Oatmeal pancakes. Diet oatmeal pancakes

Sometimes you want to pamper yourself delicious pancakes for breakfast, but what if your health or diet does not allow you to introduce wheat flour and products containing it into the diet? In this case, you can make pancakes from oat flour, which have recently become a real hit among those for whom “principles proper nutrition"Is not just a collection of words.

The benefits of oat flour

Oatmeal is of two types - classic finely ground and oatmeal made from dried and then crushed oat grains. Oatmeal is usually used to make jelly and porridge, while classic flour is used for baking. However, it is not forbidden to use coarse oatmeal for cookies and pancakes, after soaking it overnight in milk or kefir. You can make oatmeal yourself by grinding oatmeal flakes in a coffee grinder.

Unlike wheat flour, oatmeal contains less starch, but more proteins and fats, as well as essential amino acids, vitamins of groups A, B, E, phosphorus and calcium mineral salts and a set of useful microelements. Oat products regulate lipid metabolism, are useful for stomach diseases, and help restore bone tissue after injuries. Since oatmeal contains complex carbohydrates, eating them for breakfast in any form helps to fill and gain strength for the entire first half of the day.

Despite the benefits of oats, do not get carried away with oatmeal products... Its calorie content is 369 kcal per 100 g, which means that the systematic use of cookies and pancakes can lead to problems with the figure. In addition, oats are contraindicated for people with gluten intolerance, in which case you will have to give up oat pancakes.


There are many recipes for making oatmeal pancakes. Oat pancakes are baked in milk, water and kefir, in pancake dough add banana puree and even exclude such a seemingly irreplaceable ingredient as eggs. Pancakes can be made sweet or hearty, with fillings for every taste.

Classic recipe

V classic version pancake dough is started as usual, only instead of wheat flour, oat flour is taken. Pancakes in this case are looser. Pancakes are prepared from oat flour in medium fat milk - from 2.5 to 3.2%.


Beat the egg thoroughly in a deep bowl. with sugar and a pinch of salt until smooth and foamy. Beat with a mixer, whisk or fork. The foam should not be too thick: baking powder is used in this dough to make the pancakes fluffy.

Sift the flour through a fine sieve to saturate it with oxygen and stir in portions into the egg-sugar mixture. Stir until the lumps dissolve. Add baking powder following the recipe on the package. Instead of a ready-made baking powder, you can use a vinegar-soda mixture: in this case, add a few drops of vinegar to the soda at the tip of a knife and mix the resulting foam into the dough.

The last to add to the dough is a glass of milk and two spoons sunflower oil and then mix thoroughly. The dough is ready! Can be sent to a hot non-stick skillet. Due to the fact that the dough contains oil, there is no need to moisten the surface of the pan with it, except just a little, at the very beginning of baking.

By the way, if you don't want to get dirty a lot of dishes during the preparation of the dough, you can mix all the ingredients in the bottle, and then pour the dough straight from it into the pan. And if you make a small hole in the lid, you can create real masterpieces from pancake dough.

Diet recipe

Diet pancakes from oatmeal without flour are prepared from foods with a reduced calorie content. So, instead of milk with a fat content of 2.5% in the classic recipe, you can use a product with an indicator of 1.5% or even skim milk. Oatmeal is used together in this recipe flour, sugar substitute or fructose is used instead of sugar.


The first step is to prepare the basis for the dough - liquid oatmeal: mix milk and cold water in a saucepan, add cereal. Beat the cooled porridge with a blender or mix thoroughly with a fork to get rid of lumps. Add the egg, sweetener and a pinch of salt, mix. Bake in a greased skillet.

Pancakes with kefir

In this recipe, kefir is used instead of milk, as a result of which the finished product will have a sour taste. These pancakes are good with cottage cheese, as well as ham and cheese. However, sweet fillings will also be appropriate here (for example, Strawberry jam). You can take kefir of any fat content.


Soak the flakes in kefir for 30 minutes. Add beaten eggs, oil and dry ingredients. Stir the mixture until smooth. Bake in a hot frying pan, lightly greased with vegetable oil.

Pancakes without eggs

This recipe is suitable for those who, for whatever reason, cannot eat eggs. The dough contains two types of butter - vegetable and butter.


Mix dry ingredients in a deep bowl. Mix thoroughly until smooth. Heat half of the milk on the stove, without boiling, and stir into the dry mixture. Beat the dough with a whisk or fork until the lumps disappear. The result should be a mass similar in consistency to thick sour cream. Add to it vegetable oil... Bring the other half of the milk to a boil and add it to the dough, stirring constantly. Pour in the butter melted in the microwave. Bake pancakes in a dry hot frying pan. Serve with hearty or sweet fillings. It turns out very tasty but slightly buttery oat pancakes.

Chocolate pancakes with the addition of oatmeal - good way diversify your breakfast. You can make cocoa pancakes based on any other recipe, simply replacing a third or a half of the flour with real high-quality sugar-free cocoa powder. It is better to use water or milk as a liquid, because kefir gives a taste that is not very compatible with the taste of chocolate. When baking pancakes on big family some of the eggs can be replaced with mashed banana: this will hardly affect the consistency, but the delicacy will become more dietary.

Lenten pancakes

The pancakes for this recipe are more like a large oatmeal cookies... Dairy products are not used for their preparation. You will need:

Pour the flakes overnight with a liter of water, strain in the morning, and combine the resulting liquid with oil, salt, sugar and starch. Mix the dough and add flour. Beat with a whisk or fork until the lumps are dissolved. Pour the finished pancakes with honey.

Oatmeal pancakes

If morning oatmeal risks turning your life into an endless groundhog day, it's time to make something unusual, but just as useful out of this porridge. For example, pancakes with nuts and fruits.


