 35 g, eggs - 1/4 pcs., water - 7 g, salt

Poultry croquettes Cook the processed poultry in water or broth, separate the meat from the bones and pass it 2-3 times through a meat grinder with a fine wire rack. Add to the twisted mass raw eggs, butter, wine (Madeira), salt, ground pepper, nutmeg ...You will need: chicken - 500 g, eggs - 20 g, crackers - 20 g, deep fat - 20 g, wine - 10 g, thick milk sauce - 40 g, butter - 10 g, nutmeg, pepper, herbs

Poultry soufflé baskets Cook the processed poultry, remove bones, mince, add milk sauce medium density, egg yolk, pepper and stir thoroughly. Then add the beaten egg white, mix gently, put in baskets, sprinkle with grated ...Required: shortbread baskets - 4 pcs., Boiled chicken - 50 g, milk sauce - 50 g, eggs - 20 g, cheese - 8 g, butter - 10 g, pepper

Poultry or fried game Fry poultry or game. Chop the finished fried poultry so that a piece of brisket and a piece of leg are per serving. Chicken ready to cut in half or in quarters. Cut the fried hazel grouse or partridge in half. Fillet of each p ...You will need: chicken or chicken - 145 g, turkey - 140 g, goose - 170 g, duck - 150 g, pheasant or black grouse - 1/4 pc., Hazel grouse or partridge - 1/2 pc., Beef fat - 3 g, side dish - 150 g, mayonnaise sauce - 30 g

Zama with chicken Boil the chicken with the roots. Cut onions and carrots, fry in oil. When the broth is ready, remove the chicken on a dish and set aside. Put fried vegetables, rice, spices in the broth, boil everything together for 15 minutes. Boil homemade kvass and pour into the soup, ...Required: chicken - 400 g, rice - 4 tbsp. spoons, carrots - 2 pcs., parsley root - 2 pcs., onions - 2 pcs., kvass - 2 cups, parsley greens - 1 bunch, margarine - 2 tbsp. spoons, salt, spices to taste, savory

Chicken on a vegetable pillow. We take a chicken, wash it well under running water. Cut the chicken into portions, rather big. Wash the vegetables and dry them. Cut the courgettes into long plates. Cut the onion into thick rings. Cut the carrots into thin slices along the length of the carrot. Sliced ​​potatoes ...You will need: Homemade chicken for 2 kg, 3 carrots, 4 large onions, 1 zucchini, 500 gr mushrooms, 4 tomatoes, vegetable oil, 4 potatoes, dill, parsley, green onion, you can add if you have broccoli, cauliflower.

My favorite chicken We take a chicken carcass, wash it well under running water, then heat it to a boil in a kettle and pour boiling water over our chicken. We mix ginger, chicken seasoning, black pepper, juice of 1 lemon, mustard, mayonnaise, olive oil (you can use a blender) salt Good with ...Required: Homemade chicken for 2 kg, 500 grams of raisins, 3 lemons, 2 tablespoons of mustard, 3 tablespoons of mayonnaise, 3 tablespoons olive oil, ground ginger, chicken seasoning, ground black pepper, salt, roasting sleeve.

Chicken one, two, three ... Chicken at a time: separate the fillet. it turns out 2 pieces (you can cook a lot from fillets). Chicken for two: Cut the meat from the bones (you can supply a little), fat and skin. We pass through a meat grinder. We get minced meat that we can trust. Chicken weighing 1.8 kg, half a ...Required: Chicken.

Poultry meat is one of the main food products of modern man, it is cheap and affordable, tasty and quickly cooked. On this page I have collected the most delicious and favorite recipes for chicken, turkey and duck.

Chicken recipe sour cream sauce cooked in a pan is always quick, tasty and relatively inexpensive. And the seasoning used in the sauce allows you to lose weight ...

The salad contains potatoes and chicken, so it can be served as independent dish... The taste is a little spicy thanks to the addition of pickled onions and lightly salted cucumbers ...