As a filling, you can use coarsely grated apples, pears, carrots, finely chopped walnuts... Sprinkle the filling lemon juice.

Boil the oatmeal with the movements worked out for many years, let it cool. Put eggs, whipped with salt and sugar into the porridge, add slaked soda on the tip of a knife, add the filling and stir.

Fry the pancakes on both sides in a ceramic skillet. Serve with low-fat sour cream or sauce made from natural yoghurt... Grate a little lemon zest on top, garnish with a sprig of mint.

Hearty pancakes

Although oatmeal is commonly eaten for breakfast, this dish can be made an exception and have delicious diet pancakes with Chiken.


Soak the flakes in kefir for 15-20 minutes. Grind the breast in a blender or meat grinder along with a clove of garlic. Mix all ingredients, add pepper, salt and finely chopped herbs. Fry pancakes, serve hot with sour cream.


For real dietary product... Low-fat ricotta, lightly salted salmon, olive circles are suitable as a filling; from sweet foods - kiwi, strawberries, blueberries, honey or a little nut butter. The fillings can be combined by decorating one half of the pancake with, for example, cheese and olives, and the other with berries.


  • egg C2 (1 piece);
  • oat groats (25 g);
  • banana (110 g).

The specified amount of ingredients is enough to make one pancake. The nutritional value of this pancake is only 184 kcal per serving. The fat content is low, about 7 g.

Mash a medium-sized ripe banana with a fork or chop in a blender, stir in the egg and cereal, then leave for a while until the cereal swells slightly. Bake in the oven until browned. Serve with the filling of your choice.

Among experienced chefs and amateur chefs, some popular tricks that make it possible to simplify the process of making pancakes as much as possible and get at the same time great dish... Here is some of them:


Pancakes are an easy-to-cook dish made from simple ingredients... It would seem that it is already impossible to surprise anyone with them. However, with a little imagination in cooking and serving, the family will love it.

Serve pancakes in a stack with a slice butter, pour with honey or syrup, garnish with blueberries and a mint leaf. Wrap the sweet filling in pancakes, pour melted chocolate or condensed milk, sprinkle with powdered sugar. Fold pancakes with hearty fillings in half, pour over yogurt sauce, garnish with herbs and lemon zest.

Use food colorings to give the pancakes an unusual color. Using a bottle with a hole in the lid or a pastry syringe, draw a flower or an animal's face on a frying pan, fill it with a dough of a different color. Such original pancakes will appeal to both children and adults.

Attention, only TODAY!

Oat pancakes can become one of the favorite foods in your family. Because this is not only a healthy diet, but also just a delicious product. Such pancakes are useful for those people who constantly have to count calories while cooking - those who want to lose weight, as well as diabetics, athletes, dancers.

It is known that oats are less nutritious than wheat. In the recipe, part of the wheat flour is replaced with oatmeal. Sometimes products are baked entirely in oatmeal. At the same time, the taste of the dish is very pleasant, in no way inferior to classic pancakes. Especially if you use different fillings.

Before you start baking classic oat pancakes, you should get acquainted with the features of the dough. Then the result will be great.

Of course, to those who care dietary properties oat pancakes, we advise you to use low-calorie foods - low-fat dairy components, water instead of milk, give up sugar, wheat flour completely. Forget about yolks, take only whipped whites for making pancake dough.

In addition, oatmeal pancakes are good for breakfast, because they contain a lot of slow carbohydrates that are absorbed by the body for several hours. This makes it possible to maintain energy for a long time. Therefore, oat pancakes are great to eat before strength training, and not after it.

Is it possible to completely remove the oil from the recipe when baking oat pancakes? If you are using a specially coated pan, the answer is yes. In other cases, even "Tefal" must be at least slightly lubricated with butter - butter or vegetable. You can pour a little oil into the dough, then you don't have to cover the surface of the pan with fat every time.

Pancakes with a filling are suitable for thin elastic dough, so no baking soda is required. If you prefer thick, spongy pancakes, then it is better to use baking powder. It should be noted that the oatmeal dough turns out to be denser than usual. Therefore, before cooking, it is required to sift the flour so that it is enriched with oxygen, the base becomes airy and light.

Prepare the composition:

  • oat flour - a glass;
  • milk - 3 glasses;
  • eggs - 2 pcs.;
  • sugar - a teaspoon;
  • salt;
  • soda.

Beat eggs with salt and sugar, combine the mixture with milk. Then pour the sifted flour in portions, stirring well so that all the lumps are gone. You can add soda after extinguishing it apple cider vinegar or lemon juice. The dough is ready, when you bake the pancakes, try to use as little oil as possible.

Oatmeal with milk

Oatmeal pancakes are brittle and tender, very tasty. If you want to cook unusual dessert by diversifying the diet, then this is the most suitable option.

Prepare the composition:

  • coarse oatmeal flour - 275 g;
  • milk - 425 ml;
  • butter - 160 g;
  • honey - 110 g;
  • eggs - 2 pcs.;
  • soda or baking powder.

Dissolve honey in warm milk, break eggs, shake. Then pour in slightly cooled melted butter. Now add flour and baking powder, mix well. You can start the process. For dietary option take skim milk, replace butter with vegetable oil, reduce its amount. Use eggs not whole, but only proteins. Reduce the amount of honey.

Diet recipe for kefir

Pancakes with kefir will turn out to be a little sour in taste and "lacy". They can be served even to those people who do not adhere to a diet. So you can not give up diet food even when guests come to see you.