The roll turns out to be tasty, tender and juicy. An inexpensive and very effective dish for a holiday with a delicate exquisite taste... All this makes it an excellent find for a festive table ...

This delicacy has always been considered a special dish, so to speak, for gourmets. Preparing goose necks is quite simple, and it turns out inexpensively. Ingredients: duck neck, buckwheat, onion, carrot, a little ...

This soup is easy and simple to prepare, it is very beautiful and appetizing - multi-colored pieces of vegetables in the most delicate cheese broth. At a glance at such beauty, immediately drooling ...

It is simply impossible to look away from this duck, it is so beautiful and fragrant. To get beautiful golden brown, preparing a mixture of honey, soy sauce and spices ...

Usually turkey is baked on New Year, Christmas and other great holidays. How to cook a delicious turkey, see this recipe. Ingredients: turkey, apples, prunes, spices ...

Duck meat is very tender and tasty, and is in no way inferior to turkey meat. That is why many instead of turkeys bake duck for the holidays. We look very good recipe ducks in the oven ...

Simple and very delicious recipe ducks. The duck is stuffed with apples or quince. Thanks to the "sleeve", the duck is especially juicy and tender. Ingredients: duck, quince or apples, salt, pepper, seasoning ...

Simple and quick recipe a plus amazing taste and aroma, and satsivi is very nutritious dish: ate a little - and that's it, fed up. We look detailed recipe with step by step photos ...

It is unlikely that a person will be found who has not tried or at least heard about shawarma. And all thanks to its practicality, amazing taste and ease of preparation. Children and adults love shawarma ...

This recipe does not claim to be authentic, it is slightly simplified, from which, in my opinion, it only benefits, since it allows you to quickly and easily prepare a chic chicken dish ...

There is nothing tastier than homemade roast. Just imagine the taste of chicken and potatoes in a thick aromatic gravy... It is the gravy that is the main feature of this dish ...

The peculiarity of these cutlets is that inside the tender meat shell there is a delicious butter-cheese sauce. Try it, it's amazing! Well, very tasty ...

This is Georgian dish can be praised for a long time: tasty, juicy, exuding a divine aroma ... It is prepared quite simply, it is important to know a few simple rules and trick is done, i.e. chicken in tapac ...

One of the most delicious and popular dishes from chicken. It is extremely simple to prepare: fifteen minutes to prepare the ingredients, and then we send everything to the oven, and then Tasty dinner preparing himself ...

There is nothing easier and tastier than freshly fried chicken chops. They are so juicy and tender that it's hard to stop. Together with the recipe, we look at tips on how to reduce the amount of fat in the dish ...

A very practical and delicious recipe. Chicken baked with vegetables turns out to be surprisingly tender and aromatic. Ingredients: chicken, onion, tomatoes, olives, hard cheese, salt, spices ...

The perfect dish chicken for every day - delicious, from affordable and inexpensive products, allows you to cook very quickly delicious dinner... The recipe is simple, even a beginner can handle ...

How to cook deliciously Peking duck so that it has a beautiful varnished crust, how to bake the famous mandarin pancakes and make hoisin sauce, read here ...

This salad has long become a legend, and not only because of the loud name. He fell in love with his refined taste and beauty. It is lightweight and nutritious. Ingredients: chicken, green salad, crackers...

From such common products as chicken, mushrooms and potatoes, you can prepare an amazing dish - potato roses stuffed with chicken and mushroom filling ...

Fried or baked chicken dries quickly and becomes not very appetizing, which cannot be said about this recipe. Chicken in tomato sauce can be stored for several days, remaining tasty and juicy ...

A quick, simple and delicious spring salad with chicken and fresh cucumbers! Can be served as an appetizer or as a separate dish. Not very high in calories compared to other chicken salads ...

Simple and affordable foods such as chicken and rice can be used to make delicious and hearty lunch... Preparing this dish is easy, just follow the recipe and simple tips ...

Cook this delicious and incredible beautiful salad. Puff salad with a chicken in the form of a bracelet and decorated with pomegranate seeds will become the main decoration of the festive table ...