Prepare the composition:

  • oat flour - a glass or a little more;
  • eggs - 2 pcs.;
  • kefir - half a liter;
  • water - one and a half glasses;
  • vegetable oil - 2 tbsp. spoons;
  • sugar - 2 teaspoons.

Beat eggs a little, add salt, sugar and mix vigorously using a mixer. Now it was the turn of kefir - pour in and blab. Then carefully add flour and stir well. Dissolve this mixture with water, because oat flour absorbs a lot of liquid. At the end, pour vegetable oil into the almost finished mixture. It remains to bake delicious pancakes.

Thick oat pancakes with cinnamon

Cinnamon is not only a very pleasant spice to taste and smell. It has a variety of medicinal properties. It is a source of rare trace elements, vitamins. It helps the body to cope with a whole range of problems, because it is a natural antiseptic, perfectly relieves inflammation. It has a wonderful effect on the liver and kidneys and even restores proper blood circulation. In addition, cinnamon tastes great with oatmeal.

Prepare the composition:

  • oat flour - 200 g;
  • wheat flour - 50 g;
  • eggs - 2 pcs.;
  • milk - a glass;
  • sugar - 2 tablespoons;
  • cinnamon - to taste;
  • salt;
  • soda.

Shake eggs with salt and sugar, pour in milk, add cinnamon, oatmeal and wheat flour. Be sure to add baking soda to make the pancakes thick and fluffy. Mix the whole mixture well and leave for 15 minutes to swell the flour. Oven in a skillet lightly greased with corn or sunflower oil.

Oatmeal for proper nutrition

Ovsyanoblin PP (proper nutrition) is a great opportunity for those who want to lose weight, enrich their diet with a healthy dish. It contains about 9 grams of protein, 10 - fat and only 4 grams of carbohydrates per 100 grams of product. The calorie content is only 200 kcal. So it turns out a nutritious and at the same time dietary meal.

Oatmeal for such pancakes must be ground on a coffee grinder so as to turn the rolled oats into small crumbs. You will need long-cooked oatmeal.

Prepare the composition:

  • coarse oat flour - 3 tbsp. spoons;
  • milk - 3 tbsp. spoons;
  • egg;
  • salt.

Shake the egg, add oat flour, salt - stir. Then dilute the mass with milk. We bake pancakes in a frying pan without using oil. If you are on a salt-free diet, do not salt the dough. Eating oatmeal is good with a suitable filling - fresh fruit puree without sugar, herbs and vegetables, low-fat cottage cheese.


Excellent dietary oat pancakes are made from oatmeal. This product is especially recommended for diabetics. After all, it has long been known that oatmeal naturally helps to lower blood glucose levels.

Prepare the composition:

  • oatmeal - 120 g;
  • egg;
  • milk - a glass;
  • vegetable oil - Art. spoon;
  • salt.

Beat an egg with salt, pour in a little milk, shake the resulting liquid. Now add gradually the oatmeal, stirring well, breaking the lumps. Pour in vegetable oil last and bake pancakes.

Oat pancake fillings

The filling decorates and complements the composition of the dish with nutrients - vitamins, microelements. And it just turns out delicious. There are a large number good recipes dietary fillings for oat pancakes. The products are readily available and inexpensive.

Let's start with the meat ingredients:

  1. Boiled chicken fillet with finely chopped cheese.
  2. Slightly poached minced chicken with vegetables.
  3. Steamed fish with spices and cheese.

Vegetable fillings will be good:

  1. Rubbed fresh vegetables- carrots, zucchini, beets, with the addition of herbs.
  2. Green onions with salted cottage cheese.

Perfect pairing with fruits:

  1. Curd mass with fresh apples, bananas, apricots, plums, and in winter - with dried fruits.
  2. Cheese and fruits - banana, persimmon.
  3. Peanut butter and fruits - banana, apricot, dried fruits.
  4. Fruit puree.

How to cook oatmeal pancakes recipe - a complete description of the preparation so that the dish turns out to be very tasty and original.

Date: 2017-06-02 /

What could be better than hot pancakes for breakfast? Agree, this is a real holiday, which, unfortunately, not everyone can arrange for themselves. This unusually tasty dish is quite hearty and high-calorie, so for many it is prohibited. We offer an excellent way out of this situation - to bake diet pancakes. If you love this pastry, like most people on our planet, but are jealous of your figure and adhere to the principles healthy eating, then the proposed recipes will become a godsend for you.

Delicious and appetizing oatmeal pancakes will delight your taste buds and will not harm your waist. In addition to their low calorie content, they are distinguished by an unusual original taste, which can not fail to please. True, one should not think that there are calories in them, as in an apple, for example, they, of course, are, but much less in comparison with traditional pancakes using flour. Are you intrigued? We are pleased to offer an excellent selection of oat pancakes that will cheer you up and make your life bright and interesting.

100 grams of these pancakes contain no more than 150 calories, so they can sometimes be pampered even during a diet.

  • banana - 0.5 pcs.
  • oatmeal - 200 g
  • apples - 2 pcs.
  • skim milk - 100 ml
  • egg - 1 pc.
  • vanilla - 2 pinches

Pour hot milk over the oatmeal and leave to swell. Add grated apples and banana, egg, mix well, season with vanilla. Leave the dough aside for 15 minutes. Bake oat pancakes without oil in a skillet with non-stick coating... Decorate with banana slices.

Puffed oatmeal pancakes on kefir

  • oatmeal - 200 g
  • water - 200 ml
  • fat-free kefir - 200 ml
  • brown sugar - to taste
  • olive oil - 1 tbsp spoon
  • eggs - 2 pcs.

Grind the oatmeal with a blender, mix with other ingredients, beat with a whisk until smooth. We either do not add sugar at all, or the minimum amount. We bake pancakes on 2 sides in a dry frying pan. It is better to grease the finished pancakes with a little good natural honey or jam.