This is a gourmet chicken recipe. Ingredients: chicken, mushrooms, bacon, zucchini, apple, raisins, garlic. Serve potatoes as a side dish, boiled green beans and cherry tomatoes ...

Just imagine: tender chicken meat and melted cheese ... Ingredients: chicken breasts, hard cheese, egg, flour, breadcrumbs, salt, mayonnaise and asparagus optional ...

Chicken breast contains practically no adipose tissue, therefore it is considered dietary product... But to make it juicy and tender, you need to know how to cook it. Compound: chicken breast, Red wine...

A gourmet dish in which mushroom sauce complements the taste chicken meat... Ingredients: chicken breasts, mushrooms, onions, boiled eggs, a piece of smoked meat, garlic, lemon juice, mayonnaise, salt, pepper ...

Be sure to cook chakhokhbili, a traditional Georgian dish. It is prepared quite simply, the ingredients are available and inexpensive. Ingredients: chicken, ripe tomatoes, onions, salt, pepper, herbs, spices ...

If you have chicken, potatoes and a little sour cream, then you can make a terrific lunch. Don't believe me? See for yourself. Ingredients: chicken, potatoes, dill, salt, pepper ...

Dumplings with meat are always very tasty, but with chicken it's generally a bomb. I recommend this practical and economical recipe... Ingredients: chicken, onion, salt, pepper, flour, water ...

Classic recipe chicken, when the bird is stuffed with buckwheat porridge and baked in the oven. Ingredients: chicken, buckwheat, prunes or mushrooms, salt, pepper, vegetable oil ...

The first step is to boil one small chicken breast. This can be done in advance, then refrigerated and stored in the refrigerator. But you need to cut cabbage and greens just before serving ...

This recipe will be especially useful for working mothers, it allows you to quickly prepare a delicious and satisfying lunch. Ingredients: chicken pieces, basil, black pepper, red pepper, cloves, coriander ...

This dish is simple and quick to prepare. We marinate overnight, and the next day we fry or bake. Compound: chicken wings, basil, pepper, cloves, coriander, salt ...

Awesome chicken recipe. Simple, quick and tasty, you can experiment with fillings, add mushrooms, cheese, etc. if you wish. Ingredients: chicken breasts, onions, carrots, spices, vegetable oil ...

Everything ingenious is simple and fast. Be sure to try this recipe. Ingredients: chicken breasts, bacon, orange juice, salt, pepper, vegetable oil, salad or herbs for decoration ...

Classic goulash is made from beef, but this dish turns out to be no worse from chicken. And if you add mushrooms to the goulash, then you get a real delight: chicken breasts, mushrooms, salt, pepper ...

Festive dish... To prepare it, you will need a large chicken carcass, ham, prunes, spices. Stuff the chicken and bake in the oven. It turns out very tasty and beautiful ...

Duck is stuffed not only with apples, buckwheat or mushrooms. It turns out not less tasty if the bird is stuffed with rice and liver. Ingredients: duck, rice, liver, tangerines, salt, pepper ...

This is old Russian dish chicken was usually cooked for big holidays. I propose a simple, quick and delicious recipe for kurnik. Try it, your family will love it ...

This dish came to us from France, and it remains one of our favorites. It's tasty, quick and practical. Ingredients: mushrooms, chicken, onions, hard cheese ...

A fast, tasty and practical dish. We bake cakes or buy ready-made ones. We make the filling from chicken meat and vegetables. We fill the cakes with filling, and our delicious dish is ready!

If you have a long journey or just wanted to have a snack, then prepare these delicious chicken sandwiches. Compound: chicken fillet, White bread, lightly salted cucumber, salt, spices ...

Chicken is one of the main foods in our diet, but so that the poultry does not become boring, we cook the chicken in a new way every time, for example, in a sauce made of pine nuts ...

Very beautiful and original dish... It is prepared quite simply and quickly, but it tastes and appearance worthy best restaurants... Surprise your family with these delicious meat medallions ...

This chicken salad is ideal for those who are especially strict about their figure. Four types of green salads, orange and pomegranate seeds will fill your body with vitamins ...