Orange Flavored Oat Pancakes

Orange is a great way to make baked goods brighter, tastier, prettier and more flavorful. The same applies to pancakes, which, according to this recipe, turn out to be simply incredible.

  • oatmeal - 50 g
  • milk - 200 ml
  • eggs - 2 pcs.
  • orange - 1 pc.
  • cinnamon - 0.5 teaspoon spoons
  • baking powder - 5 g
  • vegetable oil - 1 tbsp. spoon
  • brown sugar - 1 tbsp. spoon

Grind the oatmeal thoroughly with a blender or coffee grinder. Pour the resulting oat flour with warm milk and leave for an hour. Add cinnamon, eggs, baking powder. Three orange zest on a grater, squeeze out the juice and add to the pancake dough. Pour oil here and add sugar, but you should not abuse it, this amount is quite enough to enjoy the taste and delicate citrus aroma. Fry pancakes in the usual way until a beautiful golden brown crust.

Serve pancakes with fruit pieces. Banana, kiwi and tangerine wedges are ideal. Such a dish will give a sea of ​​positive emotions, charge you with positive and cheerfulness.

Oat pancakes with cheese

Savory appetizer, hearty tasty breakfast, simple preparation is what can be said about this recipe. Dedicated to cheese lovers.

  • eggs - 2 pcs.
  • cheese - 50 g
  • oat flakes - 2 tablespoons. spoons
  • milk - 5-7 tbsp. spoons
  • salt and paprika - 3 g each
  • butter or olive oil - 5 g

Beat milk with eggs and salt with a whisk or fork. Grind the oatmeal with a blender to the required state. Note, not necessarily in flour, you can only lightly. Add paprika to the pancakes. Fry pancakes in oil, then turn over and sprinkle with grated cheese, wrap in a roll. As a sauce, you can serve yogurt with chopped garlic, dill, or cilantro. These pancakes are great both hot and cold.

Oatmeal pancakes are tasty, appetizing, unusual and healthy. Highly interesting recipes will perfectly diversify your menu and help keep your figure in order. Enjoy the extraordinary taste without harm to your health!

  • Pancakes with egg and onion
  • Oatmeal pancakes
  • Sorrel patties in a pan
  • Pancakes with sorrel

TOP 10 recipes for oatmeal pancakes

Oatmeal pancakes will benefit the body, brighten up the diet menu and help maintain the diet. They are easy to prepare and very healthy. Here are 10 great recipes that are easy to prepare, and the result and taste are amazing!

These pancakes can be prepared from both ground and whole flakes. Oat bran is also ideal.

Oatmeal with cottage cheese

Beat the egg white and the whole egg in a bowl, and season with salt. Mash skim cheese by adding milk and oatmeal flour (15 g / 10 ml / 15 g). Connect both masses. Grease the pan with a napkin with vegetable oil, heat it, pour the dough. Fry the pancake on both sides, reducing heat (cover). One side is cooked for about 3-5 minutes.

Oatmeal, the recipe for which is given below, will appeal to those who like simple solutions... You only need 2 eggs and 2 tablespoons of oatmeal. If you want a crisper pancake, do not grind the flakes. Connect, salt, let stand. Toast on one side, turn over. Thin slice of low fat white cheese place on one half, cover with the other and wait for the cheese to melt.

Oatmeal with banana

Beat the egg, add salt, sugar substitute, 30 g of bran or ground flakes, dilute with low-fat kefir, let it brew. Toast the pancake. Prepare the filling by using a blender to process 100 g of low-fat cottage cheese, a small banana and 1-2 tbsp. skim milk. Spread the filling over the pancake.

Here's another recipe.

Whisk a whole egg and a couple of whites with a pinch of salt, and add a handful of oatmeal and chopped banana. Toast the pancake as usual.

Oatmeal can be made even without eggs - this recipe is especially appealing to vegetarians and fasting people. The cereal rate in this recipe will have to be increased to 1.5 tbsp. You will also need oat bran (55-60 g). Combine these components, add a pinch of fine salt, dilute 250 ml of whey. You can sweeten it with a sugar substitute. Let the mixture steep so that the flakes swell a little. Toast small pancakes on both sides.

Oatmeal in a slow cooker

Peel the tomato, cut into quarters, place in a blender bowl. Add the egg, salt, spices, chopped herbs and 40 g of bran or ground cereal. Recycle. Turn on the "Bake" mode. Lightly grease the bowl, pour the dough into it and fry on both sides.

This recipe is perfect for dieting. Beat the egg with a pinch of salt, add 80 ml of water, 40 g of cereal and 15 g of oat bran. Let it brew and fry.

Oatmeal with cinnamon

Cook 1 tbsp oatmeal. oatmeal. Add cinnamon (10 g), any sweetener and salt (to taste). After removing from heat, put in baking powder (10 g) and stir well. Beat in an egg. Grill the pancakes after 20 minutes.

Wash a handful of raisins, steam, dry on a towel. Beat the egg white with salt and 10 g of sugar. Pour 50 g of flakes with 100 ml of kefir and leave for 15 minutes. Then add 5 g of baking powder, protein, raisins. Fry the pancake.

Oatmeal with apples

1.5 tbsp. pour oats with warm milk (2 tbsp.), sweeten, salt, leave for 30 minutes. Peel 3 apples, grate, put in rolled oats together with a beaten egg. Add 1 tbsp. oat flour. Toast small pancakes.

Remember that oatmeal is much better for proper nutrition than wheat flour top grade... And of course, such pancakes can be prepared outside the diet and fed healthy delicacy family!