A very tasty and beautiful salad, where, in addition to mushrooms, chicken meat is also used. Ingredients: 1 chicken breast, pickled mushrooms, onions, pickled cucumbers, carrots, eggs, herbs, mayonnaise ...

One of the few salads that requires only three basic ingredients to prepare. At the same time, it turns out beautifully and very tasty. Suitable for a holiday and for everyday life ...

Home-made chicken with the store one is united only by the name. Neither taste, nor color, nor aroma, have any similarity. For me, store-bought chicken only has the advantage of cooking time and the value of its breast, which I often use for salads or chops.

Many people think that homemade chicken has tough and not tasty meat - but this is how to cook ...

I propose to bake homemade chicken in the oven and truly enjoy a fragrant, juicy, tender and incredible delicious meat chickens. In order not to bother too much with the side dish, you can cook vegetables with the chicken. They will absorb the juice and aroma of tangerine, melted chicken fat, become soft, nourishing and juicy.

For oven-baked homemade chicken, prepare the ingredients as listed.

Wash the chicken thoroughly, remove the remaining feathers.

Cut along the breast and flatten. Once again, wash the inside well, remove the lungs, leave the existing fat, it will be needed for the juiciness and aroma of the dish.

Combine salt, spices and garlic chopped with a press. Grate the chicken well on both sides with this mixture.

Peel all vegetables and tangerines: peel the pumpkin and seeds, cut the pepper and remove the stalk and seeds, remove the white fibers from the tangerine and divide it into slices.

Cut all vegetables into small cubes.

Season with salt, season and stir.

Cut off the baking sleeve to the desired size and tie on one side. Place all cooked vegetables inside.

Lay the chicken on top. Tie on the other side and send to the oven.

Bake for 1.5 hours at 180 degrees.

Gently take out the baking sheet and cut the sleeve.

Cut the homemade chicken baked in the oven into portions and, together with juicy, tender, fragrant vegetables serve hot.

Bon Appetit. Cook with love.

How to cook homemade chicken so that it is soft in the oven? Do I need to boil it first to get juicy meat? What ingredients would work well with a rustic bird? We answer the most common questions about their homemade chicken dishes. And write down the recipes delicious bird cooked in the oven.

Homemade chicken possesses tough meat. In any case, many housewives think so. And they are mistaken, since not all birds raised in the village are not suitable for preparing delicious dishes. There are different breeds, which are conventionally divided into layers and broilers. So in laying hens, and even more so in old ones, the meat is really tough. But in broilers, and even those grown on free breads, it has an amazingly delicate and rich taste.

The subtleties of cooking poultry meat

Juicy chicken in the oven will be obtained from the carcass of a broiler breed. It is distinguished by a rounded breast, large thighs. It is ideal to choose fresh meat - its skin will be white with yellowness, and the protruding fat will be of ideal whiteness.

By the way, you should not expect high fat content from poultry. Due to the fact that she is grown in the wild, walks around the yard or in an aviary, she does not have time to gain fat. Unlike broilers raised in poultry farms, where they sit out of place all their lives, without any physical activity. Therefore, poultry dishes can be considered dietary - they contain less calories than broilers from a supermarket.

To make homemade chicken in the oven deliciously delicious, follow these rules.

  • The bird should be no more than a year old. In older chickens, the meat is tough, regardless of breed. It is not necessary to clarify "how old the bird was" from the seller. Just weigh the carcass and discard the purchase if it weighs more than 1.5 kg.
  • Don't buy blue-skinned birds. It distinguishes the breed of hens not intended for cooking.
  • If, nevertheless, a laying hen or an old bird fell into your hands, it should first be boiled for 2 hours, and only then baked. Then the dish will turn out to be juicy.
  • The right solution to how to bake chicken in the oven so that it is juicy is to use the culinary sleeve. In it, the meat is cooked like in a pressure cooker, boiling in its own juice. The cooking intensity is higher in the sleeve than in glass form under the lid. You can also bake in foil, but make sure that holes do not form in it. Otherwise, the juice will flow out and the bird will remain dry.