Oatmeal recipe for proper nutrition

Eating Right - Eating Oatmeal Pancakes

New believers in healthy eating are preparing to give up their favorite treats for good in favor of wholesome yet tasteless food. Fortunately, not all healthy foods are unsightly or tasteless.

Oatmeal Is a healthy and tasty alternative to flour pancakes.

How to eat pancakes and lose weight?

If, in pursuit of a slim figure, you had to forget about your favorite pastries, there is a way to make up for the loss. These are oatmeal pancakes. Both tasty and healthy, and the figure will not suffer.

Oatmeal is a faithful assistant for those who are losing weight and tries to get rid of cellulite. It is rich in fiber, carbohydrates and proteins, but not everyone can eat porridge all the time.

A breakfast of boring oatmeal will replace a pancake made of it, which is more pleasant both in appearance and taste. In addition, the recipe is so simple that a few minutes is enough to get an almost culinary masterpiece.

Diet oatmeal is very popular today and is widely discussed in social networks... It's worth trying this miracle to see how easy it is to keep fit by eating delicious meals. The dish is satisfying, but does not cause a feeling of heaviness. One pancake is enough for breakfast.

Among other things, oatmeal during weight loss will allow you to avoid losing weight in your wallet, since the few ingredients of the dish are as affordable as possible.

How to make an oatmeal pancake?

There are many recipes for making oatmeal pancake. Here are a few of them:

  • 2 tablespoons of oatmeal;
  • 2 eggs;
  • salt pepper.
  • preheat a frying pan;
  • mix all the ingredients and beat;
  • pour the mixture into a dry frying pan or oiled;
  • cook over medium heat with the lid closed;
  • when the pancake grabs on one side (after about 3 - 5 minutes),
    turn over and fry for another 3 minutes on the back side;
  • Put the oatmeal on a plate, put the filling on one half and fold the pancake in half.
  • 4 eggs;
  • 10 tablespoons of oat bran;
  • 50 ml of milk.
  • beat the eggs into a froth, pour in the milk, add the bran and knead the dough;
  • fry in a dry skillet.
  • 2 eggs;
  • 4 cups oatmeal
  • 4 glasses of milk or water;
  • 2 tablespoons of cornstarch.
  • pour the flakes with milk or water and wait until the liquid
    will be absorbed;
  • mix the flakes with eggs and starch,
  • cook in a greased skillet.


  • 2 eggs;
  • 2 tablespoons of finely ground flakes;
  • 2 tablespoons of wheat bran.

How to effectively lose weight?

I managed to try a lot of methods and techniques for losing weight before I found really working and effective ones. And here are the best ones:

  1. Natural complex for weight loss. Allows you to quickly burn excess weight, fight cellulite and eliminate acne and blackheads. Then I found out that some domestic stars also use it.
  2. Compliance with the principles of proper nutrition. You can find reviews and instructions on other diets and nutrition systems on the pages of my site.
  3. Active lifestyle.

You can get the rest of the secrets of successful weight loss for free by reading my other materials on the site.

  • pour boiling water over flakes and bran;
  • add eggs;
  • bake as usual.


  • 1 egg;
  • protein of 1 egg;
  • 15 g of cottage cheese;
  • 10 ml of milk;
  • 15 g of oatmeal;
  • salt or sweetener.
  • break an egg, add protein, cottage cheese and salt or sweetener,
  • add cereal and milk;
  • fry for 3 - 5 minutes on one side and 3 minutes on the other.

Due to the presence of cottage cheese in the composition, the pancake will turn out to be softer and more tender.

  • 50 g of oatmeal;
  • 1 egg;
  • 60 ml of water;
  • 100 g of cottage cheese;
  • 30 g of dried fruits (dried apricots or prunes).
  • when frying, you need to take into account that the oatmeal turns out to be larger than the usual one.

Dried fruits turn the pancake into a dessert and make it even healthier.

  • 1.5 cups oatmeal;
  • 1 cup cheese whey
  • 2 tablespoons of bran;
  • salt and sweetener.
  • mix the ingredients with a blender and bake.

The oatmeal will turn out to be delicate and thin. There are no eggs or milk in this recipe, which makes this oatmeal suitable for consumption even during fasting.

  • depending on whether you use whole oatmeal or grind them into flour... are obtained different pancakes(from whole flakes - more crunchy);
  • instead of pancakes, you can make small pancakes from the same mixture... from which children will be delighted;
  • if you add 1-2 teaspoons of cocoa powder and sweetener to the recipe(sugar - for those not counting calories), you get chocolate oatmeal;
  • if you cook oatmeal without milk and cottage cheese... it is drier and crisper;
  • as additional ingredients for oatmeal, kefir, sour cream, soda and vinegar are used;
  • other similar ingredients can be used in place of oatmeal or oat bran... for example, buckwheat flakes or rice bran, and supplement the diet with buckwheat and rice pancakes.

Only a lack of imagination or unwillingness to make a dietary dish too high in calories can limit the choice of fillings for oatmeal. Here are some great filling methods for oatmeal.

Filling for a sweet pancake

  • Jam with cottage cheese... If you stuff the oatmeal with cottage cheese mixed with jam (jam), it completely replaces the cake.
  • Banana with cheese... An unexpected but successful combination of ingredients for the oatmeal filling. Sprinkle the banana cut into rings with grated cheese.
  • Curd mass with banana.
  • Cottage cheese with apple.
  • Peanut butter with banana.
  • Cheese with persimmon.

Salted pancake filling

  • Cheese. You can put on one half of a hot pancake and cover with the other.
  • Chicken with cheese and carrots. Pre-boiled meat, cut and put on a pancake. Top - grated carrots and grated cheese.
  • Sausage with tomatoes and dill. Boiled sausage cut into small pieces and put on a pancake. Put the tomatoes cut into rings on the sausage along with the dill.
  • Minced meat and bell peppers. Fry the minced beef and chicken and put on the oatmeal. Cut the peppers into rings and place on the minced meat.
  • Vegetables. You can use tomato, cucumber, avocado, or experiment with other vegetables.
  • Fish and cheese. Put boiled fish and grated cheese in oatmeal. Garnish with salad or dill.
  • Cheese with green salad.
  • Green salad with vegetables and olives.
  • Mushrooms.

How many calories are in oatmeal?

Nutritional value and calorie content of oatmeal pancake depends on the recipe.

If the pancake consists of 1 egg, 1 protein, 15 gr. cottage cheese, 10 ml of milk, 15 gr. oatmeal and salt, it threatens the figure of everything 142 calories... Fat in such a pancake will be 6.3 grams. proteins - 12.8 gr. and carbohydrates - 7.6 grams.

Having information about the calorie content and nutritional value of the main ingredients of oatmeal, it is not difficult to determine how much the finished dish will "weigh" and choose a recipe. There are only about 36 calories in 10 grams of oatmeal, 1 gram. proteins, a little more than half a gram of fat and 6 grams. carbohydrates.

1 egg contains 85 calories, 7 grams. proteins, 6 gr. fat and less than half a gram of carbohydrates. In 5 gr. sunflower oil - almost 45 calories, 5 gr. fat. In order for the oatmeal to be as low in calories as possible, it must be cooked in a dry frying pan, without the use of oil, and use recipes with the lowest egg yolk content.

You also need to take into account the calorie content and nutritional value oatmeal fillings. If, for example, sprinkle it with 50 gr. Russian cheese, this will add a whopping 180 calories to the dish, and the tomato pancake is "heavier" by only 19 calories.

So, we replace the flour pancake with oatmeal, thereby turning it from a high-calorie dish into a dietary and healthy one, but no less tasty.

Now I'm not worried about being overweight!

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Especially tender pancakes Custard pancakes in the hole

Pancakes with apples Pancakes with apples Pancakes with apple baked Pancakes with apples

Pancakes with kefir “Lush” Pancakes with milk Lush and soft pancakes on kefir Fluffy pancakes on milk

Pancakes with milk Lush pancakes with milk Lush pancakes Pancakes with milk

Banana pancakes Banana pancakes Banana pancakes Banana pancakes

Pancakes with milk Lush pancakes with milk Pancakes with milk Lush pancakes

Oatmeal pancakes Hercules pancakes Oat pancakes with kefir Oat pancakes for children (with milk)

Pancakes with apples on milk Pancakes on kefir, with apples Apple pancakes Pancakes with apples

Pancakes (American pancakes) Brizol with sausage and cheese Pide with cheese and egg Dumplings

Banana ice cream Banana pancakes Banana cake Fried bananas

“Smart” cake Pancakes (American pancakes) Popover buns Mannik

Apple pancakes Apple pastila Apple mousse Vertuta with apples

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Diet baked goods especially appeal to women who watch their weight, but do not want to give up delicious dishes... If you consider yourself one of such ladies, then you should definitely make pancakes from oatmeal, such a budget dish will adorn your menu. You can cook pastries without flour, with or without filling, in a word, as you like, in any case for breakfast the best dessert can not found.

Pancakes with oatmeal: a step by step recipe

What do you need to make light diet pancakes? The answer is simple - the minimum ingredient composition and no more than 1 hour for preparation.

Baking classic homemade pancakes without filling is perfect for those who do not like to interrupt the main taste of the dish with notes of additional ingredients. Such pancakes are ideally combined with low-fat sour cream (or cream), a moderately sweet sauce, fruit syrup, and, of course, natural homemade jam.

  • Milk - 2 glasses;
  • Sugar - 2 tbsp. l .;
  • Egg - 2 pcs.;
  • Oatmeal (quick-cooked) - 1 glass;
  • Baking powder - ½ tsp;
  • Salt - ¼ tsp;
  • Flour - 3-4 tbsp. l .;
  • Vegetable oil - 1 tbsp. l.

How to make oatmeal pancakes at home

  1. Pour raw milk in a saucepan, put it on fire, bring it to a boil, remove it from the stove.
  2. Pour a glass of oatmeal into the hot milk mass. For a while, we leave the product at room temperature to cool it down.
  3. Grind the swollen oatmeal flakes directly in a saucepan with milk using a blender.
  4. Add sugar, sifted flour, baking powder, salt, eggs to the resulting mixture, then stir everything with a whisk.
  5. Pour vegetable oil into the pancake dough, mix the dough thoroughly.
  6. Preheat a frying pan, it is advisable to use a cast iron pan, intended only for frying pancakes.
  7. Grease the hot bottom with lard or bacon so that the pancakes with oatmeal do not burn.
  8. Pour the dough into a frying pan with a ladle and bake the pancakes over medium heat with the lid closed. Try not to fry the pancakes too much, otherwise they will lose their exquisite delicate taste.
  9. Grease all baked pancakes with a small piece of butter and put them in a stack; it is advisable to cover the baked goods with a large plate on top. All this will help her to retain her warmth and moisture, which means that the pancakes will not be dry and cold.

That's all - ready-made diet pancakes are ready for breakfast, serve them to the table and enjoy every bite.

Banana and oat flakes pancakes

Making oat pancakes at home

Another recipe delicious pastries- these are oatmeal and banana pancakes in a pan. It is very easy to cook such goodies at home with your own hands.