Before baking the carcass, make cuts in the breast and place the pieces of butter in them. Thanks to it, lean breast will become more juicy. Either insert the wings into the notches-"pockets" on the breast, or wrap them with foil, shiny side out. During the baking process, these thin portions will usually burn while the thighs and breast are cooked.

Cooking a chicken in a sleeve

So, we will learn how to cook homemade chicken in the oven using the culinary sleeve. Together with meat, you can put potatoes or other vegetables in it, for example, tomatoes, onions, zucchini, zucchini, cauliflower. The carcass cooked with vegetables will acquire a more interesting taste. And you will receive a complete meal for dinner, with a ready-made side dish.

You will need:
  • chicken - 1 carcass;
  • garlic - 4 cloves;
  • onion - 1 head;
  • mayonnaise - 2 tbsp. spoons;
  • ketchup - 2 tbsp. spoons;
  • salt and spices;
  • potatoes or other vegetables - optional.
  1. Rinse, peel, dry the chicken carcass.
  2. Chop the onion into small pieces, pass the garlic through a press.
  3. Mix mayonnaise and ketchup (or tomato paste) with garlic and onions. Coat the carcass with this marinade, sprinkle with spices.
  4. Marinate for 1 hour under plastic wrap.
  5. Prepare vegetables (potatoes, squash, tomato), cut into cubes and place in your sleeve.
  6. Place the chicken on a vegetable pillow and tie the sleeve.
  7. Place the bag on a baking sheet. Place in a preheated oven for 1, 5 hours, bake at 200 °.

Dishes for the celebration and for every day

The rustic chicken in the oven is perfect for your daily diet and for the holiday. In the first case, you can cook it with a cereal side dish, for example, rice or buckwheat. In the second, we offer more exquisite dish- baked chicken meat with original sauce.

From the juice that comes out when poultry is baked, you can make a sauce. Boil 350 ml of white wine in a saucepan, add pepper and salt, and leave for 5 minutes. Add the juice from the chicken braised in the sleeve, boil again. Boil 200 ml of water separately, add 2 tablespoons of sugar to it, lemon juice, stir until dissolved. Pour in 250 grams of gooseberries or other sour berries, boil, grind through a sieve. Add the mass to a mixture of white wine and meat juice, mix, serve with chicken.

With rice for the whole family

This recipe juicy chicken in the oven is suitable even for old poultry with tough meat. The dish turns out to be hearty, with crumbly garnish, also suitable for children's table.

You will need:
  • rice - 100 g;
  • chicken - 1 carcass;
  • onions and carrots - 1 root vegetable each;
  • flour - 3 tbsp. spoons;
  • butter - 3 tbsp. spoons;
  • chicken bouillon- 200 ml;
  • mayonnaise - 100 g;
  • hard cheese - 100 g.
  1. Rinse and boil the rice, until half cooked.
  2. Chop onions and carrots, fry, mix with rice.
  3. Boil the poultry carcass, cut into pieces.
  4. Fry flour, add oil, dilute with broth. When the mixture boils, add mayonnaise.
  5. Put rice with vegetables, chicken meat in a form, pour over the sauce.
  6. Sprinkle with cheese, place in the oven. Bake at 200 ° for 20 minutes.

With apples - for the holiday

A good recipe for how to bake homemade chicken in the oven and get an original dish for a family celebration.

You will need:
  • chicken - 1 carcass;
  • apples - 2 large;
  • garlic - 3 cloves;
  • broth - 200 ml;
  • salt and pepper;
  • spices - according to your taste.
  1. Cut the carcass and flatten it on the cutting table. This will make it bake faster.
  2. Rub with spices, salt, garlic on the inside from the outside.
  3. Cut apples into slices, put on a baking sheet, add broth.
  4. Lay the carcass skin side up.
  5. Bake in the oven for 1, 5 hours. Pouring broth on the carcass will give you a beautiful crust.

Now you know how to make chicken in the oven juicy, even if it's a poultry. Try to cook it for your family!