Peculiarity of this recipe the fact that for pancakes we will not use ready-made flour, we will need to make the flour from the flakes ourselves, and then mix it with the banana puree. This feature is the secret of the success of this recipe.

  1. Grind the oatmeal into flour.
  2. We turn the peeled bananas into mashed potatoes (using a blender, fork, mixer, etc.).
  3. Beat the egg, mix it with mashed banana, milk, oatmeal flour. We beat all the ingredients thoroughly, we should end up with a moderately fluid dough. If it is too liquid, add a little more oatmeal flour (in extreme cases, 2-3 tablespoons of ordinary high-grade flour), if, on the contrary, it is too thick, dilute with milk (or a small amount of warm water).
  4. We heat the pan over the fire until the first "haze", fry the salt in it, and then proceed to bake the pancakes themselves.

The method of roasting salt is very effective in combating salt scorching, especially since our recipe does not provide for frying in oil. We bake diet pancakes without butter.

Oatmeal flakes can be served with any dietary filling. Do not use fatty sour cream, condensed milk, large amounts of sugar and other sweet ingredients with a high calorie content.

Dietary rules should be followed when choosing products for pancakes. Read more about baking oatmeal pancakes at home in a pan - read below.

Secrets of Successful Oatmeal Pancakes

  1. For crepes, try to use skim milk or with a fat percentage of no more than 3.2%.
  2. If you want your baked goods to be as dietary as possible, then you need to use only egg whites for cooking, without yolks.
  3. As a filling, in addition to bananas, you can use oranges stewed in a pan with spices, pieces of apples baked in the oven with honey and cinnamon, raw berries(for example, cranberries, raspberries) with honey and much more. You can add the filling to the dough, or you can wrap it in ready-made baked pancakes.

Classic oatmeal pancakes are not a bland dietary dish at all, but a very spicy treat, the taste of which will delight even the most real gourmets. How to bake oatmeal pancakes is quick and easy - you now know for sure. Use the recommendations - and let your beloved homemade baking will not disappoint you.

Pancakes with milk fluffy without yeast recipe

Probably, you cannot imagine a Sunday or holiday breakfast without such a dish as pancakes. Ruddy suns delight the eye and make you swallow saliva in anticipation. However, not everyone can afford to enjoy classic pancakes. They are known to have a rather negative effect on the figure.

What to do?

Oat pancakes come to the rescue, the recipe for which we offer you today. it great alternative for the usual classics of the genre, only without the "harmfulness": butter, flour, yeast, sugar, etc. Most diets and principles of proper nutrition do not accept these products. Sugar is too high in calories. Pancake oil is very harmful. Yeast - will provoke intestinal problems. In general, the prospect for those seeking to lose weight is unimportant.

A simple recipe for oat pancakes

If you follow the PP, count the calories eaten and in every possible way protect your figure from harm, but at the same time want to have a full and healthy breakfast in the morning, then oatmeal pancakes are a real find. Today, there are many different recipes and tips on how to prepare such a dish.

We have chosen the simplest and easiest to prepare, as well as the budgetary recipe for dietary oat pancakes. It turns out the dish is very tender, aromatic, tasty and completely harmless to the figure.

Necessary products

  • Fine oatmeal - one glass.
  • One egg.
  • 300 ml of water.
  • A pinch of salt.
  • One tablespoon olive oil(you can take grape seed oil).
  • One banana (to replace sugar, for sweetness).

Oat pancakes. Step by step recipe

The most important ingredient is flakes. Experienced housewives who follow the figure and follow a diet, who have already "eaten more than one pancake" in the preparation of such dishes, advise using only small flakes. In this case, the pancakes turn out to be very tender, "in a hole", as well as laid on classic recipe... But if there were no such at hand, then you can always use kitchen helpers (blender or coffee grinder) and grind large flakes to the desired consistency.

Banana is better for soft and ripe. It will need to be peeled and cut into circles. We send the fruit to the cereal. We break a raw chicken egg into a container and add a pinch of salt. If your diet is based on the rejection of salty, then you can pancake dough and not salt.

Instead of the one used in the classic recipe cow's milk take ordinary boiled water. Milk, of course, is a healthy product, but not all diets welcome it. In addition to useful calcium, it contains lactose, which is harmful for weight loss. At its core, this is the same sugar that will not benefit the figure.

How to bake?

The recipe for oatmeal pancakes requires not only properly selected, healthy and non-harmful ingredients, but also correct preparation... It is very important to use a quality non-stick skillet for frying diet pancakes. Remember that we will not use oil for frying. That is why it is important that the frying surface does not let you down.

To prevent the pancakes from burning (if using a regular frying pan), add a couple of drops of olive oil to the dough. Vegetable - fight! To get more puffiness, you can add a pinch of soda to the pancake dough instead of harmful yeast.

Pour the dough into the skillet using a small ladle or deep spoon. We give it a good distribution over the entire surface. Frying oat pancakes, the recipe for which we announced today, is recommended for no more than one minute. Turn over. We fry the other side for the same time.

It turns out an oat pancake (the recipe with the photo confirms this) very fragrant and ruddy, similar to the bright spring sun. Only the sun is healthy, not at all fatty and low in calories. Banana added to the dough gives pancakes a pleasant sweetness and perfectly replaces sugar, which is prohibited on the diet. Oatmeal is known to have a mass useful qualities... They envelop the walls of the intestines, improve the functioning of the stomach and regulate acidity.


If you do not have enough sweetness in a dish or want to add original notes to it, then we advise you to experiment with a variety of fruit or berry fillings.

There are a lot of filling options and any of them will advantageously complement oat pancakes. The recipe is simple and understandable even for an inexperienced housewife. For it, only available low-calorie ingredients are used that cost little money and do not harm the figure. In general, the dish turns out to be successful from all angles.

What if you decide to eat right, but you want to pamper yourself with something tasty? Try making diet oatmeal pancakes. They turn out to be as appetizing and ruddy as usual from wheat flour.

There are much fewer calories in them, but there are much more benefits, it is not for nothing that oatmeal is considered one of the most useful and nutritious cereals and is an indispensable product for dietary nutrition.

Oats contain a large amount of vitamins, minerals, trace elements and substances beneficial to the body:

  • Oat groats- an excellent source of easily digestible energy. No wonder oatmeal considered one of the best breakfasts.
  • Fiber stimulates the intestines and improves metabolic processes. One glass of oatmeal meets your daily fiber requirement.
  • Dietary fiber binds and removes cholesterol, protecting the cardiovascular system.
  • Oatmeal dishes help with indigestion.

Oat pancakes are a great way to delight a family with delicious, healthy and dietary meal.

Calorie Diet Pancakes

The calorie content of oat pancakes depends on the choice of ingredients. You can take milk, fermented milk products or water as a basis for the dough.

The calorie content of the finished dish also depends on the amount of eggs, sugar and butter. To reduce your calorie intake, follow these tips.

Use only whites instead of whole eggs, at the rate of 2 whites instead of 1 egg. They are practically free of fat and cholesterol. Beat the whites with a mixer in a strong foam before placing them in the dough.

Use skim milk and dairy products, dilute them with water or mineral water.

Reduce the amount of sugar or replace it with more healthy foods: honey, stevia, apples (grated or mashed), bananas. Pancakes made without sugar are great for stuffing savory fillings.

100 g of productSugarHoneyBananaAppleStevia
Proteins, g0 0,8 1,5 0,4 0
Fat, g0 0 0,2 0,4 0
Carbohydrates, g99,7 81,5 21,8 9,8 0,1
Calorie content, kcal398 329 95 47 18

If replacing sugar with honey or stevia, reduce the amount by 4 times. Fry the pancakes without using oil. To avoid burning, heat the pan with salt before baking.

Oatmeal pancakes with milk

Oat pancakes with milk - great dish for breakfast. Hearty and nutritious pancakes will give your body the energy it needs. For the recipe, it is better to take cereals. fast food... You can pre-grind them with a blender or coffee grinder, or you can use them whole by soaking them in hot milk.

The dough should not be too thin, otherwise the pancakes will tear. Pancakes made with rolled oats or oatmeal are more brittle, so turn them over carefully. Pieces of flakes will settle to the bottom, stir the dough often.


  • Oatmeal flakes - 1 glass.
  • Wheat flour - 4 tbsp. l.
  • Milk - 0.5 l.
  • Chicken egg - 2 pcs.
  • Sugar - 2 tbsp. l.
  • Vegetable oil - 1 tbsp. l.
  • Baking powder - 1/2 tsp.
  • Salt to taste.

How to cook:

  1. We boil the milk and pour the cereal into it.
  2. Grind the cooled mixture with a blender.
  3. Beat eggs with sugar, mix with flour and baking powder, add to the flakes.
  4. Pour in the oil and stir the dough thoroughly.
  5. Fry pancakes.

Video recipe

Serve honey or low-fat yogurt with dessert. You can make a filling from low-fat cottage cheese, you get a hearty and nutritious dish... Herbal and berry tea, chicory are suitable as a drink. They normalize metabolism and prevent carbohydrates from passing into adipose tissue.

Oatmeal pancakes

You can buy oatmeal at the store or make your own by grinding the rolled oats in a coffee grinder. In this recipe, we use only oat flour, no wheat flour added. Let's take mineral water as a basis. It will make pancakes tender, elastic and low in calories.

Note that oatmeal does not behave like wheat flour. It is mixed with warm water, and the dough must be allowed to stand so that the flour swells. The dough becomes thinner because it thickens during infusion.


  • Oat flour - 200 g.
  • Mineral water (carbonated) - 0.6 l.
  • Chicken egg - 1 pc.
  • Vegetable oil - 2 tbsp. l.
  • A pinch of salt.


  1. Mix the flour with warm mineral water and leave the mixture for 10-15 minutes.
  2. Beat the egg with a pinch of salt, pour into the dough.
  3. Stir the mass thoroughly.
  4. Preheat the pan.
  5. Before baking each pancake, grease with a couple of drops of oil.

Video preparation

Unsweetened pancakes made from oat flour are suitable for stuffing. As dietary filling fit:

Diet pancakes on kefir

Kefir, like oat flour, is a healthy dietary product. It has a beneficial effect on the digestive tract and normalizes digestion. Oatmeal makes pancakes more fragile, while kefir, on the contrary, makes it soft, fluffy and airy.


  • Oatmeal flour - 1 glass.
  • Kefir - 0.5 l.
  • Chicken egg - 2 pcs.
  • Honey - 1 tbsp. l.
  • Vegetable oil - 1 tbsp. l.
  • Salt to taste.


  1. Heat the kefir slightly.
  2. Beat eggs with salt.
  3. Melt honey in a water bath, add to egg mixture... Stir until smooth.
  4. Mix the sifted flour with soda.
  5. Slowly pour the resulting mixture into the egg mass, stirring so that there are no lumps.
  6. Pour kefir and butter.
  7. Mix the dough and let it stand.
  8. Fry pancakes.

Decorate the finished dish with pieces of fruit and berries. As sweet filling use cottage cheese in combination with banana, raisins, or apples. If you do not put honey in the dough, you get unsweetened pancakes... They can be stuffed or used to make pancake rolls.